TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322525986:
    <br /><br />I'll add to what bec said in her post (I might end up repeating stuff too).<br /><br />1 - We see the body (MJ) sit up in the helicopter.<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br />How do we know that it is MJ in the helicopter? I agree with the moving body but it could be anyone.<br /><br /><br />
    on 1322525986:
    <br />3 - The video of Michael jumping out of the coroner van.  Yes, this was "debunked" (for the masses who already think he's dead) by a German television station that has had connections to Michael in the past.  This video was released on 8-25-09, the same day the autopsy photo was taken, even though the photo date was said to be a "mistake".<br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />We again do not know if that is MJ or not. Just assuming. Maybe it was really a game of the German tv channel.<br /><br />
    on 1322525986:
    <br />4 - Gives Michael hands on direction of his hoax.  TS said that MJ wouldn't make a double take his spot as he wouldn't put someone else in a target position like that.  And yet by believing MJ flew off on an unscheduled private jet, we are led to believe that Michael would put EVERYONE ELSE actively involved in the events of the hoax that day AT RISK??!?  While he's safely tucked away on a plane or at his destination?  I don't think so.
    <br /><br />While everyone was thinking that he was dead, I do not think that he would be risking someone's life at risk to fly with a private jet. Especially with a fake name and a disguise.<br /><br />
    on 1322525986:
    <br />5 - It's a movie.  Agree with bec that MJ stars in his own films.<br />
    <br /><br />This time he is not the actor of his film but the director of his film. Giving direction to people at the locations would be enough. Why would he need to pop in front of the camera where there was no need to? He is the invisible star and the visible star of the movie is Murray. And this is definitely not only a movie. <br /><br />
    on 1322525986:
    <br />6 - TS said one of the seven reasons for the hoax was a 'prank'.  What better way to prank the world than play dead in front of everyone's eyes?
    <br /><br />He doesn't need to be in front of people's eyes to make it a prank.<br /><br />P.S: I'll be going to bed right now and I'll be thinking about these because these are the last things I read and will be thinking of you Andrea.  :shock:  geek/ Scared yet? :lol: <br /><br /> bearhug<br /><br /> <br /><br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I have to say, that IF this is NOT about the illuminati, and it is US/TS that have brought up their involvement, wouldn't "they" be on here or someplace jumping on us about NOT being involved in KILLING Michael Jackson????<br />If this is a movie or hoax or sting, and NOT about the illuminati and there is SO much about their involvement, isn't this actually accusing them..and a very dangerous THEM???<br />AND if they ARE involved in this, how could Michael EVER return???  They do not go away!<br />I just DO NOT think this is about the illuminati.<br />BUT, who the heck am I????
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    @ PureLove,  :shock: Yes I'm scared! :lol:<br /><br />But to reply to what you said, - "How do we know that it is MJ in the helicopter? I agree with the moving body but it could be anyone." - we don't KNOW it was MJ but if we take TS's word for it that a double wasn't involved, then who else could it be? Would Michael risk someone else's life over his own?<br /><br />Another thing you said PureLove - "While everyone was thinking that he was dead, I do not think that he would be risking someone's life at risk to fly with a private jet. Especially with a fake name and a disguise." - The people who were involved that day KNOW Michael's not dead.  If there was some nefarious plan to "get Michael" that day, Michael would be risking everyone's lives who were involved in pulling off the hoax, risk of being in the cross fire.  If there were no wicked murder plans that day, the hoax and everyone involved still risks exposure and once again, would Michael do that to people he trusts and are loyal to him?  To anyone?  I just don't see it, despite what we haven't discovered about the man we never knew.<br /><br />To the rest of what you said, read my comment above what you said, lol.  Have a good night girl.<br /><br /><br /> bearhug<br /><br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1322527933:
    <br />I have to say, that IF this is NOT about the illuminati, and it is US/TS that have brought up their involvement, wouldn't "they" be on here or someplace jumping on us about NOT being involved in KILLING Michael Jackson????<br />If this is a movie or hoax or sting, and NOT about the illuminati and there is SO much about their involvement, isn't this actually accusing them..and a very dangerous THEM???<br />AND if they ARE involved in this, how could Michael EVER return???  They do not go away!<br />I just DO NOT think this is about the illuminati.<br />BUT, who the heck am I????<br />
    <br /><br />If the Illuminati (I don't trust that word, I'm gonna say TPTB) didn't try to kill Michael that day, they are still not good people.  They still control mostly everything in the world.  How can Michael expose them if no one knows who they are?  How much have so many people learned here about TPTB since Michael faked his death?  I first started learning about them when I was 19, right after 9/11 happened but my knowledge has greatly increased since belonging to this forum.  The lesson may be more important than the active application. 
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1321247670:
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    on 1321243768:
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    on 1321241297:
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    on 1321240473:
    <br /><br /><br />Snoopy, I rather like that you arrived on the scene. You're really contributing here, I am glad to have you aboard. Great post. But you forget the third option; dummy/cadaver/Live MJ.<br /><br />Live MJ solves the problem of storage and disposal (lol). Live MJ can disguise or hide and be ushered out of anywhere in a multitude of ways. He's been doing it his whole life, really. No different on 6/25/09 if he had to find someway to leave undetected by public or paps. Who better then MJ to leave a venue unnoticed?<br /><br />Live MJ solves the problem of fooling the casual glance. If someone were to catch a glimpse of him on the stretcher; either through the Carrolwood gates or going into the ER at UCLA, it really is MJ on the stretcher so there's no problem. Appearances are kept up. Who's to say at quick glance if he's alive or dead?<br /><br />Live MJ also solves the basic need for MJ to direct and oversee Day Zero, which is so crucial to the 2+ year long project which was to follow.<br /><br />Live MJ lets us see him sitting up on the stretcher and sitting up in the helicopter.<br /><br />Live MJ also completes the story with Van Video and coroner photoshoot in one seamless flow.<br /><br />Using a Live MJ is the simplest scenario that satisfies all of the hoax needs. Live MJ also allows everyone to say it looked like MJ and it was MJ and they worked on MJ, MJ was laying there, etc. Maybe when they gave him the balloon pump they gave it to him and let him play around with it for awhile (ha). They had a couple of hours to kill.<br /><br />I agree with whoever said the overhead view changes the appearance of the "body". I'm so sorry I forgot who it was, it was about 2 pages back and they are right. The full sun reflects off the white surface back at the camera lens and the lens would have difficulty resolving the light balance between it and the background. Because the background is prevalent, the camera adapts as best it can and as a result, the white detail is "lost". The same effect occurs on the van, most notably that the white van appears a white blob, with no small detail to the sides/top. Only stark colors stick out against the white background. Now is it the same body that comes off as goes on? I don't know, but I disagree that comparing the two cameras still frames is proof of a switch.<br /><br />I have seen the dark clothed, presumed, camera man dart into the parking garage behind the coroner van and I agree that this is who, at least is supposed to look like, filmed the van video. Is this scenario the truth? I don't know. I think so, yes, but I'm jumping ahead in levels so I'll stop now and cross that bridge when we get to it.<br />
    <br /><br />Bec, <br /><br />I would 100% agree with you....that is until about 20 minutes ago.<br /><br />Now I'm a little shaky on the "live MJ" scenario.<br /><br />The Cadaver/Donnor body theory is out the window for me. <br /><br />I was debating with PureLove about the body transport to the van. In some instances the body appears "flat", so I reviewed the video taken that day and came across some interesting revelations.<br /><br />I don't want to prejudice your perspective, so take a look and see what it looks like to you.<br /><br />The video is looped, but the event occurs at :51, 4:40, 5:40 and 8:17.<br /><br />Look closely inside the van.<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />I've seen it. I did rewatch it again but I have seen it a thousand times, and I'm probably not kidding. This wasn't missed, the topic of the man lifting the "body" in the coroner's van was tossed around at length in 2009 (no pun intended). Keep watching the tape. He uses both hands and he pics the "body" up with the knot of the sheet. He hefts what appears to be the right amount of weight in making the effort. Watch again, and again, and again. It's  spot on.<br /><br />I think it's Live MJ. How fun would that be. I have always loved that theory because it's so much incredible fun even though I didn't think it was very realistic (risk), but now that we have seen trial and know that Dr. Cooper is for sure in on the hoax (tells us she worked on a dead body for over 1 hour and called t.o.d. 2:26), I'm totally fine with this theory being The One. It all fits, start to finish, in perfect lateral progression of Day Zero events.<br />
    <br /><br />Actually, now that I watch that particular scene again (and again and again and again) it looks like the body shifts itself to help the guy moving his body!  Especially at the 0:53 mark, if you look lower on the sheet, you can SEE someone underneath moving as well, not just the sheet itself.  OMG!!<br /><br />It's Michael under that sheet, I'm sure of it now.  I always liked the scenario that it was him all the way along but now I'm convinced of it.  Holy cow!!!  This is HUGE for me.<br /><br />Thank you bec for your insight as it made me watch that part again and see as you do.  <br /><br />Michael was there every step of the way -  Carolwood, ambulance, hospital, helicopter, coroner van - then we lost track of him after he jumped out and disappeared behind the door....although I know we've seen him since.<br /><br />Bring on the next level!<br /><br />
    <br /><br />This was my "eureka!" moment.  Just over 2 weeks ago I saw that video footage.  Now you can't see that video anymore.  How long do you think that particular video has been around for, 2+ years would be a reasonable guess.  Coincidence?<br /><br />I like the Live MJ best, it seems to fit all the parameters in my eyes.  If it must be debunked, then please explain why, for all of the points suggesting that it was actually Michael that day.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    That's the point, isn't it Andrea, all the points suggesting that it WAS MJ himself. At face value, this is exactly what happened, you look at each stage of the game and all signs point to Live MJ. Then you add fear and doubt and risk and worry and suddenly you need a 54 page elaborate discussion of "what really happened".<br /><br />So all the information suggests it is Live MJ and the sole reason this cannot be is conjecture??? Not debunked.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Holy wow I just got excited!!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1322530729:
    <br />That's the point, isn't it Andrea, all the points suggesting that it WAS MJ himself. At face value, this is exactly what happened, you look at each stage of the game and all signs point to Live MJ. Then you add fear and doubt and risk and worry and suddenly you need a 54 page elaborate discussion of "what really happened".<br /><br />So all the information suggests it is Live MJ and the sole reason this cannot be is conjecture??? Not debunked.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />The lions and tigers and bears oh my! aspect of following the yellow brick road.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1322529954:
    <br />This was my "eureka!" moment.  Just over 2 weeks ago I saw that video footage.  Now you can't see that video anymore.  How long do you think that particular video has been around for, 2+ years would be a reasonable guess.  Coincidence?I like the Live MJ best, it seems to fit all the parameters in my eyes.  If it must be debunked, then please explain why, for all of the points suggesting that it was actually Michael that day.<br />
    <br /><br />Here is the vid...it's still there just prob not under that account anymore:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1322531556:
    <br />
    on 1322529954:
    <br />This was my "eureka!" moment.  Just over 2 weeks ago I saw that video footage.  Now you can't see that video anymore.  How long do you think that particular video has been around for, 2+ years would be a reasonable guess.  Coincidence?I like the Live MJ best, it seems to fit all the parameters in my eyes.  If it must be debunked, then please explain why, for all of the points suggesting that it was actually Michael that day.<br />
    <br /><br />Here is the vid...it's still there just prob not under that account anymore:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />Lol, ok.  But still, that particular video that was on THIS THREAD is the one that stopped working.<br /><br />Oh, and it's not the same video although it has some of the same footage.
  • on 1322527123:
    <br />I'm gonna go one further. The "missing" security footage. If there's a dead body laying there, or a life like dummy, and all the events proceeded just as they tell it why no security footage? Where'd it go? It being "missing" indicates there was something on that footage that no one was allowed to see, necessitating it's destruction. Would this footage existing not enhance the illusion of a death hoax? Dramatic footage released of Michael's last minutes attended by Murray in the bed, cut to scene of Paramedics rushing in, cut to scene of stretcher being carried out... wonderful stuff to convince the world AND The Illuminati that MJ was deader then a doornail. Surely at least they would have footage of MJ coming home the night before. But no. Nothing.<br /><br />As it is, the "missing" footage arouses curiosity, which can quickly turn into suspicion, and not just by hoaxers. It's a rabbit trail that to anyone SUSPECTING that MJ might try to fake his death to escape them (Illuminati) would latch onto and investigate to death before being satisfied of actual death.<br /><br />But whatever. What is a strong point? Because I think this theory is full of them. Others think TS's Illuminati theory has strong points and I'm off my tree. This whole thing is turning into my opinion against your opinion (collective).<br /><br />PureLove, you posted while I was finishing this post:<br /><br />We don't KNOW that the staff left the house before the ambulance did, that's just what we were told. <br /><br />Does [size=14pt]any[/size] part of this death hoax sound logical? Frankly, the only thing that sounds logical to me is that MJ hoaxed his death as a giant piece of performance art as a major comeback, because he can, and to show off for his kids. His art is his life so there is no "just" or trivial aspect to what I envision at all.<br /><br />What is logical? Something with precedent. There is no precedent for this.<br />
    <br /><br />If Michael faked his death due to the Illuminati, don't you think they could read everything we are posting in this forum? I am just wondering what would happen if they would..
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I think that all this news had a reason<br /><br />Michael Jackson's Body -- Hold the Plastic<br /><br />While it may seem like the kind of thing Michael Jackson would do, reports that the late singer made plans to have himself "plastinated" and put on display are exaggerated. <br />0627_michael_jackson_body_worlds_getty_80028891_88656575.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />The director of publicity for Dr. Gunther von Hagens tells TMZ someone claiming to be from Jackson's management team did contact BODY WORLDS several months ago about Jackson's interest in being preserved in plastic.<br /><br />But, she says, "We can further confirm that Mr. Jackson is not now a registered body donor in the Institute for Plastination's Body Donation Program."<br />http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/27/michael-jacksons-body-hold-the-plastic/#.TtQ-UWVCgnI<br /><br /><br /><br />ATgAAAA7IzWRsMGoaszivugwL8ZKYm3pkvQ84hZ-0Tsa1BIXXDjPEz4_yVtyO-A4qaUH-qsgTOyaIkFCX4VGRdC9kQZJAJtU9VBLAL9nHzqjSZRm96Iuju97IA-Opg.jpg
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Excellent reminder, Paula.<br /><br />
    Body Worlds 2 & The Brain – Our Three Pound Gem (concerning the brain and nervous system) opened in 2005 at the California Science Center in Los Angeles.
    <br /><br />
    Body Worlds 3 & The Story of the Heart (concerning the cardiovascular system) opened on February 25, 2006, at the Houston Museum of Natural Science.
    <br /><br />
    The exhibit states that its purpose and mission is the education of laymen about the human body, leading to better health awareness.All the human plastinates are from people who donated their bodies for plastination via a body donation program.
    <br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_Worlds<br /><br /><br />This could be another source for the "corpse theory".<br /><br /><br />As to the "threat theory": the world is ruled by fear.<br /><br />
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1322530729:
    <br />That's the point, isn't it Andrea, all the points suggesting that it WAS MJ himself. At face value, this is exactly what happened, you look at each stage of the game and all signs point to Live MJ. Then you add fear and doubt and risk and worry and suddenly you need a 54 page elaborate discussion of "what really happened".<br /><br />So all the information suggests it is Live MJ and the sole reason this cannot be is conjecture??? Not debunked.<br />
    <br /><br />I LOVE the way you "think" BEC!<br /> <br />I know I haven't been contributing to this thread much, but I LOVE sitting back watching. Keep up the great work family! I have a "feeling" that Michael is going to need us to put our "investigative" skills to use again, in the very near future.<br /><br />I know that many of you are confused and frustrated, but please know that everything will make sense when all is revealed. There is so much more to come. The "hoax" is just one of the many "Life Lessons" to be learned on this "adventure". The "Hoax" will be a Global wake up call, and from there, the "lessons" will keep coming. People's "perception" of what they have Believed in all of their lives ,is about to be ROCKED to it's core! In the end it will be up to "US", to look at the world and our own Lives, with a whole new perspective. This is all about discovering who "we" really are, and about "Making a change" and living our lives with LOVE, Freedom and Unity! LOVE is Important...LOVE is the answer!<br /><br />Remember..."This Is It, but it isn't IT" and  "This isn't the End...It's just the Beginning"!<br /><br />Keep the Faith my Beautiful Family! Michael LOVES each and every one of us, enough so, that he "Died" to save our Lives!<br /><br />I LOVE You guys and I appreciate all of your hard work!<br />Blessings LOVE and LIGHT!<br /><br />TS...I LOVE YOU!!, Thank You for all that you do for us!<br /> bearhug
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Why are people thinking TS is supporting a possibly "false theory", and trying to mislead people? When has he done this? Never to my knowledge. If he is supporting a false theory,  he says so, and by it being called a "false theory" it tells us that it is false and will never be true; but he is just taking on all perspectives.<br />We are at a crucial point in this hoax and to mislead seems like a huge waste of time, TS' time and ours, nor is it teaching anyone anything.<br /><br /> It also appears that people are holding on to their theories for dear life; whilst ignoring TS' posts which include evidence to back up the information. The "Live MJ" theory is exciting sure, but there is no EVIDENCE showing he was there or why. Wanting to believe it is not enough. <br />Also, the reason the Illuminat/NWO threat to MJ matches with his work, (i.e. Smooth Criminal/Black or White/TDRCAU) is because he was trying to get this true message across. There really is no reason this threat should be debated considering we have MJ and his family telling us over a course of years, about this conspiracy against him and artist's in general. Therefore, it is not "if" but "is", because it did and does exist. That is really what TS was trying to say, in my opinion.<br /><br /> Smooth Criminal was about the Illuminati/NWO etc, blinding the public's eye from the truth, hence MJ blowing dust into the camera, saying they've been "got" by a smooth criminal. Also, it shows them against him, and he blinds them the same way (blows dust into their eyes) and tells them they've been "got" by him. Like this hoax. And I could go on but you get the point. <br /><br /> TS redirected to a post by Serenitys_Dream on Jan. 10, for a reason. It spoke about the corpse theory and she had posted great examples of why it would be used in that thread. He always redirected to something for a reason even if it was just something small. I have been reading his posts for 2+ yrs., and have yet to see him "mislead" people.
  • on 1322468440:
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    on 1322264200:
    <br />The house staff being told to leave before the ambulance makes me think there was something they weren’t meant to see on that stretcher. They needed the least amount of people in the house before the stretcher left the house.<br />
    <br /><br />EXACTLY!  It is coming together now, as I said it would.  As soon as you realize that the things in the videos actually happened on 6-25-09, then the pieces start falling into place.<br /><br />
    on 1322264466:
    <br />Hey, maybe that's why they waited for so long - 40 minutes - before the ambulance left Carlwood - because they waited all the staff to leave :shock: :shock:<br />
    <br /><br />BINGO!<br /><br />Someone suggested that the staff were sent away, so they would not take pictures.  Really?  In a life-and-death emergency, you are going to WAIT until the staff leaves, before taking MJ to the hospital, JUST SO NOBODY GETS A PICTURE?????  In other words, it's okay if MJ dies before we get him to the hospital, just so long as nobody gets a picture in the process!!!???!!!  <br /><br />Also, they could simply ask the staff not to take any pictures, and confiscate their camera/phone if they did.  So I think that we can file this ([size=14pt]staff sent away before bringing the body down[/size]) as another good evidence of the hoax.  If MJ really died, this makes no sense.<br /><br />
    on 1322291099:
    <br />So that gets rid of MJ in person on the stretcher..... <br />
    <br /><br />Yes, that is my third of five reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital.<br />
    <br /><br />TS, you were telling that NOTHING went to UCLA and Michael was NOT with us WAY BEFORE he arrived to the airport (by Jermain), meaning Michael left Carolwood way before staged 911 call, then he went to airport to fly somewhere.<br />Then WHY and what is the meaning to tell house staff to leave house NOT TO SEE WHAT WAS ON STRETCHER if you are suggesting NOTHING went to UCLA. <br />SEE, I FOUND INCONSISTENCY in your theory because now u say staff was let go so they  could not take a picture of BODY  on stretcher bringing down. I am confused; was there body or no?
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Just to add, I also think him (TS) saying MJ's plan was to NOT go to the hospital, is saying that he never planned to go to the hospital. Not when he planned the hoax, and not on the day of June, 25, 09.<br />That theory involves the highest risk of all theories.<br /><br /> On the ambulance pic and Blount; if Blount is not in the know, and he wanted to say something there are many people in high/key places that is enough to keep him silent. If he was "let in" after that day then it still wouldn't change anything. Ben was there on June. 25., to reinforce the power of suggestion. Paramedics and the public can see a photographer run along side the ambulance that later claimed to take the "last pic" of MJ, thus, people believe that the photo was indeed shot in real time from that day/event. Blount for example, could have also been effected by this "power of suggestion" because he could have seen Ben himself that day and therefore, not question the photo etc.<br /><br /> The idea that MJ stars in all of his productions, is hardly evidence that he would ride in the ambulance that day and risk everything. He is the star of this production regardless. He is the "performer who died tragically" and became the victim with all eyes on him. He didn't need to go to in the ambulance to UCLA  because this whole scenario revolves around him anyway.<br /><br /> And finally, the threat of the 'Illuminati' against him NOW doesn't hold much weight, only because he is I'm sure, safe and protected. The worlds eyes are on his family and if anything was to happen, huge questions would arise. Much like if he came back, everyone would be watching him AND the culprits. If he died mysteriously after the BAM, ofcourse it would raise suspicion because people would be aware of the threat. Thusly, after the BAM he is safest and protected, not just by people close to him, but the public. So even if they were to read info here or anywhere, what can they do really? Hunt him down or his family? If we believe Michael is in control, then he and his family are fine.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Great post Susy  ::P<br /><br />TS did say in the past that he may support false theories from time to time.  I'm not sure if he ever gave an exact reason for this but if I had to guess...it was to see if we'd just gobble up what he was telling us or actually research it for ourselves.  I don't think for one second he ever did it for malicious reasons...if anything, as more of a test (if he did it at all).<br /><br />I am not doubting the REAL threats that were against MJ one bit...they are/were evident to anyone who looked deep enough.  What I am unsure of (and what I meant in my previous post---not sure if you were questioning something I wrote)...is whether or not a specific threat existed on June 25th.  IMO, it would make a big difference in how things were carried out depending on whether or not there was.  <br /><br />I tend to think that given this level was supposed to be completed by the 29th and TS went as far as saying he would complete it himself if necessary to meet this 'deadline'...that he is not misleading us now.  That's my gut feeling...but, at the same time...I'm a bit 'thrown off' because TS has never spoonfed us anything and yet all of a sudden he is kinda sorta lol.  <br /><br />In support of him NOT misleading us now...IMO, everything he's said so far makes sense.<br /><br />At the end of the day...the scenario that would cause the LEAST amount of risk to MJ and his hoax, is the one that makes the most sense to me...the whole purpose of all this was to 'fake' his death.  Intentionally putting himself in a position that could screw things up, or worse yet make his death a reality, would defeat the purpose.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • The German TV station did NOT debunk the coroner van video.  I believe Jonell Star pointed out that the "Making of..." video was BS and had several differences from the original.<br /><br />Annie are you okay?  michael-jackson/
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Thanks BeTheChange, and no not you specifically but everyone in general who seem uneasy. <br />I think TS is a bit fed up lol, so he's trying his best to point us in the right direction, but people here have done a great job in investigating every theory and have made much progress.<br /><br />I also do not think there was a threat on June 25 specifically but everyday in general-if that makes sense. Considering everything happened that day according to plan and TS made reference to MJ leaving to his secret location on a plane, PRIOR to the events unfolding, than they did not "get"  him or ruin his *initial* plan in my opinion. <br /><br />@monstertooty I agree the van video was not debunked at all. What I don't know, is if it happened that day in real time. If it did, it could have been a double; if not, it could have been filmed prior. Either way, it was important to the hoax considering it's release date and it's possible purpose of making people question his "death". Just like the autopsy, gurney and ambulance picture's, it could have been done again, in advance, and everything released according to plan.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    From TS regarding  MJ not being in imminent danger on June 25th 2009:<br /><br />
    on 1300414974:
    <br />
    I know TS said this hoax is because of many things but TS didn't say it was also because MJ was in danger? So is MJ not in danger or was never in danger?<br /><br />This is not an important question but TS said that it was also a prank, who is it a prank to? I know MJ liked doing pranks but why is that one of the reasons? I am not trying to single out that reason or take it out of context but it just interests me.
    <br /><br />I have always said that MJ was in danger, but it was not imminent danger on June 25.  Did he realize on the morning of June 25, that someone was hot on his tracks--and then he suddenly decided to make a dash for the airport, while planning and orchestrating the hoax by cell phone on the run?  No, he had this planned for a long time; the numerology, the "illusion", and even his statement to Randy the night before--all these show us clearly that MJ already had it planned to the exact day.  Therefore, it was not a last-minute idea to escape imminent danger.
    <br /><br />Also just another interesting section from TS - TIAI April 11 (Level 3) about what may have or may not have gone in the ambulance which I was reading last night:<br />
    so far nobody has offered any strong support for ALL of the paramedics being in on it; and if any of them were not in on it, there would almost certainly need to be a real corpse.  Please don’t dismiss this possibility too quickly; it would explain the warm room, the paramedics not recognizing MJ, he looked like a frail old man, etc—and it would also decrease the amount of people that would need to be in on it (both at the house, and at the hospital).  If someone can bring at least two strong points against the corpse theory, and nobody can debunk either of the two: fine.  And if not, then we need to be open to considering all possibilities—that is what good investigation is all about.
    <br /><br />and then this from TIAI March 9th (Level 2)<br />
    just like last time, I may play “DA” (devil's advocate)—and try to debunk things that are true, just to keep you on your toes!  Enjoy the ride!!
    <br /><br />But I agree.....would TS be doing this now to us again so late in the goings-on??? maybe......maybe not.... no-one really knows except TS.....<br /><br />I'm going to have to use one of those bloody hair pulling smilies (which I have refused to use so far)<br /><br /> /pull hair/<br /><br /> :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Thanks Adi! I do highly doubt he would put us on the wrong tracks now given he wanted this done by Nov. 29. Plus, all of his other posts you posted in this thread, hint to one specific theory. <br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    The credibility of any information does not start and end with its source. Just because TS said it doesn't make it true.<br /><br />
    Agreed.  That is why I am giving five different reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital.  Jermaine's clue/slip is only one of the five.
    <br />Jermaine's words can only be taken for what they're worth. Just because Jermaine (or LaToya or Joe or Paris) says something, doesn't make it true. He could well have been just dropping a rabbit hole. It's a popular theory, why not a false lead? It got attention, a lot of it. And who says the diagram of the hoax is out there in the media? Sounds like theatrics designed to draw attention, but false attention. You won't be spoon fed anything and Jermaine's fake slip up proves that. First of all, even if the escape theory were the truth, MJ would have left at least the night before if not day(s) before, not the day of 6/25/09 as the context of Jermaine's slip up suggests.<br /><br />
    on 1322468440:
    <br />
    on 1322264200:
    <br />The house staff being told to leave before the ambulance makes me think there was something they weren’t meant to see on that stretcher. They needed the least amount of people in the house before the stretcher left the house.<br />
    <br /><br />EXACTLY!  It is coming together now, as I said it would.  As soon as you realize that the things in the videos actually happened on 6-25-09, then the pieces start falling into place.
    <br />Exactly, lol. <br /><br />
    on 1322468440:
    <br />
    on 1322264466:
    <br />Hey, maybe that's why they waited for so long - 40 minutes - before the ambulance left Carlwood - because they waited all the staff to leave :shock: :shock:<br />
    <br /><br />BINGO!<br /><br />Someone suggested that the staff were sent away, so they would not take pictures.  Really?  In a life-and-death emergency, you are going to WAIT until the staff leaves, before taking MJ to the hospital, JUST SO NOBODY GETS A PICTURE?????  In other words, it's okay if MJ dies before we get him to the hospital, just so long as nobody gets a picture in the process!!!???!!!  <br /><br />Also, they could simply ask the staff not to take any pictures, and confiscate their camera/phone if they did.  So I think that we can file this (staff sent away before bringing the body down) as another good evidence of the hoax.  If MJ really died, this makes no sense.<br /><br />
    on 1322291099:
    <br />So that gets rid of MJ in person on the stretcher..... <br />
    <br /><br />Yes, that is my third of five reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital.<br />
    <br /><br />Pardon me but, huh?? What is reason 3? Because the staff was sent home before the stretcher was brought down? #1 we only have a random media report that the staff was sent home. Kai did not confirm that she was sent home before the stretcher came down. #2 however, even if this report is true, it does not mean that MJ wasn't there and didn't go to UCLA in the ambulance, it just means that the priority at the house was minimal witnesses.<br /><br />
    on 1322473693:
    <br />My fourth point, on MJ not going to the hospital, is the testimony of Sharon Sidney.  She is one of the “stalker” fans, who was at Carolwood day and night; and she was there when the ambulance went to UCLA.  Ben talks about her, and you can even see a still shot of her face {see 1:15, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvr08oqpK44; compare http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBwcjfRkht0}.<br /><br />Of course we could write this off by saying that she is in on the hoax, but why?  Or if she is not in the hoax, why would she lie?  This is not my only evidence; but it is one of them.  And the testimony of people is usually considered acceptable evidence for court cases.<br /><br />A casual fan might not be able to determine whether or not it was MJ on the stretcher; but she was no casual fan.  Her purpose in following the ambulance to UCLA was to see what was or wasn’t in the stretcher; so it would be very hard to say that she merely FORGOT whether or not she saw MJ on the stretcher—this would NOT be something that you might forget (such as the time of day).<br /><br />“She says, there were strange cars at Michael Jackson's mansion on the night of June 24th. She felt that something covert was taking place. ... She tells of how, at the hospital, she spoke with paramedic Blount, and how they both agreed that the person that was wheeled into the hospital was not Michael Jackson. Sharon is adamant that the patient wheeled into the emergency room was much shorter than Michael. She was very upset that paramedic Blount told a completely different story when he testified for the prosecution and detailed how he and his partner handled Michael's resuscitation efforts at Carolwood.”<br />{http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tanya-young-williams/michael-jackson-trial-dr-conrad-murray-week-2_b_1002886.html; http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=20842.0}.<br />
    <br /><br />The stalker fans make poor witnesses for detail because of their level of emotional trauma that day. She was looking at a body shape covered by a sheet being wisked past her... she may think she knows a lot about what she saw, but how much realistically could she have seen? Most likely she was just mistaken. Perhaps her perception was off. Perhaps she was just hysterical. Perhaps it was a combination of all 3. Who knows. A single witness isn't really credible considering her observation goes unsubstantiated. Not only unsubstantiated by Blout who never publically confirmed this story, but also by all the images we have from 6/25/09. The "body" has been described as a lot of things by us over the years, but never as being "too short".  I don't really have to add that maybe she is just lying. <br /><br />
    on 1322475529:
    <br />
    on 1322471313:
    <br />I don't believe they would kill him according to this numerology, but I have never thought about the option of them trying after the world would already think he's dead. But that would mean AFTER he was pronounced dead. <br />
    <br /><br />No, they probably would not follow the 12:21 and 2:26; but we are NOT discussing here if the ACTUALLY got him (and since we have these numbers, then they did not get him).  Instead, we are discussing how MJ would PLAN for things to go.  They could take him out any time after the (supposedly) "not breathing" point in time, and the world would think that MJ was already dead (or very nearly so).  The risk therefore did not start at 2:26, the risk started a couple of hours before that.<br /><br />Also, I am not saying that MJ found out that they were planning to get him that day.  Rather, I'm saying he knew that there was a general threat out there (and had been there for a long time); and IF someone in the hoax leaked his plans, it would be an unnecessary risk to go to the hospital (and also escape from the hospital, with a lot of people around--not all of whom you can trust).<br /><br />Yes, there was also risk while getting away in a plane, and afterwards; but much less people needed to know about the specifics of the getaway, than the people in on the hoax.  You can't eliminate all risks, but you can minimize them.<br />
    <br /><br />You say it would be an unnecessary risk to go the hospital, yet... the ambulance and something did go to the hospital, and then something did leave UCLA that day and it was written into the script for a reason. Considering this was a KEY action scene, again, something had to make that trip. You say it would be difficult for MJ to escape. A body "escaped" wrapped in a sheet from the room via helicopter. Even if this is NOT MJ, MJ has been making it his business to "escape" from buildings and venues and events undetected his entire life. Avoiding the paps and the crowd is nothing new for MJ. Why would 6/25/09 be any different?<br /><br />If we accept that the UCLA docs are in on it, the Paramedics are in on it, the Bodyguards are in on it, and the Coroner guys are in on it, MJ had all the cover and protection he needed to do this stunt wrapped in a sheet, it now seems, Carrolwood-->Coroner. Additionally, if you accept that the FBI is involved in some facet, you accept that those Helicopter guys are under orders to look the other way.<br /><br />
    on 1322477185:
    <br />Some have said that the area was restricted, so they could control who came into the room.  While that is true, regarding the public and certain hospital staff; it is hard to know in advance every staff person who might be there that day, with authority to enter a restricted area (or at least thinks that they have authority, and decides to go in and "help out").  Randy said that there was a "... flurry of activity going on behind this curtain in the E -- um, emergency room ..." {33:49, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDEdX5HlGDU}.<br />
    <br /><br />I do not know what lengths you would need to go to to ensure, in advance, that an ER scenario was 100% secure before attempting this hoax but that's one of those things that a movie production layperson and non-celebrity would never know. Like the legality questions, there's certain technical aspects to the hoax that I just have to trust the proper precautions have been taken. If you like, TS, you can count this as one strong piece of evidence that supports your theory simply because I do not have the expertise to say if it's possible or not. I do know that UCLA has wings of their ER that are available for shooting movies and TV in, and the LAFD and LAPD offer assistance in the form of props and vehicles for filming Hollywood productions, but that is all I can offer.<br /><br />I might go back to the stretcher .gif again. I'll concede TS successfully showed an object which is probably legs on the far side of the stretcher but I don't agree this means MJ wasn't on the stretcher and I also don't agree that it means that is not MJ's ear-face-ear/ponytail that we see for 3 frames. I don't know if it's worth arguing anymore though, the hour is late.<br /><br />
  • on 1322546315:
    <br />The credibility of any information does not start and end with its source. Just because TS said it doesn't make it true.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Agree. But IF he/she would have been an INSIDER/KNOWER, it  suppose to be true and only true, right? Since there is only one truth and if TS source is Michael himself or family memb., then there should be NO doubts. IMO. 
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    But it's a game.
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