TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    on 1322557867:
    <br /><br /><br />The article itself is merely about the jury asking for toilet paper, and paper towels--definitely NOT a newsworthy item.  But the TITLE of the article tells a different story than the article itself.  Also, the picture has three sets of 6 rolls of toilet paper (666).<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I need to point this out, and if anyone else saw it, then tell, to not say I made it up or saw things.<br />On the day of the verdict, with almost 30 minutes BEFORE the verdict was read (the verdict was read at 1:17), it was around 12:45- 12:50 when TMZ were streaming live from their studio and Harvey appeared for a few seconds on live stream, and he was wearing the white shirt with horizontal black stripes. 30 minutes BEFORE the verdict was read. I cought exactly that frame and I was already stressed waiting for the verdict, waiting for a not guilty verdict at that time,  and when I saw Harvey's t-shirt I turned to my sister and I told her "oh god...the verdict will be guilty. Look at Harvey's t-shirt..", and she was "oh my god...".<br /><br />Harvey either KNEW the verdict or if he didn't, then he suspected it?
    If the jury is fake (goes down the toilet) means the whole trial is fake...... but I think not all people that testified are aware that the trial is fake or are in the hoax.<br /><br />
    on 1322558767:
    <br />
    on 1322557867:
    <br /><br /><br />The article itself is merely about the jury asking for toilet paper, and paper towels--definitely NOT a newsworthy item.  But the TITLE of the article tells a different story than the article itself.  Also, the picture has three sets of 6 rolls of toilet paper (666).<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I need to point this out, and if anyone else saw it, then tell, to not say I made it up or saw things.<br />On the day of the verdict, with almost 30 minutes BEFORE the verdict was read (the verdict was read at 1:17), it was around 12:45- 12:50 when TMZ were streaming live from their studio and Harvey appeared for a few seconds on live stream, and he was wearing the white shirt with horizontal black stripes. 30 minutes BEFORE the verdict was read. I cought exactly that frame and I was already stressed waiting for the verdict, waiting for a not guilty verdict at that time,  and when I saw Harvey's t-shirt I turned to my sister and I told he "oh god...the verdict will be guilty. Look at Harvey's t-shirt.."<br /><br />Harvey either KNEW the verdict or if he didn't, then he suspected it? <br />
    <br /><br />That's a good point.
  • Another thing that needs to be corrected, is the idea that the 32 stars on the seal makes it a fake court.<br /><br />When I was supporting the murder theory, I did make a joke about the extra star would protect the court from getting into trouble for helping out with the murder of MJ; but that's all it was, a joke.<br /><br />It's true, as bec pointed out in level 6, that the seals are mass produced.  However, there are two sizes of seals in the court.  All the smaller ones have 31 stars (like someone showed a picture of from Li-Lo's court); but all of the larger ones have 32 seals, it was just a mistake in design production--and yes, people are frequently that careless, and don't notice things like that.<br /><br />If anyone is in the area, they could go check out in person what I am saying.  But in level 6 pictures were already shown of the 32 star seal in the room that was NOT the Murray trial.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1322556547:
    <br />Though it is undenyable that the entertainment factor is needed just to call peoples interest. Without entertainment unfortunable NOBODY would turn off their TV, smartphones, computergames or whatever menkind is dealing with in order not to face reality.<br />
    <br /><br />This is what I'm saying. Entertainment is the means why which you can change the world. MJ has direct access to communicating his message to the people without going through government or media filters by using entertainment, and what better manner then film.
    How convenient the 32 stars seal was for the hoax though, as long as it lasted.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    How is it possible to make such mistakes with adding an extra star? I mean there are photos with 32 stars seal from 2004, but how can such errors happen?<br /><br />@TS you didn't only joke, you also pointed to the fact that the extra star on Michael album near his shirt with the same stripe pattern was not coincidence. Now you turn around that was a joke...But only after people found photos from 2004 with the 32 stars.
  • So then what makes the trial fake now?...or is it all real court procedures but a fake case?
  • on 1322558798:
    <br />If the jury is fake (goes down the toilet) means the whole trial is fake......
    <br /><br />Oh really?  Then why does it say the JURY goes down the toilet, and not the COURT goes down?  And what if jury decided innocent, would they still go down the toilet--just because the whole court is (supposedly) fake?  Would it not make much more sense that the jury is NOT in on it, and whether or not they go down the toilet depends upon whether or not they were able to see the truth?  If they decide innocent, then they do not go down the toilet; but if they decided guilty, then they go down the toilet?  This would also explain why TMZ put the article up AFTER they made the decision (not at the beginning of the trial, nor even at the beginning of the deliberations).<br /><br />
    on 1322558798:
    <br />... but I think not all people that testified are aware that the trial is fake or are in the hoax.
    <br /><br />If the trial was all fake, just for a movie, don't you think the people testifying would have a right to KNOW IT???
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    on 1322557867:
    <br />Relating to 7c, I want to bring up the following TMZ article:<br /><br />DR. MURRAY MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL<br />Jury Goes Down the Toilet<br />{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21243.0}<br /><br />The article itself is merely about the jury asking for toilet paper, and paper towels--definitely NOT a newsworthy item.  But the TITLE of the article tells a different story than the article itself.  Also, the picture has three sets of 6 rolls of toilet paper (666).<br /><br />This was posted on TMZ after the jury made its decision, and before the verdict was announced.  Since La Toya has confirmed that Harvey Levin knows what is going on (and we have seen that for a long time, anyway): they probably knew at the time that the verdict was guilty.<br /><br />TMZ took the article down, shortly after it was posted on the hoax forum (which means that they were probably watching to see when we posted it here, and then they deleted it on TMZ).  They did not go to all the trouble to create the picture, and post the article, for nothing (only to delete it shortly after).  Therefore, what is the message that we are supposed to get from this article, in relation to the jury and therefore the court?
    <br /><br />So that means the illuminati will be flushed down the toilet right?<br /><br />But my humble question, TS, is are we closer to turning the pyramid upside down than we were 2.5 years ago. I know our time is running out, but do the Anonymous movements, Occupy Wall Street, etc help MJ's plan?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    If the court was real, would the Judge, for example, act that way? Read the verdict and say "oh, there was a typo. It's written June 9th, and then Judge number 3 corrected it, you put June 25th right? and some squiggles after that? Ok". Or the toys. The alarm going on at 2:26 pm. The pumpkin in the room. The elephant in the room. Chernoff's "MICHEAL". Chernoff's "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Wow, I had a good night sleep, trying to recollect my brain cells and look what happened! I'm afraid I lost them again :lol:<br /><br />Where are we? 7c? What was in the ambulance?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • on 1322559156:
    <br /><br />@TS you didn't only joke, you also pointed to the fact that the extra star on Michael album near his shirt with the same stripe pattern was not coincidence. Now you turn around that was a joke...But only after people found photos from 2004 with the 32 stars.<br />
    <br /><br /> :shock: :shock: :shock: <br /><br /><br /> smiley_spider smiley_spider<br /><br /><br /> suspicious// suspicious// suspicious// suspicious// suspicious//
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322559634:
    <br /><br />
    on 1322558798:
    <br />... but I think not all people that testified are aware that the trial is fake or are in the hoax.
    <br /><br />If the trial was all fake, just for a movie, don't you think the people testifying would have a right to KNOW IT???<br />
    <br /><br />But if it's part of a sting it could be that some of the witnesses would NOT know it, right?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    May be I am wrong....but are these really his children???<br /><br />Again, this could be wrong, and it could be right!!!!<br /><br />
  • on 1322559156:
    <br />@TS you didn't only joke, you also pointed to the fact that the extra star on Michael album near his shirt with the same stripe pattern was not coincidence. Now you turn around that was a joke...But only after people found photos from 2004 with the 32 stars.<br />
    <br /><br />Same stripe pattern not a coincidence isn't the same thing as 32 seals means fake court; I also pointed out that the gavel represents the court, and that also was not a coincidence.  But the gavel on the album doesn't make it fake court, anymore than the stripe pattern makes it fake court.
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Thanks for your posts TS, and thanks for validating what I and others have been saying all along, so I dont feel like an imbecile lol.<br /><br />I have talked in great length about this being a hoax with many facets in the TIAI Sept 27 thread. Just like the sting aspect being on the media, government, public etc. The definition of a sting operation is "a complicated confidence game planned and executed with great care etc.," which defines the hoax itself; so I do think the court is both hoax/sting by this definition and exposing what I have mentioned above.<br /><br />I also understand that The Bible and MJ's belief in it is a huge part of his message (the coming end of the world, love etc.), as they (the Illuminati/NWO) are trying to turn people away from the existence of a GOD and the validity of The Bible. Your post about us living in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah before the flood is what my mother, who is a Jehovah's Witness, says to me all the time. That we must wake up before it's too late and people want to live believing everything is as you said; "hunky-dory".<br /><br />As for the TMZ article, what Adi said :). Adding to what I said above about the court being both hoax and real (sting), it could be to expose the judicial system and the failure that leaving justice in the hands of a jury can go so wrong. If they took all of the evidence into consideration, Murray could have been found innocent, thus not going down the toilet. Yes?
  • on 1322559947:
    <br />
    on 1322559634:
    <br /><br />
    on 1322558798:
    <br />... but I think not all people that testified are aware that the trial is fake or are in the hoax.
    <br /><br />If the trial was all fake, just for a movie, don't you think the people testifying would have a right to KNOW IT???<br />
    <br /><br />But if it's part of a sting it could be that some of the witnesses would NOT know it, right?<br />
    <br /><br />Right!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322560190:
    <br />
    on 1322559947:
    <br />
    on 1322559634:
    <br /><br />
    on 1322558798:
    <br />... but I think not all people that testified are aware that the trial is fake or are in the hoax.
    <br /><br />If the trial was all fake, just for a movie, don't you think the people testifying would have a right to KNOW IT???<br />
    <br /><br />But if it's part of a sting it could be that some of the witnesses would NOT know it, right?<br />
    <br /><br />Right!<br />
    <br /><br />Well, then I will stick to my first thought: fake court with some witnesses as targets of the sting.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    on 1322560090:
    <br />
    on 1322559156:
    <br />@TS you didn't only joke, you also pointed to the fact that the extra star on Michael album near his shirt with the same stripe pattern was not coincidence. Now you turn around that was a joke...But only after people found photos from 2004 with the 32 stars.<br />
    <br /><br />Same stripe pattern not a coincidence isn't the same thing as 32 seals means fake court; I also pointed out that the gavel represents the court, and that also was not a coincidence.  But the gavel on the album doesn't make it fake court, anymore than the stripe pattern makes it fake court.<br />
    <br />But if the court was real, then who's hand is the one that put/did:<br /><br />-a pumpkin in plain sight<br /><br />-an elephant in the room<br /><br />-the verdict being read at 1:17 on 11/7 2011.<br /><br />If all this was a serious sting would anyone put these there? who would need a pumpkin? you can celebrate Halloween anywhere, but that's a fucking court. Who would time the verdict being read at 1:17 on 11/7, who would make the jury say they decided upon the verdict at 11:00? TMZ posted that the jury has the verdict at 11:00.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322559836:
    <br />If the court was real, would the Judge, for example, act that way? Read the verdict and say "oh, there was a typo. It's written June 9th, and then Judge number 3 corrected it, you put June 25th right? and some squiggles after that? Ok". Or the toys. The alarm going on at 2:26 pm. The pumpkin in the room. The elephant in the room. Chernoff's "MICHEAL". Chernoff's "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".<br />
    <br /><br />You must have missed the post where TS explained the issue of entrapment...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • on 1322559836:
    <br />If the court was real, would the Judge, for example, act that way? Read the verdict and say "oh, there was a typo. It's written June 9th, and then Judge number 3 corrected it, you put June 25th right? and some squiggles after that? Ok". Or the toys. The alarm going on at 2:26 pm. The pumpkin in the room. The elephant in the room. Chernoff's "MICHEAL". Chernoff's "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".<br />
    <br /><br />Just because the court is abnormal, does not mean it is totally fake.  Can you show any law, which would make any of these things illegal in a real court?<br /><br />Also, I have already pointed out long ago, that these things help avoid entrapment.  But there is only a need to avoid entrapment, when there is a real sting.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Yes - further to my silly earlier comment ...lol<br /><br />I think the title meant to convey that the jury did not pick up on all  the inconsistencies in the witnesses testimonies and if they had of it would have meant Murray was found innocent. <br /><br />The blatant contradictions in testimonies was not picked up by the jury and perhaps they were influenced by the media and perhaps they were reading those forums, Facebook, blogs, Myspace, Twitter, (reading minds) etc etc which Judge Pastor told them not to at the end of every single day.<br /><br /> Hence they were skewed in their deliberations due to the media influence and found Murray guilty.<br /><br />Instead of going on the evidence they went with the media?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    To clear up my 'fake court' comment: with that I mean fake case (against Murray).

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • on 1322560110:
    <br />I also understand that The Bible and MJ's belief in it is a huge part of his message (the coming end of the world, love etc.), as they (the Illuminati/NWO) are trying to turn people away from the existence of a GOD and the validity of The Bible. Your post about us living in the times of Sodom and Gomorrah before the flood is what my mother, who is a Jehovah's Witness, says to me all the time. That we must wake up before it's too late and people want to live believing everything is as you said; "honky dory".<br />
    <br /><br />im just going to say it. i really dont mean to be preachy, i really dont. i try and keep bible / EOW discussion in appropriate threads. also i may get shot down for this, nevertheless so be it. but i really think mj's purpose of DH is to do a mass preaching work to get ppl to wake up and turn around and look to GOD to attain salvation in the face of armageddon. i really do. i think DH and BAM will cause millions to give MJ attention and then he will send his message in an attempt to direct people to GOD in in turn salvation.<br /><br />we are in the time of the end. look at the mess of the world.... god promises peace. but not til after armageddon. (end of the wicked - not the earth) MJ is reaching out to as many ppl as possible via the medium of DH / BAM as his form of preaching / warning work<br /><br />
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Would FBI play with this then, even if to avoid entrapment? Like toys, pumpkin, jokes? I don't know if FBI would play, neither satisfy anyone's jokes, be it Michael Jackson. You know what I'm saying?<br /><br />I don't know the laws, I can only say what I've seen in many other cases, not only high profile, but other cases too, on youtube. This is honestly what I've seen. And I've never seen such a joyful judge, jokes, toys, pumpkins.You know?
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