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  • on 1326990398:
    <br />
    on 1326989515:
    <br /><br /><br />Marlon_JacksonMarlon Jackson5<br /><br /><br />I had a great x mast and a great time in Japan. The show was great and our fans in Japan are great too.<br /><br />1 hour ago FavoriteRetweetReply<br /><br />mast??<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you Suzz missed that one!  geek/  "X mast" ....  :?: (I know it's normally short for Christmas lol)<br />
    <br />no prob..i know most put x-mas..never seen it like that lol..made me think of a mast on a boat??..maybe he was on a boat what ya think??<br />huggs n love to u<br />suzz
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1326990935:
    <br />
    on 1326990398:
    <br />
    on 1326989515:
    <br /><br /><br />Marlon_JacksonMarlon Jackson5<br /><br /><br />I had a great x mast and a great time in Japan. The show was great and our fans in Japan are great too.<br /><br />1 hour ago FavoriteRetweetReply<br /><br />mast??<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you Suzz missed that one!  geek/  "X mast" ....  :?: (I know it's normally short for Christmas lol)<br />
    <br />no prob..i know most put x-mas..never seen it like that lol..made me think of a mast on a boat??..maybe he was on a boat what ya think??<br />huggs n love to u<br />suzz<br />
    <br /><br />Hmmmm very strange indeed!!!! Hidden messages!! Can't really figure out what he means!!
  • on 1326991169:
    <br />
    on 1326990935:
    <br />
    on 1326990398:
    <br />
    on 1326989515:
    <br /><br /><br />Marlon_JacksonMarlon Jackson5<br /><br /><br />I had a great x mast and a great time in Japan. The show was great and our fans in Japan are great too.<br /><br />1 hour ago FavoriteRetweetReply<br /><br />mast??<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you Suzz missed that one!  geek/  "X mast" ....  :?: (I know it's normally short for Christmas lol)<br />
    <br />no prob..i know most put x-mas..never seen it like that lol..made me think of a mast on a boat??..maybe he was on a boat what ya think??<br />huggs n love to u<br />suzz<br />
    <br /><br />Hmmmm very strange indeed!!!! Hidden messages!! Can't really figure out what he means!!<br />
    <br />maybe so hidden message? when he said mast ..boat was the first thing that hit my mind..but other then that clueless lol..just incase some might not know about mast of a ya sure most do..but ya never know..yes strange to me too lol..<br /><br />The mast of a sailing vessel is a tall, vertical, or near vertical, spar, or arrangement of spars, which supports the sails. Large ships have several masts, with the size and configuration depending on the style of ship. Nearly all sailing masts are guyed masts.<br /> <br />Until the mid-19th century, in the Western world, all vessels' masts were made of wood formed from a single piece of timber which typically consisted of the trunk of a conifer tree. From the 16th century, vessels were often built of a size requiring masts taller and thicker than could be made from single tree trunks. On these larger vessels, to achieve the required height, the masts were built from up to four sections (also called masts), known in order of rising height above the decks as the lower, top, topgallant and royal masts. Giving the lower sections sufficient thickness necessitated building them up from separate pieces of wood. Such a section was known as a made mast, as opposed to sections formed from single pieces of timber, which were known as pole masts.<br /> <br />In a three-masted, square-sail carrying ship, the masts, given their standard names in bow to stern (front to back) order, are:<br /> Fore-mast: the first mast, or the mast fore of the main-mast. Sections: Fore-mast lower—Fore topmast—Fore topgallant mast<br /> <br />Main-mast: the tallest mast, usually located near the center of the ship. Sections: Main-mast lower—Main topmast—Main topgallant mast—royal mast (if fitted)<br /> <br />Mizzen-mast: the third mast, or the mast immediately aft of the main-mast. Typically shorter than the fore-mast. Sections: Mizzen-mast lower—Mizzen topmast—Mizzen topgallant mast<br /> <br /><br />Some names given to masts in ships carrying other types of rig (where the naming is less standardised) are:<br /> Bonaventure mizzen: the fourth mast on larger sixteenth century galleons, typically lateen-rigged and shorter than the main mizzen.<br /> Jigger-mast: typically, where it is the shortest, the aft-most mast on vessels with more than three masts. Sections: Jigger-mast lower—Jigger topmast—Jigger topgallant mast<br /> <br /><br />Most types of vessels with two masts would have a main-mast and a smaller mizzen-mast, although both brigs and two-masted schooners instead carry a fore-mast and main-mast. On a two-masted vessel with the mainmast forward and a much smaller second mast, such as a ketch, or particularly a yawl, the terms mizzen and jigger are synonymous.<br /> <br />Some two-masted schooners have masts of identical size, but the aftmost is still referred to as the main-mast, and normally has the larger course. Schooners have been built with up to seven masts in all, with several six-masted examples.<br /> <br />On square-rigged vessels, each mast carries several horizontal yards from which the individual sails are rigged.<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Contents<br />  [hide]  1 History<br /> 2 Modern masts<br /> 3 See also<br /> 4 References<br /> 5 External Links<br /> <br /><br />[edit] History<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Roman two-masted ship, its foremast showing a typically strong forward rake <br />The concept of a ship carrying more than one mast, to give it more speed under sail and to improve its sailing qualities, evolved in northern Mediterranean waters: The earliest foremast has been identified on an Etruscan pyxis from Caere, Italy, dating to the mid-7th century BC: a warship with a furled mainsail is engaging an enemy vessel, deploying a foresail.[1] A two-masted merchant vessel with a sizable foresail rigged on a slightly inclined foremast is depicted in an Etruscan tomb painting from 475–450 BC.[2] An artemon (Greek for foresail) almost the same size as the galley's mainsail can be found on a Corinthian krater as early as the late 6th century BC; apart from that Greek longships are uniformly shown without it until the 4th century BC.[3]<br /> <br />The foremast became fairly common on Roman galleys, where, inclined at an angle of 45°, it was more akin to a bowsprit, and the foresail set on it, reduced in size, seems to be used rather as an aid to steering than for propulsion.[3][4] While most of the ancient evidence is iconographic, the existence of foremasts can also be deduced archaeologically from slots in foremast-feets located too close to the prow for a mainsail.[5]<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Roman merchantman (corbita) with mainmast and foremast under sail <br />Artemon, along with mainsail and topsail, developed into the standard rig of seagoing vessels in imperial times, complemented by a mizzen on the largest freighters.[6] The earliest recorded three-masters were the giant Syracusia, a prestige object commissioned by king Hiero II of Syracuse and devised by the polymath Archimedes around 240 BC, and other Syracusan merchant ships of the time.[7] The imperial grain freighters travelling the routes between Alexandria and Rome also included three-masted vessels.[7] A mosaic in Ostia (c. 200 AD) depicts a freighter with a three-masted rig entering Rome's harbour.[8] Special craft could carry many more masts: Theophrastus (Hist. Plant. 5.8.2) records how the Romans imported Corsican timber by way of a huge raft propelled by as many as fifty masts and sails.[9]<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Renaissance three-master by Lorenzo Costa <br />Throughout antiquity, both foresail and mizzen remained secondary in terms of canvas size, although large enough to require full running rigging.[6] In late antiquity, the foremast lost most of its tilt, standing nearly upright on some ships.[6]<br /> <br />By the onset of the Early Middle Ages, rigging had undergone a fundamental transformation in Mediterranean navigation: the lateen which had long evolved on smaller Greco-Roman craft replaced the square rig, the chief sail type of the ancients, that practically disappeared from the record until the 14th century (while it remained dominant in northern Europe).[10][11] The dromon, the lateen-rigged and oared bireme of the Byzantine navy, almost certainly had two masts, a larger foremast and one midships. Their length has been estimated at about 12 m and 8 m respectively, somewhat smaller than the Sicilian war galleys of the time.[12]<br /> <br />Multiple-masted sailing ships were reintroduced into the Mediterranean Sea by the Late Middle Ages. Large vessels were coming more and more into use and the need for additional masts to control these ships adequately grew with the increase in tonnage. Unlike in antiquity, the mizzen-mast was adopted on medieval two-masters earlier than the foremast, a process which can be traced back by pictorial evidence from Venice and Barcelona to the mid-14th century. To balance out the sail plan the next obvious step was to add a mast fore of the main-mast, which first appears in a Catalonian ink drawing from 1409. With the three-masted ship established, propelled by square rig and lateen, and guided by the pintle-and-gudgeon rudder, all advanced ship design technology necessary for the great transoceanic voyages was in place by the beginning of the 15th century.[13]<br /> <br />[edit] Modern masts<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Mast of the sailing yacht Stars and Stripes <br />Although sailing ships were superseded by engine-powered ships in the 19th century, recreational sailing ships and yachts continue to be designed and constructed.<br /> <br />In the 1930s aluminium masts were introduced on large J-class yachts. An aluminium mast has considerable advantages over a wooden one: it is lighter and slimmer than a wooden one of the same strength, is impervious to rot, and can be produced as a single extruded length. After the Second World War, extruded aluminium masts became common on all dinghies and smaller yachts. Higher performance yachts would use tapered aluminium masts, constructed by removing a triangular strip of aluminium along the length of the mast and then closing and welding the gap.<br /> <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Illustration of modern mast and wing-mast cross-sections, with sail <br />From the mid 1990s racing yachts introduced the use of carbon fibre and other composite materials to construct masts with even better strength-to-weight ratios. Carbon fibre masts could also be constructed with more precisely engineered aerodynamic profiles.<br /> <br />Modern masts form the leading edge of a sail's airfoil and tend to have a teardrop-shaped cross-section. On smaller racing yachts and catamarans, the mast rotates to the optimum angle for the sail's airfoil. If the mast has a long, thin cross-section and makes up a significant area of the airfoil, it is called a wing-mast; boats using these have a smaller sail area to compensate for the larger mast area.<br /> <br />On modern warships, the mast still exists but does not serve the purpose of holding sails, since all modern warships are engine-powered. Instead, the mast serves as a mounting point for radar and telecommunication antennas. This is beneficial because generally, the higher an antenna is mounted, the farther its range.<br /> <br /><br />[edit] See also<br /> Topmast<br /> Sailing ship<br /> Rigging<br /> Sail-plan<br /> <br />[edit] References<br /> <br />1.^ Turfa, J. MacIntosh; Steinmayer, A. G. (1999): "The Earliest Foresail, on Another Etruscan Vase", The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 292–296 (295)<br /> 2.^ Casson, Lionel (1963): "The Earliest Two-masted Ship", Archaeology, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 108–111 (111)<br /> 3.^ a b Casson, Lionel (1980): "Two-masted Greek ships", The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 68–69 (69)<br /> 4.^ Casson, Lionel (1963): "The Earliest Two-masted Ship", Archaeology, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 108–111 (109)<br /> 5.^ Beltrame, Carlo (1996): "Archaeological Evidence of the Foremast on Ancient Sailing Ships", The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 135–139 (135)<br /> 6.^ a b c Casson, Lionel (1995): "Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World", Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 978-0-8018-5130-8, pp. 239–243<br /> 7.^ a b Casson, Lionel (1995): "Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World", Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 978-0-8018-5130-8, p. 242, fn. 75<br /> 8.^ Casson, Lionel (1995): "Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World", Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 978-0-8018-5130-8, pp. XXIV, picture 145<br /> 9.^ Casson, Lionel (1995): "Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World", Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 978-0-8018-5130-8, p. 4, fn. 2<br /> 10.^ Casson, Lionel (1995): "Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World", Johns Hopkins University Press, ISBN 978-0-8018-5130-8, pp. 243–245<br /> 11.^ Pryor, John H.; Jeffreys; Elizabeth M. (2006): "The Age of the ΔΡΟΜΩΝ. The Byzantine Navy ca. 500–1204", The Medieval Mediterranean. Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400–1500, Vol. 62, Brill Academic Publishers, ISBN 978-90-04-15197-0, pp. 153–161<br /> 12.^ Pryor, John H.; Jeffreys; Elizabeth M. (2006): "The Age of the ΔΡΟΜΩΝ. The Byzantine Navy ca. 500–1204", The Medieval Mediterranean. Peoples, Economies and Cultures, 400–1500, Vol. 62, Brill Academic Publishers, ISBN 978-90-04-15197-0, pp. 238f., 244<br /> 13.^ Mott, Lawrence V. (1994): "A Three-masted Ship Depiction from 1409", The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 39–40<br />
  • :lol: wow my first reaction was kinda mean and i jokingly quipped to myself that he types with a lisp ( as if you have ever noticed marlon and janet both have a slight one). the devil made me do it. but anyway i looked up lisp and found this ( much to my amazement) . think i am channneling serenity's dream  :-[ have no idea .<br />do believe i will head on back and get my med and a nice cozy jacket.  :-[<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    bow to stern (front to back)
    <br /> errrr <br />
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Marlon makes tons of typos, or I don't know how to call them. Errors.<br />The last time he said something, he was talking about going to Forest Lawn and he said "grave sight" instead of "grave site". Now "X mast", and "here from me" instead of "hear from me".
  • on 1326997434:
    <br />Marlon makes tons of typos, or I don't know how to call them. Errors.<br />The last time he said something, he was talking about going to Forest Lawn and he said "grave sight" instead of "grave site". Now "X mast", and "here from me" instead of "hear from me".<br />
    not saying this to be in conflict but what you just pointed out seems more to me like spelling errors than typos. hmm
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    on 1326995745:
    <br />
    bow to stern (front to back)
    <br /> errrr <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Where was that written?
  • on 1326998986:
    <br />
    on 1326995745:
    <br />
    bow to stern (front to back)
    <br /> errrr <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Where was that written?<br />
    <br />In a three-masted, square-sail carrying ship, the masts, given their standard names in bow to stern (front to back) order, are:<br /> Fore-mast: the first mast, or the mast fore of the main-mast. Sections: Fore-mast lower—Fore topmast—Fore topgallant mast<br />huggs n love n faith to all<br />suzz
  • on 1326990935:
    <br />
    on 1326990398:
    <br />
    on 1326989515:
    <br /><br /><br />Marlon_JacksonMarlon Jackson5<br /><br /><br />I had a great x mast and a great time in Japan. The show was great and our fans in Japan are great too.<br /><br />1 hour ago FavoriteRetweetReply<br /><br />mast??<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you Suzz missed that one!  geek/  "X mast" ....  :?: (I know it's normally short for Christmas lol)<br />
    <br />no prob..i know most put x-mas..never seen it like that lol..made me think of a mast on a boat??..maybe he was on a boat what ya think??<br />huggs n love to u<br />suzz<br />
    <br /><br /> :geek:<br />I'm thinking of:<br /><br />a great x mast = a great x [size=12pt]m[/size]ulti [size=12pt]a[/size]ssets [size=12pt]s[/size]ales [size=12pt]t[/size]ransaction, possibly Marlon did great business in Japan, a recording contract perhaps ;)?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    on 1327000608:
    <br />
    on 1326998986:
    <br />
    on 1326995745:
    <br />
    bow to stern (front to back)
    <br /> errrr <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Where was that written?<br />
    <br />In a three-masted, square-sail carrying ship, the masts, given their standard names in bow to stern (front to back) order, are:<br /> Fore-mast: the first mast, or the mast fore of the main-mast. Sections: Fore-mast lower—Fore topmast—Fore topgallant mast<br />huggs n love n faith to all<br />suzz<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks!<br />what has that to do with Marlon?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Yulia<br />
    His son is messing up with people, talking as he would be his father? What kind of game is this? I don't understand it. This is not a joke, I would get angry if anyone would post from my account. But why joke with this? why pass as his father?
    <br /><br /><br />Going a page back to Marlon and his son Marlon Jr. My daughter's facebook is often left on my computer, and I could post pretending to be her but I can't be bothered.  But my friend's daughter posted some very dirty stuff on her mom's for a prank. My friend quickly had to do some damage control, and everyone had a good laugh.  So it probably happens a lot in the same house.<br /><br /><br />Sarahli quoted<br />
    Marlon_Jackson Marlon Jackson5 Until you here from me again, love you guys, Study Peace.<br />Il y a 1 heure
    <br /><br /><br />To me this only connects TS to the family (a deliberate decoy/distraction possibly like T. SimKin), but there is no way Marlon knows the inner workings of MJ's heart the way TS/Front do.<br /><br /><br />About the X mast,  how about "Loose lips, sink ships"?  :lol:  (beware of unguarded talk)<br /><br />
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