Official back & Front thread



  • on 1355118421:
    <br />I've been my authentic self (with a lil censorship) since the "moment" I signed up. I've never compromised my opinions for the sake of popularity or what have you.
    <br /><br />Same here...<br /><br />
    on 1355118421:
    <br />I have censored my words for the sake of others feelings so I do have a huge heart under this ugly crusty exterior, lmao!
    <br /><br />Same here again...<br /><br />If I ever come across aggressive, my intention was never to hurt or belittle anyone. My passion / excitement often mistakenly reads as aggression / argumentativeness, even I see that at times reading back my own posts and cringe.<br /><br />I have a huge heart and am such a softie and sensitive to/for others. Often the emotion behind written text can be misinterpreted.<br /><br />Love & respect you all  :smiley_abuv:<br /><br />:bearhug:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1355109062:
    <br />I try to give encouragement to some people only to be scolded or a one question answer and yes bec that is to you. I feel hurt over that response because I put all my love into that last post and the other posts before that and basically I got a big  :images: ! <br /><br />
    <br /><br />I rarely beat around the bush so if you were getting the middle finger from me I would have used the icon. Sounded earlier like you said I post nonsense. That's not very encouraging, nor is it like you. It surprised me. I thought I would inquire after your use of that word before I made further comment.<br /><br />But as long as you already painted me in the worst possible light, for who knows what I ever did to you except respect you, I don't need anyone to feel sorry for me or worry about me, my mother has the position covered (I love her for it). When I write about my feelings here I do so because it's an outlet, not because I seek critique or criticism. Seems like every time I post these days I make another former friend so I don't feel like posting much either. If it's ok for you, why isn't it ok for me?
  • hopihopi Posts: 195
    @RK ; I hear you :) started with the same some months ago... I'm glad you posted your thoughts here...<br /><br />love and light
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355047667:
    R42. “This Is It” AND This Is Also It (CNN iReport)<br />Finally, some have asked what does the “also” refer to in TIAI?  In addition to the music and entertainment in TII: TIAI is the wake-up call message, to see the NWO for what it is—and join the Army of L.O.V.E. to help heal the world, etc.
    <br />[size=14pt]Our discussions on TPTB, Illuminati, FBI, etc. have been what TS was wanting, at least much of it. [/size]
    <br /> <br />[size=18pt]YES ! x 777[/size]  :-* <br /><br /><br />
    on 1274321237:
    [size=14pt]The 12:21 and the 9-9-09 show some of the major “why’s” of the hoax: the end of the world is near (12-21-2012); turn the NWO upside down (666 to 999); and 777 + 999 = 1776 represents the greatest demonstration for freedom (July 4, 1776), as well as exposing the Illuminati (May 1, 1776), etc. [/size]<br /><br />[...]<br /><br />[size=12pt]EOW:[/size]<br />E1. If the numerology and timing is not a coincidence (see M2 & S2): then why was the 911 call placed immediately at 12:21, unless it was to show that one of the main reasons for the hoax is to warn about the end of the world (that it’s near—even if it’s not at the end of the Mayan calendar, 2012)?<br />E2. Why did MJ specifically mention four more years in TII, unless he was referring to 2012 (and also the Sony movie with “Jackson” in it, etc)?<br />E3. MJ reads the Bible daily; and according to it, there will be an end to this world—and that end will come prior to the “new earth” (see Revelation 21:1; etc).  The memorial program actually mentioned that MJ looks forward to the new earth.  With these things in mind, how is it possible that the end of the world is not part of MJ’s message?<br /><br />[size=12pt]NWO:<br />N1. Also in the Bible, a one-world government/religion is prophesied to rise near the end of the world (see Revelation 17; etc).  So if MJ’s message includes warning about the end of the world, how is it possible that his message does not also include a warning about the New World Order?<br />N2. If MJ does not believe in conspiracies from secret societies and our own governments: then why did he say that the grassy knoll is “truth” (Tabloid Junkie), and who does “they” refer to in TDRCAU (with the pyramid and eye, etc)?<br />N3. Who is behind the “conspiracy” that MJ was talking about, when he mentioned that our history books have been changed?[/size]<br /><br />[size=18pt]Bam:[/size]<br />[size=12pt]B1. If MJ never does bam: how is he going to succeed in getting the main messages (EOW, NWO, etc) to the billions in the world?<br />B2. If you accept the clues which show that MJ is alive: then why don’t you accept that the very same clues (in many cases) also show that he will be back (bam)?<br />B3. TIAI says that there will be a bamsday, the only question is when.  So is this reliable (if you say no, then please answer T1, T2, & T3, next)?[/size] [ . . . .]
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    Ever since I started getting involved in the hoax [spring of 2010], I've been hearing this all the time: "It's not about the BAM, it's all about LOVE. We shouldn't discuss the BAM, we should discuss the message and the purpose and the reasons of the hoax"; "we should learn to think for ourselves and NOT believe everything we hear, read, see" ---> which I have always 100% agreed with! That was the "training period" !! And I think it's safe to say [at least for me] that the "training period is over! <br /><br />I've also heard like a thousand times: "We should be Michael's army of LOVE in real life too, not just on the forum" ---> and trust me people, I've been that even before Michael faked his death. I just don't like to talk about my charity deeds. And when someone dared to talk about attending a charity event, she was "wrist-slapped" for being "ridiculously OFF-topic" and sent to hoaxbook for "OFF-topic" subjects.<br /><br /><br />ANYWAY, my point is: ^^ We've done all that so far, over these 3+ years [we've "trained", we've discussed the reasons, purposes, message of the hoax], all the time being reminded that it's not the BAM that matters! WRONG! The BAM is the CULMINATION point of it all!<br /><br />[size=12pt]We are here, at approximately 22 days [more or less] distance from the BAM.<br />If we're not supposed to talk about the BAM now [when both TS & Front clearly mentioned BAM in their recent posts], then WHEN in the Lord's name are we supposed to TALK about it?? [/size]I mean I am counting the days of this last month!! Why not be able to savor these anticipation moments & the after-BAM times!!??<br />COME on people, leave aside the fear, the doubts, the frustrations and everything negative and allow yourselves to BE HAPPY !!<br /><br />
      :michael-jackson: [size=12pt]Here's a collection of TS posts about the RETURN & the BAM[/size] :moonwalk_:
    <br /><br />
    All these clues, codes, and plans, were not merely so that MJ could go into permanent hiding; he could have done that without all this extra ingenuity. In fact, MJ has already shown that he can dodge the media and the public when he wants to: using doubles, and/or disguises, etc; so he really wouldn’t need to hoax his death at all, merely to hide from the media and the public.<br />So if MJ is not in permanent hiding: then either he is actually dead—which doesn’t fit with the [...] "coincidences" (as well as a lot of other evidence here on the MJHD website)—or else he is going to be coming back. And if he is coming back: how soon? [....]
    <br />
    on 1263280281:
    [....]-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -<br />1-7. Why Would the “Return” Depend on Hoaxers?<br />Several have asked: why would the timing of the MJ return be dependent (at least partly) upon few thousand hoax believers, and their understanding/accepting the TIAI information?  A simple answer is that the reaction of the few before the return, can be a pretty good indicator of the reaction of the many after the return {}.<br />But think about it.  After returning, MJ can speak publicly about the environment and other issues related to healing the world; but with some aspects, well I think you can figure things out.  As soon as MJ returns, there will be a stampede on all the hoax forums; there will be tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, suddenly interested in what we have been investigating and saying all along.  So if we hoax believers now are united on the reasons for the hoax: it will be much more effective when others come asking questions, than if we are all confused and disagreeing on the reasons for the hoax.<br /><br />Here is how Mo put it: “It's a process to make people AWARE of what is going on. If you don't research, read, learn and understand, you won't become aware. If S.T.U.D.Y., TS or any Anonymous poster would have told you plain out who he/she is and where all the info he/she has came from, you would not have read the full explanation and wouldn't have learned anything.  TIAI pointed out to conspiracies and NWO, and those issues were rejected by a lot of people until TIAI pointed out to them. Me? Guilty as charged... I skipped the ‘Illuminati’ threads as well until TIAI forced me to look into this whole issue. After researching it, and not reading up on the conspiracies and NWO only, a lot of things became clear to me.” {}<br />So if there are any questions or objections that I have not addressed in this thread, please post them in the replies below; and I will answer them directly right here in the replies (I will watch this thread pretty closely, for the next week or two, and respond to things as needed—so as to help clear the way as far as possible for a speedy “Return”).<br />-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -[...]
    <br />
    on 1268298674:
    <br />[....]  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -<br />4-15. MJ “Resurrection” Before “Return”<br />At this point, to understand what did and did not happen on 9-9-09, we need to recognize the difference between the MJ “resurrection” (on 9-9-09), and the MJ “return”—which is now in progress, and will be completed suddenly with the “bam!” (discussed much more below, see 4-39).<br />In TII, the remake of Thriller has a Black Widow spider pop up in the graveyard; and then afterward it comes out on stage.  While on stage, MJ comes out of the spider; so we know that MJ is also represented as being inside the spider, even while it’s still in the graveyard—the graveyard “resurrection” (9-9-09).  But you can’t see MJ yet, not until the later phase when the spider comes on stage; only after that, can people actually see him.<br /><br />By the way: watch TII, and you will see that the death hoax film clip (Gilda remake), comes before the resurrection film clip (Thriller remake).  Either this is yet another one of the almost infinite MJ “coincidences”; or else this sequence was planned, because you can’t have a resurrection until after the death!<br />-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -[...]
    <br />
    on 1268567056:
    <br />[....]  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -<br />4-39. Piece by Piece Return, Versus Bamsday<br />If you search through TIAI Revealed, Parts 1-9; and also TIAI Updates, #1 - #3, you will find that I repeatedly used the word “return”, but only used the word “bam” about six times—and when I did use “bam”, I was merely referring generally to the statement at the end of TII (but not discussing the meaning of “bam”, when or what it is about, etc).  Also, I never once use the term “bamsday” (not until this update).<br /><br />Since this update is about timing, the time has come for me to discuss the “bam”; and also the differences between the “return” and the “bam”.  The “return” is a process, which can be short or long, depending on several factors; regardless of whether or not the return is short, the “bam” is very abrupt—and marks the end of the return process.  The fact that “bam” is abrupt should be obvious—based on the word itself, based on MJ’s usage of the word in context, and based on the audio and visual imagery that is very abrupt on Jack5ons “coming soon” website {}.<br />The return, on the other hand, is not necessarily abrupt.  There are a few things in TII which indicate that the return might not be abrupt.  During Light Man, it says: “... and piece by piece by piece by piece [return process], MJ is revealed, until he jumps out [bam!], and on Michael’s command, we begin.” {TII DVD, Main Movie, text from subtitle; at 3:43}<br /><br />In Staging the Return (as well as in the main movie), you can see a little of MJ before he comes out of the spider.  “Then Michael was gonna come out and be revealed underneath the black widow.” {TII DVD, Staging the Return, The Adventure Begins, text from subtitle; at 19:50}.<br />And the bam statement itself is very clear: “Let me bathe in my own time when I come back in. I’m gonna button my shirt or jacket or whatever it is. I’m gonna look around a little bit, play with them.  Snap my fingers maybe, then bam!” {TII DVD, Main Movie, text from subtitle; at 1:49:45}<br /><br />Do you feel like MJ has been “playing with them” recently?  If so, it means we are in the return process.  You see, the return is when things go beyond just clues for hoax believers; it is when the public sees things that just don’t add up with the official story.  Since MJ is in control: he could have several pieces revealed all in one day; or he could slow the process down, and do it over a longer period of time (until people start getting it)—in either case, the return would end with the bam (the final and ultimate revelation that MJ is alive).<br />Has a gradual return processes started?  We may not all agree exactly when, but I think we can agree that many such things have happened in the last month or two: no RIP at the Grammy’s; Jermaine’s “airport” slip-up; Brian Oxman saying 99.9% the ambulance photo is fake; tabloid magazine publishing that MJ is alive, because the autopsy report doesn’t add up; and TMZ publishing website right there on their front page!<br /><br />Yes, these and other things in the last month or two are more than just clues for hoax believers; they are all things which could easily cause the public to start questioning the MJ death.  And keep watching for more such events; we should see them coming more and more, now that we are in the return process {}.<br />But if you go back before January, things like these were rare if ever, because we were not in the return phase yet until January.  In fact, the JACK5ONS tweet on January 18: “ur eyes don't lie - media does”—this was obviously referring to the circumstances around MJ’s death; so that should’ve caused some of the public (non-hoax believers) to question the official media story.  And in fact, this was the first time any of the Jacksons had referred to the hoax publicly {; see also}.  What better time to mark the beginning of the return, than the Jacksons first public reference to the hoax?<br />-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  [....]<br />4-41. Bam: Not If, But When<br />Some were troubled by the redirect to a YouTube video, titled “Michael Jackson death hoax: What is his message?” {; and see this thread <br />}  Please remember first of all, that the redirects point to information already out there on the internet; the information is not created by TIAI, so there may be a few minor things included that are not the reason for the redirect.<br /><br />This redirect was intended to emphasize the need for us all to have more LOVE in our lives—not just a word, not just a four-letter acronym (L.O.V.E.), but the real thing.  This redirect was done in the context of Valentine’s Day (though about a week later); and the purpose again was to emphasize LOVE, not to minimize the importance of the return and bamsday.  Nothing in that video said bamsday would never come, or that bamsday is pointless and unnecessary.<br /><br />The video indicated that maybe our lack of LOVE could delay MJ; and if so, emphasizing the LOVE message would not delay the bam or make it less important—rather, it would help speed it up, which we all want because the bam is important!<br />And speaking of bamsday, notice that bam statement once again: “I’m gonna look around a little bit, play with them.  Snap my fingers maybe, then bam!”  Especially in a musical context like this, “snap my fingers” can only be referring to timing!  Can you think of anything that has happened recently, about the hoax timing???  Then the next thing in that statement, after snapping his fingers, is the bam!<br />-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  [....]
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355130675:
    [....]<br />[size=12pt]We are here, at approximately 22 days [more or less] distance from the BAM.<br />If we're not supposed to talk about the BAM now [when both TS & Front clearly mentioned BAM in their recent posts], then WHEN in the Lord's name are we supposed to TALK about it?? [/size]I mean I am counting the days of this last month!! Why not be able to savor these anticipation moments & the after-BAM times!!??<br />COME on people, leave aside the fear, the doubts, the frustrations and everything negative and allow yourselves to BE HAPPY !!<br />[...]
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]TIAI redirect December 10, 2012 ----> [/size],23510.0/topicseen.html<br /><br /> :) :-* :) :michael-jackson:  :affraid: :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile YOUPIIIIEEE :omg: :penguin: :michael_jackson-1135: :icon_bounce:  :icon_e_wink: :icon_rr:<br /><br /><br />tiairedire.jpg
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Preach it sister!!!!!!!!!!!<br /><br /> :penguin: :beerchug: :th_bravo: :moonwalk_: :elvis-1405:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @MJonmind :  :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
  • SimPattyK  :bearhug: Here's one for everyone else too  :bearhug: Happy Monday everyone!
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Sandy :aww  :) hugs back at ya!  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />And a collective HUG to everyone grouphug.gif grouphug1s.gif grouphpep.gif
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    on 1355080672:
    <br />glad 2 have the forum back online  :multiplespotting:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I thought, let I quote myself :) <br /><br />Question to Souza:  Is there a problem with hosting the website or so? Because the site was out again today.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    on 1355118421:
    <br />
    on 1355114434:
    <br />I haven't had much to say lately as I feel we've already discussed most of it. It has all been archived and is  held in safe keeping within the threads. But I do get that others like to review and revisit past info.<br /> The one thought I have had lately has taken me back to the start of this great awakening.  Initially, it was the act of addressing and challenging  the  man or woman in the mirror [us] that was the impetus of transformation and change. Although it incorporated many aspects,  such as learning,  and broadening our studies and investigations, taking in and on new thoughts and theories, it always does come back to what we do with this  knowledge.  I whole heartedly agree this has been a once in a life time transforming  adventure.....  a slice of heaven to borrow a phrase from MJonline.  A place where we have felt free to be ourselves, and the anonymity of being online and incognito was and is liberating. <br />'s my challenge. I think it's time. Let's share the real you and me, that we maybe don't show the people who are in  our lives each and every day. Too often, in our everyday lives,  we have said what was expected of us and not what we have really thought, avoided difficult situations by compromising ourselves and our opinions,  and most sad of all...have failed to be authentic. <br />If this all starts with the man or woman in the mirror, then lets allow that reflection to be crystal clear and a true likeness with those who are most important in our lives. We owe them that much and to offer them anything less than the genuine article is to rob them of the unique, one of a kind gift from God that each and every one of us are. <br />I know some of you reading will probably say to yourselves....what the heck is she on about....but for those one or two resonating with this, I ask.....please don't hold back and only experience this kind of liberation and freedom within the confines of the It's contageous and liberating for both you and those around you.  <br /><br />I'm starting with the [wo] man in the mirror  <br />
    <br /><br /><br /> :screaming-7365:  :Pulling_hair:  :over-react-smiley:  :WTF:  :icon_e_surprised:  :affraid:  :icon_geek:<br /><br />There is the Real Me! ^^^ Can you dig it!? lmao! Naw fo real tho RK, you already know I've been my authentic self (with a lil censorship) since the "moment" I signed up. I've never compromised my opinions for the sake of popularity or what have you. I have censored my words for the sake of others feelings so I do have a huge heart under this ugly crusty exterior, lmao! I just love your avatar. Your eyes are so beautiful.  :icon_mrgreen: I'm being serious.<br /><br />Thank you for sharing your feelings. I love you my friend.  :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />Seems I can't explain myself at all. I wasn't meaning how we interact on the site.  What I was trying to say,[ but happened to leave out]  :-[  was that we should be as free to be our selves unguarded with those in our everyday lives as we have been here. We have opened up here with one another over the past 3 years. We know each other's foibles and eccentricities, and we still love and accept each other in spite of them. Let's not fear rejection. Be the real deal at home and at work, with our friends and family. No more hiding away for fear of being rejected if others really knew what I thought on a subject. <br />Anyway....for the record.....what you guys got with me is just plain old me....heck even my user name are my  initials.  <br /><br />@Imconvinced......having large eyes has always made me a terrible liar. I just can't hide anything. But on a sweeter note....My husband's ' come on' line to me back in the 70's when we met was  "a man could drown in those eyes". It was the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.  :-*<br /><br />Okay....I'll behave and stay on topic now......<br /> I the only one who doesn't have any apprehension about the BAM? I'm fully expecting it.....not a doubt....not a worry....just biding time.  <br /><br />edit......I mean't to say " make me do a terrible job of trying to tell a lie"........didn't mean to say I'm a terrible liar. Another example of how words can be taken either way
  • FelixFelix Posts: 29
    Hello everyone!<br />It'a been a while since I posted here. How you all guys doing?<br />I want to share something.. I did a tarot reading a few days ago and I got some card combinations that really surprised me. To tell you the truth, I didn't even think about Michael, not to mention Mr Front -)) I was just thinking about future and what it may bring, basically it was a reading for 2013. And the cards told me that the beginning of the year would be very big, with a lot of surprises, that I will find something ( or someone ) that I thought I had lost forever. And the moment I will know about that will make the whole world go crazy. And I got a lot of cards that represented a sensation, something really really big should happen when you get the combination.<br />I don't know if that means anything to you but I was literally just shocked. 'Cause my cards never lie to me. not once.<br />So could be about Michael=Front? Hello, Mr Front, btw!
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    RK, your post reminded me of this, I've posted it before but it never loses its wisdom:<br /><br />Its curious what takes courage and what doesnt. When I step out on stage in front of thousands of people, I dont feel that Im being brave. It can take much more courage to express true feelings to one person. When I think of courage, I think of the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. He was always running away from danger. He often cried and shook with fear. But he was also sharing his real feelings with those he loved, even though he didnt always like those feelings.<br /><br />That takes real courage, the courage to be intimate. Expressing your feelings is not the same as falling apart in front of someone else — its being accepting and true to your heart, whatever it may say. When you have the courage to be intimate, you know who you are, and youre willing to let others see that. Its scary, because you feel so vulnerable, so open to rejection. But without self-acceptance, the other kind of courage, the kind heroes show in movies, seems hollow.<br />In spite of the risks, the courage to be honest and intimate opens the way to self-discovery. It offers what we all want, the promise of love.<br /><br />**DANCING THE DREAM by Michael Jackson**
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    on 1355158131:
    <br />RK, your post reminded me of this, I've posted it before but it never loses its wisdom:<br /><br />Its curious what takes courage and what doesnt. When I step out on stage in front of thousands of people, I dont feel that Im being brave. It can take much more courage to express true feelings to one person. When I think of courage, I think of the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. He was always running away from danger. He often cried and shook with fear. But he was also sharing his real feelings with those he loved, even though he didnt always like those feelings.<br /><br />That takes real courage, the courage to be intimate. Expressing your feelings is not the same as falling apart in front of someone else — its being accepting and true to your heart, whatever it may say. When you have the courage to be intimate, you know who you are, and youre willing to let others see that. Its scary, because you feel so vulnerable, so open to rejection. But without self-acceptance, the other kind of courage, the kind heroes show in movies, seems hollow.<br />In spite of the risks, the courage to be honest and intimate opens the way to self-discovery. It offers what we all want, the promise of love.<br /><br />**DANCING THE DREAM by Michael Jackson**<br />
    <br /><br />Yes Curls...that is exactly what I was trying to say. Thankyou. MJ says it so beautifully. The courage to be intimate.
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1355133058:
    <br />
    on 1355130675:
    [....]<br />[size=12pt]We are here, at approximately 22 days [more or less] distance from the BAM.<br />If we're not supposed to talk about the BAM now [when both TS & Front clearly mentioned BAM in their recent posts], then WHEN in the Lord's name are we supposed to TALK about it?? [/size]I mean I am counting the days of this last month!! Why not be able to savor these anticipation moments & the after-BAM times!!??<br />COME on people, leave aside the fear, the doubts, the frustrations and everything negative and allow yourselves to BE HAPPY !!<br />[...]
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]TIAI redirect December 10, 2012 ----> [/size],23510.0/topicseen.html<br /><br /> :) :-* :) :michael-jackson:  :affraid: :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile YOUPIIIIEEE :omg: :penguin: :michael_jackson-1135: :icon_bounce:  :icon_e_wink: :icon_rr:<br /><br /><br />tiairedire.jpg<br />
    <br />thank you for your post Sim, very refreshing one!  :icon_razz: not much time left till the end of december, we should relax untill The Day come. If our minds are busy, time will fly faster.<br />Love for everyone!  :icon_razz: lock fear in the closet and stay positive friends!
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    Randy Jackson Jr.‏@randyjacksonjr<;br /><br /> Re-examine all you have been told.. <br />
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    RK:<br /><br /> I the only one who doesn't have any apprehension about the BAM? I'm fully expecting it.....not a doubt....not a worry....just biding time.
    <br /><br />Same here RK  :bearhug:
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1355161531:
    <br />RK:<br /><br /> I the only one who doesn't have any apprehension about the BAM? I'm fully expecting it.....not a doubt....not a worry....just biding time.
    <br /><br />Same here RK  :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]+1[/size]<br /><br />Don't worry, be happy  :icon_e_biggrin:<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355158872:
    <br />[...]thank you for your post Sim, very refreshing one!  :icon_razz: not much time left till the end of december, we should relax untill The Day come. If our minds are busy, time will fly faster.<br />Love for everyone!  :icon_razz: lock fear in the closet and stay positive friends!
      :penguin: :bearhug: :icon_bounce:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355160787:
    [size=12pt]Randy Jackson Jr.‏@randyjacksonjr<;br /><br /> Re-examine all you have been told..[/size]
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Oh my giddy's a great day here in Hoaxland!<br />Love it!<br />HUGS!<br /><br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355164273:
    <br />Oh my giddy's a great day here in Hoaxland!<br />Love it!<br />HUGS!<br />
    Wonderful to share these moments together , isn't it sis' ?  :) :bearhug:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1355164322:
    <br />
    on 1355164273:
    <br />Oh my giddy's a great day here in Hoaxland!<br />Love it!<br />HUGS!<br />
    Wonderful to share these moments together , isn't it sis' ?  :) :bearhug:<br />
    <br /><br />That would be a big OH YEAH!!!  :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:<br />It instantly erases so much of the negative, and shines the light on the positive....what we are here for!!! <br />It's going to happen....and we are front row!!!!!  May the light shine on all of us here and all those who <br />have believed in Michael always.....blessings abound!!!! <br />It's all for LOVE....really truly!!!!<br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Wishy:  :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1355163548:
    <br /><br />
    on 1355160787:
    [size=12pt]Randy Jackson Jr.‏@randyjacksonjr<;br /><br /> Re-examine all you have been told..[/size]
    F_EYEB%7E1.GIF<br />
    <br /><br />hmmmm  :ghsdf:  <br />And Sim has been doing a lot of that lately!  :icon_e_biggrin:<br /><br />
    on 1355157311:
    <br />Hello everyone!<br />It'a been a while since I posted here. How you all guys doing?<br />I want to share something.. I did a tarot reading a few days ago and I got some card combinations that really surprised me. To tell you the truth, I didn't even think about Michael, not to mention Mr Front -)) I was just thinking about future and what it may bring, basically it was a reading for 2013. And the cards told me that the beginning of the year would be very big, with a lot of surprises, that I will find something ( or someone ) that I thought I had lost forever. And the moment I will know about that will make the whole world go crazy. And I got a lot of cards that represented a sensation, something really really big should happen when you get the combination.<br />I don't know if that means anything to you but I was literally just shocked. 'Cause my cards never lie to me. not once.<br />So could be about Michael=Front? Hello, Mr Front, btw!<br />
    <br /><br />I find this really interesting. Since you mentioned this… Many years ago I experimented with tarot reading. Although it’s been a while since I’ve done a reading, I recently became really curious and wanted to try in September, about Michael, how things are unfolding, what to expect. <br /><br />First about dates from 9-12 Nov. The Devil came up…now I’m thinking about Sullivan’s book. <br />The next reading I did was about Michael with the date around 12/21 and into the new year. As I prepared and mixed the cards, I focused on him, his death, the world view of him, and the 21st – new year. I felt a lot of energy from the cards - and before choosing any, the Magician card flew out of the deck, then again, the second time fell out with another card … the Tower which is “about war, a war between the structures of lies and the lightning flash of truth. This is a card about anything we believe to be true, but later learn is false.”  <br />…“In a moment, it is over. The Tower is rubble, only rocks remaining. Stunned and shaken to the core, the Fool experiences profound fear and disbelief. But also, a strange clarity of vision, as if his inner eye has finally opened. He tore down his resistance to change and sacrifice (Hanged man), then came to terms with Death (Death); he learned about moderation and synthesis (Temperance) and about power (The Devil). But here and now, he has done what was hardest: he destroyed the lies of his life. What's left are the foundations of truth. On this he can rebuild himself.”<br /><br />Just a short example of Magician  -“His real power comes from sources outside of him, and he is powerless without these sources, just as an illusionist depends on people "behind the scenes".” <br />… ‘Keep in mind, however, that the Magician could be a trickster.’ <br />
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