Official back & Front thread



  • As we have been talking about Pies and Squares, I suddenly remembered this post from back from 2007:

    For a bigger image go to: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    In this post Back discusses the valuation of the catalogue and recommends that the poster he is talking to, uses the Pythagorean Theorem:

    "a2 + b2 = c2
    those two sides have to "square off" with reality to achieve sufficient balance. That's the purpose of an equation -- formulate it to reach equilibrium. "See" what I'm saying? "

    You may remember that the Scarecrow in the film The Wizard of Oz makes a specific reference to the theorem. Upon receiving his diploma from the Wizard, he immediately exhibits his "knowledge" by reciting a mangled and incorrect version of the theorem:
    "The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. Oh, joy! Oh, rapture! I've got a brain!"

    I guess that when the PIE is cooked, EQUILIBRIUM will be reached and we will have completed our journey on the YELLOW BRICK ROAD.

    <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • As we have been talking about Pies and Squares, I suddenly remembered this post from back from 2007:

    For a bigger image go to: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    In this post Back discusses the valuation of the catalogue and recommends that the poster he is talking to, uses the Pythagorean Theorem:

    "a2 + b2 = c2
    those two sides have to "square off" with reality to achieve sufficient balance. That's the purpose of an equation -- formulate it to reach equilibrium. "See" what I'm saying? "

    You may remember that the Scarecrow in the film The Wizard of Oz makes a specific reference to the theorem. Upon receiving his diploma from the Wizard, he immediately exhibits his "knowledge" by reciting a mangled and incorrect version of the theorem:
    "The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. Oh, joy! Oh, rapture! I've got a brain!"

    [highlight=#ffff00:azrf648o]I guess that when the PIE is cooked, EQUILIBRIUM will be reached and we will have completed our journey on the YELLOW BRICK ROAD.[/highlight:azrf648o]
    <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->

    With L.O.V.E

    Thanks for the refreshing post, RunningGirl! Could Front's posts about "pie" possibly indicate that someone's innards are being "cooked" as we speak?!?!?!??!?!

    *** In the end, what is most important, is that MJ gets his piece of the pie!
  • JustDucky wrote:
    Logically, I can't imagine why MJ would want to return to his “normal” life. If the press was relentless before, imagine them after a return from the dead that made them look like idiots? You just know that people would try to sue him for everything from mental pain and anguish to the cost of CDs and memorabilia. Even if he won every suit, he'd be right back where he was, spending time and money on litigation and being hounded by the press. That said....

    There are indeed indications Michael Jackson may, at some point, return to the public eye. I don't think he intends to perform again, if you follow his business affairs from 2000 on you see that he was actually moving away from that in 2002. [highlight=#ffff00:1n9bqyrw]But if there is a way for him to club the ignorant and hateful over the head with irrefutable proof of his innocence once and for all, and to be absolved of any liability stemming from a staged death, I would so love to see him give a big F--- Y-- to the haters and the doubters and go on with his life. So I'll Keep Watchin.....[/highlight:1n9bqyrw]

    Thanks, JustDucky, for this well-written post! I particularly love the highlighted area and would love to see that come to light as well.

    A big <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> to Michael! We love you, man!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    <br />Has anyone noticed that tweet from Jermaine?<br /><br />jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson@SabrinaJKay they will eat their words...and humble pie<br />Il y a 14 heures<br />I presume that there is some kind of connection  suspicious//  I don't think it is a coincidence  beerchug <br />
    <br /><br />Ooo good one. That's not a coincidence in my opinion either.
    <br /><br />That is interesting for sure. Why did Jermaine write that tweet? What did Sabrina wrote to him and he made that tweet?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    bec wrote:

    We were called here. I know I was called, somehow, I don't believe in God but I feel being here is my purpose. I can't explain it. It's a weird feeling for me because I can't rationalize it, but I also can't ignore it.

    Who's to say Michael doesn't feel the same way? I think he does. I find it completely plausible that he would seek out a venue in which to connect with his fans on some level, in a way that is very real but also very safe for him. The internet is perfect.

    In process of orchestrating and acting out this hoax, I find it also completely plausible that Michael would seek out a way to personally interact with his hoaxers. He drops clues... WE are the ones who see them... no one else... of course he would want to connect with us! How can you have a 2 year long relationship with an entire community of people without ever having any direct contact with any of them? That concept is what makes no logical sense.

    Of course, at least one of these informants are real. At least one, as certain as Michael isn't dead and this is a hoax there is at least one legit informer. It's sort of like the existence of life on other planets... of course there is! We are not alone.

    Neither do I. I can not explain ... but even though I never considered myself a fan of anyone ... and I have 2 years in this
    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • thevoicethevoice Posts: 45
    JustLucky I *heart* you for writing these. Thank you. 24 lawsuits out of a total of over a thousand lawsuits in his whole career...A Man has given us 45 years of his Life and we want more, where is the LOVE ?

    I am happy if he is living hidden somewhere ever after . It will be known by future generations that he indeed lived longer. I will continue to support his work because it is a part of him, and I am sure he will keep pulling tricks on us wherever he is.

    I wholeheartedly agree with you on the Bible quotes diarrhea by the so call "insiders" (!!!) ...those who quote it so often and know it from back to back are the ones to be careful about.

    "Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words."
    Francis of Assisi
    On that note ...

    This post may ruffle some feathers, and I'm sorry about that, but I believe this needs to be said. I mean to provoke thought, not to pass judgment.

    There is no way to understand Michael's death, or “death”, without understanding his life. Especially after his acquittal in 2005. If you really dig, you can get a glimpse of what this man, this father of 3 small children, who had just been dragged over the coals, was facing.

    His then new attorney, Londell McMillian, issued a statement that MJ would no longer be a victim – they would fight any and all law suits. At that time, immediately after Arviso, 24 suits were lined up. Twenty four.

    Michael was fighting to save the valuable assets he had worked so hard for, and in the process discovering many of those he relied on were not worthy of his trust.

    There were custody issues with Debbie Rowe.

    The Schaffel trial got nasty, with Schaffel hinting to the press about boys, booze and drugs.

    There was another accusation of pedophilia. A man undergoing psycho therapy claimed a repressed memory of MJ holding him captive in a limo for 9 days, repeatedly molesting him. This actually made it to court, but the judge had to throw it out when the accuser missed several court dates and failed to return his attorney’s calls. Put yourself in Michael's place – remember how he looked the day he was acquitted, exhausted, so thin, sick at heart. Imagine him facing that again!

    This is just a small sample of what Michael was dealing with after the Arviso trial. A very small sample.

    I wanted to prove to myself, as much as possible, that back is MJ, so I did parallel timelines for both of them for 2006, 2007 and 2008. I am convinced MJ is back, and back was not preaching the gospel. He was hurting, he was angry, and he was trying to heal. He wanted to be remembered for his charitable works, posting a long list and asking MJJC staff to keep it bumped so the new members would see the truth about Michael. In a rant about Jason, Jordie and Gavin it's clear back/MJ no can no longer maintain his belief in the pure innocence of all children. That, too, was taken from him. This was posted June 25, 2006.... June 25. <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    If you don't think MJ swears, ask LMP or Mac Culkin.

    I've read his posts 2005 – 2009 until I almost memorized them (I'm not counting the posthumous posts). That and matching them to news articles about MJ from many sources from around the world legitimized back, and brought home the fact that despite full acquittal Michael had not been vindicated. The press wouldn't allow it and too many leeches were willing to try their luck at suing him – another accusation was always hanging over his head. How long could he go on like that? How could he rebuild his financial empire and protect his kids? How could he focus attention on his true legacy, that of musical genius and philanthropist? How to make people see him as a man, not a caricature, or worse?

    Having spent 2 years looking into Michael's business and legal affairs, as well as learning as much as possible about the man, I feel safe in saying this “death” was an act of survival. It was not a stunt, it was not for a message, it was not for the fans. The movie TII was his his gift to his fans. The rest of his life is for his children and himself – finally. He gave us 45 out of 50 years. It's time we let him breathe.

    As for Front, I really want him to be back! But I would caution against embracing him wholeheartedly, at least not yet. The internet is full of people using Michael to further their own agenda, and Front's agenda is not entirely clear. I suggest we let him have his say and see what develops. His truth may not be Michael's truth.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    JustDucky wrote:

    This post may ruffle some feathers, and I'm sorry about that, but I believe this needs to be said. I mean to provoke thought, not to pass judgment.

    There is no way to understand Michael's death, or “death”, without understanding his life. Especially after his acquittal in 2005. If you really dig, you can get a glimpse of what this man, this father of 3 small children, who had just been dragged over the coals, was facing.

    His then new attorney, Londell McMillian, issued a statement that MJ would no longer be a victim – they would fight any and all law suits. At that time, immediately after Arviso, 24 suits were lined up. Twenty four.

    Michael was fighting to save the valuable assets he had worked so hard for, and in the process discovering many of those he relied on were not worthy of his trust.

    There were custody issues with Debbie Rowe.

    The Schaffel trial got nasty, with Schaffel hinting to the press about boys, booze and drugs.

    There was another accusation of pedophilia. A man undergoing psycho therapy claimed a repressed memory of MJ holding him captive in a limo for 9 days, repeatedly molesting him. This actually made it to court, but the judge had to throw it out when the accuser missed several court dates and failed to return his attorney’s calls. Put yourself in Michael's place – remember how he looked the day he was acquitted, exhausted, so thin, sick at heart. Imagine him facing that again!

    This is just a small sample of what Michael was dealing with after the Arviso trial. A very small sample.

    I wanted to prove to myself, as much as possible, that back is MJ, so I did parallel timelines for both of them for 2006, 2007 and 2008. I am convinced MJ is back, and back was not preaching the gospel. He was hurting, he was angry, and he was trying to heal. He wanted to be remembered for his charitable works, posting a long list and asking MJJC staff to keep it bumped so the new members would see the truth about Michael. In a rant about Jason, Jordie and Gavin it's clear back/MJ no can no longer maintain his belief in the pure innocence of all children. That, too, was taken from him. This was posted June 25, 2006.... June 25. <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    If you don't think MJ swears, ask LMP or Mac Culkin.

    I've read his posts 2005 – 2009 until I almost memorized them (I'm not counting the posthumous posts). That and matching them to news articles about MJ from many sources from around the world legitimized back, and brought home the fact that despite full acquittal Michael had not been vindicated. The press wouldn't allow it and too many leeches were willing to try their luck at suing him – another accusation was always hanging over his head. How long could he go on like that? How could he rebuild his financial empire and protect his kids? How could he focus attention on his true legacy, that of musical genius and philanthropist? How to make people see him as a man, not a caricature, or worse?

    Having spent 2 years looking into Michael's business and legal affairs, as well as learning as much as possible about the man, I feel safe in saying this “death” was an act of survival. It was not a stunt, it was not for a message, it was not for the fans. The movie TII was his his gift to his fans. The rest of his life is for his children and himself – finally. He gave us 45 out of 50 years. It's time we let him breathe.

    As for Front, I really want him to be back! But I would caution against embracing him wholeheartedly, at least not yet. The internet is full of people using Michael to further their own agenda, and Front's agenda is not entirely clear. I suggest we let him have his say and see what develops. His truth may not be Michael's truth.

    I think you're right that this has much to do with these false accusations, the manner so cruel and unjust as Michael was treated

    Slander is false and maliciously someone words, acts or dishonorable intentions, Slander injures a person in the most delicate: its reputation. If a man stolen his watch, you get angry or sorrow is, but usually all of the time, perhaps buy another. But if what was lost is his good name, so privamos something that you can not buy with money.
    Defamation is to discredit someone in Word or in writing, publishing something against his good opinion and fame.

    defamation is like water poured in the sand.... so hard to pick up, all this started the slow murder of Michael
    suspicious// ...don't you think it's strange TS never commented about Back, like the most of us?..... <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
    Gina, I love your great observations!
    I see TS, Back and Front all having a flamboyant, teasing playfulness coming from a loving heart. Michael has always amazingly kept his cool in public, never swearing and being so kind about people around him--even about those less than kind about him. eg. his family. But get him just with 1 or 2 close friends like Lisa Marie, Glenda (tapes), Cascios, and he bares his soul with honest emotion/frustration/tears/colorful language, we've been told over and over. He knew how to, and had been trained since childhood, to put on a show, "Front" to some extent, mostly because he's a caring person that didn't want to hurt anyone. He knows how to juggle a few personas (as well as external disguises-eg. DD), and never miss a beat, because he is a perfectionist and master of his craft. <!-- smj_bad/ -->mj_bad/<!-- smj_bad/ --> Front never mentions Back or TS either. So I have the opposite feeling from Its Her that that they are more similar than different. Also TMZ, the family or other closely related people never mention them either except in cryptic ways possibly, and yet they surely are aware of the significant knowledge of them by hoaxers and fans. But maybe I think too much with my heart.
    You see what I see <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> .
    Of course, we could also be wrong <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ -->
    As we have been talking about Pies and Squares, I suddenly remembered this post from back from 2007:

    For a bigger image go to: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    In this post Back discusses the valuation of the catalogue and recommends that the poster he is talking to, uses the Pythagorean Theorem:

    "a2 + b2 = c2
    those two sides have to "square off" with reality to achieve sufficient balance. That's the purpose of an equation -- formulate it to reach equilibrium. "See" what I'm saying? "

    You may remember that the Scarecrow in the film The Wizard of Oz makes a specific reference to the theorem. Upon receiving his diploma from the Wizard, he immediately exhibits his "knowledge" by reciting a mangled and incorrect version of the theorem:
    "The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. Oh, joy! Oh, rapture! I've got a brain!"

    I guess that when the PIE is cooked, EQUILIBRIUM will be reached and we will have completed our journey on the YELLOW BRICK ROAD.

    <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->

    With L.O.V.E

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    OK I've been reading somewhere that MJ didn't have much time for school when he was young so he can't possibly be very familiar with mathematics and stuff like this. So when I was reading the above post of Back I was kind of dissapointed because, in my head at least, Michael couldn't know about those concepts and formulas, so Back can't be Michael.
    But I didn't know about the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> . Now in my head Michael is person with a lot of curiosity and great observation and fast learning skills, so he probably was curious to understand that formula he had in his reply in the movie, at least I hope so. This is my explanation for Michael/Back's mathematics knowledges, or maybe later MJ made a passion for studying math?! Maybe he felt his school years were "stolen" as well, like his childhood, and tried to compensate?

    I don't know, Back looks to me like a person who did a lot of reading. The MJ before 2002 - I don't think he had time to read.....maybe after.
  • On the contrary- by all accounts, Michael was extremely well read ( and self taught), especially on all the classics, religion, philosophyv, art, history... The Pythagoram theorem is not all that advanced- and in antiquity all philosophers were versed in mathematics. Michael, so I've heard and read, spent enormous amounts of time on reading (remember, he suffered from insomnia)- and loved to debate the master works.
  • MJ is a very smart and well read person. One of the main reasons why I think and I'll say maybe even know BACK is MJ, is because of the way BACK writes with such intelligence.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Here we go-- [glow=red,2,300]He loved to read!!![/glow] Fact!! Make sure you look at ALL the cute pics of him reading in the link!<br /><br />MichaelJacksonBookstore.jpg<br /> ... OosAKkx4BS<br />1.02.2011"He loved to read" <br /><br />Michael loved to read,<br />many had testified on his reading habit, and also was caught in the bookstore<br /><br />Michael Jackson's Lawyer, Bob Sanger, Talks to West Coast Sound About the Pop Star, His Life -- and His Reading Habits<br />[here are few excerpt of the article]<br /><br />"We talked about psychology, Freud and Jung, Hawthorne, sociology, black history and sociology dealing with race issues. But he was very well read in the classics of psychology and history and literature."<br /><br />"He loved to read. He had over 10,000 books at his house."<br /><br />"And there were places that he liked to sit, and you could see the books with his bookmarks in it, with notes and everything in it where he liked to sit and read. And I can tell you from talking to him that he had a very - especially for someone who was self-taught, as it were, and had his own reading list - he was very well-read. And I don't want to say that I'm well-read, but I've certainly read a lot, let's put it that way, and I enjoy philosophy and history and everything myself, and it was very nice to talk to him, because he was very intellectual, and he liked to talk about those things. But he didn't flaunt it, and it was very seldom that he would initiate the conversation like that, but if you got into a conversation like that with him, he was there."[/highlight:3f16ovx5]<br />"And few people really had the opportunity the have these intellectual discussions about great thinkers and writers. Freud and Jung - go down the street and try and find five people who can talk about Freud and Jung."<br /><br />The Bodyguards' testimony of Michael's reading habit<br /><br />source: <!-- m --> ... g-10048405<!-- m --><br /><br />"Anytime he was going into a bookstore he wasn't buying one or two books. No. You know, he was easily walking out with...<br />"..thousands.."<br /><br />Q: Did he read all of the books that he bought?<br />"I believe so.."<br />"As much knowledge, as being around him, we learned something every day just going to work. I'll tell you that right now"<br /><br />"I think he was also just very big on knowledge, and that was the way he ...fed his kids that, you know very big on them being educated ... very..."<br />"..very special"<br />"..very intelligent"<br /><br />A story from The Strand bookstore<br />Prince Michael brought over an oversized book on collectable toys, barely able to carry it. He said in the cutest little voice; "Dad, can I have this" Michael lovingly smiled and asked if he was going to read it. He replied, "Yes."<br /><br />He wanted books on black folk music, books by Roald Dahl (including James and the Giant Peach), and something on Versailles. I would send my troops to look for the books and hand the findings to Jesus. On a previous visit, my dad had helped him, and he picked out books on Howard Hughes, dictionaries and first edition children's books.<br /><br />..he spent $6,000 in books and allowed anyone in his group to take books. Although the people in his entourage did choose some, they did not seem as excited about shopping for books.<br /><br />Michael Jackson, the bookworm<br />"He was a longtime and valued customer," a store representative of art and architecture bookstore Hennessey + Ingalls said Thursday. "We'll miss him."<br /><br />"He loved the poetry section," Dave Dutton said as Dirk chimed in that Ralph Waldo Emerson was Jackson's favorite. "I think you would find a great deal of the transcendental, all-accepting philosophy in his lyrics."<br /><br />"It was Rose who instilled in me a love of books <br />and literature that sustains me today. <br />I read everything I could get my hands on. <br />New cities meant new places to shop. <br />We loved to shop, especially in bookstores and department stores," <br />~ Michael Jackson, Moonwalk<br /><br />"She [Miss Rose Fine] taught me the wonderful world of books and reading <br />and I wouldn't be the same person if it wasn't for her."<br />~ Michael Jackson<br /><br />MJ: "I watch cartoons. I love cartoons. I play video games. Sometimes I read."<br />Q: "You mean you read books?"<br />MJ: "Yeah. I love to read short stories and everything."<br />Q: "Any in particular?"<br />MJ: "Somerset Maugham.. Whitman. Hemingway. Twain."<br /><br />"I love to read. <br />I wish I could advise more people to read. <br />There’s a whole other world in books. <br />If you can’t afford to travel, you travel mentally through reading. <br />You can see anything and go any place you want to in reading." <br />~ Michael Jackson, 1984<br /><br />Posted by @MJacksonwords at 3:19 AM  <br /> omacd said... <br />On trips to Ireland Michael sought out bookstores and spent lavishly on Irish fiction, poetry, history, and music. He loved conversation and booksellers have remarked on the depth of his knowledge.
    <br />And THAT must be why Back, Front, TS and Michael are so darn smart, and this hoax has sent us on a whirlwind of an education, connecting a million or so dots. I have NO doubts now, that Back, Front and TS are very most likely Michael.  michael-jackson/    afraid/    bearhug <br />“Meet the man you never knew”, is true on so many levels. He is a most lovely compendium of human knowledge, interpreted through his unique mind and heart.
    Freud and Jung and the classics of psychology <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> I thought he had a native ability to "read" people but looks like it's more.

    That's why I've always had the feeling he's knowing us women better than we know ourselves <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    A hug for you Michael, dead or alive <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    On the contrary- by all accounts, Michael was extremely well read ( and self taught), especially on all the classics, religion, philosophyv, art, history... The Pythagoram theorem is not all that advanced- and in antiquity all philosophers were versed in mathematics. Michael, so I've heard and read, spent enormous amounts of time on reading (remember, he suffered from insomnia)- and loved to debate the master works.
    <br /><br />This is great to know!<br /><br />Hey Michael, come back...I am here to talk about those friends don´t talk with me about such things, they are just "bailando, bailando" and "party" people  :lol: and think I come up with boring conversations
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    [highlight=#ff80ff:1ndo2a34]Freud and Jung[/highlight:1ndo2a34] and the classics of psychology <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> I thought he had a native ability to "read" people but looks like it's more.

    Who are those? I always believed they were football players <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
    [highlight=#ff80ff:1w72le9c]Freud and Jung[/highlight:1w72le9c] and the classics of psychology <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> I thought he had a native ability to "read" people but looks like it's more.

    Who are those? I always believed they were football players <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I must confess I've only heard of them, never read them....but it's never too late <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    [highlight=#ff80ff:ykwxt19b]Freud and Jung[/highlight:ykwxt19b] and the classics of psychology <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> I thought he had a native ability to "read" people but looks like it's more.

    Who are those? I always believed they were football players <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I must confess I've only heard of them, never read them....but it's never too late <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I rarely pray, when when I do I use the prayer from Fritz Perls <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> It works <!-- srespect/ -->respect/<!-- srespect/ -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    <br />Has anyone noticed that tweet from Jermaine?<br /><br />jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson@SabrinaJKay they will eat their words...and humble pie<br />Il y a 14 heures<br />I presume that there is some kind of connection  suspicious//  I don't think it is a coincidence  beerchug <br />
    <br /><br />Ooo good one. That's not a coincidence in my opinion either.
    <br /><br />That is interesting for sure. Why did Jermaine write that tweet? What did Sabrina wrote to him and he made that tweet?
    <br /><br />It was in answer to that tweet:<br /><br />SabrinaJKay<br />@jermjackson5 I hope when ur book comes out that all those haters/"liars" will eat their words and after so so long Michael will get justice
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    When Back talked about "pie" may be he meant exactly that. A pie of words and prejudices simmering just to be eaten by those who made it possible.

    "Front" used the simmering now in this thread, looks like a slap to us...our own hoax words simmering to be eaten...but by us...not by haters...

    Front can make this clear now if she/he wants some of us to stop being <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Gema wrote:

    GINAFELICIA wrote:
    Freud and Jung and the classics of psychology I thought he had a native ability to "read" people but looks like it's more.

    Who are those? I always believed they were football players

    The Real Madrid or the Barca? <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    not that i think any of these people are michael but i am fairly sure that strong musical abilities and strong math abilities would naturally tie into each other.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    When Back talked about "pie" may be he meant exactly that. A pie of words and prejudices simmering just to be eaten by those who made it possible.

    "Front" used the simmering now in this thread, looks like a slap to us...our own hoax words simmering to be eaten...but by us...not by haters...

    Front can make this clear now if she/he wants some of us to stop being <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->

    I don't think so because Front already said:

    "I WILL say this…..I feel this forum serves a purpose and serves it well---unlike other boards that I've come across."
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    <br />Has anyone noticed that tweet from Jermaine?<br /><br />jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson<br />@SabrinaJKay they will eat their words...and humble pie<br />Il y a 14 heures<br />I presume that there is some kind of connection  <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->  I don't think it is a coincidence  beerchug <br />
    <br /><br />Ooo good one. That's not a coincidence in my opinion either.
    <br /><br />That is interesting for sure. Why did Jermaine write that tweet? What did Sabrina wrote to him and he made that tweet?
    <br /><br />It was in answer to that tweet:<br /><br />SabrinaJKay<br />@jermjackson5 I hope when ur book comes out that all those haters/"liars" will eat their words and after so so long Michael will get justice
    <br /><br />Ohh thank you Sarahli. I was looking for that.  bearhug
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    Have you found out yet is Front is BACK or that clown TR, guys?
    There are so many new pages to read <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ -->
    Have you found out yet is Front is BACK or that clown TR, guys?
    There are so many new pages to read <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ -->

    You know very well we can't prove anything, who's who.
    Front can be any of us here, the same with TR.
    I know I'm not and I can't say anything about the others.

    Maybe there is only ONE person behind the suspicious accounts that come and go around here.
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