I am an Intercessor (which means I pray a lot)



  • jilljill Posts: 917
    can i just say........i read something from the bible everyday..i..choose randomly as that is how i like to read...........the other day i opened at ...daniel chapter 10...verse 21..........where daniel is being comforted........."however,I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth.Yet there is no one who stands firmly with me against theses forces ecept micheal your prince".........xxxx

    I read the same way and that is that is the same one I read today. The arch angel Michael is appointed to watch over Israel. I believe God has had His hand on Michael Jackson all his life.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    there you go then....i rest my case..........xxxxx
  • <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • I was just reading a beautiful blog piece about Michael and his faith in God. I thought I'd share it with you.

    <!-- m -->http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/20 ... overb.html<!-- m -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    thanks for that......i have always believed micheal to be NO ordinary person........a blessed and good man........and the more you study him ,the clearer that is......imo of course....xxxxx
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I was just reading a beautiful blog piece about Michael and his faith in God. I thought I'd share it with you.

    <!-- m -->http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/20 ... overb.html<!-- m -->

    Thank you so much for this post. It is wonderful to see such a positive light shown on Michael and his faith in God. It is beautifully written and poignant.
  • I posted this in another thread (<!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=8137<!-- l -->) but wanted to post it here as well.

    Steve Harvey, on his radio show this past July, tells the story of the time he took Michael to church with him, and what the pastor told Michael that day.


  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006

    Here is the link.

  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Just finished to listening to the Steve Harvey tribute and the blog about MJ. They were both great. Just see how MJ really did make alot of impact in many people lives both young and old. It shows that even though he sung secular music that God still loved him and had a purpose for him. I like where one posted here that MJ had a heart for David. This is what got David through his troubles because his heart and passion was to please God even when he messed up and when he had his weakest moments. See, pride and vanity will not prosper you and it will destroy you. Your true humbleness and your yearning for God will open doors for you and God will be there for you. This is what MJ desire were as I listen to many of the interviews especially with the one about being like little children. It was so simple for him to understand yet we have many who say they are believers who can't even understand it. Sorry, I had to go there on that one. But this is where his faith was taking him and this is what moves the Lord(Jehovah), your faith.

    Have a blessed day 2 day. I needed to go back and read all of this again. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • kuekstonkuekston Posts: 6
    Jill, thank you very much for this starting this. I have found myself praying a lot these past months. I used to have a very...hm, how do I say it best..."conflicting" relationship with God and religion. I have always believed in God but I've had some cruel experiences (Some years ago, I was an exchange student abroad and my host family was in a cult, they wanted to baptize me and tried to brainwash me - story in a nutshell). However, I've always thanked God for the gift of living and the good things that I get to experience. Still, I'm not sure if I would consider myself a "very spiritual" or "very religious" person. Prayer gives me peace and I frequently pay for Michael the same way I pray for my friends. I pray for him to be healthy, alive, and happy. It gives me peace when I feel down and low.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @ Kuekston...thanks so much for posting your experience and thoughts. It is uplifting to hear how many are being drawn back into His presence and being directed here by His hand!

    I believe we have all been drawn here by the Lord for a great purpose. His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. Let's seek God in unison for direction and wisdom for prayer for Michael and for Him to reveal His divine purpose in all of this. I am amazed at te response that has come to this post. It is so much more than I expected. Lets keep encouraging one another and seeking Him for guidance in this. I am sure He will reveal the truth soon. Love and blessings to all of you!
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    @ Kueston,

    I just want to encourage that you are right where God wants you to be. Seeking his heart. See it is not about how "religious" you are or how super spiritual you have to be. Maybe you don't know the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. It's about seeking him. If you are genuinely humbled to search for Him, you will find Him while He is near. It's about seeking to know Him. Knowing Him means developing and buildig a relationship. I always tell people if you want to know who He is go first to Genesis 1.
    (Seek Ye first the kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you.

    Many will take for granted that there is no coincidence that there are many who have been led or drawn here to this forum.
    @ Jill, you are right. There is a purpose for all of this regardless of the final outcome.
  • I have a church experience and NO WAY am I comparing Michael with Jesus at all. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> The church thing was this i asked God please give me signs Michael is still alive and the song "Don't Cry" came on and i will let you listen I got scared then i said thank you Jesus for this <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Then i heard "He's Not Dead" I was in shock <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    Well that was my experience for you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Here's the link to the song please listen it was kinda scary at first and it makes me cry <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @MJ5starchick....Thank you so much for posting the video. What is a beautiful song! I had not heard it before. God speaks to me the same way sometimes, so that is at least two of us.
  • @Jill My pleasure <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> I'm glad you like the song because I do 2 it keeps me with strength <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I'm also glad he talks to you that same way because it is the best thing for me with all these signs he has brought me to and showed me <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I know what you mean about intercessory prayer. God will drop people in your spiritual being to pray for. You may not know exactly what they are going through but you feel a strong urge to keep them in prayer. I believe God put it in your spirit to pray for MJ for a reason. I feel in my spirit that he's still alive too. Lately I've been praying for the celebrity and Hollywood community. I just feel like there is such an unhappiness with them despite fame and money. That's why so many are turning to drugs and other devices. Anyway it's like when you pray to God everyday he helps you to be in tune with things that's going on around you and in the world. He will give you clarity and wisdom about things that you don't understand. So I think that's awesome. I also love that song by Kirk Franklin it's so encouraging. I also believe that Michael really did have the love of God in his heart. He always say that his talent come from God and I've heard him speak of God in interviews. I believe if you're covered by God there is no demonic or evil force that can touch you no matter what.
  • I am an intercessor, which means I pray a lot. I have had prayer "burdens" for Michael Jackson since I was about 12 years old after I went to see the Jackson 5 in concert. I think he was about 10 at the time. (Very long time ago) For the past 2 or 3 years I have been praying for him. About a couple of days before he died I prayed for him all day long. I kept getting a very uneasy feeling. I kept praying for him to be kept safe and for God to intervene in whatever was going on. When I heard the news of his "death" I was stunned and very grieved. I immediately asked God to forgive me for not praying until I had total peace. This usually means in prayer, that the prayer has been answered. When I prayed this, an OVER WHELMING sence of peace came over me. It was odd because the peace would mean the prayer was answered. Yet, it was contrary to what I was hearing in the news. God shows me a lot of things in prayer and I do not always understand what they mean. Since then I have been drawn to the possibility that he was not "dead". My biggest concern is that so many idolize him, if he does a comeback many would worship him.I pray this does not happen. He is just a man with great talent.

    I guess my question is...are there other intercessors out there that were also "called" to pray for Micahel Jackson that may have experienced similar things?

    Oh wow, the first thing I thought when I saw the title of your thread was "great there is another intecessor on this site" this is one of my gifts God has blessed me with, I interceed for alot of people, Micheal included, and have been praying for him, and his family for months now. God also shows me things in my dreams sometimes, that I do not understand, but I have a very dear close christian sister who usually will interpret the dreams for me. Yes you are right idolization can be very easy to do, most of the time it is something subconsious.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    msteetee34 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:14 am

    I know what you mean about intercessory prayer. God will drop people in your spiritual being to pray for. You may not know exactly what they are going through but you feel a strong urge to keep them in prayer. I believe God put it in your spirit to pray for MJ for a reason. I feel in my spirit that he's still alive too. Lately I've been praying for the celebrity and Hollywood community. I just feel like there is such an unhappiness with them despite fame and money. That's why so many are turning to drugs and other devices. Anyway it's like when you pray to God everyday he helps you to be in tune with things that's going on around you and in the world. He will give you clarity and wisdom about things that you don't understand. So I think that's awesome. I also love that song by Kirk Franklin it's so encouraging. I also believe that Michael really did have the love of God in his heart. He always say that his talent come from God and I've heard him speak of God in interviews. I believe if you're covered by God there is no demonic or evil force that can touch you no matter what.

    Mstee, thanks for sharing this.

    It is like this with me. People come in my heart and I just pray for them. You are right, you will get a very urge to pray for someone or something and not realize what is going on but you just know that something is wrong. One time I had a very strong urge to pray for someone who I hadn't seen in a long time. I really felt that the enemy was going to attack them with "death" and I begin to pray for them heavily. So, you may not know for sure the details but just knowing that the Lord want us to be obedient. Some time ago, I had had dreams of Michael. I have been praying for this entire situation and the family. There are a few individuals in Hollywood and Entertainment alone that I have been praying for. I had dreams about these two people who I will not say at this time. One of the entertainers i will say in my dream had died and I woke up that morning was an urge to pray for them. So, God will speak to you in your dreams and direction. If we seek Him while He may be found, He will give us direction but we have to do that because if we seek in our emotions and in our flesh, we will only become more discourage and disappointed. I agree with you, when you are praying more you do become more and more in tune. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    themjkiss » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:27 am

    jill wrote:
    I am an intercessor, which means I pray a lot. I have had prayer "burdens" for Michael Jackson since I was about 12 years old after I went to see the Jackson 5 in concert. I think he was about 10 at the time. (Very long time ago) For the past 2 or 3 years I have been praying for him. About a couple of days before he died I prayed for him all day long. I kept getting a very uneasy feeling. I kept praying for him to be kept safe and for God to intervene in whatever was going on. When I heard the news of his "death" I was stunned and very grieved. I immediately asked God to forgive me for not praying until I had total peace. This usually means in prayer, that the prayer has been answered. When I prayed this, an OVER WHELMING sence of peace came over me. It was odd because the peace would mean the prayer was answered. Yet, it was contrary to what I was hearing in the news. God shows me a lot of things in prayer and I do not always understand what they mean. Since then I have been drawn to the possibility that he was not "dead". My biggest concern is that so many idolize him, if he does a comeback many would worship him.I pray this does not happen. He is just a man with great talent.

    I guess my question is...are there other intercessors out there that were also "called" to pray for Micahel Jackson that may have experienced similar things?

    Oh wow, the first thing I thought when I saw the title of your thread was "great there is another intecessor on this site" this is one of my gifts God has blessed me with, I interceed for alot of people, Micheal included, and have been praying for him, and his family for months now. God also shows me things in my dreams sometimes, that I do not understand, but I have a very dear close christian sister who usually will interpret the dreams for me. Yes you are right idolization can be very easy to do, most of the time it is something subconsious.


    I am sure there are. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    i am so happy you posted this...
    me too I wish IF MJ will come back,nobody would start idolizing him as a God...as you just said,he is a great human being,talented by God,as he said of himself...
    some people in some website talked about him comig back for Easter as Jesus..and this scared me a lot...
    I am a God and jesus believer, and believe to the MJ hoax is something different..
    Well,about my prayers experience,since 25 june,there has been something I have to tell you.
    I prayed God,if Michael was really dead,to welcome him and forgive any of his sins..(as a human,everybody has).
    But I also prayed,if Michael is alive,to give me some sort of peace inside of me,or any kind of answer.
    That same night I dreamt of Michael.I will be short...
    We were just having a walk around,me and him. That was an amazing feeling to explain...I felt so close to him,and so relaxed...He was not the king of pop..he was very "human",... we laughed together and had nice time...then..at a point,I just stopped walking ,and asked him: so,if you are here with me,it means you are alive,don't you? I was saying this with my heart beating so fast..I was scared for the answer...
    he started giggling (so cute,the way he does..)..and he relied back: "Of course I am alive!..but.. well..(and his eyes turned a bit sad..) I am alive,yes, in your dreams..."

    This was kind of a sad ending...Someway ,he was saying he was dead,but alive in my heart.
    I dreamt many other times of him..the dreams were always peacefull, full of love, but also denied any hoax chance..
    I just hope..those are just dreams...
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    mmz » Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:49 pm

    i am so happy you posted this...
    me too I wish IF MJ will come back,nobody would start idolizing him as a God...as you just said,he is a great human being,talented by God,as he said of himself...
    some people in some website talked about him comig back for Easter as Jesus..and this scared me a lot...
    I am a God and jesus believer, and believe to the MJ hoax is something different..
    Well,about my prayers experience,since 25 june,there has been something I have to tell you.
    I prayed God,if Michael was really dead,to welcome him and forgive any of his sins..(as a human,everybody has).
    But I also prayed,if Michael is alive,to give me some sort of peace inside of me,or any kind of answer.
    That same night I dreamt of Michael.I will be short...
    We were just having a walk around,me and him. That was an amazing feeling to explain...I felt so close to him,and so relaxed...He was not the king of pop..he was very "human",... we laughed together and had nice time...then..at a point,I just stopped walking ,and asked him: so,if you are here with me,it means you are alive,don't you? I was saying this with my heart beating so fast..I was scared for the answer...
    he started giggling (so cute,the way he does..)..and he relied back: "Of course I am alive!..but.. well..(and his eyes turned a bit sad..) I am alive,yes, in your dreams..."

    This was kind of a sad ending...Someway ,he was saying he was dead,but alive in my heart.
    I dreamt many other times of him..the dreams were always peacefull, full of love, but also denied any hoax chance..
    I just hope..those are just dreams...


    Don't be discourage to what I am about to say. Just pray. I have had dreams where they didn't make sense but have to take before God. Write them down. If they are of Him, it will come to pass. But not all dreams are coming from God.
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    msteetee34 » Thu Apr 15, 2010 7:14 am

    I know what you mean about intercessory prayer. God will drop people in your spiritual being to pray for. You may not know exactly what they are going through but you feel a strong urge to keep them in prayer. I believe God put it in your spirit to pray for MJ for a reason. I feel in my spirit that he's still alive too. Lately I've been praying for the celebrity and Hollywood community. I just feel like there is such an unhappiness with them despite fame and money. That's why so many are turning to drugs and other devices. Anyway it's like when you pray to God everyday he helps you to be in tune with things that's going on around you and in the world. He will give you clarity and wisdom about things that you don't understand. So I think that's awesome. I also love that song by Kirk Franklin it's so encouraging. I also believe that Michael really did have the love of God in his heart. He always say that his talent come from God and I've heard him speak of God in interviews. I believe if you're covered by God there is no demonic or evil force that can touch you no matter what.

    Mstee, thanks for sharing this.

    It is like this with me. People come in my heart and I just pray for them. You are right, you will get a very urge to pray for someone or something and not realize what is going on but you just know that something is wrong. One time I had a very strong urge to pray for someone who I hadn't seen in a long time. I really felt that the enemy was going to attack them with "death" and I begin to pray for them heavily. So, you may not know for sure the details but just knowing that the Lord want us to be obedient. Some time ago, I had had dreams of Michael. I have been praying for this entire situation and the family. There are a few individuals in Hollywood and Entertainment alone that I have been praying for. I had dreams about these two people who I will not say at this time. One of the entertainers i will say in my dream had died and I woke up that morning was an urge to pray for them. So, God will speak to you in your dreams and direction. If we seek Him while He may be found, He will give us direction but we have to do that because if we seek in our emotions and in our flesh, we will only become more discourage and disappointed. I agree with you, when you are praying more you do become more and more in tune. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    You're welcome. God is love and God is good.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    I just had a chance to listen to the song above. Beautiful! I have to listen to it again. It moved me to tears. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @mmz....I have also had a couple of dreams about Michael that were not good ones. However, whenever I pray I get peace. Some dreams are just that, dreams. I have noticed when it is a dream from God, it is totally different. To me, they are unusually clear, easy to remember and gives you information. Sometimes the meaning can be hard to decipher, but with time the meaning will come to light. I am glad you shared your experience with us all. Love to you, Jill.
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    Glad to see this. Didn't even realize this was on the forum. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Neither did I. What a tremendous blessing this thread is to me. I cried, I laughed, my heart is so full of joy to find others like myself. I am most thankful to the Lord for guiding me here today.
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