Child Services at Encino Jacksons Home!!!



  • @Happy Feet... the fact Jermaine has stated that he told his 13 year old son to order a stun gun online actually demonstrates even more how poor Jermaines parenting skills are.
    That inclusion by Jermaine actually makes the whole situation worse!
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Michael stated in the past that his brothers had sex in front of him when he was a child, and that his father beat him to a pulp.... so i dont think MJ has a problem with stating the truth even if it does make his family look bad.

    That's a good point. I was thinking a little while ago when watching Bashir's documentary how embarrassing it must have been for his family to have that info out there and exposed like that. Don't get me wrong, I feel more for MJ for having been put through it like that, but this doc was also played at one of MJ's trials. I would hate to embarrass my mum or my family so publicly like that. It would make me squirm. I do really wonder though what benefit there is in airing it in public, besides getting the matter off your chest. As a moot point, i wonder how his brothers felt about what he said?

    But really, about child services coming in being part of the hoax, i don't get it. There is a huge tendency to attribute everything to the hoax even if it doesn't make sense. I guess it is the fear that if it doesn't fit then people get scared MJ passed. Well, in all honesty, that could be true. And that's what i mean about mental wellbeing. If people are unwilling to even contemplate that MJ passed and that some things do not 'fit the theory', then that is a worrying situation. You have to accept reality, whichever way it goes, and be prepared for both scenarios.
  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    @Happy Feet... the fact Jermaine has stated that he told his 13 year old son to order a stun gun online actually demonstrates even more how poor Jermaines parenting skills are.
    That inclusion by Jermaine actually makes the whole situation worse!
    I have to agree with you.

    Even though in the US guns are more 'normal', I honestly don't think you are protecting your children by telling them to order weapons online. I can imagine these children need more protection than other children, but that is why they have security and bodyguards right?

    Guns and kids never mix. Ever.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TMZ, how long it takes ,...¿ as possible that this child receives this gun and no security check? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Happy FeetHappy Feet Posts: 320
    @Happy Feet... the fact Jermaine has stated that he told his 13 year old son to order a stun gun online actually demonstrates even more how poor Jermaines parenting skills are.
    That inclusion by Jermaine actually makes the whole situation worse!

    No, I don't think this makes the situation worse. Jermaine is a big boy, he can handle the heat. His 13 year old son, most likely not. Him being portrayed as a bad parent, is something I'm pretty sure Jermaine can handle.

    I won't debate this situation any longer. I used to work fulltime with abused woman and children but now do it voluntarily as I have a family of my own to care for. My parents are 40 years + Social Workers and 40 years + Foster Carers, so I grew up with foster children around me. 3 of my sisters are also foster carers. As for me, 4 out of my 7 children are adopted from the foster care system, plus my husband and I have been carers ourselves for the past 13 years.

    I understand how the system works, particularly when it comes to child protection laws, removal situations etc, in fact I advise parents and carers in situation like these often.

    This whole incident to me is unrelated to the hoax. But if people believe it is, then that's their choice.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    What happens when Katherine and Joe kick the bucket?
  • Oh folks, this is hilarious... speechless...

    What do we read?
    TMZ declares that there was a stun gun.
    And Blanket an intended target.
    And the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services must return to the Encino house because there is a second gun hidden that they did not find.

    We are nice folks and google the Department and find their site:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    And the first article in the middle says (recent updates):

    02.18 Press Release: Los Angeles County Proclaims March 1-7 "Family Reunification Week”

    We remember: Week of March 1 to 7 crossmarked in Doc Murray's airport court date?

    stay tuned

    Daddy's coming home.

    OUTSTANDING, I am going to sleep with this one!Good night <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • What happens when Katherine and Joe kick the bucket?

    Well Joe gets nothing anyway because he was left out of the will.

    When Katherine dies, all the money goes to Prince, Paris and Blanket... no one else.

    And if the kids are still minors, MJ named Diana Ross in the will as their next guardian.
  • city.gal1city.gal1 Posts: 59
    So this is the explanation of how the stun gun was bought.....

    Stun Gun Caper -- Supermarket Accomplice!
    Posted Mar 3rd 2010 3:55PM by TMZ Staff

    So how does a 13-year-old boy score a stun gun? It's as easy as buying groceries.

    TMZ has learned Jaafar Jackson, Jermaine's precocious boy, found a serious loophole in his pursuit of the electronic weapon -- at an L.A. Ralphs supermarket.

    Sources tell us Jaafar bought several gift cards from the market -- we're told either Visa or American Express. He then used the cards to purchase the weapon online.

    Online sites that sell the weapon in question make prospective buyers declare they are 18 years of age or older.

    So apparently, Jaafar figured out if he got a lawful credit card number, no one would be the wiser.

    Smart kid.

    Read more: <!-- m --> ... z0h9mtZte2<!-- m -->
  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    "Daddy! Daddy! Can I have your creditcard?"
    - "Why, my son?"
    "So I can buy something for you online!"
    - "Here you go my son."

    Days later...

    "Daddy! Your gift arrived!"
    -"You bought me a stun gun! What a wonderful gift, thank you!"
    "You're welcome daddy!"
    - "Now go out and play with your cousins."

    <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    This whole story reaks, and Jermaine's statement only makes it smell worse.
  • The thing is Jermaine claims here in a Dutch interview that Jaafar bought it for him? Why does Jermaine needs stun gun in the first place and secondly who would ask his 13 year old son to buy one? That doesn't seem right!
  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    The thing is Jermaine claims here in a Dutch interview that Jaafar bought it for him? Why does Jermaine needs stun gun in the first place and secondly who would ask his 13 year old son to buy one? That doesn't seem right!
    You can watch the video here; <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6637<!-- l -->
  • city.gal1city.gal1 Posts: 59
    "He was getting this little thing for me." "My son told me that he was getting something for me online." That's the explanation???? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    What kid is going to get a stun gun for their parent as a present?
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I can tell you from my experience as a D.A at Children's court in Los Angeles, that once DCFS opens up a case, it can stay open for a while. The fact that no aldult was aware of the stun gun unitl they heard the sound is not good for the guardian in charge. Once DCFS gets it's nose into your business they will stay there and turn over every stone until they feel the children there are in no danger. Now my question is who told DCFS about the stun gun? Usually DCFS cases are open when someone who is a manditory reporter, like a teacher, reports that they feel a child is being abused or neglected in some manner. Or maybe a neighbor who hears or sees something, but I don't think a neighbor can or hear anything in the Encino compound, so I have to think that it may have been Randy who reported the incident.
    Wasn't it him who said that he was going to focus on bringing the family together or something like that. I think he was tweeting about MJ's family. I think Randy has been the informer to TMZ from day one when TMZ announced Mj's death before the doctor called it. TMZ said it came from a strong source and Randy knew MJ was going to die becuase he was a part of plan to help MJ leave the public life. Now he starts this DCFS investigation, so when the kids move out of Encino, no one will think it's strange that they go overseas to live and we never see them again.

    Making a false report to DFCS is not against the law. Nothing happens <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> legally and the reporter is never revealed.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Is it normal in the US for Child Services to visit a house where kids have ordered guns online? If so, good case! Children and guns don't mix.

    On the other hand, this could just as well be another 'excuse' to go mess with the Jacksons.

    If someone called child services, a complaint was filed. That someone is screwing with the family most likely.
  • TMZ have just posted an update wth a picture of Jafaar leaving the home... i think TMZ are taking this a bit too far now.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The truth is that TMZ has everyone in this forum head, I'm not seeing sense ... or all this fuss will be the excuse for leaving children Encino, .. But where? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • Kind of reminds me of the song "STATE OF SHOCK" <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

  • rayvynrayvyn Posts: 139
    "Daddy! Daddy! Can I have your creditcard?"
    - "Why, my son?"
    "So I can buy something for you online!"
    - "Here you go my son."

    Days later...

    "Daddy! Your gift arrived!"
    -"You bought me a stun gun! What a wonderful gift, thank you!"
    "You're welcome daddy!"
    - "Now go out and play with your cousins."

    <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    This whole story reaks, and Jermaine's statement only makes it smell worse.

  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    It's over and the family arrangements remain unchanged.
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    What Jermaine said was obviously trying to protect his son from the media and ppls harsh word ..He almost blamed himself so they will leave Jaafar alone ,which is normal for a parent to do . So stop talking bad stuff and Judging Jermaine and his parenting skills .
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    I think we are missing a very important point in this what if Jermaine's son felt that he need it for protection not only for himself but his other cousins. If he took time and went to the grocery store to buy gift cards for a stun gun he was trying to protect something plus notice this didn't happen until that security guard came back think about of all the thing he could have brought why would he buy this unless he felt he or they need it.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Oh folks, this is hilarious... speechless...

    What do we read?
    TMZ declares that there was a stun gun.
    And Blanket an intended target.
    And the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services must return to the Encino house because there is a second gun hidden that they did not find.

    We are nice folks and google the Department and find their site:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    And the first article in the middle says (recent updates):

    02.18 Press Release: Los Angeles County Proclaims March 1-7 "Family Reunification Week”

    We remember: Week of March 1 to 7 crossmarked in Doc Murray's airport court date?

    stay tuned

    Daddy's coming home.

    Bingo! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Oh yay, my Daddy MJ, is coming home! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Bianca28Bianca28 Posts: 27
    I find this story terrible - falsely accusing a 13 year old is so wrong - whatever the reason - be it part of the hoax or to get Michael out of hiding. If a story had to be made up - they could have put the blame on anyone. Why Jafar?

    So if Jafar did do something that bad - then he needs to be reprimanded - though I wish it wasn't in public. Something has to be seen in the days that follow. If Jermaine carries on his promotion tour - he is a bad human being besides just being a bad father. And if it is true can you imagine how upset Jermaine would be with Randy for spreading the news all over the world.

    This also reminds me about how they kids went to that big hotel room for thanksgiving unchaperoned - I did wonder who paid for it and how dangerous that was.

    The return of jafar is also an animation movie from 1994, in dutch it's translated "the revanch of jafar"the plot of the movie was also used in a videogame named kingdom hearts II <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    Geeeze, people. Have we learned nothing????? If you saw Jermaine's interview, he never used the words 'stun gun.' He was very vague about what happened and didn't seem the least bit concerned that his son could have tazered Blanket. The whole story is preposterous. Why would Randy call TMZ about something that is an internal family affair and give details? It makes no sense. Something is up, for sure.
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