Official back & Front thread



  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    Okay , so can I just say something ? <br /><br />I've been a guest here  for so very long , then I spent the past 2 years convincing myself to be a part of the journey , and to let my soul embrace the immensity of the hoax, and thus , I signed in the forum . <br /><br />I was and still am amazed at how your brains work , how you easily connect the dots and introduce a logical conclusion to everything . I love the way you guys interact with each other . There are no doubts that each one of you / us leads his / her own life in a way which may be very different from others' . But as there is a reason for everything , this hoax has brought you / us together . I am writing this because I've been reading a lot of posts desperately written concerning the Bam lately  . But I think that before thinking of the Bamsday , maybe we should start once again re-adjusting our values ! Of course , the truth will  prevail , but it is like a baby , it needs a purified environment to live in . There's no wonder that the Truth has always been covered , silenced  ( and often , ridiculed ) seeing how people react to it . <br />So now , I just wanna say that no matter what happens in the coming few days , we'll stand still as a part of this journey . I don't want you people to let go of this , no matter what . You / We  have come this far , it wouldn't make sense if you just give up now . <br /><br />I love you  .  :icon_e_wink:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1355166577:
    <br />Okay , so can I just say something ? <br /><br />I've been a guest here  for so very long , then I spent the past 2 years convincing myself to be a part of the journey , and to let my soul embrace the immensity of the hoax, and thus , I signed in the forum . <br /><br />I was and still am amazed at how your brains work , how you easily connect the dots and introduce a logical conclusion to everything . I love the way you guys interact with each other . There are no doubts that each one of you / us leads his / her own life in a way which may be very different from others' . But as there is a reason for everything , this hoax has brought you / us together . I am writing this because I've been reading a lot of posts desperately written concerning the Bam lately  . But I think that before thinking of the Bamsday , maybe we should start once again re-adjusting our values ! Of course , the truth will  prevail , but it is like a baby , it needs a purified environment to live in . There's no wonder that the Truth has always been covered , silenced  ( and often , ridiculed ) seeing how people react to it . <br />So now , I just wanna say that no matter what happens in the coming few days , we'll stand still as a part of this journey . I don't want you people to let go of this , no matter what . You / We  have come this far , it wouldn't make sense if you just give up now . <br /><br />I love you  .  :icon_e_wink:<br />
    <br /><br />Wonderful words....thank you so much!  It's been a very long road....and will be still.  I feel that the truth has been covered for so long,<br />that for it to fully prevail, will take a bit.  You can't unravel years of lies in one day.....although with Michael, anything is possible!  <br />Thank you for your post......very awesome indeed! <br />Blessings and LOVE always!<br />Love you too! <br />: )
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    Michael Jackson ᴴᴰ ‏@TheMjjOfficial<;br /><br />#namealegend <br /><br /><br />Michael Jackson ᴴᴰ ‏@TheMjjOfficial<;br /><br /> if you're a Jackson , i'm a Fan <br />
  • on 1355027522:
    <br />
    on 1355026071:
    <br />We will all have coping mechanisms to deal with this if nothing happens. Some will be healthier then others. Many here I know will be just fine. I hope I will be fine. Some of you will be fine eventually. We will all be fine given enough time. This too shall pass.<br /><br />But there are reasons why we are all here. Each person here has a deeply personal reason for being a part of this community. Some we have shared and some we never will, but they are all valid and not superficial.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />bec-<br /><br />It's not about me thinking that your frustration is superficial or any other nonsense you could come up with. The thing is I worry for you and others who put so much hope in this Bam. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but I have been watchin' human nature for a very long time. I'm not just talking bout this forum either girl. I see sadness and despair in many comments regarding the Bam.<br /><br />I see people pinning their lives on the Bam. I have rarely seen comments letting MJ know it doesn't matter anymore because we know he is safe and alive and that's good enuff for me/us...<br /><br />I rarely see comments made of positive things people are doing as an inspired thing that MJ did for them. He can NOT save us and he can NOT save the world by himself.<br /><br />I only wish for you to be happy bec regardless of the outcome, just be happy! Go outside and plant a tree in MJ's honor. haha Miss Green thumb!  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />
    on 1355028237:
    <br />Nonsense?<br />
    <br /><br />
    on 1355119579:
    <br />
    on 1355109062:
    <br />I try to give encouragement to some people only to be scolded or a one question answer and yes bec that is to you. I feel hurt over that response because I put all my love into that last post and the other posts before that and basically I got a big  :images: ! <br />
    <br /><br />I rarely beat around the bush so if you were getting the middle finger from me I would have used the icon. Sounded earlier like you said I post nonsense. That's not very encouraging, nor is it like you. It surprised me. I thought I would inquire after your use of that word before I made further comment.<br /><br />But as long as you already painted me in the worst possible light, for who knows what I ever did to you except respect you, I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me or worry about me, my mother has the position covered (I love her for it). When I write about my feelings here I do so because it's an outlet, not because I seek critique or criticism. Seems like every time I post these days I make another former friend so I don't feel like posting much either. If it's ok for you, why isn't it ok for me?<br />
    <br /><br />Out Of ALL my words ABOVE in the 1st comment to You All you found was I said you post nonsense? What I was saying to you bec is that whatever thought at the moment you were thinking I was thinking it was nonsense. I said that based upon your comment of superficial and coping mechanisms. That those were still valid. I agree.<br /><br />I was letting you know that I CARE about you. IF you don't want me or need me to care for you then so be it. But I still will regardless of your mother already having that covered. I care for people, is that ok? I care about your well being? Is that ok? Or would you rather I say Forget crusty ole bec? lmao!<br /><br />Perhaps you don't want/need/consider the time we have shared here special and that is fine so be it. But I do consider the time we have shared here together to be special and I do consider you to be someone who I would call a friend in Real Time.<br /><br />Peace be with you sister~ Always.
  • <br /><br />I'm gonna make 1 final sweeping comment here. Yes the BAM is IMPORTANT! I never said it wasn't. I observe people! I read words! I watch what people focus on based upon what they write, do, etc. I know how to study and figure out your interests/personalities based upon what you write (post). I have observed this MJ world for well over 2 years. Sometimes daily and for hours upon hours. I have observed myspace, facebook, twitter, and this forum. <br /><br />TMZ, MSM, T.V. media talking heads. I have researched into the HIStory of MJ's world of trials and tribulations. I have researched MJ's HIStory of his childhood, his upbringing, read books that are current regarding him. La Toya's book Starting Over and Jermaine's book YANA are the only 2 I have read about MJ so far. Those are words from his family who know him best.<br /><br />I have read TS' words regarding the NWO/TPTB/EOW and I dug very deep into that rabbit hole from the start. I dug so far down the rabbit hole I thought I would never be able to climb out. I rode the train of crazy ville during the trial.<br /><br />Even did the lead on the Sting Court while bec did the lead on the Hoax Court. Participated in every TS level. Paid attention to the re-directs. Commented in those threads.<br /><br />I'm NOT new 2 this. I followed where ever the hoax lead me on my personal journey. I signed up on MJKIT when this site was hacked. Only because this mission/effort is something I BELIEVE in so strongly. I followed and signed up on MJ'sarmyoflove site where the religious side is discussed. I'm fully aware of the importance of ALL aspects of this hoax.<br /><br />I'm observing past human nature of 2 plus years of the subject matter having GONE right over many heads. So now here we are at the end! Is it now to late? Is it now time for those who said they believed since 6/25/09 to emerge just to see the BAM? Where were ALL those people when these last 3 1/2 years have gone by? Where were/are those people who needed to heavily be a VOICE paving the path for MJ's return/BAM!?<br /><br />Yes the hoax/Bam is totally up to and in MJ's hands however I'm concerned. I hope and pray for his sake that he has enough support from his fans that when he does come back they will fight tooth and nail for him when it really counts!<br /><br />I pray that this hasn't been lip service from people over the past 3 1/2 years. <br /><br />God I pray for MJ and his safety. <br />Lord comfort and bless him and keep him safe. <br />In Jesus name I pray.<br /><br />Amen.
  • CarrieCarrie Posts: 136
    Thank you, Voiceforthesilent and Sarahli, for your replies and for taking the time to make a screenshot. I really appreciate it.  :icon_e_smile:<br /><br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1355169660:
    <br />Out Of ALL my words ABOVE in the 1st comment to You All you found was I said you post nonsense? What I was saying to you bec is that whatever thought at the moment you were thinking I was thinking it was nonsense. I said that based upon your comment of superficial and coping mechanisms. That those were still valid. I agree.<br /><br />I was letting you know that I CARE about you. IF you don't want me or need me to care for you then so be it. But I still will regardless of your mother already having that covered. I care for people, is that ok? I care about your well being? Is that ok? Or would you rather I say Forget crusty ole bec? lmao!<br /><br />Perhaps you don't want/need/consider the time we have shared here special and that is fine so be it. But I do consider the time we have shared here together to be special and I do consider you to be someone who I would call a friend in Real Time.<br /><br />Peace be with you sister~ Always.<br />
    <br /><br />Im_convinced, I love you and your crust. Between your crust and my own I think we have an entire pie. <br /><br />I understand what you are saying. Thank you for taking the time to post these messages to me. But I do feel the time shared here is special. It's been positive and life altering no matter how it ends up.
  • Whilst I agree its important to be sensitive, and something I am trying to constantly work on, I also think there is a balance. Sometimes people are too sensitive and don't give the poster the benefit of the doubt that they had good intentions. I sometimes feel like this, as I have said earlier, perhaps my passionate excited posts are reading different to people despite the fact my intention was not an aggressive one. Also important to remember that there is a melting pot of cultures / education / language here. SO sometimes one can misunderstand the tone, sarcasm, joke, or gist of another persons post if they come from different walks of life.<br /><br />
    on 1355119579:
    <br />When I write about my feelings here I do so because it's an outlet, not because I seek critique or criticism. Seems like every time I post these days I make another former friend so I don't feel like posting much either.<br />
    <br /><br />Don't stop posting and eliminate yourself due to the over sensitivity of others. Keep as honest as you have been and be true to you. <br />A post shouldn't make former friends. Friendship should be thicker than difference of opinion, so perhaps you are not the problem.<br /><br />If you never posted due to the sensitivity of others you wouldn't have come this far - and you are one of the esteemed corner stones of the forum. :smiley_abuv:<br /><br />
  • on 1355172960:
    <br />
    <br /><br />I'm gonna make 1 final sweeping comment here. Yes the BAM is IMPORTANT! I never said it wasn't. I observe people! I read words! I watch what people focus on based upon what they write, do, etc. I know how to study and figure out your interests/personalities based upon what you write (post). I have observed this MJ world for well over 2 years. Sometimes daily and for hours upon hours. I have observed myspace, facebook, twitter, and this forum. <br /><br />TMZ, MSM, T.V. media talking heads. I have researched into the HIStory of MJ's world of trials and tribulations. I have researched MJ's HIStory of his childhood, his upbringing, read books that are current regarding him. La Toya's book Starting Over and Jermaine's book YANA are the only 2 I have read about MJ so far. Those are words from his family who know him best.<br /><br />I have read TS' words regarding the NWO/TPTB/EOW and I dug very deep into that rabbit hole from the start. I dug so far down the rabbit hole I thought I would never be able to climb out. I rode the train of crazy ville during the trial.<br /><br />Even did the lead on the Sting Court while bec did the lead on the Hoax Court. Participated in every TS level. Paid attention to the re-directs. Commented in those threads.<br /><br />I'm NOT new 2 this. I followed where ever the hoax lead me on my personal journey. I signed up on MJKIT when this site was hacked. Only because this mission/effort is something I BELIEVE in so strongly. I followed and signed up on MJ'sarmyoflove site where the religious side is discussed. I'm fully aware of the importance of ALL aspects of this hoax.<br /><br />I'm observing past human nature of 2 plus years of the subject matter having GONE right over many heads. So now here we are at the end! Is it now to late? Is it now time for those who said they believed since 6/25/09 to emerge just to see the BAM? Where were ALL those people when these last 3 1/2 years have gone by? Where were/are those people who needed to heavily be a VOICE paving the path for MJ's return/BAM!?<br /><br />Yes the hoax/Bam is totally up to and in MJ's hands however I'm concerned. I hope and pray for his sake that he has enough support from his fans that when he does come back they will fight tooth and nail for him when it really counts!<br /><br />I pray that this hasn't been lip service from people over the past 3 1/2 years. <br /><br />[size=18pt]God I pray for MJ and his safety. <br />Lord comfort and bless him and keep him safe. <br />In Jesus name I pray.<br /><br />Amen.[/size]<br />
    <br /><br />more than willing to come into agreement with you on that.<br />amen and amen again
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Perhaps we're all a little crusty here; we have to be just a little hardened and oblivious to the naysayers and those with shorter attention spans where MJ's hoax is concerned.  It was a very long (wonderful to the max!) exhausting 3 1/2 years!!  And the pie is done (I'm guessing) or at least part of the 7 day feast or whatever!<br /><br />pie.JPG?1284489721<br /><br />ImConvinced, I sent you a private message.  I posted something here but took it off because well...<br /><br />Wishingstar<br />
    It's going to happen....and we are front row!!!!!  May the light shine on all of us here and all those who <br />have believed in Michael always.....blessings abound!!!!
    <br />Yes, it'll be a reversal of MJ/Front/TS reading/watching us chatting honestly here!<br /><br />mjinaudien.jpg<br />
  • on 1355172960:
    <br /><br />I'm gonna make 1 final sweeping comment here. Yes the BAM is IMPORTANT! I never said it wasn't. I observe people! I read words! I watch what people focus on based upon what they write, do, etc. I know how to study and figure out your interests/personalities based upon what you write (post). I have observed this MJ world for well over 2 years. Sometimes daily and for hours upon hours. I have observed myspace, facebook, twitter, and this forum. <br /><br />TMZ, MSM, T.V. media talking heads. I have researched into the HIStory of MJ's world of trials and tribulations. I have researched MJ's HIStory of his childhood, his upbringing, read books that are current regarding him. La Toya's book Starting Over and Jermaine's book YANA are the only 2 I have read about MJ so far. Those are words from his family who know him best.<br /><br />I have read TS' words regarding the NWO/TPTB/EOW and I dug very deep into that rabbit hole from the start. I dug so far down the rabbit hole I thought I would never be able to climb out. I rode the train of crazy ville during the trial.<br /><br />Even did the lead on the Sting Court while bec did the lead on the Hoax Court. Participated in every TS level. Paid attention to the re-directs. Commented in those threads.<br /><br />I'm NOT new 2 this. I followed where ever the hoax lead me on my personal journey. I signed up on MJKIT when this site was hacked. Only because this mission/effort is something I BELIEVE in so strongly. I followed and signed up on MJ'sarmyoflove site where the religious side is discussed. I'm fully aware of the importance of ALL aspects of this hoax.<br /><br />I'm observing past human nature of 2 plus years of the subject matter having GONE right over many heads. So now here we are at the end! Is it now to late? Is it now time for those who said they believed since 6/25/09 to emerge just to see the BAM? Where were ALL those people when these last 3 1/2 years have gone by? Where were/are those people who needed to heavily be a VOICE paving the path for MJ's return/BAM!?<br /><br />Yes the hoax/Bam is totally up to and in MJ's hands however I'm concerned. I hope and pray for his sake that he has enough support from his fans that when he does come back they will fight tooth and nail for him when it really counts!<br /><br />I pray that this hasn't been lip service from people over the past 3 1/2 years. <br /><br />God I pray for MJ and his safety. <br />Lord comfort and bless him and keep him safe. <br />In Jesus name I pray.<br /><br />Amen.<br />
    <br /><br />Fantastic post Im...and it covers things I've been thinking and concerned about over the last few days specifically.  I too am an observer by nature...and it's all my Dad's  When I was little he would drag the whole family up to the town square on Saturday night to (in his words)..."watch people".  As a 5 & 6 year old I thought it was the dumbest, most boring thing in the world...but hey...our treat at the end of the evening was to go to Kay's for a mid-sixties version of a  Little did I know that somehow this idea of observation being introduced to me so young in life would have such a lasting effect...but I'm grateful that it has.  It's as natural as breathing for me and is always "on" whether I'm face to face with someone or reading what they write.  We have quite a varied group here...both in long term members and new additions.  As with any "club" people join with their own intentions, interests and goals in mind.  Sometimes the heart is in the right place...and sometimes not so much  :icon_e_sad: but in this arena (as with all things in life) the truth becomes obvious over time.  All one ever needs to do is keep "watching".<br /><br />I also share your concern of what's to come.  While part of me is excited for the "big finale" after all this time I also know full well that this big reveal isn't likely to flip everyone's (meaning the general population) peace, love and happiness switch.  There are those in the world that have theirs on permanent lockdown and they will be a problem.  I echo your prayer for Michael and all those he loves.   
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Loveunited said....<br />
    Has it been anyone else's experience (coz it has been mine) that the (for lack of better term) resistance to TPTB is growing and hitting peopole of LOTS of different persuasions? I am experiencing people beginning to speak of it and share their perceptions TOGETHER -- and people coming to the same place from widely divergent paths.......that so renews my faith that we are all part of turning this evil tsunami that has engulfed our people...  I am in conversations with people far outside of any knowledge of Dr Jackson as a social activist, who are coming to the same point. I know that we are drawing (and creating) bonds of strenthening the force of resistance with one another, and it is sustaining us from sinking into hopeless despair. 
    <br /><br />I have seen this taking place also Loveunited. Had some  indepth convo's with the most unlikely people taking place in the most ordinary everyday settings. The sleeping giant must arise... The world must wake up...and I see her starting to stir from her slumber. Together we are strong.<br />Thanks for your great post.  <br />
  • on 1355192371:
    <br />Loveunited said....<br />
    Has it been anyone else's experience (coz it has been mine) that the (for lack of better term) resistance to TPTB is growing and hitting peopole of LOTS of different persuasions? I am experiencing people beginning to speak of it and share their perceptions TOGETHER -- and people coming to the same place from widely divergent paths.......that so renews my faith that we are all part of turning this evil tsunami that has engulfed our people...  I am in conversations with people far outside of any knowledge of Dr Jackson as a social activist, who are coming to the same point. I know that we are drawing (and creating) bonds of strenthening the force of resistance with one another, and it is sustaining us from sinking into hopeless despair. 
    <br /><br />[size=14pt]I have seen this taking place also Loveunited. Had some  indepth convo's with the most unlikely people taking place in the most ordinary everyday settings. The sleeping giant must arise... The world must wake up...and I see her starting to stir from her slumber. Together we are strong.[/size]<br />Thanks for your great post.  <br /> <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Yes,thanks for the reply! Our world is changing! :smiley_abuv: :woohoo2: :woohoo2:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Loveunited & @RK: I am glad to hear that ^^<br />Because at least in my country, people are still very much unaware (ignorant) and the few who know something are in denial....<br />I still don't have the courage to open up a subject like NWO with anyone here... except maybe my mom who knows things and maybe.... MAYBE one or two friends who accept the discussion even though they are not very sure of anything lol
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1355206505:
    <br />@Loveunited & @RK: I am glad to hear that ^^<br />Because at least in my country, people are still very much unaware (ignorant) and the few who know something are in denial....<br />I still don't have the courage to open up a subject like NWO with anyone here... except maybe my mom who knows things and maybe.... MAYBE one or two friends who accept the discussion even though they are not very sure of anything lol<br />
    <br />You know I'm thinking that there almost seems to be a swing back to believing the media, in the next generation. My 2 sons in their twenties think all the general conspiracy theories are almost old-fashioned for nut-jubs like me. They lump us together with religious zealots.  The official stories have gone on so long with the majority accepting it, that they think I must be wrong. Plus they have their futures ahead of them, and don't want to hear news that things going to get bad for all humans.  MJ is twice their age, and there is a whole new generation of singing stars they listen to, and they can't see how MJ could be of any relevance to today.
  • everyone around me sees me as the crazy one who is gullible to all the conspiracy theories, and so the moment I mention NWO you can see their eyes glass over and they stare off, and then they stand there silent and then a few moments later change the subject.. others just kind of use that snorting laugh and outwardly express their thoughts of it being crazy talk. one person I even showed some things to and still he "pfft" it.  even someone I thought would be in agreement because of his anti authority attitude pfft at it and made jokes at the cost of everyone who believes in conspiracy. I noticed the ones that do listen to an extent watch less TV than those who outwardly completely shut down any theory who watch pretty much TV all the time.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @MjonMind & @leilani81: thanks for sharing your experiences with the NWO subject in your real life.<br />So it seems that predominantly, people still reject the truth and refuse to open their eyes.<br />They need a SHOCK to shake them off from their deep "sleep"<br /><br />But it's very encouraging to hear that at least in some corners of the world, there are people more willing to accept reality for what it is, as @Loveunited & @RK told us above ^^
  • on 1355208549:
    <br />@MjonMind & @leilani81: thanks for sharing your experiences with the NWO subject in your real life.<br />So it seems that predominantly, people still reject the truth and refuse to open their eyes.<br />They need a SHOCK to shake them off from their deep "sleep"<br /><br />But it's very encouraging to hear that at least in some corners of the world, there are people more willing to accept reality for what it is, as @Loveunited & @RK told us above ^^<br />
    <br /><br />I've had a real bad experience with my friends too...they thought I was a lunatic...and some of them would say 'aw. that's too bad' and then leave it to that...<br /><br />...<br /><br />They thought I was making up or believing a conspiracy 'theory'. You are right Sim, I've been telling this in the 'TIAI redirect of 11-11-11' thread that the institutions people believe in must be proven wrong so that people really start being aware of what is really happening around them. If a group like us start talking of illuminati, very few would believe us. But if a very influential man like Michael does this (with us, his army, accompanying him) people will definitely start listening. And I've always thought that an aware public is the only way to bring down TPTB, no other institution can. This hoax must really be concentration on making the public aware by proving wrong some of the established institutions. <br /><br />And it's true, there will be a lot going on after the bam....<br /><br />' The revolution will not be televised, the revolution will be live'<br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1355206505:
    <br />@Loveunited & @RK: I am glad to hear that ^^<br />Because at least in my country, people are still very much unaware (ignorant) and the few who know something are in denial....<br />I still don't have the courage to open up a subject like NWO with anyone here... except maybe my mom who knows things and maybe.... MAYBE one or two friends who accept the discussion even though they are not very sure of anything lol<br />
    <br /><br />My experience is along these lines as well, with not many around me 'aware' of the world outside their little bubble.  Prior to June 25th, I rarely came across people who were researching 'world events' or interested in supposed 'conspiracies'...while generally unhappy with 'life' (the daily grind), for the most part, most just 'accepted' that that's what life is all about.  This has never sat well with me....and being unable to find like-minded people...I began reading everything I could get my hands on....just trying to find some measure of 'order' in all the DISorder I saw all around me.  I do believe that 9/ horrific and tragic as it was....did help to open the eyes of many (sad that it took something like that to do it).  And I also believe that Mike's 'death' served this purpose as well....awareness and awakening.<br /><br />To RK's great post about showing the world, or at least our loved ones, our true 'selves'....I have always been a bit (or alot lol) 'off the norm' and everyone I've ever met knows/knew that.  My approach prior to June 25th, and up until about a year or so into the hoax, was to 'cautiously' bring forward topics that most around me were not discussing (the hoax, 9/11, NWO, etc).  I was met with looks of sympathy at best (like I was nuts lol)...or ridicule and/or rudeness, at worst.  Some of those that did either ARE loved ones....the ones who supposedly love you unconditionally and are, supposedly, there for you no matter what.  The experience I've had here....being a part of this great journey....has opened my eyes to many, many things....some very painful things that became apparent as time went on and knowledge increased.  As painful as it has been, at several turns along the way....friendships/relationships lost, doors closed, feeling alone while surrounded....I will be forever grateful for the lessons learned and the _ew (lol) and positive changes that have come about out of the negative.  I no longer raise these topics with any, other than my children or those who ask.  I often read my children posts from the forum (I've involved them in every step of the way), they are very aware of the NWO, very aware of God/love/'oneness', and very aware that this is NOT the life that we (collective) were meant to live.  They are aged 14 and 11.  I have often been 'rebuked' for educating my children on these issues....and still caution my children about where/when/with whom it is 'appropriate' to discuss certain things.  Sad, but true....I know the rejection I have received from many and do not want my children to go through that on their own.  Having said all that...if/when the day comes when those who treated me negatively in the past approached me, wanting to know more....I would welcome them with open apologies needed.  <br /><br />I came across this quote just the other day....and it really resonated with my outlook at this time:<br /><br />Few will listen,<br />Of the few who listen, <br />fewer still will understand<br />Of the handful who believe,<br />most may not know what to do<br />Those who even know,<br />how many will actually do?<br />And the rare ones who have done it...<br />Need not listen to you anymore.<br /><br />It all goes back to taking the red pill or blue moves you forward, the other doesn't move you at all.  After one has repeatedly tried to help others move forward...only to be met with rejection and ridicule....a point is reached when one must choose to remain behind or keep moving on...even if it means leaving some behind.<br /><br />I've chosen to move forward....but will gladly pause at any time along the way to welcome any choosing to move forward as well.  Afterall, it IS a choice we have ALL been given.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • "Afterall, it IS a choice we have ALL been given...."<br /><br />Beautifully said BTC. Always a choice, on so many different levels!
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1355235466:
    <br />
    on 1355206505:
    <br />@Loveunited & @RK: I am glad to hear that ^^<br />Because at least in my country, people are still very much unaware (ignorant) and the few who know something are in denial....<br />I still don't have the courage to open up a subject like NWO with anyone here... except maybe my mom who knows things and maybe.... MAYBE one or two friends who accept the discussion even though they are not very sure of anything lol<br />
    <br /><br />My experience is along these lines as well, with not many around me 'aware' of the world outside their little bubble.  Prior to June 25th, I rarely came across people who were researching 'world events' or interested in supposed 'conspiracies'...while generally unhappy with 'life' (the daily grind), for the most part, most just 'accepted' that that's what life is all about.  This has never sat well with me....and being unable to find like-minded people...I began reading everything I could get my hands on....just trying to find some measure of 'order' in all the DISorder I saw all around me.  I do believe that 9/ horrific and tragic as it was....did help to open the eyes of many (sad that it took something like that to do it).  And I also believe that Mike's 'death' served this purpose as well....awareness and awakening.<br /><br />To RK's great post about showing the world, or at least our loved ones, our true 'selves'....I have always been a bit (or alot lol) 'off the norm' and everyone I've ever met knows/knew that.  My approach prior to June 25th, and up until about a year or so into the hoax, was to 'cautiously' bring forward topics that most around me were not discussing (the hoax, 9/11, NWO, etc).  I was met with looks of sympathy at best (like I was nuts lol)...or ridicule and/or rudeness, at worst.  Some of those that did either ARE loved ones....the ones who supposedly love you unconditionally and are, supposedly, there for you no matter what.  The experience I've had here....being a part of this great journey....has opened my eyes to many, many things....some very painful things that became apparent as time went on and knowledge increased.  As painful as it has been, at several turns along the way....friendships/relationships lost, doors closed, feeling alone while surrounded....I will be forever grateful for the lessons learned and the _ew (lol) and positive changes that have come about out of the negative.  I no longer raise these topics with any, other than my children or those who ask.  I often read my children posts from the forum (I've involved them in every step of the way), they are very aware of the NWO, very aware of God/love/'oneness', and very aware that this is NOT the life that we (collective) were meant to live.  They are aged 14 and 11.  I have often been 'rebuked' for educating my children on these issues....and still caution my children about where/when/with whom it is 'appropriate' to discuss certain things.  Sad, but true....I know the rejection I have received from many and do not want my children to go through that on their own.  Having said all that...if/when the day comes when those who treated me negatively in the past approached me, wanting to know more....I would welcome them with open apologies needed.  <br /><br />I came across this quote just the other day....and it really resonated with my outlook at this time:<br /><br />Few will listen,<br />Of the few who listen, <br />fewer still will understand<br />Of the handful who believe,<br />most may not know what to do<br />Those who even know,<br />how many will actually do?<br />And the rare ones who have done it...<br />Need not listen to you anymore.<br /><br />It all goes back to taking the red pill or blue moves you forward, the other doesn't move you at all.  After one has repeatedly tried to help others move forward...only to be met with rejection and ridicule....a point is reached when one must choose to remain behind or keep moving on...even if it means leaving some behind.<br /><br />I've chosen to move forward....but will gladly pause at any time along the way to welcome any choosing to move forward as well.  Afterall, it IS a choice we have ALL been given.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />Awesome post BTC.......indeed, blue or red.  Sometimes, I don't feel like moving forward.  It's like exercise; I don't want to, but really need to.  Afterwards, I always feel better as well.  Thank you for these wise words.....always encouraging!<br /><br />@Sim.....yes a very big SHOCK......the deeper the sleep, the bigger the shock....bring it : ) <br /><br />Blessings to you guys and all........<br />LOVE
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    Does anyone questioning why we don't hear/read anything from mr. Front anymore?<br />At least TS said that he won't post after BAM, but mr. Front just dissapeared...<br /><br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @LoveUnited and Wish...thanks for your comments, blessings to you both  :icon_razz:<br /><br />I completely agree Wish...'moving forward' is definitely not the 'easier' path, much easier to just stay put lol.  It's MUCH like exercising haha (for me, it's kickboxing)...I sometimes dread it, much 'easier' to grab a bag of cheetos and put some 'dead' weight on the couch lol.  But, once the 'pain' of the exercise is over with....the rewards become obvious and any 'pain' worthwhile.<br /><br />Anything worth fighting for often involves a 'fight'....sometimes with oneself  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />@Jos....yes, I too often wonder about our dear Front.  Where the heck is he???  No doubt, he's putting the finishing touches on that great feast he's been busy preparing for what feels like a lifetime  :icon_albino:  If you are reading, the words of our dear Wish, why don't you 'snippet us'?....give us another small taste of what you're cooking up  :ghsdf:<br /><br />Edited to add this vid...after I read RK's post, this was the first song to pop into my head  :beerchug:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    @BTC....I love that song : ) If I remember right, the first time I actually heard it was on American Idol...Bo Bice.  <br />What ever happened to him?  He was one of the first guys I really followed with the, that was a long time ago<br />too!  <br /><br />
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    Just now on the official MJ FB:<br /><br />1898511015.jpg<br /><br /> :icon_albino: :th_bravo:
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