Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Maybe she deleted them when Souza tweeted her? I don't know. I guess I'm glad that I have better things to do with my time than mess with people.

    Take care, all4loveandbelieve.

    (I'm a little crabby tonight...I shouldn't post when I'm crabby.)
  • Maybe she deleted them when Souza tweeted her? I don't know. I guess I'm glad that I have better things to do with my time than mess with people.

    Take care, all4loveandbelieve.

    (I'm a little crabby tonight...I shouldn't post when I'm crabby.)

    anewfan - <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->

    I agree with you on all accounts (and I like when you get a little crabby. It's like watching Mary Poppins get upset) Many blessings to you.
  • Ok I will say it, I thought the commercial that TMZ was funny, not at what they said but the way they did it (I hope that makes sense)...I have no disrespect for the Jackson's or even Joe. I think Joe is a great Dad, yes no one is perfect, but he did what he thought was best for his kids and they are stronger because of him.

    I just thought I might say that and clear that up because I would never laugh at someone who is being made fun of, I think it's low and although I did laugh, it wasn't at what they said, I hope everyone understands what I mean.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Michael wasn't an immaculate conception after all. Joe is a genius, Michael says so himself. Chop off the ol' block he is. Keeping Joe out of the know would be very dangerous indeed because Joe would figure it out long before any of us.
    Ok I will say it, I thought the commercial that TMZ was funny, not at what they said but the way they did it (I hope that makes sense)...I have no disrespect for the Jackson's or even Joe. I think Joe is a great Dad, yes no one is perfect, but he did what he thought was best for his kids and they are stronger because of him.

    I just thought I might say that and clear that up because I would never laugh at someone who is being made fun of, I think it's low and although I did laugh, it wasn't at what they said, I hope everyone understands what I mean.
    It bothers me a lot when I see Joe trashed. He did the best he knew back then, and rather than focus on the bad, why not focus on all the good he did as a father more. I think it should be that 'he who hasn't made parenting mistakes can cast the first stone.' I like Joe, agree he's a genius, and feel sorry for him. It bugs me when my grown children often only point out odd negative memories of my husband/their dad, and I know full well he poured/pours his life out for them, sacrificing and being there for them constantly. Like MJ said, "Good news doesn't sell". People simply seem to enjoy trashing people because they can--freedom of speech. Add to that --the cover of anonymity behind a computer screen.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    And the best part for Joe - he gave us Michael.
  • I'm saying that I wasn't laughing at that...I really do have respect for Joe.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Joe beat those children when they were young and impressionable. I will never be able to brush that off. Their ability to find solace in each other and their inherent mega talents is what saved them from God knows what, not Joe. I don't respect him. Never have and never will. <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    And the best part for Joe - he gave us Michael.

    Amen. <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->
  • Joe beat those children when they were young and impressionable.  I will never be able to brush that off.  Their ability to find solace in each other and their inherent mega talents is what saved them from God knows what, not Joe.  I don't respect him. Never have and never will. <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->  <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->
    <br /><br /><br />Do you know how many children I deal with every day of my life who were abused from their parents? Children that want to commit suicide? Children that think they are a nuisance to their parents, or to the society, these are children age of 7 yrs and up.. So please don't come to me and say that's what he knew best.. Look I am Michael age, well 2 yrs younger, my parents came from italy and were very stricted, but they never laid a hand on me. Never. They punished me or my sibling. They came from the same generation as Michael's parents. Hitting a child does not resolve anything. Joe is darn lucky that all his children turned out very well, God bless them all. But they could have turn out also bad.. Please if you do have children never hit them, it will scare them for life. Talk to them and reason with them, you can punish them so they will understand the situation. Blessings.
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    Golly. aren't some people quick to embrace TMZ when it suits them...

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    don't think for a second that Michael didn't know his father, flaws & strengths. He'd be rolling his eyes like everyone else now...

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    But he would NOT subscribe to the hate & vitriol Joseph is being subjected to, whether he be seen as right or wrong...

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    those who spit hate & judgment towards this family misunderstand Michael and his core message of love & compassion

    jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    Finally, the truth: "Jermaine's Legacy Project ...was NOT a damaging book about Michael" <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I agree with Jermaine.
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    Do you think so? I bet devil Joe lol would have been the first to smell something fishy. How could they keep this secret from him?
    Yes I think so after reading the history of Michael's relationship with him.
    Of course, being the way he is he can and does smell something, but it doesn't mean he has this knowledge from Michael, right? And also he has been so busy with numerous selling since the day Michael "died" so I really don't think he has enough time for thinking about anything else. Remember what he was speaking about when he was interviewed being on some event, shortly after the 25th of June, 2009? I don't remember what event it was, but Joe attended it with some studio guys and they were speaking about the new openning of the studio ( or something like that ) and some new projects with the happy smiles upon their faces and there was not a single mourn sign at all. What a strong man - thought I first..What a sneaky man - thought I later..What a poor man - thinking I now, remembering the fact that he never understood his son was not only a bag of money or the way of making the bag of money, but a perfect child with the kindest soul.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Joe beat those children when they were young and impressionable. I will never be able to brush that off. Their ability to find solace in each other and their inherent mega talents is what saved them from God knows what, not Joe. I don't respect him. Never have and never will. <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->

    "My father did always protect us and that's no small feat. He always tried to make sure people didn't cheat us. He looked after our interests in the best ways. He might have made a few mistakes along the way, but he always thought he was doing what was right for his family. And, of course, most of what my father helped us accomplish was wonderful and unique, especially in regard to our relationships with companies and people in the business. I'd say we were among a fortunate few artists who walked away from a childhood in the business with anything substantial - money, real estate, other investments. My father set all these up for us."
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Doesn’t change a thing. I deal with kids who still love their abusing parents all the time. Doesn’t mean they don’t suffer some consequence as a result of the abuse. And it certainly doesn’t make me feel any differently about the abuser. Michael is kind and loving by nature ANYWAY. His words are very respectful. He is forigiving. However, I’ve already seen what Joe’s disciplining caused Michael to suffer through. He became a phenomenal success, but he paid a very high price for it, leading a very lonely, secluded existence as an adult. No one can tell me that his childhood wasn’t partially to blame for that. Not even his sweet heart.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125

    anewfan - <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->

    I agree with you on all accounts (and I like when you get a little crabby. It's like watching Mary Poppins get upset) Many blessings to you.

    You are too sweet, voice! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Why do we believe Jermaine anyway ? Wasn't he the same one to say Marlons twitter was fake? He even 'quoted' him ... and later Tito said it was real and he was like 'oh'.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    I remember Jermaine said that "real" Marlon started to use that account from that day (when tito confirmed too).
  • For All TimeFor All Time Posts: 259
    You can't beat your children like Joe did with Michael when he was little and after to have a normal relationship with your father and have respect for him ...sorry but MJ did tell how horrible it was so I don't like Joe Jackson.....Poor Michael, he was just a child ! His heart is too big and his soul is too wonderful to have anything bad to say about anyone..God bless him .
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I am against all form of abuse but we should also see that Joe and Katherine were raised that way as many people who are 80 years today. Even Katherine said in the Oprah interview "that´s how black people raised their children".
    Also, consider the social factor here plus the area where they lived.

    Gary was not the ideal city for kids to be raised either. Joe explained many times why he raised his kids that way (something i don´t share) to keep them out from trouble and it worked for him. His concern was to make his kids self suficient to feed themselves. I don´t think that he could predict how sensitive Michael was and how affected he would be by the lack of contact love (in shape of hugs, kisses etc from his dad). The rest of the brothers have been raised the same way and each one of them developed differently emotionally wise.

    Michael refers to his father as a "genious" even tho Michael said that he didn´t understand how his father loved him.

    Joe was there supporting Michael during the trials and also had interviews after it and was verbal about the conspiracy behind Michael. At the end, what counts is that Joe supported Michael when Michael needed him. Some people show their love that way, by support. Not every one is active with hugs and kisses.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Attempts to make me see this any other way than the way it is are futile. I’m out of this thread. Abuse is abuse is abuse no matter how you try to clean it up. I’m 100% against it. <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->

    I’ve seen Michael with his father and in virtually every instance, he did not appear comfortable or relaxed to say the least. As an older adult Michael chose to have the bigger heart and forgive his father. That was the only way to start to heal himself. I applaud that. However, it does not change history and Michael has been over many more years than not ALWAYS completely open about their strained relationship. Joe is not on my list for Dad of the Year by no means.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Just one more thing…for you who are okay with Michael’s treatment by his father as a young child, tell me this… what did Michael do to cause this? Did he miss a step or skip school? Did he get sleepy and tired or sneak out and get in some trouble? Did he sing the lines wrong or did he curse at his mother? Tell me, what did he do? Which one of those things or anyother things did Michael do to deserve strong corporal punishment? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> NADA. I don’t get it. Never will accept it. It wasn’t nice and it wasn’t right. No excuse is good enough.
  • allforloveallforlove Posts: 299
    I am against all form of abuse but we should also see that Joe and Katherine were raised that way as many people who are 80 years today. Even Katherine said in the Oprah interview "that´s how black people raised their children".
    Also, consider the social factor here plus the area where they lived.

    Gary was not the ideal city for kids to be raised either. Joe explained many times why he raised his kids that way (something i don´t share) to keep them out from trouble and it worked for him. His concern was to make his kids self suficient to feed themselves. I don´t think that he could predict how sensitive Michael was and how affected he would be by the lack of contact love (in shape of hugs, kisses etc from his dad). The rest of the brothers have been raised the same way and each one of them developed differently emotionally wise.

    Michael refers to his father as a "genious" even tho Michael said that he didn´t understand how his father loved him.

    Joe was there supporting Michael during the trials and also had interviews after it and was verbal about the conspiracy behind Michael. At the end, what counts is that Joe supported Michael when Michael needed him. Some people show their love that way, by support. Not every one is active with hugs and kisses.

    I agree with everything you said. You could see how much Joe was hurt during the false accusations of that awful trial. You could see it when he was interviewed, you could also see it when he supported Michael at the trials. He isn't a man who shows easy his feelings as more men seem to have trouble with.He grew up at a time a man never could cry or show weakness.Luckely times are different and now a man can cry and be soft at times. For someone of his age it's hard to change and show his real feelings but nevertheless he did.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I have not seen one post in this thread being pro-punishment. I read that we are against it as much as you do but also can see the social circumstances plus many other factors for Joe to see "normal" to wipp up his kids or as he said, to discipline them.

    Fortunately children rights are very active now days to prevent punishment and to educate parents but still there is a long way to go.
    Just one more thing…for you who are okay with Michael’s treatment by his father as a young child, tell me this… what did Michael do to cause this? Did he miss a step or skip school? Did he get sleepy and tired or sneak out and get in some trouble? Did he sing the lines wrong or did he curse at his mother? Tell me, what did he do? Which one of those things or anyother things did Michael do to deserve strong corporal punishment? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> NADA. I don’t get it. Never will accept it. It wasn’t nice and it wasn’t right. No excuse is good enough.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    damage already done. Too late thehero in my book. <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->
  • I am against all form of abuse but we should also see that Joe and Katherine were raised that way as many people who are 80 years today. Even Katherine said in the Oprah interview "that´s how black people raised their children".<br />Also, consider the social factor here plus the area where they lived.<br /><br />Gary was not the ideal city for kids to be raised either. Joe explained many times why he raised his kids that way (something i don´t share) to keep them out from trouble and it worked for him. His concern was to make his kids self suficient to feed themselves. I don´t think that he could predict how sensitive Michael was and how affected he would be by the lack of contact love (in shape of hugs, kisses etc from his dad). The rest of the brothers have been raised the same way and each one of them developed differently emotionally wise.<br /><br />Michael refers to his father as a "genious" even tho Michael said that he didn´t understand how his father loved him.<br /><br />Joe was there supporting Michael during the trials and also had interviews after it and was verbal about the conspiracy behind Michael. At the end, what counts is that Joe supported Michael when Michael needed him. Some people show their love that way, by support. Not every one is active with hugs and kisses.
    <br /><br /><br />what gets me angry is that Joe beat michael if he did not dance properly, or made a mistake singing.. That is ludacris. I still do not condemn a parent beating a child if he did something wrong, but in this case if Michael did something drastic Joe would have a reason to beat him( not in my book) but for missing a step in dancing or he did not sing a song properly IS THAT A REASON FOR A BEATING? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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