TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322554248:
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    on 1322553226:
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    And this is because I have been giving MJ’s real message, including the serious aspects; and I have NEVER said it was only a movie, or only a sting on the fans and media.
    <br /><br />You make comments like this TS... and it makes me want to read between the lines. It is a movie, and it is a sting on the fans and the media... isn't it? <br />
    <br /><br />If you will accept a straight answer: yes, but not ONLY these things!  And if you don't accept a straight answer, then what else can I say?  Well, maybe 7c will also make it clearer.<br />
    <br /><br />... which means the movie and the sting are the two reasons of the hoax but there are MORE reasons than just the two of them and  there is also a very important and serious side of the hoax which is about illuminati, and the end of the world.
    on 1322550859:
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    on 1322521160:
    <br />@Adi thank you for posting this from above. Reading it again I think TS is an eccentric person who has all the time in the world at his disposal<br />
    <br /><br />Don't I wish!    bounce/<br /><br />
    on 1322521160:
    <br />Because this post from above SEEMS to support the corpse theory....yet TS said he never supported ANY of the theories.<br />
    <br /><br />The false theories that I was referring to were one such as these: multiple ambulances, green screen everything in the ambulance videos, the two videos were taken on different days, MJ sitting up in the stretcher, riding the helicopter, jumping out of the coroner van, etc.<br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />I hate to repeat myself but I want 7b to come to a conclusion.<br />Now it is obvious to me what's happening in the world is against the natural way it would happen IF there wouldn't be "occult" interventions in the course of events. I am living with this "feeling" for many years, just by watching the governments generally avoiding the common sense measures that we know would work, but taking absurd measures instead.<br />Probably my training as an economist makes me pay more attention to these things.<br />I am 100% convinced of this "illuminati" thing, the secret societies existence, the strings attached to key people in high positions. <br /><br />I can see Michael's struggle to hint to these things and more in his art. I am sure he did it because he felt he needed to do it to take sides with the ones who have no voice, because he loves people and justice. Michael is such a special human being, able to feel the sufferings of others.<br /><br />Now I thought from the beginning there was a corpse and that FBI must be involved. I've always had troubles believing all the paramedics are in, also that all UCLA staff that saw the body is in. <br />The reasons why a corpse was needed were stated before many times, by many people. I won't repeat them again.<br /><br />Of course I might be very wrong, so I'm still open to anything else that could be proved logical by other people.
  • Well then TS - why not come up with 7c so we can deal with the real important stuff? Thank you for your guidance so far!
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Thank you TS....from the bottom of my heart. I hope we can make Michael proud by being aware and prepared.<br /><br />I remember you writing some months back.....earlier this year:<br /><br />"was this hoax a prank, or a Thriller II reality movie, or an ARG, or a sting operation, or a Vendetta, or an NWO/EOW warning, or a wake-up call to the gullible public (don't believe everything in the media), etc--which is it?  And the answer is: all of the above!  It is something that people have never seen before, at least not the combination of these things and on this scale."<br /><br />...
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I also have so many questions regarding the murder attempts towards Michael.<br />If all this were true- someone who was after him, wanting to kill him, etc., then:<br /><br />1. Would he reveal his children's faces to the world? The one who are after him wanting to murder him could attempt on his children.<br /><br />2. Would he put his children up on an open stage in Cardiff in front of 50.000 people if he was afraid of death threats? The evils could make his children a target. A bomb could explode, the stage could crush, a shot from anywhere could fire, and murder the children. If this was that serious.<br /><br />3. If Michael was afraid of being murdered, and the family would know, then would the family act so calm? They don't do or say anything besides doing concerts, writing books, doing interviews, reality shows, etc. You know what I'm saying? Would LaToya dance on the streets happy cause Murray has been charged? I know that if my brother was murdered I would never jump and scream of happiness  that the foul guy was charged. All this would be a very serious moment.<br /><br />4. If Michael was chased and wanted dead, would his children be so serene and happy and all smiles? Paris on twitter writes about all kinds of silly things like all adolescents, like we were also at her age. She doesn't seem afraid or consumed by anything. If my father was being chased and if there were  murder attempts on him, I would not have any mood to be all over twitter all the time, writing about anything, because I would be concerned about what happens with my dad. I would have nightmares that he would be  murdered, with all the family screaming "murder!".<br />Yes, Paris tweeted about Illuminati, NWO, but at the same time she doesn't seem concerned by anything. Sometimes she is on twitter all day, retweeting, quoting, talking teen things with others for hours, laughing, making jokes, she even retweeted a tweet that said "Songs u don't want to sing in jail: "It's raining men", and all that kind of things.<br /><br />If Michael was in danger of being murdered, would all the above happen? <br />The children go freely everywhere without any concern, the are laughing an smiling, going to school, to StarBucks, going to movies, playing football, going up on stage in Cardiff in front of 50.000- wasn't there an attempt to murder in 1992 at one of Michael's concerts that FBI wrote about? <br /><br />All these. Do they show there is a SERIOUS murder attempt?
  • on 1322553638:
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    on 1322549542:
    <br />@TS<;br /><br />1) Can you give as two or three nails to make us understand why we should believe the family now when they lied to us for 2+ years?<br />
    <br /><br />How could they say MJ is alive, and still have any hoax?  If they are lying when supporting the hoax with clues, then I guess you would have to believe that MJ was murdered, and they are being forced into giving hoax clues by the murderers (and yet they speak of murder far more directly than the hoax??).  I don't know that I can give two or three reasons, just that you would think the family loves MJ enough not to be hiding a murder with false hoax clues.<br /><br />
  • on 1322554830:
    <br />Well then TS - why not come up with 7c so we can deal with the real important stuff? Thank you for your guidance so far!<br />
    <br /><br />Okay, I was already thinking that.  However, I will not put the puzzle piece up for 7b, because there are still things that I want to address (and maybe others as well).  But we can now start discussing 7c.  Aspects of the court: all real, partly real and partly hoax, all hoax.
  • respect/<br /><br />MUCH OBLIGED!!  bearhug<br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    I have to say I have changed my mind from the identical MJ dummy and am leaning strongly to the corpse/terminally ill life support patient being the person who went to UCLA...<br /><br />Anyway - onto the start of discussions of 7C
  • @TS - you are on fire today with all these posts!<br /><br />On_Fire.gif<br /><br /><br />
    on 1322548550:
    <br /><br />Yes indeed, some people on this forum and elsewhere are having trouble understanding the how’s AND THE WHY’S of the hoax, because they are living in a fantasy hoax world: thinking that it’s all just fun and games, with multiple ambulances floating around in the sky—while not gripping the reality of the power and the agenda which exists in the underworld, and that they actually did try to take MJ out in the trade towers on 9-11 (but they failed).  How can we be a united Army of Love, to stand up against their corrupt agendas, when so many of the soldiers think that it’s “All for E.N.T.E.R.T.A.I.N.M.E.N.T.”???<br />
    <br /><br /><br />THANK YOU - i have been waiting for you to say this very thing!!!!<br /><br />it IS serious. for MJ to turn his world upside down and change everything in his life, not to mention turn the fans upside down by designing his DH - there would have had to have been a serious resaon. its not for nothing. not for fun.<br /><br />the entertainment of the DH is a by product which we enjoy but not the reason for it. again, just my personal opinion.<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322555115:
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    on 1322554830:
    <br />Well then TS - why not come up with 7c so we can deal with the real important stuff? Thank you for your guidance so far!<br />
    <br /><br />Okay, I was already thinking that.  However, I will not put the puzzle piece up for 7b, because there are still things that I want to address (and maybe others as well).  But we can now start discussing 7c.  Aspects of the court: all real, partly real and partly hoax, all hoax.<br />
    <br /><br />I will say it was partly real and partly hoax. Will be writing my reasons why I believe this when I get a couple of hours sleep.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    [size=18pt]T[/size][size=18pt]hank you TS...... It couldn't ge any clearer!!!!!!!!![/size]<br />Yes, this is exactly it. The whole hoax is about waking us up, about  saving the people when there is still time. I learned that from day 1. I have been here for 2 years now but actually I don't really post much as I prefer to read what the others think about rather than to say what I really think about. Right here I learned that Michael hoaxed his death to let the world know that there is a real danger we are facing, that there is a hidden agenda aiming to destroy our world..... most of my few posts are always about that issue....... I am really grateful to you and to Michael because you are raising this awareness, because you are warning the people..... it's not about entertainment like some have said. NOOOOO. There is a huge danger and we have to face it and even fight it if we can!!!!!!!!!<br />The message couldn't get any clearer!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />Thank you TS.... and God bless you and I hope we all succeed in this mission<br /><br />Blessings <br /><br />diggyon
  • on 1322554927:
    <br />...<br />All these. Do they show there is a SERIOUS murder attempt?<br />
    <br /><br />I think that you missed a couple of points.<br /><br />First, MJ believes in God, and his faith keeps him from becoming paranoid--even though he understands the real danger.  It may be the same for the children, although faith is an individual matter.<br /><br />But I have ALWAYS said that MJ was not in an extremely high risk of being murdered; it is just a realistic danger, and one that should be treated with reasonable caution.<br /><br />The bigger danger out there is not a murder ATTEMPT on MJ, no; rather it is SUCCESSFUL murder of thousands on 9-11, as well as many others in various cases (MLK, JFK, etc).  I went over that way back in 2009, TIAI Revealed; and I don't need to repeat it all here.
  • on 1322555550:
    <br />@TS - you are on fire today with all these posts!<br /><br />On_Fire.gif<br /><br /><br />
    on 1322548550:
    <br /><br />Yes indeed, some people on this forum and elsewhere are having trouble understanding the how’s AND THE WHY’S of the hoax, because they are living in a fantasy hoax world: thinking that it’s all just fun and games, with multiple ambulances floating around in the sky—while not gripping the reality of the power and the agenda which exists in the underworld, and that they actually did try to take MJ out in the trade towers on 9-11 (but they failed).  How can we be a united Army of Love, to stand up against their corrupt agendas, when so many of the soldiers think that it’s “All for E.N.T.E.R.T.A.I.N.M.E.N.T.”???<br />
    <br /><br /><br />THANK YOU - i have been waiting for you to say this very thing!!!!<br /><br />it IS serious. for MJ to turn his world upside down and change everything in his life, not to mention turn the fans upside down by designing his DH - there would have had to have been a serious resaon. its not for nothing. not for fun.<br /><br />the entertainment of the DH is a by product which we enjoy but not the reason for it. again, just my personal opinion.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Though it is undenyable that the entertainment factor is needed just to call peoples interest. Without entertainment unfortunable NOBODY would turn off their TV, smartphones, computergames or whatever menkind is dealing with in order not to face reality.
  • on 1322556084:
    <br /><br />First, MJ believes in God, and his faith keeps him from becoming paranoid--even though he understands the real danger.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]<br />take refuge in the name of ....  zephaniah.3:12 NWT[/size]
    @TS 7b isn't supposed to finish when we can all agree on one of the theories?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    on 1322556084:
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    on 1322554927:
    <br />...<br />All these. Do they show there is a SERIOUS murder attempt?<br />
    <br /><br />I think that you missed a couple of points.<br /><br />First, MJ believes in God, and his faith keeps him from becoming paranoid--even though he understands the real danger.  It may be the same for the children, although faith is an individual matter.<br /><br />But I have ALWAYS said that MJ was not in an extremely high risk of being murdered; it is just a realistic danger, and one that should be treated with reasonable caution.<br /><br />The bigger danger out there is not a murder ATTEMPT on MJ, no; rather it is SUCCESSFUL murder of thousands on 9-11, as well as many others in various cases (MLK, JFK, etc).  I went over that way back in 2009, TIAI Revealed; and I don't need to repeat it all here.<br />
    <br />Yes, but believing in God is not putting your own children up on a stage where they can be a target for aything, believing God will protect them.<br /><br />I never thought and never will, that all this is for entertainment. No way. But then again, an attempt on his life doesn't seem plausible with all I've wrote above, and I insist with the murder attempt because  this is what LaToya especially supports till today.<br /><br /> If we should believe their words (Jermaine's airport slip, LaToya's book or  Jermaine's book, LaToya's Illusionist), or what they say in interviews, why wouldn't we also believe what they say when they scream MURDER? Like on  twitter when LaToya said weeks ago "He was MURDERED!!!"? If murder or attempt against his life wasn't the issue? You say to listen to the family. Well, the family also screams MURDER. Which one to believe? I said why I don't believe his life was at such stake because this doesn't hold water for me. Not at such extent. You say it wasn't either. But then again WHY do they scream MURDER ? This is my problem.<br /><br />But do we choose to believe only what we want from their words?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1322554248:
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    on 1322553226:
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    And this is because I have been giving MJ’s real message, including the serious aspects; and I have NEVER said it was only a movie, or only a sting on the fans and media.
    <br /><br />You make comments like this TS... and it makes me want to read between the lines. It is a movie, and it is a sting on the fans and the media... isn't it? <br />
    <br /><br />If you will accept a straight answer: yes, but not ONLY these things!  And if you don't accept a straight answer, then what else can I say?  Well, maybe 7c will also make it clearer.<br />
    <br />Yes, I accept.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    But I have ALWAYS said that MJ was not in an extremely high risk of being murdered; it is just a realistic danger, and one that should be treated with reasonable caution.<br /><br />The bigger danger out there is not a murder ATTEMPT on MJ, no; rather it is SUCCESSFUL murder of thousands on 9-11, as well as many others in various cases (MLK, JFK, etc).  I went over that way back in 2009, TIAI Revealed; and I don't need to repeat it all here.
    <br /><br />But weren't we just told that he was in danger ???  But then again, if he has planned this for a long time, after the pepsi accident, then why go through all the trial, instead of just dying of a heart attack on the floor like Elvis Presley ???  Why involve Dr Murray if he was just a fallguy??<br /><br />If you are insinuating that there was a serious threat to the audiences of the TII concerts and an attack was planned at one of the concerts ..?????
  • I think the court is a hoax. I don't think it is a sting anymore, but a sequence of events that has to occur. Because if MJ were really dead this is what would happen...such as the following;<br /><br />1. An investigation<br /><br />2. Someone charged if it is a anything other than a suicide<br /><br />3. Trial for the person who is charged<br /><br />So even though MJ isn't dead, all these events have to happen such as a trial, in order for it to appear that MJ really did die...you can't just have everything else and no trial, it just doesn't make sense in the real world.
  • Relating to 7c, I want to bring up the following TMZ article:<br /><br />DR. MURRAY MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL<br />Jury Goes Down the Toilet<br />{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21243.0}<br /><br />The article itself is merely about the jury asking for toilet paper, and paper towels--definitely NOT a newsworthy item.  But the TITLE of the article tells a different story than the article itself.  Also, the picture has three sets of 6 rolls of toilet paper (666).<br /><br />This was posted on TMZ after the jury made its decision, and before the verdict was announced.  Since La Toya has confirmed that Harvey Levin knows what is going on (and we have seen that for a long time, anyway): they probably knew at the time that the verdict was guilty.<br /><br />TMZ took the article down, shortly after it was posted on the hoax forum (which means that they were probably watching to see when we posted it here, and then they deleted it on TMZ).  They did not go to all the trouble to create the picture, and post the article, for nothing (only to delete it shortly after).  Therefore, what is the message that we are supposed to get from this article, in relation to the jury and therefore the court?
    on 1322557356:
    <br />
    But I have ALWAYS said that MJ was not in an extremely high risk of being murdered; it is just a realistic danger, and one that should be treated with reasonable caution.<br /><br />The bigger danger out there is not a murder ATTEMPT on MJ, no; rather it is SUCCESSFUL murder of thousands on 9-11, as well as many others in various cases (MLK, JFK, etc).  I went over that way back in 2009, TIAI Revealed; and I don't need to repeat it all here.
    <br /><br />But weren't we just told that he was in danger ???  But then again, if he has planned this for a long time, after the pepsi accident, then why go through all the trial, instead of just dying of a heart attack on the floor like Elvis Presley ???  Why involve Dr Murray if he was just a fallguy??<br /><br />If you are insinuating that there was a serious threat to the audiences of the TII concerts and an attack was planned at one of the concerts ..?????<br />
    <br /><br />One of my old beliefs is that Michael had to convince FBI he was in danger so they would help him.<br /><br />
    on 1322557867:
    <br />Relating to 7c, I want to bring up the following TMZ article:<br /><br />DR. MURRAY MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL<br />Jury Goes Down the Toilet<br />{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21243.0}<br /><br />The article itself is merely about the jury asking for toilet paper, and paper towels--definitely NOT a newsworthy item.  But the TITLE of the article tells a different story than the article itself.  Also, the picture has three sets of 6 rolls of toilet paper (666).<br /><br />This was posted on TMZ after the jury made its decision, and before the verdict was announced.  Since La Toya has confirmed that Harvey Levin knows what is going on (and we have seen that for a long time, anyway): they probably knew at the time that the verdict was guilty.<br /><br />TMZ took the article down, shortly after it was posted on the hoax forum (which means that they were probably watching to see when we posted it here, and then they deleted it on TMZ).  They did not go to all the trouble to create the picture, and post the article, for nothing (only to delete it shortly after).  Therefore, what is the message that we are supposed to get from this article, in relation to the jury and therefore the court?<br />
    <br /><br />Hoax court?
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    It was a load of sh*t?<br /><br />(pardon my "french")
  • on 1322557867:
    <br />Relating to 7c, I want to bring up the following TMZ article:<br /><br />DR. MURRAY MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL<br />Jury Goes Down the Toilet<br />{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21243.0}<br /><br />The article itself is merely about the jury asking for toilet paper, and paper towels--definitely NOT a newsworthy item.  But the TITLE of the article tells a different story than the article itself.  Also, the picture has three sets of 6 rolls of toilet paper (666).<br /><br />This was posted on TMZ after the jury made its decision, and before the verdict was announced.  Since La Toya has confirmed that Harvey Levin knows what is going on (and we have seen that for a long time, anyway): they probably knew at the time that the verdict was guilty.<br /><br />TMZ took the article down, shortly after it was posted on the hoax forum (which means that they were probably watching to see when we posted it here, and then they deleted it on TMZ).  They did not go to all the trouble to create the picture, and post the article, for nothing (only to delete it shortly after).  Therefore, what is the message that we are supposed to get from this article, in relation to the jury and therefore the court?<br />
    <br /><br />They run out of toilet paper a lot...jks...what Adi said.
  • on 1322557867:
    <br />DR. MURRAY MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL<br />Jury Goes Down the Toilet<br />{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21243.0}<br /> Therefore, what is the message that we are supposed to get from this article, in relation to the jury and therefore the court?<br />
    <br /><br />either a) do not read what the media reports re: trial as it is misleading, just like the title of this article is or b) or that some of the testimonies are crap or c) the whole trial is fake = crap
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