TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • I wasn't able to watch the sentencing today but I have been able to pick up on a few things based on what is being written on the forum. I see that a few are wondering about the new law that says certain criteria of the offender will determine the real sentence time someone does. In Oregon where I live and have experienced the jail and justice system here, we have a program that is similiar to what is going on in CA with the new law they passed. Below is a link to the way our system works. It is definetly worth reading because it will help to understand how this new law in CA will be a good thing in the end.<br /><br />By using a matrix system of numbers based on certain criteria I was released after 1 day of jail even though I was sentenced to 1 year. My matrix number was low enough to release me and allow my bed to be put to use by a criminal who was more of a risk to the public than I was. This was about 20 something years ago. The program is working for Oregon and it is saving money by reducing the amount of prisons having to be built and how many prisoners are actually needing to be cared for. Prison is a big business. Every prisoner costs a certain amount to be cared for and it is this revenue that influences some peoples attitude towards more prisoners more money.<br /><br />My opinion is DA Cooley is thinking about that money aspect increasing and not to happy with the revenue loss by releasing prisoners because of the new law.<br /><br />http://www.oregon.gov/CJC/overview.shtml<br />The Development of Oregon's<br />Sentencing and Corrections Policy
    The Parole Matrix. The 1977 legislature mandated the use of a parole matrix to achieve equity among inmates so that similar prisoners would serve a similar length of time.4 The release decisions were to be based on severity of the crime committed and the offender´s "risk factor" that was based on criminal history and adjusted for aggravating and mitigating circumstances. The legislature also made it clear that it wanted the Parole Board to increase the length of stay as much as possible for the more serious offenders .<br /> <br />Increasing prison terms for serious offenders was accomplished by decreasing prison terms for the less serious offenders. These actions signaled the move from a rehabilitative model of "corrections" to a "just deserts" model of sanctions. Judges began to sentence less serious offenders more frequently to county jails. Although the maximum jail term is one year, under ORS 137.520, this was often longer than a less serious offender would have spent in state prison.
  • [size=10pt]Re: TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)<br />« Reply #1426 on: November 29, 2011, 02:35:50 PM »<br />“1. He just knew! He was famous and rich from the age of 5! The fortune hunters were always after him. He is intuitive! He is God-gifted. He just knows things!  2. He got hints from Elvis who also faked his death! He knew what happened to Elvis all his life because of his celebrity! and that Elvis had also received death threats!  3. He saw what happened to John Lenon and other celebs [MLK, JFK, Lady Di, etc]! he didn't want to wait for that happening to him too!” {SimPattyK, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21319.msg370869#msg370869}.[/size]<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]TS what did you mean with FORTUNE HUNTERS  :shock: ??? Are the same people who Evi and Randy Quaid talked about :idea:???  They also said about Michael and the real owners of his Neverland ,the justice sistem in Santa Barbara which is corrupt,and some RIVAL Companies who are trying to sabotage the stars,like for example Tiger Woods .Who is trying to take the fortune of rich people and why Arnie Klein also talked about IDENTITY TEFT?????It is true that Murray sold Evi Quaid Demerol ? Alot of celebrities were/are involved in big scandals and strange murders lately.Who is really profiting from all this madness,who????[/size]<br /><br />http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/09/exclusive-pi-says-evi-quaid-michael-jackson-had-drug-connection<br /><br />Randy and Evi Quaid interview exposing corruption <br />
    <br />
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Closing arguments began today in the ILLUMINATI v. Dr. Conrad Murray. In a matter of days, the window will close on Dr. Conrad Murray, the Most Worshipful Secret Servant of the Scottish Rite. If he is convicted, he is subject at most  4 (four) years of imprisonment. For the most part, Dr. Murray has honored his vow of Fidelity and Secrecy to the Brotherhood. For the masses, we have no Dog in the Hunt in the Fate of Dr. Conrad Murray. The Masters behind Michael’s Assassination weren’t called to answer. Philip Anschutz and AEG weren’t called to answer. We weren’t told the true cause of Michael’s death. Propofol! The ILLUMINATI’s  Propofol expert, Dr. Steven Shafer, was drinking Propofol for breakfast. That’s how much of a danger that was. Dr. Murray doesn’t belong to us. He sold his soul to the Luciferian Brotherhood.<br /><br />We have lost, forever, the continued musical genius and humanity of Michael Jackson. He was not only an icon; he was an industry in himself. We grew up with Michael and loved him as a brother. He was loved by millions around the world that kind of understood what he been through, and the torture, perils, troubles and tribulations that he survived with some sense of love and commitment to Humanity, Fairness, Peace, Justice and TRUTH.<br /><br />Remember, Michael Jackson wasn’t afraid to call them by their NAMES-DEVILS. Behind the ILLUSIONS and SMOKED MIRRORS of the case against Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael’s enemies are busy dismantling all that he represented to World. They were not only after his valuable Beatles-Music Catalogue.  They wanted his soul. They wanted to control his spirit, musical genius and capture his MESSAGE.  <br /><br />In a way, Michael Jackson was like Donny Hathaway. They wanted to take his soul. They wanted to control his spirit, musical genius and capture the MESSAGE of his music. Donnie told us in no uncertain terms that they were trying to get inside his head to steal and capture the chemistry of his musical genius. Donnie RESISTED. On January 22, 1979, Donnie was thrown to his death from his 15th-floor room window at the Essex House Hotel in New York City.<br />The battle wages on with the forces that slew Michael Jackson and his genius. Michael told us in no uncertain terms that they were going to kill him. Their quest is to enslave the soul, spirit and chemistry of people through music. We battle a more evil, violent and ruthless then ever before Luciferian New Babylonian Pseudo Kingship over the World<br /><br />This is taken from a blog about the illuminati and AEG.........it is such a relevant bit of information, as it totally outlines "Who" is responsible for MJs (fake) death...or more so, how the illuminati wanted him dead, as he was to expose them on his TII tours......<br /><br />Pieces of the puzzle are coming together now...
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1322601721:
    <br />TS<br />
    [size=x-small]On the other hand, this does not mean that MJ is paranoid, and always looking at who is behind him, etc.  No, his faith in God saves him from paranoia; but true faith in God does not make people careless, or cause you to take unnecessary risks (see Matthew 4:5-7).[/size]
    <br />[size=x-small]I was thinking from this, that perhaps all of us should realize TPTB (Illuminati) are out to "kill" us as well, so we are all actually at risk.[/size]<br /><br />"Book of life for Murray and Michael"? And the restitution amount (Exhibit B) is impossible for Murray to repay. Sort of like the book of life in Revelation. We humans owe a debt to God that's impossible to repay.  And Marlon says it's God who will judge Murray.<br /><br />Grace, I noticed what the judge said too. "This court does not have the legal authority to actually send and imprison Conrad Murray in state prison. I do not have the authority..."  Is this to let the court off the hook legally as well for hoax court. Sort of negating judgment?<br /><br /><br />Just one comment on all the convo with TS in the night, that was hard to keep up with, but fun.<br />It puzzles me that TS knew the seating positions of Murray and two EMT’s in the ambulance. Was he in there too?  Senneff mentioned seating but did Blount? <br /><br /><br />[size=10pt]TS[/size]
    [size=10pt]Blount was riding in the long seat beside Murray, to the right of Murray (towards the front, Murray being towards the back).  This would be out of the shot through the window (if the shot had really been taken on the fly).[/size][size=10pt]<br /> <br /> Senneff said that he was at the head (airway), and Goodwin was doing the compressions.  This fits what we see in the ambulance photo.[/size]
    <br />
    <br /><br />So who was driving?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Good point Souza girl!!!!!  Who was driving????  <br />TS.....phone home.....
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    on 1322607159:
    <br />Good point Souza girl!!!!!  Who was driving????  <br />TS.....phone home.....<br />
    <br /><br />Michael was driving....that's why he couldn't back out of the driveway ....<br /><br />Could you please read this...please.!!<br /> <br />Dr. Murray must have truly believed that once in a lifetime contact with MJ and the lucrative $150,000 a month exclusive contract with “This is It” AEG Live concert tour to care for Michael Jackson was one his Luciferian perks. Whoever drew Dr. Murray into a ring of secrecy deliberately bounded him to it with a Luciferian blood oath. They knew of his background and his tendency to be easily distracted and fascinated by young beautiful women with a sugar daddy life style, and blinded by ambition and money. They knew that their perfect “Patsy” and fall guy smoke screen for MJ’s assassination had to be a hapless Black man.<br /><br />Lloyds of London insured AEG Live’s MJ concerts at London’s O2 arena. It is seeking to nullify the policy through the Los Angeles courts. AEG Live took out the policy two months before Jackson’s death in 2009 under an alias name. The insurance policy covered the promoters up to the value of $17.5million “if MJ failed to perform”. Lloyds claim that the promoter failed to supply vital medical details, including the ‘apparent prescription drug use and/or addiction’. They state that AEG Live should have provided full information on Jackson’s medical history. Lloyds had also sought information about Conrad Murray as MJ’s personal doctor. They claim that the information on Dr. Murray had been withheld from them since December 2009.[76]<br /><br />In February 2009, Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) and Lloyds allegedly had MJ examined under an alias “Mark Jones” by Dr. David Slavitt, an ear-nose-and-throat specialist based in New York City, under that pseudonym insurance policy. Supposedly, Dr. Slavitt examined MJ and gave him a clean bill of health on the policy, but nobody appears to have a copy of that medical exam. AEG said that they don’t have it, and Dr. Slavitt isn’t talking.[77]<br /><br /><br /><br />By June 25, 2009, it seems as if time was of the essence. It was only a matter of time before the real MJ had to be examined under the insurance policy, and his true medical condition had to be revealed to the insurer and investors.<br /><br />Kenny Ortega, the renowned choreographer and director, director of MJ’s “This Is It” comeback concerts already had grave concerns about MJ’s health and his ability to perform. The week before MJ’s death, he observed that MJ showed up at rehearsals too ill to dance. Alarmed by what he saw, Ortega wrote to an e-mail to AEG raising questions about whether the shows should be canceled due to MJ’s health and mental condition. “Everything in me says he should be psychologically evaluated”.[78]<br /><br />It was also only a matter of time before AEG had to release background information on Dr. Murray; and hire another Doctor and set of eyes to help Dr. Murray with MJ and a CRP machine as they had committed to do.<br /><br /><br />The secret hierarchy put Dr. Murray on a mission not unlike a Lee Harvey Oswald to save the day by secretly infiltrating MJ’s camp on a undertaking to save MJ from his enemies for the multi-million-billion dollar investment and potential from spin-off movies, television, books, magazines-merchandising opportunities in AEG’s Live This Is It London concert tour.<br /><br />AEG Live‘s Co-CEO Paul Gongaware sweetened Dr. Murray’s deal to become MJ’s personal physician with $150,000 a month and the dream of opportunities, fortune and fame that awaited him in London. He told Dr. Murray even after selling out 50 shows, there were still 250,000 people waiting for tickets.[86]<br /><br />On the evening of June 24, 2009, the good most faithful Dr. Murray had been lured to the Carolwood Drive in the afternoon by Michael Amir Williams. Williams told him that rehearsals had been cut short, allegedly, because of MJ’s business meetings. Dr. Murray took the bait and met MJ at the mansion at about 1:00 p.m. MJ couldn’t sleep. Dr. Murray and MJ were up all night. At approximately 10:40 a.m. June 25, Dr. Murray finally succumbed and had to administer Propofol to try to put MJ asleep.[87]<br /><br />Dr. Murray was on high alert as he had been all night when he heard MJ coming through Propofol anesthesia heaving for breath at approximately 11:54 a.m. Speculation: He ran to aid MJ with oxygen. The oxygen tank was empty. He found the other two in the room rendered inoperative. Between 12:05-12:10 p.m., he screamed for the chef for help. “Get security”, he shouted.[88] At least 21 fresh oxygen tanks were locked in the security stack outside.[89] Security never arrived. She didn’t call security. There was no CPR machine to help MJ. Dr. Murray had requested one from AEG. It never arrived. Chief of Security, Faheem Muhammad had fortuitously left the premises.<br /><br />At 12:13 p.m., Dr. Murray called MJ’s personal assistant on the phone, Michael Amir Williams. In a panic, he demanded. “Get here right away. Mr. Jackson had a bad reaction Get somebody here immediately”, Dr. Murray pleaded with Williams. Speculation: Williams knew exactly who that somebody was that he was talking about, Dr. Arnold Klein or Dr. Steven Adams, who drugged MJ with DEMEROL or other secret MK-ULTRA drug during the day of June 24.[90]<br /><br />Williams called Faheem than Alberto Alvarez in the security trailer at approximately 12:17 p.m. At approximately 12:18 p.m., Alvarez rushed to house and upstairs finding Dr. Murray fanatic applying manual CPR to bring MJ back to life. Alvarez called 9-11 at 12:20 p.m.[91] Faheem Muhammad rushed into the room and began helping with chest compressions while Murray attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.[92]<br /><br />At approximately 12:27 p.m., paramedics arrive at the Carolwood Mansion. At 12:29 p.m., MJ had no pulse.[93] At 1:07 p.m., the singer was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center with Dr. Murray rode by MJ’s side in the ambulance, where doctors attempted a range of resuscitation techniques. Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.[94]<br /><br />At sometime thereafter at the hospital after MJ had been pronounced dead, Dr. Murray had been up all night with MJ and should have been frantically exhausted from ordeal of MJ’s life and death struggle. He approached Muhammad, Chief of Security, for a ride to get something to eat. He refused. Dr. Murray soon thereafter approached Muhammad and Williams for a ride back to the Carolwood Mansion to get his car, they lied and refused to help him.<br /><br /><br /><br />He looked around. MJ had died right in front of him which from his medical opinion had been a bad reaction to a drug that he didn’t administer. He had being isolated without help. He must have understood at that point that he had been setup from the beginning to be the “fall guy” for the death of the MJ.
  • on 1322607413:
    <br />
    on 1322607159:
    <br />Good point Souza girl!!!!!  Who was driving????  <br />TS.....phone home.....<br />
    <br /><br />Michael was driving....that's why he couldn't back out of the driveway ....<br /><br />Could you please read this...please.!!<br /> <br />Dr. Murray must have truly believed that once in a lifetime contact with MJ and the lucrative $150,000 a month exclusive contract with “This is It” AEG Live concert tour to care for Michael Jackson was one his Luciferian perks. Whoever drew Dr. Murray into a ring of secrecy deliberately bounded him to it with a Luciferian blood oath. They knew of his background and his tendency to be easily distracted and fascinated by young beautiful women with a sugar daddy life style, and blinded by ambition and money. They knew that their perfect “Patsy” and fall guy smoke screen for MJ’s assassination had to be a hapless Black man.<br /><br />Lloyds of London insured AEG Live’s MJ concerts at London’s O2 arena. It is seeking to nullify the policy through the Los Angeles courts. AEG Live took out the policy two months before Jackson’s death in 2009 under an alias name. The insurance policy covered the promoters up to the value of $17.5million “if MJ failed to perform”. Lloyds claim that the promoter failed to supply vital medical details, including the ‘apparent prescription drug use and/or addiction’. They state that AEG Live should have provided full information on Jackson’s medical history. Lloyds had also sought information about Conrad Murray as MJ’s personal doctor. They claim that the information on Dr. Murray had been withheld from them since December 2009.[76]<br /><br />In February 2009, Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) and Lloyds allegedly had MJ examined under an alias “Mark Jones” by Dr. David Slavitt, an ear-nose-and-throat specialist based in New York City, under that pseudonym insurance policy. Supposedly, Dr. Slavitt examined MJ and gave him a clean bill of health on the policy, but nobody appears to have a copy of that medical exam. AEG said that they don’t have it, and Dr. Slavitt isn’t talking.[77]<br /><br /><br /><br />By June 25, 2009, it seems as if time was of the essence. It was only a matter of time before the real MJ had to be examined under the insurance policy, and his true medical condition had to be revealed to the insurer and investors.<br /><br />Kenny Ortega, the renowned choreographer and director, director of MJ’s “This Is It” comeback concerts already had grave concerns about MJ’s health and his ability to perform. The week before MJ’s death, he observed that MJ showed up at rehearsals too ill to dance. Alarmed by what he saw, Ortega wrote to an e-mail to AEG raising questions about whether the shows should be canceled due to MJ’s health and mental condition. “Everything in me says he should be psychologically evaluated”.[78]<br /><br />It was also only a matter of time before AEG had to release background information on Dr. Murray; and hire another Doctor and set of eyes to help Dr. Murray with MJ and a CRP machine as they had committed to do.<br /><br /><br />The secret hierarchy put Dr. Murray on a mission not unlike a Lee Harvey Oswald to save the day by secretly infiltrating MJ’s camp on a undertaking to save MJ from his enemies for the multi-million-billion dollar investment and potential from spin-off movies, television, books, magazines-merchandising opportunities in AEG’s Live This Is It London concert tour.<br /><br />AEG Live‘s Co-CEO Paul Gongaware sweetened Dr. Murray’s deal to become MJ’s personal physician with $150,000 a month and the dream of opportunities, fortune and fame that awaited him in London. He told Dr. Murray even after selling out 50 shows, there were still 250,000 people waiting for tickets.[86]<br /><br />On the evening of June 24, 2009, the good most faithful Dr. Murray had been lured to the Carolwood Drive in the afternoon by Michael Amir Williams. Williams told him that rehearsals had been cut short, allegedly, because of MJ’s business meetings. Dr. Murray took the bait and met MJ at the mansion at about 1:00 p.m. MJ couldn’t sleep. Dr. Murray and MJ were up all night. At approximately 10:40 a.m. June 25, Dr. Murray finally succumbed and had to administer Propofol to try to put MJ asleep.[87]<br /><br />Dr. Murray was on high alert as he had been all night when he heard MJ coming through Propofol anesthesia heaving for breath at approximately 11:54 a.m. Speculation: He ran to aid MJ with oxygen. The oxygen tank was empty. He found the other two in the room rendered inoperative. Between 12:05-12:10 p.m., he screamed for the chef for help. “Get security”, he shouted.[88] At least 21 fresh oxygen tanks were locked in the security stack outside.[89] Security never arrived. She didn’t call security. There was no CPR machine to help MJ. Dr. Murray had requested one from AEG. It never arrived. Chief of Security, Faheem Muhammad had fortuitously left the premises.<br /><br />At 12:13 p.m., Dr. Murray called MJ’s personal assistant on the phone, Michael Amir Williams. In a panic, he demanded. “Get here right away. Mr. Jackson had a bad reaction Get somebody here immediately”, Dr. Murray pleaded with Williams. Speculation: Williams knew exactly who that somebody was that he was talking about, Dr. Arnold Klein or Dr. Steven Adams, who drugged MJ with DEMEROL or other secret MK-ULTRA drug during the day of June 24.[90]<br /><br />Williams called Faheem than Alberto Alvarez in the security trailer at approximately 12:17 p.m. At approximately 12:18 p.m., Alvarez rushed to house and upstairs finding Dr. Murray fanatic applying manual CPR to bring MJ back to life. Alvarez called 9-11 at 12:20 p.m.[91] Faheem Muhammad rushed into the room and began helping with chest compressions while Murray attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.[92]<br /><br />At approximately 12:27 p.m., paramedics arrive at the Carolwood Mansion. At 12:29 p.m., MJ had no pulse.[93] At 1:07 p.m., the singer was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center with Dr. Murray rode by MJ’s side in the ambulance, where doctors attempted a range of resuscitation techniques. Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.[94]<br /><br />At sometime thereafter at the hospital after MJ had been pronounced dead, Dr. Murray had been up all night with MJ and should have been frantically exhausted from ordeal of MJ’s life and death struggle. He approached Muhammad, Chief of Security, for a ride to get something to eat. He refused. Dr. Murray soon thereafter approached Muhammad and Williams for a ride back to the Carolwood Mansion to get his car, they lied and refused to help him.<br /><br /><br /><br />He looked around. MJ had died right in front of him which from his medical opinion had been a bad reaction to a drug that he didn’t administer. He had being isolated without help. He must have understood at that point that he had been setup from the beginning to be the “fall guy” for the death of the MJ.<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]I'm sorry to ask you this,but what are you doing here if you believe Michael is dead???? This is a hoax forum not a DEAD FORUM,or am I mistaken  :? ????[/size]
    on 1322606902:
    <br />
    on 1322601721:
    <br />TS<br />
    [size=x-small]On the other hand, this does not mean that MJ is paranoid, and always looking at who is behind him, etc.  No, his faith in God saves him from paranoia; but true faith in God does not make people careless, or cause you to take unnecessary risks (see Matthew 4:5-7).[/size]
    <br />[size=x-small]I was thinking from this, that perhaps all of us should realize TPTB (Illuminati) are out to "kill" us as well, so we are all actually at risk.[/size]<br /><br />"Book of life for Murray and Michael"? And the restitution amount (Exhibit B) is impossible for Murray to repay. Sort of like the book of life in Revelation. We humans owe a debt to God that's impossible to repay.  And Marlon says it's God who will judge Murray.<br /><br />Grace, I noticed what the judge said too. "This court does not have the legal authority to actually send and imprison Conrad Murray in state prison. I do not have the authority..."  Is this to let the court off the hook legally as well for hoax court. Sort of negating judgment?<br /><br /><br />Just one comment on all the convo with TS in the night, that was hard to keep up with, but fun.<br />It puzzles me that TS knew the seating positions of Murray and two EMT’s in the ambulance. Was he in there too?  Senneff mentioned seating but did Blount? <br /><br /><br />[size=10pt]TS[/size]
    [size=10pt]Blount was riding in the long seat beside Murray, to the right of Murray (towards the front, Murray being towards the back).  This would be out of the shot through the window (if the shot had really been taken on the fly).[/size][size=10pt]<br /> <br /> Senneff said that he was at the head (airway), and Goodwin was doing the compressions.  This fits what we see in the ambulance photo.[/size]
    <br />
    <br /><br />So who was driving?<br />
    <br /><br />There were 5, including the ones in the firetruck. Senneff, Goodwin, Blount inside, Brad or Jeff must have been driving the ambulance.<br /><br />The point is how TS knows how were they sitting in the ambulance? Good question MJonmind.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    2good2btrue...what is this article from???  There are, even from a unbelievers point of view...a lot of holes in that story.  It's quite an amazing theory/story though, although NOT what we know is true.<br />Where'd you get it?
  • could someone kindly point me in the direction of the place where latoya confirms harvey or tmz (  :-[whichever) as ts has pointed out? i seem to have a vaugue memory of it and would like to check it out again. <br />thank you so much
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    on 1322609746:
    <br />could someone kindly point me in the direction of the place where latoya confirms harvey or tmz (  :-[whichever) as ts has pointed out? i seem to have a vaugue memory of it and would like to check it out again. <br />thank you so much<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br />at 0:25 ;)<br /><br />"There's more to the story and Harvey knows that.. Harvey Levin knows that, don't you Harvey?"
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I believe there could be a connection of TPTB with the right-wing of Christianity which Anschutz AEG is linked with (who Randy Phillips works for), and connecting to Revelation scenario of one world religion, as opposed to ALL people loved by God. The "evil" of TPTB and the Illuminati go back further than this century, to the time of Jesus, and further back to Babylonian times, and back to the garden of Eden. "And Michael faught with the Dragon and won."  Michael is surrounded by the enemy and may in fact be working WITHIN the enemy camp--the ultimate game of the gods--faking each other out. But God is on his side and he will win--it's already pre-determined. God's grand stage.<br />
    <br />In 1965, at the age of 24, he started The Anschutz Corporation and by 1984, Forbes magazine named Philip the country’s seventh richest man. His estimated net worth was $1 billion, tying him with banker David Rockefeller and computer giant William Hewlett. His courage in taking business risks and vision for each of his ventures earned him an even greater fortune. By the late 1990’s he was reported to be worth over $10 billion dollars.<br />Philip Anschutz is an extraordinarily wealthy man, however, in a September 6, 1999, profile entitled “Billionaire Next Door”, Brian O’Reilly remarks. “…one of the most interesting things about him is not that he’s worth well over $10 billion. It’s that he’s a genuinely nice guy worth more than $10 billion. He didn’t make his money by being a nasty, grasping, miserly bastard. Once he got rich, he didn’t turn into a twisted, weirdo billionaire like Howard Hughes or spawn a dysfunctional feuding family like the Koch brothers. As billionaires go, Anschutz is abnormally normal.” Indeed, according to a Denver reporter, Anschutz once “grumbled good-naturedly, ‘Why do you keep calling me ‘Billionaire Philip Anschutz’? My mother never called me ‘Billionaire.’”<br />If anything could top his business expertise, though, it might possibly be his commitment to Jesus. Philip is a devout Christian. He is active in his local Evangelical Presbyterian church as well as a wide variety of philanthropic causes. His wife, Nancy Park Anschutz, is the vice president of the Anschutz Foundation of Denver, aimed primarily at helping underprivileged children and their families. With nine-figure assets, this foundation sponsors everything from Christian sports camps, to hospital construction, college scholarships for needy students, and the preservation of the nation’s historic and artistic treasures.<br />At age 65, this Christian billionaire—the 33rd richest American and the 80th richest person in the world—brought his considerable courage and determination to bear on Hollywood. He has been quoted as saying that he entered the movie business because he wanted to stop "cursing the darkness" (Hollywood's violent and vulgar R-rated films) and start making family fare. In 2001, Walden Media was created and produces primarily G and PG rated family films. “Philip would never back an R rated movie,” said a spokesman.<br /><br />Philip is a very private person and does not grant interviews. He is the chairman and owner of Anschutz Co., a firm that owns or has investments in companies in energy, pipelines, railroads, agriculture, real estate, film production, movie theaters,http://www.businessheroes.org/philip_anschutz.htm<br />Also  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Anschutz<br />
  • on 1322610275:
    <br />I believe there is a strong connection of TPTB with the right-wing of Christianity, and connecting to Revelation scenario of one world religion. The "evil" of TPTB and the Illuminati go back further than this century, to the time of Jesus, and further back to Babylonian times, and back to the garden of Eden. "And Michael faught with the Dragon and won."  Michael is surrounded by the enemy and may in fact be working WITHIN the enemy camp--the ultimate game of the gods--faking each other out. But God is on his side and he will win--it's already pre-determined. God's grand stage.<br />
    <br />In 1965, at the age of 24, he started The Anschutz Corporation and by 1984, Forbes magazine named Philip the country’s seventh richest man. His estimated net worth was $1 billion, tying him with banker David Rockefeller and computer giant William Hewlett. His courage in taking business risks and vision for each of his ventures earned him an even greater fortune. By the late 1990’s he was reported to be worth over $10 billion dollars.<br />Philip Anschutz is an extraordinarily wealthy man, however, in a September 6, 1999, profile entitled “Billionaire Next Door”, Brian O’Reilly remarks. “…one of the most interesting things about him is not that he’s worth well over $10 billion. It’s that he’s a genuinely nice guy worth more than $10 billion. He didn’t make his money by being a nasty, grasping, miserly bastard. Once he got rich, he didn’t turn into a twisted, weirdo billionaire like Howard Hughes or spawn a dysfunctional feuding family like the Koch brothers. As billionaires go, Anschutz is abnormally normal.” Indeed, according to a Denver reporter, Anschutz once “grumbled good-naturedly, ‘Why do you keep calling me ‘Billionaire Philip Anschutz’? My mother never called me ‘Billionaire.’”<br />If anything could top his business expertise, though, it might possibly be his commitment to Jesus. Philip is a devout Christian. He is active in his local Evangelical Presbyterian church as well as a wide variety of philanthropic causes. His wife, Nancy Park Anschutz, is the vice president of the Anschutz Foundation of Denver, aimed primarily at helping underprivileged children and their families. With nine-figure assets, this foundation sponsors everything from Christian sports camps, to hospital construction, college scholarships for needy students, and the preservation of the nation’s historic and artistic treasures.<br />At age 65, this Christian billionaire—the 33rd richest American and the 80th richest person in the world—brought his considerable courage and determination to bear on Hollywood. He has been quoted as saying that he entered the movie business because he wanted to stop "cursing the darkness" (Hollywood's violent and vulgar R-rated films) and start making family fare. In 2001, Walden Media was created and produces primarily G and PG rated family films. “Philip would never back an R rated movie,” said a spokesman.<br /><br />Philip is a very private person and does not grant interviews. He is the chairman and owner of Anschutz Co., a firm that owns or has investments in companies in energy, pipelines, railroads, agriculture, real estate, film production, movie theaters,http://www.businessheroes.org/philip_anschutz.htm<br />Also  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Anschutz<br />
    I am confused,so does this mean Philip Anschutz is a christian and is on the good side and helped M.J fake his death,or is this article all bs.I never heard of any billionaire christian. <br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I'm finding it extremely difficult to determine who's on the good or bad side with this, as if the dividing line is blurred nearer the top. All the world's a stage. What will be will be.
  • on 1322610092:
    <br />
    on 1322609746:
    <br />could someone kindly point me in the direction of the place where latoya confirms harvey or tmz (  :-[whichever) as ts has pointed out? i seem to have a vaugue memory of it and would like to check it out again. <br />thank you so much<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br />at 0:25 ;)<br /><br />"There's more to the story and Harvey knows that.. Harvey Levin knows that, don't you Harvey?"<br />
    thank you sweetheart.
  • on 1322555115:
    <br />
    on 1322554830:
    <br />Well then TS - why not come up with 7c so we can deal with the real important stuff? Thank you for your guidance so far!<br />
    <br /><br />Okay, I was already thinking that.  However, I will not put the puzzle piece up for 7b, because there are still things that I want to address (and maybe others as well).  But we can now start discussing 7c.  Aspects of the court: all real, [size=12pt]partly real and partly hoax[/size], all hoax.
    <br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=20587.msg368781#msg368781<br />
    on 1320558568:
    <br />
    on 1319764574:
    <br />
    on 1319758450:
    <br />There was a fair amount of discussion concerning the papers submitted for peer review, the process etc; it made me think of something I had read earlier. It's about the case of Scott Reuben who fooled the community of anesthesia during several years. His fraudulent work had apparently a great influence, which is quite worrying imo. I think the subject of pharmaceutical industries and how they process so that they influence the studies is underlying. Anyway I thought the information was interesting...<br /><br />From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia<br /><br />Scott S. Reuben<br /><br />Scott S. Reuben (born 1958) was Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts and chief of acute pain at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Massachusetts before being sentenced to prison for health care fraud. Reuben was considered a prolific and influential researcher in pain management, and his purported findings altered the way millions of patients are treated for pain during and after orthopedic surgeries.[1] Reuben has now admitted that he never conducted any of the clinical trials on which his conclusions were based "in what may be considered the longest-running and widest-ranging cases of academic fraud."[2] Scientific American has called Reuben the medical equivalent of Bernie Madoff, the former NASDAQ chairman who was convicted of orchestrating a $65-billion Ponzi scheme.[1]<br /><br />Reuben fell under suspicion when Baystate conducted a routine audit in May 2008 which revealed Reuben hadn't gotten approval for two studies he'd intended to present during the hospital's research week. On March 10, 2009 a Baystate spokeswoman announced that Reuben admitted to fabricating much of the data underlying his research. Reuben never conducted the clinical trials that he wrote about in 21 journal articles dating from at least 1996.[1][2] In some cases, he even invented the patients.[4] Although Reuben often co-wrote papers with other researchers, Baystate found that the other researchers did not know about or participate in Reuben's studies,[4] and their names were forged on documents.[1][3] The hospital asked the journals to retract the studies, which reported favorable results from painkillers including Pfizer Inc.'s Bextra, Celebrex and Lyrica and Merck & Co. Inc.'s Vioxx. His studies also claimed Wyeth's antidepressant Effexor could be used as a painkiller. Pfizer gave Reuben five research grants between 2002 and 2007. He was a paid member of the company's speakers bureau, giving talks about Pfizer drugs to colleagues.[5][6] Reuben also wrote to the Food and Drug Administration, urging the agency not to restrict the use of many of the painkillers he studied, citing his own data on their safety and effectiveness.[6]<br /><br />"Doctors have been using (his) findings very widely," said Dr. Steven Shafer, editor of Anesthesia and Analgesia, a scientific journal that published ten articles identified as containing fraudulent data. [7] "His findings had a huge impact on the field."[5] He also described Reuben's actions as the biggest case of fraud in the history of anesthesiology.[4] Paul White, another editor at the journal, estimates that Reuben's studies led to the sale of billions of dollars worth of drugs which may have actually slowed down recovery times for patients.[1]<br /><br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Reuben<br /><br />ps: maybe that the subject of level 7 will be about the verdict. Guilty or Not guilty? smiley_spider<br />
    <br /><br />Sarahli-This is very good info you have come across. I had no idea of this but look at the names. This is big. IF these are the very same dudes testifying now, then this info you found could be why these two have been called as expert witnesses. Exposure of corruption? smiley_spider<br />
    "Doctors have been using (his) findings very widely," said [size=12pt]Dr. Steven Shafer[/size], editor of Anesthesia and Analgesia, a scientific journal that published ten articles identified as containing fraudulent data. "His findings had a huge impact on the field." He also described Reuben's actions as the biggest case of fraud in the history of anesthesiology.  [size=12pt]Paul White[/size], another editor at the journal, estimates that Reuben's studies led to the sale of billions of dollars worth of drugs which may have actually slowed down recovery times for patients.
    <br /><br />
    This is very IMPORTANT info. I am now stating that these dudes Shafer and White that are quoted in the wiki article are the very same who were on the witness stand. This wiki page is stating that this guy Reuben did the biggest case of fraud in the history of anesthesiology. This guy influenced how doctors treated patients and pharm companies who made the medicine. He influenced the FDA. The impact of what this guy did is now being seen in patients who took the drugs mentioned. This guy invented patients and never even performed the studies. <br /><br />Shafer and White both published Rueben's work in their journals. Now if they did that and thought is was real how good are these guys when it comes to being experts?<br /><br />They did prove that is was impossible for MJ to have kept injecting himself to stay asleep or overdose. They proved that in order for MJ to stay asleep there would have to have been a continuous infusion of Propofol because the amount Murray said he gave would not have kept him asleep for long.<br /><br />[size=12pt]Something to think about when deciding if there is a sting or not. Some of the sting will not be known to us but if this info makes the public aware of what the people [who we are putting our trust into] are REALLY about then that is surely worth it even IF we don't get confirmation. I wrote about this possibility before[/size]
    on 1318642908:
    My list could never get specific and name names because there is most likely never going to be full disclosure of who the targets are/were and who they caught with the sting.
    and recently TS spoke on the subject. Even though he was answering Anna about the 911 call timing he did add
    The reality is that some things are complex, and most likely you will NEVER get answers to any and all possible questions on all of the fine details of how everything happened—not now, or even after BAM.
    <br />
    on 1319708396:
    Trublu wrote: “A simple explanation about the time being shown an reported as 12:21 would have been a lot simpler.”{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php/topic,20587.msg365855.html#msg365855}.<br /><br />What if the explanation is NOT simple (which is the case with the 911 call)? The reality is that some things are complex, and most likely you will NEVER get answers to any and all possible questions on all of the fine details of how everything happened—not now, or even after BAM.<br />
    <br /><br />There is alot of info being over looked that does provide reasonable doubt to find Murray Not Guilty. [size=12pt]The jury is real and they are deciding on Murray's Guilt or Innocence based on fake planted evidence.[/size] They are taking their job serious and that is why there was not a quick decision. Some of you have not taken the defenses case into consideration where they proved and Fleak admitted to tampering with evidence. She also did a shitty job collecting evidence. <br />
    on 1318556115:
    <br />I am adding videos from E. Fleak's testimony because there is alot of info in her statements made during her testimony that show incompetence regardless of the fact that the death wasn't ruled a homicide until later. Even IF it was just a death scene when she went in I would think that it would be common sense to treat the scene as IF there may be foul play just in case it turns out that way. The evidence she could have documented on that day could be scrutinized later and would be helpful now during the trial.<br /><br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by JustMeSTKK on Oct 6, 2011 <br />Conrad Murray Trial - Day 8 - 06.10.2011
    <br />
    <br /><br />I am glad this is not me on trial and some of you deciding my fate because some of you are jumping to conclusions to fast and are not taking into consideration the doubts the defense provided. The DA did not prove his theory beyond a reasonable doubt. The IMPACT will be great if this jury finds him Guilty. It will be a travesty that the jury failed at taking it all in. If they find him Not Guilty then the system worked. This part of the hoax in my opinion is not scripted for the jury. This is a test of all tests and depending on how it turns out there will be lessons taught regardless of which verdict.<br /><br />Here are the closing arguements [below] and pay attention to the first video when the baliff is talking without the camera showing the court. What would be the purpose of him saying that when the camera was not showing the court room? <br /><br />If this is a hoax court and not real than that part of what he said should never have been caught. It would not be necessary for a fake court. [size=12pt]The conclusion for me is the court and case are real with a sting and obviously fake because of MJ being alive, the false story and evidence planted.[/size]<br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by JustMeSTKK on Nov 3, 2011 <br />Conrad Murray Trial - Day 23 - 03.11.2011 <br /><br />Judge Michael Pastor reading jurors instructions<br />Jurors instructions in written: <br />http://cnninsession.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/jury-instructions.pdf
    <br />The part where the judge is explaining the jury instructions and telling the jury about closing arguements is important. The DA and Defense are only providing their theory and over view of the case and should not be taken into consideration of evidence. Based on that, if the DA's case is reviewed based on evidence he submitted to prove the case of Murray's criminal Guilt- he failed. There is to much reasonable doubt to contradict his theories and the evidence.<br /><br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by JustMeSTKK on Nov 4, 2011 <br />Conrad Murray Trial - Day 23 - 03.11.2011 <br /><br />Prosecution's closing arguments
    <br /><br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by JustMeSTKK on Nov 3, 2011 <br />Conrad Murray Trial - Day 23 - 03.11.2011<br /><br />Defense's closing arguments.
    <br /><br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by JustMeSTKK on Nov 3, 2011 <br />Conrad Murray Trial - Day 23 - 03.11.2011<br /><br />Prosecution's rebuttal.<br />Judge Michael Pastor reading final instructions
    <br />
  • on 1322611388:
    <br />I'm finding it extremely difficult to determine who's on the good or bad side with this, as if the dividing line is blurred nearer the top. All the world's a stage. What will be will be.<br />
    I feel the same as you MJonmind.I am certain that M.J was a threat to the evil forces,and i am sure they wanted him dead for many reasons.My faith tells me that M.J is the one that GOD chose to be a messenger,and he is alive and well.These evil forces have taken many of our great leaders out,but GOD has the last say,and i truly feel that M.J was protected.I would love to hear from TS,right about now,it is needed.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1322612818:
    <br />
    on 1322611388:
    <br />I'm finding it extremely difficult to determine who's on the good or bad side with this, as if the dividing line is blurred nearer the top. All the world's a stage. What will be will be.<br />
    I feel the same as you MJonmind.I am certain that M.J was a threat to the evil forces,and i am sure they wanted him dead for many reasons.My faith tells me that M.J is the one that GOD chose to be a messenger,and he is alive and well.These evil forces have taken many of our great leaders out,but GOD has the last say,and i truly feel that M.J was protected.I would love to hear from TS,right about now,it is needed.<br />
    <br /><br />I have to agree with you. After all this time I am still conflicted over who is on the good and the bad side in this.  <br /><br />There has been so much information the past 2+ years and alot of it contradictory so that it is hard to know who is helping MJ and who is trying to bring him down (perhaps many others along with him?). <br /><br />I guess if it is a sting operation then the confusion is good in a way as it means who the sting is against is well hidden from them?
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1322557867:
    <br />Relating to 7c, I want to bring up the following TMZ article:<br /><br />DR. MURRAY MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL<br />Jury Goes Down the Toilet<br />{http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=21243.0}<br /><br />The article itself is merely about the jury asking for toilet paper, and paper towels--definitely NOT a newsworthy item.  But the TITLE of the article tells a different story than the article itself.  Also, the picture has three sets of 6 rolls of toilet paper (666).
    <br /><br />The title says that the jury is going down the toilet but in fact what is going down the toilet is the illuminati 666 which the toilet papers represents here. Or the toilet papers represent what the jurors were going to use to clean the straight poop which is illuminati.<br /><br />The toilet papers are going to clean the shit which is illuminati and the jurors wanted paper towels to clean the poop deeply. (defeating illuminati) So the jurors need something bigger to clean the poop and maybe that is US. Or maybe the jurors in this article represents us who is going to defeat the illuminati. I'm having different thoughts about it.<br /><br />I'm still thinking how I can apply this "cleaning the mess" theory to Murray's 4 years in prison verdict tho. Or maybe I shouldn't apply it to Murray's verdict because maybe the article has nothing to do with it.  suspicious//<br /><br />
  • on 1322606677:
    <br />Closing arguments began today in the ILLUMINATI v. Dr. Conrad Murray. In a matter of days, the window will close on Dr. Conrad Murray, the Most Worshipful Secret Servant of the Scottish Rite. If he is convicted, he is subject at most  4 (four) years of imprisonment. For the most part, Dr. Murray has honored his vow of Fidelity and Secrecy to the Brotherhood. For the masses, we have no Dog in the Hunt in the Fate of Dr. Conrad Murray. The Masters behind Michael’s Assassination weren’t called to answer. Philip Anschutz and AEG weren’t called to answer. We weren’t told the true cause of Michael’s death. Propofol! The ILLUMINATI’s  Propofol expert, Dr. Steven Shafer, was drinking Propofol for breakfast. That’s how much of a danger that was. Dr. Murray doesn’t belong to us. He sold his soul to the Luciferian Brotherhood.<br /><br />We have lost, forever, the continued musical genius and humanity of Michael Jackson. He was not only an icon; he was an industry in himself. We grew up with Michael and loved him as a brother. He was loved by millions around the world that kind of understood what he been through, and the torture, perils, troubles and tribulations that he survived with some sense of love and commitment to Humanity, Fairness, Peace, Justice and TRUTH.<br /><br />Remember, Michael Jackson wasn’t afraid to call them by their NAMES-DEVILS. Behind the ILLUSIONS and SMOKED MIRRORS of the case against Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael’s enemies are busy dismantling all that he represented to World. They were not only after his valuable Beatles-Music Catalogue.  They wanted his soul. They wanted to control his spirit, musical genius and capture his MESSAGE.  <br /><br />In a way, Michael Jackson was like Donny Hathaway. They wanted to take his soul. They wanted to control his spirit, musical genius and capture the MESSAGE of his music. Donnie told us in no uncertain terms that they were trying to get inside his head to steal and capture the chemistry of his musical genius. Donnie RESISTED. On January 22, 1979, Donnie was thrown to his death from his 15th-floor room window at the Essex House Hotel in New York City.<br />The battle wages on with the forces that slew Michael Jackson and his genius. Michael told us in no uncertain terms that they were going to kill him. Their quest is to enslave the soul, spirit and chemistry of people through music. We battle a more evil, violent and ruthless then ever before Luciferian New Babylonian Pseudo Kingship over the World<br /><br />This is taken from a blog about the illuminati and AEG.........it is such a relevant bit of information, as it totally outlines "Who" is responsible for MJs (fake) death...or more so, how the illuminati wanted him dead, as he was to expose them on his TII tours......<br /><br />Pieces of the puzzle are coming together now...<br />
    <br /><br />May I ask why you are speaking in the past tense, as if Michael is dead??
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    I think as I wrote yesterday, that the judicial system's flaws are being exposed; aswell as the medical industry. The judge in reference to his statement about "not having authority" is true in a legal sense, not anything to do with negating the hoax legalities. Part of his speech referenced how someone, anyone, can be a "killer" and yet not even a judge has the authority over what the actual time served is going to be. So even though he would have wanted to do more, he couldn't.<br /> Every reporter is discussing how this sentence could change the judicial system, given it is wrong that a person can kill someone and yet a sheriff in any County Jail can release them after only hours, days or weeks.<br />So basically the sheriff has more authority over a case in many states, than the judges. <br /><br /> The law isn't exactly new, only the addition of other crimes considered "less dangerous" as Im_convinced posted, such as manslaughter. This addition happened in the beginning of October (the 1st or 2nd).<br /><br /> Also, there again has been much emphasis by Cooley, on the "Dr. Feelgood's" of Hollywood and the whole of North America really.<br /><br /> So even though we don't have all of the finer details as to the "how's" of the hoax, we do have a general understanding in this thread IMO; along with the "why's" which we know are for much greater reasons than just a movie or revenge etc. I do think alot of good info has been added in this thread about the aspects in 7c, so hopefully TS will be here later to sum everything up :-<. I would also like to know the connection with wanting to end Level 7, today Nov. 29.<br /><br /> And btw, good post beLIEving101. And 2good2btrue that info is compelling, and it would make alot of sense, if he were actually dead lol. But I do think it sheds light on who the shady people in AEG could be, it also might explain the civil suits against them by the Jackson family. Which I think is what you were referring to Grace, when you mentioned the cases where families get compensation.
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Purelove, interesting analysis of the toilet paper. Perhaps the mess to be cleaned you are referencing is corruption in general?<br /><br />Random, but if you google info on Cooley, theres quite a bit of info on him being a corrupt DA. How many corrupt people are lurking around? Jeez lol, don't know if there is any connection though.<br /><br />And I'm confused about one thing on the Murray sentence, considering the LA Sheriff confirmed he isn't eligible for the "early release law" I posted about above. Therefore he says he will have to spend 2 yrs in jail? I thought previously he could get released any day. This btw, was mentioned on HLN tonight.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1322590245:
    <br /><br />next court date 23 January ....  Thriller released on 23 January 1984,  <br />
    <br /><br />Just a small aside:<br /><br />Yep - on 23rd January 1984 the song "Thriller" was released as the 7th single from the Thriller album...interesting because the number 23 is on the cover of the "Michael" album.<br /><br />Maybe another "coincidence" lol<br />
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    I thought TS was going to finish the last levels if he had to by 29-11-11? Did I miss something? I know I havent been posting but I have been reading, I find this thread long enough as it is so I didn't want to post uselessly and I didn't have anything of value to bring to the table IMO. /pull hair/ /scream/
  • on 1322622434:
    <br />I thought TS was going to finish the last levels if he had to by 29-11-11? Did I miss something? I know I havent been posting but I have been reading, I find this thread long enough as it is so I didn't want to post uselessly and I didn't have anything of value to bring to the table IMO. /pull hair/ /scream/<br />
    <br />no you havent missed anything... TS is missing... at large. just like a mr m jackson, lol.<br /><br /><br />
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