TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Adi... I thought of the 23 on Dangerous too! & there are no coincidences in this hoax... :lol:
  • on 1322597677:
    <br />I do not know too much about Cali law, but in our justice system, there are two separate lawsuits: a criminal one and a so called "private law" one. The first will get you the sentence for breaking the law and get you into prison or fines, the second is for compensation for the victims - if the family decides to go for this option.<br /> But it's separate trials in separate courts. That made exhibit B absolutely suspicious to me.<br /> I never heard of a compensation being filed and then discussed in a criminal court.<br /> <br /> Therefore again I stick to: hoax court with some sting and documentation and public witness reasons where some did not realize that their contributions would have further consequences. White's and Shafer's demonstrations of knowledge were a priceless cartoon.  Very entertaining and certainly not only this if one looks further.<br /> <br /> Keep the faith, family. No reason to give up.  bearhug <br />
    <br /><br />I'm in agreement with you here! Your lawsuit called "private law" is called "wrongful death" here in the US. A wrongful death lawsuit claims that the victim was killed as a result of negligence (or other type of unjust action) on the part of the person or entity being sued, and that the victim’s survivors are entitled to monetary damages as a result of the improper conduct. And again you are right it is separate trials in separate courts. That is exactly what happened in the OJ Simpson Murder trial, there was a criminal trial and after that the family filed a wrongful death lawsuit. As I listened to the proceedings today a red flag went up. Compensation to the family is not part of a criminal trial!  More evidence that contributes to the fact that this is a tremendous hoax. Again I agree, great entertainment!<br /><br />Stay blessed!<br />OnTheWings Of Love<br />
  • on 1322599760:
    <br />Did anyone watch the press conference on TMZ following the sentencing? with Walgen and the lady atourney, and another gentleman (dont know his name) they were saying that Dr Murray could only serve a very sort part of the sentence as it was up to the Sherrif how long he stays in jail!!!! gave an example of Lindsay Lohan who served a very short time, Dr Murray could be out in days!!! it is all a the disgression of the county Sherrif it is a problem of the "law in California" the Sherrif could release him when he see fit irrespective of the Judgement passed today.<br /><br />Any one else see this?  Could we be witnessing part of the sting the "Law in California"???<br /><br /> afraid/  bangbang <br />
    <br /><br />Yes I saw it. As I listened I heard that the 4 years would most surely be cut to 2 years, minus the 46 days already served. So now we are down to 1 year and 10 1/2 months! This fits this headline:L.A. Sheriff's Department spokesman Steve Whitmore says Murray will likely serve "a little less than two years."  And I still say that he will get house arrest!<br /><br />I still say this hoax has something to do with why Police Chief William Bratton resigned his position in August 2009. <br /><br />Stay Blessed!<br />OnTheWingsOfLove<br />
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    on 1322608831:
    <br />2good2btrue...what is this article from???  There are, even from a unbelievers point of view...a lot of holes in that story.  It's quite an amazing theory/story though, although NOT what we know is true.<br />Where'd you get it?<br />
    <br /><br />http://mindcontrolblackassassins.wordpress.com/<br /><br /><br />I have been researching the people TS is talking about....the Illuminati...and this is what I found.. So amazing , that I almost understand what the evil forces are.....
  • on 1322624210:
    <br /><br />I'm in agreement with you here! Your lawsuit called "private law" is called "wrongful death" here in the US. A wrongful death lawsuit claims that the victim was killed as a result of negligence (or other type of unjust action) on the part of the person or entity being sued, and that the victim’s survivors are entitled to monetary damages as a result of the improper conduct. And again you are right it is separate trials in separate courts. That is exactly what happened in the OJ Simpson Murder trial, there was a criminal trial and after that the family filed a wrongful death lawsuit. As I listened to the proceedings today a red flag went up. Compensation to the family is not part of a criminal trial!  More evidence that contributes to the fact that this is a tremendous hoax. Again I agree, great entertainment!<br /><br />Stay blessed!<br />OnTheWings Of Love<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]If I'm not mistaken...the Civil Suit was filed by attorneys for Ms. Katherine and the children against AEG and not Murray...therefore an imposition of compensation from Murray would not even be available during that case.  Restitution is often part of the sentencing for criminals having been found guilty of crimes committed...though not often are they in the staggering amount that was stated in this case.  Financial responsibility of a guilty person is part and parcel of their imposed punishment at sentencing...not just their period and location of incarceration.  You heard for example the $800+$30+$40 fines/costs/assessments that Judge Pastor DID impose today.  He deferred the matter of victim/survivor compensation due only to lack of specific details regarding how the calculations were made by the Estate that resulted in the $1.2M figure for actual expenses and future revenue.  He's just requesting a more detailed itemization than what they provided for today's hearing. [/size]<br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    1-7. Why Would the “Return” Depend on Hoaxers?<br /><br />Several have asked: why would the timing of the MJ return be dependent (at least partly) upon few thousand hoax believers, and their understanding/accepting the TIAI information?  A simple answer is that the reaction of the few before the return, can be a pretty good indicator of the reaction of the many after the return<br />{http://http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1991}.<br /><br />But think about it.  After returning, MJ can speak publicly about the environment and other issues related to healing the world; but with some aspects, well I think you can figure things out.  As soon as MJ returns, there will be a stampede on all the hoax forums; there will be tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, suddenly interested in what we have been investigating and saying all along.  So if we hoax believers now are united on the reasons for the hoax: it will be much more effective when others come asking questions, than if we are all confused and disagreeing on the reasons for the hoax.<br /><br />Here is how Mo put it: “It's a process to make people AWARE of what is going on. If you don't research, read, learn and understand, you won't become aware. If S.T.U.D.Y., TS or any Anonymous poster would have told you plain out who he/she is and where all the info he/she has came from, you would not have read the full explanation and wouldn't have learned anything.  TIAI pointed out to conspiracies and NWO, and those issues were rejected by a lot of people until TIAI pointed out to them. Me? Guilty as charged... I skipped the ‘Illuminati’ threads as well until TIAI forced me to look into this whole issue. After researching it, and not reading up on the conspiracies and NWO only, a lot of things became clear to me.” {http://http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=72&t=1936&start=75}<br /><br />So if there are any questions or objections that I have not addressed in this thread, please post them in the replies below; and I will answer them directly right here in the replies (I will watch this thread pretty closely, for the next week or two, and respond to things as needed—so as to help clear the way as far as possible for a speedy “Return”).<br />
    <br /><br /> :? look I may have screwed this up for everyone with my pushing the Live MJ theory yesterday into the late night. I was just reviewing some information and happened upon TS's first update. This quote was 1-7 posted on 1/12/2010, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=3391.msg52818#msg52818 <br /><br />That's sort of freaky. What would you guys do if it was all my fault?  /overreacting/
  • on 1322629712:
    <br /><br /> :? look I may have screwed this up for everyone with my pushing the Live MJ theory yesterday into the late night. I was just reviewing some information and happened upon TS's first update. This quote was 1-7 posted on 1/12/2010, http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=3391.msg52818#msg52818 <br /><br />That's sort of freaky. What would you guys do if it was all my fault?  /overreacting/<br />
    <br /><br />@ BEC - i have also previously posted in the "1 million hits for thriller on YT" thread the following comment abt a month ago, i was also referring to 1-7 (yes i did go back and read them all ;) )...<br /><br />
    on 1319995897:
    <br />this is brilliant. so happy the goal was reached. if only these 1000000 people joined the army of L.O.V.E <br /><br />mj's bam could be dependant on how much support he has and people are gathered around him. perhaps bam date not yet set, and he will decide once he has enough support and people who are ready to stand by his side. dunno overthinking perhaps.<br /><br />been reading some really old TS posts back from 2010.<br />
    <br /><br />perhaps we are being tested... courtcase was interactive - Jackolantern, rubbish bin, etc.... perhaps bam is too... we may be the guinea pigs..<br /><br />if it was your fault bec - you better do an "MJ" and dissapear! lol jk. ;)<br />
  • I remember that post...and Bec of course it's not your fault, don't beat yourself up...MJ does things on his time, and if it was meant to be, it was meant to be.
  • I'm sorry to jump in here but I have been reading and, since todays sentence, thinking about three things: An innocent man going to jail, something we all concluded MJ would never allow happen, TS's "least number of people involved and "who" went to UCLA, a stand-in (terminally ill patient), a cadaver, the real MJ or nothing. <br /><br />Here are my thoughts. Please feel free to add to, take from or totally trash. I know I may be off the track but would appreciate any feedback. <br /><br />Many say MJ would not have allowed an innocent Murray go to jail yet we now have Murray in jail. To me that says he was indeed guilty. This is how. <br /><br />Murray was bribed by (?AEG?) to do away with Michael as Murray was in a trusted position with means at his disposal. The reasons Michael was wanted dead have been discussed here so I will not go over that again. AEG agreed to surreptitously cover all Murray's murder plot expenses up until such time as Michael signed the contract. This would explain how Murray afforded to pay for all the meds delivered to him since it was clear he had had no income since starting full time with MJ in April. Of course it was imperative Michael did not find out. <br /><br />CM then commenced to anaesthetise Michael nightly for 2 months (and I'm not even sold on the fact that MJ asked to be given propofol. Jermaine: "Someone was poisoning him") while pretending to be someone with Michael's best interests at heart. MJ loses weight and becomes increasingly disorientated, tired and confused. Michael becomes alarmed and I think at this stage he secretly talks to Jermaine about his suspicions that CM is attempting to kill him and make it look like an overdose (CM's tape recording "insurance policy" plus all the empty medication bottles CM leaves laying around). MJ refuses to sign the contract and confronts Murray who, consumed with guilt and the fear of being arrested for attempted murder, discloses the whole sordid deal. But now both their lives are in danger. Murray must continue the murder plot or risk being killed himself for what he knows and MJ knows that no matter what he does eventually "they" will get him, so together they plan the hoax death.<br /><br />Murray agrees to take the rap knowing that in custody he will be safe and hoping that while in custody AEG will come under the microscope via the family. Murray also wishes to redeem himself. A chance the real Judas never got.<br /><br />Murray's story had to be carefully scripted and this would explain why he refused to stand in court, for fear he would be asked a question that would cause him to waver from the script (documentary) or perjure himself.<br /><br />The plan had to involve the least number of people, one of the bodyguards (Alvarez? To orchestrate calls and staff), a terminally ill patient who has agreed to help Michael and Murray (because too many people would need to know with the other options, especially the "nothing" and cadaver ones), Jermaine (because of his "airport" comment) and the coroner (because the report would have to be falsified). <br /><br />The night of the murder MJ returns to Carolwood with his bodyguard and the patient (Latoya: "There was someone else in the room that night"), Murray proceeds to put the patient "asleep" while Michael sits with him. Michael is then taken away in disguise to the airport shortly after the patient dies. Previous to this Murray and Michael have met with the coroner and carefully explained the life threatening circumstances they have found themselves in. The coroner does a physical examination of MJ, carefully taking down his physical features, scars, tattoos, vitiligo and arthritis. Murray gives the coroner a list of the drugs he plans to use on the hospice patient. This is what the coroner uses to complete his report later when the patient is wheeled in to him and actually many of these drugs are indeed later found in the hospice patients system.<br /><br />With the hospice patient everything can happen as it would in any emergency. EMT's arrive and believe it is MJ because they are told it is (while Murray is careful to make sure "Joseph" is placed on all the paperwork), even though one EMT says he didn't recognize MJ. The patient is taken to UCLA where he is briefly glimpsed by the "stalker fan" who says it is not MJ (and agreeing with Blount) but both are not listened to. Med staff at UCLA work on the body at Murray's encouragement. The patient is then taken to the coroner who does the autopsy but falsifies the report. The report would have to be falsified since an actual autopsy report on the actual patient would reveal the cause of the terminal illness he was suffering and MJ had no terminal illness. Ditto for a cadaver ("healthy 50 year old male"). <br /><br />Murray sits through the court hearing implacably with never a whimper of outrage or indignation, he simply accepts the findings like he expected as much, as he had scripted it, and refuses to defend himself, even as the evidence piles up against him. It HAD to be planned. No one could possibly be as inept as Murray was portrayed unless it was deliberate.<br /><br />So, Murray can be guilty of attempted murder, did actually murder, copped the rap to save himself and Michael. A 4 year sentence reduced to 22 months. 22 months where he will be safe in jail while the battle continues to catch the "right hand".<br /><br />And Michael is alive!<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Don't worry Bec.....everyone on this forum at one stage or another would have supported and pushed many many different theories that probably didn't assist MJ.....I know I have (think ambulance footage was filmed during Dome project/green screened lol!).
  • the thing is, hoaxers and believers are never going to be in complete unity about 'what happened' we all look at this from different angles and interpret the events in our own way acording to our perspective / beliefs / upbringing / gender / age, etc. some are methodical, analytical, numerically inclined. others are faith driven and religiously inclined. others are suspicious of TPTB, NWO, agendas, etc. <br /><br />if TS  and / or  MJ / whoever is waiting for us to all be in agreeance about what happened to move on to the next level of the DH, its never going to happen. we are all too unique to be completely harmoneous.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1322629712:
    <br />That's sort of freaky. What would you guys do if it was all my fault?  /overreacting/<br />
    <br /><br />psycho.jpg<br /><br /> :lol:  :lol:  :lol:<br /><br />Seriously...don't think twice about it.  I'm sure everything is going according to plan...no matter how many times we were wrong, are wrong, or will be wrong.<br /><br />It's already written.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @BeTheChange, I'm going to have nightmares about the scary kitten.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    on 1322600039:
    <br />some "pieces" of the puzzle from court today<br />1. the orange bottle shown, is a scent spray, just happen to be Hawaiian scent "aloha" : ) howdy!<br />2. Restitution date Jan. 23, same as "THRILLER" album release for Michael<br />3. Murray is "taken up on the roof" to stargaze??? WTH,, so does Tito, he used to always be "going up to the rooftop" and Paris her fondest memory of daddy,,"on the roof, looking at stars and lights of Vegas"<br />4. Finally a mug shot,, and the Sony ad flying in make.believe,, <br /><br />a few observations I and others noted.<br />
    <br /><br />It is indeed this:<br /><br />img56231030.jpg<br /><br />an air refresher with an open window, a lot of five-armed stars on the artwork and being a brand of P&G.<br /><br />Aloha from Hawaii:<br /><br />220px-ElvisPresleyAlohafromHawaii.jpg<br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    1/23/12 will be the 28th anniversary of the release of Thriller the single in 1984. The album Thriller was released 29 years ago today, 11/30/82.<br /><br />Incidentally, 12/2/11 will be the 28th anniversary of the release of the Thriller video.
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    Nothing has been put together as one coherent theory for everyone to understand; yet we have a new re-direct?
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1322581867:
    <br />I can only speak for myself when I say the investigative part of the hoax has gone way beyond figuring out the hows and whys of Michael's plans. In the past 2+ years, a night of "Michaeling" always seemed to lead me to other areas of learning.<br />I have discovered how corrupt the worlds governments are, how 9/11 was an inside job,, how the United States is a corporation rather than a country etc. etc...<br />I have also rediscovered my soul and learned how to truly love again despite several tragedies in my life.  The message has been loud and clear and for me the hoax has been  educational, uplifting and inspirational.<br />Finding clues and blogging has been wonderful escapism and has taught me to look beyond the surface to find truth.  Believe it or not I truly believe I know what is coming with BAM and I am excited. There has been a measure of fear with all that I have learned but if I am right about BAM the I know in my heart that "there is nothing to nervous about."  Thank you to all of you for making this all such a wonderful life changing experiance.<br />
    <br /><br />Tooty, looks like you and I took the same path on our "Michaeling" journey! I'm glad that I took the path of LOVE and "awakening", it was the only thing that I could relate to,and the only path that made sense to me at the time, as LOVE has always been a HUGE part of my Life.  I also suffered deeply from tragedy after tragedy in my life. For me to be where I am today, is a true testament to the Power of "LOVE" ,of GOD our Creator, and to the power of our "consciousness' ".  <br /><br />IN the last 29 months I have had a better, and a more "TRUTHFUL", Education then I have had in the other 47 years of my life! I also Believe I "KNOW" what is to come with the "Bam", although my husband and I often joke and say that Michael has already "Bammed" us in a big way, when he led us to the "TRUTH". of who we are, and what our true purpose here is! Michael's Genius, Patience and compassion for "teaching", never ceases to amaze us. Michael helped me to conquer all of my "Fears", and helped me to feel comfortable in my own skin, knowing that I wasn't a "freak" for Believing in LOVE, and for the "strange occurrences" that have been happening to me. He helped me to understand that the "King of Pop" was just his "persona"(ego) and that beneath that persona, lived a man who desperately wanted his message to be heard, therefore, he had to kill his "ego" so that "Man" could LIVE. This is what we all have to do in order to truly live from our hearts, instead of through our "ego's". <br /><br />Before all of this hoax stuff happened, I would have said it's "craziness" to believe what I now truly Believe, but because I am LIVING these "changes",  I can't deny that "change" is already happening to me. Dave and I are calmly and happily looking forward to the "future", and until all is revealed, we do our best to live each day with LOVE, and helping others to become aware of what is to come, and teaching others the importance of LOVE, and what they can do to "Make that Change". It has been a true Blessing to be here on this journey with all of these beautiful, funny, talented, and yes, even the "tortured" souls, here on this forum. I LOVE every member here with all of my Heart,and I hope that everyone soon finds Peace and Harmony within their Lives.<br />It is nice to know Tooty, that you and Meri are also on this same journey, so a "Big thanks", you know that we LOVE you both!!<br /> bearhug<br /><br />As for court today, I am not surprised with the outcome. The end result is a world wide wake up call for humanity, Corruption will be exposed in many different areas, most of which have already been mentioned, so I won't elaborate. All I know is that everything is happening the way Michael has planned it, and in the end, "The Truth Will Prevail", and the world will have to re- educate themselves on virtually everything they thought they "Knew" as truth, including themselves!<br /><br />Thank you TS for your guidance...You Know that I LOVE YOU!  bearhug<br /><br />Blessings LOVE and LIGHT to ALL...You guys amaze me! Keep the Faith my beautiful Family!<br />LIVE LOVE... BE LOVE...for we are ONE!!!!!<br /> bearhug
    on 1322635924:
    <br /> Nothing has been put together as one coherent theory for everyone to understand; yet we have a new re-direct? <br />
    <br /><br />Change of plans, but why?
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    If I was really clutching at straws, which I'm not, I'd say there's still 5 minutes left of 29th!!
    LOL curls<br /><br />45 seconds now
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
    lol curls<br /><br />GINA I am not quite sure but I have some ideas; most likely wrong but who knows.<br />If it's because not everyone is on the same page, someone said before they never will be anyway. So I think he would post regardless. I also think there is enough info in this thread that point to one theory.<br />But it's most likely difficult for TS to go through each theory/comment and debunk them with 3 or more strong points each, which is why I think he'd post anyway. Debunking every theory, especially in this thread with so much info, takes alot of time.<br /><br /><br />
    yeah maybe we should just try ourselves again and work like a team this time. Anybody feels strong enough to start again?<br /><br />But where to start from?<br /><br />Yesterday I saw Jermaine pointing to that placard saying "AEG has to be investigated" or something like that.<br />That man Randy Phillips - I feel like I can't trust him.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    <br />Adi<br />
    Quote from: Ijustcantstoplovingu on Today at 11:10:45 AM<br />[size=10pt]<br /> next court date 23 January ....  Thriller released on 23 January 1984,  [/size]<br />[size=10pt]<br /> Just a small aside:[/size]<br /> <br /> Yep - on 23rd January 1984 the song "Thriller" was released as the 7th single from the Thriller album...interesting because the number 23 is on the cover of the "Michael" album.<br /> <br /> Maybe another "coincidence" lol<br />
    <br />That's so cool and amazing!<br /><br /><br />Someone posted this link, some goes overboard in my opinion but IDK really. This caught my eye:<br />
    [size=9pt]The late Capt.[/size][size=9pt]Gunther Russbacher[/size][size=9pt], a highly substantiated CIA/Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) operative known for his role as a whistleblower in the October Surprise intrigue that facilitated[/size][size=9pt]Ronald Reagan[/size][size=9pt]and[/size][size=9pt]George Bush[/size][size=9pt]ascending to office,[/size] had told his wife Rayelan that[size=9pt]MJ’s[/size][size=9pt]father had done something awful to[/size][size=9pt]Michael[/size][size=9pt]in his childhood and that [/size][size=9pt]Michael[/size] [/size][size=9pt]was later recruited as an adult to assist in a covert sting operation to nab a ring of international pedophiles.[/size][size=9pt]
    <br />http://mindcontrolblackassassins.wordpress.com/  Could this be connected to the 2 other allegations, trial, and this death hoax sting?<br /><br /><br />Bec, all your fault? :lol:  Are you volunteering to be the scapegoat?  <br /><br />Heartsong, I like your theory and agree with everything except for the part of AEG hiring Murray initially for murder. I think this was ALL planned from day 1 by MJ, not a hasty fixing of a murder plot.<br /><br />Australian MJ BeLIEver-  at least I think we all agree we love Michael, and most of us love TS and Front too (except for the suspicious ones)!
  • on 1322641735:
    <br /><br />Australian MJ BeLIEver-  at least I think we all agree we love Michael, and most of us love TS and Front too (except for the suspicious ones)!<br />
    <br /><br />true, i had it in my mind when i was writing the post to also include that the one thing we do agree on is that MJ is alive and that we love him :) but accidentally overlooked it.<br />thanks for the add.<br /><br />x
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