TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Try thinking of it this way. (to anyone in general)<br /><br />Michael has been planning his death hoax, very intricately, for the last 20+ years and the big day to fake his death finally arrives.  Don’t you think Michael would be there EVERY step of the way to make sure it goes EXACTLY as he’s planned and envisioned?  Wouldn’t he want to feel the thrill of it for himself as it unfolds before the world’s eyes, with him being RIGHT THERE(!!) the whole time?  He’s the director and the star of the greatest show on Earth and it’s his show.  I really believe that it was just too important to Michael for him to leave everything in the hands of others - as much as he trusts them to help him - he had to be there too.  And give enough clues at the right times for a very small audience (us) to pick up on and run with.<br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1321398700:
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    on 1321322555:
    <br />Perhaps my post got lost with everyone posting at the same time. However I would like someone to read this and give their feed back. <br /><br />Do you think those in the helicopter and coroners van had to be in on it if it were truly Michael himself? Here's my question if those people are NOT in on it, if it were Michael then he would be taking a huge risk by just breathing, let alone if he had to cough or sneeze. So does that mean if Michael was in fact in both the helicopter and coroners van that all parties were involved? <br />
    <br /><br />I would agree with you. If we go along with "the less people in on it, the better" concept, then I see no reason why we would include the people handling the body/dummy to be in the know. I believe the FBI is involved, so considering this, a scenario could be that they may just have done what they were asked to do without knowing the full story, (i.e that it's a Hoax). It's very possible that these people were told that they were working on a "diversion" operation. A kind of stunt for the media, and while all this show was happening for the world to see, the "real dead body" would be transported secretely to the coroner. <br /><br />So whatever/whoever was on that gurney they would never question if it's a Hoax or not because they would not have been told that it was one. I honestly find it extremely risky that Michael himself was playing the dead. If there really is someone alive playing dead at some point and keeping with my thought that these people do not know about the Hoax, then it must be someone these people know because they know they're part of a diversion tactic but not that Michael Jackson faked his death.<br /><br />Now, for the Hoax to work as it should, I see no specific need for Michael to absolutely be on this gurney. I also see no reason why it should be someone alive playing the dead; for the sake of safety a "high-tech" dummy would be preferable especially when the body was transported while so many eyes were watching. If the supposed alive person playing the dead had an urge to cough or sneeze, it would be disastrous. So for me I say that a dummy has been used for the transportation from UCLA to Coroner's van.[size=14pt] Concerning the "dead body moving in helicopter" I really have no idea what happened. Maybe that the dummy came "back" to life.[/size] pale/<br />
    <br /><br /> lolol/<br /><br />The dummy moves and straightens up?  :mrgreen: Maybe Murray did CPR to him on the bed and he came back to life!  geek/<br /><br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1321411680:
    <br />Try thinking of it this way. (to anyone in general)<br /><br />Michael has been planning his death hoax, very intricately, for the last 20+ years and the big day to fake his death finally arrives.  Don’t you think Michael would be there EVERY step of the way to make sure it goes EXACTLY as he’s planned and envisioned?  Wouldn’t he want to feel the thrill of it for himself as it unfolds before the world’s eyes, with him being RIGHT THERE(!!) the whole time?  He’s the director and the star of the greatest show on Earth and it’s his show.  I really believe that it was just too important to Michael for him to leave everything in the hands of others - as much as he trusts them to help him - he had to be there too.  And give enough clues at the right times for a very small audience (us) to pick up on and run with.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, I believe that Michael would prefer to be BEHIND the camera as he is the director of his show. The star of the show is Murray who represents Michael. So, I do not think Michael would prefer to be everywhere himself. This is a long term plan and I'm sure he arranged everything perfectly and left somethings in the hands of people he trusts, but still controlling everything. But this is just my opinion, and I can be wrong of course.  :D
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1321412362:
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    on 1321411680:
    <br />Try thinking of it this way. (to anyone in general)<br /><br />Michael has been planning his death hoax, very intricately, for the last 20+ years and the big day to fake his death finally arrives.  Don’t you think Michael would be there EVERY step of the way to make sure it goes EXACTLY as he’s planned and envisioned?  Wouldn’t he want to feel the thrill of it for himself as it unfolds before the world’s eyes, with him being RIGHT THERE(!!) the whole time?  He’s the director and the star of the greatest show on Earth and it’s his show.  I really believe that it was just too important to Michael for him to leave everything in the hands of others - as much as he trusts them to help him - he had to be there too.  And give enough clues at the right times for a very small audience (us) to pick up on and run with.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, I believe that Michael would prefer to be BEHIND the camera as he is the director of his show. The star of the show is Murray who represents Michael. So, I do not think Michael would prefer to be everywhere himself. This is a long term plan and I'm sure he arranged everything perfectly and left somethings in the hands of people he trusts, but still controlling everything. But this is just my opinion, and I can be wrong of course.  :D<br />
    <br /><br />Well, behind the camera or behind the sheet - he would still be there.  Just my opinion. ;)
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1321410725:
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    on 1321386526:
    <br />I think the 'flat board' theory can also be laid to rest (hopefully).  It is all about perception and angle.<br /><br />This pic clearly shows that what was loaded into the van was not 'flat'.<br /><br />article-1205277-05FEE086000005DC-897_468x286.jpg<br /><br />There is either a dummy, a dead body, or a live body under that sheet.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />That is flat. Definitely not the same one we saw before it was put into the helicopter. In the picture I posted, we see both of the bodies or dummies from the sky, from the same level. It's not about perception. Can you imagine how thick it would be if we see the one that was put into the helicopter from this angle of the pic you posted? It would look more thicker. <br /><br />bodyf.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />In the picture I posted, it is CLEAR that 'it' is not flat.  How can 'it' be flat when 'it' extends from the guy's wrist to above his elbow?<br /><br />The two pics you posted are both taken 'from the sky'....but the sky is a pretty vast space.  The first pic is taken from more of a low(er), side angle....the second is taken from a higher (therefore further) side angle...at least at a far enough height/distance to cause loss of perception.  IMO, because of that...it's difficult to get an accurate comparison....unless, you have another low, side angle shot (or better yet, an eye-level shot) of 'it', which is why I posted the pic I did.<br /><br />It's just my opinion of course but it makes 'sense' to me.  I realize that some don't see it the way I do and I'm not gonna argue with what you see.  PureLove, you quoted my post, so I only wanted to explain how I see it because I didn't explain it 'better' in my earlier post.  You could be right...but I can only go with what I see....and what I see was not flat while 'it' was being wheeled to the helicopter and 'it' wasn't flat while 'it' was being loaded into the van.  That in NO way means I know what 'it' is (but I do have a theory lol).<br /><br />As for the 911 call...has that been 'proven' to be real?  Again, I could be wrong (nothing new there)...but based on what I have 'seen', I'm not basing any 'theories' on that call being real.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • Having experiance as a single father has helped me decipher a few things.  Michael was all up in it and saying to his kids...watch this short people.    ::P  Dads love to show off to their kids. He has played his favorite game of hide and seek with us.  He is everywhere and nowhere. Think about it....why bother with all of this if it's not fun?<br />  The idea of a dead corpse being used is ridiculous assuming (i hate that word) the kids were there.<br />Seriously guys....a dead body for fun???? NO WAY!!<br />  I have 6 kids...three of which are the same age as Michael's.  If I came to them with the idea  that Michael did they would be ALL about it.  Kid's are awesome but no way in hell is a dead body rolling into this scenario.<br /> <br />@TS ambulance shmambulance  :twisted:  you are buying time, and stalling.  A magician NEVER reveals the hows of the illusion......does he/she?  It is counter productive for an audience to learn how a magician makes it happen.  The magician loses his edge and ability to entertain if everyone knows how it is done.<br /> I  have absolutely LOVED this ride and a part of me doesnt want it to end.  It will and IT will be awesome.<br /><br />THANK YOU God, Michael,TS, Souza and all of the players and knowers for the AWAKENING.  It has been an experiance that will never be forgotten and will always hold a special place in my heart. <br /><br />L.O.V.E.  all of you!  - toot<br /><br /><br /><br /> 
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @monstertooty...a single father with 6 kids....3 the same age as Michael's?  Hats off to you hatsoff.gif<br /><br /> respect/ and God bless!<br /><br />And I completely 'get' what you said about having a 'dead body' anywhere in this scenario.  Not fun no matter what your age.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br /><br />P.S. I've edited my post (an hour or two later lol) because it just 'hit' me that I completely misinterpreted tooty's comment about his kids ages.  LMFAO...my brain is more fried than I thought it was....but I did 'get' what he meant eventually, so I guess there's hope  :lol:.  The rest of my post I left untouched because it still applies (post 'getting' it lol).
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1321386448:
    <br /><br />These pics are from the vid Paula just posted. The first is the long slow part, and the second is from the supposed repeat; with the ambulance still in there but blocked by the tourbus.  Is this possible for the first pic to have such an empty street--no firetruck in sight either, maybe wideangle lens?  Maybe the beige shirt photog is with his butt against the firetruck?  I don't see the big security in black in the second pic. I know this was discussed way back as well.  I guess it was decided these were the same time, different distances from the gate?<br /><br />ambu1.jpgambu2.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, the difference is distance and angle of perspective. You notice the large tree is not visible in the second pic either, nor the light fixture on the (viewer's) left side of the gate, but we know they are both there, as shown in other frames of the same video. If you were to go take pics of a similar scene at different angles and perspectives you could expect to see similar differences. Security guy is just walking around, he's bound to be in some shots of the scene and not in others.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1321400582:
    <br />Do we know any additional information about the helicopter. What police agency is in charge of it, how many crew members, when it got to UCLA, etc...?<br /><br />There were two helicopters on the roof that day. I wonder does UCLA have their own rescue/transport chopper or do they always contract with local law enforcement. confused/<br /><br />If BHPD/LAFD could cooperate on the W911 call, why wouldn't LAPD also cooperate on the transport?<br /><br />Perhaps the "movement" inside the helicopter was to unwrap MJ so he could breathe freely before being re-wrapped again. It would also explain why GI Joe was standing in the doorway blocking news choopers view. :?<br /><br /><br />edit*<br /><br />To me the only way they'd have to be "in the know" is if it was LIVE MJ. <br /><br /><br />If it were a dummy it wouldn't matter...so what if they unwrapped it and saw it wasn't MJ, they could be told it was a decoy mission if they ever questioned it. suspicious//<br />
    <br /><br />We know that helicopter's serial number and that flight logs indicate that serial number has not been in service for years, and certainly did not make a recorded flight on 6/25/09. Demand that I prove it and I can't possibly, because I haven't a clue where that information went. But I saw it and I can tell you, there was no recorded flight for that serial number helicopter on 6/25/09.<br /><br />"GI Joe" made me laugh out loud. For realz. He's A Real American Hero. These guys almost have to be in on it, with that much showboating, how can they not be. Besides, everyone is so sure the FBI is involved, why wouldn't the helicopter crew be in on it? I think MJ was hiding in that sheet from the media and from us the gen pub, not from the helicopter crew or the coroner's guys. It's a show for an audience, and that's you and me.<br /><br />I agree with you that a dummy's use could be covered by calling it a decoy mission only because people are dumb and when their superior or someone official looking says something is the truth they believe, no questions asked. So yeah, I agree.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1321411680:
    <br />Try thinking of it this way. (to anyone in general)<br /><br />Michael has been planning his death hoax, very intricately, for the last 20+ years and the big day to fake his death finally arrives.  Don’t you think Michael would be there EVERY step of the way to make sure it goes EXACTLY as he’s planned and envisioned?  Wouldn’t he want to feel the thrill of it for himself as it unfolds before the world’s eyes, with him being RIGHT THERE(!!) the whole time?  He’s the director and the star of the greatest show on Earth and it’s his show.  I really believe that it was just too important to Michael for him to leave everything in the hands of others - as much as he trusts them to help him - he had to be there too.  And give enough clues at the right times for a very small audience (us) to pick up on and run with.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Yeah this is where I'm at. You have to take into account your subject's (MJ) past pattern of behavior, at least a little bit, when trying to determine the truth about what happened that day, in my opinion. To ignore it is not wise, I don't think.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1321415348:
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    on 1321410725:
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    on 1321386526:
    <br />I think the 'flat board' theory can also be laid to rest (hopefully).  It is all about perception and angle.<br /><br />This pic clearly shows that what was loaded into the van was not 'flat'.<br /><br />article-1205277-05FEE086000005DC-897_468x286.jpg<br /><br />There is either a dummy, a dead body, or a live body under that sheet.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />That is flat. Definitely not the same one we saw before it was put into the helicopter. In the picture I posted, we see both of the bodies or dummies from the sky, from the same level. It's not about perception. Can you imagine how thick it would be if we see the one that was put into the helicopter from this angle of the pic you posted? It would look more thicker. <br /><br />bodyf.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />In the picture I posted, it is CLEAR that 'it' is not flat.  How can 'it' be flat when 'it' extends from the guy's wrist to above his elbow?<br /><br />The two pics you posted are both taken 'from the sky'....but the sky is a pretty vast space.  The first pic is taken from more of a low(er), side angle....the second is taken from a higher (therefore further) side angle...at least at a far enough height/distance to cause loss of perception.  IMO, because of that...it's difficult to get an accurate comparison....unless, you have another low, side angle shot (or better yet, an eye-level shot) of 'it', which is why I posted the pic I did.<br /><br />It's just my opinion of course but it makes 'sense' to me.  I realize that some don't see it the way I do and I'm not gonna argue with what you see.  PureLove, you quoted my post, so I only wanted to explain how I see it because I didn't explain it 'better' in my earlier post.  You could be right...but I can only go with what I see....and what I see was not flat while 'it' was being wheeled to the helicopter and 'it' wasn't flat while 'it' was being loaded into the van.  That in NO way means I know what 'it' is (but I do have a theory lol).<br /><br />As for the 911 call...has that been 'proven' to be real?  Again, I could be wrong (nothing new there)...but based on what I have 'seen', I'm not basing any 'theories' on that call being real.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />You are exactly right, BeTheChange.<br /><br />And no, the 911 call hasn't been proved real. I'm not sure it can be proved either way. I'm not sure you can "prove" much about anything in life. I'm pretty sure you just have to look at the information- as much as you can, educate yourself- as best as you can, trust your instincts, and then make a determination.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1321418011:
    <br />Having experiance as a single father has helped me decipher a few things.  Michael was all up in it and saying to his kids...watch this short people.    ::P  Dads love to show off to their kids. He has played his favorite game of hide and seek with us.  He is everywhere and nowhere. Think about it....why bother with all of this if it's not fun?<br />  The idea of a dead corpse being used is ridiculous assuming (i hate that word) the kids were there.<br />Seriously guys....a dead body for fun???? NO WAY!!<br />  I have 6 kids...three of which are the same age as Michael's.  If I came to them with the idea  that Michael did they would be ALL about it.  Kid's are awesome but no way in hell is a dead body rolling into this scenario.<br />
    <br /><br />I'm with you on that too. Michael told everyone he was doing this for his kids, to show them what he does, now that they're old enough to appreciate it. He said it himself.<br /><br />It is supposed to be fun, I agree.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1321418011:
    <br />Having experiance as a single father has helped me decipher a few things.  Michael was all up in it and saying to his kids...watch this short people.    ::P  Dads love to show off to their kids. He has played his favorite game of hide and seek with us.  He is everywhere and nowhere. Think about it....why bother with all of this if it's not fun?<br />  The idea of a dead corpse being used is ridiculous assuming (i hate that word) the kids were there.<br />Seriously guys....a dead body for fun???? NO WAY!!<br />  I have 6 kids...three of which are the same age as Michael's.  If I came to them with the idea  that Michael did they would be ALL about it.  Kid's are awesome but no way in hell is a dead body rolling into this scenario.<br /> <br />@TS ambulance shmambulance  :twisted:  you are buying time, and stalling.  A magician NEVER reveals the hows of the illusion......does he/she?  It is counter productive for an audience to learn how a magician makes it happen.  The magician loses his edge and ability to entertain if everyone knows how it is done.<br /> I  have absolutely LOVED this ride and a part of me doesnt want it to end.  It will and IT will be awesome.<br /><br />THANK YOU God, Michael,TS, Souza and all of the players and knowers for the AWAKENING.  It has been an experiance that will never be forgotten and will always hold a special place in my heart. <br /><br />L.O.V.E.  all of you!  - toot<br /><br /><br /><br />  <br />
    <br /><br />Hey Tooty, between your 6 kids and my 6 kids, we could make our own sports team!!  lolol/<br /><br />Sorry guys, didn't mean to go off topic....I agree with what you have said Tooty...this AWAKENING is something we will never, ever forget!!! I feel Blessed to be on this journey with all of you and I LOVE You all very, very much!<br /> bearhug
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    @PureLove The 911 call as stated, was not proven to be real. So far we've had 2 911 call tape's that have been made public now, the one to BHPD and LAFD, one of which in my opinion, isn't 'real'. I agree with BeTheChange, you can't base a theory that involves a corpse on an unproven 911 call. Even if it is real, it doesn't prove a corpse was used.<br /><br />@monstertooty I have thought that all along; a corpse seems so morbid. I didn't think Michael would use a corpse, or have a person die on that day, as a prop of sorts, for this hoax. But there is no actual proof the kids were even there, and IF they were, possibly seeing a dead body is no bueno. We can all only speculate; so a corpse could be a very real possibilty but I don't know if the kids would have seen it if it was.<br /><br />As BeTheChange said, whatever did happen after UCLA was not even asked of us to figure out and we got ahead of ourselves. Maybe we should cross that bridge when we get to it, because there are many possibilities.<br /><br />
    on 1321403458:
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    on 1321398436:
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    on 1321384021:
    <br />Scanned a bit some of the posts...<br />explode%20emoticon.gif<br />
    <br /><br />LOL Gema so what do you mean with this?<br /><br />Don't you believe any of the theories presented here in a disorganized form?<br />
    <br /><br />Well...this is how i feel at this point... :-[<br /><br />"All I know is that to me<br />You look like you're havin' fun"<br /><br />"You spin me right round, baby <br />Right round like a record, baby <br />Right round, round, round"<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />hahah I loved your video!<br /><br />I believe we are addicted to solving mysteries. But in this case we (or should I speak only for myself) get very frustrated because we can not prove any of the freaking scenarios our minds create  /pull hair/ /scream/ /scream/!<br /><br /><br />
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1321418011:
    <br />Having experiance as a single father has helped me decipher a few things.  Michael was all up in it and saying to his kids...watch this short people.    ::P  Dads love to show off to their kids. He has played his favorite game of hide and seek with us.  He is everywhere and nowhere. Think about it....why bother with all of this if it's not fun?<br />  The idea of a dead corpse being used is ridiculous assuming (i hate that word) the kids were there.<br />Seriously guys....a dead body for fun???? NO WAY!!<br />  I have 6 kids...three of which are the same age as Michael's.  If I came to them with the idea  that Michael did they would be ALL about it.  Kid's are awesome but no way in hell is a dead body rolling into this scenario.<br /> <br />@TS ambulance shmambulance  :twisted:  you are buying time, and stalling.  A magician NEVER reveals the hows of the illusion......does he/she?  It is counter productive for an audience to learn how a magician makes it happen.  The magician loses his edge and ability to entertain if everyone knows how it is done.<br /> I  have absolutely LOVED this ride and a part of me doesnt want it to end.  It will and IT will be awesome.<br /><br />THANK YOU God, Michael,TS, Souza and all of the players and knowers for the AWAKENING.  It has been an experiance that will never be forgotten and will always hold a special place in my heart. <br /><br />L.O.V.E.  all of you!  - toot<br /><br /><br /><br />  <br />
    <br /><br />@Monster, I loved your post and was going to post a simliar one when I just woke up this morning after an amazing dream!<br /><br />LaToya had made another of her 'watch the Illusionist and read between the lines' comments, but it'd been far more direct - something along the lines of 'he escaped but is making his way back'. I was out shopping with my daughter and she was looking at me like 'omg you were right all along', everywhere around us people were on their phones, the penny had dropped with everyone and there was this huge air of anticipation and excitement.<br /><br />I digress, I'm sorry, but when I woke I just felt this huge happiness and urge to thank MJ - he even entertains me in my sleep! <br /><br />As for your comments about TS stalling and the MaJician's role in this - I completely agree. He's leading us to believe we are capable of working it all out, while sniggering behind his screen all the time - he knows the illusion is unworkoutable!  And another element of magic is that the audience doesn't REALLY want to know how it's done at all, not really, we WANT to be full of wonder and questions! Where's the fun in knowing it all? I know Michael is alive and I'm quite happy just watching his magic!<br /><br />Also your mention of hide and seek made me realise just how often MJ managed to get that into interviews! LOL - this has to be his biggest game of hide and seek ever!<br /><br />
    on 1321421664:
    <br /><br /> Michael told everyone he was doing this for his kids, to show them what he does, now that they're old enough to appreciate it. He said it himself.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />@Bec, this is one of the quotes that really struck me as hugely meaningful when I first heard it, and has remained as 'proof' for my heart when my head has complained! Along with the one about trusting Murray 'with his life'!
    we are all the same here, dreamers.<br />I remember the time when I was talking to my hoax friends on michaeljackson.com of MJ's hide and seek game, of this being all a movie, that were my exact feelings at that time, 2 years ago, but when is it going to end? It's simmering for too long now.
  • Great, great thoughts around here.....I really admire all of you Sherlock Holmes's. I stopped cracking up my head long ago since finding out about details seems like a neverending story. All I can do is feel deep respect in front of the genius planning and the genius carrying through of the magic masterpiece, an illusion beyond imagination, made real by THE MASTERMIND of our time and his staff. Thanks again for letting us participate and watch, making us think and ask questions we couldn't imagine before the hoax.<br />  <br />The true master wouldn't let the illusion become obvious because then magic is gone. 
  • @curls - You could put the words so much more eloquent, thanks. I posted at the same time and didn't read what have been said meanwhile. <br /><br />@monstaa - DO we want to believe in Santa? YESSSS, the idea is great and if he didn't exist he should be innovated!  :D 
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    <br />Gina, how did you know? :D  <br /><br />hideandseek.jpg<br /><br />Disappear and then appear again!  I think he's doing this hoax for the children of the world, including all the young at heart!<br /><br />Bec
    <br /><br /> I'm with you on that too. Michael told everyone he was doing this for his kids, to show them what he does, now that they're old enough to appreciate it. He said it himself.
    <br /><br />And everyone thought he meant concerts.  ;)  <br />Thanks Bec, for your explanation to my question. You have an awesome memory of details!<br /><br />I went to see Jack and Jill tonight with my daughter.  Great movie with some good laughs! Lots of big stars in it, some with the briefest of appearances, such as Johnny Depp sitting with Al Pacino at a Laker’s Game. And of course in the few clips was number 24 playing. It was released on 11.11.11 naturally!<br /><br />My point,  maybe the FBI is involved in the making of this MJ death hoax. But then hey, maybe all of Hollywood’s involved too.  Maybe this is the biggest piece of entertainment they’ve done to  date. Remember how they turned down MJ time and time again from an acting part.  Maybe that was part of the hoax, just like Andy Kaufman style. Maybe all along that was a joke on us/media.  Maybe that’s why all the courtroom is another set.  Gangster style (Smooth Criminal) there’s all the bad guys seeming to be after Michael and his money, with a paper trail to back it up. Fake documents everywhere!  One big colossal hoax, involving a ton of people, the biggest extravaganza yet. The biggest secret ever kept, and it’s all for fun.  And it's all Michael's!!<br /> /bravo/ <br /><br />Curls<br />
    As for your comments about TS stalling and the MaJician's role in this - I completely agree. He's leading us to believe we are capable of working it all out, while sniggering behind his screen all the time - he knows the illusion is unworkoutable!  And another element of magic is that the audience doesn't REALLY want to know how it's done at all, not really, we WANT to be full of wonder and questions! Where's the fun in knowing it all?
    <br />That's exactly what I was going to talk about but you guys said it much better.  I really think TS is playing with us (in a loving way albino/  ). He is the best MaJician bar none!<br />He says 'Start of with 0 people involved and go from there!'  :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:    I agree that these ambulance and body questions, etc. are set up to be a maze of illusions of A, B, or C possibilities of the hows. /cook/  <br /><br /> I love you TS! From the bottom of my heart! I really do!
  • loving your posts people!!! thanks all for sharing your wonderful minds.... 
  • nick_93nick_93 Posts: 269
    From one Aussie to another Australian MJ BeLIEver, I totally agree! All these posts you guys are producing are mind blowing and magnificent! I don't really have anything to add to the discussion but I'd like to congratulate you all on your wonderful work and encourage you to keep going! There are so many interesting theories and there are lots of things to consider. I'm really appreciative to be posting among you people who are showing such great knowledge. Well done! /bravo/<br /><br />L.O.V.E
  • No.1 <br />I guess we have to ask another question: Who's to say in these media videos it really WAS Michael? Who of the media can prove that they really filmed 'Michaels' corpse being transported. How did the media know that Michael will be transported by a helicopter ...? All ready with another heli?  It's as if someone was inside with those guys transporting 'Michael' and then telling the helicopters that 'We're on our way with Michael'. VERY UNLIKELY-IF if is not a hoax. Which also means, (speculation) that the guys transporting a gurney with someone wrapped up in sheets on it only received an order to transfer 'that body' with the sherrifs' heli, change of plans. We have been told it was Michael, but they can tell us anything. I say, it was someone else who really died and the guys just had the order to bring the body up onto the roof to a heli for a transfer to the coroner. They did not know anyhting or who it was, ergo, they were used as a smoke screen. Without knowing it. Change of plans can always happen. But most don't ask further questions. <br /><br />No. 2 <br />is in works ... :-)
  • on 1321446368:
    <br />No.1 <br />I guess we have to ask another question: Who's to say in these media videos it really WAS Michael? Who of the media can prove that they really filmed 'Michaels' corpse being transported. How did the media know that Michael will be transported by a helicopter ...? All ready with another heli?  It's as if someone was inside with those guys transporting 'Michael' and then telling the helicopters that 'We're on our way with Michael'. VERY UNLIKELY-IF if is not a hoax. Which also means, (speculation) that the guys transporting a gurney with someone wrapped up in sheets on it only received an order to transfer 'that body' with the sherrifs' heli, change of plans. We have been told it was Michael, but they can tell us anything. I say, it was someone else who really died and the guys just had the order to bring the body up onto the roof to a heli for a transfer to the coroner. They did not know anyhting or who it was, ergo, they were used as a smoke screen. Without knowing it. Change of plans can always happen. But most don't ask further questions. <br /><br />No. 2 <br />is in works ... :-)<br />
    <br /><br />Very clear explanation, thank you for that ,i think the same, but can't explain it properly.
    on 1321432642:
    <br /><br />Gina, how did you know? :D  <br /><br />hideandseek.jpg<br /><br />Disappear and then appear again!  I think he's doing this hoax for the children of the world, including all the young at heart!<br />
    <br /><br />I didn't know, I just felt he's playing hide and seek. Now I'm not so sure anymore.
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