Do you think Michael Jackson uses this forum?



  • Just think, the taxpayers of LA are really going to be upset when they find out they had to pay for a funeral that really didn't happen, lol

    But then again, MJ ran up his own bills so why not run up others.

    Sweetie, I've already used my real name, lol
  • Me too, I've used my real name, its my nickname that MJ gave to me while I stayed at Neverland ranch. He use to trust me with the keys to the place and I worked in security so that was my nickname from him, I get pics and cards from him everyday from ImaginaryLand, he calls me too, I tell him how bad his dad is trying to get his money and how they have already exploited the kids on tv and etc and he says he doesn't care because if he did he wouldn't have faked his death.
    Oh please <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    you know, a guest comes but there's a time when a guest really has to leave.....
  • @MJFan7

    If you have hard core proof, then go to the cnn news or other news outlets and give them your proof, you will be famous, OH WAIT, YOU CAN'T BECAUSE MJ IS DEAD

    D E A D
    D E A D
    D E A D
  • That's right, and they go to IMAGINARYLAND, hee hee!!
  • Maybe he did read it but if i were him i wouldn't come back the next time. Without being disrespectful but sometimes a lot of hateful words are spread around his family and friends (and even his fans) and he didn't name you as his "after "death"" protectors. It's something you chose to do for him without having any real confirmation or clue that what you are doing is ok or if that's what he wanted. You just assume and write the story yourself. You wrote a story where Michael actually faked his death, did it to save the world and will come back in glory. And you are still writting it after 2 years. It is all right to believe what you think, it is all right to write all the conclusions you assume based on clues more or less realistic, it is all right to create a wishful story and damn, it is all right to be dissapointed (or not) - it's part of growing up. But while doing this, if your heart is where you pretend to be, don't forget the man - Michael Jackson.

    1guest, that’s deep! But I like what you say because I think I understand your point, and if so, I agree with you. In so many words, I think you’re saying that while it’s human nature to get caught up in the drama of life, the lesson or the “growing up” lies in realizing that the drama (including the potential disappointment experienced as a result of believing the drama to be real) is of our own making. Regarding Michael Jackson and a possible hoax, we tend to become so absorbed in our personal desire to see and construct trees (any trees) that we sometimes forget to respect and enjoy the beauty of the forest that is Michael Jackson, a fellow human being.

    Yes, starchild, this is exactly what i mean. Thank you. As for purelove, sorry, you are not coherent, at least i haven't seen any connection between my post and your angry reply, therefore i cannot answer to you. Keep smiling everyone and take care of Michael!
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Me too, I've used my real name, its my nickname that MJ gave to me while I stayed at Neverland ranch. He use to trust me with the keys to the place and I worked in security so that was my nickname from him, I get pics and cards from him everyday from ImaginaryLand, he calls me too, I tell him how bad his dad is trying to get his money and how they have already exploited the kids on tv and etc and he says he doesn't care because if he did he wouldn't have faked his death.

    When did you stay at Neverland? What year and occasion? Just curious.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=60&t=616&p=9008#p9008<!-- l -->

    Just to bring some lightness in this thread, and maybe a food-for-thought for our non-believers (remember, this is partly from the old forum, and it hasn't been updated. Anyone??)
    Why I can’t let it go

    I’ve been lurking around other Michael Jackson fan boards lately where death hoax investigators are a minority and the prevailing opinion is that we are all paranoid footloops that are looking too deeply into things and we should just let it go and let him rest in peace. And I began thinking why can’t I do that? Because it doesn’t make anything make more sense that’s why.

    I mean for the purposes of this post let’s go with that premise that Michael did indeed die on June 25th what does that do to the case?

    First off it makes everybody in this scenario an idiot including Michael himself. Okay so he is embarking on his comeback tour and he is under stress from preparing for this, possibly upset that he now has to do 50 concerts instead of the original 10 he wanted, and maybe a bit insecure about how the fans will react to him after being gone from the concert scene for a decade and starts to have trouble sleeping. So Mr. holistic lifestyle who eats organic foods, who thinks we should be careful about what we put in our bodies, and who admitted to having an addiction to painkillers in 1993 so he knows the dangers of overusing prescription drugs decides the best way to deal with this is to start taking Propofol. A drug that is known to cause amnesia effects in people which is really good for someone who supposed to remember several dance routines and song lyrics. Also he is going to keep this drug and empty bottles of it stashed in his house where his young children might find it. Now according to Arnold Klein Michael had used Propofol before during the HIStory tour under an anaesthesiologist so who does Michael decide should be the one to administer this drug and monitor him to make sure everything is safe while he is under this time? Dr. Conrad Murray.

    Dr. Murray is a cardiologist not an anaesthesiologist and apparently doesn’t know how to properly administer Propofol because he was calling Klein to learn how to do it, but despite this inexperience he decides that the big paycheque (from a guy who was supposed to be broke strange that) is too good to pass up after all what could possibly go wrong?

    Well on June 25th something does go wrong and more people join the idiot line-up. Murray gives Michael Propofol wanders outside to go use the bathroom comes back to find him not breathing, but with a weak pulse and starts doing CPR. Okay so a licensed cardiologist doesn’t know that you don’t give CPR to a person with a pulse and also is doing this CPR with one hand (useless!) and on a bed, even more than useless! When this does nothing 911 gets called and another moron picks up. Our professional 911 operator is told that the patient is not breathing and they are trying to pump him. He does not immediately ask if the patient has a pulse because again if he does he should tell them to stop pumping him and perform artificial respiration only. Then the operator when informed that there is a doctor on scene tells the caller the doctor has more authority than him, the paramedics are on their way, and hangs up. Great! So if anything else went wrong with the patient between the phone call and the paramedic’s arrival the paramedics don’t know about it.

    Well the paramedics arrive and work on him for almost an hour and decide to take him to the hospital. The ambulance driver decides that quickest way to get the patient there is to back out of the gates as slowly as possible rather than circling around the driveway so he/she go out on the street facing forward. Oh and to do all this backing out without the siren on so people will know that we have a life-threatening emergency going on! All right so we get to the hospital and rush-I mean slowly move the stretcher into emergency with no IV line, and the paramedics apparently doing no work on the patient. The hospital continues to work on Michael for another hour, but are unable to save him and at 2:26pm he is declared dead.

    The world is notified and the grieving starts and the family and friends of Michael proceed to…act like a bunch of assholes. I don’t mean that they aren’t grieving hard enough I mean that Joe goes out to promote his record label Jermaine seems to be trying to suck up any rays of fame he can from this event. Latoya says his death was the result of foul play and instead of going to the police apparently helps the rest of the family take carloads of items out of Michael’s home thoroughly disrupting the crime scene. Klein and Mark Lester come out to say they might be the fathers of Michael’s kids, Karen Faye puts weird posts up about him on her facebook, and Mac and Liz have nothing to say at all. The family invites Kenny Ortega to the funeral and have the This is it dancers as ushers, why would you do that if they were part of the problem that lead Michael to his death?

    Finally if go with the situation that Michael truly left the world last summer, well what situation do we use? According to the tribute to Michael in the Hello magazine I got in early July the story was that Michael seemed to have a great performance the night before spent time playing with his kids afterwards and called Katherine so the kids could talk to their grandmother. Then Michael went to bed, but had difficulty sleeping that night and had taken a tranquilizer to relax got up the next day to get ready for the rehearsals that were supposed to take place in the morning and then suddenly collapsed. Those who witnessed it thought he was joking, but eventually figured out something was really wrong called 911 he was rushed to the hospital and unfortunately they were unable to save him.

    Then the story was that the rehearsal apparently went until midnight on June 24th. Okay so obviously Michael didn’t spend the last hours of that night with his kids because they would have been in bed at that time nor did he call Katherine, why would you call the kids’ grandma at 1 am? Also he didn’t sleep at all and Murray gave him all kinds of drugs that night trying to help (and yet somehow Murray doesn’t know the exact address of the house he is doing this at? Even though he has supposedly done this before?) until around 10am on June 25th when he gave in to Michael’s demands for Propofol. Who bothers trying to sleep at 10 am when there are young kids at home and rehearsals later the same day? There is supposedly video footage of the dancers being told that Michael died so obviously they were already at the Staples Centre waiting for him. So let’s say Murray injects Michael at 10 am and rehearsals start at 2pm, what meaningful sleep is going to be had in four hours at best?

    Now the story has changed yet again because Murray’s girlfriend says he was on the phone to her when he found Michael in distress dropped the phone and began doing CPR. Okay so now instead of Murray finding Michael not breathing making a bunch of phone calls and then doing CPR/looking for help he injected Michael went to the bathroom or whatever stayed there for an hour or two then came back to find Michael not breathing. Oh well that just makes it all better! [/sarcasm] Why has this man not been arrested yet?

    And this doesn’t even scratch the surface of all the other things that keep changing. We’ve heard that Michael was a tired druggie controlled by everyone, forced to do those concerts. Well that’s not what showed up on the rehearsal footage in This Is It. He was in a coma when he arrived at UCLA and died there versus they were never able to re-establish a pulse. He looked like he was sleeping, his face had been battered by CPR. He was warm he was cold, the paramedics didn’t recognize him and yet the photo of him in the ambulance clearly shows this is Michael Jackson. Prince saw him collapse in the living room, he collapsed in Murray’s room, he never woke up at all, and on and on it goes.

    To conclude Michael being dead doesn’t change the fact that this whole fiasco is weird as hell. Something is going on here there is no other logical conclusion to draw from this anymore, and if that something turns out to still involve Michael being dead then I can be comfortable in the fact that I didn’t just go along with what the media told me I questioned, I researched and I came to my own conclusions. I came to have a better understanding of Michael as a person and a desire to carry his message to the world forward and I don’t think that’s disrespectful to Michael’s memory in any way.
    by Curlsformygirl (thank you!)

    Another is from the old MJHD, i managed to drag it from cashe, but it was reposted and sadly i can't find the original author:
    Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
    He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

    Let’s rewind a tad. It is now at this point that I learn that Mr Jackson was in fact a junkie hopped up on enough meds to kill a whorde of wild wilderbeeste. He of course passed his medical with flying colours and went on to practice for his upcoming shows that he both dreaded and looked forward to. His dancing was energetic and not dissimilar to that of a 20 year old with back problems, a hernia and an aging disease similar to Benjamin Button.
    He was in high spirits and excited about the upcoming tour. He was also angry about it and cried himself to sleep.

    Since his death, Michael has been cremated, he has also been buried at forest lawn and neverland, put on ice, dug up again and is now awaiting to be buried on his birthday as a sort of loving present from his father.

    His son (also the son of his dermatologist, his friend Mark Lester, a mad woman claiming to be his wife, a mexican maid and a british maid) is both elated and devastated at his dad’s death.

    I think that’s straightforward enough - why oh why do you lot think there's anything suspicious going on? lol
    What would we do without the papers eh?!

    I nearly forgot, the story of the year so far.....possibly the most important fact in all of this....

    ......he loved his carrots...couldn't get enough of the little orange buggers

    I guess we don´t have to go on analysing:

    - eyes,
    eyebrows, adams´ apples, fingers, thumbs, fingernails, nailbeds, hands,
    wrists, wigs, hairstyles, sideruns, ears, noses, hats, dresses, pants,
    glasses, micros, bracelets...
    - voices, messages, speeches, lyrics, notes, phone calls, pictures, videos...
    - brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, nephews, children, impersators,
    doubles, friends, ex-wives, secret girlfriends, unknown memorial
    - the history and geography of Germany and Austria (since the roman empire)...
    - google, u tube, wikipedia, anagram genius...
    - post codes and dialing codes from several countries...
    - all castles and palaces in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Romania...
    - old songs, new songs, unreleased songs...
    anymore?? Do we??

    Michael's family and friends were deeply devastated by the sad news. His brothers immediately proceeded with filming the reality show which he didn't want to be a part of, his mother felt a sudden urge to go shopping for sleeping bags, other members of the family wanted to grieve in privacy and therefore went on TV to give interviews and public performances. Janet Jackson, Michaels's little sister, chose to stay off the public eye, she was extensively involved in shows for various awards, she found it too hard to watch 'This is it' and switches off TV each time there is a TII ad, she did an amazing tribute with Michael dancing on a big screen behind her. After 5 months Janet decided to share her memories of Michael and promote her new album in an interview on ABC. Janet, likewise the other family members, couldn't help smiling while speaking of the tragedy that shattered them in June. Recalling the events of that terrible day, Janet was in her apartment in New-York when she heard the news, in the same time she was also in Atlanta shooting a film. She called everyone but couldn't reach anyone. She spoke to her mother, sister Rebbie and Tito. Jermaine also spoke to her immediately as he recalls on LKL.

    Michael's children are devastated, they're playful, they avoid seeing any video of Michael, they are going to watch Captain EO in Disneyland, for which purpose it's going to be relaunched. Little Blanket is not aware of daddy's passing, he attends the funeral with a casket and pictures of MJ all over the place. Kids are not going to see TII, they sneak in the theater to see TII.

    Other family members praise the movie, they dash the movie, they want Michael's legacy to live forever, including that of tabloid scandalous coverage, so they join the crowd of MJ's ex-producers, managers, hairdressers, lawyers, security-, cable- and record-companies, and a man who claims MJ stole his 'herpes cure' and sue his estate in order to commemorate him.

    Michael’s close friends and collaborates are in deep state of shock. They start twittering right away. Quincy Jones is fascinated by the cinema festival in Czech Republic and decided to skip the Memorial. Diana Ross is touring in Europe, she’s crying her eyes off so attending the funeral is not an option. And Michael’s closest and dearest friend doctor Arnold Klein, who wasn’t invited to Memorial, decides to go on the most credible and MJ-respecting source, TMZ, to reveal the ultimate truth about Michael’s personal hygiene habits in order to prove that 1993 molestation allegations were false, which has been already proven by the legal documents years ago. What we didn’t know, is that the utterly shy Mike was going around Klein’s place urinating in front of strangers (how’s that different from Gavin Arvizo’s testimony BS?!)

    While LAPD is taking it serious, the case is ruled as homicide weeks after MJ's death and the doc is about to be arrested, no wait.. Dr. Conrad Murray who admitted administering the lethal cocktail of drugs is viewed as the key witness. The doctor was working for Michael for 11 days prior to his death, he was also there for weeks. He was hired by AEG, he was recommended by Joe Jackson, it was Michael’s choice as he knew him in the past for treating his kids for flu. After June 25 Murray was hiding, he's scared to return e-mails or calls, so he goes to resume his medical practice, is available to anyone and free to use Propofol. And that is very logical, since Medical Board of California has started proceedings that could strip Murray of his license to practice medicine. Yet police don't want to mess the case up and keep pushing the investigation dates. The search records are sealed, the search records are released, with some typos, but we finally get to see the cartoon-looking pharmacy in Vegas, which supplied Dr. Murray with drugs, even though he tried his best to bring Michael off the Propofol hook…..”
    Me too, I've used my real name, its my nickname that MJ gave to me while I stayed at Neverland ranch. He use to trust me with the keys to the place and I worked in security so that was my nickname from him, I get pics and cards from him everyday from ImaginaryLand, he calls me too, I tell him how bad his dad is trying to get his money and how they have already exploited the kids on tv and etc and he says he doesn't care because if he did he wouldn't have faked his death.

    When did you stay at Neverland? What year and occasion? Just curious.

    Looks like there's enough place in ImaginaryLand for everybody <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Glad I'm not alone there <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Believers, chill, you have nothing to prove to non-believers. Why are you so upset? You are trying too hard and that makes you look angry and frustrated. This is not a contest and it's not a narcisistic battle between believers team and non-believers either. I thought all this energy you put in this forum is for Michael himself and not for rude answers caused by other's belief. And if you can only handle believers around why don't you just ban people who think different. This way your comfort is not disturbed anymore and your community will be even stronger feeding each other with hopes, L.O.V.E. and sweet waiting, without trolls, haters aka non-believers.
    Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
    He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • katoooooookatooooooo Posts: 371
    Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
    He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    don't forget that he collapse alone, and after in front of Prince, and after in front of Prince and Paris
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    …and based on that ambulance picture… he was 10 or 15 years younger.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    Michael Joseph Jackson was found dead in his bedroom on 25th June 2009 at his rented Holmby Hills Mansion, he was also found dead in his doctors bedroom as well as alive with a slight pulse in a guest bedroom.
    He had died 3 hours before the ambulance was called from an overdose of Demerol administered to himself by himself, while listening to the Gipsy Kings, he also died 1 hour before the ambulance was called by a lethal injection of Propofol administered by his Cardiologist who thought it would be a great idea to administer CPR on a bed for an hour. After this Michael was rushed to hospital in an ambulance doing 5 miles an hour where his body finally died after being dead.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Hi Gina, whenever I'm having an off-day, I re-read this and then I go <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    However, based on the paramedics recollections… he was 20 to 25 years older <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • katoooooookatooooooo Posts: 371
    …and based on that ambulance picture… he was 10 or 15 years younger.

    and was looking like an old frail man in the house
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Here is are a few quesions for the guests in our "home" who come into our place and muddy it up. First, show some respect in our home. If you don't like our home don't come to visit us as we don't visit your home. If you do visit us, respect our home. It's like coming into a home that cannot have smokers because of ventilators, and you come in with a cigarette. We believe, so if you come into our home, you should be respectful of that.
    Now here are the questions: With you being here in our home, have you read all our information? Have you offered intelligent rebuttals? We have researched all this for almost 2 years and are MANY many many hundreds of investigators strong. It IS like with the JW's coming to your door (as was mentioned earlier). If you invite them in you better have proof and scriptures to back you up, because they do and bring the bible to back them up. (which I AM!) Same with us here. You come to us, with us here with thousands of pages of proof of our time researching. So I suppose you have read it ALL?? Do you come here with your thousands of pages of foot work to back up your beliefs in coming into our forum and try to make all of us hundreds of people strong change our beliefs into YOUR beliefs, without any info coming with you to even consider?
    Don't come here trying to change us...Research, then come back. Or just stay home.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    don't forget that he collapse alone, and after in front of Prince, and after in front of Prince and Paris
    …and based on that ambulance picture… he was 10 or 15 years younger.

    Don't forget judges ALWAYS have stuffed animals on their desk/courtroom <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • This is not my home. Home is where my family is. This is a cold PHPBB platform, where i can't even find Michael anymore. This all turned to be about you, smart superior members who "know better".
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    Believers, chill, you have nothing to prove to non-believers. Why are you so upset? You are trying too hard and that makes you look angry and frustrated. This is not a contest and it's not a narcisistic battle between believers team and non-believers either. I thought all this energy you put in this forum is for Michael himself and not for rude answers caused by other's belief. And if you can only handle believers around why don't you just ban people who think different. This way your comfort is not disturbed anymore and your community will be even stronger feeding each other with hopes, L.O.V.E. and sweet waiting, without trolls, haters aka non-believers.
    Patricia, Sandy, Key 1guest ETC, would you please stick to one username and stop pretending you are a different guest everytime? We don't tolerate trolls in here
    And chill, nobody is attacking anyone, but stop trolling
  • I thought moderators know how to trace an ip at least.
  • oh, or does it look more encouraging for your members to make all those guests look as 1?:) ok, be it. we are one and the same and we are trolls! there, you can go on with your nice topics about your love for Michael now.
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    oh, or does it look more encouraging for your members to make all those guests look as 1?:) ok, be it. we are one and the same and we are trolls! there, you can go on with your nice topics about your love for Michael now.
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Mods can check IPs.
    Good, then you have nothing to do on this forum
  • if mods can check ip's , you just proved you're useless.
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