TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1352231873:
    <br />@bec, so you are convinced the sting is ONLY against the media and fans? Could be - but did we need a full blown court case to achieve that? I'm trying to consider other subjects, you understand, in light of TS's recent posts! What did he mean by asking us to consider 'what is not alleged'?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Well I'm just taking into account the available information. I have seen nothing to indicate a sting other then on the media and the fans. MJ is pretty good at feeding us the hints n whispers, why would he be so mum about this part of his agenda? Why would he leave it only up to TS to spread the word? Even the Jackson family quit talking about conspiracy and the "real" murderer over a year ago. TS is really the only source for anything "sting" related, again, other then on the media or on the fans.<br /><br />Forget a whole court case, did he need to full blown fake his death to run a sting operation on the media and the fans? So, I dunno, I think sure, MJ does everything big. The bigger the better, right? Seems to be the track record of the man in question.<br /><br />I think speculation on an additional sting is just that, speculation. We have nothing else to go on and that makes me doubt that there is anything more to it then what we have already discovered. Anything other then fiction n a good story.<br /><br />We have discussed this for... a year and a half? Probably longer. That's a long time to coast on just assumption and hypotheticals. <br /><br />Of course there can be all sorts of stuff going on that we are not privy to. MJ lets us see and know only which he wants us to see and know. My mind is open about it, should more information come in, but it feels as though the hour grows late. <br /><br />At this juncture, yes, I believe the sting is only on the fans and the media. Well, and the general public too.<br /><br />I do think that we are being hoaxed as well, so I am always mindful of this potential. Not all of which we believe is true. Not all of which we are being led to believe is true either.
  • sweetsunsetwithMJ quote:<br /><br />
    Last March I was watching a TV program about Spanish people living in different countries, the country was Dubai and here is the video to show you what it could be a  "clue" or not, what do you guys think?<br /><br />#Invalid YouTube Link#<br /><br /><br />In the min 2.40 the lady says: MJ was here last week, this program was released last June 2009, and one of the Spanish people talking in the program said : I was married last October 6 months ago now, so I understand that she was married October 2008 and the program was recorded in April 2009 (6 months later) so now we know Michael was in Dubai in April 2009 so I don't think Michael was so sick and rehearsing for TII, it looks like he was looking for a place to hide, right?? IDK, Michael please if you are reading this don't be mad at me I might probably be wrong.  <br /><br />Sorry the video is blocked, if I find a new one I'll post it.<br />
    <br /><br />So going back to if Michael took a plane or not last June 25' 2012, I do believe he flew in disguise and maybe the above trip to Dubai last April 2009 I am quoting was made to look for a place to hide if not for the whole hoax but at least for certain periods of time, BTW I couldn't find that vid again.<br /><br /><br />
    on 1352071732:
    <br />
    on 1351339247:
    <br />... JJ's slip up was there as a decoy, he put it in our minds and we assumed MJ went to the airport. ... <br />
    <br /><br />If the family is giving misleading hoax clues, then we might as well believe that they are just playing games with us and MJ is dead.  Also, many hoaxers already believed that MJ flew out of LAX, months before Jermaine gave this clue.  So that belief was not based on Jermaine’s “airport” slip of the lip; [size=14pt]instead, Jermaine's statement was confirmation.[/size]<br />
    <br /><br />TS is confirming that Michael flew if I am not wrong.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Maybe MJ did escape LA before kick off day of June 25th 2009 and then return shortly after to Neverland to hide out as this TMZ story kind of hints? I'm reading between the lines here.<br /><br />Except in this case it would be MJ's alive body which returned there, not his "dead" body......<br /><br />This story was posted on June 30th 2009:<br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]Jackson's Body to Return to Neverland[/size]<br /><br />We've just learned Michael Jackson's body is set to be driven to <br />Neverland Ranch late Thursday morning.<br /><br />Law enforcement sources tell TMZ upwards of a 30 car motorcade -- including Jackson's body -- <br />will be traveling from Los Angeles to Neverland at 10 AM on Thursday.<br /><br />We're told law enforcement is currently meeting to discuss security and traffic control. <br />Our sources say plans are in the works for a public viewing to take place on either Friday or Saturday. <br /><br />Story developing ... <br /><br />http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/30/jacksons-body-to-return-to-neverland/#ixzz2BUe6Bn9f<br />
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    @sweetsunset......in my mind, TS seemed to confirm that Michael went to the airport, but did he actually fly anywhere?  And what airport?  <br />Remember we were shown Michael's art at the airport in Santa Monica.  Here's an article about it:<br /><br />http://blogs.laweekly.com/arts/2011/08/michael_jacksons_art_revealed.php<br /><br />Here's Jermaine...he never says which airport.......<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Just thinking out loud here.....<br />Blessings
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh, and in regards to what is NOT alleged; the involuntary mans.laughter. That is asserted. The case was closed and delivered to the jury which settled on a Guilty verdict and delivered it to the court. Therefore the mans.laughter is NOT alleged any longer.<br /><br />Well for all external purposes anyway. IF what we saw was real. <br /><br />At least the Court of LA County does not define the involuntary mans.laughter as alleged.<br /><br />Ps. JJ's statement was "confirmation"? Why, because TS says so? Pardon, TS, but like others have said prior to me, you raised us better then that.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh, you know, good damn point.<br /><br />JJ said MJ went to the "airport", not MJ "flew away in an airplane".<br /><br />And like you said wishingstar, MJ reportedly had an art studio in an airplane hanger, presumably at an airport. Not sure where else you would find an airplane hanger other then at an airport so it's probably a pretty safe presumption. <br /><br />I still think it's false confirmation. I don't know how or why he would risk electronic methods of communication that day. He didn't even want his "911" call to hit the police scanners.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1352249759:
    <br />@sweetsunset......in my mind, TS seemed to confirm that Michael went to the airport, but did he actually fly anywhere?  And what airport?  <br />Remember we were shown Michael's art at the airport in Santa Monica.  Here's an article about it:<br /><br />http://blogs.laweekly.com/arts/2011/08/michael_jacksons_art_revealed.php<br /><br />Here's Jermaine...he never says which airport.......<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Just thinking out loud here.....<br />Blessings<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks for posting that video, I'd been meaning to watch it again.  He pauses a couple times before the "slip up", like there was deliberate thought put into what he was going to say.  So NOT a slip-up.  If it's not a slip-up then Jermaine didn't "out" MJ's actions that day.  Rather, Jermaine confirmed that MJ is alive.  The airport theory was already known in the hoax community before Jermaine said that - Jermaine was giving the hoax community a subtle shout-out.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    @Andrea.....yes, I can see that, sort of "he went to the airport" wink wink, nod nod...to the hoax community......<br />good one.....I guess only time will tell.  It's an adventure for sure : ) <br />btw...you are most welcome for the post...I always enjoy a look back at these types of early-on videos, as I call them. <br />Those were some crazy days for sure......<br /><br />Have a beautiful evening....<br />LOVE
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1352248914:
    <br />
    on 1352231873:
    <br />@bec, so you are convinced the sting is ONLY against the media and fans? Could be - but did we need a full blown court case to achieve that? I'm trying to consider other subjects, you understand, in light of TS's recent posts! What did he mean by asking us to consider 'what is not alleged'?<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Well I'm just taking into account the available information. I have seen nothing to indicate a sting other then on the media and the fans. MJ is pretty good at feeding us the hints n whispers, why would he be so mum about this part of his agenda? Why would he leave it only up to TS to spread the word? Even the Jackson family quit talking about conspiracy and the "real" murderer over a year ago. TS is really the only source for anything "sting" related, again, other then on the media or on the fans.<br /><br />Forget a whole court case, did he need to full blown fake his death to run a sting operation on the media and the fans? So, I dunno, I think sure, MJ does everything big. The bigger the better, right? Seems to be the track record of the man in question.<br /><br />I think speculation on an additional sting is just that, speculation. We have nothing else to go on and that makes me doubt that there is anything more to it then what we have already discovered. Anything other then fiction n a good story.<br /><br />We have discussed this for... a year and a half? Probably longer. That's a long time to coast on just assumption and hypotheticals. <br /><br />Of course there can be all sorts of stuff going on that we are not privy to. MJ lets us see and know only which he wants us to see and know. My mind is open about it, should more information come in, but it feels as though the hour grows late. <br /><br />At this juncture, yes, I believe the sting is only on the fans and the media. Well, and the general public too.<br /><br />I do think that we are being hoaxed as well, so I am always mindful of this potential. Not all of which we believe is true. Not all of which we are being led to believe is true either.<br />
    <br /><br />Well, ain't that the truth! Probably. Maybe.<br /><br />
    on 1352249793:
    <br />Oh, and in regards to what is NOT alleged; the involuntary mans.laughter. That is asserted. The case was closed and delivered to the jury which settled on a Guilty verdict and delivered it to the court. Therefore the mans.laughter is NOT alleged any longer.<br /><br />Well for all external purposes anyway. IF what we saw was real. <br /><br />At least the Court of LA County does not define the involuntary mans.laughter as alleged.<br /><br />Ps. JJ's statement was "confirmation"? Why, because TS says so? Pardon, TS, but like others have said prior to me, you raised us better then that.<br />
    <br /><br />So, in essence the trial highlighted real, as in not alleged, involuntary manslaughter by incompetant 'doctors', on addicts with more money than sense, using 'substances' they can easily get their hands on. MJ used himself, an alleged victim on an alleged date, to show what is happening to many others especially in the entertainment world/Hollywood. Is this just a 'spotlight' on a situation or a sting operation?<br /><br />
    on 1352249510:
    <br />Maybe MJ did escape LA before kick off day of June 25th 2009 and then return shortly after to Neverland to hide out as this TMZ story kind of hints? I'm reading between the lines here.<br /><br />Except in this case it would be MJ's alive body which returned there, not his "dead" body......<br /><br />This story was posted on June 30th 2009:<br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]Jackson's Body to Return to Neverland[/size]<br /><br />We've just learned Michael Jackson's body is set to be driven to <br />Neverland Ranch late Thursday morning.<br /><br />Law enforcement sources tell TMZ upwards of a 30 car motorcade -- including Jackson's body -- <br />will be traveling from Los Angeles to Neverland at 10 AM on Thursday.<br /><br />We're told law enforcement is currently meeting to discuss security and traffic control. <br />Our sources say plans are in the works for a public viewing to take place on either Friday or Saturday. <br /><br />Story developing ... <br /><br />http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/30/jacksons-body-to-return-to-neverland/#ixzz2BUe6Bn9f<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Wouldn't this just be the best thing ever? If MJ basically told the world he was returning to Neverland 5 days after he 'died' - and he did just that! I love love love the pure brazen, self-confident,  :images: nature of that little scenario!  :icon_lol:<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Adi<br />
    Maybe MJ did escape LA before kick off day of June 25th 2009 and then return shortly after to Neverland to hide out as this TMZ story kind of hints?
    <br />Not only does his flight outta there if only for a few days, add layers to the story, but they may confuse anyone still out to get him as well, enemies as TS hinted at. <br /><br />Bec<br />
    Forget a whole court case, did he need to full blown fake his death to run a sting operation on the media and the fans? So, I dunno, I think sure, MJ does everything big. The bigger the better, right?
    <br />You know where MJ is talking about Sony, his finances, business dealings, he would say, “It’s a very delicate situation.” And when he sings, TDRCAU, he is talking about TPTB, the NWO gang, bankers, all those in ruling positions who rob, cheat, lie, step on people to get what they want.  I don’t think TS or MJ would openly say ‘they’ are a sting target—perhaps too dangerous.  I think the evil people behind MJ’s false allegations and part of the ultimate target of the big STING, could be shown like a pyramid. At the bottom were Sneddon, Dimond, Grace, Even Chandler, the Arvizos. Next level could be Sony, Catholic Church, Racist powerful people. Next level possibly bankers, Bilderbergers, Illuminati. Next level IDK, alien/demonic powers.  I say this because of 2 of Front’s early posts:  (TS’ Sign #1 on the coming EOW and Michael Archangel=Jesus  verifies this)<br />
    June 03, 2011, 09:27:50 AM »<br />The beginning always gives way to an end.<br />The end always gives way to a beginning.<br /><br />Scientists tell us that dark matter exists, but they cannot SEE it. They have admitted that they can't find 90 percent of the Universe! We cannot see or touch it; its existence is IMPLIED ---through findings/"evidence". <br /><br />Throughout the History of time, there has been an ongoing battle between GOOD and EVIL. Prophets have walked among us pre-June 25 and continue to walk among us --- physically in the flesh OR implied through Faith. They walk the face of the Earth with a message --- Love for all human-kind….. and deLIVErance; the common denominator of Prophetic messages. <br /><br />The world listened when Michael fought his battles with UNdying determination ---and JUSTICE prevailed. And they listened to his message. BUt they did NOT listen close enough! SOME people only "heard" (half truths)…… while others truly "listened" (Truth!)  ---- they got the whole enchilada. <br /><br />That battle is still being fought……just on a different layer of the "enchilada".<br /><br />Believing and knowing are two different things. Don't take my word as conclusive evidence. The proof will be provided in future HIStory……….
    <br />
    June 02, 2011, 06:07:38 PM »<br />FACTS vs. ILLusion…….<br /><br />By listening, one will learn truths.<br />By hearing, one will only learn half truths.<br />By watching, one will learn to decipher between the two. <br /><br />TRUTH.......<br /><br />".....But first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. <br />No one supports me against them....<br />except Michael, your Prince"----(King).<br />---- Daniel 10:21<br /><br />A VISION.........<br /><br />"At that time Michael shall stand up…...the great prince (King) who stands watch(ing)……<br />And there shall be a time of trouble…..<br />And at that time……" ---Daniel 12:1<br /><br />…deLIVEerance! <br /><br />"Michael in contending with the dEVIL…..<br />dared not bring against him a reviling accusation……" -Jude 9<br /><br />REVELATION...... <<<justice prevails.<br /><br />"War broke out in heaven….Michael and his angels fought with the dragons and his angels ---but they did NOT prevail…" ---Revelation 12:7-8<br /><br />They say History repeats itself; it's already written.<br /><br />"We're takin' over, we have the TRUTH<br />This IS the Mission." 
    The Greatest (on Hiatus)
    <br /><br />Sim! Elvis/MJ connections! :icon_albino:<br />
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    @Wishy... :thjajaja121:  toilets! we have seen lots of toilet connected things/pictures  in the court/Murray related articles from TMZ..somebody just loves toilet humor  :icon_lol:
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    MJonmind:<br />
    You know where MJ is talking about Sony, his finances, business dealings, he would say, “It’s a very delicate situation.” And when he sings, TDRCAU, he is talking about TPTB, the NWO gang, bankers, all those in ruling positions who rob, cheat, lie, step on people to get what they want.  I don’t think TS or MJ would openly say ‘they’ are a sting target—perhaps too dangerous.  I think the evil people behind MJ’s false allegations and part of the ultimate target of the big STING, could be shown like a pyramid. At the bottom were Sneddon, Dimond, Grace, Even Chandler, the Arvizos. Next level could be Sony, Catholic Church, Racist powerful people. Next level possibly bankers, Bilderbergers, Illuminati. Next level IDK, alien/demonic powers.  I say this because of 2 of Front’s early posts:  (TS’ Sign #1 on the coming EOW and Michael Archangel=Jesus  verifies this)<br />
    <br /><br />Interesting concept - a pyramid sting.  I was thinking about potential sting targets last night and I remembered back's neocon sh*t list, it might make sense if there is a sting against some of those people, which includes members of the media.  The common denominator of that list was GREED.  <br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,21879.0.html
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    Rereading. <br />"Today in TMZ History". <br />Only this article under this headline, not the other articles about CRM published the same day:<br /><br />
    [size=12pt]Today in TMZ History [/size]<br />11/7/2011 1:15 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF<br />[size=14pt]Dr. Conrad Murray Verdict<br />GUILTY [/size]<br /><br /><br />Dr. Conrad Murray has been found GUILTY of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.<br /><br />After the verdict was read, you can hear La Toya Jackson and Kathy Hilton cry.<br /><br />Jurors came back with the verdict moments ago after a grueling 6-week trial, finding prosecutors proved beyond a reasonable doubt ... Dr. Murray is responsible for MJ's death.<br /><br />Murray faces up to 4 years behind bars, but the reality is ... he will not go to state prison because of a new law, and will likely serve his time in L.A. County Jail.<br /><br />Murray is scheduled for sentencing on November 29th.<br /><br />Reactions To Murray Verdict<br />    Dr. Conrad Murray Found Guilty -- Stars React on Twitter!<br />    Conrad Murray's Lawyer: I'm 'Very Disappointed'<br />    Conrad Murray Trial -- LAPD Rejoices Over Guilty Verdict
    <br />http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/07/conrad-murray-verdict-guilty/?adid=center_tmz_history<br /><br />
    <br />11/7/2011 3:31 PM PST BY TMZ STAFF<br />Conrad Murray Trial<br />[size=14pt]LAPD Rejoices<br />Over Guilty Verdict[/size]<br />1107_murray_lapd_ex<br />The LAPD couldn't be happier with today's guilty verdict in the Conrad Murray manslaughter trial -- telling TMZ, the verdict represents a "victory " in the eyes of law enforcement.<br /><br />A rep for the LAPD issued the statement -- claiming, the department "applauded" the jury's verdict.<br /><br />According to the rep, "Today's verdict of guilty is confirmation that the combined efforts of our investigators, criminalists, Coroner investigators and the District Attorney's Office were sound."<br /><br />The rep adds, "The investigators have worked diligently on this case and were confident throughout the process that the investigation supported the allegation of involuntary manslaughter."<br />LAPD In The Murray Trial<br /><br />    Dr. Conrad Murray -- The Interview that Sunk Him<br />    TMZ Live -- How Dr. Murray Dug His Own Grave ...<br />    People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray -- LAPD Detective Testifies
    <br />http://www.tmz.com/2011/11/07/conrad-murray-trial-lapd-guilty/<br /><br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    If the hoax community already suspected Michael to have fled the country via airplane then Jermaine's deliberate "slip-up" sounds like a confirmation. Why would he throw anyone off after the fact? There was no danger anymore when the "slip-up" was done. But anyway, I was just re-reading some of TS' posts and he already gave us his perspective with 5 points backing up his theory (aka MJ went at the airport and not UCLA) so it's like or we believe him or not. Not sure if TS will address this once more. Waiting-- I smell a long post is on the way.  :suspect: <br /><br />But mind you, TS never confirmed that he would finish by 29 November 2012. We again are assuming.  :LolLolLolLol:
  • So tired... have been wanting to jump in so many places with no timE.  <br /><br />I still think he went to an airport. MJ AIR notwithstanding, I don't think he got on an airplane.  Pay as you go cell phones seem to provide some measure of security against survellience...Pay, use, discard........<br /><br />I also still think it is a sting and hoax.  I believe the sting has multiple layers;the trial was necessary and gave opportunity to show not only how irresponsible the media is (really? all the legal anomolies in the trial and the likes of COURT TV "journalists" don't question anything because the coverage is worth so much money?--not really surprised anymore).  Then we have all the investigation taking a look at the state of courts and the shoddy state of activities and misuse of power-- harkening back to 2005 trial and Sneddon (bearing in mind that Michael was only one of his victims)-- and all the institutionalized cover ups to support the continuation of such corruption.  We have had our eyes open to a range of organized crime and corruption, from the Interfor Report re embezzlement, the FBI being given documents regarding organized efforts to litigate Michael into bankruptcy in 2006, <br />to Chancery Club and Bet Tzedek Rico suits http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/hoaxbook/groups/topic/view/group_id/20/topic_id/50 <br />to acts of commission in Santa Barbara County and Los Angles County<br />The corruption in the State Bar of California http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/hoaxbook/groups/topic/view/group_id/20/topic_id/49<br />and the US Supreme court looking at the corruption in the California Supreme Court.<br /><br />Then there is all the business corruption surrounding Michael... which really needed Michael dead to fully expose since TPTB couldn't blame him any longer for things THEY did (really, all close people to Michael changed over the month before he died?--well good to keep enemies closer to give them rope to hang themselves with).........So MUCH business corruption its really unbeLIEvable----and even tho there have been attempts to expose this corruption, it is allowed to continue...And frankly, the activity is just indicative of what is happening to ALOT of us-- using information to use identities to invest in bogus deals to launder money etc....Same thing that brought down Keith Corbain's estate is happening everywhere.<br /><br />Then there are all the evidence of and hints at further real physical threats of harm to the family. Now then, this is a family that had to FIGHT to get charges pressed against the man (Bohana) that murdered Dee Dee, Tito's ex-wife in 1994, despite clear evidence that pointed to foul play.  And from what I read,it needed persistance to have the DA office take another look at the case.  But I digress<br /><br />I could go on and on, but my very tired brain needs to stop-- I know I have only mentioned little bits of so many things that have been swirling around.  I feel the sting is multi-faceted and has many targets. Some may have been direct and more personal,  others indirect (heck look at so many things that have developed-- Murdock exposed, Goldman Sacs exposed etc etc etc)  but no less personal and relevant to lots of people.  <br /><br />I just cant see the reason for the whole hoax to not have a serious sting component to it, as well as being intriguing.<br /><br />ok, I have blathered on too much and not even touched on so many other aspects of things, but my eyes are trying to close, so I will stop now!<br />Thanks for you patience  :icon_redface:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    It's Moonwalker 2012.
  • on 1352354514:
    <br />So tired... have been wanting to jump in so many places with no timE.  <br /><br />I still think he went to an airport. MJ AIR notwithstanding, I don't think he got on an airplane.  [size=10pt]Pay as you go cell phones seem to provide some measure of security against survellience...Pay, use, discard........[/size]  :suspect:  :icon_lol:<br /><br />I also still think it is a sting and hoaxI believe the sting has multiple layers;the trial was necessary and gave opportunity to show not only how irresponsible the media is (really? all the legal anomolies in the trial and the likes of COURT TV "journalists" don't question anything because the coverage is worth so much money?--not really surprised anymore).  Then we have all the investigation taking a look at the state of courts and the shoddy state of activities and misuse of power-- harkening back to 2005 trial and Sneddon (bearing in mind that Michael was only one of his victims)-- and all the institutionalized cover ups to support the continuation of such corruption.  We have had our eyes open to a range of organized crime and corruption, from the Interfor Report re embezzlement, the FBI being given documents regarding organized efforts to litigate Michael into bankruptcy in 2006, <br />to Chancery Club and Bet Tzedek Rico suits http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/hoaxbook/groups/topic/view/group_id/20/topic_id/50 <br />to acts of commission in Santa Barbara County and Los Angles County<br />The corruption in the State Bar of California http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/hoaxbook/groups/topic/view/group_id/20/topic_id/49<br />and the US Supreme court looking at the corruption in the California Supreme Court.<br /><br />Then there is all the business corruption surrounding Michael... which really needed Michael dead to fully expose since TPTB couldn't blame him any longer for things THEY did (really, all close people to Michael changed over the month before he died?--well good to keep enemies closer to give them rope to hang themselves with).........So MUCH business corruption its really unbeLIEvable----and even tho there have been attempts to expose this corruption, it is allowed to continue...And frankly, the activity is just indicative of what is happening to ALOT of us-- using information to use identities to invest in bogus deals to launder money etc....Same thing that brought down Keith Corbain's estate is happening everywhere.<br /><br />Then there are all the evidence of and hints at further real physical threats of harm to the family. Now then, this is a family that had to FIGHT to get charges pressed against the man (Bohana) that murdered Dee Dee, Tito's ex-wife in 1994, despite clear evidence that pointed to foul play.  And from what I read,it needed persistance to have the DA office take another look at the case.  But I digress<br /><br />I could go on and on, but my very tired brain needs to stop-- I know I have only mentioned little bits of so many things that have been swirling around.  I feel the sting is multi-faceted and has many targets. Some may have been direct and more personal,  others indirect (heck look at so many things that have developed-- Murdock exposed, Goldman Sacs exposed etc etc etc)  but no less personal and relevant to lots of people.  <br /><br />I just cant see the reason for the whole hoax to not have a serious sting component to it, as well as being intriguing.<br /><br />ok, I have blathered on too much and not even touched on so many other aspects of things, but my eyes are trying to close, so I will stop now!<br /><br />Thanks for you patience  :icon_redface:
    <br /><br /><br />That was a good synopsis. I especially agree with the extra bolded stuff. lmao... only a crook can catch a crook or someone who is a Smooth Criminal! lmao. Watching and learning from others tends to give you some lessons but the best lessons for me always were Real Life.  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />Ya know I kinda feel bad in a way because I think some peeps are missing out on the actual Bam. I also think they are missing some very magical stuff happening all over the interweb. What a shame that they are so focused on bullshit. <br /><br />Man after waiting for 3.5 years like some have, I'd be mad IF I missed out on the ending! Isn't that the whole point in watchin' The Greatest Show on Earth?<br /><br /> :over-react-smiley:
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    ^^ what 'peeps' are you referring to here, Im_convinced? I read it like you mean others on the forum, who aren't on the same page as you, who are somehow missing out. Please tell me if I interpreted that wrongly.
  • on 1352360760:
    <br />^^ what 'peeps' are you referring to here, Im_convinced? I read it like you mean others on the forum, who aren't on the same page as you, who are somehow missing out. Please tell me if I interpreted that wrongly.<br />
    <br /><br />curls-<br /><br />Interpret it anyway you want. Jus sayin'. I don't call out names. IF someone wants to miss it by not lookin' in other places... it's their choice. My bad.  I can't hold their hands, lead them to the info, show them the info, and force them to see it!  :Pulling_hair:
  • on 1352355772:
    <br />It's Moonwalker 2012.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /> :th_bravo: :thjajaja121:
  • on 1352362850:
    <br />
    on 1352360760:
    <br />^^ what 'peeps' are you referring to here, Im_convinced? I read it like you mean others on the forum, who aren't on the same page as you, who are somehow missing out. Please tell me if I interpreted that wrongly.<br />
    <br /><br />curls-<br /><br />Interpret it anyway you want. Jus sayin'. I don't call out names. IF someone wants to miss it by not lookin' in other places... it's their choice. My bad.  I can't hold their hands,[size=14pt] lead them to the info, show them the info[/size], and force them to see it!  :Pulling_hair:<br />
    <br /><br />well actually the highlighted part you can. ( or are you saying you already have and just can't force them to see it?) :icon_e_confused:
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    on 1352354514:
    <br />So tired... have been wanting to jump in so many places with no timE.  <br /><br />I still think he went to an airport. MJ AIR notwithstanding, I don't think he got on an airplane.  Pay as you go cell phones seem to provide some measure of security against survellience...Pay, use, discard........<br /><br />I also still think it is a sting and hoax.  I believe the sting has multiple layers;the trial was necessary and gave opportunity to show not only how irresponsible the media is (really? all the legal anomolies in the trial and the likes of COURT TV "journalists" don't question anything because the coverage is worth so much money?--not really surprised anymore).  Then we have all the investigation taking a look at the state of courts and the shoddy state of activities and misuse of power-- harkening back to 2005 trial and Sneddon (bearing in mind that Michael was only one of his victims)-- and all the institutionalized cover ups to support the continuation of such corruption.  We have had our eyes open to a range of organized crime and corruption, from the Interfor Report re embezzlement, the FBI being given documents regarding organized efforts to litigate Michael into bankruptcy in 2006, <br />to Chancery Club and Bet Tzedek Rico suits http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/hoaxbook/groups/topic/view/group_id/20/topic_id/50 <br />to acts of commission in Santa Barbara County and Los Angles County<br />The corruption in the State Bar of California http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/hoaxbook/groups/topic/view/group_id/20/topic_id/49<br />and the US Supreme court looking at the corruption in the California Supreme Court.<br /><br />Then there is all the business corruption surrounding Michael... which really needed Michael dead to fully expose since TPTB couldn't blame him any longer for things THEY did (really, all close people to Michael changed over the month before he died?--well good to keep enemies closer to give them rope to hang themselves with).........So MUCH business corruption its really unbeLIEvable----and even tho there have been attempts to expose this corruption, it is allowed to continue...And frankly, the activity is just indicative of what is happening to ALOT of us-- using information to use identities to invest in bogus deals to launder money etc....Same thing that brought down Keith Corbain's estate is happening everywhere.<br /><br />Then there are all the evidence of and hints at further real physical threats of harm to the family. Now then, this is a family that had to FIGHT to get charges pressed against the man (Bohana) that murdered Dee Dee, Tito's ex-wife in 1994, despite clear evidence that pointed to foul play.  And from what I read,it needed persistance to have the DA office take another look at the case.  But I digress<br /><br />I could go on and on, but my very tired brain needs to stop-- I know I have only mentioned little bits of so many things that have been swirling around.  I feel the sting is multi-faceted and has many targets. Some may have been direct and more personal,  others indirect (heck look at so many things that have developed-- Murdock exposed, Goldman Sacs exposed etc etc etc)  but no less personal and relevant to lots of people.  <br /><br />I just cant see the reason for the whole hoax to not have a serious sting component to it, as well as being intriguing.<br /><br />ok, I have blathered on too much and not even touched on so many other aspects of things, but my eyes are trying to close, so I will stop now!<br />Thanks for you patience  :icon_redface:<br />
    <br /><br />Great post.  Thank you for such a  broad summary. Just wanted to say I lean this way in my thinking also.  two+thumbs+up.jpg
  • Great post  :th_bravo: 
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1352362850:
    <br />
    on 1352360760:
    <br />^^ what 'peeps' are you referring to here, Im_convinced? I read it like you mean others on the forum, who aren't on the same page as you, who are somehow missing out. Please tell me if I interpreted that wrongly.<br />
    <br /><br />curls-<br /><br />Interpret it anyway you want. Jus sayin'. I don't call out names. IF someone wants to miss it by not lookin' in other places... it's their choice. My bad.  I can't hold their hands, lead them to the info, show them the info, and force them to see it!  :Pulling_hair:<br />
    <br /><br />Exactly! Everyone can be responsible only for themself - and no-one else: what they look at, or don't, leads they follow, or don't, conclusions they reach, or don't. No point pulling your hair out over it!
  • so the defendant was not alleged was he? :icon_e_confused:
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