TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1354145284:
    <br />In regards to the DWD act allowing (or not) a patient to ingest the drugs in another state: I had sent an email asking that specific question to the Washington State Department of Health and I received the following answer; they confirm that it is possible:<br /><br />
    Hello:<br />Thank you for contacting our office about the Washington State Death with Dignity Act. <br />Under the terms of the act, the participant is not restricted to a location where they must ingest the medication.  However, the laws in states in which there is not a similar comparable DWDA law differ regarding the intentional ingestion of life-ending medication.  For example,  if the participant chooses to self-administer the medication in another state, the person who certifies the death (i.e. the MD/ME who signs the death certificate and determines the cause of death) is not bound by the WA state Death with Dignity law that requires the manner of death be marked as natural and the underlying cause of death listed as the terminal disease.  In other words, the certifier may use terms such as suicide or assisted suicide, and may list the cause of death as poisoning and/or overdose.    In WA State, the underlying cause of death must be listed as the terminal disease and the manner of death must be marked as ‘Natural”. <br /> <br />The WA State DWDA is also drafted to ensure the confidentiality of the families of DWDA participants who may experience emotional distress if a family member’s participation were to be disclosed.  They may also lose access to life, health, and accident insurance or annuity claims if the death is listed as “assisted suicide.”  The end-of-life choices of the participant may be disclosed if the medication is ingested outside of WA state.<br /> <br />There are a number of issues to consider if the life-ending medication is self-administered in another state that does not have a Death with Dignity law similar to WA State’s law.
    <br /><br />http://www.doh.wa.gov/Home.aspx<br />
    <br /><br />Good thinking Sarahli!<br /><br />Interesting response from them.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    if the participant chooses to self-administer the medication in another state, the person who certifies the death (i.e. the MD/ME who signs the death certificate and determines the cause of death) is not bound by the WA state Death with Dignity law that requires the manner of death be marked as natural and the underlying cause of death listed as the terminal disease.  In other words, the certifier may use terms such as suicide or assisted suicide, and may list the cause of death as poisoning and/or overdose.    In WA State, the underlying cause of death must be listed as the terminal disease and the manner of death must be marked as ‘Natural”
    <br /><br /><br /><br />
    There are a number of issues to consider if the life-ending medication is self-administered in another state that does not have a Death with Dignity law similar to WA State’s law
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I suppose  that the issues to consider would be legal. :icon_question:<br /><br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />So there is a way for a DWD patient to end their life in a non-DWD state.  <br /><br />Is that concrete evidence that a real dead body was used in the hoax?  I realize that a DWD patient would be the best option to get a corpse for the hoax but the ability to attain one isn't proof that it was done.  I still don't see the NEED for a real dead body, based on the evidence we have of the actions of those who had contact with the body.  <br /><br />There has been more support for the corpse theory in the last month than ever, I think.  What am I not understanding?  :computer-losy-smiley:<br /><br /><br /> :icon_neutral:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1354156869:
    <br /><br />So there is a way for a DWD patient to end their life in a non-DWD state.  <br /><br />Is that concrete evidence that a real dead body was used in the hoax?  I realize that a DWD patient would be the best option to get a corpse for the hoax but the ability to attain one isn't proof that it was done.  I still don't see the NEED for a real dead body, based on the evidence we have of the actions of those who had contact with the body.  <br /><br />There has been more support for the corpse theory in the last month than ever, I think.  What am I not understanding?  :computer-losy-smiley:<br /><br /><br /> :icon_neutral:<br />
    <br /><br />I think she was just making a comment more then anything.<br /><br />When I was writing all those posts about debunking DWD patient, I kept tripping over how to explain it because it's difficult.<br /><br />See, suicide isn't against the law in very many states (and it's not in California)... for obvious reasons. I mean, how do you hold someone accountable for suicide? If they successfully commit the act, they die. If they do not successfully commit the act then they are only guilty of attempted suicide... and that's not a crime either.<br /><br />So you can call it whatever you want; DWD, suicide, choosing to control the time and manner of which one's own death; regardless, someone kills them selves you have to define it somehow. Suicide is technically correct.<br /><br />That's not the issue. You can kill yourself and not worry about suffering legal consequences. (well other then life insurance payouts n other death benefits possibly being withheld, but that's Off Topic for our purposes of debate)<br /><br />Ironically, with suicide, in legalities as much as with emotions, it's the one's who get left behind that will suffer.<br />(Again, I'm not a lawyer, not even close, this is just how the law reads, and how it's been applied by the courts in CA.)<br /><br />Because DWD is not legal in CA, and the CA penal code specifically lays out how the state law considers a second party's knowledge of or encouragement for suicide, it would be illegal for MJ and AEG (or equivalent--whoever is the production company working with MJ) to use a DWD patient to help MJ fake his death. They would already be guilty of failure to report, encouraging suicide, facilitating a suicide: essentially aiding and abetting a suicide. These are felony crimes. <br /><br />It's not a crime because someone died, the dead person and their estate will not be charged, nor will the out of state doctor who prescribed the Rx be charged either. That's not the crime. The crime is the idle bystanders who are anticipating the death and are keeping it a secret, worse, (as it could be easy alleged) with intention to profit from it. It's a crime because in this scenario, they (MJ, Murray, and AEG) encouraged and aided someone to die and kept secret from law enforcement that someone was planning to die, and that person did subsequently end their own life. In California, basically, if you know someone is sincerely planning to commit suicide, you have a duty to at least report it to emergency services. Further, you have an additional duty to NOT do or say anything that might encourage a suicidal person to act. If you do somehow encourage, facilitate, or aid the suicidal person, and the person succeeds (dies), you can and will be charged with a felony in the state.<br /><br />It wouldn't matter if MJ and Murray left the room while the person actually ingested the meds. Their actions up until that point, and the subsequent death of the patient are what makes them guilty of aiding and abetting a suicide in the eyes of CA law. It doesn't matter how the patient himself sees it, or how we see it, the law in CA sees it as a felony for anyone to aid or abet a suicide.<br /><br />Conversely, in WA or OR, people can openly attend the last moments of a DWD's life, know about it ahead of time (no duty to report), and help make it a positive experience for a person seeking end of life council and support without being subject to prosecution by law enforcement. It happens in other states (suicide by hospice patients), certainly, but it's done very hush hush and people have to hide and lie. Laws regarding suicide similar to the one in California are why. The California statute is specific in how it views witnesses (friends and family usually) involved with DWD-type decisions, and it is particularly rigid. <br /><br />This is what makes Point #1 against dead body point #1, but it's also the hardest thing to explain, for me, somehow. I always end up with a novel.<br /><br />Ps. You guys are all so sweet with your nice posts to me about the lists. My reply is it was my pleasure entirely, I am at your service. Everyone who pm'ed me and contributed, thank you again.
  • on 1354144659:
    <br />I am not putting all my hopes on TS' replies because I am almost sure that the real hoax story will be written in a book or filmed in a movie and I am even thinking that the whole world will be able to be aware of Michael being alive but Michael himself will not be exposed to the public eye anymore for safety reasons so BAM party is being just a chimera right now for me.<br /><br />ps: good job Bec!.<br />
    <br /><br />good point,but I  think if MJ does not appear personally, non believers will not believe announcement that MJ is alive esp. after death announcement  by Jermain, unless Obama annouces himself. So, no point to spread 'alive' news without Michael actual BAM.<br />Plus, remember MJ hint 'BAM' himslef in TII. /b]
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    In my understanding, DWD do stress that their approach is not comparable to suicide but only speeding up a natural death that would occur anyway. Fine line, different matters.<br /><br />Given the fact that MJ decided to die on a certain date and planned this, we are talking about his (allegorical, artistic and assisted) suicide - he used the concept of DWD. Before handing power over his life to others, he decided himself when it would be time to leave.<br />MJ was however not - as to my knowledge - a terminally ill person trying to speed inevitable things up. Not to mix up.<br />MJ's role in the script turned out to be that of willing suicide hidden by "death by negligent prescription of controlled and uncontrolled drugs" and not that of a DWD participant - but not ending and only beginning anew from that turning point.<br />This will be one of the outcomes of a BAM: revelation of an assisted suicide on purpose (in order to bring to daylight other crimes). No matter what legal situations are, the discussions about DWD will start as soon as MJ returns and truth is revealed.<br />We can calmly anticipate the heated discussions - TS brought it up in time because he's clear about the consequences and the uproar.<br /><br />DWD is a controversial matter but from European perspective, we are more used to this kind of self-determined shortening of suffering. Who works in hospices will know what death looks like and it is not always very pleasant - if the people get into this supportive environment at all. We need many more hospices to keep dignity alive for dying persons.<br />It is the same kind of controversial discussion that was raised (and still is causing war among fundamentalists in the U.S.) about abortion. Just that fundamentalists usually do not help in a specific case, unfortunately.<br /><br />It will be interesting to see the responses to MJ's "assisted suicide" and I guess we will be in duty pretty much to help explain the why's. Blessings to all.
  • Great job everyone for contributing to that list and thank you, Bec, for doing an excellent job of outlining the details/observations. It was really helpful to see a full list like that laid out side-by-side.<br /><br />I still stand by my belief that it cannot be a DWD patient but we'll see as the truth will prevail in the end.<br /><br />Very interesting.<br /><br />Blessings to each of you.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1354162929:
    <br />In my understanding, DWD do stress that their approach is not comparable to suicide but only speeding up a natural death that would occur anyway. <br />
    <br /><br />[philosophical mode] Ah, but isn't that what all untimely deaths are? Time is a one way street with no loitering. [/philosophical mode]
  • I know this isn't the usual place for such things but this came to me and seemed appropriate to post here while we await a response from TS.  Bec gave him LOTS of homework right back...LOL.  Anyway...much thanks to our "whisperers" along the way and to Souza for not giving up.  I know it HAD to be tempting from time to time.  So in honor of everyone...our determination and of course our brilliant minds...<br /><br />We’ve peeked in every corner<br />Dug deep under each new rock<br />Wrestled with all the hints and whispers<br />Whether shadows or a clock<br /><br />We’ve googled ‘til our minds were numb<br />And eyes seemed permanently crossed<br />We’ve kept a brave front to all who say<br />Our minds we surely had lost<br /><br />We were promised a great adventure<br />And willingly accepted the ride<br />For the highest highs and lowest lows<br />And sometimes our patience was tried<br /><br />But as I sit and write this little piece<br />My mind is pretty well certain<br />That all still here would never trade<br />One moment behind the curtain<br /><br />As we near this rides conclusion<br />At least that’s what most believe<br />Seems we’re on the cusp of finding out<br />What The Man had up his sleeve<br /><br />I pray everything’s as it needs to be<br />As we slowly draw back the veil<br />May our hearts be happy and smiles abound<br />As we finally, collectively exhale<br /><br /><br />At least we'll hopefully have an AH HAA moment or two and some deeper knowledge and better preparation for the finale.  I have to say that I'm excited but apprehensive all at the same time.  Oh well...I just want things to go however Michael wants them to and I want him to be happy at the outcome. <br /><br />
  • on 1354082617:
    <br />@TS, I have several more reasons then a dozen. I tried to whittle the list down to the meatiest parts, but, well, it's all main course and not a single leftover. But on the plus side I gave you a whole extra day to deal with the extra work before your dead(ha)line!<br /><br />Thank you to everyone who pm'ed me with good info. I hope I have done us all justice with these lists. Here goes...<br /><br />[size=12pt]12 reasons against dead body theory[/size]<br /><br />
      <br />[li]The chances of someone other then MJ that looks enough like MJ to fool everyone ( double) dying of natural means (or Propofol) in accordance with the numerology, perfectly on time, who also happened to be residing at Carrolwood that day is a statistical impossibility.[/li]<br />[li] Assisted suicide or DWD is against the law in California. California penal code section 401: Every person who deliberately aids, or advises, or encourages a person to commit suicide, is guilty of a felony. MJ, Murray, and AEG would all be guilty in accordance with the wording of the law.[/li]<br />[li]A real body would need to get into Carrolwood somehow and at some point. On 6/25/09, the staff was sent out of the house before the stretcher came down indicating that they were not in on, so therefore would need to be shielded from the body’s arrival as well.[/li]<br />[li]A real body would need to be stored until go time. Dead bodies are messy n ought not be stored in private residences and few private residences would be set up to properly house a corpse. This is a public health risk that would necessitate specific accommodations. This is also a zoning violation (at best), and potentially a small string of misdemeanors and minor felonies resulting from abuse of a corpse, tampering with a corpse, others. [/li]<br />[li]If a real body were frozen to facilitate storage, it would be at the wrong temperature to fool emergency workers, and by the time the core was thawed, the outer tissues would be mush. Additionally, once-frozen-now-thawed tissue is distinctive and shows up clearly upon autopsy.[/li]<br />[li]A fresh dead corpse would be subject to rigor mortis within minutes and lasting for hours, making entubulation of the airway/locating and tapping a vein impossible.[/li]<br />[li]It was reported that the body was ID’ed from MJ’s driver’s license at the hospital. Neither a DWD patient nor a random corpse could be ID’ed as MJ from a pic of MJ.[/li] <br />[li]UCLA spokesperson did not make a statement in the death of MJ, counter to what is typical with a high profile death at a hospital. Instead, Jermaine Jackson made the statement. UCLA specifically dodged making any kind of statement regarding MJ at all, rather printing the family’s prewritten words instead.[/li]<br />[li]No doctor came forward initially to sign the death certificate. If there were a real body entering UCLA that day, there should be no problem getting a DC for it signed.[/li]<br />[li]The body wouldn’t look like MJ and ambulance/gurney/autopsy pics clearly depict MJ, and not an apparent hospice patient as was testified by paramedics.[/li]<br />[li]Makes the entire story, start to finish, a lie. MJ was not attended by paramedics at Carrolwood, MJ didn’t go to UCLA, MJ didn’t get transported via helicopter, MJ did not go to the coroner’s office. [/li]<br />[li]Both paramedics that testified attested that the patient looked like MJ. A DWD patient or random corpse are not going to resemble MJ enough for both paramedics to testify that they recognized him.[/li]<br />[li]No IV drip was witnessed suspended above the patient in the stretcher gif and if a real person was being attended in a medical emergency, and was reportedly already ported with an IV when paramedics arrived, after 42 minutes of attendance during which they are treating him as not dead and administering IV injections, it is extremely unlikely that the patient would not be started on fluids within that amount of time.[/li]<br />[li]The official story is that Dr. Cooper was able to rouse some heart activity in the patient at UCLA for several minutes. This would be impossible if she were working on a stored corpse, and nearing impossible on a DWD patient who had consumed suicide medication 1 hour (or more) prior. [/li]<br />[li]If the patient were a DWD patient, then rescue efforts such as those described having been administered to MJ violates ethics on the part of MJ, Murray, and AEG (and any other potential producers/financial backers of DH), for knowingly allowing a person who’s will it was to end their life peacefully under their own control, be subjected to extreme methods of resuscitation for an extended duration of time. Successful or not, this action is a direct violation of this patient’s end of life wishes.[/li]<br />[li]Because of points 4, 5, 6, and 7, the paramedics and ER emergency Dr.’s are required to be in on it, so we lack motive of who the real body is designed to fool.[/li]<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]12 reasons supporting Live MJ theory[/size]<br />
      <br />[li]MJ was reported to be “Alive at UCLA”.[/li]<br />[li]Allows for on-the-scene direction/consultation in case anything unforeseen ocurred which required on-the-spot changes or alterations in the plan.[/li]<br />[li]Completely eliminates the risk that the hoax will be ruined by MJ being discovered safe and hiding somewhere else, or sneaking away shortly before 6/25/09, when he is supposed to be suddenly dead/dying at UCLA that day.[/li]<br />[li]MJ had to leave Carrolwood somehow, at some point, same as above, allows MJ to not be discovered/seen leaving Carrolwood anytime sooner or later then reported.[/li]<br />[li]Eliminates the need for MJ to hide, be disguised, travel to, and arrange for insiders at a 2nd or 3rd location as would be necessary to coordinate if escaping via another means.[/li]<br />[li]Allows MJ to have photos taken as reported for gurney and autopsy, ensuring that those photos cannot be discovered too early (them being discovered to be in existence pre 6/25/09 would be a big problem), nor will those photos show up too late to potentially rouse suspicion of someone in a paperwork position not in on the hoax (autopsy was performed 6/26 so those pics needed to exist by then).[/li]<br />[li]Allows emergency workers to be able to accurately recall events because MJ is really there on the stretcher (probably really wearing that gown). Live simulations could be run through, in the time allowed at each location, to allow workers to have real memories, rather then fabricated alibis. MJ is not dealing with seasoned actors here, and they’re playing the role of their lives, so it is best if people are given an opportunity to have something real to remember.[/li]<br />[li]Allows validation of the official story should anyone not in on the hoax happen to catch a quick glimpse of the stretcher going by at any point along the way, they would really see MJ.[/li]<br />[li]Allows for unforeseen occurrences to be encountered (ambulance break down, unauthorized peaks through windows in locked doors, etc) because, just as reported, MJ is indeed just where he is supposed to be.[/li]<br />[li]Shortly after the ambulance arrives, the fire alarm was pulled in the portion of UCLA that MJ was reportedly in on 6/25/09, effectively minimizing the unauthorized opportunities outlined in points 8 & 9.[/li]<br />[li]Gives MJ a perfect escape out of UCLA, because again, he could do exactly as is reported and take the helicopter to the waiting coroner van. If he chose to go a different direction, even last minute, there would be dozens of other escape plans A-Z to explore out of the highly trafficked UCLA campus.[/li]<br />[li]Gives the official story a consistently interwoven element of truth; MJ really was attended by paramedics at Carrolwood, MJ really did go to UCLA, MJ really did get transported via helicopter, MJ really did go to the coroner’s office.[/li]<br />[li]Explains why MJ’s kids stopped crying when they were done seeing their dad’s body, the scene as described by LaToya. They stopped crying because they saw Dad’s not dead.[/li]<br />[li]Explains Jermaine’s “slip up” airport comment. Jermaine said MJ wasn’t “with us long before he went to the airport… I mean hospital.” … which is 100% accurate. Just like Jermaine said. He said he meant hospital, and if we can’t trust Jermaine’s word as a true clue, what CAN we trust? :icon_geek:[/li]<br />[li]Changes the least amount of variables from the official story. The only thing that isn’t true is MJ being dead.[/li]<br /><br />
    <br /><br /> :compute:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />great post. logical indeed. just sharing it now with a few fence sitting friends  :icon_razz:<br /><br />thanks bec and to those who contributed <br /><br />awesome stuff!  :smiley_abuv:
  • on 1354168545:
    <br />I know this isn't the usual place for such things but this came to me and seemed appropriate to post here while we await a response from TS.  Bec gave him LOTS of homework right back...LOL.  Anyway...much thanks to our "whisperers" along the way and to Souza for not giving up.  I know it HAD to be tempting from time to time.  So in honor of everyone...our determination and of course our brilliant minds...<br /><br />We’ve peeked in every corner<br />Dug deep under each new rock<br />Wrestled with all the hints and whispers<br />Whether shadows or a clock<br /><br />We’ve googled ‘til our minds were numb<br />And eyes seemed permanently crossed<br />We’ve kept a brave front to all who say<br />Our minds we surely had lost<br /><br />We were promised a great adventure<br />And willingly accepted the ride<br />For the highest highs and lowest lows<br />And sometimes our patience was tried<br /><br />But as I sit and write this little piece<br />My mind is pretty well certain<br />That all still here would never trade<br />One moment behind the curtain<br /><br />As we near this rides conclusion<br />At least that’s what most believe<br />Seems we’re on the cusp of finding out<br />What The Man had up his sleeve<br /><br />I pray everything’s as it needs to be<br />As we slowly draw back the veil<br />May our hearts be happy and smiles abound<br />As we finally, collectively exhale<br /><br /><br />At least we'll hopefully have an AH HAA moment or two and some deeper knowledge and better preparation for the finale.  I have to say that I'm excited but apprehensive all at the same time.  Oh well...I just want things to go however Michael wants them to and I want him to be happy at the outcome. <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /> :th_bravo: :bearhug:
  • on 1354150917:
    <br />Great job, Bec!  :beerchug: I can hardly wait to read the replies from TS. <br />
    <br /><br />true.<br /><br />mr. Ihaveananswerforeverything LOL<br /><br /><br />with  :smiley_abuv: TS .... and hearts
  • The amount of intelligent discussion about the task put before everyone is amazing, i can only read and read and go wow!<br /><br /><br />Bec your lists were great!
  • <br />
    on 1354145284:
    <br />In regards to the DWD act allowing (or not) a patient to ingest the drugs in another state: I had sent an email asking that specific question to the Washington State Department of Health and I received the following answer; they confirm that it is possible:<br /><br />
    Hello:<br />Thank you for contacting our office about the Washington State Death with Dignity Act. <br />[size=12pt]Under the terms of the act, the participant is not restricted to a location where they must ingest the medication.  However, the laws in states in which there is not a similar comparable DWDA law differ regarding the intentional ingestion of life-ending medication.  For example,  if the participant chooses to self-administer the medication in another state, the person who certifies the death (i.e. the MD/ME who signs the death certificate and determines the cause of death) is not bound by the WA state Death with Dignity law that requires the manner of death be marked as natural and the underlying cause of death listed as the terminal disease.[/size] [size=14pt] In other words, the certifier may use terms such as suicide or assisted suicide, and may list the cause of death as poisoning and/or overdose. [/size]  In WA State, the underlying cause of death must be listed as the terminal disease and the manner of death must be marked as ‘Natural”. <br /> <br />The WA State DWDA is also drafted to ensure the confidentiality of the families of DWDA participants who may experience emotional distress if a family member’s participation were to be disclosed.  They may also lose access to life, health, and accident insurance or annuity claims if the death is listed as “assisted suicide.”  The end-of-life choices of the participant may be disclosed if the medication is ingested outside of WA state.<br /> <br />There are a number of issues to consider if the life-ending medication is self-administered in another state that does not have a Death with Dignity law similar to WA State’s law.
    <br /><br />http://www.doh.wa.gov/Home.aspx<br /><br />
    <br /><br />That's it ! <br />          ...DWDA is not covered in other states other than OR/WA and it's a CRIME in California...<br /><br /><br />And that only brings us to Live MJ theory.<br /><br />this is so clear, in no way Michael would have used DWDA, even if the FBI's with him (because it's not gonna go against the law)<br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Love4Michael, beautiful poem—fits nicely! <br /><br />Ellyd<br />
    MJ's role in the script turned out to be that of willing suicide hidden by "death by negligent prescription of controlled and uncontrolled drugs" and not that of a DWD participant - but not ending and only beginning anew from that turning point.<br />This will be one of the outcomes of a BAM: revelation of an assisted suicide on purpose (in order to bring to daylight other crimes). No matter what legal situations are, the discussions about DWD will start as soon as MJ returns and truth is revealed.<br />We can calmly anticipate the heated discussions - TS brought it up in time because he's clear about the consequences and the uproar.
    <br />It's going to be interesting then.  Teddy Riley said MJ lives for controversy.  <br /><br />I found this moving Canadian story of a woman who travelled to Switzerland to die. Apparently the police leave these families alone/look the other way when they come back home. However MJ, Murray and AEG are not the DWD patient's loved ones.  <br />http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/opinion/fyi/death-with-dignity-and-deceit-84838012.html<br />
    In Britain, which has anti-assisted suicide laws similar to Canada, researcher Ogden said prosecutors have consistently chosen to practise "judicial discretion" and not charge any of the loved ones who might have supported the 134 citizens who ended their days at Dignitas, including those whose cases hit the news. Ogden believes Canadian prosecutors would likely follow the same course of inaction in regards to Kay.<br />For her part, Lee said her mother hoped that Canadians would learn the story of her death. "She wants people in Canada to talk about it. She believes it's a choice Canadians should have."
    <br />So maybe MJ is trying to raise awareness of this.  I think abortion is more detrimental that DWD (yet perfectly legal), because it's ending a life that didn't get a chance to experience anything, and that child didn't get to choose, whereas the DWD patient chooses.<br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1354170035:
    <br /><br />mr. Ihaveananswerforeverything LOL<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Cheers to that. I await tomorrow not having any idea what to expect.<br /><br />mousesnake01jn5.jpg
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Yes - I don't think anyone here should be getting too smug about the outcome of the replies which TS will give. <br /><br />No-one here knows for sure what went down that day........it is all personal interpretation, conjecture, perception and speculation based on what we have been shown, told and read.....an iceberg has the the greatest percentage of it unseen and lurking under water.<br />
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1354160988:
    <br />[size=9pt]Because DWD is not legal in CA, and the CA penal code specifically lays out how the state law considers a second party's knowledge of or encouragement for suicide, it would be illegal for MJ and AEG (or equivalent--whoever is the production company working with MJ) to use a DWD patient to help MJ fake his death. They would already be guilty of failure to report, encouraging suicide, facilitating a suicide: essentially aiding and abetting a suicide. These are felony crimes. [/size]<br />
    <br /><br />I am looking forward to your answer on this one TS!  :D
  • on 1354177159:
    <br />Yes - I don't think anyone here should be getting too smug about the outcome of the replies which TS will give. <br />
    <br /><br />not being smug. more comical. coz we never get it 100% right. no matter how much hoaxers deduce, imagine, fill in the gaps, think, etc etc always so close / so far.  :icon_razz:<br /><br />you are right, only one person knows it all.  :bowdown:<br /><br /><br />frikken genius i must say!<br /><br />
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Thank you @bec et al for your amazing work and of course a big thanks to Mr or Miss TS_comments <br />Quote from bec<br />"Ps. On the topic of TS_comments being more or less done after completing Level 7... TS_comments may well be done participating here but recall... it is TS who posts the Updates, not TS_comments. Once Level 7 is completed, I'd actually expect TS_comments to be done, as the Levels of 2011 is where he took over from TS in the first place. We ought not assume they are the same person as they are not the same username."<br /><br />A couple of hints and whispers regarding the dummy theory - please watch LunaJo67 video and a timeline inconsistency mentioned that I hadn't realised. Plus odd TMZ report in 2009 - sorry I don't know how to post TMZ vids. Going to work now - love to all<br />                                        <br />                                                                        /><br />                                                                                     
    <br /><br />                                                  http://www.tmz.com/2009/04/28/jacko-ahead-of-curve-on-swine-flu/
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    12 reasons against body theory<br /><br />6. A fresh corpse would be subject to rigor mortis in minutes and lasts for hours, so the airway entubulation / locate and tap a vein impossible.<br /><br />Blount finds that one of the paramedics tried at least three times to find a vein in the hand or arm. DDA Q: Do you have any reason why they could not find a vein? Is it in his experience, people who are so skinny they are, that the drug that is difficult to find a vein? Blount gives an example of a known drug addict with tattoos and is still able to find a vein. DDA Q: Even so, at the same time can be difficult. The witness agrees. They did their normal protocol.<br /><br /> DDA Q: If someone has no viable heart rhythm, then the blood can not circulate through the body one of the things that happens is the veins collapse and can be difficult to access. Blount: Right.<br /><br />7. It was reported that the body was ID'ed driver's license of Michael Jackson at the hospital. Neither the patient nor a corpse Random DWD could ID'ed as a photo of MJ MJ.<br /><br />Dr. Cooper:<br />She lists the "starter drugs" That Were Given to Michael Jackson additionally. They Were not effective. Time spent on the patient, 1 hour, 26 minutes. She made the decision at 2:26 pm to call the patient deceased (stop treatment).<br /><br />Blood was drawn from the patient for medical testing later. When Jackson arrived at UCLA, I was Given a medical record number / name to track everything Until the patient is formally registered. Gershwin was the name Given to Michael Jackson, That things can be so recorded and labeled so They Can Immediately perform care.<br /><br />If MJ admitted to UCLA as MJ because Dr. Cooper registration Gershwin?<br />It is common to give people false names until they are registered "formally"?<br /><br />12. The two certified paramedics who testified that the patient appeared MJ. A corpse or randomly DWD patient will not look like MJ enough for two paramedics to testify that they recognized.<br /><br />Blount said Dr Murray in the ambulance taking the phone and make a phone call. While working on the patient, Blount heard was Michael Jackson and he recognized him as Michael Jackson.<br /><br /><br />Having read many publications on DWD Act and its application in CA, I would say that both theories may have been used, but the MJ theory alive, is more likely to "everyone" and are aware that if a crime if we think that the trial was real.<br /><br />                                                    :bearhug:s
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Waiting mode....<br /><br />TS, please save our brains, please!!! 
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Bec, good pic choice!<br />Poor mouse...  MJ, the master story-teller! :affraid:<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,21319.msg430048.html#msg430048<br /><br />
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    on 1354183530:
    <br />Waiting mode....<br /><br />TS, please save our brains, please!!! <br />
    <br /><br />diggy you mean mental health? I think you can consider me out  :LolLolLolLol:    :abouttime:
  • .
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