TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    Dedicated to everyone on this thread (TS included)<br /><br />
  • on 1322559853:
    <br />Wow, I had a good night sleep, trying to recollect my brain cells and look what happened! I'm afraid I lost them again :lol:<br /><br />Where are we? 7c? What was in the ambulance?<br />
    <br /><br />7b hasn't been finished yet, there are still ends to tie....<br /><br />So it's a fake case, real jury, key witnesses in on it or are at least aware the case is fake and other witnesses know nothing...but do we still have a sting?...is the sting on one of the witnesses because it doesn't seem to be on the Judge or lawyers, they seem to be in the know...<br /><br />....I don't know what to think, I can't see there is a sting going on, I thought it was on AK but I doubt a sting very much.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322560921:
    <br />Would FBI play with this then, even if to avoid entrapment? Like toys, pumpkin, jokes? I don't know if FBI would play, neither satisfy anyone's jokes, be it Michael Jackson. You know what I'm saying?<br /><br />I don't know the laws, I can only say what I've seen in many other cases, not only high profile, but other cases too, on youtube. This is honestly what I've seen. And I've never seen such a joyful judge, jokes, toys, pumpkins.You know?<br />
    <br /><br />It clearly offends you, that is why you don't believe it. The FBI is the one who has set up the sting, and therefore also have to avoid entrapment. That means that if they would make it all look real, and no one would be able to figure out it's a hoax, then they would have the problem that they could be sued for entrapment.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Australian MJ Believer I agree.<br /><br />Anna, it isn't a difficult concept to grasp. Its a hoax court to avoid entrapment but also entertainment for us ofcourse; and a sting to expose corruption.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1322561299:
    <br />
    on 1322560921:
    <br />Would FBI play with this then, even if to avoid entrapment? Like toys, pumpkin, jokes? I don't know if FBI would play, neither satisfy anyone's jokes, be it Michael Jackson. You know what I'm saying?<br /><br />I don't know the laws, I can only say what I've seen in many other cases, not only high profile, but other cases too, on youtube. This is honestly what I've seen. And I've never seen such a joyful judge, jokes, toys, pumpkins.You know?<br />
    <br /><br />It clearly offends you, that is why you don't believe it. The FBI is the one who has set up the sting, and therefore also have to avoid entrapment. That means that if they would make it all look real, and no one would be able to figure out it's a hoax, then they would have the problem that they could be sued for entrapment. <br />
    <br /><br />Also Anna - perhaps those other high profile cases you watched were real cases and there really was a crime committed and there was not a sting element to the court? So you really can't compare them to this court ....it's like comparing apples to oranges.....or pumpkins to tomatoes.
    When it comes to court I'm really lost. I don't understand what you guys are talking about.<br />So the trial is not fake. But the jury "goes down the toilet". This means because their verdict is wrong?<br /><br />help /white flag/ /white flag/ /white flag/<br /><br /><br />
    on 1322559634:
    <br />
    on 1322558798:
    <br />If the jury is fake (goes down the toilet) means the whole trial is fake......
    <br /><br />Oh really?  Then why does it say the JURY goes down the toilet, and not the COURT goes down?  And what if jury decided innocent, would they still go down the toilet--just because the whole court is (supposedly) fake?  [size=14pt]Would it not make much more sense that the jury is NOT in on it, and whether or not they go down the toilet depends upon whether or not they were able to see the truth? [/size] If they decide innocent, then they do not go down the toilet; but if they decided guilty, then they go down the toilet?  This would also explain why TMZ put the article up AFTER they made the decision (not at the beginning of the trial, nor even at the beginning of the deliberations).<br /><br />
    <br /><br />OK yes, I think that makes sense. The jury "goes down the toilet" because they weren't able to see the truth.<br />But how TMZ knew from before they published the verdict that it was going to be "guilty"  WTF???? Maybe on of the jurors is in?<br />Please bear with me as I have troubles understanding English sometimes.<br /><br />But now that I think about what you wrote, the jury was FREE to choose any verdict, I mean it was not planned that they will reach the "guilty" verdict :shock:<br />Yet the defense did such a lousy job that it was not so difficult for the jury to say "guilty". Maybe they did it on purpose suspicious//??
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    <br />The most interesting witnesses during the Conrad Murray trial<br /><br />1. Randy Phillips<br />2. Alberto Alvarez<br />3. Dr. Paul White, propofol expert<br />4. Dr. Robert Waldman, addiction expert<br />
  • Tom Joyner (Tom Joyner Morning Show) is today making fun of the hoaxers.  Obviously they are on the forum because they have quoted a lot of what we have revealed.  They say we are delusional if we think that MJ is gonna moonwalk out the back room during the sentencing today. 
    on 1322566964:
    <br />Tom Joyner (Tom Joyner Morning Show) is today making fun of the hoaxers.  Obviously they are on the forum because they have quoted a lot of what we have revealed.  They say we are delusional if we think that MJ is gonna moonwalk out the back room during the sentencing today.  <br />
    <br /><br />maybe they are right to make fun...who knows...
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    on 1322567223:
    <br />
    on 1322566964:
    <br />Tom Joyner (Tom Joyner Morning Show) is today making fun of the hoaxers.  Obviously they are on the forum because they have quoted a lot of what we have revealed.  They say we are delusional if we think that MJ is gonna moonwalk out the back room during the sentencing today.  <br />
    <br /><br />maybe they are right to make fun...who knows...<br />
    <br /><br />But doesn't that fact that the hoax generates more exposure, help with the entrapment issues ???<br /><br /> OMG!  [size=12pt]TMZ just added a link that I just posted earlier on in this discussion....the article was "The 7 signs of the second coming of christ"..[/size]..Another new member mentioned it.......<br /><br />I have had that link saved to my computer for nearly 20 mths...and just posted it because of the discussion of the eow and nwo..,.....I feel we are being really watched now.  There were at least 18 guests, and 2 hiddent guests when TS was posting......
  • MY question is: If there is a sting operation, would the FBI support that TS has giving clues to us, anyone could an can enjoy this website. I'm aware that i'm not understanding everything whats written in these Topics, but can someone please answer me, if its possible for MJ or someone from MJ camp to spill some of the beans without dangering the sting?<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    well as all this ,is as yet not totally concrete evidence....................if anyone "bad" is reading all these remarks,they would surely not know what they should do...as they could be running around like headless chickens themselves wouldnt they???is it this,or is it that,shall we this,shall we that !!!! see what i am getting at.....xx
    on 1322568813:
    <br />
    on 1322567223:
    <br />
    on 1322566964:
    <br />Tom Joyner (Tom Joyner Morning Show) is today making fun of the hoaxers.  Obviously they are on the forum because they have quoted a lot of what we have revealed.  They say we are delusional if we think that MJ is gonna moonwalk out the back room during the sentencing today.  <br />
    <br /><br />maybe they are right to make fun...who knows...<br />
    <br /><br />But doesn't that fact that the hoax generates more exposure, help with the entrapment issues ???<br /><br /> OMG!  [size=12pt]TMZ just added a link that I just posted earlier on in this discussion....the article was "The 7 signs of the second coming of christ"..[/size]..Another new member mentioned it.......<br /><br />I have had that link saved to my computer for nearly 20 mths...and just posted it because of the discussion of the eow and nwo..,.....I feel we are being really watched now.  There were at least 18 guests, and 2 hiddent guests when TS was posting......<br />
    <br /><br />Where they posted that link please?
  • bow/this just popped into my mind.  i've watch alot of mj hoax vids on u-tube.  one channel (flem18) she was convinced the michael NOT marlon had a twin.  she stated that thru the years we were actually seeing 2 mikes? wouldn't that be a mind blower.  she explained how one mike was passive & gentle.  while the other mike gave off the BAD personna.  if so, could it have been a twin?  that's why people thought it was mike?  TS- i would like to know WHO it is the body guard is putting his coat up for exiting the ambo (at hospital). and WHY does this person appear to have his jacket on backwards & hand on head as if hiding appearance...still bugging me...as is, dave dave, blonde women @ memorial & funeral, and mr magoo looking guy @ some event mikes children were apart of.  clarification would be greatly appreciated....thanks
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    This time difference really sucks...I keep missing TS being online and end up playing 'catch-up'  bangbang<br /><br />7a is most definitely a done deal ---> there was an ambulance that went from Carolwood to UCLA on June 25th<br /><br />7b - although not fully complete yet, I'm leaning heavily on a corpse (that started out as a terminally ill patient).  It is the option that poses the least amount of risk for MJ and for the hoax and it keeps those that need to be 'in on it' to a minimum.<br /><br />7c - fake court or sting: <br />From very early on, I believed there was some sort of sting going on primarily because of the FBI's involvement/help in the hoax.  If the FBI is involved, there is a sting.  If there is a sting, there is also the need to eliminate the risk of entrapment---hence, the oddities in the courtroom (although this on its own is probably not a strong defence against entrapment) and this forum (if WE have been able to figure out it's a hoax---and therefore, Murray is NOT guilty---then anyone else could've/should've as well).<br /><br />So who is the sting against?  Because there was a trial and the FBI is involved, I tend to think that the sting 'targets' have to be limited to the people/entities that had something to do with THIS trial (i.e. it wouldn't make sense if it was against Coca-Cola cause they had nothing to do with this trial).  The people involved are Murray (defendant), the DA's, the defense attorneys, the judge, the jury, and the witnesses called to testify.  The entities involved are the court/legal system, the office of the DA, the medical field (doctors, pharmacies, etc), big business/entertainment industry (AEG), and the media.  And to a lesser extent (probably much lesser, the fans).<br /><br />I believe Murray, the DA's (Walgren at least), the defense attorneys and the judge were in on it (maybe even HAD to be), so they can be eliminated...as well as some witnesses (like Ortega, the paramedics, the UCLA staff, the phone company people, etc).  As for the rest, I'm not sure.<br /><br />TS made mention of the jury a few times in the Sept 27 thread and now here again in this thread by bringing up the TMZ article.  IF we believe that the DA's, the defense attorneys and the court were in on it...then there could've been someone on that jury that was planted (since the jury is picked by them).  What this possible 'planted' jury member's role was...I'm not sure, could've been for a few reasons.  But I think the 'jury' is important in all of this.<br /><br />I had mentioned in the Sept 27 thread about my being 'unsure' about AEG and their role in everything.  Randy Phillips either knew about the hoax or he didn't.  He's very difficult to 'read'...so I'm not sure what, if anything, he knew (but I've never got a good 'vibe' from him---but that could just be because I don't trust 'big business' lol).  LaToya recently being vocal about Randy Phillips (specifically) as having something to do with MJ's 'death' is interesting.  If she's telling the truth, then Randy was at Carolwood on June 24th, without MJ's knowledge.    Considering it was just hours before the 'illusion' was set to begin...what was he doing there and WHO did he go see if MJ wasn't home? <br /><br />There were a lot of great points brought up by different members in support of a sting in the Sept 27 thread.  The problem I had was that all the possible stings that made 'sense'...didn't end up going anywhere (i.e. we saw 'hints' at possible stings but nothing really came of them).  But maybe that's how a sting works...it's meant to be subtle before the sting.  Kind of like the calm before the storm.  <br /><br />Hopefully the sting aspect will become more clear today.  I'm thinking that once it is clear, a lot of the other pieces will make much more sense as well.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    on 1322553638:
    <br />
    on 1322549542:
    <br />@TS<;br /><br />1) Can you give as two or three nails to make us understand why we should believe the family now when they lied to us for 2+ years?<br />
    <br /><br />How could they say MJ is alive, and still have any hoax?  If they are lying when supporting the hoax with clues, then I guess you would have to believe that MJ was murdered, and they are being forced into giving hoax clues by the murderers (and yet they speak of murder far more directly than the hoax??).  I don't know that I can give two or three reasons, just that you would think the family loves MJ enough not to be hiding a murder with false hoax clues.<br /><br />
    on 1322549542:
    <br />2) What is it that is different now from your statement two years ago to not believe a message to be true because of the messenger's name?<br />
    <br /><br />I still supported most of that long post (about the real danger) with evidence outside of my username; but I finished by including that, because a few things have changed over the years--such as La Toya recently verifying TMZ.  Nevertheless, I still do not ask anyone to accept anything, unless I back it up with evidence.<br /><br />
    on 1322549542:
    <br />3) What makes you believe that the time is right now - and was not then?<br />
    <br /><br />Not sure what you are referring to, time is right for what?<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you TS.<br /><br />I think you missed that I do not believe in "murder" nor "murder attempt" in the sense of "ending a life" but in a "metaphorical murder" if that makes sense.<br /><br />I think you missed also that I did not read La Toya's book - and did such on purpose.<br />Same applies to all kind of twitter accounts or other means of publishing that I did not follow on purpose.<br /><br />Any statement from any family member is not more valid than any other statement.<br />The more lies came up in the course of time, the more the family was actively involved, the less credibility their statements had.<br />Nothing strange or astounding - Michael most likely knew this and thought it through.<br />Michael probably also knew that when returning, many would even question his appearance to be his true self and would think of doubles or imposters instead.<br /><br />We can only conclude that the reasons for the hoax were important enough to outweigh these embedded results.<br />Or else Michael does not care about what others think of him - which I do not believe, especially not after all this tremendous work. Still he must live with the fact that he hurt many folks out there to the bones - for all good reasons. But he will have to justify this - if not here then there.<br /><br />About the court we had many many ideas already. <br />I say it was made a show that some did not even wonder about and that some witnesses did not recognize as such. Some did not realize it was about themselves and not about Doc Murray. The trial was a means to nail some folks down and document their statements under oath and in the public eye. In addition, the trial was a means to nail public attention on a cross.<br /><br />This goes out to Michael, where ever he is turning the pages. Thank you Michael, you did an impressive good job.<br /><br />
    <br />http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rQJ6KQjDG0
    This sting thing gives me headaches. <br />So the court is real but some of the court participants are in the hoax. Jurors are not in and they fail to see the truth, with a little help from the defence attorneys. The jurors should have questioned some things, at least judge's reaction at the objection that Murray is not a doctor, if not the other contradictions.<br />At the same time some think FBI is involved with a sting operation going on in parallel with Murray's trial. I wonder if the sting has something to do with the trial or they are completely separate things.<br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1322579127:
    <br />This sting thing gives me headaches. <br />So the court is real but some of the court participants are in the hoax. Jurors are not in and they fail to see the truth, with a little help from the defence attorneys. The jurors should have questioned some things, at least judge's reaction at the objection that Murray is not a doctor, if not the other contradictions.<br />At the same time some think FBI is involved with a sting operation going on in parallel with Murray's trial. I wonder if the sting has something to do with the trial or they are completely separate things.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I think you and I are in the same boat Gina.  We like things simplified...just list it for us and we'd get it. LOL
  • on 1322579749:
    <br />
    on 1322579127:
    <br />This sting thing gives me headaches. <br />So the court is real but some of the court participants are in the hoax. Jurors are not in and they fail to see the truth, with a little help from the defence attorneys. The jurors should have questioned some things, at least judge's reaction at the objection that Murray is not a doctor, if not the other contradictions.<br />At the same time some think FBI is involved with a sting operation going on in parallel with Murray's trial. I wonder if the sting has something to do with the trial or they are completely separate things.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I think you and I are in the same boat Gina.  We like things simplified...just list it for us and we'd get it. LOL<br />
    <br /><br />makes three of us ::D
  • I think the same Gina, sting and trial are separate, I don't see how there can be a sting in this trial there is no one to go after, most of the key people probably know about the hoax?
  • on 1322577021:
    <br /><br />I had mentioned in the Sept 27 thread about my being 'unsure' about AEG and their role in everything.  Randy Phillips either knew about the hoax or he didn't.  He's very difficult to 'read'...so I'm not sure what, if anything, he knew (but I've never got a good 'vibe' from him---but that could just be because I don't trust 'big business' lol). LaToya recently being vocal about Randy Phillips (specifically) as having something to do with MJ's 'death' is interesting.  If she's telling the truth, then Randy was at Carolwood on June 24th, without MJ's knowledge.    Considering it was just hours before the 'illusion' was set to begin...what was he doing there and WHO did he go see if MJ wasn't home? <br /><br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]This is something that has been puzzling me too since she said it.  That coupled with that brief glimpse of him walking into UCLA with what appears to be Thome Thome.  How (and more importantly why) did they hook up if Randy "turned his car immediately around to follow the ambulance" as it was leaving when he arrived at the house.  Makes you wonder if they were already together...hmmm. I could be wrong and I'd be the first to say so...but TT gives me the big time bad vibe![/size]
  • I can only speak for myself when I say the investigative part of the hoax has gone way beyond figuring out the hows and whys of Michael's plans. In the past 2+ years, a night of "Michaeling" always seemed to lead me to other areas of learning.<br />I have discovered how corrupt the worlds governments are, how 9/11 was an inside job,, how the United States is a corporation rather than a country etc. etc...<br />I have also rediscovered my soul and learned how to truly love again despite several tragedies in my life.  The message has been loud and clear and for me the hoax has been  educational, uplifting and inspirational.<br />Finding clues and blogging has been wonderful escapism and has taught me to look beyond the surface to find truth.  Believe it or not I truly believe I know what is coming with BAM and I am excited. There has been a measure of fear with all that I have learned but if I am right about BAM the I know in my heart that "there is nothing to nervous about."  Thank you to all of you for making this all such a wonderful life changing experiance.
  • on 1322581800:
    <br />
    on 1322577021:
    <br /><br />I had mentioned in the Sept 27 thread about my being 'unsure' about AEG and their role in everything.  Randy Phillips either knew about the hoax or he didn't.  He's very difficult to 'read'...so I'm not sure what, if anything, he knew (but I've never got a good 'vibe' from him---but that could just be because I don't trust 'big business' lol). LaToya recently being vocal about Randy Phillips (specifically) as having something to do with MJ's 'death' is interesting.  If she's telling the truth, then Randy was at Carolwood on June 24th, without MJ's knowledge.    Considering it was just hours before the 'illusion' was set to begin...what was he doing there and WHO did he go see if MJ wasn't home? <br /><br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]This is something that has been puzzling me too since she said it.  That coupled with that brief glimpse of him walking into UCLA with what appears to be Thome Thome.  How (and more importantly why) did they hook up if Randy "turned his car immediately around to follow the ambulance" as it was leaving when he arrived at the house.  Makes you wonder if they were already together...hmmm. I could be wrong and I'd be the first to say so...but TT gives me the big time bad vibe![/size]<br />
    I have the same suspicions about AEG,i have believed since day 1,if there is a sting Randy Phillips and AEG are one of the targets.I dont trust him at all.He seemed to be nervous to me during his testimony,and we all know who he works for.Pure evil,imo.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    :| pale/ :shock: :o WTF?? OMG! so many pages... :o i scanned the last 3 only...surely I miss a lot but  :o I just can´t right now...need extra hours for it.<br /><br />Imaginative Resume: <br />MJ alive -- went from LA to Bahrein (or somewhere else) -- Body belongs to a real person, may be the own thief or murderer wanna be --Why on earth would 911 have anything to do with MJ? WTF?? -- <br /><br /><br /><br />Illuminati only if with tomati, please...
    WOW Michael what a beautiful post  bearhug!!<br />It's been amazing isn't it? All the illusions... /white flag/
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