Official back & Front thread



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ps. Sarah found a recipe for a coconut custard pie with flour, I stand corrected.

    Pps. Anna is right 6/11/11--->8/11/11 is 62 days inclusive.
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    Your own words:

    "tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then."

    Jun 11 + 60 days (+ 1 day of simmering) is August 12 not August 10.
    60 days from June 11 = August 11 + 1 day of simmering= August 12

    Who do you think you're toying with?

    Let's see ... 20 days in June (if you include the 11th), 31 days in July, makes 51 days ... means August 9 + 1 day of simmering - August 10. OR - 19 days in June (not including the 11th), 31 days in July, makes 50 days ... means August 10 + 1 day of simmering - August 11. Pick one. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    <!-- m --> ... 2011&ti=on<!-- m -->

    Duration calculation results

    From and including: Saturday, June 11, 2011
    To and including: Thursday, August 11, 2011

    It is 62 days from the start date to the end date, end date included
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    From and including: Saturday, 11 June 2011
    To and including: Wednesday, 10 August 2011

    It is 61 days from the start date to the end date, end date included

    which means 60 days + 1 day of simmering

    Front words:
    Aug 10 2011 (+1 day of Simmering)----> Aug 11 (777th day from Lights Out)"

    Ok, I apologise. So he meant it right.
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    Just count the days on a calender, bec, maybe I can't count anymore.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Need flour in the pastry case Bec!
    No no, Front mentions the crust as a unit, and the ingredients that go in it... he includes flour.
    You got your eggs…flour…cream…custard…you got the Back of the pie crust…

    You're right Bec! Guess I wasn't really paying attention!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Just count the days on a calender, bec, maybe I can't count anymore.

    I have faith in your counting skills Sarah, lol. But you have to include the start and end dates (include 6/11 and 8/11) in your count and that comes to 62 days... so what, we have 2 days of simmering now?

    So, ok we do have flour in some custard pie recipes but we also have 62 days between the dates Front targeted as 60+1 day of simmering... so that stills adds up to...


    Come on Front. The jig is up. Your math gymnastics didn't stick the landing. TS taught us to decipher between back and Front.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    My head is spinning with all these numbers so I hope there will be a cherry on top of the pie <!-- sbounce/ -->bounce/<!-- sbounce/ --> .... always a pleasure to read you Front <!-- sbeerchug -->beerchug<!-- sbeerchug --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Aug 11 ...

    [fade:ckncbs4o]TIME WILL TELL ... [/fade:ckncbs4o]

    The cream and pie talks made me want to watch ths again:

    [BBvideo 425,350:ckncbs4o]

    <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    I have faith in your counting skills Sarah, lol. But you have to include the start and end dates (include 6/11 and 8/11) in your count and that comes to 62 days... so what, we have 2 days of simmering now?

    In my example I included start and end date and in the other example just the end date. So I don't really know what I'm missing. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Maybe he did get that right at least, still means the other stuff isn't.
    Come on Front. The jig is up. Your math gymnastics didn't stick the landing. TS taught us to decipher between back and Front.

    Only that I can find ten 7's in TS' example that you posted. Or more. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    “In time of war, when truth is so precious, it must be attended by a bodyguard of lies”
    Winston Churchill
    I don't think it's right to include the start and end date as well. I think only one of them must be included.

    But there wasn't written in the stone how to count the days.

    And a custard pie needs flower, as far as I know.
    We were certainly pining about TS being gone so long, so it's nice that Front sticks around in spite of being on the hot seat all the time. Only time will prove him legit. The proof is in the pudding, I mean custard pie. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    Front you look like you have no problem being on the hot seat all the time <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ -->
    Ps. You know Front, I could maybe relax if I didn't have to work everyday until I die to pay all my bills and my mortgage and my income taxes and buy food to put on the table and somehow afford health insurance so an accident doesn't render me destitute and homeless. That's how the rest of us non-millionaires function in day to day life. There's really not much room on the schedule for relaxation.

    What makes you think Front is a millionaire?

    Bec you should try to relax in spite of all these, we all (or the most of us) are in the same situation, living with sword above our heads every single day, risking to lose everything we worked for in a blink of an eye.
    We shouldn't stress about things we can't control.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yeah, I know Gina, I guess I was speaking for everyone in my similar situation. I'm really frustrated and I know I'm not the only one but it's like everyone is holding their breath afraid to say the wrong thing for fear the Big Man is watching.

    I guess I'm just annoyed and disappointed by good members who I thought were logical and sensible now trying to make the numbers work so Front can be legitimate. It's really disingenuous and de-legitimizes everything we have done for the past 2 years... makes us all look silly and childish by association. Makes the hoax look like the product of our collective imagination.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Maybe it is, uh? Maybe we are all living in fantasy land. Maybe we are all just so fed up with real life as we know it that we are willing to fantasize hard enough that it becomes the new substitute for reality? Coping mechanism and all. I'm sick of the matrix. I don't know how to deal with the reality of daily life that stretches out as far as the eye can see, with no change in sight on the horizon, so I hope as hard as I can for MJ to come back and change things for humanity. We need a savior.
  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    Im about to get annoyed. This isnt a game nor is this fun and im getting ticked.

    Lets not forget what we are dealing with here, The death of Michael Jackson Who we Believe is alive and that this is a HOAX.

    This is life and Death stuff folks, this isnt a video game forum, this isnt a forum about cartoons.

    Im getting annoyed and pissed and Im not going to tolerate the games.

    Enough of pulling peoples strings, either Help or Stop with the games. Theres a fine line between thinking a person is who they say they are and then theres the risk of being fooled by people with no lives and enough of risking the latter.

    Sincerely, Badkolo , Half owner of this site.

    We have been at this for 2 years now, this isnt some silly little game. REMEMBER that when you reply to me, as to not piss me off further
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    and yet he says he can't do it by himself...

    but what.. we are roped to this forum by choice and shirk responsibilities in real life to follow this never ending hoax... and we can't make any changes in our real life worlds because MJ has us all labeled as crazy persons who think MJ is alive, which completely de-legitimizes anything else we have to say...

    makes no sense. We are all in stasis waiting for MJ to decide to make a move.. and meanwhile nothing gets done.
    Bec.....the Big Man as you call him was blessed by GOD with a lot of gifts ...but also with a lot of pains.
    I hate when people allow defining other people by how much money they can - or can not - make.

    I hate when my husband says "look who's talking about love and the planet and so on, it's easy for him (MJ) because he is so rich and he has no worries like the rest of us". It's not fair because that was his fate to be rich for a reason, because we don't realize the price he paid, we all pay a price for everything, why wouldn't he?

    I see around me people who have soooo little in terms of money and this sort of things and they are HAPPY....they live a happiness that some of us will never know.

    Anyway, in my country things aren't good and we feel like we work for husband jokes about it and says even in crisis you can make a small fortune, if you had a big one before <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ...

    But as long as we are alive we can still have hope. The real fortune is in our hearts.

    Bec you can unfollow "this never ending hoax" any moment....
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    No I can't.
    No I can't.

    I knew you'll say that <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> .
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    “In time of war, when truth is so precious, it must be attended by a bodyguard of lies”
    Winston Churchill

    Great quote. Thanks for sharing it.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Maybe it is, uh? Maybe we are all living in fantasy land. Maybe we are all just so fed up with real life as we know it that we are willing to fantasize hard enough that it becomes the new substitute for reality? Coping mechanism and all. I'm sick of the matrix. I don't know how to deal with the reality of daily life that stretches out as far as the eye can see, with no change in sight on the horizon, so I hope as hard as I can for MJ to come back and change things for humanity. We need a savior.
    Probably. [glow=red:2z59j9qk]People all over this planet are so fractured since the Internet, not knowing what to think or believe in.[/glow:2z59j9qk] They seem perfecty happy to "believe" in whatever current fad of interest is just for the fun of it, 7 billion "truths". They're like someone in a dingy in the middle of the ocean. So we've got a BIG ONE here in MJ's hoax for 2 years, well it's just as good as what they've got, probably better. One could have the attitude of --who even cares, we live, we die, so just enjoy the ride, we're just a speck, "an anomaly floating in the sea of space". I also believe he's the One to lead us, especially since no one else comes close, or has shown up. Thousands of mini-connection-proofs for this. Nothing can shake me from that, and only time will tell.
    by Grace
    “In time of war, when truth is so precious, it must be attended by a bodyguard of lies”

    Winston Churchill
    Good point! I think maybe you guys are trying too hard to disprove Front, and may be overlooking things. Can't see the forest for the trees kinda thing. I'm not smart enough to do all the calculations stuff or debate with strong logic, but maybe then I can just enjoy beauty when I see it, like a simple-minded soul. Outside of Michael Jackson-land, the world thinks we're all wacky and gullible. The Bible's test of a prophet, if the "word" comes true or happens, then he's a true prophet.

    Here is Serenity_Dream's take on Front. <!-- m --> ... front.html<!-- m -->
  • No I can't.

    [offtopic:304dkilv]I think we need to start an "MJ-anonymous". For those that are addicted to Michael, those that are addicted to finding out what happened June 25, 2009, and for those that for whatever reason feel compelled to be here every day for the past two years.

    It is not a game - Badkolo is correct. And, sometimes I think people get the feeling it is. All we have at the moment is time and the truth will prevail in the end. We need some patience to see it through.

    Please don't get me wrong, Bec, but you sound like you need to walk away for a bit and regroup. Nobody is trying to make a square fit into a round hole. Everyone is trying to make sense of information that has pieces of the pie missing (BACK's posts that are missing). In your own perception, please don't bash innocent people trying to participate and do their part in solving this huge puzzle.

    And please, everyone, be respectful of Front. I have my doubts about him/her being legit too but that doesn't give us the right to be rude and disrespectful. We've come this far and time will reveal the truth. Wouldn't you feel bad about what you've said if it turns out Front is legitimate?

    Hugs and blessings to all. I will stop now as I've tried hard to show kindness and tolerance these past two years and I don't want to ruin it now. Have a blessed day.

    <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->[/offtopic:304dkilv]
  • JustDuckyJustDucky Posts: 134
    All the teasing of Front really is funny, and his mixed metaphors in his latest kind of set him up for it (he seems to be baking and farming), but---

    As I was thinking “Front can't be back, he's explaining himself and too easy to understand. He sounds like “back for dummies”. Then I wondered if that's exactly it? After all, here we are, trying to understand what back wrote in 2006, 2007. Assuming for the moment that back is Front, and has something to say that he wants understood, would he “dumb it down” a bit compared to pre-”death” back?

    As for counting days, as one who's job has included scheduling and project deadlines, it's my experience that in business it is always done like this--

    If you are counting the days from June 1 to June 10, you begin the count on June 2. June 2 is ONE, June 3 is TWO etc. until June 10, counting June 10. That way it can be done simply. June 1 + 9 days is June 10. Your project is due June 18, and it's now June 6. How many days? (assume they are all work days) You have 12 days to finish on the 18th. June 6 + 12 days is June 18. June 7 is ONE, June 8 is TWO, June 9 is THREE and so on.

    If Front turns out to be another fraud, at least he's an interesting one who's done his homework. That in itself is refreshing.

    I'd like to say to anyone who feels they NEED Michael to comeback, take a quiet moment to reflect on the burdens that man bore as he gave of himself day after day, year after year. I wonder how often anyone asked him what he needed?
  • thevoicethevoice Posts: 45

    "When I light a Candle at Night I tell the darkness I beg to differ"

    Many posts from back then are clear as Holy water to us now because time has tested and confirmed the "word" - possibly prophecies and /or carefully executed plan.

    What I Know: those who read it at the time didn't necessarily get it, but the aim (I think) was not for a quick understanding at that moment

    Someone who posted back then over 2,000 posts doesn't just vanished...inevitably he will come back and likely walking through the Front door and who will even recognise him?

    Front's posts will be justified in due time.

    SIMMERING is a food preparation technique in which foods are cooked in hot liquids kept at or just below the boiling point of water[1] (which is 100°C or 212°F at average sea level air pressure), but higher than poaching temperature. To keep a pot simmering, one brings it to a boil and then reduces the heat to a point where the formation of steam bubbles has all but ceased, typically a water temperature of about 94°C (200°F).

    Source Wikipedia - sorry no proper dictionary at hand...


    <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->

    Au contraire, my friend…..
    tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT.
    (Re: Aug 10 2011 (+1 day of Simmering)----> Aug 11, 777th day from Lights Out)

    1 day of Simmering has been---and will continue to be---mentioned, regardless of HOW YOU INGEST IT. You got your eggs…flour…cream…custard…you got the Back of the pie crust…you got the Front of the whipped cream…the pie won't cook until all the ingredients are combined. Examine EACH and ALL ingredients carefully, for they all adhere to the same force <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> fully cooked to perfection, the "chef" <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> and his "guests" shall delight in reaping what has been sowed.

    My purpose & intention is not to serve the "pie" on a silver platter, but rather to offer the constituents for the "recipe".

    Keep Watchin' as all the ingredients slowly come together in that mixing bowl…………
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