TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Well we failed to complete Level 7 before today... we got no puzzle piece. Perhaps this is our punishment.<br /><br />
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Didn't TS say level 7 would be done today, even if he had to do it by himself?
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Well TS said it would be completed today and even if we couldn't figure it out then he would finish it himself. I'm guessing he was busy attending the sentencing today...
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I guess the days not over yet is it.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    on 1322595303:
    <br />Well we failed to complete Level 7 before today... we got no puzzle piece. Perhaps this is our punishment.<br />
    <br /><br />What for???
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1322594989:
    <br />The campaign got attention after the disappearance and is a steady companion ever since.<br /><br />Nobody should lose faith due to today's movie.<br />In fact, today was a much brighter day as to getting to the points than those weeks when we were almost falling asleep in the courtroom.<br />Today, some Harissa was in the room. Tension, emotions, pressure, loudness, judgement day.<br />I wonder what that orange shampoo bottle was about. LOL<br /><br />Faith to everybody! <br /><br />
    <br /><br />LOL @ Harissa ... and I noticed this orange bottle/spray as well!! Faith to you Grace!!!  bearhug<br /><br />
    on 1322595518:
    <br />Didn't TS say level 7 would be done today, even if he had to do it by himself?<br />
    <br /><br />Yes he did. suspicious// Maybe that today is supposed to help us for 7c so he had to wait for the sentence?<br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @Grace: I dunno? I'm just trying to make sense of it.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    There's still over 12 hours left of 29th in TS land - I wonder why he gave himself this apparent deadline.
  • mimi248mimi248 Posts: 124
    In usa it is only 8 o clok isn't it? so mj could return today, because the numerologie is TOO HUGE, and if TS wanted to finish the 7 level so, i think there is a strong possibility .and don't forget that the whole world is watching the sentence!! When would he come back if it 's not today? i jsut don't get it :s ..
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Murray was convicted .. had to come a judgement
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    No mimi, US is just coming up to Midday, in LA anyway.
    on 1322593333:
    <br /> What's happened to everything that we have learned? all the clues? all our investigations?  <br /><br />
    <br /><br />They went down the toilet :cry:<br /><br />TS ?? /white flag/  BlackJack ??  /white flag/ Anybody home?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Can we get back on topic please or do I need to start deleting posts?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1322596448:
    <br />
    on 1322593333:
    <br /> What's happened to everything that we have learned? all the clues? all our investigations?  <br /><br />
    <br /><br />They went down the toilet :cry:<br /><br />TS ?? /white flag/  BlackJack ??  /white flag/ Anybody home?<br />
    <br /><br />Please Gina, keep the clues and all our investigations out of the bathroom, thank you! Their place is in a better and safer place.<br /><br />Edit: sorry Souza didn't see your post. <br />
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Anybody else noticed that Doc Murray noted something down on a piece of paper with a Fedex envelope underneath?<br /> <br /> Fedex would be used if the document is of essential importance, must be distributed by secured transport / with insurance or must arrive at a certain destination at a certain point of time (express).<br /> Fedex is not being used for standard letters or is my brain fried already?<br /> There was a Fedex van driving by after the family left, too.<br /> Is it usual to write letters during sentence?<br /> <br /> Today was a very interesting court day. <br /> In fact, Judge Pastor emphasized several aspects in detail - which in this length and depth would seem unusual to me for elaborating the reasons for judgement. Judge Pastor said at least 3 times that the court does not have the legal authority to send Doc Murray into a state prison...<br /> <br /> When listening, I tried to imagine other crimes and other defendants.<br /> The subjects brought up against Doc Murray would indeed very well fit other cases (that did not see any court to date) and the points made were primarily moral and ethic reasons. Even if we agree to the importance of these topics as such, usually in court we will not talk moral and ethic but criminal evidence.<br /> <br /> My impression was that Judge Pastor was not reading his specific reasoning but was holding a speech in claiming moral order to return. He got quite emotional today as everybody (but Mr. Walgren).<br /> In addition, everybody had the words stuck in their throat today and made many mistakes while talking.<br /> This was much jumping to the ears today.<br /> <br /> I do not know too much about Cali law, but in our justice system, there are two separate lawsuits: a criminal one and a so called "private law" one. The first will get you the sentence for breaking the law and get you into prison or fines, the second is for compensation for the victims - if the family decides to go for this option.<br /> But it's separate trials in separate courts. That made exhibit B absolutely suspicious to me.<br /> I never heard of a compensation being filed and then discussed in a criminal court.<br /> <br /> Therefore again I stick to: hoax court with some sting and documentation and public witness reasons where some did not realize that their contributions would have further consequences. White's and Shafer's demonstrations of knowledge were a priceless cartoon.  Very entertaining and certainly not only this if one looks further.<br /> <br /> Keep the faith, family. No reason to give up.  bearhug <br /><br /><br />
  • msgitmmsgitm Posts: 186
    The whole world IS watching! Just look at the world wide media attention this has got. Not just believers or MJ fans are paying attention to this trial.  It's HUGE!<br /><br />So TS is in LA? Hmmmmmm
  • Did anyone watch the press conference on TMZ following the sentencing? with Walgen and the lady atourney, and another gentleman (dont know his name) they were saying that Dr Murray could only serve a very sort part of the sentence as it was up to the Sherrif how long he stays in jail!!!! gave an example of Lindsay Lohan who served a very short time, Dr Murray could be out in days!!! it is all a the disgression of the county Sherrif it is a problem of the "law in California" the Sherrif could release him when he see fit irrespective of the Judgement passed today.<br /><br />Any one else see this?  Could we be witnessing part of the sting the "Law in California"???<br /><br /> afraid/  bangbang
  • some "pieces" of the puzzle from court today<br />1. the orange bottle shown, is a scent spray, just happen to be Hawaiian scent "aloha" : ) howdy!<br />2. Restitution date Jan. 23, same as "THRILLER" album release for Michael<br />3. Murray is "taken up on the roof" to stargaze??? WTH,, so does Tito, he used to always be "going up to the rooftop" and Paris her fondest memory of daddy,,"on the roof, looking at stars and lights of Vegas"<br />4. Finally a mug shot,, and the Sony ad flying in make.believe,, <br /><br />a few observations I and others noted.
    Who posts always around the same hours? I can't believe I've never noticed it before, stupid me crash/ crash/ crash/!! Just wanna say hello to my old "friend" >:(.<br /><br />OK, now the judge...his little speech was odd. I have to consider that he might be in the hoax. I can't find good reasons for why a judge would become passionate while serving the law. He should do his job in an objective manner. He failed to do it today. What was that crap about the book of life for Murray and Michael? Or is justice in U.S. so much different than in the rest of the world?<br /><br />And about the restitution money....are the prosecutors that dumb that they don't know the letter from the estate is not enough??? Of course there was a need for detailed calculations, why they didn't ask the estate to present them from the very beginning??<br /><br />Ok, as TS  probably won't be here earlier than 5-6 hours, I better go cry in bed now, hoping this is just a bad dream :(<br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1322600320:
    <br />Who posts always around the same hours? I can't believe I've never noticed it before, stupid me crash/ crash/ crash/!! Just wanna say hello to my old "friend" >:(.<br />[size=14pt]Are you talking about the person I was talking about on chat that posts in the morn or at night and not during the day???[/size]<br /><br />OK, now the judge...his little speech was odd. I have to consider that he might be in the hoax. I can't find good reasons for why a judge would become passionate while serving the law. He should do his job in an objective manner. He failed to do it today. What was that crap about the book of life for Murray and Michael? Or is justice in U.S. so much different than in the rest of the world?<br /><br />And about the restitution money....are the prosecutors that dumb that they don't know the letter from the estate in not enough??? Of course there was a need for detailed calculations, why they didn't ask the estate to present them from the very beginning??<br /><br />I always have seen the money portion in a separate hearing!!  Anyone ever see otherwise???<br /><br /><br />
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    On the other hand, this does not mean that MJ is paranoid, and always looking at who is behind him, etc.  No, his faith in God saves him from paranoia; but true faith in God does not make people careless, or cause you to take unnecessary risks (see Matthew 4:5-7).
    <br /><br /> /bravo/<br /><br />P.S. Anna! We've gone this far, and you want to believe Michael's dead because of Murray's mugshot??? That?! Over everything we've been through...?<br /><br />
    On August 30 (2011), I wrote the following: “Anna, I don't mean to be disrespectful; but some people continue to be doubting and fearful, no matter how much evidence they get—and you seem to fall in that category. Most if not all of your questions have been answered already, if you have read all of my posts. Nevertheless, I would be happy to go over it again, and add a few more points, as long as you promise to start being more positive and ‘keep the faith!’ Otherwise, there is little point for me to answer these BAM questions; because you would just find something else to doubt and fret about.”
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    TS<br />
    [size=x-small]On the other hand, this does not mean that MJ is paranoid, and always looking at who is behind him, etc.  No, his faith in God saves him from paranoia; but true faith in God does not make people careless, or cause you to take unnecessary risks (see Matthew 4:5-7).[/size]
    <br />[size=x-small]I was thinking from this, that perhaps all of us should realize TPTB (Illuminati) are out to "kill" us as well, so we are all actually at risk.[/size]<br /><br />"Book of life for Murray and Michael"? And the restitution amount (Exhibit B) is impossible for Murray to repay. Sort of like the book of life in Revelation. We humans owe a debt to God that's impossible to repay.  And Marlon says it's God who will judge Murray.<br /><br />Grace, I noticed what the judge said too. "This court does not have the legal authority to actually send and imprison Conrad Murray in state prison. I do not have the authority..."  Is this to let the court off the hook legally as well for hoax court. Sort of negating judgment?<br /><br /><br />Just one comment on all the convo with TS in the night, that was hard to keep up with, but fun.<br />It puzzles me that TS knew the seating positions of Murray and two EMT’s in the ambulance. Was he in there too?  Senneff mentioned seating but did Blount? <br /><br /><br />[size=10pt]TS[/size]
    [size=10pt]Blount was riding in the long seat beside Murray, to the right of Murray (towards the front, Murray being towards the back).  This would be out of the shot through the window (if the shot had really been taken on the fly).[/size][size=10pt]<br /> <br /> Senneff said that he was at the head (airway), and Goodwin was doing the compressions.  This fits what we see in the ambulance photo.[/size]
  • Like some have said, sentence wasn’t very surprising, it needed to go down as the max penalty to serve its point.<br />Whether Murray spends legitimate time in jail, I highly doubt it, Im sure he’ll be locked down somewhere secret and likely spend very limited time actually behind bars, just can’t see it. <br /><br />More and more Ive looked deeper into this hoax over the past year, learning in much more detail about the Illuminati-NWO-financial elite, people break down the gov. media, D.A, pharmaceuticals as problematic areas but everything essentially goes back to the same top order, the top of the pyramid, the people controlling ‘everything’ and Im confident by now MJ is trying to spead awareness of the World powers controlling us, the Illuminati-NWO whatever name you like. I am scared for MJ, the threat is real when you look at the real track record of some of these people. From assassinations of multiple presidents and political figures to White flag operations like 9/11 killing masses. These people funded and orchestrated both Wold Wars, the history is deep and lengthy. <br /><br />The financial elite are the ultimate problem and I am intrigued what MJ’s plans are to reveal them, how can he spread the message and keep his family safe? Quite frankly, Im not sure he can ultimately help stop them, many have tried in the past, its not plausible unless everyone becomes aware of the situation. Occupy Wall Street is a start towards the awareness movement.<br /><br />The Rothschild family, Rockefeller family are at the center of the financial elite. Look them up, they need to be stopped. <br /><br />I looked at the family timeline of Rothschilds not too long ago and its interesting to see the role they’ve played in the last century and beyond. Take a look if you have time. Begins with the intro of Illuminati in 1770<br /><br /> http://www.iamthewitness.com/DarylBradfordSmith_Rothschild.htm<br />
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    on 1322601721:
    <br />TS<br />
    [size=x-small]On the other hand, this does not mean that MJ is paranoid, and always looking at who is behind him, etc.  No, his faith in God saves him from paranoia; but true faith in God does not make people careless, or cause you to take unnecessary risks (see Matthew 4:5-7).[/size]
    <br />[size=x-small]I was thinking from this, that perhaps all of us should realize TPTB (Illuminati) are out to "kill" us as well, so we are all actually at risk.[/size]<br /><br />"Book of life for Murray and Michael"? And the restitution amount (Exhibit B) is impossible for Murray to repay. Sort of like the book of life in Revelation. We humans owe a debt to God that's impossible to repay.  And Marlon says it's God who will judge Murray.<br /><br />[size=14pt]That's my take on it too.  When they said..it don't just matter what was done in one chapter, HE ..the JUDGE looks at the whole book!!  (life)  AS in God will look at each person's book of life..one good act don't mean you will go free...(live forever).  And Marlon is right too.  They really did emphasize the repayment, which sorta became a joke actually, because there is unlimited amounts that Michael could be worth in the future..esp. since we DID find out he's worth more dead!!  It would be impossible for prob. almost anyone to repay it.[/size]<br /><br />Grace, I noticed what the judge said too. "This court does not have the legal authority to actually send and imprison Conrad Murray in state prison. I do not have the authority..."  Is this to let the court off the hook legally as well for hoax court. Sort of negating judgment?<br /><br />[size=14pt]I thought I'd heard on HLN that this is a NEW law...just two months old, and it is prob. going to backfire in this case.  So, two months ago we began the trial!!!  Correct me, but didn't SNEDDON have some law/rule changed during Michael's trial also???[/size]<br /><br /><br />Just one comment on all the convo with TS in the night, that was hard to keep up with, but fun.<br />It puzzles me that TS knew the seating positions of Murray and two EMT’s in the ambulance. Was he in there too?  Senneff mentioned seating but did Blount? <br /><br />[size=14pt]AH HA!!  You caught that too!!! ;)  I thought I'd just read something into it.  It def sounded like he was in there!![/size]<br /><br /><br />[size=10pt]TS[/size]
    [size=10pt]Blount was riding in the long seat beside Murray, to the right of Murray (towards the front, Murray being towards the back).  This would be out of the shot through the window (if the shot had really been taken on the fly).[/size][size=10pt]<br /> <br /> Senneff said that he was at the head (airway), and Goodwin was doing the compressions.  This fits what we see in the ambulance photo.[/size]
    <br />
    <br />[size=14pt](as I'm watching most of Michael's videos on the Visions collection ;)  )[/size]
  • I totally agree with your post beLIEving 101.All the pieces to the puzzle of this hoax are coming together quickly.It all makes sense to me now.The Illuminati are a real threat,and i understand M.J. will not BAM until it is safe for him to do so.This is genius and brave of Michael to attempt this hoax in order to educate the public about the mass deception that our Government has been doing to the public for ages.They have assassinated many and have got away with it.We need the rest of the world to take their blind folds off and wake up.It took M.J to fake his death to get our attention,and here we are,what a loving soul you are Mr.Michael Joe Jackson.We have your back,always. 
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