Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    i have compassion for those whose denial misinforms them, but this
    increasing hoax talk is wrong and helps no-one. love you all.

    May be Jermaine tweet
    we should read that stage of hoax IS INCREASING Now??

    <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    It is IMPOSSIBLE Jermaine never heard about the hoax talk and the hoax talk is not increasing fact it was much hoax talk in the past than now, just look - now we are only a few here left.

    So there's no reason why he should say "increasing"
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    In fact people, this is good news. If you read between the lines, Jermaine is telling us do not wait for Michael now, he is not ready to come back. He had to say don't believe in the hoax.. He cannot give it away? This is a message from Michael.. Jermaine is being coached what to say by Michael. So please do not give up hope, faith please.. Just remember how many slip ups Jermaine has done, This is it but not it. Michael left us way before he went to the airport.. WHY AIRPORT?? If a person can make a mistake, he could have said anything else why did he choose the word AIRPORT? Because he knew his brother left to the airport. Michael did not leave that day, he probably left like he said way before. Everything was staged to the perfection.

    Today I tweeted Jermain to explain about "AIRPORT" slip up, he sent me a direct message saying the following: " if you understood grieif, you would understand verbal slip-ups made in grief confusion. It is not a clue,or proof or hope."
    I replied, that I very much know what grief is, therefore I don't get slip up like that. And that he did not convinced me with that answer, but I thankful for his reply." I seriously can't imagine me confusing my dead parents being in airport instead of cemetery.
  • Half of the bill for the new server to Jermaine, other half to KF.

    Thanks for the attention.

    I say give it all to KF.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Half of the bill for the new server to Jermaine, other half to KF.

    Thanks for the attention.

    I already supported this motion on twitter hahahaha <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    BUT I agree,add a few extra 000 on it and send it to KF.
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    Today I tweeted Jermain to explain about "AIRPORT" slip up, he sent me a direct message saying the following: " if you understood grieif, you would understand verbal slip-ups made in grief confusion. It is not a clue,or proof or hope."
    I replied, that I very much know what grief is, therefore I don't get slip up like that. And that he did not convinced me with that answer, but I thankful for his reply." I seriously can't imagine me confusing my dead parents being in airport instead of cemetery.

    I appreciated your contribution, thank you <!-- srespect/ -->respect/<!-- srespect/ -->


    since he start to give away some direct answers for our family. <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ -->
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Maybe he talks down believing in the hoax because it isn't. Maybe it is a STING!!!
    yeah and maybe we should ask Jermaine to explain why he said at the premier of TII that "this is it, but this is really not it, there's much more to come, this is not the final curtain call".

    Would he care to explain those words?
  • jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
    Maybe he talks down believing in the hoax because it isn't. Maybe it is a STING!!!

    I was thinking along those lines as in, he wouldn't "fake his death" just for the hell of it. It's not a hoax, it's a sting. That would make Donte's tweet about reading between the lines make sense. They are always talking in riddles.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Gina, maybe Michael album, stuff like that.
    He seems to take back everything he says anyway, probably if we ask him the answer is the same: no clue, no hope, dont read between the lines and so on. So we should not rely too much on what he said anymore. When did he lie, now or then? And if the present is more important than the past (maybe plans have changed), what was he trying to tell us now?
    With or without Jermaine, Michael is still alive to me, but as we took Jermaine's clues as messages to us in the past, should we take his direct message as a message in present? The answer that makes sense would be yes (at least to me). But that doesn't mean Michael is dead, he just wants us to behave like he has passed and to move on.
    Before you tell me to leave if that is my opinion, i want to let you know that this is only the way i see his messaje and that doesn't mean i am going to follow Jermaine's message, just like i dont follow anyone around. It is only an opinion.
  • I've seen that last night. I can't even express how I feel, I feel miserable. I never thought, not even in my worst nightmares, that the family would tell us we are delusional in such a cruel way. It's cruel.

    If I was Jermaine I would have said it with a kind heart not that way, to hurt people. He already planted in people's heads right now the phrase "Michael would never,ever so cruelly hoax his fans". So the idea of a death hoax is already planted as "cruel" in people's minds. If Michael was to come back, people would know it was a cruel thing to do, because even if they had this opinion, Jermaine confirmed it.

    This was the worst day ever in my whole life and in the last 2 years. I've never thought it would end like this. I'm only human, I can't anymore. I suffered all this time like they never imagined, like for my own brother. I can't even write too much now

    Anna, I understand your reaction believe me. But don't you find that Jermaine saying these things just now is very odd. Why didn't he tell it before? The hoax forums exist since the beginning but the family never said a thing...NEVER, not even one word. Think about that. I hope your pain disappears soon.

    Despite the pain Jermaine's cruel tweets provoked, I have to admit Sarahli's arguments and those of all of you who still manage to see an encouraging sign in this. I truly understand and empathize with the thoughts and feelings of Anna, my heart goes out to all believers who experience despair in these confusing times, but we really need to keep realistic and ask ourselves why now, why Jermaine and why like this, let alone the fact that the forum number of visitors exploded due to this controversy and not to some other clue we found. We are now legit because Jermaine acknowledged us by disputing our theories... God knows!

    Heart it couldn't be abput the Michael album....the deal with Sony was not even in discussion at that time, as far as I know.
    Jermaine has to be lying now. There has to be a reason and before i speculate more, I think I better wait and see what TS has to say about this.

    If things didn't make sense in the past, something is rotten in Denmark, regardless of what Jermaine say now.
  • Anyone noticed the timing of Jermaine's tweets going into overdrive about how Michael is not alive?
    Coincidence?...........................I think not.
    All I can say is keep the Faith. Patience is a virtue.
    And do you really think even if his brother knew he was still alive, and I'm not saying he does or he doesn't, but let's say he DOES know..... do you really think he would do nothing less than SHOUT at the world that he is NOT alive?
    2 words: Brotherly looooove.
  • But why now?
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    But why now?

    That is my question ... after almost 2 years now this......
    Karen Faye also writes a lot and with each letter I feel sick.
    This woman makes me mad. <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Keep the Faith!!!!

  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    It is certainly a little odd. My thinking on this is that they (meaning Jermaine, etc) do not want the world to know in advance that Michael is about to make his re appearance. Maybe it is meant to have shock value except to the believers, and in keeping it at a low ebb, people who are 100% certain in their beliefs that he did in fact die on 6/25/09 (or those who have more to lose than gain upon his return) will be in total disbelief and some maybe even scared shitless according to their "dead" agendas.
  • But why now?

    That is my question ... after almost 2 years now this......
    Karen Faye also writes a lot and with each letter I feel sick.
    This woman makes me mad. <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Keep the Faith!!!!


    KF...don't even get me started <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    @magicpoetryx i don't judge. I just wish I could stop their pain. It breaks my heart to see them hold on to a fantasy

    Jermaine, I have no pain or nothing is hurting me <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- sparty/ -->party/<!-- sparty/ -->
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    hold on to a fantasy with a little extra help courtesy of <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Jermaine
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    oh, i forgot, there were no slip -ups, just grief.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Jermaine's tweets have reason.
    What reason? To tell us he is "dead"? It's not like we didn't "know" that already. So why even bother? Why now? What for? And how does naming the hoax cruel help Michael in future? Why did he say it finally when he could've just shut up like before and why this irrevocably way? Why making us look evil for even thinking of this "CRUEL" idea? Why making Michael look like he "would torture" his kids if he would fake his death? How does this prepare Michael 's image for a comeback? What about the media (if he comes back) if his brother chooses these words to name the hoax (cruel and torturing children).
    I understand the brotherly love and the lies, but that's exactly the opposite. He could support the idea of him being dead just like before. In silence or if not, choosing the appropriate words to not make him look like some kind of cruel person who tortures his children when he comes back.
    My final point is that Jermaine's attitude was rather that of a brother who covers a hoax that will stay forever a hoax and that people should really start moving on after 2 years, because this increase talk does not help anyone . Not us and certainly not Michael if we were not part of his plans. And i don't blame him.

    Or...Jermaine is crazy. Period.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    There is a topic Jermaine's tweets have a reason. Better: Do Jermaine's tweets have a reason? <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=59&t=19022&p=328847#p328847<!-- l -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I think that might be his way of telling us to shut up and be quiet. Rude yes. But to the point. Michael might not want the world to know. It might not even be safe for the world to know. It feels like it is time and they want to be on the side of precaution for him to re-enter the world. I've never believed he would come back the same Michael who left . He justs wants to return and live with some sense of normalcy. Just my opinion. Nothing etched in stone.
    Anyone noticed the timing of Jermaine's tweets going into overdrive about how Michael is not alive?
    Coincidence?...........................I think not.
    All I can say is keep the Faith. Patience is a virtue.
    And do you really think even if his brother knew he was still alive, and I'm not saying he does or he doesn't, but let's say he DOES know..... do you really think he would do nothing less than SHOUT at the world that he is NOT alive?
    2 words: Brotherly looooove.

    What do you mean with the timing? I don't understand. You mean the delay in the trial or what?

    So you think Jermaine says Michael is dead to protect Michael and the hoax?
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Why do you keep repeating: just my opinion? Are we so afraid to speak up our minds?
    It's a forum so every post is our opinion if not quoting. But i too feel the need to repeat that it's only my opinion.
    We should be less afraid to express ourselves and more understanding to each other's thoughts and feelings , group hug <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
    You are also implying that it is possible that Jermaine doesn't know MJ is alive?!
    But in this case what about the clues coming from Jermaine?
    Why do I feel some irony in that brotherly looooove <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> ?
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