Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891

    I think this is all part of the plan. After watching Karen's fake cry because she had to do his make-up when he died, I knew she must be acting. There also was no dead body to begin with, so where does her story come from? Either that or she is completely delusional, which I doubt.

    So do you think she knows MJ is alive?

    Yes, or someone really fooled her. How can she do make-up of a corpse that doesn't exsist? And would Karen be fooled by a dummy or double, after being his make-up artist for so long? Sounds strange to me.

    The only way she doesn't know, if when she was asked to tell people she did his make-up, while she never did. I don't know what the purpose of that would be, but it's a possibility.

    Maybe she made the make-up to a wax dummy that looks exactly like Michael. I do not know the name of it but the ones which are used in movies as a corpse look exactly like human body. It is so hard to understand the difference btw a real dead body and a wax dummy (or whatever its name is).


    She's simply lying and the family didn't want to say that she was lying about it because that would make the hoax become more obvious. They let her go with her lie for the dramatic structure of the film. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I can hardly believe she knows about the hoax because she wrote really terrible things to believers like "You'll be dead waiting 4 him" about waiting for Mj to come back and so many more.
  • 51CwhZBhlsL._SS500_.jpg

    That jacket Michael is wearing is from the Victory Tour (Kansas?). I tried to find that pic but can´t right now, anyway, I remember that pic of Michael. To me, his eyes look maturer on the book cover.

    I noticed a lot of emphasis in Michael´s eyes lately. If he ever comes back, the eyes would not lie and would be the key to know if it´s him or a fake.

    the eyes are the window to the soul
  • shelby61shelby61 Posts: 305
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    All other brother accounts authentic, as verified. Except Marlon. He don't tweet (unless he's singing backgrounds!)
    5 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply »
    Jermaine tweeted this today (april 6)... so is he saying that Michael Jackson's account is really Michael's? Michael's account is verified. Who is behind Michael's account if he is supposed to be dead?

    So the only unverified account is Marlon's -- hmmm
  • YuliaYulia Posts: 122
    This is ridiculous. So after all this time they realise a staff member is impersonating Marlon?
    Jermaine is idiot or he's just not aware Marlon took the account and changed it to his name. Jodi Gomez confirmed it's Marlon's account. They would have noticed until now and most probably say it
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    jermjackson5 to clarify: we stopped tweeting under @alljack5ons post-reality show. That account's change of name to @Marlon_Jackson is not him/authentic
    ermjackson5 @DebbieforMJ I know Marlon remains the most puzzled by it all! ; )
    I'm speaking with Marlon so we can clear up this time-wasting nonsense...
    Folks, some clarity: spoke with Marlon. He's "going to start using" @Marlon_Jackson. He never used it before, he will start now...

    and Marlon is signing with Marlon sr when he tweets.

    I don't think it was him all this time but I do think it was possibly another Jackson,they all followed it apart from Jermaine,and its been set up since 2009 so there is no way they would allow anyone to just tweet as a Jackson all this time...if it wasn't someone who was verified to do so by the family.
    Maybe Jermaine missed the memo LOL

    In other JJ news though...

    HannahVRose Hannah Grant
    @jermjackson5 your amazing brother loved practical jokes! As its april fools,what was one of his favourites!? Love you. X
    1 Apr
    in reply to ↑
    Jermaine Jackson
    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @HannahVRose yes ; ) stink bombs & water balloons were Michael's usual weaponry...

    Like the 'Yes <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->' from Jermaine there...haha
  • maybe someone should see if marlon jr. has been using it. way too many mj's now <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    @jermjackson5 @msirismg i'll rephrase: cover won't change, but your photo idea is uncanny for another'll see ; ) G'night all
    16 Apr
    @msirismg you're sweet. all I'll say is: don't judge a book by its cover. all is not what it seems ; )

    Earlier tweets about the cover
    @UNITED4MJLEGACY but Michael's image dominates. As it should. Because it's no "tell-all"'s about respect & honour #samepage
    Jermaine Jackson
    @blttrox the fine people at @TouchstoneBooks are still working on the US cover. it will be different...

    In reply to why the cover of his book has Michael on with half of his face covered it'll be different but rephrased it won't but it's a big secret lol.

    The woman he is tweeting back to,apparently sketched up a new book cover how she thinks it should look,with a new title 'you WERE not alone' not you ARE not alone here are most of her tweets regarding JJs book.The twitpic has indeed been deleted so we will never know what she sketched but she is obviously a non believer from her saying that ^ you were not alone #confused

    Read from bottom back up-they are in reverse order straight from tweetland.

    @jermjackson5 Well, OK, I'll trust wait & see! LOL

    OK well, I won't leave that twitpic up - mission accomplished I guess! lol

    And it's 2am in the Southern Plains...good Lord

    @jermjackson5 AWESOME! I was hoping you wouldn't let it go the way they had it! I feel better now! Goodnight!

    @Mimi_La_Reina But it's all personal preference, I guess. I like a clean look. That cover they've got...why would you cover MJ's face?!

    @Mimi_La_Reina I think MY design would make ppl want to pull this book & look at it! lol <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Now if I were designing Jerm's book? Isn't this more appealing? Makes you wanna pull it off the shelf & say "aw"! <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    @Mimi_La_Reina I was a graphic artist for 15 years!

    @Mimi_La_Reina Girl I didn't even know all that other crap was going on with that "united" person! I was just talking graphic design! lmao

    @jermjackson5 I'm looking forward 2 ur book - just wish they didn't make it so ugly that's all! lol Want it to stand out..

    @jermjackson5 Oh crap, I hope u don't associate me w/those other folk, I was just talking book design Wasn't questioning content. So sorry!
    Er yeah?you just spent an hour slagging his book off???LOL

    Wow, the more I think about Jermaine Jackson's book the more depressed I get. But, maybe since more people use Kindles it won't matter.

    Horrors! Maybe it's going to be published as a paperback!

    This is Michael Jackson we're talking about, after all!

    I'm going to sketch out what I think would've been the cover. AND the title!

    I'm only a former graphic designer - I don't understand the book industry! But a lot of those cover design decisions don't make sense...

    msirismg Iris M. Gross
    You know now I think of it the title of Jermaine's book sucks, too! They should have said, "You WERE not alone"! #confused

    Ooh, I know what would have been the perfect cover for Jermaine Jackson's new book. It's supposed to be about he & Mike, right?

    @jermjackson5 It's the INSIDE that really counts, right? It'll be fine! Fingers crossed...

    @jermjackson5 oh well Jerms don't mind me - I was in GD, I notice stuff like that. Most who buy it will probably download it anyway.

    @jermjackson5 I guess if the promo has begun on it it's too late, but I sure wish they'd redesign the cover! Not compelling & looks cheap.

    Look at all the classic bios/autobios & see how they're designed. A book cover should be compelling! Jerm's book looks like a billboard.

    From a graphic design standpoint, the cover of Jermaine's new book is a disaster! Why would you cover up Michael Jackson's face?!

    @jermjackson5 They shouldve just used MJs feet w/the glittering socks, simple black bkgd, Authors name (Jerm - lol) bigger/more elegant txt

    msirismg Iris M. Gross
    @jermjackson5 I wish they couldve given your book better cover art. They may as wellve made it all text - & who wrote the book you or MJ lol

    She talks to Jermaine like she has a right to say whatever she wants about his book,he never even got mad at her for slagging it off!she actually talks to most of the Jacksons/and friends so can't make out who she is or thinks she is,deffo a non believer though.
    I think it's odd she brings up repeatedly about his face being covered,because it is odd,and the book cover does look cheap and it doesn't look professional or appealing so if JJ has waited all this time to publish a book Michael had already 'approved' lol 'pre death' then why let it out with such a whack cover?
    She goes on about being a graphic designer too like it's got something to do with being able to say whatever she wants in regards to Jermaine,and his book.

    Very bizzare.
    His tweets back are just as cryptic.

    Why IS his face covered...on almost everything..this book,the behind the mask website before it launched was the album cover from Michael but only his head down to his nose,which is also much like the Dangerous album cover.
    Isn't it part of what gave the 02 guy away too...his mouth missing the scar and not being Michael's..

    It's too late/early for all this <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Also, this tweet of his was interesting:

    @msirismg you're sweet. all I'll say is: don't judge a book by its cover. all is not what it seems ; )

    *I edited your post because that picture wasn't what the woman in question twitpic'd she sketched one herself of Michael and Jermaine.That picture was sent to people in DMs by a MJJ associated account because I got it.
    S xo
  • Thank you for sharing this information. That person is very rude - it doesn't matter what her calling in life is. She should show more respect but I have to give Jermaine credit for being a true gentleman with her.

    His words say it all to me. This book is a continuation of showing the world the real Michael Jackson as well as cleaning his image and bringing back some respect that he deserves. The fact that his face is hidden...well, I think it's because he's really behind this book or perhaps it's because we don't really know the real person, Michael Jackson.

    It still baffles me that they use this picture but it is pre-scandal Michael so maybe they are bringing back a remembrance of who Michael is. I really question the fact that the book comes out later this year and we're hoping Michael comes back by this summer. Would people still buy the book if Michael comes back first? Just something that keeps confusing me in this timeline. Blessings.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Thank you for sharing this information. That person is very rude - it doesn't matter what her calling in life is. She should show more respect but I have to give Jermaine credit for being a true gentleman with her.

    His words say it all to me. This book is a continuation of showing the world the real Michael Jackson as well as cleaning his image and bringing back some respect that he deserves. The fact that his face is hidden...well, I think it's because he's really behind this book or perhaps it's because we don't really know the real person, Michael Jackson.

    It still baffles me that they use this picture but it is pre-scandal Michael so maybe they are bringing back a remembrance of who Michael is. I really question the fact that the book comes out later this year and we're hoping Michael comes back by this summer. Would people still buy the book if Michael comes back first? Just something that keeps confusing me in this timeline. Blessings.

    Exactly Voice. I agree with you about the purpose of this book.
  • ITA with both of you. Btw- this person is horribly rude- for no reason. I just tweeted back that things never seem to be what they appear and she got all snooty. I have this extreme reaction against rude people - ESP when totally uncalled for. I asked J if it was the final cover and he nicely tweeted back- yes, final UK cover. So, wonder if the US cover will be different.
    (That b... person tweeted- well check the tweet from 4/16 - final means final- I wanted to cyberslap her)
  • Also, this tweet of his was interesting:

    @msirismg you're sweet. all I'll say is: don't judge a book by its cover. all is not what it seems ; )

    *I edited your post because that picture wasn't what the woman in question twitpic'd she sketched one herself of Michael and Jermaine.That picture was sent to people in DMs by a MJJ associated account because I got it.
    S xo

    if you got the picture in a PM then can you share and post it please?
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Also, this tweet of his was interesting:

    @msirismg you're sweet. all I'll say is: don't judge a book by its cover. all is not what it seems ; )

    *I edited your post because that picture wasn't what the woman in question twitpic'd she sketched one herself of Michael and Jermaine.That picture was sent to people in DMs by a MJJ associated account because I got it.
    S xo

    if you got the picture in a PM then can you share and post it please?

    No,NOT the picture Jermaine was tweeting over,another one of a random unknown drunk guy which has absolutley nothing to do with anything.I haven't seen the twitpic she posted because she deleted it in a matter of mins.I said this in my earlier post...
    How can this of become so confusing in a matter of a few posts :/

    The woman above-Iris tweeting at JJ,sketched her own pic,uploaded,posted,then removed it.JJ has said her idea wasn't far off,but we don't know because it's now gone.
    Maybe someone should ask her for it?
  • Also, this tweet of his was interesting:

    @msirismg you're sweet. all I'll say is: don't judge a book by its cover. all is not what it seems ; )

    *I edited your post because that picture wasn't what the woman in question twitpic'd she sketched one herself of Michael and Jermaine.That picture was sent to people in DMs by a MJJ associated account because I got it.
    S xo

    Oh- really- how very odd.... Just when I thought this could not get weirder. Shaking my head. Thanks for letting me know.
    At times my head just stays in a spin. Do you have the sketch- or can you describe it? This is SO curious...
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Is it possible Jermaine has made another slip-up?
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Read from bottom up

    Michael's legacy is as humanitarian
    as it is musical. Mother is happy that has the chance to continue the spirit of his true heart about 1 hour ago via web
    Reply Retweet . @TeamJackieJaxn5 HTWF = Heal The World Foundation that we hope will now reactivate the truest principals of Michael's HTW philosophy
    about 2 hours ago via web in reply to TeamJackieJaxn5

    Reply Retweet . Also be assured that I meant to write 'HTWF' ; )
    about 2 hours ago via web
    Reply Retweet . Be assured, Mother is at the helm of a re-formed HWTF that can become worthy of its founding intentions. Let's look forwards, not backwards
    Michael's ultimate wish was to re-assert control if ever control was lost in any situation. Control is now re-established re HTWF...
    about 2 hours ago via web
    Reply Retweet. Mother is also guided by private discussions with Michael. Trust me, a mother knows her son...better than anyone (inc executors) about 2 hours ago via web

    Reply Retweeted (Undo) . I've long understood that fans are fiercely & rightly protective of the good work Michael did -- as we all are... about 2 hours ago via web

    Reply Retweet . The realities & legalities of a complex situation re certain manouevrings on HTWF were never as cut & dry as some wished them to be...
  • Thanks finfin - Jermaine could be meaning that in a spiritual way or the fact that she knows Michael's intentions.

    I'm not sure if it's a slip up or not but I'm really, really excited about HTWF going back under Michael's Estate and control. This foundation is his vision and it didn't feel right that someone else was managing it.

    I truly believe that Michael is on a total TAKEOVER, as BACK said, and this is only a small , but very important part of what Michael is all about. Okay - we check this off our our list.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    re-established re HTWF
    re certain

    Do you think it means something? I don't know but while reading those tweets this jumped out at me. Maybe nothing...
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    re-established re HTWF
    re certain

    Do you think it means something? I don't know but while reading those tweets this jumped out at me. Maybe nothing...

    ahh I wish he also wrote re-born. that would be something for sure. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • reactivate
    re-established re HTWF
    re certain

    Do you think it means something? I don't know but while reading those tweets this jumped out at me. Maybe nothing...

    Great eye, Sarahli - you could very well be correct. We'll need to watch a little closer for other words that could connect the dots. Blessings.
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    Is it possible Jermaine has made another slip-up?
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Reply Retweet. Mother is also guided by private discussions with Michael. Trust me, a mother knows her son...better than anyone (inc executors) about 2 hours ago via web

    I think all of his Tweet-Tweet(s) (Rockin' Robin) were interesting, but the one above is Spot on. Of course it means that Mrs. J is GUIDED by MJ. I mean, he is alive and speaks to his mother regularly. I mean, how can he be alive and not speak to her and guide her? He is the one guiding her with everything including his children. MJ is able to come and go to Havenhurst and elsewhere on a drop of a dime. He is way smart. He knows which disguises to use when and where ever he goes. He's got it down pat.

    Michael's mother is GUIDED by private conversations with her son. How clearer can one be? I was astounded to read that. What is the spiritual stuff? What does that mean? Does it mean that she thinks about her "dead" son and then asks him to tell her what he wants her to do? I don't think so.

    I love it! Jermaine is something else. After all, he is also courageous and confident just like his baby bro. I think he was the only brother that MJ must have thought could have pulled off the "death announcement." I think Thome-Thome might have been MJ and his presence on the stage may have helped Jermaine. He has a lot of nerve like our Michael. Randy is too bullheaded and stubborn and he don't take no stuff. Tito seems a little too laid back and might have gotten tongue tied. Jackie would have cried. Marlon would have made a joke and laughed out loud. Lol So, Jermaine it was.

    Way to go Jermaine. Keep them coming.

    I am going to research to see if people that make themselves up in disguises can clue hair on arms or whatever. In one picture it didn't look as if Thome had hair on arms, and then in another, he had it. Hmmmmmmmmm
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    we share the same frustrations in seeing the trial delayed until Sept -- it is a hindrance not a set-back
    17 hours ago
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    our focus remains on the horizon where we see justice, not the clocks on the wall. thank you for your prayers & support
    16 hours ago
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

    @TheMJPlace agreed -- to ignore defense request for time would play into the hands of any future appeal if convicted
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    He is so cryptic sometimes then totally gives it away other times
    Bipolar JJ
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    I hadn't wished to address this, because I find it hard to accept that people think this way, but...
    32 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    it saddens me to read tweets that believe Michael is still alive. He is not. Pls stop hurting yourselves with this false belief
    30 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    i have compassion for those whose denial misinforms them, but this increasing hoax talk is wrong and helps no-one. love you all

    WHAT IS THIS???????????????? <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->
    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • :cry:
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    I hadn't wished to address this, because I find it hard to accept that people think this way, but...
    32 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    it saddens me to read tweets that believe Michael is still alive. He is not. Pls stop hurting yourselves with this false belief
    30 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    i have compassion for those whose denial misinforms them, but this increasing hoax talk is wrong and helps no-one. love you all

    WHAT IS THIS???????????????? <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ -->
    <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Remember Souza said the family will be attacking the hoax near the one of them are
  • Remember Souza said this;

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=172&t=18697&p=322480&hilit=+attack+hoax#p322480<!-- l -->
    There seems to be a lot of "fraud" or something going on with the Jackson family lately. We hear about Katherine supposedly saying Branca stole from Michael, now she's denying it. And we have Jermaine saying Marlon's twitter isn't Marlon, but then Tito says it is. A bunch of mini-hoaxes near the end of the big hoax? Get people thinking "something is rotten in the state of denmark" or something along those lines? Whatever it is, people besides us believers must be noticing something is going on...and the trial hasn't even started yet! Smart planning really, even more people will be likely to tune into the trial on TV out of curiousity and that's when they'll really notice something is amiss.
    Same thought here. Maybe the family will start to attack the hoax forums soon too, to bring attention to them. Just thinking out loud here, doesn't mean they will, but it's a possibility. If the hoax is near the end, they could do that.

    Does it mean you have to shut it down, if they retaliate?
    No, I don't believe they would force me to shut it down at all, I think they might tweet something about it to draw attention to it. It's possible. On the other hand I think most fans know we exsist, so maybe the Jacksons 'attacking' the hoax forums would only cause a lot of drama. I don't know, just thinking out loud here since stuff is on a role these days and many more contradictions show up.

    @Andrea: agreed. That is also a HUGE clue that he's alive.
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