Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    If you feel obliged to disrespect Joe for wthat he did to Michael: less judgement and more understanding does not mean accepting mistakes. Respecting, trying to understand and accept this man with his mistakes does not mean i agree with his past actions. But...
    all4loveandbelieve, are you a therapist? I don't know much psychology but i am sure one should not judge but rather understand why a person has that kind of behavior, where does it come from, just like Joe's actions must have other motives somewhere in the background. Motivations he might not even be aware of. We don't know his childhood, we don't know his soul,we don't know his traumas, we don't know his fears, we don't know his struggles, we don't know him period.
    People change in time and grow understing their past mistakes. Believe in change!
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    i sometimes wonder if this whole thing about the beatings wasn't blown out of proportion by the boys for some reason. and also to my mind to hold joe accountable for his actions and not hold katherine accoutable for inaction is total hypocracy. i would be inclined to bet if the girls were asked specifically about the whole deal people would get a glimpse of joe and katherine in a different light. just sayin'
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    @suspicious mind.
    LaToya did talk about it in her book. The one she released in 90's.

    My point of view is: Michael forgave Joe. I believe he loved Joe and vice-versa. Its not my place to judge. Its not anyones place to judge except Michaels. And Michael forgave. Why do people keep forgetting that and try to speak for Michael all of the time?
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    . and also to my mind to hold joe accountable for his actions and not hold katherine accoutable for inaction is total hypocracy. '
    In muslim families it's out of question. Women have usually no say in anything because everything depends on only the head of the family - a Man. They are usually being silent even when they don't agree with that head:) So, to me it's perfectly understandable why his mother was in inaction, but they are not muslims.
    Maybe she was just afraid of Joe.
    But I remember Michael was talking about it in the "Living with Michael Jackson" documentary. He said mother was trying to stop him, screaming - Joe, your gonna kill him ( or something like that ) so, she wasn't too inactive.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @suspicious mind.
    LaToya did talk about it in her book. The one she released in 90's.

    My point of view is: Michael forgave Joe. I believe he loved Joe and vice-versa. Its not my place to judge. Its not anyones place to judge except Michaels. And Michael forgave. Why do people keep forgetting that and try to speak for Michael all of the time?
    <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    @suspicious mind.
    LaToya did talk about it in her book. The one she released in 90's.

    My point of view is: Michael forgave Joe. I believe he loved Joe and vice-versa. Its not my place to judge. Its not anyones place to judge except Michaels. And Michael forgave. Why do people keep forgetting that and try to speak for Michael all of the time?
    <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->

    i agree very much. they don't have to say anything , you can see little points of interaction that let you know it. i just don't see katherine as some scared little bystander . no one every indicates that he laid a hand on katherine do they? i just get upset cause everyone wants to hang joe by the you know what and katherine is excempt . we will probably never know all of it. besides was it or was it not the kids themselves who starting talking about it all. then they expect no one to take note <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    <br />what gets me angry is that Joe beat michael if he did not dance properly, or made a mistake singing.. That is ludacris. I still do not condemn a parent beating a child if he did something wrong, but in this case if Michael did something drastic Joe would have a reason to beat him( not in my book) but for missing a step in dancing or he did not sing a song properly IS THAT A REASON FOR A BEATING? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    <br /><br />Just to comment the underlined part: children do wrong things all the time, they are in a learning process. Parents must notbit up a child under any circumstances. The child´s behaviour should be corrected via other methods and those techniques are accesible now days to any parent. <br />50 years ago this information was non existant but today it does exist, in clinical psychology as well.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @suspicious mind.
    LaToya did talk about it in her book. The one she released in 90's.

    My point of view is: Michael forgave Joe. I believe he loved Joe and vice-versa. Its not my place to judge. Its not anyones place to judge except Michaels. And Michael forgave. Why do people keep forgetting that and try to speak for Michael all of the time?
    <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->

    i agree very much. they don't have to say anything , you can see little points of interaction that let you know it. i just don't see katherine as some scared little bystander . no one every indicates that he laid a hand on katherine do they? i just get upset cause everyone wants to hang joe by the you know what and katherine is excempt . we will probably never know all of it. besides was it or was it not the kids themselves who starting talking about it all. then they expect no one to take note <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->

    Katherine said in the Oprah interview that that´s how people raised his children.

    I am sure that non of them Joe or Katherine lays a hand over their grandchildren today and that I call progress.

    I believe Michael when he said that Joe abused him verbally and with body punishment and Joe admitted to it and saw what he did "normal". He was not awared of any wrong doing.

    It´s also a cultural phenomenon imo. Just 30 years ago in Spain a teacher could slap your face for nothing or twist your ear or pinch you or slap your hand with a ruler as an example.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Katherine said in the Oprah interview that that´s how people raised his children.

    I am sure that non of them Joe or Katherine lays a hand over their grandchildren today and that I call progress.

    I believe Michael when he said that Joe abused him verbally and with body punishment and Joe admitted to it and saw what he did "normal". He was not awared of any wrong doing.

    It´s also a cultural phenomenon imo. Just 30 years ago in Spain a teacher could slap your face for nothing or twist your ear or pinch you or slap your hand with a ruler as an example.
    Totally. Today there is a strong emphasis on individual human rights, and talk everywhere about abuse of all kinds. In Canada here, Aboriginals have been getting $$$ because of residential abuse in the past. Where's the $$$ for all the other individuals who have been abused--many many. But back then everyone thought they were doing the right thing and helping people. Spanking was part of my childhood and the way I raised my 3. Of course my dad and as well I used that method after other methods were not working. I was also abused physically and mentally by my mother which was a competely different subject, even as she was abused sexually when she was a child. I think the word "abuse" is thrown around a little too loosely, since emotional/mental abuse is very devastating and hard to pinpoint. I really believe we should plain out respect Joe--he did the best he could with what he knew at the time. Think of all the dads that don't live with their kids, take no interest in them. Isn't doing the best we can all each of us are trying to do with our lives? We hope our kids will forgive the mistakes we make. There's that old expression, "Before you judge me, walk a mile in my shoes."
  • ibelieveinmjibelieveinmj Posts: 243
    MJonmind...I agree. Michael has forgiven his father and I'm sure they worked things out years ago.

    You mention about the Aboriginals receiving $$ because of residential abuse. For those that do not know the history about this, these kids were not just abused, they were taken away from their families and homes, they were no longer allowed to speak their native language and their way of living came to an abrupt end. Then they had to put up with white people and their teachings and traditions, on top of the abuse. What kid would do well in that scenario?
    This wasn't to stir up anything but it struck a nerve.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    This is steering away from topic, but the whole topic of abuse and human rights can become a politically correct or incorrect thing. In my city they are building a gigantic and artistic (expensive) building called The Manitoba Museum of Human Rights to inform tourists/children of human rights issues and various genocides historically. Of course at the top in importance is the Jewish Holocaust (officially 6 million), and since it's on an ancient aboriginal burial ground, they will feature prominantly also the residential school abuses across Canada. But there also was the Cambodian and Rwandan genocides. And a controversy rages over the Ukranian's claim to 7 million deliberately starved by Communists, which would make their suffering slightly larger than the Jews. Unacceptable. There's many more millions than that of black Africans forced from their homes that died on the ships before they even spent their entire lives in back-breaking labor as slaves; and I'm not even sure if they will make it into the museum. Not only the Dodo bird was hunted to extinction, but the aboriginees of Austrailia were also encouraged to be hunted until they were almost extinct (don't have the stats, but it was a horrible genocide). All history has been filled with massive slaughters and abuses of people--the list could go on and on. Now we are at the place in history, because we have the world-wide internet, easier travel, where we can understand and love different nationalities, and people of various religions, cultures, appearances. They need no longer be considered enemies, uncivilized and ignorant, or beneath us. There has to be forgiveness internationally for how we have hurt each other, for who of us hasn't thrown a stone at someone or a people's group.<br /><br />Bringing this back to topic, how could MJ truly represent and lead people on earth by example (heal the world), if he hadn't experienced hurt and betrayal by those around him, even his own father; and then after time realizing he needed to forgive them. What a strong beautiful heart he has.<br /><br />Note: By the way since about 15 years now, many  people (close to billions) communicate on internet forums, chats, comments etc. and from what I've seen there isn't much love or forgiveness, but instead so much hate, sadistic venom and ridicule. So things haven't really changed.  IMO real abuse is always happening, it just changes it's shape and style so that the current generation isn't aware that it is abusing others. We only see how we abused in the previous generations but are blind to our own. JMO  Life and history are like a river, always flowing and always changing.
    One thing it's sure: it is not easy to educate a child so well that when he's on his own he's prepared for this world in all ways.

    It is very difficult.

    I'm not saying I agree with Joe's methods but I think he did what he thought it was the best at that time.

    Today we try to make children understand the good word, we try not to apply phisical punishments or something like that but in all honesty - I am not 100% sure the results are what we expect.

    ...needs great skills to give a child the best education, to put into his head all your experience and make him understand to not repeat the same mistakes but at the same time to give him space to find his own way.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    isn't it interesting though by all accounts marlon probably got the worst of it all . and it would seem that he wound up being the most stable one of the bunch. of course we don't know everything but like i said it would seem.
  • Has Jermaine stopped tweeting?
  • <br />what gets me angry is that Joe beat michael if he did not dance properly, or made a mistake singing.. That is ludacris. I still do not condemn a parent beating a child if he did something wrong, but in this case if Michael did something drastic Joe would have a reason to beat him( not in my book) but for missing a step in dancing or he did not sing a song properly IS THAT A REASON FOR A BEATING? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    <br /><br />Just to comment the underlined part: children do wrong things all the time, they are in a learning process. Parents must notbit up a child under any circumstances. The child´s behaviour should be corrected via other methods and those techniques are accesible now days to any parent. <br />50 years ago this information was non existant but today it does exist, in clinical psychology as well.
    <br /><br /><br />Gema you are right, I agree with you that 50 yrs ago parents were not that educated. In another hand, you are wrong, I am the same age as Michael, well I am 50 yrs old and my parents never never laid a finger on me. If i did something wrong they punished me no tv no going outside and play what ever they saw fit.  My parents are Italian they are very very strict, I think they are more strict than Joe Jackson. This is why I do not understand and do not agree for him beating his son. As Mrs. Peppers said, Michael did forgive his father for beating him and that is fine, Joe should count his lucky stars that Michael grew up sane, he could have been scared for all his life. blessings.
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    Michael's parents both said that Mama Kate whipped ALL of their children more than the father did. Now! MJ probably was only whipped 5 times in total by his father. Now! How about some of you outing your parents and/or relatives that whipped spanked their children. Why don't some of you look in the mirror to see how you ended up sane? Where is the outrage against Mama Kate? It's just that Papa Joe was a TOUGH TASKMASTER and was trying to get his boys to perform by practicing a lot as practicce makes perfect.

    There are many - many of us that got whippings all over the world. Many of us in the US were told to go get a switch. Google Tito speaking about it. He said on the 5 Dynasty that he got whipped for hanging with a gang member - and that Papa Joe threatened to fight all of the boys in the gang if he saw his son with them again. In the J5 movie, they show Tito getting whipped for messing with his father's guitar. I guess that was creative license, because Tito never admitted to more than the gang time. Marlon was whipped for messing up his steps. They never showed MJ getting whipped.

    The bottom line was that MJ was never abused like some of you all are throwing around here. Again, many of us also got whipped and we came out alright. For years, MOST TEACHERS IN MOST PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS BEAT (I SAID BEAT WITH A PADDLE) CHILDREN - and the parents couldn't do anything about it. I suppose all of the children from decades and decades ago and up until now should thank their lucky stars that they're still SANE 'eh? Get real. MJ was not mistreated by his father. You need to Google and see what neglect and abuse means. His father fed, clothed them and kept a roof over their heads.

    Some on here just want to try and paint Joe Jackson as some kind of monster - and act like he is the only man in the world that whipped/spanked their children. One member of the New York Housewives stated a couple of years ago - that most children that act up - and the parents consent to DRUGGING their children, would be better off with a good old fashioned spanking/whipping. Many folks still believe that.

    You need to STOP trying to paint Papa Joe as some monster. MJ's last whipping probably was when he was eight or nine - and again, his parents say that the mother whipped them ALL more than Papa Joe even thought of. No child likes to get whipped - and many of us back then as the whipping went on were thinking - "ouch - I didn’t like this." Who does? And we know how sensitive MJ is. But his parents never abused those children - so you all need to quit it.

    MJ didn't miss a beat as it pertains to his upbringing - and there is no way on God's green earth that he could have excelled if he was ABUSED. Don't try to insinuate like George Bush did - that MJ blew up frogs - or almost was a serial killer. Get the hell out of here. MJ didn't get no more whippings than I did - and millions of others to include children that went to CATHOLIC school. Not only were they beat - they were raped over and over - and mainly little boys - as it still goes on. Now those are the ones you should be worried about.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Speaking as a kid who's Dad beat her, people do change, and you always love your parents. You find forgiveness in your heart when your Dad proves that he is a different person as he grows older. You move on and you let it go because you realize, your parents are not perfect any more then you are yourself. We are all flawed human beings. Current behavior trumps the past and people do mature with age, even as adults. Joe loves and supports Michael, that is obvious, and that is beautiful.<br /><br />Let he without sin cast the first stone. The relationship and history between Michael and Joe is none of our business.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Has Jermaine stopped tweeting?
    I think he had enough <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    Michael's parents both said that Mama Kate whipped ALL of their children more than the father did.  Now!  MJ probably was only whipped 5 times in total by his father.  Now!  How about some of you outing your parents and/or relatives that whipped spanked their children.  Why don't some of you look in the mirror to see how you ended up sane?  Where is the outrage against Mama Kate?  It's just that Papa Joe was a TOUGH TASKMASTER and was trying to get his boys to perform by practicing a lot as practicce makes perfect.<br /><br />There are many - many of us that got whippings all over the world.  Many of us in the US were told to go get a switch.  Google Tito speaking about it.  He said on the 5 Dynasty that he got whipped for hanging with a gang member - and that Papa Joe threatened to fight all of the boys in the gang if he saw his son with them again.  In the J5 movie, they show Tito getting whipped for messing with his father's guitar.  I guess that was creative license, because Tito never admitted to more than the gang time.  Marlon was whipped for messing up his steps.  They never showed MJ getting whipped.<br /><br />The bottom line was that MJ was never abused like some of you all are throwing around here.  Again, many of us also got whipped and we came out alright.  For years, MOST TEACHERS IN MOST PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS BEAT (I SAID BEAT WITH A PADDLE) CHILDREN - and the parents couldn't do anything about it.  I suppose all of the children from decades and decades ago and up until now should thank their lucky stars that they're still SANE 'eh?  Get real.  MJ was not mistreated by his father.  You need to Google and see what neglect and abuse means.  His father fed, clothed them and kept a roof over their heads.  <br /><br />Some on here just want to try and paint Joe Jackson as some kind of monster - and act like he is the only man in the world that whipped/spanked their children.  One member of the New York Housewives stated a couple of years ago - that most children that act up - and the parents consent to DRUGGING their children, would be better off with a good old fashioned spanking/whipping.  Many folks still believe that.  <br /><br />You need to STOP trying to paint Papa Joe as some monster.  MJ's last whipping probably was when he was eight or nine - and again, his parents say that the mother whipped them ALL more than Papa Joe even thought of.  No child likes to get whipped - and many of us back then as the whipping went on were thinking - "ouch - I didn’t like this."  Who does?  And we know how sensitive MJ is.  But his parents never abused those children - so you all need to quit it.<br /><br />MJ didn't miss a beat as it pertains to his upbringing - and there is no way on God's green earth that he could have excelled if he was ABUSED. Don't try to insinuate like George Bush did - that MJ blew up frogs - or almost was a serial killer.  Get the hell out of here.  MJ didn't get no more whippings than I did - and millions of others to include children that went to CATHOLIC school.  Not only were they beat - they were raped over and over - and mainly little boys - as it still goes on.  Now those are the ones you should be worried about.
    <br /><br /><br />i really only glanced over your post as i am spending time that i don't have at the moment but what i have highlighted caught my eye. what are you refering to? if you could elaberate.<br />also after this conversation started i have thought about this whole thing more and can see that in reality katherine knew that joe did love those kids ( i think he has an especially strong attachtment to michael , not so much because of the talent but because he would stand up to him at such a young age), was able to have more input than what can be portrayed in a movie or shown in a short interview. but i still believe whipping marlon for making mistakes in dance was misguided and i think it affected michael to be held up as the thing that marlon was competing with. we don't nessaesarally have to believe that the effect was negative.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Has Jermaine stopped tweeting?
    I think he had enough <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
    Latest tweets were on 2nd june

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    not yet had the call for Fulham FC coach's job but you British soccer fans sure made me laugh #underqualified #ffc
    2 Jun
    Jermaine Jackson
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

    @KathyHilton @ParisHilton thank you for your beautiful tribute to Michael on @piersmorgan show. love to you all
    1 Jun
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    The world has changed. When I grew up, at the same years as Michael, parents spanked. As the Bible tells us: "He who spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes" (Proverbs 13:24 I got spanked with a hair brush, belt, willow tree branch, fly swatter... I grew up and spanked my kids. My kids spanked my grandkids. But, now, raising foster children, it is against the law to spank. They can hit me, bite me, kick me, break my windows, you name it, but they cannot be spanked.
    I think what used to be done in a loving way to teach, is now simply abuse. I look back, being spanked and the spanker, and I think that it was a wrong way to teach. I don't think pain or fear of it teaches correction or retribution for wrong. I think it simply teaches fear. But, I also don't have the right answer because talking, grounding and such does not work either. We do what we must and now the laws have brought to light so much abuse from parenting that some of us think that we were abused too, when really, most of the spankings were done with love to teach, not done with hate and fear.
    I think what the Jackson kids thought was rage from Joe, after having kids, now view it as harsh, but loving and teaching. Perhaps if Joe had given the love along with it they'd have felt both.
  • spanking to learn a child something is very different from down right abuse,I should know I was abused by my mother she dident hit me to teach me something she would hit me whenever she felt like it,I was scared around my mother and when I heard Michael say that he would get sick if his father was near I felt his pain,I remember one time I had brused my wrist and it was all black and blue,I couldent hold my glass in that hand and I dropped it my mother began yelling at me and I ran for my life,when she found me, she grabbed my wounded wrist and really,really shook it and hit on it and said then to me,that will teach you a lesson,What lesson? I only learned to stay away from my mother as much as I could.
    The story,s I heard from Michael that wasent being spanked to teach a lesson in my opnion and like I say thats my opinion,it was downright abuse.

    On the other hand I have forgiven my Mother for what she did,I have forgiven her but I will never forget,but dont hurt my mother because I will chase you down if I have to,nobody disrespects my Mother period,I dont care what she has done to me she is still my Mother.
    I think this feeling was the same for Michael,whatever his father did He forgave Joe and its none of my bussines what happend between those two,If Michael could forgive just like I did then all is good,and I am sure he loves Joe.
  • Speaking as a kid who's Dad beat her, people do change, and you always love your parents. You find forgiveness in your heart when your Dad proves that he is a different person as he grows older. You move on and you let it go because you realize, your parents are not perfect any more then you are yourself. We are all flawed human beings. Current behavior trumps the past and people do mature with age, even as adults. Joe loves and supports Michael, that is obvious, and that is beautiful.<br /><br />Let he without sin cast the first stone. The relationship and history between Michael and Joe is none of our business.
    <br /><br />Thank you, bec, for your awesome post! I agree totally. If we all lived by the sins of our past we would all be condemned.<br /><br />Forgiveness is a wonderful thing - and if Michael has forgiven Joe then who are we to hang on to this past sin? Life is a learning process (I'm not saying that what he did was right but Joe (in his ignorance) was doing what he felt was right at the time). We all need a second chance. <br /><br />Please don't respond with I don't know what it's like to be beat, ect. You don't know my life experiences nor I yours.<br /><br />I love you all. Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Has Jermaine stopped tweeting?
    I think he had enough <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
    Latest tweets were on 2nd june

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    not yet had the call for Fulham FC coach's job but you British soccer fans sure made me laugh #underqualified #ffc
    2 Jun
    Jermaine Jackson
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

    @KathyHilton @ParisHilton thank you for your beautiful tribute to Michael on @piersmorgan show. love to you all
    1 Jun

    Yea I watch him on Twitter. I only have a Twitter account to watch the people who are most likely involved with the hoax. I must look like a loser because they are the only ones i follow lmao
  • Has Jermaine stopped tweeting?
    I think he had enough <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
    Latest tweets were on 2nd june

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    not yet had the call for Fulham FC coach's job but you British soccer fans sure made me laugh #underqualified #ffc
    2 Jun
    Jermaine Jackson
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson

    @KathyHilton @ParisHilton thank you for your beautiful tribute to Michael on @piersmorgan show. love to you all
    1 Jun

    Yea I watch him on Twitter. I only have a Twitter account to watch the people who are most likely involved with the hoax. I must look like a loser because they are the only ones i follow lmao

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> You are not alone <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm also on twitter just to see what's going on there, non of friends know my account <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
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