TIAI January 21



  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Souza, I just finished reading your excellent post!<br /><br />IMO, while the Catholic church appears to fit all the Biblical prophecy puzzle pieces pretty well, the Bible is layered, and can mean a few things at the same time. That's what makes it such a mystery, and has been interpreted in EXTREME detail by thousands over the years from various schools of theology.<br /><br />
    <br />I mentioned this a while back that Jesus' message was to the Israelites, and Apostle Paul spoke to us, the Gentiles. So we have to read his words with that in mind.<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg387069#msg387069 <br /><br /><br />Also I believe that the Catholic church is part of something larger, a counterfeit stream running through history starting in Genesis. Included are Zionism, Royals of Europe, and more.  There has been a Satanic seed weaving its way through history.  There is a true blood-line from Abraham to the Israelites living at the time of and including Yahshuah (Jesus), which continues to today, but is barely recognized (not Jews).  Revelation clearly tells that the Great City is Jerusalem, not Vatican City, because it says it is "where our Lord was crucified". There are other verses that confirm this as well.  Also there are 7 hills (mountains) around Jerusalem as well  (again layers of truths and meaning). <br /> http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=17344.msg297969#msg297969<br /><br /><br />Whiteknight<br />
    Actually during the dark ages when the Roman Catholic Church ruled most of Europe with an iron fist, anyone who was caught keeping the true biblical Sabbath and not the ‘Sabbath’ mandated by the church was unable to buy or sell. This is an historical fact. They stood out like a sore thumb because they were marked by the Seal of God. The Sabbath is meant to be a sign between God and his people. The sign of obedience (forehead---frontal lobe) and the action of work (right hand symbolizes work)They were punished and if they did not comply with the law of the church, they were put to death in the most horrible of ways.  Now those who complied with the mandates of the church were spared and allowed to buy and sell and lead materially prosperous lives because they had the mark of the beast. <br /><br /><br />>>>Obedience in observing the false Sabbath (forehead-frontal-lobe) and refraining from work on said ‘Sabbath’ (right hand symbolizing work)As for The Keeping of all 10 commandments, we as followers of Christ (regardless of being Gentile or Jew) are obligated to keep them because they are God’s holy laws. Once we make up our mind to follow Christ, we are grafted in and become ‘adopted Jews’. The acts of keeping the commandments are not ‘deeds’ or ‘works’ at all. They are NOT ‘traditions of men’ because God was the one that instituted them. They are standards upon which we must live by. Sunday observance IS a ‘tradition of men’. Why is this even an issue? I mean we know that it’s wrong to break the rest of the commandments right? So what’s so difficult about this one?
    <br /><br /><br />Interesting! Do you have any sources? It would mean that the MOB that TS says is coming, would be a repeat of that older law, so the church can regain her old power.  Also Christians may be grafted in with the Israelties (not Jews), but I believe there are specific roles in end times, which are for true Israelites only.  Just as we are seated with Christ on his throne and heirs to the throne, doesn't mean we are one and the same; it's somewhat symbolic.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Everlastinglove_MJ, thanks for the great 777 Sabbath study link!  I thought I would put it in this thread where the Sabbath is being discussed. <br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22102.msg387772#msg387772<br /><br />
    <br />http://www.sabbathcovenant.com/doctrine/number_777.htm  An excerpt:<br />To us in A Voice In The Wilderness the triple sevens (777) numerically symbolize Yahweh, the Father of Yahshua the Messiah. He is the pinnacle of perfection, power and purity. The number 777 may also be the numeric value of some word or group of words: we do not know. Satan has hijacked this number and uses it in all kinds of bizarre ways; but as far as Scripture is concerned, seven is the number of perfection and holiness. To us in A Voice In The Wilderness the number 777 numerically expresses the Almighty's Truth as regards His7th day Sabbath, His 7 annual Sabbaths, His 7th year Sabbath and His 7th thousand year Sabbath - the millennium. We could go further and write 7777777 - ad infinitum, or 70 times 7, with each additional seven representing another perfect revelation of His character: but777 will do for the time being.<br /><br /><br />The key to unlocking the “sealed” prophecies concerning the mystery of the Second Coming is the perfect number of completion… 777.  The number 777 is as important to understanding the timing of the Second Coming as 666 is to identifying the False Messiah who fakes the second coming.  The number 777 identifies the true coming, where the number 666 identifies the fake.  It is that simple.
    <br /><br />This writer has some really good research here, but he was off obviously, since 2007 has come and gone with no return of Jesus yet.  But the principles of 777 are still very sound for the real coming. IMO  He may have left out important things or put in the wrong things, which all would affect the accuracy of predicting the return year.
  • on 1328500328:
    <br />Did anyone see Madonna's Half Time Show at the the Super Bowl??? !!!! <br /><br />Anyone else note the  "coincidental" similarities with the current subject of this TIAI thread and Ark of the Covenant topic by The Sign on the other forum? At the beginning especially....<br /><br />Wow.<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />[size=14pt]WORLD PEACE  /bravo/  !!!!!!![/size]<br />[size=14pt]OMG[/size]  :shock: :shock: :shock:[size=10pt] thank you for this Adi  bearhug  !!!<br />OMG this is the second time Madonna made me cry  :'(  ,the first time was when she spoke about Michael in 2009 .<br />[/size]<br /><br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Wonderful job,wow she is still good at 54  8-) ,as Prince was last year at the Forum  8-) .For people that don't know Michael,Prince and Madonna ,all 3 of them were born in the same year:1958.People can say what they want about Madonna but look at her,she's in her 50-ty with 30 years in the business,no drug/drink/nervous breakdown scandal..a woman with fierce determination and focus, a stage presesence that cannot be bought and for 30 years she has been critically mauled, slaughtered & yet still hold her head up high.<br />Madonna is right,yes MAN she is right,we must open our hearts, to give our LUV (LOVE) ,and stop  playing"that" stupid game ,once and for all maybe  :idea:  :mrgreen: .<br /><br />Luv From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia<br />Luv or LUV may refer to:<br /><br />    An intentional misspelling of love, sometimes used to show an affection that is more endearing than the word love shows.<br /><br /><br />The word LOVE was everywere,and so was letter M  :shock: .Coincidence or not the letter M was also in the Maroon 5 video:Move like Jagger  ;)) .People can say,ok you are looking for clues too much,and there are not ,but hey,why they wrote the letter M and not the whole word then  :shock:  ;)  :mrgreen: ????? Intresting,isn'it  :lol:  ;) ???<br />What I can say about this performance is that it's a MIX betewn what we wrote about Ark of Covenant, Cleopatra movie,Remember the time video,Immortal movie,This is it movie,Black Eyed Peas performance from last year and the last part (which "moved" me the most  ;) ) was like a copy of Sister act+ Joyful noise movies ,lol  lolol/  !!!!  penguin/  penguin/ penguin/ [/size]
  • wow. what an overwhelming thread... and wow if i only had a dollar for every religious post in this thread... lol<br /><br />and that was before i got to souza's post! anyway just a note to say that I am back.<br /><br />souza thank you for posting your research, i have been looking forward to it since our last chat. i am up to date with every post in this thread except your post. i plan to read it tomorrow evening after i put my little one to bed.<br /><br /><br />thanks all for your contributions, altough this thread is intense i appreciate all of your work.<br /><br /><br />and SUZY7  - peace and love sister - I agree with your posts and not that you need it, but you have my full support!<br /> <br /><br />Aussie<br /><br />bearhug <br /><br />P.S glad to be back all...<br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Souza, thank you for your post, I'd been waiting for it!  I'm glad we spoke on it beforehand because my basic understanding was there when I read your posts, which helped a lot.  I have also been reading many of the verses again that you quoted and it's true that all the signs point to the papacy being the antichrist.  Otherwise, it's all a bunch of coincidences and if there's one thing the hoax has taught us, there is no such thing as a coincidence. 
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Very good post of Souza, there are many things that i agree, anyway, i'm going to read again and later i will comment on.<br /><br />By the time you copied and pasted these words of Joseph Ratzinger, also known as Pope Benedict XVI, He said the following during his visit to what it was before the execution ground Nazi death-camp Auschwitz.<br /><br /><br />
    "In a place like this is one without words; in the fund can only be a dread silence - a silence which is a heartfelt cry to God: Why, Lord, remain silent? Why toleraste all this" "Where was God in those days? Why had kept silent? How could tolerate this excess destruction, this triumph of evil?"
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />If these questions have been raised by any other person who is not a Roman Catholic (more specifically, by the Supreme Leader of the Administration of the Roman Catholic Church) then they would have been reasonable. Appointments of Ratzinger of Psalm 44 also would have been reasonable if it had been used any other person, but not precisely that which he says he is the Pope of the roman catholics, which calls itself the Successor of Pedro, and it is presumed to be "Christ on earth".<br /><br />How dare blaspheme against God before the whole world, using as a backdrop to the holocaust that allowed the Administrators of the Roman Church?
  • melodymelody Posts: 196
    You explained that wonderfully Souza, thank you so much for doing so; I only studied the Book of Revelation once, sporadically, and you tied all those concepts into one neat little summary. I needed that refresher.<br /><br />Something I also found interesting, the seal of God is spoken of all the way back in the Old Testament scriptures. The following passage in the Book of Deuteronomy uses the same language the Book of Revelation used to describe the mark of the beast (but of course to describe YHWH's mark instead); his seal, which are his commands, mark the "forehead" and the "hands". His commands are also compared to the lamb's blood that the Israelites spread over their doorframes so that death would "pass over" their homes and spare their lives.<br /><br />
    [size=14pt]Deuteronomy 6:4-9[/size] (NIV)<br /><br /> [size=8pt]4[/size] [size=10pt]Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.[/size][size=10pt][a][/size] [size=8pt]5[/size][size=10pt] Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.[/size] [size=8pt]6[/size] [size=10pt]These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.[/size] [size=8pt]7[/size] [size=10pt]Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.[/size] [size=8pt]8[/size] [size=10pt]Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.[/size] [size=8pt]9[/size] [size=10pt]Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]Footnotes:<br />a. Deuteronomy 6:4 Or The LORD our God is one LORD; or The LORD is our God, the LORD is one; or The LORD is our God, the LORD alone[/size]
    <br /><br />edit: just thought I should add a little context; Moses was telling the Israelites that they should follow the commandments in order to live a long life and enjoy their inheritance (the promised land they were about to enter). In comparison to the new covenant, believers are promised immortal life, the inheritance of adoption into YHWH's family and being able to live in the New Jersusalem (the new promised land).<br />
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I appreciate the digging and passion but would like to throw the following in.<br />Before we start a war on religious beliefs, I'd like to get the links to the sources and read myself. <br />What I have found so far does not give a 100% black or 100% white picture.<br /><br />We also have to include into the picture that many English sources have not referred to the original Latin texts (due to language barriers) and that England was involved in wars of protestants vs. catholics for quite some time. Protestant beliefs (thus preferring anti-catholic points of view) dominate the English culture and history (and web sites).<br /><br />The pope is not God. He is representative of God and successor of St. Peter. He's understood as such and has as a representative of God a pretty demanding job to fulfill. <br />IMHO he fails many times to execute it properly.<br />That's why the catholic church not only has tremendous issues to find young priests but also why catholic churches are constantly losing followers.<br />The pope is not the devil either - he's far too imperfect for either task.<br /><br />We have stated that we cannot resolve the mysteries surrounding Michael's disappearance after years of research.<br />How do we dare find out about the mysteries surrounding the Ark - not to talk about the Old Testament - if everything we have at hand is interpretations, versions (King James version) and more or less correct or incorrect translations of incomplete man-made scripts. <br />(Remark: The Old Testament is full of stories about a God demanding blood to be shed to renew the contract. The New Testament is full of stories of a God who is forgiving, loving and caring for the lost sheep / fish. So are we living more like the Old Testament or are we living more like the New Testament? And wasn't the New Testament the answer to the Old Testament? <br />Btw., bloodshed has accompanied mankind since day one and is no invention of neither the pope nor the catholics nor the muslims nor the protestants nor the jews nor Syria or any other country or cultural group in the world.)<br /><br />If you look deep down inside, each one of us might (have) become a murderer at a certain instant. It is all there, inside of us. Just like God is there, inside of us. It is upon each of us every day in the morning when we get up whether we dedicate this day to the bad side or to the good side in us.<br /><br />I am not jumping on any separative opposition train.<br />On the contrary. <br />Unity and faith are the keys to liberation and not judgement of one over the other.<br /><br />It is up to us whether we reinstall the Old Testament again and again or whether we finally agree to live according to the New Testament.<br /><br />Blessings and much love.<br /><br />
    John 8:7 (KJV)<br /><br />7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, <br />He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.  <br />
  • /judge/<br /><br />So much agree on that, Grace!<br /><br />And thanks for all the work you did, Souza!<br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I was thinking about the blood “theme” if I can call this like that and thought it would be a good idea to put all the blood “elements” together in the hopes that it might help understand something, something new, or something more lol.<br /><br />1. We have the blood found on the Ark as described in The Sign’s post.<br /><br />2. There was blood on a t-shirt found in Michael’s bedroom.<br /><br />Blood_stain_blouse.jpg<br /><br />3. I remembered Adi made a connection between the autopsy picture and the Shroud of Turin and this can connect to the bloodied t-shirt as well.<br /><br />
    on 1318385950:
    <br />I posted this on the TIAI thread but thought it should go here too:<br />To me it looks like there is an image of a face photoshopped along his chest and down his abdomen. Almost like the image on the Shroud of Turin…but not exactly the same face. Here are the two pics below to compare:<br /><br />The Shroud of Turin parallel is interesting: <br /><br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shroud_of_Turin<br /><br />It is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered physical trauma in a manner consistent with crucifixion. It is kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, northern Italy. The image on the shroud is commonly associated with Jesus Christ, his crucifixion and burial. The origins of the shroud and its image are the subject of intense debate among scientists, theologians, historians and researchers.<br /><br />There is a lot of debate as to whether the Shroud is authentic or if it is a fake….just like there is about this supposed autopsy picture of Michael!!!!!!!! <br /><br />There is no way I am going to lose faith due to this picture. We know the ambo pic is fake, we know the death picture on the gurney is fake, we know so much about this entire thing is fake…so why wouldn’t this one be fake as well?<br />The media are gorging on this picture like the vultures they are.<br /><br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=19582.0;attach=1829;image<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=19582.0;attach=1830;image<br />
    <br /><br />Grabtuch_Wunden_engl_kl.jpg<br /><br />4. Paris recently tweeted about fake blood for a movie and published a picture of the fake blood in a vial, I find this reference of fake blood intriguing:<br /><br />Paris Jacksoη @ParisJackson <br />*le fake blood for le movie <br /><br /> /><br />5. Wishingstar reminded of "Blood on the dancefloor". That's another good reference that we may need to dig deeper into.<br /><br />51pGpZXuetL._SL500_AA300_.jpg<br /><br />--<br />That’s all the blood references I can think of as of now.<br /><br />To finish I came across a little zombie reference…it’s Thriller 2 after all!  lolol/<br /><br />"By an amazing coincidence, the stone is already moved. How did that happen? By another amazing coincidence, there is someone there who tells them: Jesus has risen and is already gone. The fact that he first needed the stone removed from the tomb’s entrance suggests that Jesus is a reanimated corpse, a zombie Jesus wandering the countryside seeking out his disciples (no wonder they are hiding).<br /><br />It’s understandable that the other gospels changed all this. Matthew has an angel move the stone as the women are standing there, revealing that Jesus is already gone. He’s not a reanimated corpse because the resurrected Jesus has no physical body — he has a spiritual body which passed through the stone.”<br /><br />http://atheism.about.com/od/biblegospelofmark/a/mark16a.htm<br /><br />Edited to add a number 5 ^^.
  • oveliasovelias Posts: 118
    i love all your post :)
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    173112-a-projected-chart-showing-the-marks-on-michael-jacksons-body-is-shown-.jpg9k=  Michael-Jackson.jpg<br /><br /><br />Sarahli, the autopsy chart indicates many punctures, and the famous autopsy pic shows the face of the Shroud of Turin on MJ's abdomen.  The autopsy pic is as fake as the Shroud of Turin, which was most likely of Jack de Molay in the 13th century  http://www.languedocmysteries.info/shroud.htm  , but looks uncannily like Prince William  (Olympics London 2012? ;) )[size=small].  Then the fake Ark of the Covenent connected to the Pope, "vicar in place of Christ", is announced the same day as the fake death of Michael Jackson.  Also I've long seen parallels between MJ's Thriller and the Jesus story.  MJ' jacket is blood red, and he is the "living dead".  He'll "save" us from the terror on the screen, (anti-christ evil).[/size]<br /><br />Library-of-Congress-Michael-Jackson-Thriller.jpg<br /><br />Totally random, my crazy thoughts, didn't Eliza (Presley) get her DNA samples from the envelope licked by supposedly Elvis? Sort of a document?  I'm not sure where I'm going with this.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1328549505:
    <br />I appreciate the digging and passion but would like to throw the following in.<br />Before we start a war on religious beliefs, I'd like to get the links to the sources and read myself. <br />What I have found so far does not give a 100% black or 100% white picture.<br /><br />We also have to include into the picture that many English sources have not referred to the original Latin texts (due to language barriers) and that England was involved in wars of protestants vs. catholics for quite some time. Protestant beliefs (thus preferring anti-catholic points of view) dominate the English culture and history (and web sites).<br /><br />The pope is not God. He is representative of God and successor of St. Peter. He's understood as such and has as a representative of God a pretty demanding job to fulfill. <br />IMHO he fails many times to execute it properly.<br />That's why the catholic church not only has tremendous issues to find young priests but also why catholic churches are constantly losing followers.<br />The pope is not the devil either - he's far too imperfect for either task.<br /><br />We have stated that we cannot resolve the mysteries surrounding Michael's disappearance after years of research.<br />How do we dare find out about the mysteries surrounding the Ark - not to talk about the Old Testament - if everything we have at hand is interpretations, versions (King James version) and more or less correct or incorrect translations of incomplete man-made scripts. <br />(Remark: The Old Testament is full of stories about a God demanding blood to be shed to renew the contract. The New Testament is full of stories of a God who is forgiving, loving and caring for the lost sheep / fish. So are we living more like the Old Testament or are we living more like the New Testament? And wasn't the New Testament the answer to the Old Testament? <br />Btw., bloodshed has accompanied mankind since day one and is no invention of neither the pope nor the catholics nor the muslims nor the protestants nor the jews nor Syria or any other country or cultural group in the world.)<br /><br />If you look deep down inside, each one of us might (have) become a murderer at a certain instant. It is all there, inside of us. Just like God is there, inside of us. It is upon each of us every day in the morning when we get up whether we dedicate this day to the bad side or to the good side in us.<br /><br />I am not jumping on any separative opposition train.<br />On the contrary. <br />Unity and faith are the keys to liberation and not judgement of one over the other.<br /><br />It is up to us whether we reinstall the Old Testament again and again or whether we finally agree to live according to the New Testament.<br /><br />Blessings and much love.<br /><br />
    John 8:7 (KJV)<br /><br />7So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, <br />He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.  <br />
    <br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I do not belong to any religious group, i was "educated" in a catholic school we were instilled fear of earthly powers and not earthly, when i reach maturity and begin to read the true story of America, the catholic church did not attend never more to the church.<br /><br />The Vatican, which is the symbol of corruption, crime and lies in the world, since I also became, has created an empire of fear and fanaticism that has been very useful to carry out actions abhorrent as Christianization, as it is the case of the Crusades, the conquest of America and Africa, their bloody struggle against evil so-called heresy, their participation in wars and crimes throughout history.<br /><br />The fortunes of the Vatican was accumulated mostly by the sack to victims of genocide, such as the Incas and all those countries of Latin America, where had wealth.<br />The Spain conquerors destroyed the Popol Vuh of the Aztecs, who have routinely jailed, tortured and killed in the name of the Christian God, stealing so huge fortunes in gold.<br /><br />Thousands of victims killed in the name of God during the conquest of America, where the natives who survived them cancel their culture and their religion.<br /><br />The Alliance of Church and Government is a real both powers of terror take the reins of the world, conduciendonos toward misery and self-destruction. Economic and political power pays favors provided by the Church. The first, to bless and to justify their impunity and the second by keeping people like sheep.<br /><br />The Vatican is still using fraud, lying, and his inseparable hypocrisy, to continue in the deception to the population, all of this in order to protect their interests and to continue in power, hiding his malevolent face and dark intentions after the true message of Jesus. ;)
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Wow!<br /><br />@Grace, eloquent post.<br /><br /><br />Regarding the Bible, I watched on youtube videos from a Norwegian guy who was very motivated in letting people know the truth about the bible and which parts to believe or not, he made some "interesting" comparisons within his study. Looks to me that it has become trendy to study the Bible.<br /><br />Re; shroud...some historians believe that the shroud its just a fake (as the Ark btw, so many every where...)It is the 1st picture ever made in the 16th century by no other than genius Leonardo Da Vinci, using chemicals on a blanket and exposing them to the sun light. He covered himself with that blanket at the result is the so called shroud.<br /><br />@Sarahli, Happy b-day!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @Paula,<br /><br />Yes, the Spanish conquistadors were brutal but so were the natives offering sacrifices to their gods, human sacrifices in the most cruel way. <br /><br />The natives did not understand the killing of their society with no "sacrifice" to the "Spanish/catholic" God. For them religion and sacrifice was the normal thing to do and killing people aiming for conversion was the odd thing to them.<br /><br />I do not believe in a God that is feed by the lives and blood of innocent creatures, animals or humans.
  • This 1st video is very informative especially if you're an American Citizen. <br />Please take the time to watch even if you're not American.<br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by TheForerunner777 on Jan 21, 2012 <br />While the whole world is FOCUSED on the possible passage of SOPA & PIPA.....<br />THIS IS THE MONSTER THEY ARE SNEAKING THROUGH THE BACK DOOR!!!<br />YOU MUST SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH EVERYONE A.S.A.P! We are HERE!!!
    <br /><br />I know these next 2 videos have been posted on the forum before <br />however these videos also talk of what Souza posted. See below. <br />Please disregard how he talks about MJ. He is only talking truth.<br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by TheForerunner777 on Jul 8, 2009 <br />WHAT MAJOR NEWS DID MICHAEL JACKSON'S FUNERAL COVER-UP?
    <br /><br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by TheForerunner777 on Jul 8, 2009
    <br /><br />Great post Souza. respect/<br />
    Souza:<br />The signs are there for everyone to see, the papacy did think they could change time (Saturday to Sunday) and law (Catholic Church has erased the term ‘seventh day’ from the commandments). On July 7, 2009 the pope “called for a radical rethinking of the global economy, criticizing a growing divide between rich and poor and urging the establishment of a “true world political authority” to oversee the economy and work for the ‘common good.’” (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/08/world/europe/08pope.html)
    <br /><br />Hi MJonmind-<br />I have posted the below link more than once in this thread. <br />http://www.scribd.com/doc/13224723/Enforced-Sunday-Law-Coming-Soon-To-America-by-Vance-Ferrell <br />This book goes into detail and history of the Sunday Law and the Papacy.<br /><br />I even gave you the link when I made a comment to you.<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg386759#msg386759<br /><br />Question to WhiteKnight:<br />
    MJonmind: Interesting! Do you have any sources? It would mean that the MOB that TS says is coming, would be a repeat of that older law, so the church can regain her old power.
    <br />Hmmm interesting indeed. That is exactly what I just said on page 19: the Sunday Law isn't new.<br />Thinking out loud here and saying to myself how the same message that is said by one person is ignored and from another person it is accepted.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1328578560:
    <br />This 1st video is very informative especially if you're an American Citizen. <br />Please take the time to watch even if you're not American.<br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by TheForerunner777 on Jan 21, 2012 <br />While the whole world is FOCUSED on the possible passage of SOPA & PIPA.....<br />THIS IS THE MONSTER THEY ARE SNEAKING THROUGH THE BACK DOOR!!!<br />YOU MUST SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH EVERYONE A.S.A.P! We are HERE!!!
    <br /><br />I know these next 2 videos have been posted on the forum before <br />however these videos also talk of what Souza posted. See below. <br />Please disregard how he talks about MJ. He is only talking truth.<br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by TheForerunner777 on Jul 8, 2009 <br />WHAT MAJOR NEWS DID MICHAEL JACKSON'S FUNERAL COVER-UP?
    <br /><br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by TheForerunner777 on Jul 8, 2009
    <br /><br />Great post Souza. respect/<br />
    Souza:<br />The signs are there for everyone to see, the papacy did think they could change time (Saturday to Sunday) and law (Catholic Church has erased the term ‘seventh day’ from the commandments). On July 7, 2009 the pope “called for a radical rethinking of the global economy, criticizing a growing divide between rich and poor and urging the establishment of a “true world political authority” to oversee the economy and work for the ‘common good.’” (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/08/world/europe/08pope.html)
    <br /><br />Hi MJonmind-<br />I have posted the below link more than once in this thread. <br />http://www.scribd.com/doc/13224723/Enforced-Sunday-Law-Coming-Soon-To-America-by-Vance-Ferrell <br />This book goes into detail and history of the Sunday Law and the Papacy.<br /><br />I even gave you the link when I made a comment to you.<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=22042.msg386759#msg386759<br /><br />Question to WhiteKnight:<br />
    MJonmind: Interesting! Do you have any sources? It would mean that the MOB that TS says is coming, would be a repeat of that older law, so the church can regain her old power.
    <br />Hmmm interesting indeed. That is exactly what I just said on page 19: the Sunday Law isn't new.<br />Thinking out loud here and saying to myself how the same message that is said by one person is ignored and from another person it is accepted.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />If i remember all of that, they take advantage of that time to make this announcement, and the whole world was overwhelmed by the "death" by Michael and not paying attention to these things, Well, the people who understand what it involves new world order
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1328576820:
    <br />@Paula,<br /><br />Yes, the Spanish conquistadors were brutal but so were the natives offering sacrifices to their gods, human sacrifices in the most cruel way. <br /><br />The natives did not understand the killing of their society with no "sacrifice" to the "Spanish/catholic" God. For them religion and sacrifice was the normal thing to do and killing people aiming for conversion was the odd thing to them.<br /><br />I do not believe in a God that is feed by the lives and blood of innocent creatures, animals or humans. <br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />The massacre of Jews and gypsies carried out by Nazi Germany of Hitler in Europe during the second world war is a typical example of genocide.  the annihilation of people and whole communities carried out in America by European settlers and their respective "evangelization" (spanish, portuguese, english, french) is also a genocide. In both examples have lost their lives, in a violent manner, millions of people
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1328578560:
    <br />This 1st video is very informative especially if you're an American Citizen. <br />Please take the time to watch even if you're not American.<br />
    <br />
    Uploaded by TheForerunner777 on Jan 21, 2012 <br />While the whole world is FOCUSED on the possible passage of SOPA & PIPA.....<br />THIS IS THE MONSTER THEY ARE SNEAKING THROUGH THE BACK DOOR!!!<br />YOU MUST SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH EVERYONE A.S.A.P! We are HERE!!!
    <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />His videos are always excellent, thanks for posting this latest one as I hadn't seen it yet.  He posted it on January 21st as well, which is interesting.  It's incredible how he can see events as foretold in the Bible, much like Souza's posts, which are fresh in my mind.  I'm not an American but anything that happens there will directly affect me and my country as we share a HUGE border.  If I remember correctly, Canada's PM Harper signed something a couple years ago, on the down low, turning over control of the country to the American military, under marshall law.  I can't remember the details exactly but there do seem to be world leaders signing away the rights of their citizens, for the benefit of the few and their evil agenda. 
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    <br /><br />Speaking of changing times and laws....papal calendar ring any bells?<br />Great [and very long and detailed ] post Souza. I am convinced that there is emphasis happening, through Divine time and design, bringing about restoration and establishing those who move forward into present truth.  The danger for us lies in letting a sense of spiritual pride that we have the  truth settle into our thinking, thereby making us sit back and dismiss things as not applicable to us. <br />Among many things being addressed  and returned to by those embracing present truth,  are returning to the hebrew  names for  Yahuwah  and Yahushua and the return to the biblical emphasis of the 7th day sabbath as opposed to the vatican instated sunday.  This restoration is also calling many believers out of organized religious systems, all inclusive, and a return to true scriptural paths and guidelines. There are many sites on the net devoted to this restoration. Here is a link to a good one for any who are interested in further study.<br />http://www.worldslastchance.com/end-time-prophecy/come-out-of-her-my-people-part-1.html<br />@Imconvinced...I'm going to post those two videos in the memorial revision thread as they are biblically applicable to the memorial. Thanks for reminding me of them<br />@Andrea....Canada and Mexico are to be combined with the US in their redistribution of former countries by the NWO. I'm sure you know this, but that is very close to home for you people. <br />
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1328586730:
    <br />The danger for us lies in letting a sense of [size=14pt]spiritual pride[/size] that we have the  truth settle into our thinking, thereby making us sit back and dismiss things as not applicable to us.  <br />
    <br /><br />'Spiritual pride' - an interesting phrase that accurately describes what I observe in many 'religious' people who, as mere humans, think they can, and have, solved the most 'super-human' mysteries of the universe.
  • Suzy7Suzy7 Posts: 314
      Im_convinced, it very much matters who you addressed that post to. You stated that "you didn't know where I got my information from when I responded to you." Well, of course what I was responding to wouldn't be found in the post you addressed to someone else, but rather the one you addressed to me. That makes a difference. My posts were in response to your post below:<br /><br />
    on 1327876734:
    <br />
    on 1327839878:
    <br />Im_convinced, I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier, I didn't see your post until now. I'll try and add some more info to make this even clearer, although I think I've said quite a bit. No, I do not think not keeping the Sabbath is taking the Mark of the Beast at all; in fact almost the contrary. Christians are not required to keep the Sabbath according to the Bible. And whether or not it is the "Mark of the Beast" (I'll use abbreviation MOB) depends upon what you believe, simply because Jews keep the Sabbath and therefore it would be MOB, whereas Christians do not and therefore, it would not be the MOB. Also, I doubt atheists think anything is the MOB given they don't even believe in God. I think people should be cautious before accepting that a law like this will even be passed, much less tolerated. Until we see proof this will come into fruition, paranoia is unnecessary and unhelpful.<br /><br />Yes we are living according to the Roman calendar, and thus Sunday is our day of "rest". This did originate from Pagan worship of the Sun, but since we are not required to keep Sabbath any day, especially Sunday, than no Christian is taking the MOB. You stated that the saints will be saved for they will not receive the mark if they have faith and follow God's commandments. Well, isn't that what I've been saying? We are to have faith and follow God's commandments of LOVE, see Jono's posts. This does not require keeping Sabbath, as that law was fulfilled and done away with. Jesus referred to the Jews as the "synagogue of Satan" for a reason; they chose to deny him and even killed him in order to stay bound by the Old Covenant. So although the fourth commandment commands the observing of the 7th day as a sabbath rest, it must be kept in mind that the Ten Commandments were part of the law given to the nation of Israel at Mount Sinai. This law covenant was a sign of *their* relationship with God in order to commemorate their deliverance, not to us. (Deut. 5:15; Ex. 31:16)<br />
    <br /><br />Suzy7- I really think you don't grasp the concept of what the mark of the beast law aka sunday law is. This has nothing to do with whether or not someone is a Christian or Jew. It does not matter if someone believes in God or not. This has to do with Revelation 13 and below is the scripture pointing out what the mark of the beast means for EVERYONE. This is not about Jews keeping the Sabbath and therefore they receive the mark of the beast because they are. This has nothing to do with Christians and them not keeping the Sabbath and therefore they don't receive the mark of the beast. The Sabbath is technically supposed to be kept on Saturday and when the mark of the beast law is enforced people will be forced to keep the Sabbath on the wrong day, Sunday. Now if we refuse to go along with the law and refuse to go to church on sunday then we will not receive the mark of the beast. If someone goes along with it because they will not be able to buy or sell, etc. then they will be taking the mark of the beast. <br />I never once said that the mark of the beast makes a distinction between Jews or Christians. I am neither of those because those are titles that have to do with religious names. I never said anything about saints. The info I copied and pasted said that and also the Bible says so.<br /><br />One other thing about this mark of the beast law, it is not related to Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for us in the way you are connecting it. Yes I know that Jesus died for our sins. Through his blood we are given grace from God and offered salvation. I do know about salvation and it doesn't depend on works to receive it. The subject of that is seperate from what I am pointing out. I have said before this information I am providing is for the sole purpose of it being evidence and after that it is up to the people to study it or not. I have said my last comment on this subject just now and I respect your choice in how to believe so please respect my choice. I am not even saying that anyone should or should not keep the Sabbath. I don't but I know I should because the Bible has God's word saying so.<br /><br />I do not just think this way independantly from not studying and not reading scriptures in the Bible. I have formed my understanding of this issue from study of the Bible in regards to revelations and I have read other info and watched youtube videos. This is not just my opinion. This information is not to make people scared or paranoid but to give them an opportunity to know what is ahead in the near future. The evidence is there for all to see and the proof will be in prophesies fulfilled. ;)<br /><br />http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=revelation 13:15-18&amp;version=NIRV&lt;br />
    15 The second beast was allowed to give breath to the statue so it could speak. He was allowed to kill all who refused to worship the statue. 16 He also forced everyone to receive a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. People great or small, rich or poor, free or slave had to receive the mark. 17 They could not buy or sell anything unless they had the mark. The mark is the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18 Here is a problem that you have to be wise to figure out. If you can, figure out what the beast's number means. It is man's number. His number is 666.
    <br />
    The National Sunday Law if it goes into effect would be a law that would force everyone even athiest into going to church and worshipping on sunday the day for satan. There will be punishments for not going along with the law, for example the fact that we wouldn't be able to buy or sell, wouldn't be able to buy food, clothes, medicine, etc. So basically if I stand my ground and refuse to obey the law I will face punishments. The Sunday law would force people to bow down to satan. Therefore if people follow the law they will be worshipping satan and receive the mark of the beast.
    ^^My comment from my last post. I also would like to point out that the subject of the ark of the covenant was in TS' post and that does have to do with the Ten Commandments.<br />
    <br /><br /> Im_convincedmjalive:<br />
    The above websites could help you and anyone else struggling with this part of the end of the world revelations.
    <br /><br />  I am not "struggling" to understand the EOW, just your contradictions. Also, my question to you was rhetorical; I know you believe in God and the Bible, that is why you care whether or not you receive the "mark of the beast." That is my whole point---your contradiction is that this law has nothing to do with religion (what anyone believes), if it doesn't, why would any religious person care whether or not they are receiving the MOB? So, of course our personal spiritual belief's matter! I also made a post in this thread about TS' mentioning of the Ten Commandments. I did think our conversation ended with my last post, hence why I said (several times), I have respect for your opinion and whatever you or anyone else chooses to believe; even if you continuously choose to misunderstand everything I have written <3. Also, doesn't the Bible state we should be kind, humble, respectful, patient etc., versus rude and condescending? Yes, it does. Therefore I'll add again that I respect your opinion even if it differs from mine.  bearhug<br /><br /><br /> Aussie:<br />
    and SUZY7  - peace and love sister - I agree with your posts and not that you need it, but you have my full support!
    <br /><br /> Aussie, I've been wondering where you've been and thank-you. Good to see you back and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic ;).  bearhug<br /><br />MJonmind:<br />
    Sarahli, the autopsy chart indicates many punctures, and the famous autopsy pic shows the face of the Shroud of Turin on MJ's abdomen.  The autopsy pic is as fake as the Shroud of Turin, which was most likely of Jack de Molay in the 13th century  http://www.languedocmysteries.info/shroud.htm  , but looks uncannily like Prince William  (Olympics London 2012? ;) )[size=small].  Then the fake Ark of the Covenent connected to the Pope, "vicar in place of Christ", is announced the same day as the fake death of Michael Jackson.  Also I've long seen parallels between MJ's Thriller and the Jesus story.  MJ' jacket is blood red, and he is the "living dead".  He'll "save" us from the terror on the screen, (anti-christ evil).[/size]
    <br /><br /> MJonmind, agreed! Great post.<br /><br /> Souza, I've read some of your post and will read the rest when I have time; so far though, I disagree with a few points but I respect all of the time and effort you put into your research.<br /> <br /><br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    MissG<br />
    [size=9pt]Re; shroud...some historians believe that the shroud its just a fake (as the Ark btw, so many every where...)It is the 1st picture ever made in the 16th century by no other than genius Leonardo Da Vinci, using chemicals on a blanket and exposing them to the sun light. He covered himself with that blanket at the result is the so called shroud.[/size]
    <br />[size=9pt]I've heard that somewhere, but have forgotten; it would be quite amazing if true! [/size]<br /><br />[size=9pt]Imconvincedmj_alive[/size]<br />
    [size=9pt]Thinking out loud here and saying to myself how the [/size][size=9pt]same message [/size][size=9pt]that is said by one person is ignored and from another person it is accepted.[/size]
    <br />[size=9pt]I'm sensing rather an accusing tone. I don’t remember everything you’ve posted; sometimes I skim or don’t click on links people give for the sake of time, so I’m sorry if it appears I’ve ignored something you’ve written. It wasn't deliberate.[/size]<br /><br />[size=9pt]Paula-c[/size]<br />
    [size=9pt]The massacre of Jews and gypsies carried out by Nazi Germany of Hitler in Europe during the second world war is a typical example of genocide.  the annihilation of people and whole communities carried out in America by European settlers and their respective "evangelization" (spanish, portuguese, english, french) is also a genocide. In both examples have lost their lives, in a violent manner, millions of people[/size]
    <br />[size=9pt]Yes, and 50X that throughout history around the world.  It’s a huge issue for me as well.  And n[/size][size=9pt]ow TS is talking in such black and white terms, Michael’s side and Satan’s side. [/size][size=9pt]I’m really hoping for more clarification coming soon from him.[/size]<br /><br />[size=9pt]Andrea[/size]<br />
    [size=9pt]He posted it on January 21st as well, which is interesting.[/size]
    <br />
    [size=9pt]Uploaded by TheForerunner777 on Jan 21, 2012[/size]
    [size=9pt]<br />Yes  afraid/ , and interesting message, except I don't like it when preachers yell. :shock: <br />[/size]
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Just asking: are we all sure what we talk about when we mean the "mark of the beast"? <br />Is there a common understanding of it? <br /><br />Is there any "mark of God" on the other hand which we would accept as such in a common understanding?<br />Is the "mark of God" "bijective" - as mathematicians would say - or in modern language: could it be copyrighted and identified by a one and only "unique brand" or could it be falsified by pretenders and wannabees?
  • melodymelody Posts: 196
    Grace, I've only seen two interpretations for the "mark" of God: <br />
      <br />[li]keeping the commandments (which I posted about in the previous page) VS. [/li]<br />[li] the holy spirit "as the mark".[/li]
    <br /><br />However, the following verses imply that both interpretations are correct:<br /><br />
    [size=12pt]Ephesians 1:13-14[/size] (NIV)<br />[size=8pt]13[/size][size=10pt] And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed,[/size] [size=10pt]you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,[/size] [size=8pt]14[/size] [size=10pt]who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.[/size]
    <br /><br />
    [size=12pt]Acts 5:32[/size] (NIV)<br />[size=8pt]32[/size] [size=10pt]We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”[/size]
    <br /><br /><br />From this I gather that both obedience and faith are needed to get the Seal (The Holy Spirit). I was further convinced of this when I read Rev 14:12<br /><br /><br />
    [size=12pt]Revelation 14:12[/size] (KJV)<br /><br />[size=8pt]12[/size] [size=10pt] Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.[/size]
    <br /><br />The saints, his holy (set apart) people, are those who keep the commandments and have a belief/trust/faith in Jesus. Some people interpret "the faith of Jesus" to mean "the same religious faith as Jesus". Whichever way you look at it, commandments are being kept (the way Jesus said to), not to earn righteousness though because those individuals are already considered righteous by believing in Yeshua and what he accomplished. If a person believes in Yeshua, said person will do what Yeshua says—faith & obedience—those individuals are sealed/marked by Him, they have his Spirit and they have his character. <br /><br />Though this is only what I've come across in my study. Is there anyone else who has a differing view?<br /><br /><br /><br />
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