TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1322506328:
    <br />I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????<br />
    <br /><br />Michael wouldn't want someone to be killed. It's like a sacrifice you're describing. Seriously Diggyon do you really think that Michael would be okay to send a double to death? And we ruled out the living double because too risky when considering the potential Illuminati threat...<br /><br />TS<br />
    [size=12pt]This also shows why it would not be a living double: MJ would not intentionally put someone else in a target position like that.[/size]
    <br />
    on 1322512507:
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    on 1322506328:
    <br />I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????<br />
    <br /><br />Michael wouldn't want someone to be killed. It's like a sacrifice you're describing. Seriously Diggyon do you really think that Michael would be okay to send a double to death? And we ruled out the living double because too risky when considering the potential Illuminati threat...<br /><br />TS<br />
    [size=12pt]This also shows why it would not be a living double: MJ would not intentionally put someone else in a target position like that.[/size]
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br />I agree.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1322512507:
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    on 1322506328:
    <br />I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Michael wouldn't want someone to be killed. It's like a sacrifice you're describing. Seriously Diggyon do you really think that Michael would be okay to send a double to death? And we ruled out the living double because too risky when considering the potential Illuminati threat...<br /><br />TS<br />
    [size=12pt]This also shows why it would not be a living double: MJ would not intentionally put someone else in a target position like that.[/size]
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />NOOOOOOOOO Sarahli, I would never say something like that about Michael. Never ever!!!!!!!<br />I am also not sure about that theory of mine. I mean that there was really someone betraying Michael somehow and trying to kill him. Then there has been a set up planned by Michael and when the Illuminati were there they just killed this guy....... and it was his body that was sent to the hospital.... well it's just a theory.....  :?: :?: :?:<br />
  • mimi248mimi248 Posts: 124
    I'm sorry i don't understand why talking about " mj died/resurection", is OFF TOPIC. Because, as i notice, it COUD be a possibility, in no way i say it IS true, but why  it is off topic? you want to resolve the puzzle no? :(. ( sorry for my english!!)
  • 1sm134plead.gif come on truth it's about time you came out of hiding , we need you!<br />the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth . amen!
    on 1322477679:
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    on 1322475878:
    <br />... <br />I get what you are saying, but that would mean MJ's original plan was to be on the scene all the way. Or MJ's plan was never being on scene the whole day, because he already knew their plan and therefore leaked false information.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, I think you still didn't quite get it.<br /><br />MJ's ORIGINAL plan was to NOT go to the hospital, because of the POSSIBILITY that someone MIGHT leak the hoax (which would be a risk whatever his plan was, but especially IF his plan was to go to the hospital--therefore, that was not his plan).<br />
    <br /><br />So it wasn't MJ in the ambulance.<br /><br />
    on 1322477185:
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    on 1322438679:
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    on 1322436923:
    <br />This is the one photo that shows the stretcher entering UCLA emergency....not that clear, but might help us decide what went to UCLA that day...The body does look alot bigger than MJ's....<br />God bless<br /><br />And by the way, all of this would have been caught on security camera above the emergency doors..<br /><br />I wonder whether the FBI made UCLA hand over the video so that it could not be sold to the media !!!!  Or, should we be wondering why it has not been shown by now.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, looks like the "nothing went to UCLA" can be thrown in the trash bin. There is clearly something/someone on the stretcher. <br />
    <br /><br />Yes, that is one strong point against the nothing theory.  And we also have the testimony of Sharon Sidney, so that is two strong points.<br /><br />A third strong point is the nothing theory would require ALL of the paramedics in on the hoax (which nobody has offered even ONE strong point, that I know of, much less two or three).  And it would also require ALL of the UCLA staff who worked the situation, to be in on it.  Again, why have so many in on it?<br /><br />Some have said that the area was restricted, so they could control who came into the room.  While that is true, regarding the public and certain hospital staff; it is hard to know in advance every staff person who might be there that day, with authority to enter a restricted area (or at least thinks that they have authority, and decides to go in and "help out").  Randy said that there was a "... flurry of activity going on behind this curtain in the E -- um, emergency room ..." {33:49, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDEdX5HlGDU}.<br />
    <br /><br />So the "nothing" in the ambulance theory is excluded.<br /><br />Looks to me like you know not all the paramedics are in the hoax. And also not ALL UCLA staff who "worked the situation" (you mean who worked on the body/saw the body?)<br /><br />TS looks like we are left with the corpse theory and dummy theory...but you said in the original post that you never supported any of the theories  WTF??<br /><br />TS ..please!! Please come here and give us a little more, we're not progressing and it's almost 29 :-\<br />
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322513080:
    <br />I'm sorry i don't understand why talking about " mj died/resurection", is OFF TOPIC. Because, as i notice, it COUD be a possibility, in no way i say it IS true, but why  it is off topic? you want to resolve the puzzle no? :(. ( sorry for my english!!)<br />
    <br /><br />There is another thread for that mimi, not this one.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Would Michael really let someone be a target for him? I strongly doubt it VERY much.<br /><br />As for Blount - my thoughts are initially he was not in on it and that Senneff was in. <br /><br />I am also changing my thinking from a dummy to the corpse theory because of Blount's testimony and the way TS seems to be heading with some posts - plus I went back and re-read some of the earlier levels from TS and looking back on them now...well there are a few interesting hints in them regarding using a corpse (I'll see if I can find the parts a bit later and post them here)<br /><br />Anyway - Blount testified that he thought the patient was already dead and that he had flatlined on the heart monitor which Senneff had put on the patient. Which sounds pretty much corpse-like to me. <br /><br />In Blount's conversation with Sharon Sidney at UCLA he apparently said to her that he did not think the patient was Michael Jackson and then she got upset when he changed his testimony during the trial.<br /><br />So perhaps a corpse was used, Blount wasn't in on it initially, however being an experienced paramedic maybe he asked questions that were getting too tricky and then he had to be brought in to keep him quiet?? Maybe that's why he looked so uncomfortable on the witness stand.<br /><br />IDK.....with all of the above and the fact the house staff were told to leave before the stretcher came out I am now heading towards a corpse being used as well. If the FBI are involved then I guess anything is "do-able". I don't have a big problem with it because I am sure it would have been done very respectfully. If there was another option they would have used it - but if a corpse was the most realistic for Michael's safety, then so be it. <br /><br />Also - wasn't there some private funeral or something like it at Forest Lawn the morning of the burial outside on the lawn for MJ???? I recall footage of this and people standing around under a marqee......maybe this was the burial for the corpse they used?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Gina, can you please stop posting a dozen posts? It's pretty annoying and the thread gets extremely long and confusing because of it. Please collect your theories and questions in one post, instead of posting a new one for every word.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1322513067:
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    on 1322512507:
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    on 1322506328:
    <br />I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Michael wouldn't want someone to be killed. It's like a sacrifice you're describing. Seriously Diggyon do you really think that Michael would be okay to send a double to death? And we ruled out the living double because too risky when considering the potential Illuminati threat...<br /><br />TS<br />
    [size=12pt]This also shows why it would not be a living double: MJ would not intentionally put someone else in a target position like that.[/size]
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />NOOOOOOOOO Sarahli, I would never say something like that about Michael. Never ever!!!!!!!<br />I am also not sure about that theory of mine. I mean that there was really someone betraying Michael somehow and trying to kill him. Then there has been a set up planned by Michael and when the Illuminati were there they just killed this guy....... and it was his body that was sent to the hospital.... well it's just a theory.....  :?: :?: :?:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />People around Michael did say he was "afraid for his life"....that someone is trying to kill him.  Whether this was legitimate or perhaps another hoax angle is uncertain.<br /><br />I don't think the use of a "human shield" (live double) was even seriously considered (which is why I doubt the corpse scenario either).<br /><br />Honestly, I wondered about the "secret meetings" that night, or the change in routine, and the whole "covert" happenings that night by witness'....someone definitely wants us to pause and think there was something sinister or extremely dangerous going on.<br /><br />*Edit...what I can't seem to wrap my mind around is how anyone can support the corpse theory, yet think that Michael would never use a human shield?<br /><br />So, MJ would never put someone in harms way, but if he has a corpse in his home, or uses one at the hospital, then that's okay?!   :?<br /><br />....someone explain that to me like I'm a four year old....'cause I don't get the logic.  :|
    Sorry Sou, I'll try. You delete those 2 from above where I wrote "deleted"<br /><br />@Adi I tend to agree with you, but can you please explain why you think Senneff is in ?
  • on 1322466116:
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    on 1322462675:
    <br />Oh ok now you say it. This whole time I was under the impression that 2:26 was important because it made it into the list that Souza posted on the other page. It was actually the 2nd thing you wrote for the numerology aspect. This has been a long held belief and it was important enough for others as they have used that as a reason for Cooper to be in on it.  fresse/ ;)<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]Nobody would be in on it, MERELY to fulfill the numerology.[/size]  However, those who were already in on it, were used to implement the numerology and timing.   For example, coroner was needed to be in on it, so coroner was used to finalize autopsy on 9-9-09; [size=12pt]but if coroner was not already in the hoax for other reasons, they would not be brought into the hoax just to put 9-9-09 on the report.[/size]<br /><br />The numerology list (see below) was not given in order of importance, rather it was given in chronological order (sequence events happened) and/or logical order (similar concepts together, such as 1998).  But 2:26 is least important because it is not divisible by 111; it does not point directly to end of the world (1221), it does not point to NWO upside down (999), it does not point to death date (2040), etc.  However, it does help validate that 12:21 was planned (see b and c, below).<br /><br />a. The 911 call was in the first few seconds of 12:21<br />b. 12:21 to 2:26 is 2 hours and 5 minutes on June 25; 2 + 5 = 7<br />c. 1,221 + 226 = 1447; 1 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 16; 1 + 6 = 7<br />d. Memorial 7th day of 7th month, 7 years after will (and full moon)<br />e. 77 days from “death” to 9-9-09<br />f. 7 days from “burial” to 9-9-09 (and almost full moon)<br />g. THIS IS IT vowels = 999<br />h. HIS (HIStory and THIS IS IT) backwards = 1998<br />i. 1998 autograph; 1998 - 666 = 1332 / 4 = 333 + 666 = 999<br />j. 777 + 999 = 1776<br />k. All of these numbers (333, 666, 777, 999, 1221, 1776, 1998) are divisible by 111<br />l. 8 + 16 + 1977 = 2001; 6 + 25 + 2009 = 2040 (space intros for Elvis and MJ)<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you for these extra details. For me I can understand MJ's thought process more clearly regarding the numerology. The bolded and enlarged texts are great clues when it comes to deciding whether or not someone is in the hoax or not. The example for the coroner can be applied to Blount. Blount would not be brought in after the fact just for his testimony. For me regarding Blount's testimony during the trial he is speaking as a professional and he is trying to remember as best as possible an incident that had happened over 2 years before. Blount has gone on many 911 calls and helped many patients so for him he is recalling to the best of his ability.<br /><br />Regarding his conversation with the fan at the hospital it is my belief he said he agreed as a lay person and not as a professional. Blount IMO was talking to the fan during a casual convo. His testimony would change during the trial because now he is back in professional mode.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1322514613:
    <br />Sorry Sou, I'll try. You delete 2 of them please.<br /><br />@Adi I tend to agree with you, but can you please explain why you think Senneff is in ?<br />
    <br /><br />The main reason is because Senneff wrote the paramedics report with all the inconsistencies - wrong DOB, incorrect spelling of Michael's name etc, and his version of events regarding what was happening in the room when they arrived matched up with Alvarez's testimony (who I think is definitely in on the hoax)
  • mimi248mimi248 Posts: 124
    i saw TS said " Ps. It seems very in character for MJ to be on site for this entire production. Throughout the years he seems the type to be directly involved in all aspects of his work, and not one to direct remotely. For that reason, I lean towards MJ being on scene at Carolwood, and I still favor him being "the body" that went to UCLA that day. The kid in me wants to think he took the helicopter ride, and performed the grand finale of jumping out of the back of the coroner van too  "<br />hope i helped :s
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1322513067:
    <br />NOOOOOOOOO Sarahli, I would never say something like that about Michael. Never ever!!!!!!!<br />I am also not sure about that theory of mine. I mean that there was really someone betraying Michael somehow and trying to kill him. Then there has been a set up planned by Michael and when the Illuminati were there they just killed this guy....... and it was his body that was sent to the hospital.... well it's just a theory.....  :?: :?: :?:<br />
    <br /><br />Yes I know, that's why I was surprised.  bearhug<br /><br />I think I don't understand your theory. I am not sure what you mean by "set up" and what it includes.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Oh, never mind...<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I'm feeling really strongly about the hospice patient on life support as the most likely option. <br /><br /><br />-This person does not have to have come from UCLA.  <br />-It could have come from a private wealthy home, military hospital, or foreign private care that had all the equipment. <br />-MJ has connections world-wide and the patient was said to look Asian.<br />-Then his name and situation would be more under the documented radar.  <br />-What is the longest that some of these people are kept alive--years? <br />- Head inuries from car accidents--or drug overuse. <br />-I don't think there is a moral problems with this, as this gives the man the release he needs and perhaps saves MJ's life much as would an organ donation. <br />-Facial surgeries could even have been done to help him look more like MJ.  <br />-His name could have been changed legally to MJ's. <br />- They could have given him the scars, etc. needed for the autopsy report. <br />-He could have been brought in by all the extra security on the 24th, or by the FBI, making sure all complies by their laws and permission. <br />-MJ could have arranged with several potential candidates long ago just in case of one dying prematurely.  <br />-Murray did all propofol and drug procedures as the hoax script required.  <br />-A real 911 call was placed, the paramedics do not need to be in on it. They could have done all the intubating, injections, and CPR they thought necessary. The moniters and readings would have all been accurately putting out the heart/brain activity until flatlining. <br />-Them lying could be them trying to cover their asses. I think everyone not in on it is doing that.<br />-UCLA could have not known anything either. <br />-The only ones needing to be in on it then would be MJ's security guards, MJ's closest family (only a few including Paris and Prince) who would have wanted to be up close enough to touch him to see it was not him.  <br />-Possibly the coroner is in because the AR is a partial match only to MJ.  <br />-The ones delaying the ambulance at the house to fit hoax times, would have been the security, not EMT, as TS said Bingo to the concept.<br />-The only reason requiring a closed casket would be some people recognizing it was not MJ.<br />-His body would go through all the normal times and stages of rigormortis and breakdown.  <br />-This gives the absolute fewest people in on the hoax as required, and still a live body that would fool ALL but the closest to MJ. <br />-I'm not including other hoax helpers such as Ben, Harvey Levin, a couple in court (putting in animals props etc), Kenny Ortega? (so hard to guess the list).<br /><br />Could somebody medically knowledgeable comment as to the weaknesses or any added info to this possibility?
  • I keep remembering the airport being shut down the morning of the 25th for one lone passenger to board a plane wih no destinaion revealed and no personal identifying information, a ghost plane.  That struck me odd and my mind went completely bonkers with it and never got back to the norm.  /cook/
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1322515796:
    <br />i saw TS said " Ps. It seems very in character for MJ to be on site for this entire production. Throughout the years he seems the type to be directly involved in all aspects of his work, and not one to direct remotely. For that reason, I lean towards MJ being on scene at Carolwood, and I still favor him being "the body" that went to UCLA that day. The kid in me wants to think he took the helicopter ride, and performed the grand finale of jumping out of the back of the coroner van too  "<br />hope i helped :s <br />
    <br /><br />You want to check that.......because I am pretty sure it wasn't TS who wrote that. <br /><br />TS has debunked the theory that MJ was in the ambulance to UCLA.
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    on 1322516719:
    <br />I'm feeling really strongly about the hospice patient on life support as the most likely option. <br />
    <br /><br />MJonmind I have a few questions regarding your theory:<br /><br />How had the hospice patient been brought to the house and when?<br />Was he still on life support IN the house and someone switched it off? If so: where did the life support equipment go before the paramedics arrived?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322517530:
    <br />
    on 1322515796:
    <br />i saw TS said " Ps. It seems very in character for MJ to be on site for this entire production. Throughout the years he seems the type to be directly involved in all aspects of his work, and not one to direct remotely. For that reason, I lean towards MJ being on scene at Carolwood, and I still favor him being "the body" that went to UCLA that day. The kid in me wants to think he took the helicopter ride, and performed the grand finale of jumping out of the back of the coroner van too  "<br />hope i helped :s <br />
    <br /><br />You want to check that.......because I am pretty sure it wasn't TS who wrote that. <br /><br />TS has debunked the theory that MJ was in the ambulance to UCLA.<br />
    <br /><br />bec said that, not TS.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322477679:
    <br />
    on 1322475878:
    <br />... <br />I get what you are saying, but that would mean MJ's original plan was to be on the scene all the way. Or MJ's plan was never being on scene the whole day, because he already knew their plan and therefore leaked false information.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, I think you still didn't quite get it.<br /><br />MJ's ORIGINAL plan was to NOT go to the hospital, because of the POSSIBILITY that someone MIGHT leak the hoax (which would be a risk whatever his plan was, but especially IF his plan was to go to the hospital--therefore, that was not his plan).<br />
    <br /><br />Oh duh... that's of course the most logic explanation... That's what you get when you have too much other stuff on your mind that is EATING UP your brain cells. I am going to grow some new once and think of a scenario.<br /><br /> lolol/

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • on 1322514439:
    <br />Gina, can you please stop posting a dozen posts? It's pretty annoying and the thread gets extremely long and confusing because of it. Please collect your theories and questions in one post, instead of posting a new one for every word.<br />
    <br /><br />LOL, This!
    on 1322515555:
    <br />
    on 1322514613:
    <br />Sorry Sou, I'll try. You delete 2 of them please.<br /><br />@Adi I tend to agree with you, but can you please explain why you think Senneff is in ?<br />
    <br /><br />The main reason is because Senneff wrote the paramedics report with all the inconsistencies - wrong DOB, incorrect spelling of Michael's name etc, and his version of events regarding what was happening in the room when they arrived matched up with Alvarez's testimony (who I think is definitely in on the hoax)<br />
    <br /><br />I have to watch his testimony again but I don't know when, it's not much time left.<br />Anyway, what about Mark Goodwin? He saw the body, worked on the body with Blount and Senneff. Also Brad Harris or whatever his name is  - saw the body. There are already too many people in this rescue team that should be in.<br /><br />Anyway, I understand there were 5 people who arrived in ambulance and fire truck, 2 in the ambulance (Senneff and Blount) and 3 in the fire truck (Jeff Mills, Mark Goodwin and Brad H.)<br />4 of them were in the bedroom and saw the body and 3 of them worked on the body.<br />Here I go again to the corpse theory...but I am not sure.
  • Wow this is amazing and it is taking me all the way back to the reason I decided to join this forum.  My initial theory which I have held to dearly stemming from the rehearsal 3 days before 6/25/09 which was attended by Michael’s security, AEG representatives , and peronnel representing Lords of London.  Something obviously was getting ready to go down.  What? I don’t know though I have my theories.  But what ever it was, clued Michael that it’s time to shut this thing down and dip, and I believe he heeded that voice and did just that. Michael Jackson did not sit by or lay down and let somebody pump him up full of poison and just die, especially knowing what he knows about the dark side of the business. An he would not have had security around him that would not be just as keen to watch out, look out, listen, and act.  He is too sharp and too quick thinking to allow that.  I have to give him more credit.  I have to. 
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