Official back & Front thread



  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    777 sorry mj4ever know what your mom is going through, and it is very important that you the lean positively. Of course that makes prayers for you and your mom. and remember:<br />Jesus is with you ...<br /> <br /><br />"Behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world". Matthew 28:20<br /><br />Get all my love.                          :bearhug:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Let me know if someone posted this already; I hadn't seen it before. This was from the TNZ hoax site.<br />They call it 'Ghost story' for the amazing and funny thing that happens, and the reason I'm putting it here in the Front thread, is it sounds a whole lot like Front.<br />Well see what you think!  The link shows the much longer full story, if you prefer.  At the time she wrote it, joining in a discussion on the LKL blog in Oct 09, she was obviously not a beLIEver.<br /><br /><br />Only thing I can claim is I worked with him his History Tour and The Dome Project, and saw most of his rehearsals as we were getting the kinks out of our CG images we were doing for the London shows.<br /><br />green-screen.png?w=960&h=660<br /><br />Thank you for talking with me and I hope I shed some much needed light on the way MJ was.<br />Take care and God bless.<br />“Michael, you do that again and I’m putting the heel of my shoe thru your eye.”<br />“I am assuming that would be very painful, but I am going to continue doing it because your heels are really loud when you walk”<br />“Will you stop smacking your gum?”<br />“Hey now, what do you have aginst Big Red?”<br />I LOVE you Michael and I will NEVER forget a single word or converstaion we shared. May you rest in peace….<br /><br /><br />I was not a close personal friend. But we had a lot of good times. And he respected my work. And I did his. Not so sure what is so unbelievable about those things. And yes, I am a woman, as a matter of fact last week I had a hystrectomy. ..<br /><br />I am going to share on story, as it is nothing too personal.<br />Some people have questioned my name… Many know it is a MJ song off his last album.<br />At the start of May I had to fly home for a surgery… My birthday was May 2 and my surgery was to be May 4th… I flew home Saturday the 3rd… had my surgery Monday and flew back to LA on Wed to get back to work. The next day I returned which was the 6th I think, I was having a very bad time, I was in pain and not feeling good and missing my kids as I had not really spent any time with them in weeks.<br />I was sitting on the floor next to the mens room… (cause there was no one around) and I was crying… (yes, I AM a baby)<br />Before I knew it I felt someone sit next to me, my head was between my legs being cradled by my hands… SO i did not see who sat but could feel someone did. So me, being me, and by that I mean I am a bit*ch sometimes, I said… “leave me alone, nothing to see here.”<br />Than I heard these words.<br />“Make me.”<br />I knew it was him.<br />He asked me what was wrong, as he knew I had just had surgery.<br />I began to cry and told him I was in pain, I was tired, I was worried about fuc*king up his masterpiece, I felt lots of pressure, I missed my family and I thought I was falling apart.<br />I then loooked him in the eyes and said… “you seem so unbreakable and here I am crying over nothing”<br />He than wrapped his arms around me… (and boy, it felt good)<br />He told me that I was the one who was unbreakable and he can not even begin to imagine what it must be like to be away from my kids, as he can’t go a day without his… he told me that he had faith in me and that he did not question or doubt my ability to do this project with him.<br />And from then on, he always called me Unbreakable..<br />He would often say…<br />“Someone get Unbreakable some dish soap her mouth needs a good rinsing.”<br />I tend to drop swear words like they are gospel.<br />Mother Day weekend was the following weekend and Michael arranged, behind my back, for my family to fly out for the weekend. So my kids and my husband got to finally meet him. He was very kind to my family and tried teaching them the moonwalk and also gave them money to play every game in an arcade near by..<br />So these are the sorts of things I want to say..<br />That is the kind of heart he had.<br />And that is why I have this name.<br />Because that is what he called me.<br />But really, it applied more to him. In my eyes….<br /><br />[size=12pt]Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 1:12 pm ET<br />The surgery I had was on my leg so I hobbled around for a couple days.<br />He told me he was going to make me a set of wings so i could fly….[/size]<br /><br />Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 3:37 pm ET<br />I just went thru and looked at comments made here today.<br />There is a comment that says it was made by me, but it was not.<br />I never made the comment about my leg and hobbling around..<br />But the weird thing is, it is true.<br />And he did tell me that.<br />So wtf?<br />Ok I don’t know what’s going on, but I think I am done posting here.<br />Because it appears something weird is going on now..<br />But I hope you understand what I mean about the facebook thing, I had forgot I had said that.<br />What I am saying is true. I have no reason to lie. I posted on the autopsy one on purpose.<br />But it sort of grew legs and ran from there.<br />But now i see this comment I DID not make and my heart is racing.<br />[size=12pt]I don’t know what sick joke someone is playing on me, but that is my cue to leave.[/size]<br />I know for most certainly Michael has passed away, and we need to pray for justice.<br />I am about to burst into tears right now, because of that comment.<br />I mean, I did not even notice that until now.<br />Everyone, I am sorry I posted here.<br />All I wanted to do was clear Michael. That is all.<br />But I am offically done.<br />When I am able to post my pics I will come back with the website for you.<br />But until then I must go, because something is going on and I want no part of it.<br />Please understand.<br />Thank you.<br />~Unbreakable<br />Peace out~
    <br /><br />If that ain't MJ then I'll I'll ...  :Pulling_hair:<br /><br /> :michael_jackson-1135: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • I didn't understand this it just a 'story' or it truly happened? And who is this 'unbreakable' ?
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1355291478:
    <br />
    on 1355260207:
    <br />
    on 1355249555:
    <br />Just now on the official MJ FB:<br /><br />1898511015.jpg<br /><br /> :icon_albino: :th_bravo:<br />
    <br /><br />I like the "We seperate Fact from Fiction part"<br /><br />Also noticed:<br /><br />"You'll love him this season"<br />"What really happened"<br />
    <br /><br />The first thing I thought of and saw was the words LOVE...Right on! So of course this goes to show how we all "perceive" things differently, but we can still agree that it is a "good" sign from Michael that we are on the right track with the topic at hand!! <br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />Great posts family!!! You know I have to tell you that the last few days have been pretty sad for me...ya for me, go figure! But, it's true...I was on top of the world one minute, with not a "fear" insight, spreading LOVE with everyone I came into contact with, and then BAM!! Out of nowhere I saw my Happy life , flash before my eyes! <br /><br />I'm not going to get into details, but the Old me would have immediately thought the absolute worse case scenario, and kissed my marriage goodbye, but something inside me was telling me that I was being "Tested" one final time, so I tried to approach the situation differently, which was very hard, but long story short, just when I thought that I was just going to say the hell with it, I'm done, I thought of all of the hard work that I have been doing for the last 3.5yrs, to be a better person, to "make a change" etc, what about my Michael Family? I have been "preaching" the LOVE since the beginning, am I going to throw all of that away, over my "ego"?? I then heard Michael saying, "you are stronger then this, don't go backwards keep moving forward, you know what you know for a reason!" Yes I do Michael!! Yes I do...<br /><br />I am happy to say that I am going to just, let this husband is a wonderful man and we have been through so much together, that I can forgive him for this, tiny "oops" without degrading him as a man and make him feel like a piece of crap. I looked him right in the eyes, and told him that LOVE is much more important and that we will get through this and be as strong as ever!...And Instantly, as soon as I made that decision, it was like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders!!  Just by me not repeating my "old" behavior, and letting it go without "judgement" the "Bad" vibes, just disappeared!!! How's that for a BAM!! :LolLolLolLol: That is the power of Positive thinking and realizing that if I was in such a negative frame of mind, it is because I was creating it, and the only one who could "change" that negativity, was ME!! <br /><br />So, Drama is over right?? No, I also just talked to my mom, and she had some tests done today and they found 2 large masses on her bowels, so they have done a biopsy, and told her they must operate ASAP...which probably means a month with he way the "system" works! Anyway, I was devastated, until my BAM moment, and now I feel like I can handle this with a much more positive attitude, and I just have to BELIEVE that the biopsy is clear! So, Family Prayers of Healing and LOVE would be greatly appreciated!!! <br /><br />Ok, enough of that!!! Back to LOVE!!!!!!!!!<br /><br />Reading your posts has really helped me know that I am not alone on this journey of "change". It warms my heart to see that others are taking Michael's message to heart, and seeing that Michael wants us to see that OUR lives, and those who we can physically touch, are what is important here!! We need to show LOVE to them, and to ourselves, and let the ripples of LOVE flow outward!! We can show our LOVE and support for Michael, but if we want to help HIM, we need to help OURSELVES, and those we "touch" because that is what is "real" ( for now anyway lol!<br /><br />I wish that I had known what I know now, when my kids were growing up, so that they could have had a better/happier life, but my husband and I are doing everything we can to show our granddaughter what really matters in this world... LOVE, Compassion and Kindness towards everyone she meets and we make sure she gets to laugh and have as much fun as she can! Michael is the Greatest role model not only for us, but for all of the children!<br /><br />I see glimmers of Light and hope throughout our community here, and in our own neighborhood we promote LOVE and "Unity" in the Community...we all try to do our own small part, and a few yrs ago, I didn't see any of our neighbors "socializing", so I really do see "Change" happening, I just can't wait until I see more!<br /><br /> We just need to continue to Believe in ourselves, we need to stop trying to fix everyone elses' life and we need to take responsibility for our own happiness, because the reality is, that is ALL we can do!! I know to some I <br /> may sound like a broken record, please forgive that, I am just very passionate about all of this, and  my  own life keeps changing from moment to moment, just when I think it's smooth sailing..BAM another test! I sometimes wonder why me?? Why have I had to endure so much pain and heartache? I'm not a "materialistic" person at all, I live a very simple life, I don't remember the last time that I was able to buy a new piece of clothing, I have no car, no cell phone, no money, we have the bare essentials, that's it...Life ain't easy, but 98.9% of the time, I am honestly happy and content...,Why? Because I make it that way! I could just as easily be depressed and miserable...I just finally understood that it was up to me to make ME happy, and that I needed to stop playing the "victim" and realize that if I was anything other then happy, it was of my own doing, because although I used to feel like a prisoner, there were no bars on my prison cell, only the ones I had put there myself!! I realized that FEAR and negativity were so Prominent in my life, that I had convinced myself that I needed to continue punishing myself! But Michael helped me to see that I was my own "jailer" and that I could free myself any time I wanted...So I think I finally tonight finally comprehended this to the FULLEST extent, as I just basically told my husband that he was keeping himself prisoner from fully freeing himself of the Fear and Negativity! Ok so I just typed that out as I came to the realization in my mind right now...oh boy...You see this journey for me has been as much about myself as it has been about Michael. <br /><br />Michael has given us some very valuable "tools" here with this Hoax/Arg/mission/ awakening/ascension/movie/sting...or whatever else it may or may not be! I think it is safe to say that we all have "Gained" wisdom and knowledge of some sort in the last few yrs right? Well I truly Truly Believe that what is to come is truly going to change EVERYTHING!!! Michael is really about to give the world the greatest "gift" ever...although some may not see it that way at first, I believe that Michael needs to know that we have his back NO MATTER WHAT Happens when he returns! Michael is going to Free us from this "enslavement" we've been in..."IN WHAT WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE GREATEST DEMONSTRATION FOR FREEDOM IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION" is not an understatement...We have come this far as a "Family" in support of Michael, and maybe all he really needs to know is that we will support him, and  that the "HOWS" don't really matter as much as  "WHY" he had to do this!!  <br /><br />I mean, we can agree to disagree on how he did this, but do we, as an "Army Of L.O.V.E" stand as ONE UNITED Voice, as to WHY  Michael had to do this?? By now I think we should be able to say YES, ABSOLUTELY, No questions asked!! I BELIEVE in Michael Jackson 100% NO MATTER WHAT!!??<br /><br />Michael himself said "It's ALL FOR LOVE!" So based solely on this FACT...can we all agree on this??? Wouldn't it be something if this was all Michael was really looking for all along!? <br /><br />Anyway...hope I don't get in trouble for being "off topic", I meant no disrespect...I was just sharing a little of my very "real" but LOVING life with you all...I will now officially ZIP IT!<br /><br />Well, first I must tell you all, that you are my Angels of LIGHT on a Cloudy day, and I LOVE each and every one of you to Infinity and Beyond!!!!!!!!!! Please pass the LOVE on, and Lets show Michael.. that we WILL ALL BE THERE!!!!!!! You guys Rock...You have my permission to continue being AWESOME!  :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br />Boy I just read that being Real Family...I am proud to be me!!! :bearhug:<br /><br />Sweet Michael Dreams Family...Talk soon...kisses <br /><br />oh..Michael...Thanks Bro...You Rock and POP!!!  :thjajaja121:  I so funny!! heehee... You know that I LOVE THEE!! :smiley_abuv:<br /><br />ok Now I officially will ZIP IT!!  :abouttime: :icon_geek:<br />
    <br />Dear Mjj4ever! after reading your words I would like to say that although I do not know you personally,  I do feel your wonderful soul and huge heart! I admire you for your strengt and courage to deal with uneasy situations! Wishing you all the best dear friend!  :bearhug:<br /><br />btw, today is magical date, isn`t it? <br />[size=12pt]09/09/09<br />10/10/10<br />11/11/11<br />12/12/12[/size]<br /><br />4 years to get it right?  :icon_e_biggrin: :icon_albino:<br /><br />2ly61oz.png<br /><br />some facts about 12/12/12:<br />The Ancient Mayan calendar speaks of 12-12-2012 as the end of times as we know it, and the beginning of a new cycle of evolution for planet earth, humanity and the cosmos. Mayan elders say that the Ancients were informing the modern world to be ready for a giant transformation for the human race. Interestingly, traditions across the world including Buddhism, Tao, Hopi and Vedic knowledge predict a ‘Golden Age’ or ‘Satyug’ in their calendars around the same period. December 2012 is being looked upon as a significant spiritual event and a momentous shift in the collective consciousness of the planet.<br />From culinary cuisine to calendars, 12 has been a significant number since its creation. Just think about it – 12 months in the year, 12 hours of night and day, 12 astrological signs, 12 Olympic gods and goddesses, 12 days of Christmas, and Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Oh, and let’s not forget about eggs – which are cheaper by the dozen! With so much significance on its side, 12/12/12 was seemingly destined to be a meaningful day.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1355309763:
    <br />I didn't understand this it just a 'story' or it truly happened? And who is this 'unbreakable' ?<br />
    <br />You can read the blog to decide for yourself, but to me it appears authentic!  She explains why she calls herself 'unbreakable' in what I posted;  MJ gave her this nic-name.
  • From what I understand there was another person who logged in with the fake name 'unbreakable' and revealed a private conversation between MJ and the real unbreakable.<br /><br />The real unbreakable got sacred and that correct?<br /><br />And we are supposed to assume that the fake unbreakable is MJ... ?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    No, I take it that MJ saw her posts, asked Larry King or moderator to post that insert under her 'Unbreakable' name.  Meaning MJ was acting as a ghost, and scaring her.  She knew she hadn't posted that, and yet it was accurate, that possibly only MJ himself knew that he had said he would make her wings.  What freaked her out was that she knew only MJ would know, but she believed him to be dead.  I believe Larry King to be in on the hoax, especially as I believe Dave Dave was MJ in disguise.
  • on 1355313421:
    <br />No, I take it that MJ saw her posts, asked Larry King or moderator to post that insert under her 'Unbreakable' name.  Meaning MJ was acting as a ghost, and scaring her.  She knew she hadn't posted that, and yet it was accurate, that possibly only MJ himself knew that he had said he would make her wings.  What freaked her out was that she knew only MJ would know, but she believed him to be dead.  I believe Larry King to be in on the hoax, especially as I believe Dave Dave was MJ in disguise.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Look at TNZ's comment under the post:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />truenewszone says:<br />September 8, 2012 at 7:08 pm<br />Ha! No.<br />You gotta know LKL blog — it turned into a sick circus just because there wasn’t ID-system, people could post without logging-in, so everyone could steal your nickname anytime. And this was going on constantly — there were dozens of pseudo-insiders and fake MJs, but the fact is: one of them was real.)
    <br /><br />It says that there is a possiblity that MJ himself could have posted that comment...<br />I too believe Larry King is in the hoax btw  :icon_cool:<br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @mjj4ever....thanks for continuously sharing your beautiful self with us.  Even in 'down' times, you always manage to find a silver lining and you always find your way back to LOVE.  You've been a beacon of light to me and so many others here throughout this 'crazy' ride...and I LOVE YOU for that  :icon_razz:  I am sorry to hear about your mom...I know what it's like to have a parent struggling with physical health, and all the worry that goes with it.  I'm also sorry to hear about your problems with your hubby...relationships are definitely NOT easy (to put it mildly lol).  Tell Mr. Mjj4ever that he is one lucky dude to have you in his life....and that he should be thanking God daily for such a gift.  I am here for you, and always will be, if you need an extra shoulder, ear, heart, brain lol....whatever you need, I'm here.  Love you sis!<br /><br />I just came across this vid and thought I'd share for those interested....I hadn't heard of this 'event' happening today:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Happy 12-12-12 everyone  :icon_bounce:....sending light and love to all.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    some facts about 12/12/12:<br />The Ancient Mayan calendar speaks of 12-12-2012 as the end of times as we know it, and the beginning of a new cycle of evolution for planet earth, humanity and the cosmos. Mayan elders say that the Ancients were informing the modern world to be ready for a giant transformation for the human race. Interestingly, traditions across the world including Buddhism, Tao, Hopi and Vedic knowledge predict a ‘Golden Age’ or ‘Satyug’ in their calendars around the same period. December 2012 is being looked upon as a significant spiritual event and a momentous shift in the collective consciousness of the planet.
    <br /><br />I thought that was 12/21/12?<br /><br />Did anything significant happen on 10/10/10? I don't recall anything but that's just accessing the memory banks. The only thing that happened on 11/11/11 was that redirect/post from TS_comments--meaning nothing occurred in the outside hoax world, only internal (TIAI). Of course 9/9/09 was the autopsy but that remains an isolated event with nothing occurring on 10/10/10 or 11/11/11, doesn't seem like we can reasonably expect anything to happen today either.<br /><br />The days tick by and there is deafening silence from the hoax network.<br /><br />You know I review back's posts and there is precious little that promises something big in the works. Most posts are simply chatty and commenting on the topic at the time, various subjects, like any other person. The few posts he makes regarding some yet future event are very vague and COULD be simply referring to the TII concert series in London. The only thing that remains questionable at this late date is the Theory or Vision post made on 11/18/09, the lines about 2 Kings, referring to Jesus and MJ, "and the end result shall be the same"... however... was he talking about a resurrection? Or was he talking about ascending to heaven to stand at God's throne?<br /><br />And of course there's his comment on the "stain" of false accusations being removed in due course: an as of yet unfulfilled prophecy. To me, that was a promise of sorts, one I've hung my hoax hat on for now over 3 years. With all the posts back made, and all the posts TS/TS_comments made, all the posts Front made... the Vision post and it's prophecy is about the only thing keeping me hanging on.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355291478:
    <br />[...]I am happy to say that I am going to just, let this husband is a wonderful man and we have been through so much together, that I can forgive him for this, tiny "oops" without degrading him as a man and make him feel like a piece of crap. I looked him right in the eyes, and told him that LOVE is much more important and that we will get through this and be as strong as ever!...And Instantly, as soon as I made that decision, it was like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders!![...]
    That is some strong LOVE! I admire you for that strength! whatever it was that you went though! probably most couples break up during such moments! <br /><br />
    on 1355291478:
    [...]I also just talked to my mom, and she had some tests done today and they found 2 large masses on her bowels, so they have done a biopsy, and told her they must operate ASAP...which probably means a month with he way the "system" works! Anyway, I was devastated, until my BAM moment, and now I feel like I can handle this with a much more positive attitude, and I just have to BELIEVE that the biopsy is clear! So, Family Prayers of Healing and LOVE would be greatly appreciated!!! [...]
    OMG! I'm so sorry to hear that! I'm with you sis'! I'll pray for you and your mom!<br /><br />
    on 1355291478:
    [...]and  my  own life keeps changing from moment to moment, just when I think it's smooth sailing..BAM another test! I sometimes wonder why me?? Why have I had to endure so much pain and heartache? I'm not a "materialistic" person at all, I live a very simple life, I don't remember the last time that I was able to buy a new piece of clothing, I have no car, no cell phone, no money, we have the bare essentials, that's it...Life ain't easy, but 98.9% of the time, I am honestly happy and content...,Why? Because I make it that way! I could just as easily be depressed and miserable...I just finally understood that it was up to me to make ME happy, and that I needed to stop playing the "victim" and realize that if I was anything other then happy, it was of my own doing, because although I used to feel like a prisoner, there were no bars on my prison cell, only the ones I had put there myself!! I realized that FEAR and negativity were so Prominent in my life, that I had convinced myself that I needed to continue punishing myself! But Michael helped me to see that I was my own "jailer" and that I could free myself any time I wanted...So I think I finally tonight finally comprehended this to the FULLEST extent, as I just basically told my husband that he was keeping himself prisoner from fully freeing himself of the Fear and Negativity! Ok so I just typed that out as I came to the realization in my mind right now...oh boy...You see this journey for me has been as much about myself as it has been about Michael. [...]
    HUGE hugs from me to you sis'!  :bearhug: :bearhug:<br />I know what you mean! I may have not been through such rough moments as you in my life so far, but I must say that Michael has always been a refuge to me and this hoax had been a true island of escapism from this world that gets crazier and crazier by the day, besides our own personal troubles!<br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1355291478:
    [...] [size=12pt]Michael has given us some very valuable "tools"[/size] here with this Hoax/Arg/mission/ awakening/ascension/movie/sting...or whatever else it may or may not be!<br />[size=12pt]I think it is safe to say that we all have "Gained" wisdom and knowledge of some sort in the last few yrs right?[/size] Well I truly Truly Believe that what is to come is truly going to change EVERYTHING!!! <br />[size=12pt]Michael is really about to give the world the greatest "gift" ever...although some may not see it that way at first,[/size][...]
    [size=12pt] A BIG YES !!![/size]<br /><br />
    on 1355291478:
    [...] [size=12pt]I believe that Michael needs to know that we have his back NO MATTER WHAT Happens when he returns![/size] <br />Michael is going to Free us from this "enslavement" we've been in..."IN WHAT WILL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE GREATEST DEMONSTRATION FOR FREEDOM IN THE HISTORY OF OUR NATION" is not an understatement...[...]
    [size=12pt]Another BIG YES !!![/size]<br /><br />
    on 1355291478:
    [...]We have come this far as a "Family" in support of Michael, and [size=12pt]maybe all he really needs to know is that we will support him, and  that the "HOWS" don't really matter as much as  "WHY" he had to do this!! [/size] <br />I mean, [size=12pt]we can agree to disagree on how he did this,[/size] but [size=12pt]do we, as an "Army Of L.O.V.E" stand as ONE UNITED Voice, as to WHY  Michael had to do this??[/size] <br />By now[size=12pt] I think we should be able to say YES, ABSOLUTELY,[/size] No questions asked!! <br />I BELIEVE in Michael Jackson 100% NO MATTER WHAT!!?? Michael himself said "It's ALL FOR LOVE!" <br />So based solely on this FACT...can we all agree on this??? Wouldn't it be something if this was all Michael was really looking for all along!? [...]
    [size=12pt] YES,  ABSOLUTELY  X  777  !!![/size]<br /><br />
    on 1355291478:
    ok Now I officially will ZIP IT!!  :abouttime: :icon_geek:
    LMAO  :icon_lol: :icon_lol:<br />You are officially adorable!!  :bearhug:
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1355307971:
    <br />Let me know if someone posted this already; I hadn't seen it before. This was from the TNZ hoax site.<br />They call it 'Ghost story' for the amazing and funny thing that happens, and the reason I'm putting it here in the Front thread, is it sounds a whole lot like Front.<br />Well see what you think!  The link shows the much longer full story, if you prefer.  At the time she wrote it, joining in a discussion on the LKL blog in Oct 09, she was obviously not a beLIEver.<br /><br /><br />Only thing I can claim is I worked with him his History Tour and The Dome Project, and saw most of his rehearsals as we were getting the kinks out of our CG images we were doing for the London shows.<br /><br />green-screen.png?w=960&h=660<br /><br />Thank you for talking with me and I hope I shed some much needed light on the way MJ was.<br />Take care and God bless.<br />“Michael, you do that again and I’m putting the heel of my shoe thru your eye.”<br />“I am assuming that would be very painful, but I am going to continue doing it because your heels are really loud when you walk”<br />“Will you stop smacking your gum?”<br />“Hey now, what do you have aginst Big Red?”<br />I LOVE you Michael and I will NEVER forget a single word or converstaion we shared. May you rest in peace….<br /><br /><br />I was not a close personal friend. But we had a lot of good times. And he respected my work. And I did his. Not so sure what is so unbelievable about those things. And yes, I am a woman, as a matter of fact last week I had a hystrectomy. ..<br /><br />I am going to share on story, as it is nothing too personal.<br />Some people have questioned my name… Many know it is a MJ song off his last album.<br />At the start of May I had to fly home for a surgery… My birthday was May 2 and my surgery was to be May 4th… I flew home Saturday the 3rd… had my surgery Monday and flew back to LA on Wed to get back to work. The next day I returned which was the 6th I think, I was having a very bad time, I was in pain and not feeling good and missing my kids as I had not really spent any time with them in weeks.<br />I was sitting on the floor next to the mens room… (cause there was no one around) and I was crying… (yes, I AM a baby)<br />Before I knew it I felt someone sit next to me, my head was between my legs being cradled by my hands… SO i did not see who sat but could feel someone did. So me, being me, and by that I mean I am a bit*ch sometimes, I said… “leave me alone, nothing to see here.”<br />Than I heard these words.<br />“Make me.”<br />I knew it was him.<br />He asked me what was wrong, as he knew I had just had surgery.<br />I began to cry and told him I was in pain, I was tired, I was worried about fuc*king up his masterpiece, I felt lots of pressure, I missed my family and I thought I was falling apart.<br />I then loooked him in the eyes and said… “you seem so unbreakable and here I am crying over nothing”<br />He than wrapped his arms around me… (and boy, it felt good)<br />He told me that I was the one who was unbreakable and he can not even begin to imagine what it must be like to be away from my kids, as he can’t go a day without his… he told me that he had faith in me and that he did not question or doubt my ability to do this project with him.<br />And from then on, he always called me Unbreakable..<br />He would often say…<br />“Someone get Unbreakable some dish soap her mouth needs a good rinsing.”<br />I tend to drop swear words like they are gospel.<br />Mother Day weekend was the following weekend and Michael arranged, behind my back, for my family to fly out for the weekend. So my kids and my husband got to finally meet him. He was very kind to my family and tried teaching them the moonwalk and also gave them money to play every game in an arcade near by..<br />So these are the sorts of things I want to say..<br />That is the kind of heart he had.<br />And that is why I have this name.<br />Because that is what he called me.<br />But really, it applied more to him. In my eyes….<br /><br />[size=12pt]Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 1:12 pm ET<br />The surgery I had was on my leg so I hobbled around for a couple days.<br />He told me he was going to make me a set of wings so i could fly….[/size]<br /><br />Unbreakable October 4th, 2009 3:37 pm ET<br />I just went thru and looked at comments made here today.<br />There is a comment that says it was made by me, but it was not.<br />I never made the comment about my leg and hobbling around..<br />But the weird thing is, it is true.<br />And he did tell me that.<br />So wtf?<br />Ok I don’t know what’s going on, but I think I am done posting here.<br />Because it appears something weird is going on now..<br />But I hope you understand what I mean about the facebook thing, I had forgot I had said that.<br />What I am saying is true. I have no reason to lie. I posted on the autopsy one on purpose.<br />But it sort of grew legs and ran from there.<br />But now i see this comment I DID not make and my heart is racing.<br />[size=12pt]I don’t know what sick joke someone is playing on me, but that is my cue to leave.[/size]<br />I know for most certainly Michael has passed away, and we need to pray for justice.<br />I am about to burst into tears right now, because of that comment.<br />I mean, I did not even notice that until now.<br />Everyone, I am sorry I posted here.<br />All I wanted to do was clear Michael. That is all.<br />But I am offically done.<br />When I am able to post my pics I will come back with the website for you.<br />But until then I must go, because something is going on and I want no part of it.<br />Please understand.<br />Thank you.<br />~Unbreakable<br />Peace out~
    <br /><br />If that ain't MJ then I'll I'll ...  :Pulling_hair:<br /><br /> :michael_jackson-1135: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /><br />Hahahaha ! I loved how she sounded totally freaked out ! Michael must have had a good laugh about it afterwards ! ( But I just can't help thinking that she could be involved in the hoax too , and she might have been asked to "act" as if she was freaked out , I mean who knows ? ) <br /><br />@mjj4ever777 , I'm so sorry to hear that about your mom , may God grant you the strength to deal with that situation . I'll pray for you and your mom .
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    God Bless all of you...really!!! I am crying my eyes out as I try to type this, but not because of sadness, but because as 12/12/12/ 12:12pm approaches at this exact minute, I am thankful for the Blessings that this Journey has taught me. I am sharing this moment with all of you, my Family, My  "SOUL" sisters and Brothers, who I LOVE more then anything!!!! Thank you, Thank you Thank you, for sharing your LOVE with me! <br /><br />It's 12:12...May the LOVE continue to spread until every soul on Earth, realizes their true Beauty within!! I LOVE you all, and will reply to your posts after I meditate and send out my LOVE worldwide!<br /> <br />Bless you my Beautiful LOVE Lights...Shine On!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :bearhug:
  • shortyshorty Posts: 211
    <br />My love goes back to you<br />you are a love shining heart.<br />love you<br />and your mum is in my pray.<br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    For you mjj4ever777<br /><br /> :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug: :bearhug:<br /><br />Love you sweetie!
  • JosJos Posts: 360
  • @mjj4ever777 Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your mom. :bearhug:
  • @mj777 Prayers and hugs :bearhug: for you and your Mom! <br /><br />I just got on here looking for something in hoax land for 12-12-12 at 12:12pm and nothing!! TMZ was quiet and no Front yet huh? Or TS! <br />Well, keep the faith, something is bound to happen by the end of the year!
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355344482:
    <br />I just got on here looking for something in hoax land for 12-12-12 at 12:12pm and nothing!! TMZ was quiet and no Front yet huh? Or TS!
    In HOAXland, THRILLing things happen "close to midnight" not at noon  :icon_e_wink: :icon_lol: So we can still hope for something today  :icon_lol:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @MJonMind: thank you for posting that story of that lady who worked with MJ.<br />Very interesting!!<br /><br />We are left to believe in 3 possible scenarios here:<br />1. She's telling the absolute truth: MJ was the only one to know those things, therefore after he read her story, he posted on that site under her username "Unbreakable" to let her know he's alive, but that freaked her out as she still thinks he's dead.<br />2. She invented everything.<br />3. She's part of the hoax and she plays pretend to be shocked by that message. Thus, the whole story is just another clue that MJ is alive.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1355349519:
    <br />
    on 1355344482:
    <br />I just got on here looking for something in hoax land for 12-12-12 at 12:12pm and nothing!! TMZ was quiet and no Front yet huh? Or TS!
    In HOAXland, THRILLing things happen "close to midnight" not at noon  :icon_e_wink: :icon_lol: So we can still hope for something today  :icon_lol:<br />
    <br /> :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile :icon_e_biggrin:<br /><br />Well TMZ did post some non-related things, but IDK...  The FBI involvement in the hoax was according to TS because MJ's life had been threatened.<br /><br />One of the murder plotters has some serious need for a forehead skin tuck. :icon_eek:<br /><br />Sim<br />
    We are left to believe in 3 possible scenarios here:<br />1. She's telling the absolute truth: MJ was the only one to know those things, therefore after he read her story, he posted on that site under her username "Unbreakable" to let her know he's alive, but that freaked her out as she still thinks he's dead.<br />2. She invented everything.<br />3. She's part of the hoax and she plays pretend to be shocked by that message. Thus, the whole story is just another clue that MJ is alive.
    <br />Well put!  If you read the entire TNZ article, she's seems pretty honest in her frustration with questions/comments directed towards her, or unbelievably extremely good acting.<br />Even if other workers were around, generally you don't remember conversations that are not directed towards yourself.  Only MJ and her would be totally aware of his comment about wings.  I'm thinking she probably figured it out by now and is a beLIEver! <br /><br />Another line I totally loved:<br />
    Anne your video brought me to tears, I had not seen that.<br />I see footage of things I worked on.. watch it, there is a scene with michael with a green screen behind him holding a sucker. I was there that day…<br />As I was everyday.<br />He looks wonderful, just how I remeber him.<br />I am going for a bit…<br />But that video choked me up a bit..<br />It still seems so hard to believe.<br />[size=12pt]He was one sexy mofo.[/size]
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    Donte Jackson‏@Donte_Jackson <br />Happy 12-12-12. New energies, New opportunities, New perspective. <br />We r walking into a completely New paradigm. #EnjoyIt <br />
    <br /><br />Good Night everyone!
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1355355438:
    <br />Donte Jackson‏@Donte_Jackson <br />Happy 12-12-12. New energies, New opportunities, New perspective. <br />We r walking into a completely New paradigm. #EnjoyIt <br />
    <br /><br />Good Night everyone!<br />
    <br /><br />New world. Love that photo.  hey Donte should have used my image... as was requested with the two eyes on his cheeks and red dot :icon_lol:<br /><br />medvsv.jpg
  • :bearhug: MJ4ever777, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I hope her medical treatment will be successful and that she will recover well. Your natural positivity and love will keep you strong, hold on to that. I'm sending LOVE and hugs your way + 1 hug to your granddaughter Chase.<br /><br />LOVE always!  :bearhug:
  • MJJforever777, I am praying for your mom.  Thanks Donte, Happy 12-12-12 to you too !!<br /><br />Love You    :-*      ;)
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