Does this guy at the grammy's look familiar



  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    hm another thing why it is not Richard Herd..

    The Grammys are MÚSIC-Award show, right?

    And Richard Herd is an it usual, that also actors are invited to the Grammys?

    I didn't see another actor at the grammys...
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Hmm, well first of all, yes I agree that it is wrong to make fun of anyone & certainly that's the last thing that MJ believed in.

    Secondly, in the first set of the two different pics of the man(pg 7)it is certain that they were taken in two different events IMO. If that's the case, then it is not MJ.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Hmm, well first of all, yes I agree that it is wrong to make fun of anyone & certainly that's the last thing that MJ believed in.

    Secondly, in the first set of the two different pics of the man(pg 7)it is certain that they were taken in two different events IMO. If that's the case, then it is not MJ.

    Sorry what Do you mean? Of course i took different pictures of different events with different angles of Karl Malden and this one picture of the "Grammys Man" to compare these.. and we couldn't get a new picutre of Karl Malden because Karl Malden died in July 2009
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Offtopic: The movie Dead Ringer starring Karl Malden and Bette Davis is one of my all time favorites.
    I noticed him as I was watching the show as well. He stands out in the crowd. The kids had NO family in the audience. Why pan over to this guy? I can understand - Quincy. But who is this? He looks thrilled like a proud dad (or grandpa w/ the disguise.) Karl Maldon is dead isn't he? (Streets of San Francisco Guy) This guys is a dead ringer for him. ( excuse the pun).

    Let's not jump over it. Worth a second look.

    MJ is not about the obvious - at least this is what we experienced since 7 months.
    Mr. Magoo is placed to draw our attention.

    1) IMDB says about Karl Malden's "Dead Ringer" movie:
    "Also Known As:
    Dead Image (UK)
    Who Is Buried in My Grave? (USA) (working title)"

    "Fun stuff / Goofs: Miscellaneous: Due to bright lighting during several shots at the funeral showing twins portrayed by Bette Davis, it's obvious - even with a veil over her face - that one of the characters is actually a double (in reality, Davis sort-of look-alike, Connie Cezon)."

    "Fun stuff / Quotes: Paul Harrison: Too bad I called and woke you last night. This might not have happened.
    Margaret DeLorca: It wouldn't have mattered when you called. I've gotten so I'm afraid to turn around for fear of what will happen next.
    Paul Harrison: Oh, just one of those rough patches, Margaret. Things will look better in a few months.

    Story: "The twin sister of a callous wealthy woman murders her out of revenge and assumes the identity of the dead woman. "

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    2) The man in white is much more interesting.
    He does not change one second in mimic.
    He is VERY much controlling what he's doing.
    His eyes would perfectly fit those of DD at LKL.

    This is my best guess: Mr. White.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    But abput Mr. White:

    He doesn't look like this guy is in prosthetic make up...but "Mr. Magoo" does...IMO
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Mr. White is wearing make-up. The face is powdered whereas the skin head is sweating and glossy.

    <!-- s;-) -->;-)<!-- s;-) -->
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    hmmm, interesing biographical connections of Karl Malden - he was living in Gary Indiana and worked for Gary steel mills...
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    But would he look like that, after his Children did such a good job?

    for me, Mr.Magoo or Mr. Malden or Mr. Herd or whoever it is <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->, looks unreal.. just like the mayor in "ghosts"
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    hmmm, interesing biographical connections of Karl Malden - he was living in Gary Indiana and worked for Gary steel mills...


    isn't that the company where Joe worked at, in the beginning?
  • Off topic, but the guy in the glasses made me smile <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> He has such a cute expression on his face ..
    No idea if he is real or fake, although I have to say if he would be fake, that is one great make-up job..
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    hmmm, interesing biographical connections of Karl Malden - he was living in Gary Indiana and worked for Gary steel mills...


    isn't that the company where Joe worked at, in the beginning?

    if there were one steel mill in Gary, then I would guess so?
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    hmmm, interesing biographical connections of Karl Malden - he was living in Gary Indiana and worked for Gary steel mills...


    isn't that the company where Joe worked at, in the beginning?

    if there were one steel mill in Gary, then I would guess so?

    So I did a little bit research about Steel Mills in Gary, IN

    US Steel Corporation
    1 Broadway
    Gary, IN 46402-3199, United States

    Republic Engineered ProductsAdresse:?
    2800 East Dunes Highway
    Gary, IN 46402-1607, United States

    Gary Metal Manufacturing
    2700 East 5th Avenue
    Gary, IN 46402-1606, United States

    that's it...
  • Another thing that's sticking out to me... I mean, those people around him are singers & celebrities..what's this old guy doing there? =DD

    Just because someone gets old doesn't mean they don't invite them to the Grammy's. The Grammy's isn't just for young people. There are thousands of important people in the music business that aren't household names and that have been involved for decades. This man is probably one of them.
    well said
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    But I remembered the movie about the Jacksons... and I think that Joe was working at the Gary Metal Manuf.

    Okay my mistake

    He worked hre

    Joseph, a former boxer, worked full-time as a crane operator at Gary's U.S. Steel company

    found here

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    And KArl Malden, hm it isn't mentioned in which steel mill he worked...
    oh and his father also worked there..
  • try now with Richard Herd


    The form of their heads are too different. 'Mr Magoo' has a rounder and smaller head.
    Also Richard Herd has the usual wrinkles for his age, while our mystery man hasn't. So I don't think its Richard Herd.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082 try now with Richard Herd


    The form of their heads are too different. 'Mr Magoo' has a rounder and smaller head.
    Also Richard Herd has the usual wrinkles for his age, while our mystery man hasn't. So I don't think its Richard Herd.

    and Richard Herd is an actor, not a musician ( not official) so why should he attend the grammys?
    But I'm still waiting for his answer, to be sure <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • try now with Richard Herd


    The form of their heads are too different. 'Mr Magoo' has a rounder and smaller head.
    Also Richard Herd has the usual wrinkles for his age, while our mystery man hasn't. So I don't think its Richard Herd.

    and Richard Herd is an actor, not a musician ( not official) so why should he attend the grammys?
    But I'm still waiting for his answer, to be sure <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I dont think that's very suspicious cause I think they invite actors too.
    Can't wait to see his answer <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082 try now with Richard Herd


    The form of their heads are too different. 'Mr Magoo' has a rounder and smaller head.
    Also Richard Herd has the usual wrinkles for his age, while our mystery man hasn't. So I don't think its Richard Herd.

    and Richard Herd is an actor, not a musician ( not official) so why should he attend the grammys?
    But I'm still waiting for his answer, to be sure <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I dont think that's very suspicious cause I think they invite actors too.
    Can't wait to see his answer <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    hm Okay. I was just wondering cause I didn't see any actore there...or maybe I missed it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I hope he will answer!
  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    apparently the guy out of the black eyed peas a couple of rows behind is supposed to be around 5' 11" I can't really tell from the pics but this guy maybe is an inch or two shorter. Also either its good lighting or this guy has had botox, he has zero wrinkles!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    That nose does not seem real, like a costume's nose is like a bulb <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • According to Wiki, Karl Malden had a sporting injury to his nose which may have accounted for the way his features were.
  • BoreasBoreas Posts: 119
    To burst the bubble on who Mr. White is: Polo Marino He is the Black Eyed Peas' manager; <!-- m --> ... s-mugshot/<!-- m -->

    He's the dude that punched Perez Hilton in the eye. (ha ha)
  • I think what we need here is to compare MJ's hands side by side with this man's hands....and the old man's ears are in clear view as well.
    Remember all the comparison pics we did of O2 guy and MJ and hatman and blonde lady and MJ?

    We need to do this with "Grammy Man".

    I was looking at his thumbs and comparing them to MJ's....Im going home tonight and watch this segment again on my big screen TV....

    Is this the only time they show this guy during the show?

    GRAMMY MAN!!!! LOL!! LOL!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • OKay....maybe I'm obsessed with that <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    But now I'*ve found a better quality picture of that man...

    I am really grateful that you put these enhanced pics up. I have been studying the two and it is clearly not the same man---however, he is made to look like him. Take notice of the gentleman at the Grammy's......his nostrils are turned/flared, so to speak, whereas the other man's aren't. To me these are clearly not two of the same person, although he is made to look like any average elderly man. (As an aside, has Karen Faye been hard at work lately????) PLUS, I really need to point out in particular that the skin (complexion) of the man at the Grammy's is too perfect
    a lot of stage makeup. Otherwise you would see variations in skin tone, wrinkles and brown age spots for a man of that age.

    I am really optimistic that is MJ in disguise. He is taking this time to let his children shine without him serving as a distraction. Perhaps, this is why he had them wear masks for so create an intense mystery and longing curiosity about them, so when they are no longer veiled they will be given lasting public attention. However, they are feeding us only small bites every now and then to keep us interested, eager for more. It can be likened to a fish being tempted by bait and having the line continually pulled back as it opens it's mouth around the worm. This could all very well play out in the hoax as MJ is brilliant and knows psychology very very well. For many weeks a quiet hush has befallen us; however, I think a crescendo is in the works. Undoubtedly, there is more to come. Bring it on, Michael!!!! We love you!!!
  • :oops: <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    also the "grammy-karl" has got dark eye brows. Yet very gray hair.
    isn't it so that after the hair gets gray, the eye brows are also turning into gray ?

    Generally, yes. You are right! Good point illustrated. Thanks.
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