I am an Intercessor (which means I pray a lot)



  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @Angel...I'm glad you found it to! Many of us have been posting how God lead us here because of the "death" of MJ. Please share your experience here if you want to. It is amazing how similar many of the stories are. Blessings....
  • How really strange! I've been really wavering the last few days about whether Michael is alive. I thought seriously I should let go...I think it was the Orianthi/Neverland thing. I thought tonight that whenever that happens, I always get some kind of message to continue on. I read the posts for today and I was ready to give up when I clicked on Jill's intecessor message. I hadn't read that one for a very long time.

    I guess this was my message...I have to say that spiritually God has done a lot of incredible things in my life...but this spiritual connection to all of you and to Michael is beyond anything I've ever experienced. I still don't know why...but I keep praying.

    I do not know where any of this will end, but I do know that I'm meant to stay the course with all of you and with Michael. This is definitely a true walk of faith and of things unseen.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @Rita...I'm glad you are staying! We need you! I have thought so many times of leaving as well. I just keep getting brought back here.
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    Thank you, Jill. Since June 25, 2009, I have had a great burden for Michael, my spirit grieving for him in a way unknown before. I believe he must be very special in the eyes of God for this phenomenon to occur with so many of us. It's as though we are compelled to intercede for him, to defend him, and to unite with fellow prayer warriors for this purpose.
    In my case, maybe it is the parallels in interests and personalities that are relevant. I was the quiet, shy, compliant child labeled "different" and "unusual", a precocious reader, musician, and singer, who only transformed behind a microphone and keyboard, except it was as praise and worship leader, and the audience was my Creator. That was what I was designed for, to give Him praise. May we all be vessels used by God to accomplish what he places on our hearts. Love and blessings to you all.
  • HI.I am glad to find this thread again, it seemed to have disappeared for a while.Having not paid that much attention to Micheal Jackson and his music post j5 days( with the exeption of Thriller , which has also demanded my full attention whereever I was when I saw the video) I am not all that up on him and his life. I have been only slightly aware of most of the details. When I heard of his death I was quite saddened . Much in the way as with Elvis Presley. But for some reason could not shake it off like with Elvis. The more attention I began to pay to the things I learned about him the more overwhelmed with emotion I became. Many of his lyrics seem to me to represent biblical passages and themes. My intense emotion does not seem to so much that he is dead but that if he is the person that many bellieve he is/was that surely there has to be some kind of justice brought about for his reputation an frankly for his witness. I am convinced that if he is/was who he seemed that it was that witness that was under attack, not the color of his skin. I have often been troubled by the what seems to be a trend to try and make children be more like adults when Jesus said for us to be like them. Now having said all that, some of the things that I see and hear in various places cause me to doubt Micheals motivation for his actions, which scares me a little about his possible return. Can anyone offer any thoughts on my confusion between my head and heart (aside from the thought that maybe it's time for the rubber room!) .
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @Suspicious Mind...I think I have had the same concerns you do. I was more in a quandry about it when this all first started. However, in more recent months the Holy Spirit has calmed my fears and speculations. I know that God is involved in this, I still don't know the end result. More than anything I want the truth in this exposed. Light scatters the darkness. We just have to trust Him and continue to pray. His Word says...All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to His will and purpose.

    It is intriguing how many people who were not fans (myself included), have been drawn together in one place because of MJ's "death". And what is even more interesting... many of us have been called to pray. I am sure of one thing, God has a supreme purpose in all of this. Whenever He is involved great good comes forth.
  • jill
    thank you. your response has helped to bring peace to my heart and quiet some of the noise of confusion.perhaps this is a good moment for me to set aside some time and just dwell in this peacefull place.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    thank you. your response has helped to bring peace to my heart and quiet some of the noise of confusion.perhaps this is a good moment for me to set aside some time and just dwell in this peacefull place.

    I am so glad!
  • Well so many ofyou hav stated that you gav you life to God after Michael's death. Just think how may people in this world who are not on this site who aso have turned their life ove to christ, after his death. Could that be the reason for all of this, God will use
    someone to bring people to him, and that includes Michael.

    Everyone also forgets that Michael had a skin condition, that he tried to down play in front of the world. So he was also mistreated for being ill. Can you imagine being a sex symbol and then your skin starts losing color. I cannot imagine how diffcult it was for him, on one hand trying not to speak about it, on the other fighting off many peple's opinions that he wanted to be white. I am sorry Michael, we Love You no matter what.

    Oh and I jus think if all of the non-believers reviewed his post they would stop calling us names, as so many people on this site are really very loving and kind hearted people GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Well so many ofyou hav stated that you gav you life to God after Michael's death. Just think how may people in this world who are not on this site who aso have turned their life ove to christ, after his death. Could that be the reason for all of this, God will use
    someone to bring people to him, and that includes Michael.

    Everyone also forgets that Michael had a skin condition, that he tried to down play in front of the world. So he was also mistreated for being ill. Can you imagine being a sex symbol and then your skin starts losing color. I cannot imagine how diffcult it was for him, on one hand trying not to speak about it, on the other fighting off many peple's opinions that he wanted to be white. I am sorry Michael, we Love You no matter what.

    Oh and I jus think if all of the non-believers reviewed his post they would stop calling us names, as so many people on this site are really very loving and kind hearted people GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!


    Thank you for sharing this!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • wildswilds Posts: 198
    I must say that I am truly grateful to GOD for finding this thread tonight. It has brought me much comfort and joy to read about how so many of us are seeking the LORD, praying and encouraging one another in Faith and in Love. This is what we need, what the entire world needs RIGHT NOW! Michael never ceased in his pursuit to spread this message! I believe this is no coincidence and yes we are definitely here for a purpose.

    Michael has been embedded in my heart since as far back as I can remember. I have had dreams of him before June 25th and many after. Indeed, something is moving in the spiritual world and prayer is needed each and everyday! When the news hit June 25th I was devastated for a long time. But after I started investigating the hoax theories and learning so much more about who Michael is and what he's trying to do for the world, I have found Peace! A peace that defies all understanding and can only come from GOD. It is astonishing to see dreams unfold in real life. Thank you Jill for creating this thread and for everyone who shares there thoughts, wisdom and love. This is truly something amazing!
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    @Wilds you're welcome! What a beautiful post. Thank you.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I have been in prayer very heavily for the past few days. I feel the Lord is saying to me "You need to keep your eyes on Texas". I cannot elaborate more than this at this time. Has anyone received anything similar to this?
  • I have been in prayer very heavily for the past few days. I feel the Lord is saying to me "You need to keep your eyes on Texas". I cannot elaborate more than this at this time. Has anyone received anything similar to this?

    in gereral , or in regards to this possible hoax/
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    There will be great changes that are coming and they will arise from this state. I feel like it is a multitude of things that will affect our nation. I believe Murray also has a practice in Texas, if I am wrong please correct me.
  • There will be great changes that are coming and they will arise from this state. I feel like it is a multitude of things that will affect our nation. I believe Murray also has a practice in Texas, if I am wrong please correct me.

    Did you get this in your spirit or was it through someone else? I am just trying to understand how these things work through someone else in order to better understand things of the same nature in myself.Could mean some revelations about Murry from there. I don"t know wasn"t Kennedy assasination in Texas? Another thing that this makes me wonder about. A while back before going to bed I just sort off handedly ask God to give me some idea about this whole mess (mostly of whether I was wasting my time and effort ) then during the night as I was coming out of a sleep pattern all I recall was hearing the word kidnapped. Thought it was odd and out of nowhere. Then a little while later I was watching one of Luna 67 videos and it was about Micheal and some sort of possible prject with Marvel comics or something. They started down this long hallway and Micheal says where are we going or something to that effect and the guy replies I "m kidnapping you (or I'm going to kidnap you or something).weird huh.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    It keeps coming to mind that the Kennedy assassination was also in Texas and was referred to by Harvey on TMZ. That is one of the greatest deceptions played on this nation. It is time for some truth to come from that state.

    @Suspicious Mind...I sent you a private message.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    There will be great changes that are coming and they will arise from this state. I feel like it is a multitude of things that will affect our nation. I believe Murray also has a practice in Texas, if I am wrong please correct me.

    Did you get this in your spirit or was it through someone else? I am just trying to understand how these things work through someone else in order to better understand things of the same nature in myself.Could mean some revelations about Murry from there. I don"t know wasn"t Kennedy assasination in Texas? Another thing that this makes me wonder about. A while back before going to bed I just sort off handedly ask God to give me some idea about this whole mess (mostly of whether I was wasting my time and effort ) then during the night as I was coming out of a sleep pattern all I recall was hearing the word kidnapped. Thought it was odd and out of nowhere. Then a little while later I was watching one of Luna 67 videos and it was about Micheal and some sort of possible prject with Marvel comics or something. They started down this long hallway and Micheal says where are we going or something to that effect and the guy replies I "m kidnapping you (or I'm going to kidnap you or something).weird huh.

    Suspicious Mind and Jill I will send you both a pm.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    There will be great changes that are coming and they will arise from this state. I feel like it is a multitude of things that will affect our nation. I believe Murray also has a practice in Texas, if I am wrong please correct me.

    Did you get this in your spirit or was it through someone else? I am just trying to understand how these things work through someone else in order to better understand things of the same nature in myself.Could mean some revelations about Murry from there. I don"t know wasn"t Kennedy assasination in Texas? Another thing that this makes me wonder about. A while back before going to bed I just sort off handedly ask God to give me some idea about this whole mess (mostly of whether I was wasting my time and effort ) then during the night as I was coming out of a sleep pattern all I recall was hearing the word kidnapped. Thought it was odd and out of nowhere. Then a little while later I was watching one of Luna 67 videos and it was about Micheal and some sort of possible prject with Marvel comics or something. They started down this long hallway and Micheal says where are we going or something to that effect and the guy replies I "m kidnapping you (or I'm going to kidnap you or something).weird huh.

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    It is interesting this keeps coming back up. Two or three have mentioned this before. Hmmmm.....
  • I want to believe that there is a victory in this though. Ever hear the little song that goes I went to the enemies camp and I took back what he stole from me.Keep the faith!
  • <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: --> this is great cause i've had experiences too and i thought i was mistaken but wooo what can we do but see how this pan's out... <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I want to believe that there is a victory in this though. Ever hear the little song that goes I went to the enemies camp and I took back what he stole from me.Keep the faith!

    I am posting the link to the prophecy I read yesterday. It has to do with our nation and nations around the world. I was overwhelmed when I read it because it is almost word for word what the Lord has been speaking in my spirit.

    <!-- m -->http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/8605<!-- m -->
  • I want to believe that there is a victory in this though. Ever hear the little song that goes I went to the enemies camp and I took back what he stole from me.Keep the faith!

    I am posting the link to the prophecy I read yesterday. It has to do with our nation and nations around the world. I was overwhelmed when I read it because it is almost word for word what the Lord has been speaking in my spirit.

    <!-- m -->http://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word/8605<!-- m -->
    yeah! that's kinda what it's felt like to me.like this all plays some part in one last great revival or something.I remember oh probably 10 years ago an older pastor saying something about a time that was supposed to come when believers would have the power to heal simply walking through (maybe not the exact Iidea, but I hope that doesn"t sound wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy crazy) .Wasn't it like Brownsville , Texas a while back where that one spiritual movement started where people were getting laid out in the spirit ? Seems like it was even on the news type programs.by the way there is on you tube a song sung by a girl lauren talley(sp) called david did dance, makes me think of micheal. i am all over the place today just being a.d.d. i guess (another lie of the devil that i won't get started on ).
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I think the Brownsville thing was a precursor to this. I have a great expectation of something big happening. I have a commitment this evening and won't be able to get on line. Things are moving so fast I am afraid I am going to miss something! LOL. I will have my phone with me so I can check the news, unfortunately it won't load this site, not enough memory.
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