Does this guy at the grammy's look familiar



  • MJJLivesMJJLives Posts: 130
    Josh's father and the old man are NOT the same person....

    I agree. Even though they look similar, it definitely is not the same guy. IMO.
  • oh please

  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Just wanted to say that I didn't get an answr of my mail to Richard Herd, yet.

    Just to let you know
  • EDIT: take a look at this pic, isn't that guy looking at the pinocchio guy suspiciously??

    That guy is a member of the black eyed peas and he could possibly be looking at the camera since it's pointed in his direction. Personally I think the camera was pointed in this direction not because of the man but because the black eyed peas were there.

    My question is this: Is it common at the Grammy's for regular folk to be seated (mixed in) next to the celebrities?????? I see two Black Eyed Peas members in that row and the one at the far end may be flanked by family members. However, I don't see WillIAm and Fergie in that row. To me it seems strange to see two individuals who appear so grossly out of place seated amongst the band. TV Guide did a pre-Grammy interview of Black Eyed Peas on the red carpet and these two characters (Mr. Magoo and Mr. Wide Eyes) were not with the group (as one may expect producers etc. to be-if that is indeed the case). What I do know is that MJ worked closely with WillIAm in Ireland prior to his return to the States and that they were good friends.In this regard, if this Mr. Magoo character is truly MJ then it would make sense that he was seated next to people he felt comfortable with----even though they may not be aware it's him. Perhaps band members are allowed a guest or two with their invitation and WillIAm and the man next to Mr. Wide Eyes brought them as their guests (of course, then at least one would know and I would suspect WillIAm is our man)?!?!?!?!??!?!?
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Mr. Wide Eyes is the manager of BEP...but I really have no clue, who that older guy is...Just like some said, he looks like Karl Malden, but Karl Malden died in July 2009...

    So who is it?

    For me, it looks like a guy with prosthetic Make up on <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Mr. Wide Eyes is the manager of BEP...but I really have no clue, who that older guy is...Just like some said, he looks like Karl Malden, but Karl Malden died in July 2009...

    So who is it?

    OMG--you are so right. Mr. Wide eyes is Polo Molina and is the Black Eyed Peas manager. And, when I did a search of him a pic of Molina came up of him with Nelson Mandella. Perhaps the connection here is a bit deeper than I even suspected!!!!! I, of course, am making reference to MJ's property in Africa, his friendship with Mandella etc, etc. Now, perhaps the entire band has a closer affinity to MJ than I have ever suspected (I had only known of MJ's connection with Will.I.Am). Cool......hope these new revelations are indications that it is realistic for MJ to be sitting amongst them (even if in disguise).

    For me, it looks like a guy with prosthetic Make up on <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • EDIT: take a look at this pic, isn't that guy looking at the pinocchio guy suspiciously??

    That guy is a member of the black eyed peas and he could possibly be looking at the camera since it's pointed in his direction. Personally I think the camera was pointed in this direction not because of the man but because the black eyed peas were there.
    if this Mr. Magoo character is truly MJ then it would make sense that he was seated next to people he felt comfortable with----even though they may not be aware it's him. Perhaps band members are allowed a guest or two with their invitation and WillIAm and the man next to Mr. Wide Eyes brought them as their guests (of course, then at least one would know and I would suspect WillIAm is our man)?!?!?!?!??!?!?

    Michael really wouldnt have any control over the seating because that's up to the planners... I dont know about the guest thing. But also regular people do sit amongst the celebrities and they are called seat-fillers.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    OMG <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm so sorry but those 2 look like the Magic Couple to me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Personally I don't believe them to be Michael. They didn't look fake to me but that guy does really have a big nose. I would laugh to myself if I had a nose like that. So sorry but I'm going to laugh for that nose and to the man's eyes next to him. Mr Eyes Wide Open <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    The old man keeps moving around - depending on where the BEP are sitting. I will take screen caps of where he is all the time and post it.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I have read through this entire thread. and yes we do not know who this gentlemen is and we sure do not know if it is MJ or not right? Ok guys some things we read too much into right? And some things we don't read enough into right? This is one of those things that I feel some of us may be trying to believe. OK MJ mentioned Magoo characer right? Loooook at this grammy man! This man looks just like that character! Seriously! Coincidence, I dont think so. Also......remember the blonde lady, hat man, and Dave Dave ( they have all been debunked as being MJ right? the question here is why in the world would these characters (and imo they certainly look like disguised guest ) just show up ? WHy? what would be the reason? wHO could it be. We saw the hat man at the memorial, and then the hat man at the burial (looking totally different from each other!) We saw the Blonde lady at the memorial right? Ok looking totally disguised! The point I am trying to make is why would these individuals come to memorial or burial like this? WHO are they? You know what did we ever find out exactly who these people were? i Feel that this is quite interesting to say the least! the Blonde woman at the memorial with the thumbs up! Comeone! What I am saying not to offend anyone but yes we must explore every possibility. Remember guys............ MJ WAS/IS THE MASTER OF DISGUISES AND HAS PROBABLY PERFECTED THIS CRAFT OVER THE YEARS! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • i agree we dont know who they r do we?? the hatman is??? the blonde lady is???? the pinnochio guy is????? and then why hasnt dave dave come out and said yes that really was me on lkl?? has anyone asked him??
  • lumaluma Posts: 4
    O homem com o nariz grande, diz depois do discurso do príncipe? : roll:
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    After all smiling, Î have the feeling that there is something we are not understanding.
    Michael has put so many symbols and hints in TII.
    Does anybody think he would stop now when receiving again the (mainly American) world's attention?

    I tend to look at a nose as an instrument to smell and thus find orientation.
    I tend to look at eyes as an instrument to see and thus find orientation.
    Both are of HUGE dimensions in the characters we were pulled to (out of hundreds of important guests they chose these to show).

    So is this not reflecting back:

    O.P.E.N. your eyes ?
    S.M.E.L.L. with your nose ?
    F.I.N.D. your orientation by that ?

    T.R.U.S.T. in yourself and not in others' interpretations and make.believes of the world ?
  • Instead of this guy looking like Mr. Magoo...

    I think this is Mr. Fredrickson from the animated movie "UP".
    "All his life Carl Fredrickson dreamed of adventure..... today his adventure is finally taking off."

    Sounds familiar to me? and reminds me of the grammy man....

    check this out !
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  • mjluvmjluv Posts: 9
    I think it might be fergie's husbands father cause I found this photo and I think that's him beside fergie's husband <!-- m --> ... --audience<!-- m -->
  • Some man have noses like this one ... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    (think about the actor from Streets of San Francisco, I can't remember his name right now).

    But it made me laugh ... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->


    The actor you are thinking of is Karl Malden and he did have a big nose just like "grammy guy". The nose didn't get me as much as the hands/clapping.
  • i think and i know you dont agree, but i feel this is a red herring

    i really dont think that the week ending with cm and the DA he wd show up at the grammy's unless he was doing a billie jean
  • 1203792609_4423.jpg

    Can you tell this is Eddie Murpy?
  • ...YES...I believe that Michael is "hiding in plain sight"...AND...having a GREAT time doing it...and, of course, his children know he is not "dead". IBIL <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Hell! That is probably why Paris was soooo nervous giving her speech. SHe knew her daddy was out there in audience watching her. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558

    Can you tell this is Eddie Murpy?

    WOW! Check out this link - and be amazed at what can be done with disguises. Mike could definitely be the old guy from the Grammys!!

    (after you click on the link, scroll down to see all the photos)
    <!-- m --> ... rphy-62895<!-- m -->
  • Eddie Murphy is the master at this (among other artists) and he also played with Janet Jackson.Michael being that old man wouldn't surprise me....he might follow us and might have thought that the eyes should be more different cause last time we caught him through his eyes as Dave why always "men with spectacles"? did we noticed that he wore last times spectacles....i believe he "had" myopia .(?)
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Eddie Murphy is the master at this (among other artists) and he also played with Janet Jackson.Michael being that old man wouldn't surprise me....he might follow us and might have thought that the eyes should be more different cause last time we caught him through his eyes as Dave why always "men with spectacles"? did we noticed that he wore last times spectacles....i believe he "had" myopia .(?)

    MJ wears specs to read and mentioned that he looked like Mr. Magoo in them. This guy looks more like Mr. Magoo than Mr. Magoo - I'm just putting 2 & 2 together and probably coming up with 5 - but its worth keeping on the back burner knowing MJ's penchant for disguises and all.
  • Eddie Murphy is the master at this (among other artists) and he also played with Janet Jackson.Michael being that old man wouldn't surprise me....he might follow us and might have thought that the eyes should be more different cause last time we caught him through his eyes as Dave why always "men with spectacles"? did we noticed that he wore last times spectacles....i believe he "had" myopia .(?)

    MJ wears specs to read and mentioned that he looked like Mr. Magoo in them. This guy looks more like Mr. Magoo than Mr. Magoo - I'm just putting 2 & 2 together and probably coming up with 5 - but its worth keeping on the back burner knowing MJ's penchant for disguises and all.
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    My mother has reading glasses and she can't see with them while walking in the house
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Neither can I - but that's got nothing to do with it.
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