Official back & Front thread



  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    [size=12pt]OMG ![/size] amoureux-5930.gif never before seen pic for me!OB_MAK%7E1.GIF<br /><br />cutemj.jpg
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    Now that I managed to shake myself off from that L.O.V.E.L.Y. pic 3d-surpris-non.gif :) :icon_lol:<br /><br />I just gotta say I love that "whisper"...taking into account our discussion about NWO on the previous page  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />"Right ON! We separate FACT from fiction !"
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    "Right ON! We separate FACT from fiction !"
    <br />Oh yeah!  0002013F.gif<br /><br />BTC, I homeschooled my 3 all the way, and when they were younger, I shared all I was discovering or speculated, but then as they hit University and job worlds, etc. they began to re-evaluated and I guess thought ‘No it can’t be true after-all, Mom’s the one who’s wrong’.  But I do think the knowledge is in them, it just needs something more to reassure them I was right at least in some things.  So BTC, I think that as you try to instill alternative thinking in your kids, they will have an easier time understanding these times than the general sleeping population.  Seeds planted, you know.  I always think that the book I read at 16, The Chariot of the Gods, was the seed planted in my mind, but it lay dormant for about 35 years up to the advent of the internet.  So we need to plant seeds around us, even if they lay dormant for a while.<br /><br />Wish, I really liked Bo Bice, back when I was really into AI!  Too bad he didn’t make it, but maybe things are rigged somewhat…
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355209534:
    [....]And it's true, there will be a lot going on after the bam....
    yes! Reminds me of: "What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare. It isn’t. It’s the beginning."<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355235466:
    As painful as it has been, at several turns along the way....friendships/relationships lost, doors closed, feeling alone while surrounded....
    I know exactly what you mean!!<br /><br />
    on 1355235466:
    I often read my children posts from the forum (I've involved them in every step of the way), they are very aware of the NWO,[...]
    WoW! that's great!<br /><br />
    on 1355235466:
    ...if/when the day comes when those who treated me negatively in the past approached me, wanting to know more....I would welcome them with open apologies needed.
    Sometimes I thought about that too... and i would do as you said.<br />But you see, generally, stubborn and full of ego people, who insult/ridicule others for what they don't understand at a particular moment, when they finally come to realize the truth, they NEVER admit that to people who first tried to open their eyes! They find all ways to say they came to that conclusion by themselves...they even try to deform what you've told them first and make it look like they have discovered by themselves better and more things than you! loll I've seen that in my life!<br /><br />
    on 1355235466:
    After one has repeatedly tried to help others move forward...only to be met with rejection and ridicule....a point is reached when one must choose to remain behind or keep moving on...even if it means leaving some behind.
    True! And the more time passes, the less patient I am with this kind of people and the more easily  I MOVE ON !!<br /><br />
    on 1355235466:
    Afterall, it IS a choice we have ALL been given.
    EXACTLY! If they choose to sleep, ok then wish them "Good night!"<br />You can't force anyone to open their eyes! You tell them once, if they are willing to listen ok, if not then ok again.<br />The worst mistake you can do is insist! The more you insist the less willing to listen they are.<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355237289:
    Does anyone questioning why we don't hear/read anything from mr. Front anymore?
    Don't worry, it's not unusual for neither Front nor TS to be absent for weeks/months even.<br />The last time they posted was November 29th, right?<br /><br />
    MJonmind wrote:
    So we need to plant seeds around us, even if they lay dormant for a while.
    I agree!!<br />I'm sure that most people are in denial of this knowledge because they are afraid to accept it. They need something more to allow themselves to believe! As long as they see that the world goes in the same direction, they will never embrace that CHANGE, because let's face it: it's difficult [crazy] to stand against "the wave" !! So until something MAJOR happens and motivates more people to stand UP , there won't be a change! because now FEAR to oppose the system is more powerful than any logical FREE thinking! That's why when your children grew up and entered the system, they were overwhelmed by it and everything you alone taught them seemed so "minuscule" compared to the rest of the world who is going right in the opposite direction! So what they humanly did: they ADAPTED to the environment in order to survive in it! But as you said, the knowledge that you taught them, must be laying somewhere...dormant... in their subconscious mind!<br />
  • I try to spread information also but most think it's ridiculous.  I keep trying any way.  We need a big "shock" and "wake up call" to wake up the masses.  I hope it's soon.  <br /><br />Love Revolution    :abouttime: <br /><br />
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    on 1355249555:
    <br />Just now on the official MJ FB:<br /><br />1898511015.jpg<br /><br /> :icon_albino: :th_bravo:<br />
    <br /><br />I like the "We seperate Fact from Fiction part"<br /><br />Also noticed:<br /><br />"You'll love him this season"<br />"What really happened"
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1355255196:
    <br />Now that I managed to shake myself off from that L.O.V.E.L.Y. pic 3d-surpris-non.gif :) :icon_lol:<br /><br />I just gotta say I love that "whisper"...taking into account our discussion about NWO on the previous page  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />"Right ON! We separate FACT from fiction !"<br />
    <br /><br />Yes that's a great reminder at the apex of the hoax and Front said it as well.  :icon_albino:  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br />
    on 1307059658:
    <br />FACTS vs. ILLusion…….<br /><br />By listening, one will learn truths.<br />By hearing, one will only learn half truths.<br />By watching, one will learn to decipher between the two. <br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @MJonmind/MJonline ; :icon_razz:....of all the things I have greatly admired and respected about you (and there's been many) has been knowing that you home-schooled your children that stuck with me most.  As a teacher myself, I have nothing but THE highest regard for anyone who chooses, or is able to, educate their own children.  Educating children is, most definitely, not an easy thing to times requiring the patience of a saint lol...and home-schooling your own children is even 'harder' than educating other children.  I believe that ALL knowledge is valuable...and that knowledge IS power.  The things you taught...or discussed with...your children are there, even if dormant...much like what I try to teach my children.  Some of that may never come to pass....some might be far from 100% accurate.  IMO, what matters is, as you said...that the seeds are planted.  IF the time comes that the knowledge is required or beneficial....they are one step ahead of the 'game'.  You can't possibly hope to challenge or 'lift the veil' of the 'illusion'....if one is not even aware than the 'illusion' exists.<br /><br /> always manage to bring sunshine to my day  :icon_razz:  After reading your comments....this is what came to mind:<br /><br />God grant me the serenity <br />to accept the things I cannot change; <br />courage to change the things I can;<br />and wisdom to know the difference.<br /><br />As you so brilliantly can, or should, force others to think 'differently' or to see beyond what they've been told.  Although it is frustrating at times to see 'ignorance' alive and kicking....even with ALL the info that is readily available....we must accept that we cannot change what others don't want, or are not ready, to change.  Energy is much better spent on the things we can change.<br /><br />@Wish...I LOVED Bo Bice!!!!  He was my fav of that season and I was disappointed when he was eliminated.  Thanks for the way-back playback  :icon_razz:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • on 1355110319:
    <br /><br /><br />I assumed and I take the "Army of Love" as something thatr extends past Michael.. I never saw it as HIS army as he is leading, but rather standing side by side, helping man kind in any way that is possible, from helping lift an elderly persons bags into their car, on to the bus.. allowing those in need the seat that you're using, acts of kindness... to donate in to causes, to treat one another with compassion, equality and love no matter who they are, to lend a hand where ever is possible given what ever situation you're in, not everyone can afford to fly to countries where volunteers are needed, or donate large sums of money to very important causes. I thought being a part of the "army of love" was contributing to the world in a positive way, no matter how small or great a person can. To put compassion, joy, wonder and ultimately inject the most important ingredient back into this world. Love. <br />A smile in the street can do wonders to another persons soul, giving a little loose change to a child who is little short to buy that lolly they wanted can mold that child into a much positive adult, to help an elderly person with anything they need, gives them back faith and a small amount of happiness that they aren't alone, little acts constantly done can bring great waves of love back to this world, and whether it was inspired by Michael or just by a persons soul to do so really makes no difference, some people have felt this wish to help and put love into the world all their lives, other peoples were inspired by the man himself. I'm not in the "army of love" because of Michael... he helped strengthen my constant work in showing love, compassion and giving but he didn't trigger it, I stand beside him and support his desire, I help feed his dreams as I help feed my dreams and everyone Else's who dream the same for humanity and this earth. <br /><br />I have written this without re reading but to me I know it makes sense even if it doesn't to anyone else...<br />
    <br /><br />
    I have written this without re reading but to me I know it makes sense even if it doesn't to anyone else...
    <br /><br />Your post made sense to me, it really did. I keep believing that there is care and love in everyone. It's Michael's call for awareness and L.O.V.E. which makes your LOVE come to surface and it is up to each of us individually how to convey this love in this world, e.g. to help your neighbors, to drink a cup of coffee with the lonely elderly lady on the corner or help pack food boxes for your local food bank. I think it's important to have and keep faith in L.O.V.E., to believe in your love and in the love inside others, to know what a positive power love has inspite of all the hate and negativity in this world. LOVE will conquer after all.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1355259047:
    <br />I try to spread information also but most think it's ridiculous.  I keep trying any way.  We need a big "shock" and "wake up call" to wake up the masses.  I hope it's soon.  <br /><br />Love Revolution    :abouttime:<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />I spread as much information as I can too.  I get my share of side-eyes as well, it's expected unfortunately.  But I find that some people actually seek me out when they hear something on the news to see what I think about it so that's gotta be a good thing.  Unless there's a group called "let's make fun of stuff Andrea says" that I don't know about.  An example was the swine flu back in spring of 2009.  I hadn't even heard of it and someone asked me about it and knowing absolutely nothing about it, I told him it was a BS pharma money-grab virus that they created.  When I then researched it, I found out my suspicions were correct.  I get asked about the moon landing, JFK, 9/11, you name it.  And what's funny is most of these questions are from guys at work and my work is very "Establishment".  Oh, and they love asking about MJ's hoax even though most are sure he's dead.  But there are the times when I can see the wheels turning in someone's head.  Actually I got a little gift from one of the sections in my building today - it was a package of MJ cards with gum - you know, like the old-school baseball kind.  Totally vintage and so awesome!!  LOL, I think I'll leave them in the package though because I don't want to "wreck" it.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355261694:
    <br />[...] always manage to bring sunshine to my day  :icon_razz:  [...]
    aww! 0007.gif I am happy then!  minisoleil.gif<br /><br />
    on 1355261694:
    After reading your comments....this is what came to mind:<br /><br />God grant me the serenity <br />to accept the things I cannot change; <br />courage to change the things I can;<br />and wisdom to know the difference.
    So beautiful! Thank you!! coeur9.gif<br /><br />
    on 1355261694:
    Energy is much better spent on the things we can change.[...]
    YES! My experiences so far lead me to this great conclusion!!  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br /><br />@Andrea: wow! you're lucky! nice colleagues you have.... curious and giving you MJ presents!!  :icon_e_wink:<br />I totally get what you said about "seeing the wheels turning into people's heads" even if they don't give any visible signs! It occurred to me too... rarely , but it gives you an optimist feeling like "There you go! finally one more who starts to SEE , but there's still a lot of fog around!!"  :icon_lol:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Andrea<br />
    Unless there's a group called "let's make fun of stuff Andrea says" that I don't know about.
    <br /> :icon_lol:<br /><br />This is one of my favorite quotes:<br />
    All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.<br />Arthur Schopenhauer<br />German philosopher (1788 - 1860)
    <br />Perhaps we're only in the 'ridiculed' stage, and 'violence' will be next as in revolution. It's a long way to 'self-evident' yet.  Remember TS saying after Bam would be a battle.  I think what little we receive now is going to be conditioning us for combat as in:<br /><br />
    on 1355259047:
    <br />I try to spread information also but most think it's ridiculous.  I keep trying any way.  We need a big "shock" and "wake up call" to wake up the masses.  I hope it's soon.  <br /><br />[size=14pt]Love Revolution [/size]    :abouttime:
    <br /><br />Sim<br />
    EXACTLY! If they choose to sleep, ok then wish them "Good night!"
    <br />male27-male-sleep-sleeping-smiley-emoticon-000069-facebook.gif<br /><br />catssleepingpositions20gr5.jpg<br /><br />BTC  :beerchug: :smiley_abuv:<br /><br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I think that many people don't want to face the truth because it involves that they have to change themselves. Not an easy task, not many are willing to do it. It can also involve to give up on certain things they are attached to. Over with the comfort zone.  Some people prefer to lie and keep silent even if the truth is there staring them in the face in order to keep up their positions, their friendships, social status, reputation, etc. , giving in to social pressure is easier -- because as you have described being aware of what this world really is and speaking out is like swimming in the opposite direction of a torrent, it's going against the flow, which requires much more effort and strength, belief, faithfulness and loyalty in the honorable principles we want to live by.  <br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    BTC quoted:<br />
    God grant me the serenity <br />to accept the things I cannot change; <br />courage to change the things I can;<br />and wisdom to know the difference.
    <br />I was thinking the poet was Assisi but it was Reinhold Niebuhr.<br /><br />It seems similar to Francis of Assisi's prayer:<br />
    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.<br />Where there is hatred, let me sow love.<br />Where there is injury, pardon.<br />Where there is doubt, faith.<br />Where there is despair, hope.<br />Where there is darkness, light.<br />Where there is sadness, joy.<br />O Divine Master,<br />grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;<br />to be understood, as to understand;<br />to be loved, as to love.<br />For it is in giving that we receive.<br />It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,<br />and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.<br />Amen.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @sarahli: victoire-584.gif<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355269148:
    Andrea<br />
    Unless there's a group called "let's make fun of stuff Andrea says" that I don't know about.
    <br /> :icon_lol:
    :icon_lol:<br /><br />
    on 1355269148:
    Sim<br />
    EXACTLY! If they choose to sleep, ok then wish them "Good night!"
    male27-male-sleep-sleeping-smiley-emoticon-000069-facebook.gif<br /><br />catssleepingpositions20gr5.jpg
    LMAO  :thjajaja121:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355269148:
    [size=12pt]All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.[/size]<br />Arthur Schopenhauer - German philosopher (1788 - 1860)
    This is one of my favorite quotes
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1355267267:
    <br />
    on 1355259047:
    <br />I try to spread information also but most think it's ridiculous.  I keep trying any way.  We need a big "shock" and "wake up call" to wake up the masses.  I hope it's soon.  <br /><br />Love Revolution    :abouttime:<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />I spread as much information as I can too.  I get my share of side-eyes as well, it's expected unfortunately.  But I find that some people actually seek me out when they hear something on the news to see what I think about it so that's gotta be a good thing.  Unless there's a group called "let's make fun of stuff Andrea says" that I don't know about.  An example was the swine flu back in spring of 2009.  I hadn't even heard of it and someone asked me about it and knowing absolutely nothing about it, I told him it was a BS pharma money-grab virus that they created.  When I then researched it, I found out my suspicions were correct.  I get asked about the moon landing, JFK, 9/11, you name it.  And what's funny is most of these questions are from guys at work and my work is very "Establishment".  Oh, and they love asking about MJ's hoax even though most are sure he's dead.  But there are the times when I can see the wheels turning in someone's head.  Actually I got a little gift from one of the sections in my building today - it was a package of MJ cards with gum - you know, like the old-school baseball kind.  Totally vintage and so awesome!!  LOL, I think I'll leave them in the package though because I don't want to "wreck" it.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Yes  we are all about crazy, ..but look what it says the link, I'm not going to publish here to comply with the rules of the forum, ..later published it in the blog.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Who said that of the new world order exists? , ..people crazy
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1355268476:
    <br /><br />@Andrea: wow! you're lucky! nice colleagues you have.... curious and giving you MJ presents!!  :icon_e_wink:<br />I totally get what you said about "seeing the wheels turning into people's heads" even if they don't give any visible signs! It occurred to me too... rarely , but it gives you an optimist feeling like "There you go! finally one more who starts to SEE , but there's still a lot of fog around!!"  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />They are nice, I work with a great group of people and am treated very well - I am grateful for that!<br /><br />I love getting into it with people, seeing their reactions and hearing what they have to say.  Communication is often an under-rated gift, I love what John Lennon says about it (below).  He had just met with Canada's Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, 1969.<br /><br />(Sound kicks in just after :30)<br /><br />
  • wow.....I loved that magazine.......I had just about all of them back in the day!!! :))
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    And you gave them all away at a garage sale I bet.  :icon_e_sad:  Now they're valuable.
  • on 1355267267:
    <br />
    on 1355259047:
    <br />I try to spread information also but most think it's ridiculous.  I keep trying any way.  We need a big "shock" and "wake up call" to wake up the masses.  I hope it's soon.  <br /><br />Love Revolution    :abouttime:<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />  Oh, and they love asking about MJ's hoax even though most are sure he's dead.  But there are the times when I can see the wheels turning in someone's head.  .<br />
    <br /><br />so this happens with you too!! There was a time when i felt that my job as believer was to spread this hoax, so i started telling my friend's MJ's life story, about TPTB and also why he pulled off the hoax. All they found in my talk was gossip. I used to feel like a real fool because the next time i'd talk to them they'd ask... 'so how's MJ?' or 'you still believe MJ is alive?' <br /><br />After several of such incidents I simply stopped talking about hoax altogether. My words or any 'fan's ' words are never gonna have any effect on them because our words are going to be taken for granted for the fact that we are fans. I think we should just keep quite and let this people have experience the BAM and stand their agape...<br /><br />and you know what irritates me the most?I really feel these people WILL NOT look up to information themselves, they'll most probably come to the fans to ask 'what is this bam all about?'
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1355260207:
    <br />
    on 1355249555:
    <br />Just now on the official MJ FB:<br /><br />1898511015.jpg<br /><br /> :icon_albino: :th_bravo:<br />
    <br /><br />I like the "We seperate Fact from Fiction part"<br /><br />Also noticed:<br /><br />"You'll love him this season"<br />"What really happened"<br />
    <br /><br />The first thing I thought of and saw was the words LOVE...Right on! So of course this goes to show how we all "perceive" things differently, but we can still agree that it is a "good" sign from Michael that we are on the right track with the topic at hand!! <br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />Great posts family!!! You know I have to tell you that the last few days have been pretty sad for me...ya for me, go figure! But, it's true...I was on top of the world one minute, with not a "fear" insight, spreading LOVE with everyone I came into contact with, and then BAM!! Out of nowhere I saw my Happy life , flash before my eyes! <br /><br />I'm not going to get into details, but the Old me would have immediately thought the absolute worse case scenario, and kissed my marriage goodbye, but something inside me was telling me that I was being "Tested" one final time, so I tried to approach the situation differently, which was very hard, but long story short, just when I thought that I was just going to say the hell with it, I'm done, I thought of all of the hard work that I have been doing for the last 3.5yrs, to be a better person, to "make a change" etc, what about my Michael Family? I have been "preaching" the LOVE since the beginning, am I going to throw all of that away, over my "ego"?? I then heard Michael saying, "you are stronger then this, don't go backwards keep moving forward, you know what you know for a reason!" Yes I do Michael!! Yes I do...<br /><br />I am happy to say that I am going to just, let this husband is a wonderful man and we have been through so much together, that I can forgive him for this, tiny "oops" without degrading him as a man and make him feel like a piece of crap. I looked him right in the eyes, and told him that LOVE is much more important and that we will get through this and be as strong as ever!...And Instantly, as soon as I made that decision, it was like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders!!  Just by me not repeating my "old" behavior, and letting it go without "judgement" the "Bad" vibes, just disappeared!!! How's that for a BAM!! :LolLolLolLol: That is the power of Positive thinking and realizing that if I was in such a negative frame of mind, it is because I was creating it, and the only one who could "change" that negativity, was ME!! <br /><br />So, Drama is over right?? No, I also just talked to my mom, and she had some tests done today and they found 2 large masses on her bowels, so they have done a biopsy, and told her they must operate ASAP...which probably means a month with he way the "system" works! Anyway, I was devastated, until my BAM moment, and now I feel like I can handle this with a much more positive attitude, and I just have to BELIEVE that the biopsy is clear! So, Family Prayers of Healing and LOVE would be greatly appreciated!!! <br /><br />Ok, enough of that!!! Back to LOVE!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />Reading your posts has really helped me know that I am not alone on this journey of "change". It warms my heart to see that others are taking Michael's message to heart, and seeing that Michael wants us to see that OUR lives, and those who we can physically touch, are what is important here!! We need to show LOVE to them, and to ourselves, and let the ripples of LOVE flow outward!! We can show our LOVE and support for Michael, but if we want to help HIM, we need to help OURSELVES, and those we "touch" because that is what is "real" ( for now anyway lol!<br /><br />I wish that I had known what I know now, when my kids were growing up, so that they could have had a better/happier life, but my husband and I are doing everything we can to show our granddaughter what really matters in this world... LOVE, Compassion and Kindness towards everyone she meets and we make sure she gets to laugh and have as much fun as she can! Michael is the Greatest role model not only for us, but for all of the children!<br /><br />I see glimmers of Light and hope throughout our community here, and in our own neighborhood we promote LOVE and "Unity" in the Community...we all try to do our own small part, and a few yrs ago, I didn't see any of our neighbors "socializing", so I really do see "Change" happening, I just can't wait until I see more!<br /><br /> We just need to continue to Believe in ourselves, we need to stop trying to fix everyone elses' life and we need to take responsibility for our own happiness, because the reality is, that is ALL we can do!! I know to some I <br /> may sound like a broken record, please forgive that, I am just very passionate about all of this, and  my  own life keeps changing from moment to moment, just when I think it's smooth sailing..BAM another test! I sometimes wonder why me?? Why have I had to endure so much pain and heartache? I'm not a "materialistic" person at all, I live a very simple life, I don't remember the last time that I was able to buy a new piece of clothing, I have no car, no cell phone, no money, we have the bare essentials, that's it...Life ain't easy, but 98.9% of the time, I am honestly happy and content...,Why? Because I make it that way! I could just as easily be depressed and miserable...I just finally understood that it was up to me to make ME happy, and that I needed to stop playing the "victim" and realize that if I was anything other then happy, it was of my own doing, because although I used to feel like a prisoner, there were no bars on my prison cell, only the ones I had put there myself!! I realized that FEAR and negativity were so Prominent in my life, that I had convinced myself that I needed to continue punishing myself! But Michael helped me to see that I was my own "jailer" and that I could free myself any time I wanted...So I think I finally tonight finally comprehended this to the FULLEST extent, as I just basically told my husband that he was keeping himself prisoner from fully freeing himself of the Fear and Negativity! Ok so I just typed that out as I came to the realization in my mind right now...oh boy...You see this journey for me has been as much about myself as it has been about Michael. <br /><br />Michael has given us some very valuable "tools" here with this Hoax/Arg/mission/ awakening/ascension/movie/sting...or whatever else it may or may not be! I think it is safe to say that we all have "Gained" wisdom and knowledge of some sort in the last few yrs right? Well I truly Truly Believe that what is to come is truly going to change EVERYTHING!!! Michael is really about to give the world the greatest "gift" ever...although some may not see it that way at first, I believe that Michael needs to know that we have his back NO MATTER WHAT Happens when he returns! Michael is going to Free us from this "enslavement" we've been in..."IN WHAT WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE GREATEST DEMONSTRATION FOR FREEDOM IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION" is not an understatement...We have come this far as a "Family" in support of Michael, and maybe all he really needs to know is that we will support him, and  that the "HOWS" don't really matter as much as  "WHY" he had to do this!!  <br /><br />I mean, we can agree to disagree on how he did this, but do we, as an "Army Of L.O.V.E" stand as ONE UNITED Voice, as to WHY  Michael had to do this?? By now I think we should be able to say YES, ABSOLUTELY, No questions asked!! I BELIEVE in Michael Jackson 100% NO MATTER WHAT!!??<br /><br />Michael himself said "It's ALL FOR LOVE!" So based solely on this FACT...can we all agree on this??? Wouldn't it be something if this was all Michael was really looking for all along!? <br /><br />Anyway...hope I don't get in trouble for being "off topic", I meant no disrespect...I was just sharing a little of my very "real" but LOVING life with you all...I will now officially ZIP IT!<br /><br />Well, first I must tell you all, that you are my Angels of LIGHT on a Cloudy day, and I LOVE each and every one of you to Infinity and Beyond!!!!!!!!!! Please pass the LOVE on, and Lets show Michael.. that we WILL ALL BE THERE!!!!!!! You guys Rock...You have my permission to continue being AWESOME!  :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br />Boy I just read that being Real Family...I am proud to be me!!! :bearhug:<br /><br />Sweet Michael Dreams Family...Talk soon...kisses <br /><br />oh..Michael...Thanks Bro...You Rock and POP!!!  :thjajaja121:  I so funny!! heehee... You know that I LOVE THEE!! :smiley_abuv:<br /><br />ok Now I officially will ZIP IT!!  :abouttime: :icon_geek:<br /><br /><br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Mjj4ever777, I’m so sad to hear your Mom is having this medical situation, and hope she can get the surgery way sooner than a month.  Maybe you can get her thinking so positively that she may even self-heal, given food/exercises,other changes as well.  I’m happy your marriage is strong enough to take the bumps and bruises that come, with plenty of love!  Much love and blessings to you!<br />
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    on 1355249555:
    <br />Just now on the official MJ FB:<br /><br />1898511015.jpg<br /><br /> :icon_albino: :th_bravo:<br />
    <br /><br /><br />FRONT!!??>> :abouttime:<br /><br /><br />with rLOVEution<br /><3)
  • on 1355295590:
    <br /><br />FRONT!!??>> :abouttime:<br /><br /><br />with rLOVEution<br /><3)<br />
    <br /><br />Well I do feel that we might find some clue or a new re-direct today...though the bam will not happen
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1355294597:
    <br />Mjj4ever777, I’m so sad to hear your Mom is having this medical situation, and hope she can get the surgery way sooner than a month.  Maybe you can get her thinking so positively that she may even self-heal, given food/exercises,other changes as well.  I’m happy your marriage is strong enough to take the bumps and bruises that come, with plenty of love!  Much love and blessings to you!<br />
    <br /><br />Yes prayers are with you as well......I sent you a pm earlier.  I just wanted to give you a shoulder to lean on........<br />Love you lots........<br /> :bearhug:
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