This is DEFINITELY not Mike.



  • MJhunnyMJhunny Posts: 239
    We can contact him !!!!!!!
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    And he was at TII premiere
    <!-- m --> ... evntI=3368<!-- m -->

    Oh good. Thanks! I

    in the second link : the first picture: archangel theme again??cant read what it says on top of the wings though anyone??
  • We can contact him !!!!!!!
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    And he was at TII premiere
    <!-- m --> ... evntI=3368<!-- m -->

    Oh good. Thanks! I

    in the second link : the first picture: archangel theme again??cant read what it says on top of the wings though anyone??

    I can't seem to work out what it says either. That myspace link has a few of Michaels impersonators on there. A few good ones, but sheesh poor Michael some looked a bit err...creepy <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> . I wouldn't know if Michael would be flattered or offended <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> .... Michael was a nice guy, so I guess he'd be flattered, so I'll be offended for him <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • NinaninaNinanina Posts: 439
    We can contact him !!!!!!!
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    And he was at TII premiere
    <!-- m --> ... evntI=3368<!-- m -->

    Oh good. Thanks! I

    in the second link : the first picture: archangel theme again??cant read what it says on top of the wings though anyone??

    I think it just says
    CINEMAS 8-14

    He looks a lot like the one from the OP...
  • NinaninaNinanina Posts: 439
    Michael Kiss TWITTER
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I wonder, why his just recently promoted official website is down, and why he doesn't share pics with non-friends on MySpace. Strange for an artist - makes no sense.
    Did SONY make him put it down?
  • maryOmaryO Posts: 34
    Sorry, if it's been posted before..
    Till now I was convinced there were no doubles in TII..I'm not that convinced now..I've seen TII about 5 times, but I haven't seen anyone else besides Michael in the, I went trough some photos and found this one..Do you guys think it's possible that this guy worked as a stand-in and not as a "double?" It's deff not Michael.

    Zoomed in & lightened:

    i see that e is wearing earrings??? i see some black ones
  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
    According to this website he only was added or signed up yesterday!!!!!! 12/15/2009
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    For me this one looks just like the pic that the OP posted, The more i look at him the more i am certain we found our guy....
    Now if we only knew WHY he was there!!!!!
  • Sorry, if it's been posted before..
    Till now I was convinced there were no doubles in TII..I'm not that convinced now..I've seen TII about 5 times, but I haven't seen anyone else besides Michael in the, I went trough some photos and found this one..Do you guys think it's possible that this guy worked as a stand-in and not as a "double?" It's deff not Michael.

    Zoomed in & lightened:

    i see that e is wearing earrings??? i see some black ones

    That's probably just a shadow..well, who knows...
  • WildyWildy Posts: 274
    Does anyone know why Michael used a double in TII?
    What was the purpose to do it during the rehearsals? Thanks <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
    Does anyone know why Michael used double in TII? What was the purpose? Thanks <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Open to theories we are still trying to figure that out...
  • That dosnt look like Mike. I remember the scene with the orange pants dude, he looks way too skinny and young. Every scene with sunglasses made me suspicious. And this guy appears to have pointy ears, much like that other paparazzi pic of 'MJ' wearing a mask.
  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
    Check out his TWITTER!!!!!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Klein was reconstructing Michael's face..sometimes he even wore band aids on his nose. I still think it is him.

    Klein is a dermatologist - they don't reconstruct people's faces - they only deal with skin disorders
  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
    Klein was reconstructing Michael's face..sometimes he even wore band aids on his nose. I still think it is him.

    Klein is a dermatologist - they don't reconstruct people's faces - they only deal with skin disorders

    Thankyou for saying that... Klein made out like he was putting him under the knife.. The only other thing Klein can do is Botox and Restylin injections and that is not reconstructive it is just simply injections... Minor cosmetic surgery .. To dramatically alter ones face he would have seen a plastic surgeon...
  • nlbnlb Posts: 19
    Like Ive been saying in a thread I started on sunday about Christoper being a double used in this is it, I think MJ used doubles for two reasons, to see if people would believe this is him in the movie, which some are of him, reason two just like he has in the past as someone stated earlier on this thread, when MJ needed to get away he'd hire an impersonator to leave in a limo as he left in his bentley, so while everyone is distracted watching this double on the movie also in the ambulance, MJ is already gone. MJ kept a pair of black pants on the whole time in the movie, one of the pant legs had a white mark on them, I think MJ did his shots in one day, and the doubles filled in later. Just my opinion, also another person or persons missing from the involvement in the movie was an illusionist, Chris Angel? David Blaine??

    Great point about the pants. I too believe that he did his shots in one day. I'm also not convinced that there was actually as much footage to use as Kenny and AEG stated. I can't find the articles right now, but it was stated that Michael missed rehearsals quite a bit.
  • KukiKuki Posts: 346
    This really confuses me..... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • I can't find the article right now but I remember reading one where Kenny said that they had hired doubles because they never knew when or if Michael would show up for rehearsals. I have also read that Michael only showed up for rehearsals 16 times. I don't know if that is true or not but just something I heard.
  • Sorry, if it's been posted before..
    Till now I was convinced there were no doubles in TII..I'm not that convinced now..I've seen TII about 5 times, but I haven't seen anyone else besides Michael in the, I went trough some photos and found this one..Do you guys think it's possible that this guy worked as a stand-in and not as a "double?" It's deff not Michael.

    Zoomed in & lightened:

    Looks more like the impersonator Earnest Valentino to me.. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • nlbnlb Posts: 19
    I can't find the article right now but I remember reading one where Kenny said that they had hired doubles because they never knew when or if Michael would show up for rehearsals. I have also read that Michael only showed up for rehearsals 16 times. I don't know if that is true or not but just something I heard.

    Here's one, it's quite long and rehashes a lot of things. It's not the most flattering article, it does talk about drug use, weight issues, all that was be reported on in the beginning. I don't know how true any of this is either, but only the ppl involved know the truth. I'll do some quotes about the rehearsals.

    the end of March, just three months before the first concert was scheduled to kick off, a crew of dozens of musicians and dancers and technicians began showing up for daily rehearsals at CenterStaging -- putting in long days, seven days a week. In the beginning, Jackson would show up only a few times a week, sitting with Ortega for several hours and going through his huge archive of material -- old photographs, videos, records. They were hoping to capture that essence, that special something that made him the King of Pop.
    Although Jackson was playing a central role in shaping the comeback tour, taking the stage to prepare was another matter entirely. While the crew logged long hours at CenterStaging, Jackson preferred to work from home most days. Those around him were getting nervous.
    Others began to press Jackson to rehearse more. "I had my concerns if he was ready, and I questioned him," says Ortega. "There were days when I was like, 'Are you going to show up? Are you really going to be here? You need to do this.' '' Citing the need for more set-up time in London, Ortega asked for the opening show to be pushed back five days, to July 13.

    In early June, Dr Murray mediated a meeting at Michael's home between Jackson and Ortega, who felt the star needed to come to rehearsals more often. Jackson listened quietly to the tour director, but he didn't seem alarmed. "I know my schedule," he said calmly. "Just trust me."

    But after that, Jackson started coming to rehearsals all day, every day. To those around him, he seemed focused and attentive to every detail. "I like to refer to Michael as a gamer," says DiLeo. "He's the quarterback. He's the star of the team, and in practice, quarterbacks are easygoing. But game day, he's turning it on."
    <!-- m --> ... 67400.html<!-- m -->
  • Thank you for posting that. If Michael met with Kenny and Murray in early June and then suddenly started showing up for rehearsal "every day" and if what I heard is true that he only showed up 16 days total it would be interesting to know when this meeting took place and exactly how many days were between this meeting and the "death" to allow us to calculate how many times he had gone to rehearsal prior to this meeting.

    All in all, I really do not believe that Michael ever intended on doing these shows. If you remember, it was noted that auditions did not begin until April and that is leaving very little time (IMO) to put together a show of this magnitude.
  • Hi to everyone!
    I'm new here and as i entered this forum and saw this pic (MJ in the red pants) I was like "Wow! It's not him!". I had never thought about doubles before - I hadn't believed they were used...but now...
    I really don't know what to think now - i'm almoust confirmed that it wasn't MJ but there is one issue that stops me and doesn't let me to believe fully... His hands.
    MJ's hands look like noone's. They are different. They are wonderful. I have always paid much attention to his hands on pics and on this pic ... there are his hands!
    Does anybody see that there are HIS hands or am I wrong? Do my words have any sence or...?
    I feel so confused with this photo...
  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
    Just spent an hour freeze framing trailers but its impossible Argh i cant wait for the dvd to come out!!!
  • I've always told that there were doubles in TII! And they were more than one! I think Michael prefered to be behind the camera <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    And that guy is Michael Kiss. Here you can see him in this video too. And don't forget that we haven't seen all the impersonators yet <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->


    This is his picture. So you can compare.


  • Leah-KimLeah-Kim Posts: 507
    Thats a good video, It is strange how MK has just cropped up this year, New Myspace, Twitter, BIO on impersonators page sign up Dec 15th...Weird.....
  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    I can't find the article right now but I remember reading one where Kenny said that they had hired doubles because they never knew when or if Michael would show up for rehearsals. I have also read that Michael only showed up for rehearsals 16 times.
    Here's one, it's quite long and rehashes a lot of things. It's not the most flattering article, it does talk about drug use, weight issues, all that was be reported on in the beginning. I don't know how true any of this is either, but only the ppl involved know the truth.
    There's a HUGE difference between hiring doubles for rehearsals and actually allowing those doubles to appear in a movie that's supposed to be the final cinematic swan song of a recently deceased, enormously popular and famous entertainer.

    Just sayin'. Please, carry on...
  • O-drey-OO-drey-O Posts: 243
    Here's one, it's quite long and rehashes a lot of things. It's not the most flattering article, it does talk about drug use, weight issues, all that was be reported on in the beginning. I don't know how true any of this is either, but only the ppl involved know the truth.
    There's a HUGE difference between hiring doubles for rehearsals and actually allowing those doubles to appear in a movie that's supposed to be the final cinematic swan song of a recently deceased, enormously popular and famous entertainer.

    Just sayin'. Please, carry on...

    Yes that's what I said too ... It's ok if they used doubles to check the lightnings etc... but if they showed them in the MOVIE too saying that it's Michael, then they would have legal problems. They are not allowed to do this.
    But I'm a little confused because more it goes and more I believe in the doubles ...There are only pics of Michael in the black pants with the red shirt, without sunglasses on the This is It CD. Because that's the ONLY footage with the real Michael ??
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