I am an Intercessor (which means I pray a lot)



  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    since this thread seems to have bloomed into a place for all things spiritual I have a question.assuming everyone here saw this is it,did anyone else get the impression from kenny ortaga's behavior in the background of the speech segment that he was expecting something else? like say prayer.the lead in to it had him sort of skipping and saying something about church.do you think this could have (what's the term?) dubbed over somehow? just something that has been bugging me.
  • God bless you all for your posts. There is power in the Word of the Lord. Whenever I ask "why" regarding Michael the Word below comes strong and clear. That's what has kept me searching for the truth.

    Joshua 1:9 Bible quote - Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    God bless you all for your posts. There is power in the Word of the Lord. Whenever I ask "why" regarding Michael the Word below comes strong and clear. That's what has keeps me searching for the truth.

    Joshua 1:9 Bible quote - Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thanks for sharing this! It's encouraging to hear this as that all of us who are on this board at times are discouraged! It is always good to be reminded to not be in fear! We will have our moments of our ups and downs at times. Whenever I do, I do come back to this particular post and read everything. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    since this thread seems to have bloomed into a place for all things spiritual I have a question.assuming everyone here saw this is it,did anyone else get the impression from kenny ortaga's behavior in the background of the speech segment that he was expecting something else? like say prayer.the lead in to it had him sort of skipping and saying something about church.do you think this could have (what's the term?) dubbed over somehow? just something that has been bugging me.

    I don't have the dvd. I have only seen it once so I can't say. I will try to get a copy and take a look.
  • God bless you all for your posts. There is power in the Word of the Lord. Whenever I ask "why" regarding Michael the Word below comes strong and clear. That's what has keeps me searching for the truth.

    Joshua 1:9 Bible quote - Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thanks for sharing this! It's encouraging to hear this as that all of us who are on this board at times are discouraged! It is always good to be reminded to not be in fear! We will have our moments of our ups and downs at times. Whenever I do, I do come back to this particular post and read everything. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    That's right. As Christians we are not to live in fear. Not of Illuminati, NWO, or anyone else. The only thing we need to fear is God Himself. That being said, God also tells us to be diligent and pray. We are not to be taken unaware (caught off guard) and not to be led astray by false teachings or fancy words.

    I am reminded of Michael when he went to court in 2005 to hear the verdict. He had determination in his eyes, strength in his step, and God on his side. If God be for us, who can be against us? That picture of him in his white suit has become one of my favorites. We are victors, not victims!

    I was really surprised at how deeply the news of MIchael's death affected me because I was not a huge follower of him after the Thriller era. I didn't listen to that kind of music. None-the-less, I still respected him very much. I was affected like so many of you - it felt like my heart had been ripped out; a piece of my childhood had died with him. I felt compelled to take action.

    I observed over the years the injustice that he was served and it angered me even though I wasn't what one would call "a fan" (I am now). I prayed for him during his court proceedings and I also felt led to pray for him when I heard Neverland was being foreclosed on. Of course I was always drawn to watch him when he was on TV but I didn't even know he had a website, email, etc. That's how little I followed him. Heck, I didn't even know that he was doing the 02 concert - because I quit following Hollywood gossip due to the way Michael had been treated over the years. Anything I heard or saw was in casual observance at the check-out counter at the supermarket.

    I didn't realize what my little voice could accomplish or if it even mattered so I never spoke out until now. The huge lesson I've learned is that there is strength in numbers and that we need to step up and be a voice for those that have none. In this case, for Michael and his children.

    I have no idea what the end of this journey will hold but I do know that the truth will prevail in the end. That is God's promise to us. Peace and blessings to you all. Be strong and of good courage.

    3:1 For everything there is an appointed time,

    and an appropriate time for every activity on earth:

    3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die;

    a time to plant, and a time to uproot what was planted;

    3:3 A time to kill, and a time to heal;

    a time to break down, and a time to build up;

    3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh;

    a time to mourn, and a time to dance.

    3:5 A time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones;

    a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

    3:6 A time to search, and a time to give something up as lost;

    a time to keep, and a time to throw away;

    3:7 A time to rip, and a time to sew;

    a time to keep silent, and a time to speak.

    3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate;
    4:9 Two people are better than one,

    because they can reap more benefit from their labor.

    4:10 For if they fall, one will help his companion up,

    but pity the person who falls down and has no one to help him up.

    4:11 Furthermore, if two lie down together, they can keep each other warm,

    but how can one person keep warm by himself?

    4:12 Although an assailant may overpower one person,

    two can withstand him.

    Moreover, a three-stranded cord is not quickly broken.
  • since this thread seems to have bloomed into a place for all things spiritual I have a question.assuming everyone here saw this is it,did anyone else get the impression from kenny ortaga's behavior in the background of the speech segment that he was expecting something else? like say prayer.the lead in to it had him sort of skipping and saying something about church.do you think this could have (what's the term?) dubbed over somehow? just something that has been bugging me.

    I don't have the dvd. I have only seen it once so I can't say. I will try to get a copy and take a look.

    Interesting - I'll pay closer attention when I look at the movie again but what speech segment are you talking about - the one where Michael was there or the one near the end? Because I have always been bothered by the one near the end where Michael was gone. Something seems really strange about the whole scene.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @Voiceforthesilent...I love those scriptures from Eccl.!!! Thanks so much for posting that, so appropriate for the time we are in. Again, thanks for the encouragement.
  • I want to believe that there is a victory in this though. Ever hear the little song that goes I went to the enemies camp and I took back what he stole from me.Keep the faith!

    I love that song!! its a good song we sing at chuch during praise and worship!!
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    I want to believe that there is a victory in this though. Ever hear the little song that goes I went to the enemies camp and I took back what he stole from me.Keep the faith!

    I love that song!! its a good song we sing at chuch during praise and worship!!
    It's one of my favorites, also. The weapons the enemy fears most are faith, prayer, praise, and obedience to the Lord. They will keep the enemy under your feet and nothing he forms against you will prosper. Thanks for all the encouraging posts from everyone.
  • @Voiceforthesilent...I love those scriptures from Eccl.!!! Thanks so much for posting that, so appropriate for the time we are in. Again, thanks for the encouragement.

    You're so welcome. Thank you for starting this thread. I was getting a little discouraged by some of the negative and mean comments on a few of the threads as of late. This has been refreshing. Blessings.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    since this thread seems to have bloomed into a place for all things spiritual I have a question.assuming everyone here saw this is it,did anyone else get the impression from kenny ortaga's behavior in the background of the speech segment that he was expecting something else? like say prayer.the lead in to it had him sort of skipping and saying something about church.do you think this could have (what's the term?) dubbed over somehow? just something that has been bugging me.

    I don't have the dvd. I have only seen it once so I can't say. I will try to get a copy and take a look.

    Interesting - I'll pay closer attention when I look at the movie again but what speech segment are you talking about - the one where Michael was there or the one near the end? Because I have always been bothered by the one near the end where Michael was gone. Something seems really strange about the whole scene.

    micheal is speaking about the adventure and the planet . that's why kenny's behavior seems out of place like there was expected to be prayer or maybe there was and it got changed somehow
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    he guys the thread on dualism needs some input
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I have seen her videos and totally disagree. I will have to pray about it before I make a post on that thread.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    he guys the thread on dualism needs some input[/quot

    I sent you pm
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    he guys the thread on dualism needs some input[/quot

    I sent you pm

    sent one back did you get it?
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Take a look at the article on the "Just thinking...02 announcement" thread. It is very enlightening on what was happening surrounding that day.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Take a look at the article on the "Just thinking...02 announcement" thread. It is very enlightening on what was happening surrounding that day.

    i seem to be having trouble finding it.what is the main catagory?

    found it!
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    It's under general talk
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    a while back i was bothered by the talk about the turning stone to bread part of watw so i went hunting.whether or not it has anything to do with the song i think it is a neat article.
    http;//www.fortmielltimes.com/2008/11/12/356929/for -whom-do-you-carry-your-stone.html

    i hope all of that is right.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    a while back i was bothered by the talk about the turning stone to bread part of watw so i went hunting.whether or not it has anything to do with the song i think it is a neat article.
    http;//www.fortmielltimes.com/2008/11/12/356929/for -whom-do-you-carry-your-stone.html

    i hope all of that is right.

    I was bothered by that part of the song as well. I think Mo or Souza posted a thread a while back that those lyrics were changed for the new recording. Can you try to repost that link? It doesn't work.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    a while back i was bothered by the talk about the turning stone to bread part of watw so i went hunting.whether or not it has anything to do with the song i think it is a neat article.
    http;//www.fortmielltimes.com/2008/11/12/356929/for -whom-do-you-carry-your-stone.html

    i hope all of that is right.

    I was bothered by that part of the song as well. I think Mo or Souza posted a thread a while back that those lyrics were changed for the new recording. Can you try to repost that link? It doesn't work.

    i will get my daughter to help me do that later as i don't know how.i know it's sad isn't it.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    a while back i was bothered by the talk about the turning stone to bread part of watw so i went hunting.whether or not it has anything to do with the song i think it is a neat article.
    http;//www.fortmielltimes.com/2008/11/12/356929/for -whom-do-you-carry-your-stone.html

    i hope all of that is right.

    I was bothered by that part of the song as well. I think Mo or Souza posted a thread a while back that those lyrics were changed for the new recording. Can you try to repost that link? It doesn't work.

    i will get my daughter to help me do that later as i don't know how.i know it's sad isn't it.

    <!-- m -->http://www.fortmilltimes.com/2008/11/12 ... stone.html<!-- m -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    Thank you!
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    There seems to be a lot happening surrounding the hoax right now and I am sure it will get more hectic and confusing as we come into June. I urge all of you to keep this in prayer and seek clear direction from the Lord.

    Please pray for Greece and the world economy is well. My heart goes out to the people of Greece and the unrest that is in that country at this time. Remember God is still God and He hasn't advocated His throne because evil men are in power.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    was watching glen beck today. show on founding father"s.george washington.did you know he basically (sp)said what your phrophet guy did about establishing this country and that we wouldn't fall.something to that effect.
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