Official back & Front thread



  • loved the everly brothers  reunion concert by the way.<br /><br />lyrics also suggest some fools fool themselves though . :Pulling_hair:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355978764:
    <br /> loved the everly brothers  reunion concert by the way.<br /><br />lyrics also suggest some fools fool themselves though . :Pulling_hair:<br />
    well maybe it's about those who fool themselves with doubts  :icon_rolleyes:
  • it does look like suddenlY  many sources, pointing pointing pointing LOL,, many whispers coming at once saying the same thing,, either one person is awfully busy...... ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.... ON MY QUEUE, YOU START THAT PIANO!!!! ;D
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    Finally you guys wake up !!!  :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:<br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1355978412:
    Besides Paris tweeting lyrics from a song on the album "Alive & Kicking" ! The name of the band is NAZARETH! Ring a bell anyone?? JESUS of Nazareth! ---> Resurrection ---> see Resurrection pose from MJ official page! ---> see Resurrection word written by Front in the TIAI December 20 thread<br /><br />How can HE be any clearer than that!??<br />If you still have doubts now, then I fake my death too!<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    "Looking like" and "being" are giving a different status and level of energy.<br /><br />Speaking of "looking like":<br />
    on 1261468834:
    <br />TIAI Revealed, Part 6: “This Is It” Movie Rating  (R20 - R28)<br />[...]<br />Then what about the MJ “Return” to public view, when will that be?  [size=12pt]Well, the sad thing is that potentially he could’ve returned at Halloween; but we were not ready.  We did not understand the NWO conspiracy aspect of the hoax, [/size]or the seriousness of it; in fact, the old MJHD was forbidding discussion on this subject!  And just a few days later, it went down and was out for about a week.  We simply were not ready for MJ to return yet; if he had, in all the excitement, people would’ve had little or no interest in studying into the NWO aspects of the hoax.<br /><br />[size=12pt]Since people were not ready for the MJ return at Halloween[/size]: immediately after the TII movie was released, TIAI was set up.  The purpose of TIAI was (and still is) to give MJ fans, and especially hoax believers, a better understanding and bigger picture of the hoax and the reasons for it; this in turn would help prepare the way for the MJ “Return”!<br />[...]<br />
    <br /><br /><br />So "people" and "us" were to blame for MJ not returning in 2009 - according to TS.<br />Makes TS look like a wild speculating not-at-all-in-the-know random figure trying to figure it out himself with our support.<br /><br />Makes the whole NWO / FBI story and DWD explanation look like a kindergarten game that could be ended by a whistle at any moment - because if only "we" would have been ready, "fit as to a specific catalog content" and would have known enough in the understanding of a TS mind, the events with a trial and a so serious "get dangerous people on a hook with it" would not have been necessary and MJ would be long back among us.<br /><br />This does not make TS or TS_comments fake informers as to the the topics they discussed. They discussed valid matters. <br />Just not what really mattered to us initially when they popped into our lives and it makes obvious that they were here for other purposes - more or less supported by the Jackson family - than to get us on a path of truth as to MJ's disappearance - and so we looked into spiritual awakening, reading between the lines, law matters, photo and film techniques, history, bible studies, California living conditions and problems, U.S. general and specific issues, death industry, pharma industry, medical business, etc etc etc. But as to MJ matters this makes them look like ... hmmm.<br /><br />Now comes Front twisting longjohns - and we were hinted Front, TS and TS_comments play the same league - telling us we should not throw the towel NOW. <br />Not NOW.<br /><br />"I have the truth but don't believe me". <br />"I know the truth but I cannot tell you".<br />"Stick with me just a little longer and you will know".<br /><br />Been there. <br /><br />Would the real MJ please stand up and just keep his word and get the gamblers out once and for all.<br /><br />I take "Heal the World" still serious. However, if that was also not meant because it's just words not to be taken at face value and we are to blame for your actions anyway, please, MJ, please stay in your privacy and enjoy your sabbatical with your teamers and do so to the bones but don't talk this serious stuff again. <br />Cry wolf only once. <- that's gone.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1355961167:
    <br />
    on 1355960617:
    <br />
    on 1355959445:
    <br /><br />bam006.jpg<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />I'm gonna die laughing if that's been the BAM date this whole time!<br /><br />28c1t6u.gif<br />
    <br /><br /> :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br /><br /> too! if it turns out to have been the BAM date the entire time then more fool us, as it has been right in Front of our eyes the whole time  :icon_lol: even in This Is It that time was shown.....remember those blue "clocks" disguised as Back ( :icon_lol: ) lights during TDCAU?  The top one to the left of MJ's head looks like it is showing 12:20 or 12:21  hahahaha<br /><br /><br />MJ+2012+2009+This+is+It+clock+4+two+clocks.JPG<br /><br />Interesting about the World Music Awards on 12/22 - especially that picture of Michael emerging between the crack in the world.  :affraid:  :icon_bounce:<br />
  • on 1355941851:
    <br />worried or excited??<br />
    <br /><br />Who you asking? BTW I wanna say I'm still praying for you and your family. You look marvelous darlin' in your pic!  :bearhug:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1355948184:
    <br /><br />Feel sick to my stomach right now... The uncertainty and doubt when one of the forums strongest wants out...<br />
    <br /><br />For the record, I don't want out. If I wanted out I wouldn't bother to post any of this stuff.
  • bam<br /><br /><object><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src=""; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="1"></embed></object>
  • Does anyone know if the World Music Awards can be viewed online?<br /><br />Blessings
  • on 1355981963:
    <br />bam<br /><br /><object><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"></param><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src=""; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="1"></embed></object><br />
    <br /><br /> :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :thjajaja121: :icon_lol:
  • on 1355928102:
    <br />Wishing everyone a (necessary early) very Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!<br /><br />:bearhug:<br /><br />Bec, I'll ask Santa to bring you a stronger magnifying glass. <br /><br />search.gif<br /><br />MERRY CHRISTMAS..<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />Jowayria, good observation on La Toya's tweets.<br /><br />Adi, I think they're interesting too! :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br />
    If we do our homework, re-read and re-read as in 'hind-sight', which takes a lot of commitment and is no easy task, then we will KNOW that he is telling us as  he says the "words of truth".  But the job of us convincing ourselves has to come from our own selves, not him.  I think he's waiting to see if we can make those connections and then stand with it, which is different than just blind leaps of faith.
    <br /><br />emoticon+-+thumbs+up.GIF<br />
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    Merry Christmas FrontM ... waiting... waiting  :bearhug:<br /><br />thwlw.jpg
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    @ Sarahli,<br /><br />5350101.jpg<br /><br />me no understand!!  :-[ (Do you think I am a genius like MJ?? Well, you're totally wrong!  :icon_e_biggrin:)<br /><br /><br /><br />I guess we should all keep watching now! The best is yet to come!
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    @Jos, a couple of pages and a restless night later, here's why I'm scared:<br /><br />Reading between the lines, not taking mere words as fact, both Front and TS give it with the one hand and take it away with the other ..... and then give it back again ..... and take away .... ad infinitum. Front's 'undies' post read to me like he was covering his ass, wriggling out of a bam and blaming it on us, in much the same way as TS said it was our fault MJ hadn't come back at Halloween 2009.  Then he pleads with us (well, bec) not to lose faith - 'not now', with the implication of a long road travelled and something imminent. TS increasingly, bless him, doesn't seem to know what the heck is going on, or if he does he always has to throw in the DA card, just in case!  Both say we should look at the evidence NOT their 'mere' words - which to give them their due is wise ass covering, especially on a public forum, in case things don't pan out as expected. I would love to have a straightforward no nonsense conversation with these two, face to face, eye to eye!<br /><br />There's a fine line between being scared and excited, between the head or the heart ruling - I started this whole thing over two and a half years ago (yes, I was late!) with desperate heart, turned into rational, logical head and since the end of November have flitted between the two. Fact is I can't recognise the difference in me any more!  Is doubting and questioning just emotional panic or straightforward common sense after all this time?  Believing, even 'knowing' (as much as anyone can really know anything), that something too good to be true actually IS true - how much of that was me being 'emotional' and how much was the common sense logic I talked myself into thinking it was? Can I even string a coherant sentence together any more, now we appear to be at the pointy end of proceedings??!!<br /><br />THEN, I come on this morning to see TIAI redirecting to Front's never lose hope, and other, handwritten messages - and I know what that meant to me at the time, and still does. I know MJ is alive - I haven't doubted that for a long long time - it's all the other stuff that is unsettling me. Do I, can I, should I, put all that to one side and go with the flow, just for a few more days at least?<br /><br />And @Sim, that 'great adventure' quote you posted for me is all very well, but one man's adventure may well be another's nightmare! Hell, I don't even like rollercoaster rides!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Ellyd, I still recall reading that particular TIAI post when we all first received it, and agree it sounded like an excuse for not really knowing the future but guessing.  But looking logically at it, he knew full well he was going to eventually send us the 7 Signs, all just before or around 12/21/12. He told us all about the significance of the Ark of the Covenant, on the same day Dec 22,09, just different later number.  BTW, it's interesting the recent Too Short rap song about Hanukkah and Judas Maccabiatch which connects to the 'true' Ark found by Ron Wyatt. <br /><br />
    R47. Ark of the Covenant<br />{}<br /><br />The Ark of the Covenant?  What in the world does that have to do with MJ?  Is there some connection with the Raiders of the Lost Ark?  Perhaps.  But those who read the Wiki article carefully noticed a very interesting date: “On 25 June 2009, the patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia, Abuna Paulos, said he would announce to the world the next day the unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant …” {;;; and;read=149823}<br /><br />The unveiling did not actually occur.  But why the amazing date of 6-25-09, was this yet another strange coincidence?  This of course was the exact same day that the MJ “death” was announced.  Could there possibly be a relationship between the death hoax, and the unveiling of the Ark?  In fact, could both of these things be directly related to the end of the world (see R49)?<br /><br />Are you aware the three major religious systems in the world (Jews, Muslims, and Christians) all expect the Ark of the Covenant to resurface, near the end of time?  The Jews are expecting to get the Ark again, in connection with rebuilding their temple in Jerusalem near the end of time.  “Muslims believe that it will be found by Mahdi near the end of times from Lake Tiberias” {}<br /><br />[size=12pt]And again from the Wiki article: “The Ark is mentioned in one passage in the deuterocanonical 2 Maccabees 2:4-10, which contains reference to a document saying that the prophet Jeremiah, ‘being warned of God,’ took the Ark, the tabernacle, the altar of incense, and buried them in a cave on Mount Nebo, informing those of his followers who wished to find the place that it should remain unknown ‘until the time that God should gather His people together, and receive them unto mercy.’”  Many Christians believe that the Ark will be a major factor in the final battle between good and evil (see Revelation 11:18,19; etc).[/size]<br /><br />Few if any objects in the history of mankind have been regarded with more sacredness and mystery, than the Ark of the Covenant.  And surely if there is any object on planet earth that God can and will control at the end of time, it is the Ark of the Covenant.  But the devil knows this, so he will have one or more counterfeit arks to confuse people.  Then if we want to be on the right side of the final battle between good and evil: we must STUDY the true Ark, and know it so well that none of the counterfeits will lead us astray {;source=hp&amp;q="ark+of+the+covenant"&amp;gbv=2&amp;aq=f&amp;oq=&amp;aqi=g4g-m1}.<br /><br />By now you’ve probably learned not to trust what the media tells you about the Ark of the Covenant.  In fact, don’t trust what anybody tells you about it!  You can and should be open to evidence, which will help you distinguish the true from the false; but don’t trust the source of the evidence, trust only in the evidence itself.  “The truth will prevail!”  For those who are not prejudice, and are willing to examine the evidence carefully, the true Ark will stand out in striking contrast to any and all fake arks.  In fact, did you know that the number seven is one of the main keys to unlock the mystery of the true Ark?  Did you know that seven will be God’s most important number in the final battle between good and evil?<br /><br />Almost everyone knows that the Ark of the Covenant was designed to contain the Ten Commandments—which are based on the two main concepts of love for God, and love for mankind (see Matthew 22:36-40); it’s all for love.  If everyone in the world was following the Ten Commandments right now, then we wouldn’t need to heal the world—because the world would not be sick!!!<br /><br />Last of all, stayed tuned to TIAI; it will not continue with the redirections on a regular basis, that aspect for the purpose of TIAI has been completed.  But stayed tuned: this is not it, there’s more to come.  When the time is right, there will be further information about the Ark of the Covenant.  And of course there will be updates on MJ and the hoax, etc.  You don’t need to check TIAI daily, if you don’t want; new updates won’t come every day.  And you don’t need to worry about missing an update, if you don’t catch it on the right day: because any past updates will be readily available, simply by going to <!-- m -->;<!-- m --> so stayed tuned, “the best is yet to come”!
    <br /><br />Not only this, but guess what actually causes TS to "Weep" tears of joy? An understanding of the huge implications of MJ's return (and I believe as to who MJ is--archangel). In the same post he talks about the movie "2012", about Dec 21 which we are at now. TS had to have known back in 2009 that we would be waiting for Bam for 4 years.  I have no doubt he was trying to keep our faith for us because we were so impatient and had short attention spans.<br /><br />
    R13. Touched By An Angel<br />{}<br /><br />Up to this point, many people had been thinking that TIAI was silly nonsense; but then on November 12, discussion on the old MJkit forum took a turn towards looking seriously at the redirections.  So TIAI was redirected to that page; there were several good comments on that page, but especially a couple of longer ones from Carol (user name TouchedByAnAngel).  Her entire post is too long to copy here; but I quote some highlights below.<br /><br />“I believe it is a death hoax with much bigger implications. … this hoax is a way to get the attention of the whole world … and the WORLD needs to pay attention because this is so important. THIS IS IT! Michael mentioned conspiracy against him in several interviews but didn’t go into details. I think all the clues are leading us to look at a worldwide conspiracy … not just against MJ but the entire world. This is the ultimate good vs bad scenario. Michael has left plenty of clues to him being alive...and the key players have also said things to make us wonder and think. Look at all the clues left by the website. … I’m a woman who is primarily lead by her heart and intuition, and I have NEVER had anything hit me like this.  Yup, I’ve been touched by an ANGEL.”<br /><br />[size=12pt]I started weeping for joy[/size] when I read Carol’s post; indeed, [size=12pt]God had sent an angel[/size] to touch her heart!  This post was so wonderful, that TIAI remained pointed to it for three days in a row (instead of the usual one day duration).
    <br /><br />
    R16. MJ Parallels In the “2012” Movie<br />{}<br /><br />Here again was a redirect that showed the fulfillment of a previous redirect; in this case, the initial redirect was the “2012” movie trailer.  After this came out, people who watched it saw the many parallels with MJ, the hoax, and even the purpose for the hoax, etc.  Below are portions of the “2012” parallels post (by user name MauraMissesMichael).<br /><br />*Huge(main) Characters name is “Jackson” …<br />*Reference to Princess Diana/Important person that knew secrets killed in a FRENCH tunnel in France!!<br />* PAY ATTENTION TO THE MESSAGE THAT THE YOUNG SCIENTIST GIVES AT THE END OF THE MOVIE ABOUT HUMANITY!! MICHAEL’S WORDS EXACTLY!! SOOO CREEPY!<br />[size=12pt]*WHO EMERGES AS THE HERO IN THE END AND SAVES HUMANITY? GUESS!!! …<br />Michael is behind something HUGE! [/size]I knew it all along but this movie just confirmed it!<br />THIS IS STARTING TO LOOK LIKE ALL OF OUR THEORIES ARE RIGHT! <br />Dea sting, movie, save the world!! ALL OF IT IS MAKING SENSE!! … <br />PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE see this!! It will confirm so much of this hoax!! …<br />I mean that was totally enough for me to prove that this wasn’t some weird coincidence… And then everybody panicking and thinking that “Jackson” is dead at the end, only for him to emerge from the light …<br /><br />It is true that “Jackson” is a common name; but it is not so common that one out of two or three people have this name.  Probably less than one in a hundred have this name.  And on top of that, all the other parallels make it very unlikely to be yet another round of coincidences.  Part 9 of this TIAI Revealed series will go into the “2012” movie in much greater detail than here.
    <br /><br />I'm thinking---If you were MJ carrying around this 'SECRET' most of your life, and you wanted to communicate it to people, how would you do it, when people are so programmed with pre-conceived thinking?  You would have to bring out bit by tiny bit, often testing the amount of understanding people have at various stages.  "Piece by piece by piece, MJ is revealed... and on Michael's command, we begin."  Perhaps it's the command or 'voice' of an archangel.  Just think about part of the MJ poem Do just posted, can it be? <br /><br />
    Immortality's my game<br />From Bliss I came<br />In Bliss I am sustained<br />To Bliss I return<br />If you don't know it now<br />It's a shame<br />Are you listening?<br /><br />This body of mine<br />Is a flux of energy<br />In the river of time<br />Eons pass, ages come and go<br />I appear and disappear<br />Playing hide-and-seek<br />In the twinkling of an eye
  • hopihopi Posts: 195
    Just popping in to leave some (early  :icon_e_wink: ) Christmas wishes...<br /><br />Have a Merry Christmas EVERYONE <br />May your days be bright and shining and may your dreams be fulfilled - may there be peace on earth, hope, laughter and joy for mankind - may everyone have enough to eat and a save, warm place to be...<br /><br />love and light to you  :bearhug:
  • on 1355981941:
    <br />
    on 1355948184:
    <br /><br />Feel sick to my stomach right now... The uncertainty and doubt when one of the forums strongest wants out...<br />
    <br /><br />For the record, I don't want out. If I wanted out I wouldn't bother to post any of this stuff.<br />
    <br /><br />@ Bec Re: wants out. Yeah poor choice of words on my behalf. Apologies for that. I was rushing and trying to do a quick post at an inappropriate time. (Traffic Jam) I should have chosen a different time and different words - my bad  :icon_e_wink: :icon_redface:<br /><br /><br />@anyone, There is a lot of energy being spent trying to convince an indistinguishable "group of doubters" to have faith. For the record, I am not a doubter. I am just feeling uneasy for the first time ever. Maybe its anticipation. Maybe its that so much has been invested into this. (And I have been here a mere third of the time of other people, so only imagine how others feel who have been here since day dot.) I feel nervous. Please don't misinterpret this as doubt. Make no mistake I am a knower beyond a shadow of a doubt that MJ is alive. I also don't believe all these clues would have been made available to us if there were no intention to Bam. That makes no sense at all.<br /><br />It's the 'open ended statements', 'loopholes', the 'devils advocate' and the 'rehashing of old topics' in the latest 'redirect' that is making me go 'huh?' I am NOT dismissing anyone or anything, not now, not yet anyways. I am working through it. I know some are trying to show concern, but the eye rolling is coming off more as taunting. Please remember that we are all processing and working through this in our individual ways. We need to respect the pace of others.<br /><br />@UYI, I concur with your comments with the possibility of a delayed Bam, or no Bam or perhaps a Bam different to what we expect. Of course I hope I am wrong completely. If it is the case though, it will contradict TS who said that it will cause shockwaves. So I guess only time will tell. Time will tell a LOT of things. <br /><br /><br />back to @anyone - I am excited, scared, apprehensive, nervous, pumped a mixture of so many emotions for the first time since I came here - its new territory for me. I have never been here before and after a predicted and lapsed Bam date. I just don't want to be one of the 'let down' casualties like so many others have been. So I am keeping open minded that it may not come before 31/12/12. I am not desperate for MJ back. Knowing he is alive is enough. Its more the forum stuff from TS / Front, living up to its expectation that I am incredibly interested to see unfold.<br /><br />For the record, what I am trying to process does not relate to the so called 'lack of patience' nor 'lack of faith in Bam' that keeps being spoken of by those who are passionate and feel that they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that MJ will Bam within the next 10 days. It the open endedness that makes me feel nervous.<br /><br />That's all. Nervous, anticipation.<br /><br />In the meantime, I plan NOT to sit in the waiting room. I plan to keep reading and researching. Yep its Business as Usual for me (business term) going to keep watching my videos and familiarising myself with areas I lack understanding / info. Talking with people. Watching the family. Keeping abreast with TMZ and twitter, etc etc.... <br /><br />@ sim, even though I am not going to the waiting room, I have to say your montage put a big smile on my face!<br />Love to all - exciting times!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Sim, I agree these pics of MJ don't seem like from the same event. Here they are right together.<br />His face looks a similar age (but could be current who knows), but his hair is swept back, his shirt less tucked in, his shirt deeper cut and more open in the v-neck, his undershirt has longer sleeves, and no belt. Also he is standing before his entrance into the earth, not having stepped up one step; and in the video he is in complete shadow until he has walked well forward.<br /><br />mjatwma199.jpg<br /><br />Iamamjbeliever, I died laughing!<br /><br />Curls<br />
    And @Sim, that 'great adventure' quote you posted for me is all very well, but one man's adventure may well be another's nightmare! Hell, I don't even like rollercoaster rides!
    <br />Me neither. :-[  :icon_lol:<br /><br />StrangerinCalifornia<br />
    Snoopy71<br /><br />28c1t6u.gif
    <br /><br />@snoopy: do u think there's an "M" on the other side of the 'cube' that Tink is sitting on?  :icon_lol:
    <br /> :affraid: :suspect:<br /><br /><br />
  • on 1355964536:
    <br />bam008mfm.jpg<br />
    <br /><br />I love this. Seriously put the biggest smile on my face and was such a pleasure to come home to!
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    on 1355991294:
    <br />@Jos, a couple of pages and a restless night later, here's why I'm scared:<br /><br />Reading between the lines, not taking mere words as fact, both Front and TS give it with the one hand and take it away with the other ..... and then give it back again ..... and take away .... ad infinitum. Front's 'undies' post read to me like he was covering his ass, wriggling out of a bam and blaming it on us, in much the same way as TS said it was our fault MJ hadn't come back at Halloween 2009.  Then he pleads with us (well, bec) not to lose faith - 'not now', with the implication of a long road travelled and something imminent. TS increasingly, bless him, doesn't seem to know what the heck is going on, or if he does he always has to throw in the DA card, just in case!  Both say we should look at the evidence NOT their 'mere' words - which to give them their due is wise ass covering, especially on a public forum, in case things don't pan out as expected. I would love to have a straightforward no nonsense conversation with these two, face to face, eye to eye!<br /><br />There's a fine line between being scared and excited, between the head or the heart ruling - I started this whole thing over two and a half years ago (yes, I was late!) with desperate heart, turned into rational, logical head and since the end of November have flitted between the two. Fact is I can't recognise the difference in me any more!  Is doubting and questioning just emotional panic or straightforward common sense after all this time?  Believing, even 'knowing' (as much as anyone can really know anything), that something too good to be true actually IS true - how much of that was me being 'emotional' and how much was the common sense logic I talked myself into thinking it was? Can I even string a coherant sentence together any more, now we appear to be at the pointy end of proceedings??!!<br /><br />THEN, I come on this morning to see TIAI redirecting to Front's never lose hope, and other, handwritten messages - and I know what that meant to me at the time, and still does. I know MJ is alive - I haven't doubted that for a long long time - it's all the other stuff that is unsettling me. Do I, can I, should I, put all that to one side and go with the flow, just for a few more days at least?<br /><br />And @Sim, that 'great adventure' quote you posted for me is all very well, but one man's adventure may well be another's nightmare! Hell, I don't even like rollercoaster rides!<br />
    <br /><br />Thanks!  :bearhug:<br /><br />.... haha I was trying to make one huge comment, but at the end I deleted it because it was too difficult that even I didn't understand it  :Pulling_hair: :)<br />Just let us wait and see what happens, lets enjoy.  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />
  • on 1356005919:
    <br />Sim, I agree these pics of MJ don't seem like from the same event. Here they are right together.<br />His face looks a similar age (but could be current who knows), but his hair is swept back, his shirt less tucked in, his shirt deeper cut and more open in the v-neck, his undershirt has longer sleeves, and no belt. Also he is standing before his entrance into the earth, not having stepped up one step; and in the video he is in complete shadow until he has walked well forward.<br /><br />mjatwma199.jpg<br /><br />Iamamjbeliever, I died laughing!<br /><br />Curls<br />
    And @Sim, that 'great adventure' quote you posted for me is all very well, but one man's adventure may well be another's nightmare! Hell, I don't even like rollercoaster rides!
    <br />Me neither. :-[  :icon_lol:<br /><br />StrangerinCalifornia<br />
    Snoopy71<br /><br />28c1t6u.gif
    <br /><br />@snoopy: do u think there's an "M" on the other side of the 'cube' that Tink is sitting on?  :icon_lol:
    <br /> :affraid: :suspect:<br />
    <br /><br />one on the right actually has the feel of the time period of all in your name video ( for me anyway).
  • Although I haven't been posting much lately, it doesn't mean i haven't lost faith, au contraire  :icon_e_wink:, i'm here every day, and i'll try to be here in the next days/weeks/months.. whatever it takes. I hope i will be able to log in next weekend and see some of the award show on the 22nd which could be interesting  :icon_cool: Anyway, I hope I can bring some Disney magic with me mickey-mouse-emoticon3.gif<br /><br />I wish you all, including Michael, Front and TS, and your families Merry Christmas and wonderful holidays with much love and joy!  :bearhug:<br /><br />Love always
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1355968734:
    <br />BAM is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get.<br />(Forrest Gump reference) <br /><br />I do know, whatever it is will be sweet, and will be my favorite moment of <br />this entire matter what.  <br /><br />Blessings Always<br />
    <br /><br />@Wish...chocolates, oreo're making me hungry  :icon_lol:'s gonna be SWEET, no matter when, where or what!<br /><br />I wish I could bottle what I'm feeling right now....'excitement' is in the air and coursing through me.  :penguin:  It feels like an emergence from 'darkness', which is where I was dwelling since Friday.<br /><br /> ya too sis!  Thanks for grabbing the many flying 'dots' and making the 'waiting room' more enjoyable  :icon_razz:<br /><br />Hang on tight matter what happens or doesn't happen, DON'T let go of his hand.  He's been holding ours for so very's the least we can do.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @BTC:  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1356005919:
    <br />Sim, I agree these pics of MJ don't seem like from the same event. Here they are right together.<br />His face looks a similar age (but could be current who knows), but his hair is swept back, his shirt less tucked in, his shirt deeper cut and more open in the v-neck, his undershirt has longer sleeves, and no belt. Also he is standing before his entrance into the earth, not having stepped up one step; and in the video he is in complete shadow until he has walked well forward.<br /><br />mjatwma199.jpg
    <br /><br />Perfect !  :th_bravo: Just perfect !!<br />Now all we need to find out is the time and the Tv channel(s?) / online websites where we can watch the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :icon_bounce: :moonwalk_:<br /><br />Can't help thinking about ELVIS !!  :elvis-1405:  I hope he will be there too, as HIMSELF in the flesh! or at least in disguise!!!  :icon_rolleyes:<br /><br /><br />bam011.jpg<br /><br />
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