Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



  • Oh sorry VFTS, I never said I was an MJ "fan", did I. I said I was a believer in the hoax................btw he is probably an ok person who got a rough deal

    Yeah...he was just an "ok" person. (sarcasm) <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    That's my thought too.

    BJ - I'm very curious about your comments. I know there are some on the forum, myself included, who weren't MJ fans before June 25, 2009. But I think we can all say that we are MJ fans (different than fanatic) now. Well, except for our two Admins maybe...

    Moving on...you've been on here long enough that I would think your opinion of Michael would be a little more than "ok".

    Also, looking back at your previous posts about "re-education" and "hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax" it confuses me. You talk about the crazy stalker fans that MJ has and even called out a couple by name that most of us never even heard of. You are quite passionate about your convictions on these two subjects. That is a bit contradictory for someone who isn't an MJ fan or someone who thinks that MJ is "ok".

    I appreciate your original, thought-provoking, comments. But something has changed in the way you communicate and I have to say that it leaves me to believe you are manipulating people and that is not nice. Do you have any other truths about yourself to share? It's okay to be on here and be a non-fan presenting ideas for thought as long as they are relevant and useful but don't present yourself as a fan when you aren't.
  • Let me clarify then...................everyone is 'ok' by me until they do something to make me feel otherwise. 'OK' is a good word to use because it is not putting anyone up on a pedestal in the ivory tower, nor is it denigrating them. I'm ok, you're ok, QEII is ok, the Pope is ok......and MJ is ok. I'm not into fan-kissing.......it's just not my style!!
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I guess "ok" in my opinion is an insult. If someone said that I was just "ok", I would be offended. To me, "ok" means....that you don't hate the person, but you don't particularly like them that much either. Obviously, "ok" means something different to each of us.
  • Let me clarify then...................everyone is 'ok' by me until they do something to make me feel otherwise. 'OK' is a good word to use because it is not putting anyone up on a pedestal in the ivory tower, nor is it denigrating them. I'm ok, you're ok, QEII is ok, the Pope is ok......and MJ is ok. I'm not into fan-kissing.......it's just not my style!!

    Again, very confusing message you are giving off.

    I wonder if you've managed to read all of Michael's accomplishments throughout his life? I don't know about you but my name isn't known throughout the world. My face isn't the most recognized person of this century, or maybe even ever. My name isn't in the Guinness Book of World Records. My voice hasn't graced some of the most well-known pop music. I haven't created/perfected any dance steps that people young and old love to watch. I haven't tried to help children the world over. I haven't given millions to charity. Heck, I haven't even made a fraction in my life what he has given away to help others. I could go on but the point is that you might be "ok" and I might be "ok" but in my opinion Michael Jackson is a little more than ok. And, no, I'm not a stalker fan. When he returns I have no intention on parking outside of his house waiting to see him and I won't be tracking him down in some remote city. But he deserves to be recognized and to just call him "ok" is an insult.

    I will go one further. You give me the idea that you are a fake and that you've probably been on this forum before under a different user name. At least the names have changed but the end is the same.

    Let me also say - if you think that Michael Jackson is just "ok" and you still spend hours upon hours on this forum, you have a problem or an ulterior motive. Spending this much time reading, learning, talking about, watching videos of, listening to music by, etc., etc., etc., Michael Jackson, and to only think he's "ok" - something is wrong with this picture. Okay denotes lukewarmness and lack of passion. Check your pulse. You can do better than that.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Will all the fake posters, please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up?

    I think the wrong "trolls" were run out of dodge.
  • ...I agree anewfan.
  • Yeah, well you know what......I don't think ANY less of myself because of what MJ the hero has accomplished. Different horses for different coarses.... we should all aim to do our best and live a true life without comparing it to anyone elses. Be the Best that YOU can be....ever heard of it.?.....and we alll know that he is the biggest faker, so c'mon. Sounds like y'all have self esteem issues..........so go on bag me out....it doesn't worry me...HA!! He might be the invisible batman....but I'm the impenetrable fortress.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    This is so lame. There seem to be a lot of fakers (especially on this forum).
  • Yeah, well you know what......I don't think ANY less of myself because of what MJ the hero has accomplished. Different horses for different coarses.... we should all aim to do our best and live a true life without comparing it to anyone elses. Be the Best that YOU can be....ever heard of it.?.....and we alll know that he is the biggest faker, so c'mon. Sounds like y'all have self esteem issues..........so go on bag me out....it doesn't worry me...HA!! He might be the invisible batman....but I'm the impenetrable fortress.

    Keep talking - your true colors are coming out loud and clear for everyone to see.

    You have no idea what I have done in my life or what I do for a living. I do strive to be the best I can be - always have. I have been very charitable in my life with time and resources. And I am secure in who I am as a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E. That's all that needs to be known. You have drawn your line in the sand with your above comments. You have now insulted Michael and called him a fake. The only fake I see is you. Don't be so high on yourself.
  • I guess "ok" in my opinion is an insult. If someone said that I was just "ok", I would be offended. To me, "ok" means....that you don't hate the person, but you don't particularly like them that much either. Obviously, "ok" means something different to each of us.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we should respect each others opinions.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I guess "ok" in my opinion is an insult. If someone said that I was just "ok", I would be offended. To me, "ok" means....that you don't hate the person, but you don't particularly like them that much either. Obviously, "ok" means something different to each of us.
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and we should respect each others opinions.

    Ok...let's all respect BJ's opinion of MJ being the biggest fake. Let's all group hug and blow kisses her way!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I don't know about anyone else, but my legs are getting sore from trying to wade through all the crap on this forum lately.
    Yeah, well you know what......I don't think ANY less of myself because of what MJ the hero has accomplished. Different horses for different coarses.... we should all aim to do our best and live a true life without comparing it to anyone elses. Be the Best that YOU can be....ever heard of it.?.....and we alll know that he is the biggest faker, so c'mon. Sounds like y'all have self esteem issues..........so go on bag me out....it doesn't worry me...HA!! He might be the invisible batman....but I'm the impenetrable fortress.

    The biggest faker just like you BJ, isn't it <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?
    I love your style !! No matter how hard you try to SELL ME THE NEW BJ <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I love you more than yesterday. And I know you are going to do all that you can to make me hate you but it's not gonna happen......no matter who you are <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    And I'M NOT SCARED YET AND it's about time to change my avatar as you obviously think I don't need you to hold my hand.....you know this one don't you? Because you know me from before isn't it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ?
    I can't believe all of this
  • I have to make an answer to that because I think that's going too far for me...

    BJ, you have some right to consider MJ as a simple human being, which is absolutly legitimate of course ! BUT You have no right to call him "MJ THe Hero" using those words as an INSULT, as if he is not a Hero and an insult to people who think he is as if they were stupid sheeps... because in some people hearts, he IS a Hero.

    Or maybe you forgot what HERO means...

    Hero means ordinary man, just human being, doing something extraordinary. And this is what Michael did in his life. If you consider saving children's life, caring for people, and fighting for a message of Peace, is just nothing...Then there is nothing i can do for you, cause Hope is dead in your heart and soul.

    You have no right nor any power to break the Hope Michael lighted in people's soul by just being a Hero to their eyes. You have no right to deny what he has done just because you don't want him to be higher than anyone else. There is a difference between "over-estimating/putting on a pedestal" and simply "admiring/congratulating". And I think MJ deserves to be admired and respected for his accomplishment.
    And if you just disagree with that, i think the best respectable attitude for you not to become ridiculous, would be to keep your mouth closed.
    We all have seen Gina's picture <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> (unless this wasn't you ... )

    Of course it's me - who else?!
    Oh God this morning I cried, I mean I really cried, real tears, not hoaxtears....... I don't want this man to be dead, I DON'T WANT THIS MAN TO BE DEAD!!
    And if God dared to take him away then God will have to deal with me!!You hear me God?!
  • What is going on here <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> It started to look like on the MJ.com forum.....please let's all be together in this.We are not the same as human beings so we all have different opinions .As long as we are respectful in our comments regarding to Michael it's OK to be or not be a fan.Maybe some of the people here are just respecting MJ for the wonderful man that he is, some are fans...or some are both ! Hugs for everybody
    I agree with you Iulia. Every person is entitled to its own opinion about Michael and I think we should all learn tolerrance once and for all.
    So what if BJ is not a fan? Does it matter ?
    I enjoyed his posts from the beginning and I just can not believe this change even if at first I just wanted to ask him "who are you and what have you done with BJ" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?
    Are there 2 persons behind this account? His evil twin got the password and enjoys doing this? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Maybe it is all just a game ....... or our hoax reflexes are tested .......
    Every lecture finishes with a test isn't it ?

    Or I suffer of a serious mental disease <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Today I have a really busy day so I won't have much time to come here but I just wanna say I love you all and I'm glad to be here with you and to send my regards to all the pupil in the classroom and lots of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and hugs to the teacher <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Yeah, well you know what......I don't think ANY less of myself because of what MJ the hero has accomplished. Different horses for different coarses.... we should all aim to do our best and live a true life without comparing it to anyone elses. Be the Best that YOU can be....ever heard of it.?.....

    I think you are right .... I remember that moment when Michael Bearden tells that little story when MJ said "we must help the others to discover their gifts..."
    So I think I know what you mean ...
    I always have to think twice of your words to fully understand. At least I imagine I understand <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Yes Gina (or half Gina....maybe I'll just call you GI), it's the MJ life simulator..........it's a rocky ride isn't it
    Yes Gina (or half Gina....maybe I'll just call you GI), it's the MJ life simulator..........it's a rocky ride isn't it
    Call me however you like but please don't leave me on my own yet.......I think I know what you mean
  • Yeah, well you know what......I don't think ANY less of myself because of what MJ the hero has accomplished. Different horses for different coarses.... we should all aim to do our best and live a true life without comparing it to anyone elses. Be the Best that YOU can be....ever heard of it.?.....and we alll know that he is the biggest faker, so c'mon. Sounds like y'all have self esteem issues..........so go on bag me out....it doesn't worry me...HA!! He might be the invisible batman....but I'm the impenetrable fortress.

    I think for you it's an understatement to say that MJ is "ok". From your tone I'd gather that MJ is rather "totally not ok". It's "ok" if you aren't his fan. But you seem to have personal issues with him. Want to share? It's "ok" with us.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    And another one that is getting out of hand and off topic. Sorry, but another lock. If people want to know why BlackJack says certain things, you can PM him.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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