I am an Intercessor (which means I pray a lot)

jilljill Posts: 917
edited January 2010 in General Hoax Investigation
I am an intercessor, which means I pray a lot. I have had prayer "burdens" for Michael Jackson since I was about 12 years old after I went to see the Jackson 5 in concert. I think he was about 10 at the time. (Very long time ago) For the past 2 or 3 years I have been praying for him. About a couple of days before he died I prayed for him all day long. I kept getting a very uneasy feeling. I kept praying for him to be kept safe and for God to intervene in whatever was going on. When I heard the news of his "death" I was stunned and very grieved. I immediately asked God to forgive me for not praying until I had total peace. This usually means in prayer, that the prayer has been answered. When I prayed this, an OVER WHELMING sence of peace came over me. It was odd because the peace would mean the prayer was answered. Yet, it was contrary to what I was hearing in the news. God shows me a lot of things in prayer and I do not always understand what they mean. Since then I have been drawn to the possibility that he was not "dead". My biggest concern is that so many idolize him, if he does a comeback many would worship him.I pray this does not happen. He is just a man with great talent.

I guess my question is...are there other intercessors out there that were also "called" to pray for Micahel Jackson that may have experienced similar things?


  • Well I have been praying for Michael really since I saw the video from the press confrence in March and after his "death" I cried one night and I asked God to open my eyes and show me what's happening and if it is a possibility he's here please show me the way and he lead me here. I knew God has been with me this whole trip and he has been opening my eyes to certain things. Now I believe in this hoax I ask God everynight if Michael is alive to keep him safe just in case he decides to come back maybe not a musical one just to let us know he's still with us and with us until the end.=)
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Well I have been praying for Michael really since I saw the video from the press confrence in March and after his "death" I cried one night and I asked God to open my eyes and show me what's happening and if it is a possibility he's here please show me the way and he lead me here. I knew God has been with me this whole trip and he has been opening my eyes to certain things. Now I believe in this hoax I ask God everynight if Michael is alive to keep him safe just in case he decides to come back maybe not a musical one just to let us know he's still with us and with us until the end.=)

    I know there has to be a lot of people out there that were praying for Michael prior to his "death." Thanks for your post. I have read threads in other places where people say they have experienced peace reguarding the whole situation. It is going to be interesting to see how it all plays out.
  • No problem I like to share my religious point of view on this hoax it brings out my other side and the person that really brought me here.....God <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->.So thank you for making this topic my best wishes are for you=)=)
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    No problem I like to share my religious point of view on this hoax it brings out my other side and the person that really brought me here.....God <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->.So thank you for making this topic my best wishes are for you=)=)

    I know the Word says There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing covered up that will not be brought to light. God's Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what it has been sent out to do. Whenever I need to get to the bottom of something this is what I pray. It has never failed to bring results!
  • No problem I like to share my religious point of view on this hoax it brings out my other side and the person that really brought me here.....God <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->.So thank you for making this topic my best wishes are for you=)=)

    I know the Word says There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing covered up that will not be brought to light. God's Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what it has been sent out to do. Whenever I need to get to the bottom of something this is what I pray. It has never failed to bring results!
    Thank you for that <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I honestly wish I could say that I had a burden for him before June 25th. Maybe I did and did not realize it. I had started looking up youtube videos and songs and reliving memories only two weeks before. I was surprised at myself for how hard I was taking the news. Weeks went by and I could not get over it.
    My mom (who is about 49 yrs old) told me that she did have a burden and it came from no where. She heard "Pray for Michael Jackson,he has the heart of David and he is searching for me". So she did until she felt peace. Then one night the same thing happened. She didnt ever think about a death or feel that there was death. After June 25th,she was like me about the whole thing and told me the story. She said she hoped she prayed enough. Before I started looking deeply into the hoax ,I did ask God for me not to be going into a obsessive waste of time, I do not feel that I have,and I do pray that wherever he is that he is safe and does have peace.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    No problem I like to share my religious point of view on this hoax it brings out my other side and the person that really brought me here.....God <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->.So thank you for making this topic my best wishes are for you=)=)

    I know the Word says There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed and nothing covered up that will not be brought to light. God's Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what it has been sent out to do. Whenever I need to get to the bottom of something this is what I pray. It has never failed to bring results!
    Thank you for that <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I honestly wish I could say that I had a burden for him before June 25th. Maybe I did and did not realize it. I had started looking up youtube videos and songs and reliving memories only two weeks before. I was surprised at myself for how hard I was taking the news. Weeks went by and I could not get over it.
    My mom (who is about 49 yrs old) told me that she did have a burden and it came from no where. She heard "Pray for Michael Jackson,he has the heart of David and he is searching for me". So she did until she felt peace. Then one night the same thing happened. She didnt ever think about a death or feel that there was death. After June 25th,she was like me about the whole thing and told me the story. She said she hoped she prayed enough. Before I started looking deeply into the hoax ,I did ask God for me not to be going into a obsessive waste of time, I do not feel that I have,and I do pray that wherever he is that he is safe and does have peace.

    Thank you for sharing so much information. I know that when something "big" is going on God always raises up many people to pray. We all may get different perspectives on what we are praying about. He showed me things over the past 3 years that I still do not understand. I really debated on whether I should create this post or not. After I did I felt a sense of joy, and heard very clearly in my spirit the Lord say "You are a witness." I have been praying for others for about 25 years or more. This is the first time I have ever heard anything like this. If you have any insight into what this means, please let me know.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    There is alot of talk about the number seven, and decoding alot of numbers in the twitter posts.

    One thing that really stood out to me, was the fact that the dead ? body of MJ, was wrapped in a white sheet, just like Jesus. That was a dead give away....the had the coroners blue bag, but notice how they didn't use it, cause they wanted all of us to see it. Another big clue is the no. 7 that everyone talks about........this is the biblical meaning of 7.

    Seven, by Itself

    But now turning to the number Seven, we must first consider the meaning of the word.

    In the Hebrew, seven is (ba#$e (shevah). It is from the root (ba#$&af (savah), to be full or satisfied, have enough of. Hence the meaning of the word "seven" is dominated by this root, for on the seventh day God rested from the work of Creation. It was full and complete, and good and perfect. Nothing could be added to it or taken from it without marring it. Hence the word tba#$af (Shavath), to cease, desist, rest, and tb@af#$a Shabbath, Sabbath, or day of rest. This root runs through various languages; e.g., Sanscrit, saptan; Zend., hapta; Greek, epta (hepta); Latin, septem. All these preserve the "t," which in the Semitic and Teutonic languages is dropped out; e.g. Gothic, sibun; German, sieben; English, seven.

    It is seven, therefore, that stamps with perfection and completeness that in connection with which it is used. Of time, it tells of the Sabbath, and marks off the week of seven days, which, artificial as it may seem to be, is universal and immemorial in its observance amongst all nations and in all times. It tells of that eternal Sabbath-keeping which remains for the people of God in all its everlasting perfection.

    In the creative works of God, seven completes the colors of the spectrum and rainbow, and satisfies in music the notes of the scale. In each of these the eighth is only a repetition of the first.

    Then Jesus was ressurected........wow....unbelievable how clever he is.
  • I have been reading this website and others since June 25. I was more of a fan of the Jackson 5 than Michael. When Michael was at the peak of his career, I was busy taking care of a family and nurturing a career…yes, I’m old.

    But like many of you, I was inexplicably drawn to his death but more importantly his life. Through all of you, I discovered an incredible human being whose music was the least important of his talents or his purpose here on earth.. I have waited to post any response until I saw this topic.

    I will state that I’m not a religious person but extremely spiritual. I strongly believe that my life has often been guided by prayer and that my prayers have often been answered through others. There are no coincidences in life. For some divine reason, I think all of us who are attracted to the events starting with June 25 also have a mission to accomplish and perhaps this event has triggered that. I have attempted to not make a judgment concerning whether Michael is alive or dead, but rather what my purpose is in connection to his life and/or death.

    There are 2 bible verses that are continually in my mind when I read your postings in relation to Michael’s life.

    I hope these don’t offend anyone, as I said I’m spiritual…not religious. I will quote from the King James just because I think the language is beautiful.

    So if Michael has a spiritual connection to God, why did he encounter the horrible mistreatment and why would God allowed it? I refer to the incredible Joseph of the Old Testament who I believe is more akin to Michael’s life than the Messiah (but Joseph is also a prototype of the Messiah.)

    I will not go into the background and hope that you will do so, but when Joseph is reunited with his family who has sold him into slavery many years ago, this is his explanation. Please understand that “family” in this sense is not biological family but the world in general…meaning all of those who betrayed Michael.

    Genesis 50:20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.[/b]

    The other verse that comes to mind as we talk about when or if Michael will appear is the following:

    Joel 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

    I think in Michael’s life, this is what is occurring right now. However, understand that what God has for Michael for restoration may not be what we want.

    Again, I think that everyone who is a believer in the hoax is also in the midst of restoration. I have minimized the time I’ve spent in wondering about return dates, trying to find additional hoax data, etc. I’m focused on what this means to and in my life. What is it that I need to do to emulate the servant that Michael was? How can I perpetuate the message of love, truth and yes…forgiveness that Michael lived and believed? If I don’t do this, this I think we have all missed the greatest message of Michael Jackson’s life and the purpose of his being.

    I have implemented small changes, but I think for all of us there is something greater than even we can imagine. I maintain an open heart.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I have been reading this website and others since June 25. I was more of a fan of the Jackson 5 than Michael. When Michael was at the peak of his career, I was busy taking care of a family and nurturing a career…yes, I’m old.

    But like many of you, I was inexplicably drawn to his death but more importantly his life. Through all of you, I discovered an incredible human being whose music was the least important of his talents or his purpose here on earth.. I have waited to post any response until I saw this topic.

    I will state that I’m not a religious person but extremely spiritual. I strongly believe that my life has often been guided by prayer and that my prayers have often been answered through others. There are no coincidences in life. For some divine reason, I think all of us who are attracted to the events starting with June 25 also have a mission to accomplish and perhaps this event has triggered that. I have attempted to not make a judgment concerning whether Michael is alive or dead, but rather what my purpose is in connection to his life and/or death.

    There are 2 bible verses that are continually in my mind when I read your postings in relation to Michael’s life.

    I hope these don’t offend anyone, as I said I’m spiritual…not religious. I will quote from the King James just because I think the language is beautiful.

    So if Michael has a spiritual connection to God, why did he encounter the horrible mistreatment and why would God allowed it? I refer to the incredible Joseph of the Old Testament who I believe is more akin to Michael’s life than the Messiah (but Joseph is also a prototype of the Messiah.)

    I will not go into the background and hope that you will do so, but when Joseph is reunited with his family who has sold him into slavery many years ago, this is his explanation. Please understand that “family” in this sense is not biological family but the world in general…meaning all of those who betrayed Michael.

    Genesis 50:20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.[/b]

    The other verse that comes to mind as we talk about when or if Michael will appear is the following:

    Joel 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

    I think in Michael’s life, this is what is occurring right now. However, understand that what God has for Michael for restoration may not be what we want.

    Again, I think that everyone who is a believer in the hoax is also in the midst of restoration. I have minimized the time I’ve spent in wondering about return dates, trying to find additional hoax data, etc. I’m focused on what this means to and in my life. What is it that I need to do to emulate the servant that Michael was? How can I perpetuate the message of love, truth and yes…forgiveness that Michael lived and believed? If I don’t do this, this I think we have all missed the greatest message of Michael Jackson’s life and the purpose of his being.

    I have implemented small changes, but I think for all of us there is something greater than even we can imagine. I maintain an open heart.

    Thank you so much for this! What a beautiful post!
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    I been praying for Michael every night since June 25 and the Lord has showed me many different thing.I believe in my heart that he is alive and well but will he come back to perform and entertain again I not real sure about that. but I do know my faith has kept me strong though this and I know God never closes and door without opening a window so whatever happen I know in time God will make it right.
  • but I do know my faith has kept me strong though this and I know God never closes and door without opening a window so whatever happen I know in time God will make it right.

    Thanks for that! Yes He surely will
  • I always kept Michael in my heart and I've always wish for his well being. But after the 25th of June something happened to me. I had always been on the fence about God. I've went from completely believing he never existed to him now being my complete motivation behind everything I do now. Losing Michael, someone I thought would be here until the end of time, "died". I've become a more spritual being. I look at life differently. The way he carried himself in public and his morals he stood by has become an inspiration for me. I have now become more interested in living my life the right way. Yes, I still make mistakes but now I turn them into lesson learned. Geez..I just gave you guys half of my life story lol <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    But back on topic..I do pray for Michael and his family. Prayer changes things. I put my faith in God not in mankind because they will fail you almost everytime. So, I pray for his safety, his health, his mind, and most of all his soul. I also pray for his and his families strength. And I pray for his fans and my hoax family members because we need it to continue to press on in love and truth.
  • I always kept Michael in my heart and I've always wish for his well being. But after the 25th of June something happened to me. I had always been on the fence about God. I've went from completely believing he never existed to him now being my complete motivation behind everything I do now. Losing Michael, someone I thought would be here until the end of time, "died". I've become a more spritual being. I look at life differently. The way he carried himself in public and his morals he stood by has become an inspiration for me. I have now become more interested in living my life the right way. Yes, I still make mistakes but now I turn them into lesson learned. Geez..I just gave you guys half of my life story lol <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    But back on topic..I do pray for Michael and his family. Prayer changes things. I put my faith in God not in mankind because they will fail you almost everytime. So, I pray for his safety, his health, his mind, and most of all his soul. I also pray for his and his families strength. And I pray for his fans and my hoax family members because we need it to continue to press on in love and truth.

    simply amazing!
  • DS365DS365 Posts: 17
    I always kept Michael in my heart and I've always wish for his well being. But after the 25th of June something happened to me. I had always been on the fence about God. I've went from completely believing he never existed to him now being my complete motivation behind everything I do now. Losing Michael, someone I thought would be here until the end of time, "died". I've become a more spritual being. I look at life differently. The way he carried himself in public and his morals he stood by has become an inspiration for me. I have now become more interested in living my life the right way. Yes, I still make mistakes but now I turn them into lesson learned. Geez..I just gave you guys half of my life story lol <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    But back on topic..I do pray for Michael and his family. Prayer changes things. I put my faith in God not in mankind because they will fail you almost every time. So, I pray for his safety, his health, his mind, and most of all his soul. I also pray for his and his families strength. And I pray for his fans and my hoax family members because we need it to continue to press on in love and truth.

    I agree with you! My life has extremely changed with his "death". I was not aware of things, but God brought me to the light. I even rededicated my life to Christ. I pray for Michael and I know that God has something greater for him that we and he might not be aware of. I believe that this is not a coincidence, but its a divine appointment from God. Me too, I am not religious at all. I have definitely become more spiritual and more connected with God than ever before.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Hi everyone. I just want to say that a similar thing happened to me also. I too saw J5 as a little girl when they toured here in Australia. Then as I grew up and raised my family, I kind of moved on with my own life. I was in the UK visitting my daughter when news Mike was gone hit. It was something to see people everywhere over the world coming together and reflecting on the genius that is MJ. The DJ's were all playing his music, waiting at heathrow his music was coming out of the speakers. I witnessed people doing group thriller dance in the train station at Zurich. But then I came home and that's when I began to cry and cry and cry. And the reason that it affected me so much was that I somehow began to catch a small glimpse into what he had to endure. Being publicly humiliated and villified ,lied about and dare I say this without appearing blasphemous? He mightn't have been crucified physically, but he sure was in every other way possible. By the media and I believe strategically attacked by something purely demonic that was operating through people to bring him down. During this time of constant crying, I found that I would pray constantly that God would vindicate MJ. I would quote scriptures that I could remember such as Lord you said that those who give to the poor lend to the Lord and you said you would repay so I'm reminding you of all that Michael has given to the sick and the needy. And for his children ect. Then TII came out and I was there to see it and had to go back again and then again. I was watering my vege garden and talking to my husband soon after and said it's such a shame that MJ didn't fake his death as he's on top of the charts again, movies a great success and out of debt. And as I said this the penny dropped and I understood, hey, that was too good for mere rehersal footage, and that death date was so convenient. Then everything else started to gell such as why the memorial left me feeling weird. And why there seemed to be no closure for me. Sorry for such a long first post, but then googled for the first time in late october, Michael Jackson Alive and I realized so many others have been experiencing the same thing. And here we are.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    It's amazing the same thing is happening to so many people! I, like you was around when he was just a child with the Jackson 5. Over the years I didn't pay much attention to his music or the media frenzy. Although I would be very disheartened every time something negative was being reported about him; especially the trial in 2005. I knew he was innocent, but no one around me agreed with me. I had been getting prayer burdens for for him since about 2005. At that time the Lord kept telling me "There's a lot more going on than you know". When I heard the news of his "passing" it struck me really hard. I was dumbfounded by the sense of grief I felt. I started watching his videos on line and was really taken by how talented he really is. That is when I came across a death hoax video on Youtube. I started searching and found this site.

    So many people have similar stories. God is truly involved in this. It will be amazing to see what comes out of it. The Word says "All things work together for Good those that love the Lord and are called according to His will and purpose." It's great to hear how many people are turning and seeking the Lord because of this! Angels are rejoicing!

    It is encouraging to hear how many people He (God) has raised up to pray for this situation. I can't wait to see the final result.
  • Jill, thanks so much for starting this topic. I have been tentative about bringing this up because I know the focus is understandably on the hoax, his reappearance, etc. But I am receiving very distinct spiritual intuitions that there is much more to this and Michael's purpose than just reclaiming his musical career. In fact, when I left the theatre after viewing "This is It," I felt very sad as if there had been a death. I realized later that it's not the physical death I was sad about, but a "death" or ending of his career as we had known it. Whatever is going to happen in the future, I believe will be be some sort of "spiritual" revival message for the world. I'm beginning to think that his enormous talents were only the physical medium used to convey a spiritual message to the world.

    I'm in continual prayer about this because I don't think with my finite mind and even with the faith of a mustard seed, that I can possibly understand what it can be. I only know that I feel a constant urge to pray and all of these responses to your original "prayer" message confirms that others are feeling the same thing.

    Maybe what Michael is asking for are prayer warriors to see him through this difficult time and whatever is in the future. If it is as big as I think it is, I can't even imagine the physical and spiritual obstacles he may encounter.

    I would be interested in your thoughts--

    Thanks so much for your testimonials and your affirmations.

    - Always growing in the knowledge of His love.
  • simply amazing!

    Oh Thanks Neverlandprincess

    I really think we all have carried a burden for Michael in our subconscious.
    Michael has been embedded in our hearts. I think most people felt Michael's pain.
    Most of us never knew Michael personally or not got the chance to meet him.
    But something connected us him to him in a spritual way.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I always kept Michael in my heart and I've always wish for his well being. But after the 25th of June something happened to me. I had always been on the fence about God. I've went from completely believing he never existed to him now being my complete motivation behind everything I do now. Losing Michael, someone I thought would be here until the end of time, "died". I've become a more spritual being. I look at life differently. The way he carried himself in public and his morals he stood by has become an inspiration for me. I have now become more interested in living my life the right way. Yes, I still make mistakes but now I turn them into lesson learned. Geez..I just gave you guys half of my life story lol <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    But back on topic..I do pray for Michael and his family. Prayer changes things. I put my faith in God not in mankind because they will fail you almost everytime. So, I pray for his safety, his health, his mind, and most of all his soul. I also pray for his and his families strength. And I pray for his fans and my hoax family members because we need it to continue to press on in love and truth.

    Thank you so much for this post! What a beautiful prayer for Michael and the members of this site. It was a delight to read this. Many blessings to you!
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I always kept Michael in my heart and I've always wish for his well being. But after the 25th of June something happened to me. I had always been on the fence about God. I've went from completely believing he never existed to him now being my complete motivation behind everything I do now. Losing Michael, someone I thought would be here until the end of time, "died". I've become a more spritual being. I look at life differently. The way he carried himself in public and his morals he stood by has become an inspiration for me. I have now become more interested in living my life the right way. Yes, I still make mistakes but now I turn them into lesson learned. Geez..I just gave you guys half of my life story lol <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    But back on topic..I do pray for Michael and his family. Prayer changes things. I put my faith in God not in mankind because they will fail you almost every time. So, I pray for his safety, his health, his mind, and most of all his soul. I also pray for his and his families strength. And I pray for his fans and my hoax family members because we need it to continue to press on in love and truth.

    I agree with you! My life has extremely changed with his "death". I was not aware of things, but God brought me to the light. I even rededicated my life to Christ. I pray for Michael and I know that God has something greater for him that we and he might not be aware of. I believe that this is not a coincidence, but its a divine appointment from God. Me too, I am not religious at all. I have definitely become more spiritual and more connected with God than ever before.

    Thank you for this. It is so encouraging to hear different experiences of what God is doing in all of this. By the way, welcome back! God's always been right there with you, watching over you and protecting you. Many blessings to you in the coming year!
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Jill, thanks so much for starting this topic. I have been tentative about bringing this up because I know the focus is understandably on the hoax, his reappearance, etc. But I am receiving very distinct spiritual intuitions that there is much more to this and Michael's purpose than just reclaiming his musical career. In fact, when I left the theatre after viewing "This is It," I felt very sad as if there had been a death. I realized later that it's not the physical death I was sad about, but a "death" or ending of his career as we had known it. Whatever is going to happen in the future, I believe will be be some sort of "spiritual" revival message for the world. I'm beginning to think that his enormous talents were only the physical medium used to convey a spiritual message to the world.

    I'm in continual prayer about this because I don't think with my finite mind and even with the faith of a mustard seed, that I can possibly understand what it can be. I only know that I feel a constant urge to pray and all of these responses to your original "prayer" message confirms that others are feeling the same thing.

    Maybe what Michael is asking for are prayer warriors to see him through this difficult time and whatever is in the future. If it is as big as I think it is, I can't even imagine the physical and spiritual obstacles he may encounter.

    I would be interested in your thoughts--

    Thanks so much for your testimonials and your affirmations.

    - Always growing in the knowledge of His love.

    Thanks so much! Your posts are refreshing and encouraging. I sent you a private message. You can access it at the top of the page!

  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Glad to see this. Didn't even realize this was on the forum. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Something big is getting ready to happen! I can feel it! It's like electricity in the air!
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Oh yeah.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    can i just say........i read something from the bible everyday..i..choose randomly as that is how i like to read...........the other day i opened at ...daniel chapter 10...verse 21..........where daniel is being comforted........."however,I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth.Yet there is no one who stands firmly with me against theses forces ecept micheal your prince".........xxxx
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