Official back & Front thread



  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1356012944:
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    on 1355968734:
    <br />BAM is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get.<br />(Forrest Gump reference) <br /><br />I do know, whatever it is will be sweet, and will be my favorite moment of <br />this entire matter what.  <br /><br />Blessings Always<br />
    <br /><br />@Wish...chocolates, oreo're making me hungry  :icon_lol:'s gonna be SWEET, no matter when, where or what!<br /><br />I wish I could bottle what I'm feeling right now....'excitement' is in the air and coursing through me.  :penguin:  It feels like an emergence from 'darkness', which is where I was dwelling since Friday.<br /><br /> ya too sis!  Thanks for grabbing the many flying 'dots' and making the 'waiting room' more enjoyable  :icon_razz:<br /><br />Hang on tight matter what happens or doesn't happen, DON'T let go of his hand.  He's been holding ours for so very's the least we can do.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br /> :bearhug: x 777<br /><br />Tomorrow I diet, for today I hoax!!!!!!  :icon_lol:<br /><br />Love you guys!!!  Such true excitement.....yes, always holding his hand through this......Michael, you are indeed a special blessing.  <br /><br />LOVE
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355954174:
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    on 1355850449:
    paristfxf.jpg<br />---><br />tickets to the BELIEVE tour  :icon_lol:<br /><br />[size=12pt]Halloween on Christmas![/size]  :affraid: :woohoo2:<br />We MISS you too Michael!  :bearhug:
    <br /><br />
    on 1355928102:
    [size=12pt]Wishing everyone a (necessary early) very Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays![/size]
    <br /><br />
    [size=14pt]HAPPY necessary LATE HALLOWEEN, Front  :icon_albino: :icon_geek: <br />and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to EVERYBODY  :bearhug:[/size]
    <br /><br /><br /><br />And... a little something for bored BAMzified people  :icon_lol:  :icon_lol: 0016.gif<br /><br />bamzifcgc.jpg<br /><br /> :icon_lol: :icon_lol:<br />bamzifdjd.jpg<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Seems like the "Waiting Room" is getting more crowded by the day !  ;D COOL!  :icon_bounce:  :-*
  • julia142julia142 Posts: 195
    Happy Hoaxmas to all the beLIEvers!!! Here's a gift for you all and Mr. Front (even though, he never gave me a nickname, loool).<br /><br />A video I made in 2010: /><br />(sorry I don't know how to do so that we see the video into my post, so I could only put the link)<br /><br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    paristydy.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />paristmvm.jpg
  • on 1356015389:
    <br />paristydy.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />paristmvm.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />Sim, Paris is showing one eye and monster sign....that's not good ....
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Sim.....I just noticed...girl you are 100% active, LOL.....congrats!<br />Yes, Paris does look totally BAMzified........can anyone tell what's on her shirt.....?  <br /><br />Blessings
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    curls:<br />
    @Jos, a couple of pages and a restless night later, here's why I'm scared:<br /><br />Reading between the lines, not taking mere words as fact, both Front and TS give it with the one hand and take it away with the other ..... and then give it back again ..... and take away .... ad infinitum. Front's 'undies' post read to me like he was covering his ass, wriggling out of a bam and blaming it on us, in much the same way as TS said it was our fault MJ hadn't come back at Halloween 2009.  Then he pleads with us (well, bec) not to lose faith - 'not now', with the implication of a long road travelled and something imminent. TS increasingly, bless him, doesn't seem to know what the heck is going on, or if he does he always has to throw in the DA card, just in case!  Both say we should look at the evidence NOT their 'mere' words - which to give them their due is wise ass covering, especially on a public forum, in case things don't pan out as expected. I would love to have a straightforward no nonsense conversation with these two, face to face, eye to eye!<br /><br />There's a fine line between being scared and excited, between the head or the heart ruling - I started this whole thing over two and a half years ago (yes, I was late!) with desperate heart, turned into rational, logical head and since the end of November have flitted between the two. Fact is I can't recognise the difference in me any more!  Is doubting and questioning just emotional panic or straightforward common sense after all this time?  Believing, even 'knowing' (as much as anyone can really know anything), that something too good to be true actually IS true - how much of that was me being 'emotional' and how much was the common sense logic I talked myself into thinking it was? Can I even string a coherant sentence together any more, now we appear to be at the pointy end of proceedings??!!<br /><br />THEN, I come on this morning to see TIAI redirecting to Front's never lose hope, and other, handwritten messages - and I know what that meant to me at the time, and still does. I know MJ is alive - I haven't doubted that for a long long time - it's all the other stuff that is unsettling me. Do I, can I, should I, put all that to one side and go with the flow, just for a few more days at least?
    <br /><br /><br />Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I think a lot of us have felt this way at times.  I didn't take Front's undies post as him covering his ass though, I read it like he was telling us to chill the F out, MJ's got this.  Sometimes the waiting has caused a sort of cabin-fever atmosphere here (forum-fever?) so Front's post was like someone opened the door and let some fresh air in, in my opinion.  It makes sense to me that Front and TS would seemingly go back and forth with us (giving and taking) because this hoax has lasted as long as it has, we couldn't have all the answers right away and we won't have a lot of answers until the BAM.  <br /><br /><br />Front said doubt is the greatest motivator - "DOubt is indeed the greatest self-motivator, for it is the driving force behind the desire to obtain facts & truth. However, when one's realization of facts are obscured by external smoke-screens, it often obliterates the current path." Fast forward a few posts later -  "GREATNESS is produced when one goes against the grain--even when the rest of the world is ridiculing them. When everything that's been learned in the past 2 years is closely re-examined, there is absolutely no room for doubt. It's CLEAR!!! Some beLIEvers feel ridiculed by nonbeLIEvers --- who have sadly been walking along a convoluted path with their eyes shut for the past 2 years. It's THEIR choice. The CLUES are there. The "MISTAKES" are there. The EVIDENCE is there---wrapped up in an enigma of Genius, Mystery & Magic!"<br /><br /><br />I had read or heard a while ago that to combat mind-control, you must constantly question or doubt your own thoughts and feelings so you know that what you're thinking and feeling is genuine. (I think I was reading up on all the "cell phone" towers being erected and disguised, lol, I'm a conspiracy sister at heart).  So I do think it's good to have doubts but not to the point where it gets in the way of what we have learned and the many evidences we have been given and re-examined.  Am I feeling anxious right now about everything to do with the hoax?  You bet I am!  But I think it's mostly restrained's the waiting, time will do that.<br /><br /><br />I agree with MJonmind that TS must've known the hoax would take this long and the proof is in his posts and re-directs from 2009.  I didn't see it (2012) at the time but I've felt that way for quite a while now.  I still had hope for 2011 when TS wrote then that the BAM would happen before 1/1/13 but in the back of my mind I was thinking "crap, this is still going to take a while".  So I guess I've been patiently impatient, lol.<br /><br /><br />MJonmind:<br />
    I'm thinking---If you were MJ carrying around this 'SECRET' most of your life, and you wanted to communicate it to people, how would you do it, when people are so programmed with pre-conceived thinking?  You would have to bring out bit by tiny bit, often testing the amount of understanding people have at various stages.  "Piece by piece by piece, MJ is revealed... and on Michael's command, we begin."  Perhaps it's the command or 'voice' of an archangel.  Just think about part of the MJ poem Do just posted, can it be?
    <br /><br /><br />Yes, alternative teaching and learning, vastly different from the way society does it - teacher at the blackboard writing stuff down, students copying and memorizing.  Doing it piece by piece, in stages, triggers parts of the brain that have been dormant because it's so different from what we're used to.  It encourages outside of the box thinking, using your own brain instead of having the answers at hand without thinking.  I STILL don't know what to think about MJ being anything other than a human being but I do see the religious aspects, I do believe in God and have faith in MJ...I hope that's enough.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @Andrea...GREAT post!<br /><br />Thanks for sharing your put a lot of what I'm also feeling into words and sentences that make perfect sense  :icon_razz:<br /><br />And thanks for being here...your contributions throughout have been, and are, greatly appreciated.<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Andrea: I LOVE you girl!!  :)<br />You're my sista! drinksgog.gif
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356019544:
    <br />Sim.....I just noticed...girl you are 100% active, LOL.....congrats!<br />Yes, Paris does look totally BAMzified........can anyone tell what's on her shirt.....?  <br /><br />Blessings<br />
    I am 100% BAMzified  :thjajaja121:<br /><br />IDK what's on her top... some letters like maybe  FKNIYI ... it's not clear
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356017246:
    Sim, Paris is showing one eye and monster sign....that's not good ....
    There's a difference. Paris is showing "I love you" sign and Third EYE = use your mind!<br /><br />paristcrc.jpg
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1356020053:
    <br />@Andrea...GREAT post!<br /><br />Thanks for sharing your put a lot of what I'm also feeling into words and sentences that make perfect sense  :icon_razz:<br /><br />And thanks for being here...your contributions throughout have been, and are, greatly appreciated.<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br />Thank you BTC, that means a lot! I greatly appreciate your presence and contributions as well!  Again, thank you.  :icon_e_smile:  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1356020156:
    <br />@Andrea: I LOVE you girl!!  :)<br />You're my sista! drinksgog.gif<br />
    <br /><br />I love you too Sim, your enthusiasm is contagious!  :bearhug:
  • likemikelikemike Posts: 105
    on 1356020318:
    <br />
    on 1356019544:
    <br />Sim.....I just noticed...girl you are 100% active, LOL.....congrats!<br />Yes, Paris does look totally BAMzified........can anyone tell what's on her shirt.....?  <br /><br />Blessings<br />
    I am 100% BAMzified  :thjajaja121:<br /><br />IDK what's on her top... some letters like maybe  FKNIYI ... it's not clear<br />
    <br /><br />Paris is wearing a Pink Floyd tshirt.
  • I was really losing hope in the past few weeks but you guys give me hope and chills!<br /> :bearhug:
  • Hey Everlast how are ya? Good to see your posts again.<br /><br />About a possible BAM at the WMA; In my opinion I don't think so, it didn't happen with the CDS, so why the WMA? BAMMING there will not show the seriousness of the hoax plus this hoax has been going for more than 3 years and to end the BAM at a music award seems like such a short coming and just not right. But that doesn't mean MJ WON'T BAM that day.<br /><br />@Simphony ; seems like you have a little cult following, you're BAMboozling everyone you come into contact with, thus far I have resisted, but I might take you up on it later, seems like I'm missing out.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    [size=18pt]World Music Awards cancelled two days before Dec. 22 show<br />Read it on Global News: Global Toronto | World Music Awards cancelled two days before Dec. 22 show [/size]<br /><br /><br /><br />TORONTO - Organizers have pulled the plug on the World Music Awards (WMAs), which were scheduled to be staged Saturday in Miami.<br /><br />Several Canadians, including Justin Bieber, Drake and deadmau5 were nominated for the WMAs.<br /><br />Producers announced Thursday the show won't go on as planned at Marlins Park Stadium.<br /><br />"We are sorry for any inconvenience but this decision had to be made due to logistical and multiple visa issues and in view of this week's national mourning," reads a statement. "Fans have been a great support to the artists and have voted online in huge numbers."<br /><br />Canadian nominees also included Carly Rae Jepsen, Nickelback, Bryan Adams and Michael Buble.<br /><br />News that the WMAs were moving to Miami came just weeks before the show, raising eyebrows in the music industry. Organizers also started selling tickets without announcing any performers or presenters.<br /><br />A press release issued on December 13 said the WMAs would raise funds for Superstorm Sandy victims in Haiti and "be beamed to 180 countries reaching a billion viewers." It also implied Jennifer Lopez would attend -- even though she will be performing a sold-out concert in Puerto Rico on the night of the WMAs.<br /><br />"Jennifer Lopez has already confirmed her support for the cause and will receive a special World Music Award," read the release, "and also enter into the Guinness World Records for having the Most Viewed Female Video of All Time." <br /><br />The same press release stated Tony Bennett would perform a Latin duet with a surprise guest on the WMAs and other guests would include Gloria Estefan, Italian pop star Tiziano Ferro and Chinese superstar Han Geng.<br /><br />Contacted by Global News on Tuesday, the WMAs Miami-based publicist Brandi Kolosky said the show's "major talent" would be announced "just 2-3 days leading up to the ceremony."<br /><br />The WMAs were staged annually at the Casino d'Monte Carlo from 1989 to 2003 before moving to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, London and Cote d'Azur. They returned to Monte Carlo in 2008 and 2010 but were not held in 2009 or 2011. Mariah Carey holds the record for the most WMAs, earning 17. Celine Dion was honoured with the Chopard Diamond Award in 2004.<br /> <br /><br />© Global News. A division of Shaw Media Inc., 2012.<br /><br />
    <br /> <br />December 20, 2012<br />[size=14pt]World Music Awards sham canceled, uses Sandy Hook tragedy as excuse[/size]<br />Read more here:
  • Now THIS is suspicious ......  :suspect:
  • Wow, hmmm strange to say the least. Thanks Sarahli for the update.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    That is WEIRD for sure! grosse-surprise-32.gif<br />I wonder why they decided only now to cancel WMA 2012 for the Sandy Hook victims? Why not that day or the next days , immediately after? Why did they wait till now?  :animal0017:<br /><br />Tks Sarahli! <br /><br /><br /><br />@UYI: what's up?
  • on 1356026380:
    <br />That is WEIRD for sure! grosse-surprise-32.gif<br />I wonder why they decided only now to cancel WMA 2012 for the Sandy Hook victims? Why not that day or the next days , immediately after? Why did they wait till now?  :animal0017:<br /><br />Tks Sarahli! <br /><br /><br /><br />@UYI: what's up?<br />
    <br /><br />i can imagine MJ's involvement<br />
  • @Sim, uhh nuzin' much
  • on 1356020813:
    <br />
    on 1356017246:
    Sim, Paris is showing one eye and monster sign....that's not good ....
    There's a difference. Paris is showing "I love you" sign and Third EYE = use your mind!<br /><br />paristcrc.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />No Sim, both of them are "occult" symbols, you can see in the video below...some of the politicians are not showing 'I Love you" ...<br /><br /><br /><br />and that's not third's one eye :<br /><br />02c14-3d49ad00-5a06-4f6f-af3d-e5ce0d6105cb.png<br /><br />Lady Gaga...showing one eye and<br /><br />02c14-a38e9c00-dce3-41a1-87f6-28246071c35d.png<br /><br />and Beyonce...see, she's covering one and and exposing the other just like Paris is doing in that picture...<br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Thriller4ever: if Paris was doing those signs with some occult meaning, then it wouldn't make sense why last year she had posted so many twits against the NWO and Illuminati.<br /><br />And even more recently, last week this:<br /><br />paristtct.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    on 1356031121:
    <br />@Thriller4ever: if Paris was doing those signs with some occult meaning, then it wouldn't make sense why last year she had posted so many twits against the NWO and Illuminati.<br />
    <br /><br />I can't help but think that there may be two sides to the Illuminati, thus the white and black checkerboard.  After all, Michael did dance on the checkerboard.  Perhaps all these Illuminati signs from people we believe to be on our side - like Beyonce and Michele Obama - are merely signs that they are 'in the game.'  <br /><br />The bottom line is I completely trust Michael and if Paris makes a sign, I am certain there is nothing malevolent behind it.
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