Four years later, how do you feel?



  • Yesterday I tweeted a quick note...this morning I realized some of you guys here are not on twitter .<br />You are all quite special.  I have a special place in my heart for you and the forum....4 years <br />has been been so fast ! Anyways..just wanted you all here to read my short tweet..........<br />Here it is:<br /><br />Do you have any idea how cool MJ fans really are? Well I do ....  They are amazing, thank you! 
  • on 1379866530:
    <br />Yesterday I tweeted a quick note...this morning I realized some of you guys here are not on twitter .<br />You are all quite special.  I have a special place in my heart for you and the forum....4 years <br />has been been so fast ! Anyways..just wanted you all here to read my short tweet..........<br />Here it is:<br /><br />Do you have any idea how cool MJ fans really are? Well I do ....  They are amazing, thank you! <br />
    <br /><br />Thank you, wishingstar  :-*  You are amazing too  :bearhug:
  • Sometime it takes me some time to put good words between 2 silly messages. I was talking with Darina about the hoax and about the gift of love. I was telling her that fakers only have love in their words, but that Michael actually made an act of love by trusting us, offering us all this info about him.<br /><br />All this things we didn't know, or didn't know yet. He disappeared, but he never opened his heart that much. <br />He gave us a wonderfull opportunity to enter his world, know about what inspires him, influence him... all this music, movies, litterature that i never heard about, because we have different cultures.  <br />In a way, i never felt so close to Michael and i think this is HIS GIFT to us, out of love for us. He is not there but i feel he knew he could have trust in people who love him and open his world without us thinking he is nuts or "strange". Letting people know about what you have in your heart, is something rather scary,, and yet if people who are shown can understand you, then you feel loved. <br />we got all this since 4 years and it's even more than all the questions we could ever ask to him. He gave himself to us, putting his trust in us for not judging him.<br /><br />No matter what love you can be shown all around by people who write ABOUT love, Michael GAVE LOVE to us, hoping for LOVE in return. This is his gift to us and i really wish to thank him for it.
  • on 1376432343:
    <br /><br /><br />There are things haven't made a whole lot of sense to me about this hoax, including Paris' suicide attempt story.  I would prefer to think it wasn't real but I won't dismiss it as such because we really don't know.  But I do lean towards it not being real, to be completely honest.  The family confirmed the story, yes, but same with Michael's "death".  The "why" of it won't be determined until later, if it was part of the hoax.  <br /><br />About family members writing (and profiting) from books...this hoax has been available in every form of communication medium.  There have been countless books written about Michael that are full of lies so having some truth from Jermaine and LaToya is refreshing - they actually know and love and grew up with Michael.  They had to "lie" about his "death" because Michael can't BAM on page 123 of a book, they had to stick to the official story.  But I didn't really even have to read between the lines to figure out what was really being said and of course the contradictions just kept mounting.  And about making money, we don't know what Jermaine and LaToya did with their profits and a person doesn't need to buy the book in order to read it.<br /><br />I don't want to end up like the Elvis hoaxers either  :errrr:  but I don't think we will...bec mentioned "Time Doubts" earlier and I think those doubts do creep in for most of us every now and then.  I would think it's normal to become disenchanted from time to time.  The hoax is so complex and convoluted when you really think of the last 4+ years.  I still talk about it to my friends who ask but there would be no way I could do it justice.  I don't doubt the existence of the hoax or that Michael is alive because I would have to ignore these past years and I don't think we collectively imagined it and convinced ourselves of it.  I was thrown off when 2012 ended in a "fail" but there must've been a lesson in there and I got through it, as many of us did.  I still wonder when IT will happen although I don't like to focus on a particular date or time frame anymore because of past disappointments.  But I am excited for it and want to know how it will feel when it finally happens.  I know the wait will be worth it.<br />
    <br /><br />I've been away for a few weeks due to illness, so you'll have to forgive for my belated feedback, but Andrea just want to say I loved this post of yours x
  • on 1378850462:
    <br />I feel like over the past four years, we have come through three main patterns.<br />They bind together the core of what I have come to feel about it all.  <br />They are as follows.......<br /><br />The Three Muses<br /><br />Vision <br /><br />Meaning <br /><br />Level <br /><br /><br />The three muses of this hoaxland adventure.  Independently, they could have various means to the imagination. However, when put together in the context of a hoax, they are an explosive and cunning way to use the imagination to expand the just causes of what we have endured for over 4 years.  Together, these three little words have the power to create distractions, excel thoughts and bring the mind to places its never been.  Let us have a look........ <br /><br />Vision:<br /><br />In the beginning, there was darkness.  The world for anyone who respected Michael, collapsed onJune 25th, 2009.  The world was darkened and nobody wanted to believe the news.  Slowly, people began to see past the media reports, past the tabloid headlines.  Slowly, the online world of a death hoax took shape.  Glimmers of light came from videos.  The forums began to glue things together.  What vision of June 25th were people going to believe the beLIEve or not to believe, that was the question for all in the beginning.  Obviously, I chose to beLIEve fully in a death hoax scenario.  What I did not realize was that the vision I chose, was actually more difficult.  To believe the death of Michael Jackson came at the hands of an unqualified doctor, is believing Michael simply did not care about life.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. I think a man such as MJ, develops such a passion for life, there is nothing he could do more than love it fully.  Even in the darkest of his hours, I think Michael fully embraced loving life.  He is a magical soul who thinks way outside the box.However, it is easier to believe the media reports, the websites, the tabloids (gag)....are they not just the epitome of truth?  Yes, just plain believing Michael died on June 25th, 2009, is the easiest.  Fans have grieved, non-fans have even grieved.  The choice was theirs and they did what they needed to do....that is all fine and good.  On the other hand, beLIEving in the greatest death hoax in the history....has taken years of my life, the patience of Job and the stubbornness of 100 donkeys.  It has been a long, hard, exasperating road. The moment I saw the ambulance back out of Carolwood, I knew something was up.  I felt like it was a super surreal episode of the Twilight Zone. If I have learned anything through all this adventure; it is that we, the public, had a choice to be a part of Michael's visionary history or simple let it pass by.  It almost feels like I morphed into some alternate version of Thriller.  Out and about on a nice day, having fun...then the horrible news reared its ugly head......MJ is dead.  "Not possible," I said fighting back screams of tears....I wanted to run away and hide from it.  The thriller followed......and kept on scaring me.  I am looking forward to the ending of this real-life version of Thriller --->back home safely asleep on my couch! It has all been a bad dream....or has it?<br /> <br />Meaning:<br /><br />To sum up the meaning(s) of this wild ride down the rabbit hole would take endless speculation.  However, I do believe there are many exact reasons for this adventure.  We have been exposed to the media like never before.  Partaking in the headlines ourselves, and feeling we can contribute thoughts through the social networks--->such as I am doing right now.  Decades ago, I could have written a similar essay.  It would have stayed in a folder, never to be shared with anyone.  Now writers, thinkers, doers all have the same potential as any media members. The playing field has been leveled through technology.  Because of that, the media is easier to expose...if you know where to look.  The facts surrounding June 25th are at best sketchy.  The media would have us look at paramedic reports, autopsy reports, legal papers, court documents and much of these are even legitimate? I still contend that HIPPA would have prevented many of these from being released.  So much personal medical information has been shown. Again, being exposed to this through the media and having a choice of what to believe.  Many people read the reports and believe each word...fine. But, those who followed closely, will read those reports and beLIEve a different tale.  So changing how the public views the headlines...a big deal.  We beLIEvers have also learned much about art, history, religion, politics, science, and ourselves.  It is the learning of one's self that will take us further down the rabbit hole.  Each time I learn something about myself, I am empowered to go farther, dig deeper and open my mind even more.  The world is huge place, yet it gets smaller by the day.  I feel more ready to deal with things now, than four years ago. Friendships formed, friendships broken....all with lessons learned.  The online world of this hoax, takes a toll both mentally and physically.  We can only speculate as the true meaning of it all.  However, I am reminded of a post I did almost a year ago. It was in response to the subject of how Michael would not have done this to his fans. I am going to just post a part of it here for you read:<br /><br />So Michael wouldn't do what to his fans? <br /> <br />Give them the thrill of a lifetime?  <br />Give them the opportunity to better themselves through hard study and reading?  <br />Give them the opportunity to see the mainstream media for the the bloodsuckers they are?<br />Give them the opportunity to broaden their horizons beyond his gold pants?  <br />Give them the opportunity to seek the truth of his life? <br />Give them the opportunity to finally give respect to the world's greatest entertainment family? <br />Give them the opportunity to find a deeper meaning to life and appreciate what we are given?  <br /><br />I just don't understand that whole "he wouldn't do this to his fans" thing.  He always strived to make new<br />pathways in entertainment.  He broke barriers and shattered records all his life.  I clearly don't have all the <br />answers to Michael's hoax.  But, what I do have is an understanding that he didn't do this to his fans, <br />he did it for his fans. <br /><br /><br />That is all still very relevant in my thoughts......Michael gave his fans this opportunity.  Some took it,some did not.  It is not up to me to change people's minds about if Michael died or is about people realizing it for themselves, learning to accept things they can not see or understand and just have faith.  Man in the Mirror has played in my heart and mind all through this adventure.  To learn and change one's heart, one's mind into a positive, loving outcome....what better gift? <br /><br />Levels: <br /><br />So many indeed!  This hoax began for most of the world June 25, 2009.  Increasing chatter however, possibly puts the beginning much earlier.  I do not know too much about is fascinating to think about.  Right now, all I can do is embrace June 25th.  The very first levelwas an infant open the mind to a possibility.  It is so difficult for people to do even that.People are set in their ways, their beliefs and their hearts.  For me, it took expanding the mind and really thinking about what Michael might have done.  He is known as The King of Pop.  I have always thought that, "Pop" meant more than just music.  So when I decided to jump on the first level in 2009, and beLIEve.....I was hooked.  The more I read, the more I studied, the more I became a steadfast beLIEver in Michael's adventure called Hoax.  This time, the song, Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'came to my mind.  It was the start of the forums, the videos, the blogs, and the websites.  It was, indeed, the start of something big.  The internet was teaming with bloggers, writers, video makers...all wanting to expose the clues of the hoax.  It was the greatest of times.  Each day brought new thoughts, new ideas, newclues.  We were introduced to people like DaveDave, TS and eventually Front.  It was too high to get over, and too low to get under.....I was stuck in the the middle.  Middle Hoax, like Middle Earth, had many pathways,cliffs, ditches, and dead-ends.  However, one clear path always existed for, hope and love.  That path was clearly the correct one.  With those things, I have stayed the course, on target with my full belief in Michael.  The levels have been deep and wide.  Canvasing my heart and mind, trying to make me fall......I will not.  The beLIEVers now have seemingly begun a division...sad, but true.  With the formation of multiple forums, different beliefs on our man of the hour--->Front, different beliefs on some vital aspects....the lines were drawn carefully.  Now, the song Beat It is being played out in full these days.  West Side Hoax should be the stage play. If anyone wants to write that with me after BAM, let me know....I am always game for a new adventure!  I still do not know what to make of it all.  Taking sides is not how I like to live.  I have been friends with many people and intend on staying that way if at all possible.  I want to see this through and bring people together from all pointsof the globe and thoughts......from deaders to the most ardent beLIEvers.  I have a feeling it will take another level of pain and frustration to get there.  I will not turn away, I hope others do not either.  If perseverance and patience were ever a level....I have that for sure.  Perhaps, I should queue up Come Together .... one of my favorites! <br /><br />Whatever you may or may not believe, please know Michael cares about you and believes fully in the power of you. This is something I have come to realize.  He is in control of this grand adventure, and each person matters.  Regardless of social media choices and beliefs in June 25th, we are still one.  We are one under the umbrella of the greatest entertainer of our time: Michael Jackson.  God Bless him, his family....and us.  Hold on tight my friends, it is only going to get better!<br /><br />As always, look to the stars and count the wishes of yours...I'll be there too! <br />Blessings always,<br />Wishingstar<br />
    <br /><br />Wishy, ur amazables! Seriously love ya more and more each time I read ur posts! #respect
  • sorry if i'm off topic, but i couldn't find the correct thread.  i know i'm 3 dys late but what (if anything) happened with robert connors. checked his YT page nothing.
  • on 1380210429:
    <br />sorry if i'm off topic, but i couldn't find the correct thread.  i know i'm 3 dys late but what (if anything) happened with robert connors. checked his YT page nothing.<br />
    <br /><br />this is the thread :,24090.msg447456/topicseen.html#new
  • on 1380213257:
    <br />
    on 1380210429:
    <br />sorry if i'm off topic, but i couldn't find the correct thread.  i know i'm 3 dys late but what (if anything) happened with robert connors. checked his YT page nothing.<br />
    <br /><br />this is the thread :,24090.msg447456/topicseen.html#new<br />
    <br /><br />thanks thriller4ever....WEIRD !!
  • on 1380207472:
    <br />
    on 1378850462:
    <br />I feel like over the past four years, we have come through three main patterns.<br />They bind together the core of what I have come to feel about it all.  <br />They are as follows.......<br /><br />The Three Muses<br /><br />Vision <br /><br />Meaning <br /><br />Level <br /><br /><br />The three muses of this hoaxland adventure.  Independently, they could have various means to the imagination. However, when put together in the context of a hoax, they are an explosive and cunning way to use the imagination to expand the just causes of what we have endured for over 4 years.  Together, these three little words have the power to create distractions, excel thoughts and bring the mind to places its never been.  Let us have a look........ <br /><br />Vision:<br /><br />In the beginning, there was darkness.  The world for anyone who respected Michael, collapsed onJune 25th, 2009.  The world was darkened and nobody wanted to believe the news.  Slowly, people began to see past the media reports, past the tabloid headlines.  Slowly, the online world of a death hoax took shape.  Glimmers of light came from videos.  The forums began to glue things together.  What vision of June 25th were people going to believe the beLIEve or not to believe, that was the question for all in the beginning.  Obviously, I chose to beLIEve fully in a death hoax scenario.  What I did not realize was that the vision I chose, was actually more difficult.  To believe the death of Michael Jackson came at the hands of an unqualified doctor, is believing Michael simply did not care about life.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. I think a man such as MJ, develops such a passion for life, there is nothing he could do more than love it fully.  Even in the darkest of his hours, I think Michael fully embraced loving life.  He is a magical soul who thinks way outside the box.However, it is easier to believe the media reports, the websites, the tabloids (gag)....are they not just the epitome of truth?  Yes, just plain believing Michael died on June 25th, 2009, is the easiest.  Fans have grieved, non-fans have even grieved.  The choice was theirs and they did what they needed to do....that is all fine and good.  On the other hand, beLIEving in the greatest death hoax in the history....has taken years of my life, the patience of Job and the stubbornness of 100 donkeys.  It has been a long, hard, exasperating road. The moment I saw the ambulance back out of Carolwood, I knew something was up.  I felt like it was a super surreal episode of the Twilight Zone. If I have learned anything through all this adventure; it is that we, the public, had a choice to be a part of Michael's visionary history or simple let it pass by.  It almost feels like I morphed into some alternate version of Thriller.  Out and about on a nice day, having fun...then the horrible news reared its ugly head......MJ is dead.  "Not possible," I said fighting back screams of tears....I wanted to run away and hide from it.  The thriller followed......and kept on scaring me.  I am looking forward to the ending of this real-life version of Thriller --->back home safely asleep on my couch! It has all been a bad dream....or has it?<br /> <br />Meaning:<br /><br />To sum up the meaning(s) of this wild ride down the rabbit hole would take endless speculation.  However, I do believe there are many exact reasons for this adventure.  We have been exposed to the media like never before.  Partaking in the headlines ourselves, and feeling we can contribute thoughts through the social networks--->such as I am doing right now.  Decades ago, I could have written a similar essay.  It would have stayed in a folder, never to be shared with anyone.  Now writers, thinkers, doers all have the same potential as any media members. The playing field has been leveled through technology.  Because of that, the media is easier to expose...if you know where to look.  The facts surrounding June 25th are at best sketchy.  The media would have us look at paramedic reports, autopsy reports, legal papers, court documents and much of these are even legitimate? I still contend that HIPPA would have prevented many of these from being released.  So much personal medical information has been shown. Again, being exposed to this through the media and having a choice of what to believe.  Many people read the reports and believe each word...fine. But, those who followed closely, will read those reports and beLIEve a different tale.  So changing how the public views the headlines...a big deal.  We beLIEvers have also learned much about art, history, religion, politics, science, and ourselves.  It is the learning of one's self that will take us further down the rabbit hole.  Each time I learn something about myself, I am empowered to go farther, dig deeper and open my mind even more.  The world is huge place, yet it gets smaller by the day.  I feel more ready to deal with things now, than four years ago. Friendships formed, friendships broken....all with lessons learned.  The online world of this hoax, takes a toll both mentally and physically.  We can only speculate as the true meaning of it all.  However, I am reminded of a post I did almost a year ago. It was in response to the subject of how Michael would not have done this to his fans. I am going to just post a part of it here for you read:<br /><br />So Michael wouldn't do what to his fans? <br /> <br />Give them the thrill of a lifetime?  <br />Give them the opportunity to better themselves through hard study and reading?  <br />Give them the opportunity to see the mainstream media for the the bloodsuckers they are?<br />Give them the opportunity to broaden their horizons beyond his gold pants?  <br />Give them the opportunity to seek the truth of his life? <br />Give them the opportunity to finally give respect to the world's greatest entertainment family? <br />Give them the opportunity to find a deeper meaning to life and appreciate what we are given?  <br /><br />I just don't understand that whole "he wouldn't do this to his fans" thing.  He always strived to make new<br />pathways in entertainment.  He broke barriers and shattered records all his life.  I clearly don't have all the <br />answers to Michael's hoax.  But, what I do have is an understanding that he didn't do this to his fans, <br />he did it for his fans. <br /><br /><br />That is all still very relevant in my thoughts......Michael gave his fans this opportunity.  Some took it,some did not.  It is not up to me to change people's minds about if Michael died or is about people realizing it for themselves, learning to accept things they can not see or understand and just have faith.  Man in the Mirror has played in my heart and mind all through this adventure.  To learn and change one's heart, one's mind into a positive, loving outcome....what better gift? <br /><br />Levels: <br /><br />So many indeed!  This hoax began for most of the world June 25, 2009.  Increasing chatter however, possibly puts the beginning much earlier.  I do not know too much about is fascinating to think about.  Right now, all I can do is embrace June 25th.  The very first levelwas an infant open the mind to a possibility.  It is so difficult for people to do even that.People are set in their ways, their beliefs and their hearts.  For me, it took expanding the mind and really thinking about what Michael might have done.  He is known as The King of Pop.  I have always thought that, "Pop" meant more than just music.  So when I decided to jump on the first level in 2009, and beLIEve.....I was hooked.  The more I read, the more I studied, the more I became a steadfast beLIEver in Michael's adventure called Hoax.  This time, the song, Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'came to my mind.  It was the start of the forums, the videos, the blogs, and the websites.  It was, indeed, the start of something big.  The internet was teaming with bloggers, writers, video makers...all wanting to expose the clues of the hoax.  It was the greatest of times.  Each day brought new thoughts, new ideas, newclues.  We were introduced to people like DaveDave, TS and eventually Front.  It was too high to get over, and too low to get under.....I was stuck in the the middle.  Middle Hoax, like Middle Earth, had many pathways,cliffs, ditches, and dead-ends.  However, one clear path always existed for, hope and love.  That path was clearly the correct one.  With those things, I have stayed the course, on target with my full belief in Michael.  The levels have been deep and wide.  Canvasing my heart and mind, trying to make me fall......I will not.  The beLIEVers now have seemingly begun a division...sad, but true.  With the formation of multiple forums, different beliefs on our man of the hour--->Front, different beliefs on some vital aspects....the lines were drawn carefully.  Now, the song Beat It is being played out in full these days.  West Side Hoax should be the stage play. If anyone wants to write that with me after BAM, let me know....I am always game for a new adventure!  I still do not know what to make of it all.  Taking sides is not how I like to live.  I have been friends with many people and intend on staying that way if at all possible.  I want to see this through and bring people together from all pointsof the globe and thoughts......from deaders to the most ardent beLIEvers.  I have a feeling it will take another level of pain and frustration to get there.  I will not turn away, I hope others do not either.  If perseverance and patience were ever a level....I have that for sure.  Perhaps, I should queue up Come Together .... one of my favorites! <br /><br />Whatever you may or may not believe, please know Michael cares about you and believes fully in the power of you. This is something I have come to realize.  He is in control of this grand adventure, and each person matters.  Regardless of social media choices and beliefs in June 25th, we are still one.  We are one under the umbrella of the greatest entertainer of our time: Michael Jackson.  God Bless him, his family....and us.  Hold on tight my friends, it is only going to get better!<br /><br />As always, look to the stars and count the wishes of yours...I'll be there too! <br />Blessings always,<br />Wishingstar<br />
    <br /><br />Wishy, ur amazables! Seriously love ya more and more each time I read ur posts! #respect<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /> are so sweet to say really, really means a lot to me.  <br />I love reading your posts...always so full of thought and perspective.....really appreciate them! <br />It's been a long 4+ years, hasn't it?  So full of things I would have never imagined! <br />I still shake my head at the fact I am still online, lol......and writing through it all.  <br />Thank you again........much appreciated! <br />Have a beautiful day!<br />LOVE <br /><br />PS><br />I posted a twitlonger was a different and sort of fun exercise.  <br />Here it is:<br /><br />The Power of One: One Word at a Time<br /><br />I have always known the power of music and what it can make you feel.<br />What I find interesting, is the power of words with music. Not as in song.......<br />as single words, gathered together as one thought. I have a little exercise for you to<br /> may not enjoy it, like it, or otherwise be moved. However, I suspect you will. <br />I recently came across a piece of music that instantly moved me to tears. It reminded me<br />of Michael's life....his talent, his light, his love for all things. I have it here for you to listen. <br />Please begin the music in a separate tab/window, then read the following with the beats <br />of the music.....and feel. <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson......<br />One Word at a Time<br /><br /><br />Love<br /><br />Talent<br /><br />Passion<br /><br />Gifted<br /><br />Sharing<br /><br />Laughter<br /><br />Humility <br /><br />Dreams<br /><br />Creative<br /><br />Expression <br /><br />Fever<br /><br />Willing<br /><br />Caress<br /><br />Temptation <br /><br />Captivating<br /><br />Inspired <br /><br />Drama<br /><br />Sadness<br /><br />Sign<br /><br />Vision<br /><br />Planning<br /><br />Execution <br /><br />Trials<br /><br />Lies<br /><br />Broken<br /><br />Pain<br /><br />Strength <br /><br />Light<br /><br />Spirit <br /><br />Staring<br /><br />Dangerous<br /><br />Effective<br /><br />Incredible <br /><br />Determination<br /><br />Perfection<br /><br />Giving <br /><br />Stunning<br /><br />Beauty<br /><br />Respect<br /><br />Artistry<br /><br />Living<br /><br />Powerful<br /><br />Invincible <br /><br />Capable<br /><br />Grateful <br /><br />Heart<br /><br />Soul<br /><br />Amazing<br /><br />Grace<br /><br />Love <br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />I wrote these 50 words on impulse, to the beat of this music. As you can see, Michael<br />begins and ends with one word: love. <br />Have a blessed day and thank you for reading! <br />Wishingstar
  • It's been 4 years since he "disappeared ".Time is going so fast.What can I say, I miss him so much , I never stopped believing and dreaming of a comeback .What really matters is him to be OK , happy and healthy .I hope from the bottom of my heart that now he can live exactly like he want's to.
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    Hi friends :icon_razz: time flies and a week ago  I realized that 4 years passed unbelievable fast and nothing has changed in my heart - I still believe and wish him to be happy and healthy!
  • A couple of weeks ago a friend was asking me if I still believe that Michael is alive, even after 4 years of no signs (from her non-believer POV). My answer was"yes, I still do and nothing can change that", even more my faith has grown over the 4 years. I am a believer from the start and until this day I am happy to have read, researched, collected news, clues, dots etc and to have learned about this hoax. I am more and more convinced and I have faith that Michael has many reasons behind his hoax and that this hoax is serving multiple purposes. I am also glad to have joined you in this hoax adventure here, with some of you for many years now. I wouldn´t have missed it for the world. Although I am not posting as often as I used to do, I am still with you. I am dividing time between this forum, MJfam on Twitter and the BacktoFront forum, all with LOVE.<br />And of course I would love to see Michael back, no matter if it is on a movie screen, on stage, in a music production, behind the camera or behind the curtain, what matters (to me) is that he´s happy and doing all the things he always wanted to do/achieve/live. So I hope all is going well according to his (hoax) plan and in his life.  :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile <br /><br />Love always  :bearhug:
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    on 1382987897:
    <br />Hi friends :icon_razz: time flies and a week ago  I realized that 4 years passed unbelievable fast and nothing has changed in my heart - I still believe and wish him to be happy and healthy!<br />
    <br /><br />Emulik Hello! Welcome back home, it makes me happy to know you're here. Get all my love and light in your heart!                        :bearhug:
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    on 1383000792:
    <br />
    on 1382987897:
    <br />Hi friends :icon_razz: time flies and a week ago  I realized that 4 years passed unbelievable fast and nothing has changed in my heart - I still believe and wish him to be happy and healthy!<br />
    <br /><br />Emulik Hello! Welcome back home, it makes me happy to know you're here. Get all my love and light in your heart!                        :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />We are really a greatest family !!!! Love you all very very much!!!  :bearhug:
  • on 1383001133:
    <br />
    on 1383000792:
    <br />
    on 1382987897:
    <br />Hi friends :icon_razz: time flies and a week ago  I realized that 4 years passed unbelievable fast and nothing has changed in my heart - I still believe and wish him to be happy and healthy!<br />
    <br /><br />Emulik Hello! Welcome back home, it makes me happy to know you're here. Get all my love and light in your heart!                        :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />We are really a greatest family !!!! Love you all very very much!!!  :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />Hi Emulik, so nice to see you back :)
  • So it's alittle over four years now...........On day one the moment I found out I hoped it was a hoax and that he took his babies to live peacefully somewhere out of public eye......I also felt that he would feel the need to come sad this has not happened yet  :icon_e_confused:
    Hi guys.<br /><br />After 4 years, I just don't know what I feel. I took a long break from the hoaxland, not because I wnated to, but because things just happened in my life and the wave just took me with it, I've met new people who captured my attention, I've learned new things about myself, about my mind, my feelings, which I constantly try to analize and understand better.<br />Michael, if you are here, though it sounds crazy to still  believe you're here, Michael, I want to say I'm sorry for being weak, for not staying here full time till the end, not because I've lost faith, but because maybe it was enough. I am not a patient person. I am that kind of results-oriented person, and I just don't have patience to wait indefinitely for something to happen. Of course you're in charge, you do whatever you want to, but your plans are made on such a long term that it's too much for me. This is it...sorry Michael, I don't know what else to say.<br /><br />As listening to your music became too painful, I started to listen to different genders so I can distance myself from something that caused me joy but also a deep pain. Your music forces people to leave their comfort zone and fight to be better, to change themselves, to try to be perfect, like the Bible says, and ...I've just gave up at some point, maybe I've reached a critical point or something,I had to move on to stop the suffering involved in the process of change. <br />Sometimes  I listen to your music again and I end up crying every single time. Because you are too good for this world, too good for me, I feel unworthy or maybe the air upthere is too thin for me, I don't know,  let's just say I'm only human and I can not be perfect. Yeah I love the golden pants and all that they mean to women, but I don't feel bad about myself for that. I mean what's not to like :)) ? If this is a sin, I can't fight with it and in fact I don't want to fight it for a second  :) because it feels good :).  <br /><br />........... I am not sure what I feel. Looking back to those first days after June 25th I still can not believe you are dead. Though the probability is that you are indeed dead. It hurts less now, let's say now I can accept the idea, after so many years I can finally accept it without feeling like the whole life doesn't have sense anymore. But it still looks like a hoax, I must say  :). <br />Anyway, I love you, you're the closest to perfection from all people I know or don't know hahahahha! In my head you're the closest to perfection. I wish you are happy, rich and free. <br />And of course I love you Michael Jackson, like everybody else here, I love you handsome.<br />
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    Hi Gina !!!!  glad to see you !!!    :)
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    Hi Gina, nice to see you here again! Glad you found good people. No matter if you walked away and it was good for you, fine, but as my mother says "always came home" Welcome!    :bearhug:
    thank you guys. I admire you for not giving up, really
  • New here. I have been reading this forum for awhile and decided to join. Been aware of the hoax since the beginning. I do think "something" is about to go down with MJ. More and more things seem to be coming out.  :Pulling_hair:
  • Hi Michaelslady - can you be more specific on what is happening to make you believe something's about to happen? I'd love to hear what you have to say.<br /><br />Welcome :)<br /><br />Blessings to you!
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I still feel the same - don't post much but am still following and believe he is 'out there' somewhere.
  • on 1390263460:
    <br />So it's alittle over four years now...........On day one the moment I found out I hoped it was a hoax and that he took his babies to live peacefully somewhere out of public eye......I also felt that he would feel the need to come sad this has not happened yet  :icon_e_confused:<br />
    <br /><br />off topic.  this clip in your signature , where does it come from? it has always intrigued me whenever i see it. wanting to see more of what is going on at the time of it.
  • I took a lot of distance since few time... maybe that's what helps me to be back here from time to time to says "i'm still here".<br /><br />All i know is that this story last for too long to be a simple "death". It was strange in the beginning and the fact that it is still going on, IS strange. <br /><br />I'm still so full of hopes, and full of question and full of "fed-up-ness" lol  I don't know where to start lol  It's like this little song that comes one day in your head, you sing it all day long, you hate it and like it at the same time, and when you think you forgot it, here it comes again to tickle your ears and you start humhumming again. <br /><br />This hoax cannot leave you alone. No matter what, it's here, it's in everything you see, hear, say.... It comes back any time you enter a shop where MJ's music is playing. It runs at you anytime you see the number 7 adding up somewhere. And you think you're nuts.<br /><br />It's here all around me, because MJ's is always somewhere in my heart. He keeps knocking gently at my door, reminding me there's nothing i can do about it, to forget about the hoax, forget about him. I look at all those "clues" in my life, making me think MJ is not dead,MJ is someplace i don't know ,yet. I look at it with a smile and i think to myself "Maybe soon, i know you'll do that in your own time, as you always did" and i try to get back to everyday stuff.<br /><br />
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