Official back & Front thread



  • Look at this there´s a clock counting down to the time when the planets are lining up:<br /><br /><br /><br />If I were Michael I would BAM after this Planetary Alignment, btw only 10 hours left for that huge event.
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    in short, did not confirm the cancellation, it may be just a rumor cancellation, thanks for your information.<br />@ marum your Spanglish      :LolLolLolLol:        Yes, I know, I also make efforts to understand them all.<br />                                              :bearhug:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    It was sort of neat to see my post in Spanish.
  • Its so strange to me that front talks about you so much bec....<br />I WONDER why that is???? Hmmmmmmmm dunno but it <br />def makes me think!!!!
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1356052496:
    <br />Look at this there´s a clock counting down to the time when the planets are lining up:<br /><br /><br /><br />If I were Michael I would BAM after this Planetary Alignment, btw only 10 hours left for that huge event.<br />
    <br /><br />From that website:<br />
    This countdown is based on the closest possible approximation as to when this event will take place: on December 21, 2012 at 11:11:11 UTC.
    <br /><br />That time of apparent alignment shown  - reminds me of the TIAI 11:11:11 thread.<br /><br />It will be 11:11am in London too  ..... in fact have a countdown to Mayan calender end for each major city of the you can check your local time it will occur    :icon_mrgreen:<br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1356019605:
    <br /><br />Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I think a lot of us have felt this way at times.  I didn't take Front's undies post as him covering his ass though, I read it like he was telling us to chill the F out, MJ's got this.  Sometimes the waiting has caused a sort of cabin-fever atmosphere here (forum-fever?) so Front's post was like someone opened the door and let some fresh air in, in my opinion.  It makes sense to me that Front and TS would seemingly go back and forth with us (giving and taking) because this hoax has lasted as long as it has, we couldn't have all the answers right away and we won't have a lot of answers until the BAM.  <br /><br /><br />Front said doubt is the greatest motivator - "DOubt is indeed the greatest self-motivator, for it is the driving force behind the desire to obtain facts & truth. However, when one's realization of facts are obscured by external smoke-screens, it often obliterates the current path." Fast forward a few posts later -  "GREATNESS is produced when one goes against the grain--even when the rest of the world is ridiculing them. When everything that's been learned in the past 2 years is closely re-examined, there is absolutely no room for doubt. It's CLEAR!!! Some beLIEvers feel ridiculed by nonbeLIEvers --- who have sadly been walking along a convoluted path with their eyes shut for the past 2 years. It's THEIR choice. The CLUES are there. The "MISTAKES" are there. The EVIDENCE is there---wrapped up in an enigma of Genius, Mystery & Magic!"<br /><br /><br />I had read or heard a while ago that to combat mind-control, you must constantly question or doubt your own thoughts and feelings so you know that what you're thinking and feeling is genuine. (I think I was reading up on all the "cell phone" towers being erected and disguised, lol, I'm a conspiracy sister at heart).  So I do think it's good to have doubts but not to the point where it gets in the way of what we have learned and the many evidences we have been given and re-examined.  Am I feeling anxious right now about everything to do with the hoax?  You bet I am!  But I think it's mostly restrained's the waiting, time will do that.<br /><br /><br />I agree with MJonmind that TS must've known the hoax would take this long and the proof is in his posts and re-directs from 2009.  I didn't see it (2012) at the time but I've felt that way for quite a while now.  I still had hope for 2011 when TS wrote then that the BAM would happen before 1/1/13 but in the back of my mind I was thinking "crap, this is still going to take a while".  So I guess I've been patiently impatient, lol.<br />
    <br /><br />I agree Andrea - great post. <br /><br />
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    on 1356054194:
    <br />
    on 1356052496:
    <br />Look at this there´s a clock counting down to the time when the planets are lining up:<br /><br /><br /><br />If I were Michael I would BAM after this Planetary Alignment, btw only 10 hours left for that huge event.<br />
    <br /><br />From that website:<br />
    This countdown is based on the closest possible approximation as to when this event will take place: on December 21, 2012 at 11:11:11 UTC.
    <br /><br />That time of apparent alignment shown  - reminds me of the TIAI 11:11:11 thread.<br /><br />It will be 11:11am in London too  ..... in fact have a countdown to Mayan calender end for each major city of the you can check your local time it will occur    :icon_mrgreen:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Just checked the time for my location and it 9:11 PM :icon_e_confused:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Hey Front....or TS, <br />You posted about a cube at one point.........we talked about cubes here and there.......Metatron's Crop Circle, Front's "think outside the cube"<br />etc. etc. etc.  <br />I have searched around forum, but have not found talk about Time Cube.......another way to look/study time itself......fascinating, I think you would enjoy it:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />With all the emphasis on time, and the apparent end of it brings into light another concept of time altogether.<br /><br />Blessings & Love
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    NASA's website has said there is no planetary alignment on December 21, 2012..  :icon_e_confused: :icon_e_confused:<br /><br />The whole thing makes me think of "The planets are lining up, we're bringing brighter days!" :icon_razz:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Interesting comment on the exact Mayan date being possible off... so...<br />
    From Travis<br />There is also the matter of the Change from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian where a 6th century monk was asked to modify the calendar to mark the birth of Christ - he would leave out Emperor Diocesans 30 years out of the calendar due to his cruelty toward Christians - it would take 800 additional years before the system was put into place fully, but as a result we have been living in a surplus of time.  Once the concept of the year zero was placed into the mix - this so called doomsday calendar marking 2012 has long since come and gone without the tidal forces of the Universe ripping us apart. I cannot tell if people are just liars or truly believe this and are naive, but it spreads like a wildfire without doing legitimate research into the subject. Take it from a person who has dedicated his life to History and Religious studies - and don't be a chump to an crafty author, who has written a five and dime paperback that stinks to high Heaven.
    <br /><br />YM, I think we've all noticed Front/TS singling out Bec. My thoughts on that; he likes feisty, witty, single-minded, razer-sharp minds and attitudes.  MJ always liked the best to be working with him in all his projects.  Not that we're not all those things, but Bec represents that good quality he loves. Sorry Bec, don't mean to embarrass you.<br /><br />Just watching X-factor tonight. Interesting they played that frequently played music theme for early hoax videos again, and twice in the show the announcer said, "This is it!", about voting the winner of the 5 million recording contract, which went to Tate Stevens. Happy for him, but I'm just not into country.  In fact I'm finding ALL the singing competitions getting old and repetitive.  I know Simon Cowel was also involved in negotiations with MJ's come-back pre-09.  My mind goes back to the interview of Will.I.Am with MJ in Ireland, and Will said the music industry needs a jolt, and the only one who can put the jolt back in is the one who put the jolt in, in the first place--Michael Jackson (something like that).  What if the whole music and entertainment industry, backed by huge investors including Coca cola are putting out one huge extravaganza into MJ's Bam!  It's one giant Bam for the whole world to enjoy. It would include all the NWO conspiracy theories and Biblical EOW prophecies just for fun, because they know the public eats that stuff up.  Then it would be one giant world-wide party-mode of having fun and celebrating our humanity!  Throw in the Mayan prophecy and it's a 26,000 year world-wide birthday party!  Okay that's if there's no real ultimate evil against good scenario going on in our planet, which I really don't know.  God and the aliens/angels are eating popcorn and watching earth, saying we fooled you good; now let's have a wind-up party kinda thing!  But seriously, nothing makes total sense for one theory or another.<br /><br />BTW, does anyone know the actual name of that music piece and by who?  Thanks.<br /><br />Julia142, lovely video, and yes, "Happy Hoaxmas" to everyone here!  Love that greeting!<br /><br />"Necessary early Christmas"----could it happen tonight?????  I guess we'll have to keep our eye-balls peeled on main news-sites!<br />TMZ announced his 'death', so could they be the ones to announce his 'resurrection'?
  • julia142julia142 Posts: 195
    on 1356065755:
    <br /><br /><br />Julia142, lovely video, and yes, "Happy Hoaxmas" to everyone here!  Love that greeting!<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you darling, I am happy you saw my post that was lost from a couple of pages ago, lol!<br /><br />And hope so much, it will be HOAXMAS for real this time!!!!
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Do we get a "necessary early" christmas present, too? :michael_jackson-1135:
  • on 1356065755:
    <br />Interesting comment on the exact Mayan date being possible off... so...<br />
    From Travis<br />There is also the matter of the Change from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian where a 6th century monk was asked to modify the calendar to mark the birth of Christ - he would leave out Emperor Diocesans 30 years out of the calendar due to his cruelty toward Christians - it would take 800 additional years before the system was put into place fully, but as a result we have been living in a surplus of time.  Once the concept of the year zero was placed into the mix - this so called doomsday calendar marking 2012 has long since come and gone without the tidal forces of the Universe ripping us apart. I cannot tell if people are just liars or truly believe this and are naive, but it spreads like a wildfire without doing legitimate research into the subject. Take it from a person who has dedicated his life to History and Religious studies - and don't be a chump to an crafty author, who has written a five and dime paperback that stinks to high Heaven.
    <br /><br />YM, I think we've all noticed Front/TS singling out Bec. My thoughts on that; he likes feisty, witty, single-minded, razer-sharp minds and attitudes.  MJ always liked the best to be working with him in all his projects.  Not that we're not all those things, but Bec represents that good quality he loves. Sorry Bec, don't mean to embarrass you.<br /><br />Just watching X-factor tonight. Interesting they played that frequently played music theme for early hoax videos again, and twice in the show the announcer said, "This is it!", about voting the winner of the 5 million recording contract, which went to Tate Stevens. Happy for him, but I'm just not into country.  In fact I'm finding ALL the singing competitions getting old and repetitive.  I know Simon Cowel was also involved in negotiations with MJ's come-back pre-09.  My mind goes back to the interview of Will.I.Am with MJ in Ireland, and Will said the music industry needs a jolt, and the only one who can put the jolt back in is the one who put the jolt in, in the first place--Michael Jackson (something like that).  What if the whole music and entertainment industry, backed by huge investors including Coca cola are putting out one huge extravaganza into MJ's Bam!  It's one giant Bam for the whole world to enjoy. It would include all the NWO conspiracy theories and Biblical EOW prophecies just for fun, because they know the public eats that stuff up.  Then it would be one giant world-wide party-mode of having fun and celebrating our humanity!  Throw in the Mayan prophecy and it's a 26,000 year world-wide birthday party!  Okay that's if there's no real ultimate evil against good scenario going on in our planet, which I really don't know.  God and the aliens/angels are eating popcorn and watching earth, saying we fooled you good; now let's have a wind-up party kinda thing!  But seriously, nothing makes total sense for one theory or another.<br /><br />BTW, does anyone know the actual name of that music piece and by who?  Thanks.<br /><br />Julia142, lovely video, and yes, "Happy Hoaxmas" to everyone here!  Love that greeting!<br /><br />"Necessary early Christmas"----could it happen tonight?????  I guess we'll have to keep our eye-balls peeled on main news-sites!<br />TMZ announced his 'death', so could they be the ones to announce his 'resurrection'?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />if i'm not wrong, it's this >><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />
    Requiem for a Dream is the soundtrack album from the 2000 Requiem for a Dream. It was composed by Clint Mansell and performed by the Kronos Quartet. The music for the film is noted for its minimalist qualities in which it uses constant harmonies, a steady pulse, and often variation of musical phrases to drive a point. The soundtrack is most well known for the song "Lux Aeterna", which has appeared also in one trailer for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, rearranged and re-orchestrated.
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    <br />Why should Front be an object of doubt while no one of us is ? <br />
    <br /><br />Because none of us claims to be MJ or have inside information. He does.<br />Because he loves to call out those who can and do decipher his attempts.<br />Because he came here with some attitude and still processes language that is politically correctly said "specific".<br />Because there's decency. <br /><br />If MJ wanted to observe the results of his art and projects and enjoy or not enjoy it he could just keep watching and reading.<br />If MJ misses fan clubs, there's many out there.<br />If MJ searches interaction with "normal" people he could easily use twitter or a forum without any indication about his person.<br />If MJ misses intelligent talk about his project, he could join us on a normal level and not on a "I'll throw you bits and pieces of something that may or may not be connected and you may interprete them as you like" or "I'm in a more informed position than you are but for understandable reasons (thus setting free assuming spinning round like a carrousel) I cannot talk about it" level.<br /><br />This is trolling.<br /><br />Who knows doesn't talk and who talks doesn't know.<br /><br />If MJ needed an alias character like Back because he did not like it anymore on the other board and wanted to continue posting as Front, I have to ask "why? what for?". <br />Posting for others? <br />Posting for himself? <br /><br />To imply that questioning Back, Front, TS or other web characters who claim to have insider knowledge is equal to questioning MJ is a logical error, is assuming and speculating and in all consequence an insult for any understanding of integrity. <br /><br />As to me, I am solely sticking to the original.<br /><br /><br />
  • I've got a very basic question...does TS know front ?
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    on 1356071348:
    <br />I've got a very basic question...does TS know front ?<br />
    <br /><br />4SURE  <br /><br /> :michael_jackson-1135:  :moonwalk_:
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Perhaps it's me, perhaps I'm just stupid, perhaps I'm not as enlightened as others......but I'm not getting why the whole Front is a faker, a troll, has suddenly emerged.<br /><br />So I went and read and re-read and then re-read again all of Sarahli's thread where the family clues/whispers and connections are listed,22635.0.html & also Front's posts and I'm still not getting it....but carry on, like I said - perhaps it's just me.<br /><br />Unless La Toya, Paris, Jermaine, the Official MJ Facebook and twitter etc etc are really fake too  :errrr:<br /><br /> I'm going to keep watchin'
  • I've often thought that their accounts were fake.....perhaps paid play games with us.  :Pulling_hair:
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1356074216:
    <br />I've often thought that their accounts were fake.....perhaps paid play games with us.  :Pulling_hair:<br />
    <br /><br /> why/how are their accounts verified Twitter accounts then? <br /><br />wouldn't the real LaToya, Paris, Jermaine etc make a pretty big deal that a VERIFIED twitter account under their name has been created and is being used by people who are not them? you'd think those accounts would have been shut down long ago by the family if that were the case.
  • To me Front seems to be Michael...<br /><br />He is maintaining that distance and mystery around him because he can't really say he's MJ :<br />Jowariya:<br />
    If he is Michael ==> Do you really expect him to announce it ? " You know what guys , I'm sick and tired of all of your questions , I am Michael , okay , everybody calm down alright !!!"
    <br /><br />And that’s why (maybe) it seems to us that Front is a fan, insider, or Michael himself...(or a fake because he's playing three of them)<br />If he’s Michael, it’s very obvious that he’s playing with us....he knows what’s in store for us (which is necessary early).<br /><br />I know many of you must have sure observed it but Front’s posts have a kind of positive superiority and domination...the kind of domination when we have for the person(s) we care mother, father or children, friends...<br /><br />Some of his posts reflect the self-respect aspect...the kind of fury we have when we defend someone we love or ourselves....<br />{,5167.msg354165.html#msg354165}<br /><br />And then there are the words of a mastermind:<br /><br />Front – September 8, 2011<br />
    A TRUE chess player always foresees the moves of his opponent(s) and, therefore, can OUT-THINK them before they have a chance to execute their so-called "strategic" plan. In THIS instance, there will only be one true King calling "checkmate". Watch the pawns scatter like spiders.....................
    <br /><br />The words of an insider :<br />{,5167.msg353138.html#msg353138}<br /><br /><br />So, even if we feel being misled, it must be the part of Michael’s “play with them”<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356025211:
    <br />@Simphony ; seems like you have a little cult following, you're BAMboozling everyone you come into contact with, thus far I have resisted, but I might take you up on it later, seems like I'm missing out.
      I recceived your PM ! 0016.gif <br />Care to join "my "BAMboozling -cult" ? blblblbl.gif<br /><br />PS: read here --->  :icon_exclaim:  >:(,
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009 good to see you around! I missed you here :) wishing you merry Christmas with your closest ones!  :bearhug:<br /><br /> are right, early present (some drawing, photo, whatever,...) would be just GREAT!  :icon_bounce:<br /><br />As you all know, today is a very special date, wonderful date without doubts, better world is coming! be blessed everyone! :)<br />el1pw2.jpg
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356065755:
    <br />[ . . . .]<br /><br /> What if the whole music and entertainment industry, backed by huge investors including Coca cola are putting out one huge extravaganza into MJ's Bam!  It's one giant Bam for the whole world to enjoy. It would include all the NWO conspiracy theories and Biblical EOW prophecies just for fun, because they know the public eats that stuff up.  Then it would be one giant world-wide party-mode of having fun and celebrating our humanity!  Throw in the Mayan prophecy and it's a 26,000 year world-wide birthday party!  Okay that's if there's no real ultimate evil against good scenario going on in our planet, which I really don't know.  God and the aliens/angels are eating popcorn and watching earth, saying we fooled you good; now let's have a wind-up party kinda thing!  But seriously, nothing makes total sense for one theory or another.<br />[...]<br />"Necessary early Christmas"----could it happen tonight?????  I guess we'll have to keep our eye-balls peeled on main news-sites!<br />TMZ announced his 'death', so could they be the ones to announce his 'resurrection'?
    <br /><br />I LOVE your scenario!  :)<br />You're adorable!  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />@emulik: YEP! Better world is coming! be blessed too!  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />@those who still doubt Front & TS  :icon_eek: - Maybe you should revisit this thread --->,22635.0.html<br /><br />OR even better:<br />
    on 1355786972:
    <br />[...]<br />Front has never never--never ONCE!!--asked anyone to believe his words based on his words alone. And that REMAINs the case. Evidence speaks for itself---->,22635.0.html  <br />[...]
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1356069170:
    <br /><br />To imply that questioning Back, Front, TS or other web characters who claim to have insider knowledge is equal to questioning MJ is a logical error, is assuming and speculating and in all consequence an insult for any understanding of integrity. <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Yes, you're right, IF they are merely web characters claiming insider knowledge ....... but ....... IF one of those web characters (let's call him Front) was MJ, and he had all but written out the words saying as much, and he knew many of his readers (us) had caught on, because we were posting about the 'craziness' of saying out loud in real life that 'not only is MJ alive but he talks to us on a hoax website', if he knew we knew - then to suddenly start questioning him WOULD equal questioning MJ, in his eyes at least!<br /><br />And actually there's nothing wrong with questioning him IMO (it keeps him real and human, not some can-do-no-wrong icon on a pedestal), but he might well feel uncomfortable about it, just as any human being with feelings would!<br />
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1356076448:
    <br />
    on 1356065755:
    <br />[ . . . .]<br /><br /> What if the whole music and entertainment industry, backed by huge investors including Coca cola are putting out one huge extravaganza into MJ's Bam!  It's one giant Bam for the whole world to enjoy. It would include all the NWO conspiracy theories and Biblical EOW prophecies just for fun, because they know the public eats that stuff up.  Then it would be one giant world-wide party-mode of having fun and celebrating our humanity!  Throw in the Mayan prophecy and it's a 26,000 year world-wide birthday party!  Okay that's if there's no real ultimate evil against good scenario going on in our planet, which I really don't know.  God and the aliens/angels are eating popcorn and watching earth, saying we fooled you good; now let's have a wind-up party kinda thing!  But seriously, nothing makes total sense for one theory or another.<br />[...]<br />"Necessary early Christmas"----could it happen tonight?????  I guess we'll have to keep our eye-balls peeled on main news-sites!<br />TMZ announced his 'death', so could they be the ones to announce his 'resurrection'?
    <br /><br />I LOVE your scenario!  :)<br />You're adorable!  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />@emulik: YEP! Better world is coming! be blessed too!  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />@those who still doubt Front & TS  :icon_eek: - Maybe you should revisit this thread --->,22635.0.html<br /><br />OR even better:<br />
    on 1355786972:
    <br />[...]<br />Front has never never--never ONCE!!--asked anyone to believe his words based on his words alone. And that REMAINs the case. Evidence speaks for itself---->,22635.0.html  <br />[...]
    <br />
    <br />Sim, I just love your optimism, it is highly addictive!  :icon_bounce: hugs to you too dear friend  :bearhug:<br /><br /> we will be watching more than ever, for sure!  :icon_bounce: :icon_razz:
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