Official back & Front thread



  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1354984729:
    <br /> your morning thoughts!  I wish my morning thoughts were as coherent or positive lol....I'm definitely not a morning person!<br /><br />
    <br />I have always felt Michael is a master at using language and emotion to convey his messages.<br />
    <br /><br />x 7<br /><br />And when combined with being SO attuned to human nature, needs and's a killer combo  :moonwalk_:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />That's the funniest part....I am SO not a morning person either!!!! <br />Killer combo indeed!!!!  :icon_lol:<br /><br />Blessings!!!! 
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    on 1354977113:
    <br />You guys are funny. We're the ones who've been sitting on our buts watching this for 3+ years now. I'd say we like to watch too.<br /><br />group-cartoon.gif<br />
    <br /><br />And my but is staring to ache now! :-[
  • on 1354963956:
    <br />I think it's understandable the feel of insecurity and doubt that some of us are experiencing, and it shouldn't be surprising. After all, there's only few days left until January 2013 and I for one can't feel the "BAM is in the air" theme. Shouldn't there be signs if it were to happen ? Yes, I know the cliche answer - the element of surprise - but still, will all the wrongs be righted in 23 days ?!<br />
    <br /><br />Wrongs are being righted since minute one after Michael's "death" until BAM's day and even after BAM the path to right the wrongs will be easier since all the wrong doers will be exposed and will be bound hand and foot so won't be able to keep on wrongdoing.  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />TongueSmiley.gif&sa=X&ei=ooLDUJb7NsWnhAeR1YC4CQ&ved=0CAwQ8wc4Fg&usg=AFQjCNH3sl6RqpVJrJ6OsZkdJ8Aq_Feyeg
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354983933:
    <br />[...]<br />It seems like within this hoax adventure so many play on words have been used.  Linguistically speaking,<br />we have seen homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, metaphors, catch-phrases and so on.<br />We have also discussed how this hoax mirrors analogies, parables, allegories etc.  <br />However, the one thing that comes to mind most is: Rhetoric.  Though it's actually difficult to give definition to, it encompasses a wide range<br />of thought and structure.  It comes down to persuasion and motivation.  Using language in such a way that the person receiving<br />the information, does so almost unknowingly. The speech giver, the writer, the informer uses words brilliantly to convey <br />meaning.  Aristotle used a few different techniques along this route: pathos (appeal to emotions), logos (logic within conversation) and <br />ethos ( establishes the character, authenticity, qualification of said writer/speaker (TS/Front?))<br />I have always felt Michael is a master at using language and emotion to convey his messages.  This hoax is no different.  He has managed<br />to put together the most comprehensive telling of his message of LOVE.  He uses classic language and epic linguistic skills.  <br />It's all for L.O.V.E.  [...]
    <br />Great morning thoughts @Wishy!<br /><br />I remembered writing something similar few months ago....<br />From this thread:,5167.msg403842.html#msg403842<br />And I can't find that thread where we had that hoax-dictionary!? Can anybody find that link? I don't remember in which section of the forum it was posted!<br /><br />
    on 1337126122:
    <br />
    on 1337122089:
    <br />[...]<br />Well I don´t know...maybe I´ll just save my thoughts for a future degree dissertation  :icon_e_wink: :icon_lol:<br />
    HA!! one more time! HA HA!! I also thought about the incredible amount of information and inspiration that this hoax is.... <br />"The Linguistic Structure of Michael Jackson's death hoax" - would be a vast theme to research & debate in.... my hopefully! future doctoral thesis.....It sounds crazy!  :icon_lol: I'm thinking more and more about this! You know, for linguists.... it's hard to find/discover "UNKNOWN" things to bring forward! The languages are alive and evolve in time, alongside civilization and mentalities, that's true, but...still what was interesting and important to discover was already done by others... being original in this field of activity is almost impossible! Michael proved that we can invent LANGUAGE & methods to communicate, via the virtual; (Internet)... in another dimension, completely parallel to the real world (yet paradoxically very much OPENED for the real world to SEE), that dimension is what we are all familiar with by now: HOAXLAND!<br />
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1354931269:
    <br />Those are alter peeps who talk in my head sometimes. R~ she is a bitch. lol but still finds a way 2 love. :smiley_abuv:<br />
    <br /><br />I'm glad i'm not the only one with an alter peep who talks in my head sometimes.  :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br />
    on 1354943607:
    <br />Bec I understand COMPLETELY!!!! I have been thinking that the whole time because I KNEW I didnt know<br />anything hahahaha. I am doing the exact same thing but my way of dealing with it will be to leave this forum<br />behind but ONLY IF we were wrong and there is no BAM. I thank YOU ALL no matter what for your thoughts,<br />opinions, your LOVE, support, and help for EVERYTHING. It is nice to know we all have somewhere to go<br />no matter what for support which some of us may not have even got from our friends etc......<br />Its been fun and awesome now is not the time to be second guessing ourselves. Just know in your mind<br />that we MIGHT have been wrong and if there is no BAM or anything then start second guessing.<br />We all have dedicated too much time and effort and Lord knows brain power on this and their is<br />NO WAY we are all wrong. LOVE you all. Thanks to Souza and all the mods and also Front, TS, and MJ<br />for everything!!!!!!!!!<br />
    <br /><br />Nice post, I agree!  :icon_e_biggrin: <br /><br />
    on 1354943607:
    <br />Now freeeeeeeakin SHAMONE with the BAM now MJ so we can either check in to the mental asylum<br />or be vindicated by all the nay sayers!!!!! Please :)<br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_lol: yeah!<br /><br />Trying to find my zen during this tIME.<br /><br />funnypfif.jpg
  • CarrieCarrie Posts: 136
    Hi everyone  :icon_e_smile:<br /><br />I just signed up because I have been wanting to ask if anyone have seen or paid attention to the video that was posted on MJ's facebook on November 15th..? If it has been posted or talked about, I apologize. <br />The video is of MJ accepting the Diamond award in 2006. If you fast forward to 3:40 / 3:41 you can see the camera focusing on a poster among the audience that says "Returm of the King."<br />If you haven't seen this before I hope this renews your hope and your faith.  :icon_e_smile:
  • CarrieCarrie Posts: 136
    edit; "Return of the King." Typo  :icon_e_smile:
  • I've always kept my options open to all possibilities because anything is possible. However, when I try to make sense of it that he did transcend, it is hard to wrap my brain around all the oddities of this case. I mean we can go back to the basics. The one piece of footage of the ambulance, the few pictures of MJ in the ambulance (where he looks much younger), Jermaine announcing MJ's passing, TMZ reporting that he died before it was made official, BACK (his posts were years before this adventure and there are some pretty direct linkage between some of his posts and what happened after June 25th... for instance, the "this is..." post), the Coca Cola connection with the TMZ photos that featured Coca Cola prominently, the sunflower commercial, Dodo bird (it was an official account), the "alleged victim" during the verdict, all the oddities during the trial, the strange videos of Dr. Conrad Murray... I go on and on but despite all of this, I always keep my options open. And let's say we're wrong. For me personally, this adventure still did not happen in vain. I've learned so much and have gained so much. I would just accept that I may never know what happened and move on with the knowledge I've gained...and I would still think at times the possibility that he could be right here on Earth chillin in Cuba with Tupac. lol Basically what I am saying is I'm at peace with whatever the result of all of this because I've learned so much. The learning part is the most important part for me. I am much more aware and awaken than ever before and I'm sure some of you, if not most of you feel the same way. I made peace much earlier in this adventure because emotions can get the best of you if you don't just make peace with the infinite possibilities. And I hope all of you, no matter what happens, have peace with this as well. So that's my two cents.
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    Speaking of watching and social voyerism, there was some interview or article where Michael said he likes to study human`s behaviour and such things..and internet anonymous space is the best place to "study" people without knowing who is who behind the screen. It is nothing wrong on that..on the contrary, it is very interesting to get to know people`s behaviour and manners when they are acting the way they are. It is like live social psychology study  :icon_razz:
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1354855432:
    <br />Andrea, he’s like the kitty version of Oscar the Grouch! :icon_lol:  Love it!<br /><br />Sim, what date and time did you post your truth message?  It's hard to tell otherwise. :icon_e_confused:<br /><br />
    Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson<;br />lol i think @KekePalmer might like that new movie .. what's it called ? life of pee ? pie ? ;D
    <br /><br />I went to see that movie, 'Life of Pi' last week, and it was great, full of ocean nature in full 3D color and enhanced by technology, and it also had a very unique story plot.  It’s funny Paris mentions ‘pee’ as well. Part of the childhood days Pi looks back on, as he is describing to the journalist as to why he had such a weird name, was because his first name sounded like ‘Pissing’ in English, and the other kids and even teachers teased him a lot.  But he wowed them with his math skills, and didn’t seem too bothered, just searching for the true religious meaning of the universe and adventure.<br />
    …the main character, Pi, an adult, reminisces about his childhood. He was named Piscine Molitor Patel after a swimming pool in France. He changes his name to "Pi" when he begins secondary school, because he is tired of being taunted with the nickname "Pissing Patel". His father owns a zoo inPondicherry, providing Pi with a relatively affluent lifestyle and some understanding of animal psychology.[8]
    <br /><br /><br />Ps. I'm thinking that if Paris's movie Lundon's Bridge with all of it's ocean scenes, doesn't have high budget on the cinematography and special effects, it's going to look like a B-grade movie.  The bar is being raised more all the time. 'Life of Pi' was at it's finest.  But if MJ is involved, it will be phenominal, only the highest standard.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Hello sweet MJonmind, or should I now call you MJonline!!! I just noticed that as I write this you have 6/25/9 posts!!! Now that is quite the "COINCIDENCE" isn't it???? WOWZERS!!! Just wanted to point that one out!!  :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br />I send you all the LOVE your Heart and Soul can handle!!!! Of course that goes for everyone here!!<br /> :bearhug:
  • on 1354984598:
    <br />
    on 1354963956:
    <br />I think it's understandable the feel of insecurity and doubt that some of us are experiencing, and it shouldn't be surprising. After all, there's only few days left until January 2013 and I for one can't feel the "BAM is in the air" theme. Shouldn't there be signs if it were to happen ? Yes, I know the cliche answer - the element of surprise - but still, will all the wrongs be righted in 23 days ?!<br />
    <br /><br />This.<br /><br />"I am of the intuition that this stain shall be removed in due course" --back, 11/18/09 mjjc<br /><br />We are running out of time for this prophecy to be realized in accordance with our 'informant's' deadline. <br /><br />"may know"-- allowed to know, able to know, capable of knowing..?<br /><br />Good lord... what if Jordy's statement is the Bam...<br />
    <br /><br /> />,23496.0/topicseen.html<br /><br />
    <br /><br />What IF The Bam has already happened? While ya'll are too damn busy being selfish and only concerned with me me me and well IF MJ don't Bam~ I'm gonna be pissed off because I wasted 3 years of my life on this hoax or IF I don't get to see the Bam/MJ in person I'm gonna be pissed off. Blah Blah Blah! I could go on endlessly with statements like this. Have you stopped to consider How MJ feels regarding ALL of this? I mean this is HIS LIFE we are talking bout here NOT ours.<br /><br />Have you stopped to consider what it would feel like to be reading statements regarding how pissed off your fans would be IF you didn't Bam? Return/show your face in public again? Do you know how that would feel to be only human and a MAN who just wants to live his life and be happy? Can you give him that?<br /><br />Can you give him the consideration of maybe this is overwhelming... and maybe the Bam wasn't exactly what ya'll perceived it to be. Maybe the Bam happened while you were asleep. Maybe the Bam is taking what you've learned over the last 3 years and move forward/carry on with MJ's message of L.O.V.E. and Help him realize his Dream of helping children. Here's a group who has gone on to help make MJ's dream a reality.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Um yeah I know how this post looks and ya know what? Whatever your thinking your probably right. lmao! I'm tired!<br /><br />I'm frustrated by what I read of all the whining and complaining. I have yet to watch or read anywhere that MJ complained/whined about anything he did for his fans. Yeah~ so suck it up and keep watching.<br /><br />P.S. I don't need no stinkin' warnings on my comment or any scoldings. lmao! FYI: I quoted these posts but my comment is for everyone who reads my words.<br /><br />Peace N hair grease!  :bearhug:
  • JosJos Posts: 360
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1355000769:
    <br /><br /><br /><br />What IF The Bam has already happened? While ya'll are too damn busy being selfish and only concerned with me me me and well IF MJ don't Bam~ I'm gonna be pissed off because I wasted 3 years of my life on this hoax or IF I don't get to see the Bam/MJ in person I'm gonna be pissed off. Blah Blah Blah! I could go on endlessly with statements like this. Have you stopped to consider How MJ feels regarding ALL of this? [size=14pt]I mean this is HIS LIFE we are talking bout here NOT ours.[/size]<br /><br />Have you stopped to consider what it would feel like to be reading statements regarding how pissed off your fans would be IF you didn't Bam? Return/show your face in public again? Do you know how that would feel to be only human and a MAN who just wants to live his life and be happy? Can you give him that?<br /><br />Can you give him the consideration of maybe this is overwhelming... and maybe [size=14pt]the Bam wasn't exactly what ya'll perceived it to be.[/size] Maybe the Bam happened while you were asleep. Maybe the Bam is taking what you've learned over the last 3 years and move forward/carry on with MJ's message of L.O.V.E. and Help him realize his Dream of helping children.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Amen to that ! I was talking to a friend about the Bam and about the possibility of Michael never showing his face in public again , and I suddenly thought of this : what if the Bam is the clues and hints and whispers and slip ups to which we were exposed ? what if the Bam is nothing of what what WE would want it to be ? and most of all , what if it had already happened ? !<br /><br />@ Im_convincedmjalive Thank you ! <br /><br />love <br />
  • on 1355000769:
    <br />
    on 1354984598:
    <br />
    on 1354963956:
    <br />I think it's understandable the feel of insecurity and doubt that some of us are experiencing, and it shouldn't be surprising. After all, there's only few days left until January 2013 and I for one can't feel the "BAM is in the air" theme. Shouldn't there be signs if it were to happen ? Yes, I know the cliche answer - the element of surprise - but still, will all the wrongs be righted in 23 days ?!<br />
    <br /><br />This.<br /><br />"I am of the intuition that this stain shall be removed in due course" --back, 11/18/09 mjjc<br /><br />We are running out of time for this prophecy to be realized in accordance with our 'informant's' deadline. <br /><br />"may know"-- allowed to know, able to know, capable of knowing..?<br /><br />Good lord... what if Jordy's statement is the Bam...<br />
    <br /><br /> />,23496.0/topicseen.html<br /><br />
    <br /><br />What IF The Bam has already happened? While ya'll are too damn busy being selfish and only concerned with me me me and well IF MJ don't Bam~ I'm gonna be pissed off because I wasted 3 years of my life on this hoax or IF I don't get to see the Bam/MJ in person I'm gonna be pissed off. Blah Blah Blah! I could go on endlessly with statements like this. Have you stopped to consider How MJ feels regarding ALL of this? I mean this is HIS LIFE we are talking bout here NOT ours.<br /><br />Have you stopped to consider what it would feel like to be reading statements regarding how pissed off your fans would be IF you didn't Bam? Return/show your face in public again? Do you know how that would feel to be only human and a MAN who just wants to live his life and be happy? Can you give him that?<br /><br />Can you give him the consideration of maybe this is overwhelming... and maybe the Bam wasn't exactly what ya'll perceived it to be. Maybe the Bam happened while you were asleep. Maybe the Bam is taking what you've learned over the last 3 years and move forward/carry on with MJ's message of L.O.V.E. and Help him realize his Dream of helping children. Here's a group who has gone on to help make MJ's dream a reality.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Um yeah I know how this post looks and ya know what? Whatever your thinking your probably right. lmao! I'm tired!<br /><br />I'm frustrated by what I read of all the whining and complaining. I have yet to watch or read anywhere that MJ complained/whined about anything he did for his fans. Yeah~ so suck it up and keep watching.<br /><br />P.S. I don't need no stinkin' warnings on my comment or any scoldings. lmao! FYI: I quoted these posts but my comment is for everyone who reads my words.<br /><br />Peace N hair grease!  :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />Sorry with all due respect (I know you were expecting us to say something like this) but I don't agree with you when you say that he could have BAMED already, How come? What about the: " I am gonna shock the world" "The greatest Show on Earth" and so on... and on the other hand I don't find that we are being selfish just because all that we want is to see him again, I am quite sure that he is leaving all well tied before appearing in public so no wrong doer will dare to extort him again due to after his BAM the whole world will be aware of those people with devilish behaviours behind Michael's money.
  • <br /><br />Something else that I know a lot of peeps would rather NOT think about or accept as a major reason for the hoax is this: see above vid.^^!<br /><br />Regardless of what I believe or anyone else believes... Obviously MJ and his fam believe/KNOW that there is REAL danger/threats in exposing/taking down TPTB. <br /><br />So IF you put things into perspective....<br /><br />P.S. If I don't quote or personally say Thank you to those who wrote notes of encouragement some pages back and current just know I do appreciate it. Thank you for standing strong.<br /><br /> :smiley_abuv:
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />As always Im, I appreciate your candor!  You make a lot of great points and you're right - it's MJ's hoax and life, not ours - whatever happens.  I've already taken so much from this hoax for the better and have learned more than I could've ever imagined possible.  Very humbling and amazing seems like a massive understatement.  By far the most life changing experience and that speaks way beyond the computer screen.  Who knew that it would be Michael faking his death that would forever alter my world and the way I view it.  It's been a real wake-up call indeed.  I really couldn't ask for more! <br /><br /><br />I'll definitely keep watchin' and let's be honest, hope for Michael's return.  That feeling is ingrained in my soul, selfish as it may be - I can't help it!  :icon_mrgreen:<br /><br /><br />I love you Im!
  • <br /><br />Ok sure whateVer U thiNk is Right!  :icon_mrgreen:  :smiley_abuv:  :animal0017:<br /><br /> :moonwalk_:  :icon_rr:  :michael_jackson-1135:  :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile  :icon_albino:  :Michael_Jackson_smiley_by_red  :icon_eek:
  • on 1355003670:
    <br />
    <br /><br />Something else that I know a lot of peeps would rather NOT think about or accept as a major reason for the hoax is this: see above vid.^^!<br /><br />Regardless of what I believe or anyone else believes... Obviously MJ and his fam believe/KNOW that there is REAL danger/threats in exposing/taking down TPTB. <br /><br />So IF you put things into perspective....<br /><br />P.S. If I don't quote or personally say Thank you to those who wrote notes of encouragement some pages back and current just know I do appreciate it. Thank you for standing strong.<br /><br /> :smiley_abuv:<br /><br />This interview with Ed Bradley has always made me sad  :icon_e_sad:  I have always believed Michael when he said his life was in danger.  Why would he go on national t.v. and lie about it?  His eyes were always windows to his soul and looking at them in this interview speaks volumes to me.  He was cautious not to say too much, but his eyes said what his voice dared not.  I have no doubt that he was being 100% honest.  <br /><br /><br />
  • Sorry off topic, very clever words:<br /><br />Genevieve Jackson ‏@RealGenevieveJ<;br />Time does not exist, time only measures your patience.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1355000769:
    <br />
    on 1354984598:
    <br />
    on 1354963956:
    <br />I think it's understandable the feel of insecurity and doubt that some of us are experiencing, and it shouldn't be surprising. After all, there's only few days left until January 2013 and I for one can't feel the "BAM is in the air" theme. Shouldn't there be signs if it were to happen ? Yes, I know the cliche answer - the element of surprise - but still, will all the wrongs be righted in 23 days ?!<br />
    <br /><br />This.<br /><br />"I am of the intuition that this stain shall be removed in due course" --back, 11/18/09 mjjc<br /><br />We are running out of time for this prophecy to be realized in accordance with our 'informant's' deadline. <br /><br />"may know"-- allowed to know, able to know, capable of knowing..?<br /><br />Good lord... what if Jordy's statement is the Bam...<br />
    <br /><br /> />,23496.0/topicseen.html<br /><br />
    <br /><br />What IF The Bam has already happened? While ya'll are too damn busy being selfish and only concerned with me me me and well IF MJ don't Bam~ I'm gonna be pissed off because I wasted 3 years of my life on this hoax or IF I don't get to see the Bam/MJ in person I'm gonna be pissed off. Blah Blah Blah! I could go on endlessly with statements like this. Have you stopped to consider How MJ feels regarding ALL of this? I mean this is HIS LIFE we are talking bout here NOT ours.<br /><br />Have you stopped to consider what it would feel like to be reading statements regarding how pissed off your fans would be IF you didn't Bam? Return/show your face in public again? Do you know how that would feel to be only human and a MAN who just wants to live his life and be happy? Can you give him that?<br /><br />Can you give him the consideration of maybe this is overwhelming... and maybe the Bam wasn't exactly what ya'll perceived it to be. Maybe the Bam happened while you were asleep. Maybe the Bam is taking what you've learned over the last 3 years and move forward/carry on with MJ's message of L.O.V.E. and Help him realize his Dream of helping children. Here's a group who has gone on to help make MJ's dream a reality.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Um yeah I know how this post looks and ya know what? Whatever your thinking your probably right. lmao! I'm tired!<br /><br />I'm frustrated by what I read of all the whining and complaining. I have yet to watch or read anywhere that MJ complained/whined about anything he did for his fans. Yeah~ so suck it up and keep watching.<br /><br />P.S. I don't need no stinkin' warnings on my comment or any scoldings. lmao! FYI: I quoted these posts but my comment is for everyone who reads my words.<br /><br />Peace N hair grease!  :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Very well.<br /><br />And if nothing happens we all know that MJ is alive, what more could you ask for? 8)<br /><br /><br />1289901691ZE8jP6.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • on 1355006849:
    <br />Sorry off topic, very clever words:<br /><br />Genevieve Jackson ‏@RealGenevieveJ<;br />Time does not exist, time only measures your patience.<br />
    <br /><br />yes!! patience is a virtue.......
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    We will all have coping mechanisms to deal with this if nothing happens. Some will be healthier then others. Many here I know will be just fine. I hope I will be fine. Some of you will be fine eventually. We will all be fine given enough time. This too shall pass.<br /><br />But there are reasons why we are all here. Each person here has a deeply personal reason for being a part of this community. Some we have shared and some we never will, but they are all valid and not superficial.
  • on 1355026071:
    <br />We will all have coping mechanisms to deal with this if nothing happens. Some will be healthier then others. Many here I know will be just fine. I hope I will be fine. Some of you will be fine eventually. We will all be fine given enough time. This too shall pass.<br /><br />But there are reasons why we are all here. Each person here has a deeply personal reason for being a part of this community. Some we have shared and some we never will, but they are all valid and not superficial.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />bec-<br /><br />It's not about me thinking that your frustration is superficial or any other nonsense you could come up with. The thing is I worry for you and others who put so much hope in this Bam. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but I have been watchin' human nature for a very long time. I'm not just talking bout this forum either girl. I see sadness and despair in many comments regarding the Bam.<br /><br />I see people pinning their lives on the Bam. I have rarely seen comments letting MJ know it doesn't matter anymore because we know he is safe and alive and that's good enuff for me/us...<br /><br />I rarely see comments made of positive things people are doing as an inspired thing that MJ did for them. He can NOT save us and he can NOT save the world by himself.<br /><br />I only wish for you to be happy bec regardless of the outcome, just be happy! Go outside and plant a tree in MJ's honor. haha Miss Green thumb!  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    If these last pages wouldn't be so sad to read I would be inclined to laugh about these irrational excrescences.<br /><br />Sometimes there is blessing in keeping our mouths shut. They don't catch flies then.<br /><br />Katherine Jackson's lawsuit against AEG has been scheduled for trial in April 2013.<br />This is the real schedule.<br /><br />Back to mutual respect, if feasible.<br />I think some apologies are due.<br />
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