Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Every sibling giving their version regarding Michael, how they perceive him, it should have happened before MJ "died". May be right after the 2005 Trial.

    I checked my tweeter today and some fans are very angry at Jermaine.
  • Every sibling giving their version regarding Michael, how they perceive him, it should have happened before MJ "died". May be right after the 2005 Trial.

    I checked my tweeter today and some fans are very angry at Jermaine.

    I also agree with the poster who said that Michael rescued the family, not the other way around. I have thought that for a long time. And, it's not just the brothers and sisters, but also the nephews and nieces.

    I don't think a book would have been well received in 2005. People would have said that the family was just covering for Michael. Now, hearts have softened and people are beginning to realize what really happened to Michael - that he was the victim.

    I see a couple of tweets from Jermaine that make me believe that it's not geared towards Michael's supporters but to those that still believe negative things about Michael. This is about cleaning up Michael's image and I support that. Who better than a family member to do this? Blessings.

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

    @DebbieforMJ I know, but it's also about reaching out to the doubters & critics & those who were not so kind, banishing the myths with truth
    15 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    why does the good faith of a brother's tribute have to be besmirched by a few who find the negative in a positive endeavor rooted in love?
    15 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

    @sjmart i intend to do just that. We all, including Michael, stayed quiet for too long. Not anymore. Now it's our turn...
    15 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    #youarenotalone came into being last year and I am proud & excited to be documenting the truth
    51 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    Exactly! RT @GodsLittle_Rose: @JermJackson5 It's time the world knew the real MJ & not the one the media painted...
    1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Well this book is set to be released in Fall (November?) 2011... maybe that the BAM will already have occured. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    <!-- m --> ... 6320110316<!-- m -->

    hmmm this book is also about clearing MJ's name and showing the world who the real Michael Jackson is but the releasing date seems a little bit far away. Is it because the BAM is not going to happen this year? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • allforloveallforlove Posts: 299
    Well this book is set to be released in Fall (November?) 2011... maybe that the BAM will already have occured. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    <!-- m --> ... 6320110316<!-- m -->

    hmmm this book is also about clearing MJ's name and showing the world who the real Michael Jackson is but the releasing date seems a little bit far away. Is it because the BAM is not going to happen this year? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Please let us not wait another year! I still hope his come back will be this summer if not.....I'm not going anywhere, though it will be hard at times
    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson:
    @blttrox team effort, as always

    @Kasmie all I'll say is: don't judge a book by its cover. all is not what it seems ; )
    (in reply to: Kasmie: @jermjackson5 I like it but...the title shouldn't be covering that beautiful face lol)

    FYI - book is slated for Oct 13th release. Check out the UK cover on Amazon: <!-- m --><!-- m --> #youarenotalone
  • Yeah, why is the cover over michaels face?
  • Yeah, why is the cover over michaels face?

    Interesting - it's not over his whole face. I first thought of Behind the Mask. I also noticed that the wording is over Michael's mouth as if he either has no voice or Jermaine is his voice. I also noticed the red background behind the lettering like the red curtain we keep seeing.

    I like Jermaine's tweet - now to figure out what he meant by it as he could have said "I agree" or "we'll consider changing it" or perhaps giving the real reason it's that way. Instead to say "all is not what it seems"...yeah, we know that, don't we <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • makes me think of dangerous cover
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    And why again such an "old" picture instead of a more recent one? Reminds me of Katherines book with all the old photos, not one from the recent years.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787

    I see a very prominent "MJJ". Makes me think that there's someone other than Jermaine that is behind this book...
  • 51CwhZBhlsL._SS500_.jpg

    I see a very prominent "MJJ". Makes me think that there's someone other than Jermaine that is behind this book...

    Yeah.. a ghost writer! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> No way Jermaine is writing this himself, bless him!

    (sorry couldnt resist)

    All i will say is that i want to leave you with this thought: PLEASE dont get your hopes up about this book. It could turn out to be a very heartbreaking read. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I also wonder if jermaine will address "word to the badd" in it. I hope he does and explains his actions for once and for all. If this is the truth, then there should be no hiding. But i wont hide my breath for the truth....
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    This is the description on Amazon (thanks Jermaine <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> )

    "Product Description

    ‘This is the truth as we know it. I have read so much about what people think they know about Michael, but this is about what really happened.’ Jermaine Jackson

    You Are Not Alone is an intimate, loving portrait of Michael Jackson, illuminating the private man like never before. It is an invitation into Michael’s real character, private insights and hidden feelings: the innermost thoughts of a fiercely private individual.

    Jermaine Jackson knew Michael like only a brother can. In You Are Not Alone Jermaine brings light to the man behind the mask of superstardom, an identity that has lingered in the shadows for too long. You Are Not Alone is a celebration of the real Michael: the boy who shared a tiny bunkbed with Jermaine at 2300 Jackson Street, Gary, Indiana; the brother with whom Jermaine shared laughter, tears and memories; the boy who would grow up to become a legend.

    Raw, honest and incredibly moving, You Are Not Alone is also a sophisticated, no-holds-barred examination of Michael Jackson, aimed at fostering a true and final understanding of who he was and what shaped him. This is Michael Jackson--the human, not the legend--through a brother’s eyes.

    If you love Michael Jackson, this is the only book you will want to read.

    If you think you know the Michael Jackson story, it’s time to think again."

    <!-- m --> ... xx10100-21<!-- m -->
  • dom425dom425 Posts: 100
    If you think you know the Michael Jackson story, it’s time to think again."

    <!-- m --> ... xx10100-21<!-- m -->[/quote]
    That one sentence reminds me of the intro of Breaking News. ''If you thougt there was nothing more to say about Michael Jackson just wait.''
  • he is tweeting now
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    It seems Murray's defense is determined to prove my brother was something he wasn't. The DA must step up & defend the truth. Let's see...
    47 minutes ago

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    i think it curious the courts have, so far, not called anyone closest to Michael as character witnesses at speak up for HIS truth
    52 minutes ago
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    i think it curious the courts have, so far, not called anyone closest to Michael as character witnesses at speak up for HIS truth
    52 minutes ago

    to speak up for HIS truth? This made me think, if "someone" close to MJ is going to be the Star Witness at the trial? This is HIStory. But still I'm missing the old Jermaine who was giving us clues and perfect slip-ups. What happened to that dude? lol
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891

    On the cover of the book, the red banner is on MJ's mouth and it seems like Jermaine is trying to give "he can not talk for himself now but I'm doing it for my brother" kind of message.
  • I really miss Michael. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    It just hit me again. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I dont want Jermaines book, or Tito's songs, or LaToyas TV programmes. I just want Michael.
  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374

    On the cover of the book, the red banner is on MJ's mouth and it seems like Jermaine is trying to give "he can not talk for himself now but I'm doing it for my brother" kind of message.

    It looks like a "red curtain" with Michael's eyes peeking out.
  • Not to get anyones hopes down but maybe this book has to come first before MJ. Also I noticed on the cover Michael and Jermaine Jackson were in capitals, that led me to believe that they both did the book (mostly Michael though, I think) and when it says 'through a brother's eyes' that's pretty much all they show of MJ's it seems more like his book that Jermaine's, to me anyway.
  • Jermaine has tweeted again.
    What he has put about witnesses being put on notice, is what i said ages ago.

    So the likes of Karen Faye should know if they are likely to be called up, as they should be on notice now.

    I do not think Karen Faye has been called up as a witness.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    That jacket Michael is wearing is from the Victory Tour (Kansas?). I tried to find that pic but can´t right now, anyway, I remember that pic of Michael. To me, his eyes look maturer on the book cover.

    I noticed a lot of emphasis in Michael´s eyes lately. If he ever comes back, the eyes would not lie and would be the key to know if it´s him or a fake.
  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374
    Gema, that picture does look like it's from the opening of the Victory Tour in Kansas (cover of USA Today). And I also agree with you about the eyes--we'll know MJ by his eyes.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Thanks for the tip!! I found the cover!

    Imo, many references of MJ comes with past imaes like this because it represents time before the media circus.
  • Jermaine just tweeted he is back in LA
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