TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    on 1322490342:
    <br />It seems that the correct choice will be a corpse?<br /><br />Well, if the FBI is in, everything can be ...<br /><br />There is only one question ... If Michael's life was in danger so he would have left their children?<br /><br />If people who wanted to kill him  discovered their plans, which is easy if they enter this forum, could not they threaten his children and his family, making Michael return sooner than expected? <br />
    <br /><br />Anna at times I did wonder if this hoax discussion is to keep the Illuminati occupied, as in trying to find him and so the children are safe and can live their normal lives. It would be the perfect sacrifice, but it would also be difficult for Michael to return.
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    You could also have a dummy made out of panels that when turned on look like Michael, like lightman, remember the abnormalities in the autopsy pic with bands of different colours. I think with all the technology available Michael could have used the most outlandish things to achieve whatever he wanted to. The 3D projections available nowadays are mindblowing.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1322489903:
    <br />Wow...the things you miss when you finally get some sleep!p<br /><br />@WishingStar...good reminder of the incorrectly filled out paramedic report.  If I remember correctly, it was Senneff that filled it out?  Could that 'hint' towards him being in on it?<br /><br />I had thought that Blount WAS in on it because he was the one actually working the patient...but it looks like some of TS' recent posts change some things around, at least in my brain.  By my count, even without TS' filling in ALL the blanks (yet) in debunking the possibilities...we can eliminate the following: 1) Live MJ, 2) living double, 3) nothing, and 4) dummy. <br /><br />I just cannot believe that Michael used a corpse...unless it was NOT in his hands and the FBI ushered Michael out of the scene whenever, and took over and THEY used a corpse...  but, I am wondering as it seems so much of this speculating is simply a play on words, if it wasn't a LIVING DOUBLE, but one that was dead....as, they killed the double.  There seems to be SOMETHING OR SOMEONE that went to the hospital, so to offer proof is just not feasible as we were not there, and we have not seem WHAT when in there.  But, by eliminating the options, we can just offer a guess.  That is what I'm doing, as there are not much left we KNOW of to try to make the piece fit.  By saying this it does mean that there was a crime and not just a movie though.  And that much more involvement by authorities was used.  Also, I'd say that as none of that element has been brought to view or trials, that Michael would still have to remain hidden.  :(<br />I'm seriously racking my brain to figure WHAT could've gone in there if it was nothing, or Michael, or a dummy, or a LIVING double, because we KNOW it wasn't a dead Michael. <br /><br /> All we're left with is a real corpse  errrr...my least favorable scenario.  Perhaps there are at least 3 things that point to ALL the paramedics being in on it, although I can't seem to come up with 3...but if they were NOT in on it, then the dummy theory and the 'nothing' theory fly out the window....so, that would mean someone died that day  :cry:<br /><br />There's no way that MJ would agree to have someone killed just so he has a body for his hoax lol...and I highly doubt that MJ would agree to have a healthy male give up his life for his hoax, even if all they wanted was their family taken care of after their 'sacrifice'.  So, that leads me to believe it was someone who was terminally ill (hospice patient theory) and who agreed, or his family agreed, to have his 'body' used in the hoax.  Thinking back to some of TS' posts, he DID kinda hint towards this possibility and I recall some members not 'liking' the theory because of ethical reasons.  Knowing what we do know about MJ and IF this is what actually took place, I'm just about positive that he wasn't jumping for joy at the 'opportunity' and that all ethical dilemmas were sorted out beforehand.<br /><br />Unless, as has been discussed many times in the past, it was simply a donated 'body' that had been kept frozen (the heated room might support that)...but I remember there being a few things 'wrong' with this theory (who the heck knows at this point  :?).<br /><br />Alright...where do we go from here?  November 29 is fast approaching and we haven't wrapped up 'b' in any 'solid-type' fashion and we still have 'c' to get through  smiley_spider.  Time's a ticking TS...perhaps your presence today and tonight will help us reach the destination before the whistle blows.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1322465247:
    <br />Jermaine said: “He was very, very healthy but Michael was not with us, WAY BEFORE he arrived to the airport. ... I mean way before he arrived to the hospital. ... they were always after him, and he felt that his life was going to be taken.” {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5OOwLcE_6Q}.<br /><br />The non-believers think that this was just a random mistake (not a clue, not an accidental slip).  However, notice that shortly before saying “airport”, he paused a bit; so there was ample time for him to collect his thoughts, and get the wording right.<br /><br />Furthermore, if it really was just a mistake, how many words are there in the dictionary?  What are the odds that a random mistake would produce the word “airport”?  And what are the odds that the mistake happened precisely where the word “hospital” was supposed to be, and not during any one of the many other words during his interview?<br /><br />I heard one non-believer try to explain it, by saying that Jermaine had recently arrived by plane; therefore, he had the “airport” on his mind when he was speaking.  I think we can buy that excuse, as soon as we find examples of people in interviews accidentally using the word “restroom”—merely because they had used the restroom, shortly before their interview started.<br /><br />So if the word “airport” from Jermaine was not a random mistake: it was either an accidental slip-up, or an intentional clue.  Either way, it would be the truth.  You don’t accidentally let a lie slip out, no, when you accidentally spill the beans—it is the truth.  And if it was an intentional clue, then I think we should also accept it as truth (unless we have two or three very strong reasons which show that it is not the truth).  If Jermaine was merely trying to indicate the hoax, but not trying to indicate that MJ went to the airport: then he could’ve easily said many other things, such as: “… way before he got out of the van, I mean way before he was taken out of the ambulance.”<br /><br />If we can’t trust the hoax clues from the family, then we really don’t have much left.  Yes, we would still have plenty of evidence that MJ himself planned and knew the exact day in advance; but the most reliable source of evidence that he succeeded in his plan, is the family.  And if we can’t trust the “airport” clue from Jermaine, then how can we trust the “Illusionist” clue from La Toya—or any other hoax clues from the family?  We should either join the non-believers (and dismiss the hoax clues from the family, they are ALL merely coincidence, etc), or else we should accept that the family is leading us to the truth.<br /><br />When Jermaine said “way before”, this indicates that MJ left for the airport long before the ambulance went to the hospital.  And for those who have been following the hoax from the beginning: you know that almost from the very first day, it was reported that MJ flew out of LAX on a private jet.  So this “airport” belief did not get started from Jermaine’s statement; instead, Jermaine VERIFIED the truthfulness of MJ flying out of LAX.<br /><br />So now I have given two strong points for MJ not going to the hospital.  #1 It would be an unnecessary risk of MJ being bumped off, when the world thinks he’s already dead (even if this was a low risk, it was still a risk—and an unnecessary risk, at that).  #2 Jermaine’s “airport” clue, plus the very early hoax reports, point to MJ going to the airport instead of the hospital.  And I still have three more strong points on this, yet to come (total of five reasons why MJ did not go to the hospital).<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Nobody had yet i agreed to that Michael go to the hospital. And what TS says is true, then we must stop listening to what they say Jermaine and La Toya, stop looking at the accounts of twitter in Paris and see if the spelling mistakes are like those of Front, but in general do not look any account of Twitter of the family and begin thinking as a no believer.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    In the article TS posted about Sharon Sydney, we can maybe have a hint about Blount being in the know or not. Not sure how to interpret it actually.<br /><br />
    [size=12pt]She tells of how, at the hospital, she spoke with paramedic Blount, and how they both agreed that the person that was wheeled into the hospital was not Michael Jackson.[/size]
    <br />http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tanya-young-williams/michael-jackson-trial-dr-conrad-murray-week-2_b_1002886.html<br /><br />So Blount agreed with her that it wasn't Michael Jackson at the hospital, but we know he testified the contrary during the trial.<br />Why?? Why would he tell her that it wasn't Michael??? suspicious//<br /><br />I do not think that the paramedics who worked on the "body" can be fooled by a corpse. They are real professionals and would notice that quite quickly in my opinion.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    "A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth."<br /><br />This may be or become an issue once in a while ...<br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1322493925:
    <br />"A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth."<br /><br />This may be or become an issue once in a while ...<br />
    <br /><br />Yes probably!!  lolol/ <br /><br />When I think more about it and if we consider the court to be a kangaroo court I will say that Blount told da troot to Sharon Sydney and lied during the trial!  geek/<br /><br />About the Illuminati they could have also seen this "emergency" as an opportunity to make sure that Michael would not get away from it, as he was seen as a threat to them. So even if they didn't figure out about the plan, another possible risk is that they can act on the moment. So it's safer again for Michael to not be at UCLA.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1322459988:
    <br />Can anyone come up with the longest time that UCLA has worked a flat-lined patient, before calling the death?<br /><br />Also might check other hospitals, for comparison.<br />
    <br /><br />[size=14pt]From the way you have formed your question, I'm lead to wonder a few things, especially since you are now talking about all the various things that could've gone into ucla.  <br />I am wondering if perhaps, this all was really done.  If there Michael was really "dead" when he went to ucla, thus none of the other options.  BUT, as you mention flatlining for a long time, say that is all these efforts, Michael was brought back...and taken into hiding..or another hospital for protection.  Who knows what his health would've been after all that.<br />Just a thought....[/size]
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    TS says Blout was not driving?<br /><br />If Blout was not driving then he must be in on the hoax because otherwise would he not pipe up and say the pic is fake? Those are clearly 2 white guys in the back.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1322494996:
    <br />TS says Blout was not driving?<br /><br />If Blout was not driving then he must be in on the hoax because otherwise would he not pipe up and say the pic is fake? Those are clearly 2 white guys in the back.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes indeed Blount was not driving, in his testimony he said he was placed towards the head and I remember he talked about what Murray was saying on the phone. Good point with the picture, it's clear he would notice it's not one of his arms.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Geez, I go to bed and wake up and thread has progressed 3 1/2 pages.  I've spent the last couple hours going through it, lol.  <br /><br />So we can rule out "nothing", TS wants us to rule out live MJ in favour of him going to the airport based on the unexplained flight out of LAX and Jermaine's comments.  I remember I had done a post (that then turned into a re-direct) about the possibility of Michael jetting out, perhaps to Bahrain, as one of the places MJ was hiding out.  Whether that re-direct was implying MJ flew out that morning (or before) or that Bahrain was a hide out for a while was not determined.<br /><br />The against live MJ arguments make sense but still seem based mostly on assumption in my opinion (but keep in mind that my mind is overloaded right now from so much reading).  While I have lately favored this theory, it's hard to "prove" that the Illuminati had foreknowledge of the hoax and managed to infiltrate somehow.  If Michael's ORIGINAL plan was NOT to go to the hospital, maybe he changed it to going to the hospital and sent off the jet anyways (assuming it was a jet for him).<br /><br />I have to admit that I just plain don't like the corpse theory and it seems unnecessary if it was used to say, fool one person (if Blount was NOT in on it).  Delaying the ambulance from leaving Carolwood so some employees can leave first also suggests that ALL the paramedics were in on it and no need for a dead body becoming deader by the second.  Using a dummy or live MJ could cause a delay either way, to make sure any household employees who are not in on it don't see something.<br /><br />I have to think some more...
  • I have not fully understood because there not could be a double alive who went to UCLA.<br /><br />If anyone was inside the helicopter was someone that came out of UCLA, right? Considering that the scene was recorded in real time, of course.<br /><br />A double  posing like Michael dead confirms the testimony of Sharon too!  errrr
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    we need 7c ....now !!!! lol
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I've been away for a couple of days - wow, a lot has happened here! I don't understand anything anymore - so I'm just going to watch for a while.
  • I still believe it was a dummy that was used to pull off this illusion. An illusionist is a visionary. What better word is there to describe Michael. One ambulance was used with a dummy to lead everyone one way while the puppeteer exited somewhere else to the airport,"oops I mean to the hospital." I believe there are very few who know the truth. But the family knows and whoever is in on it,has signed confidentiality agreements which is why I think nothing really has leaked. I think clues have always been cued by the illusionist of when to leak these clues. To always keep us believing. TS has kept us going for a long time. Misdirection is used to great effect by magicians and I truly believe the media was lead to the hospital. As to who is in on it? That is really tough to tell because we really don't know the ins and outs of this and probably wont know until the end. One thing is for sure i look forward to a happy bday tomorrow  beerchug . Is it not Conrad Murray's sentencing tomorrow? Maybe just maybe something shocking will go down!
    on 1322470524:
    <br />
    on 1322468440:
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    on 1322264200:
    <br />The house staff being told to leave before the ambulance makes me think there was something they weren’t meant to see on that stretcher. They needed the least amount of people in the house before the stretcher left the house.<br />
    <br /><br />EXACTLY!  It is coming together now, as I said it would.  As soon as you realize that the things in the videos actually happened on 6-25-09, then the pieces start falling into place.<br /><br />
    on 1322264466:
    <br />Hey, maybe that's why they waited for so long - 40 minutes - before the ambulance left Carlwood - because they waited all the staff to leave :shock: :shock:<br />
    <br /><br />BINGO!<br /><br />
    <br /><br />So this means that the paramedics are in, or at least some of them, because if it was a real emergency they wouldn't have agreed to waste 42 minutes with no good reason.<br />
    <br />Now I'm not so sure about it anymore.<br />I think that at least for me there is enough proof that Blount is in.<br /><br />1. He recognized MJ.<br /><br />2. Thanks to TS who linked us to Sharon's statements, now we know Blount changed his initial story to her, testifying different in court.<br /><br />3. Like bec said, he would have spoken about the ambulance photo being fake if he was not in.<br /><br />But I am not sure all the paramedics are in because I think that maybe there was another reason for why they delayed the leaving from Carlwood, this reason being if the patient was already dead, why hurry anyway? But in this case it means that security and Murray somehow managed to delay them until all staff was gone, but it seems risky to me though, I mean what if security and Murray couldn't have had the paramedics delayed only because they wanted to delay them?<br /><br />And if there was something to hide from the staff, wasn't the same thing needed to be hidden from paramedics? So they must be in.<br /><br />But I am not sure if the paramedics or some of them were in from the beginning or there was an attempt to fool them with a corpse and because with Blount it didn't work they had to take them in.<br /><br />Yet, as none of them denied the ambulance photo, maybe they are all in from the beginning.<br /><br />But if there was something to hide from the staff, paramedics must be in.<br /><br />It's confusing if they are all in or not. According to the answer of this question we can have a corpse or a dummy.
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Pffff must have been a hell of a ride with all that people in the ambulance...<br />FRONT seats and BACK seats and perhaps even a TS seat.<br />Looks more like a movie drive-in(g) ambulance to me.....<br />Popcorn and a milkshake Propofol guys?<br />Sit back and enjoy the illusionist ride......<br /> /cook/<br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    As much as some of us don't 'like' the corpse theory...if you reread TS' 'advice' in the OP of this thread, he said to change only what would need to be changed in order to keep it both as simple and realistic as possible.  I don't know anything about obtaining a dead body or making agreements with terminally ill people to use their bodies after death...so I don't know how 'simple' those procedures would be.  However, IF the FBI is involved, along with other 'key' people in key places (i.e. the coroner, some UCLA staff), perhaps this wasn't as difficult as we may think it was.<br /><br />But it does fulfill the keeping it 'realistic' point.  IF there was a corpse that was somehow in the vicinity of looking kinda MJ-like (i.e. you couldn't have a corpse that weighed 200 lbs, etc)...then all recollections (testimonies) wouldn't need to be fully scripted and the amount of people in on it kept to a minimum.  The paramedics not in on it would have really worked on a body, same with any UCLA docs that weren't in on it....as well as covering the risk of anyone not in on it catching a glimpse of anything.  I don't know how far they took 'realistic'...but if the 'patient's' name had been legally changed to 'Michael Jackson' beforehand...then a lot of the testimony given is the 'truth' of what actually occurred on June 25th (except for the instances where the 'patient' is specifically referred to as 'Michael Jackson, the entertainer', etc).<br /><br />Hmmm...I've been putting the corpse theory on the backburner because it is the least favorable.  But now that I am looking at it more closely...IF it is what took place (and hopefully TS can confirm this at some point today, so we can tackle 7c), I can see/understand why MJ would agree or decide to go this route.  The success of the mission....especially one of this scale....would've been first and foremost.  IF they felt that a real corpse was NEEDED, for whatever reason, then it was done.  And knowing that it's Mike running the show, I'm fully confident that IF this was done, then it was done respectfully and with permission from all relevant parties. <br /><br />On another note...I was just going over Blount's testimony again and I know this was definitely mentioned elsewhere but maybe it will help us now with something  :?:.  He said that when he walked into the bedroom there was Goodwin, Mills, and Heron (all 3 rode the firetruck...why didn't they testify???), Senneff and Murray.  He said the 'patient' was fully on the bed and he observed Goodwin and Heron assisting Murray getting the 'patient' onto the floor.  He was then asked if there was anyone else in the room at that time and he said 'no'.  <br /><br />IF Blount is NOT in on the hoax...he's either telling the truth or he's mistaken (why would he lie?).  But I'm thinking that's not a 'minor' detail that he'd be mistaken about...I'd think a trained professional would most definitely recall seeing his colleagues assist in putting the 'patient' on the floor. If he's telling the truth, then this completely contradicts other testimony saying Alvarez and Murray were the ones to put the 'patient' on the floor and also the 911 call....not to mention testimony that placed Alvarez in the room when paramedics entered.  It also contradicts the paramedic report (done by Senneff) because that report says the 'patient' was found on the floor.  So...IF Alvarez is in on the hoax, then I would guess that Senneff is as well because his report matches Alvarez's statement/testimony and supports the 911 call.  And Blount maybe isn't in on it and was telling the truth  :?  :?:<br /><br />But then what about bec's great point about Blount and the ambu pic????<br /><br />bangingheadagainstwall.gif<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
    It's so frustrating that I feel like doing the same thing as you Bethechange crash/.<br />It's so difficult to put all these together.<br />TS said it would be easy but it's not :cry:<br /><br />I still am hesitating between the corpse and the dummy theory and the reason is the paramedics 'cause I can't decide if they are all in or not.<br /><br />But they must be in...I think WTF?? WTF?? WTF?? ...
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1322506328:
    <br />I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????<br />
    <br /><br />Best theory ever! :lol:  suspicious//<br /><br />Maybe a live double went to Carolwood that night in place of Michael (perhaps MJ was tipped off the illuminati were going to make their move---->would explain the secret "dressing room" meeting at Staples Center and Alvarez watching the entrance/exit to the stage)<br /><br />Maybe even Murray was contracted to do the "hit", but couldn't and told Michael...or maybe his medications had been tampered with to make it look like an accident and they both figured it out before hand. Michael told Murray "I tested you and you passed", maybe MJ knew that's how the illuminati would try to get to him...who knows?! (Although AEG was quick to distance themselves from saying they had anything to do with hiring Murray....things that make you go hmmm....) <br /><br />A really good double could fool someone at a glance...at the very least a few seconds here or there and even more so if they do not have to speak or move.  If illuminati did get the wrong guy, they aren't exactly going to shout it to the rooftops....they are just going to let things play out (i.e. MJ's hoax).<br /><br />If the FBI stepped in, I could see people "doing as they are told", and "saying what they need to say". <br /><br />Remember Chernoff said in court...."Dr. Murray (Michael) IS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE!"  ;)<br /><br />Sounds just as incredible as any other theory at this point....lightbulb-idea.gif<br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1322504141:
    <br />Pffff must have been a hell of a ride with all that people in the ambulance...<br />FRONT seats and BACK seats and perhaps even a TS seat.<br />Looks more like a movie drive-in(g) ambulance to me.....<br />Popcorn and a milkshake Propofol guys?<br />Sit back and enjoy the illusionist ride......<br /> /cook/<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Bec and  Souza i do not scold me, from time to time there are to laugh :lol:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />CARRO+LLENO+DE+GENTE.jpg
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    [size=18pt]Yeah, it sounds good, but I ask, the illuminati picked the very day that added up to all the right numbers to do that???  <br />And also, so we're saying in the scenario that Michael really was using all those drugs, and propofol nightly to sleep while his kids were in the house??<br />And, it the illuminati did kill someone they had gone to get Michael to kill instead, that means Michael wouldn't ever be safe to return, because you can't KILL the illuminati or stop them ever.  <br />And, if it is possible to catch them, there's always another.<br />And, what are the continuing clues for if he's not coming back?<br /><br />Just asking ;) [/size]
    on 1322508708:
    <br />
    on 1322506328:
    <br />I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????<br />
    <br /><br />Best theory ever! :lol:  suspicious//<br /><br />Maybe a live double went to Carolwood that night in place of Michael (perhaps MJ was tipped off the illuminati were going to make their move---->would explain the secret "dressing room" meeting at Staples Center and Alvarez watching the entrance/exit to the stage)<br /><br />Maybe even Murray was contracted to do the "hit", but couldn't and told Michael...or maybe his medications had been tampered with to make it look like an accident and they both figured it out before hand. Michael told Murray "I tested you and you passed", maybe MJ knew that's how the illuminati would try to get to him...who knows?! (Although AEG was quick to distance themselves from saying they had anything to do with hiring Murray....things that make you go hmmm....) <br /><br />A really good double could fool someone at a glance...at the very least a few seconds here or there and even more so if they do not have to speak or move.  If illuminati did get the wrong guy, they aren't exactly going to shout it to the rooftops....they are just going to let things play out (i.e. MJ's hoax).<br /><br />If the FBI stepped in, I could see people "doing as they are told", and "saying what they need to say". <br /><br />Remember Chernoff said in court...."Dr. Murray (Michael) IS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE!"  ;)<br /><br />Sounds just as incredible as any other theory at this point....lightbulb-idea.gif<br /><br />
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    on 1322510571:
    <br />[size=18pt]Yeah, it sounds good, but I ask, the illuminati picked the very day that added up to all the right numbers to do that???  <br />And also, so we're saying in the scenario that Michael really was using all those drugs, and propofol nightly to sleep while his kids were in the house??<br />And, it the illuminati did kill someone they had gone to get Michael to kill instead, that means Michael wouldn't ever be safe to return, because you can't KILL the illuminati or stop them ever.  <br />And, if it is possible to catch them, there's always another.<br />And, what are the continuing clues for if he's not coming back?<br /><br />Just asking ;) [/size]
    on 1322508708:
    <br />
    on 1322506328:
    <br />I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????<br />
    <br /><br />Best theory ever! :lol:  suspicious//<br /><br />Maybe a live double went to Carolwood that night in place of Michael (perhaps MJ was tipped off the illuminati were going to make their move---->would explain the secret "dressing room" meeting at Staples Center and Alvarez watching the entrance/exit to the stage)<br /><br />Maybe even Murray was contracted to do the "hit", but couldn't and told Michael...or maybe his medications had been tampered with to make it look like an accident and they both figured it out before hand. Michael told Murray "I tested you and you passed", maybe MJ knew that's how the illuminati would try to get to him...who knows?! (Although AEG was quick to distance themselves from saying they had anything to do with hiring Murray....things that make you go hmmm....) <br /><br />A really good double could fool someone at a glance...at the very least a few seconds here or there and even more so if they do not have to speak or move.  If illuminati did get the wrong guy, they aren't exactly going to shout it to the rooftops....they are just going to let things play out (i.e. MJ's hoax).<br /><br />If the FBI stepped in, I could see people "doing as they are told", and "saying what they need to say". <br /><br />Remember Chernoff said in court...."Dr. Murray (Michael) IS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE!"  ;)<br /><br />Sounds just as incredible as any other theory at this point....lightbulb-idea.gif<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />@Ford....to be honest, I don't believe in any grand conspiracy....I just don't think this is all that complicated.<br /><br />.....Bottom line, nothing is definitive....if we can imagine slinging a corpse around or entertain the thought of a dummy replica, or MJ in disguise....why not involve illuminati? FBI? LAPD? <br /><br /><br />confused0067.gif
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1322510571:
    <br />[size=18pt]Yeah, it sounds good, but I ask, the illuminati picked the very day that added up to all the right numbers to do that???  <br />And also, so we're saying in the scenario that Michael really was using all those drugs, and propofol nightly to sleep while his kids were in the house??<br />And, it the illuminati did kill someone they had gone to get Michael to kill instead, that means Michael wouldn't ever be safe to return, because you can't KILL the illuminati or stop them ever.  <br />And, if it is possible to catch them, there's always another.<br />And, what are the continuing clues for if he's not coming back?<br /><br />Just asking ;) [/size]
    on 1322508708:
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    on 1322506328:
    <br />I'm sure someone or something was sent to the hospital. May be there has been a set up for the guy who tried to kill MJ because Michael new it before and those who tried to kill MJ just killed the wrong guy and he is the one who was sent to the hospital. And because the Illuminati is not going to make it public that they killed the wrong guy this was never published.... Does this make any sense????<br />
    <br /><br />Best theory ever! :lol:  suspicious//<br /><br />Maybe a live double went to Carolwood that night in place of Michael (perhaps MJ was tipped off the illuminati were going to make their move---->would explain the secret "dressing room" meeting at Staples Center and Alvarez watching the entrance/exit to the stage)<br /><br />Maybe even Murray was contracted to do the "hit", but couldn't and told Michael...or maybe his medications had been tampered with to make it look like an accident and they both figured it out before hand. Michael told Murray "I tested you and you passed", maybe MJ knew that's how the illuminati would try to get to him...who knows?! (Although AEG was quick to distance themselves from saying they had anything to do with hiring Murray....things that make you go hmmm....) <br /><br />A really good double could fool someone at a glance...at the very least a few seconds here or there and even more so if they do not have to speak or move.  If illuminati did get the wrong guy, they aren't exactly going to shout it to the rooftops....they are just going to let things play out (i.e. MJ's hoax).<br /><br />If the FBI stepped in, I could see people "doing as they are told", and "saying what they need to say". <br /><br />Remember Chernoff said in court...."Dr. Murray (Michael) IS FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE!"  ;)<br /><br />Sounds just as incredible as any other theory at this point....lightbulb-idea.gif<br /><br />
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    <br />May be there has been someone who was leaking the information about the hoax and Michael knew it, didn't stop him in order to complete the set up and turn it against them. So according to Michael's plan the numerology is perfect and that's what they have been using, but didn't know about the other plan or the set up......<br />
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