Child Services at Encino Jacksons Home!!!



  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    ok people should stop calling jermaine a bad parent
    he obviously was trying to protect his son, wether it was the right way to do it or not is another thing...
    and I guess its a cultural thing but to me Jafaar is a child.
  • We have something interesting here...

    <!-- m --> ... d-custody/<!-- m -->

    Alejandra has been living in Katherine's home, along with Jaafar and Jermajesty, Genevieve and Randall -- the latter two kids were born during Alejandra's marriage to Randy Jackson, Jermaine's brother. Another minor, Dante, is living in the home -- a child the Jackson's essentially adopted. Add to that Michael Jackson's three kids, Prince, Paris and Blanket and 79-year-old Katherine is juggling responsibilities for 8 children.

    Who the f**k is Dante???
  • Sorry, but I have to get this off my chest - It's just amazing that every time Jermaine hits the news, he's bashed instantly... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • CrazyBananaCrazyBanana Posts: 745
    Sorry, but I have to get this off my chest - It's just amazing that every time Jermaine hits the news, he's bashed instantly... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I know eh! what if his kids are exposed to that, what if his kids read our posts?
    people on here bash him all the time, unless he gives a "clue" then theyre in love with him!
    sorry had to get this off my chest too -sighs-
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Yeah they were discussing this story on the Insider today. They said Jermaine's 13 yr old son ordered the stun gun and also they said that Omer Bhatti MJ's alleged son could have a second stun gun in the house. I find it strange that MJ kids haven't been really seen since the grammys but now you hear this crazy stun gun story. Everythime a story comes out about the Jacksons now it seems to get more and more outragious. I don't know what to think about this story. It almost seem like the Jacksons were in the tabloids so much in the past now they're creating their own drama. I wonder how many kids actually stay at the Encino compound because Jermaine's kids should be with their dad I would think. So Omer is still staying there too?
  • Assumptions, allegations, judgments, convictions...the story of Mike's life...
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    Maybe they were asked to get it for protection. Maybe it was an adults idea and they were teaching Prince how to use it.

    Do you think the kids are in danger and need this kind of protection?
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Did anyone see TMZ today? They asked Evan Ross what he thought about Jaffar & the tazer/stun gun, his reply was "I can't see Jaffar doing that. It's probably nothing & was blown way out of proportion". He seemed to think it was as ridiculous as we think it is & kind of said it was probably not true, in other words. Anyways, the whole story is strange & the fact that TMZ made fun of the kids pissed me off. They made fun of Jaffar & Jermajesty's names & then went on to make fun of Jermaine for naming them those names. They also said if they had tazed Blanket they'd have to change his name to "Electric Blanket" <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Like hello, he is a CHILD! He's only 8 years old & so small, do they not realize how badly he could have been hurt? & the fact that a 13 year old was allowed to purchase a tazer/stun gun?! WTF?!! & Jermaine, yeah Jaffar is his son but as his parent he should be angry that he was so irresponsible & that he could have hurt his baby cousin! What if it had been Jermajesty that was targeted would he say something then? & Why would Randy alert the media? That's so ridiculous. I think this story is made up, blown out of proportion or something's up. Also, I am not bashing Jermaine or Randy, but why is it that their kids live with Katherine? Why can't their kids live with them? Oh, sorry I forgot about Alejandra, never mind they live with their mother. Oops. & Sorry for this but to me Donte looks a lot like his "Grandpa" Joe. Just saying.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Maybe they were asked to get it for protection. Maybe it was an adults idea and they were teaching Prince how to use it.

    Do you think the kids are in danger and need this kind of protection?

    i don't think they got if fro protection, they were probably just buying them because they thought they were cool. If Omer has one too, I think it was just that he wanted one. & I don't know what's up with Omer but Jaffar is only 13, he probably wasn't thinking "I probably shouldn't be playing with one of these, I could hurt someone." He was probably like "that's so cool, i want one too" & maybe didn't know how dangerous they are & the extremely high voltage in one of those guns. That would have been the responsibility of the person who allowed him to order it or since Omer has one too, supposedly, as an adult he should have done or said something. This story is just so strange. You'd think people would teach their kids not to mess with things like that & certainly not to point them & use them on anyone, especially an 8 year old. But who knows these days?
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I take back what I said above. Jaafar just posted a new status on facebook, apologizing & saying that what is being reported is FALSE. I don't really want to repost his statuses but I'd rather have you all know the truth from the source, not the media. He is only 13, he has no reason to lie but of course he'd want to tell the truth since he is being made to look bad. Here is what he posted:

    <!-- m --> ... 199&ref=mf<!-- m --> Hey everyone. I know what you all are hearing but all of it is FALSE! I never tried to stun blanket or anyone else. Just on a piece of paper thats it. Prince Paris and Blanket hasnt seen or heard the stun gun at all. I am very sorry and disapointed for my actions. I hope you all forgive me.
  • Assumptions, allegations, judgments, convictions...the story of Mike's life...

    Totally agree, well said, Mo!I hope this tabloidtrashtalking will stop now!
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    We have something interesting here...

    <!-- m --> ... d-custody/<!-- m -->

    Alejandra has been living in Katherine's home, along with Jaafar and Jermajesty, Genevieve and Randall -- the latter two kids were born during Alejandra's marriage to Randy Jackson, Jermaine's brother. Another minor, Dante, is living in the home -- a child the Jackson's essentially adopted. Add to that Michael Jackson's three kids, Prince, Paris and Blanket and 79-year-old Katherine is juggling responsibilities for 8 children.

    Who the f**k is Dante???
    I read there were up to 14 people living there on and off. Where does Jermaine live?
  • The thing is Jermaine claims here in a Dutch interview that Jaafar bought it for him? Why does Jermaine needs stun gun in the first place and secondly who would ask his 13 year old son to buy one? That doesn't seem right!
    You can watch the video here; <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6637<!-- l -->

    I saw it, thanks for the link. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • We have something interesting here...

    <!-- m --> ... d-custody/<!-- m -->

    Alejandra has been living in Katherine's home, along with Jaafar and Jermajesty, Genevieve and Randall -- the latter two kids were born during Alejandra's marriage to Randy Jackson, Jermaine's brother. Another minor, Dante, is living in the home -- a child the Jackson's essentially adopted. Add to that Michael Jackson's three kids, Prince, Paris and Blanket and 79-year-old Katherine is juggling responsibilities for 8 children.

    Who the f**k is Dante???
    I read there were up to 14 people living there on and off. Where does Jermaine live?

    I thought the Jacksons lived in a compound ? like a cluster of houses on the same piece of land.I didn't think they all lived in the same house. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • Doesnt Jermaine have his own place with his wife? They showed his house on the Jackson Dynasty show????? Why are his kids living with Katherine?
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Assumptions, allegations, judgments, convictions...the story of Mike's life...

    THANK YOU!!!

    It's so sad to see Michael's family villified over and over again.
    We don't know everything.
    Only what's in the media.
    And judging people by how they're portrayed in the media is exactly what Michael has been fighting against his whole life.
    Doesnt Jermaine have his own place with his wife? They showed his house on the Jackson Dynasty show????? Why are his kids living with Katherine?

    Maybe because he's travelling a lot lately?

    Were his kids living there before June 25th?
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    Assumptions, allegations, judgments, convictions...the story of Mike's life...

    THANK YOU!!!

    It's so sad to see Michael's family villified over and over again.
    We don't know everything.
    Only what's in the media.
    And judging people by how they're portrayed in the media is exactly what Michael has been fighting against his whole life.
    Doesnt Jermaine have his own place with his wife? They showed his house on the Jackson Dynasty show????? Why are his kids living with Katherine?

    I agree with the first part. However, you ask why Jermaine's kids living with Katherine? Except as this may apply to the hoax investigation, IT IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS WHERE THESE KIDS LIVE, OR HOW THEIR PARENTS TREAT THEM. PERIOD. It is very troublesome to me that on this forum, where people are supposed to be MJ supporters, there is ANY discussion, opinion, or anything at all about the Jacksons' personal lives. Sorry to go off like this, but how would Michael feel if he read comments about his brothers' or mothers' parenting skills?

    Were his kids living there before June 25th?
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Jermain's son was seen hanging out today. Why wasn't he grounded?
  • rayvynrayvyn Posts: 139
    I take back what I said above. Jaafar just posted a new status on facebook, apologizing & saying that what is being reported is FALSE. I don't really want to repost his statuses but I'd rather have you all know the truth from the source, not the media. He is only 13, he has no reason to lie but of course he'd want to tell the truth since he is being made to look bad. Here is what he posted:

    <!-- m --> ... 199&ref=mf<!-- m --> Hey everyone. I know what you all are hearing but all of it is FALSE! I never tried to stun blanket or anyone else. Just on a piece of paper thats it. Prince Paris and Blanket hasnt seen or heard the stun gun at all. I am very sorry and disapointed for my actions. I hope you all forgive me.

    How do we know that's really Jafar's page? Lots of people pretending to be other people.
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    Jermain's son was seen hanging out today. Why wasn't he grounded?

    Because maybe the stuff that's on TMZ isn't true...
  • Assumptions, allegations, judgments, convictions...the story of Mike's life...

    THANK YOU!!!

    It's so sad to see Michael's family villified over and over again.
    We don't know everything.
    Only what's in the media.
    And judging people by how they're portrayed in the media is exactly what Michael has been fighting against his whole life.
    Doesnt Jermaine have his own place with his wife? They showed his house on the Jackson Dynasty show????? Why are his kids living with Katherine?

    I agree with the first part. However, you ask why Jermaine's kids living with Katherine? Except as this may apply to the hoax investigation, IT IS NONE OF OUR BUSINESS WHERE THESE KIDS LIVE, OR HOW THEIR PARENTS TREAT THEM. PERIOD. It is very troublesome to me that on this forum, where people are supposed to be MJ supporters, there is ANY discussion, opinion, or anything at all about the Jacksons' personal lives. Sorry to go off like this, but how would Michael feel if he read comments about his brothers' or mothers' parenting skills?

    Were his kids living there before June 25th?

    I never said a word about anyones parenting skills. But dont you wonder a little bit why all these kids are supposedly living with KJ when they have their own parents?
    I agreee, maybe they arent living there full time, but it does seem that a FEW of them are living there. One of the ex wives is living there too.....why would an ex wife live at her former mother in laws house?

    Its just conversation, and we're not the ones that started it anyways...TMZ did!
  • Jermain's son was seen hanging out today. Why wasn't he grounded?

    AHHH yesss..........being grounded. I remember those days!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
    I just had a thought......if it's part of the hoax....say the stun gun is to symbolize MJ....he will stun the world.....delivered to the encino home three weeks ago...he's back on the second floor....incident happened last night, March 1st...21 days ago was Feb 8th....what happened on that day hmmmm? Murray in court and autopsy report....crazy? Maybe But maybe the Bam that will STUN the world is near

    God I hope this is part of the hoax...I don't want to imagine this happening for real!

    That is EXACTLY what I thought too.

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->

    This fits perfectly. If you see the stun gun as symbolizing Michael, then I believe there were two guns. Maybe the one they found was the double/fake and confiscated it and the one that they either say isn't there or has been hidden, could be the real one. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    There are some big words coming out today:-

    - 'Connecting the dots' from the latest Jermaine interview about this event.
    - Randy tweeting about him not being the person who gave the inside info and that will be revealed soon.
    - Hoax death forum is printed as source for pictures of Debbie Row visiting FL and they gave a handy link for fans who may not have realized there may be a hoax. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> especially odd as the pictures were apparently first posted on a fans site, I think.

    Things are definitely getting bolder now, The first week in March seems to be eventful as the court calendar seemed to indicate.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    I just had a thought......if it's part of the hoax....say the stun gun is to symbolize MJ....he will stun the world.....delivered to the encino home three weeks ago...he's back on the second floor....incident happened last night, March 1st...21 days ago was Feb 8th....what happened on that day hmmmm? Murray in court and autopsy report....crazy? Maybe But maybe the Bam that will STUN the world is near

    God I hope this is part of the hoax...I don't want to imagine this happening for real!

    That is EXACTLY what I thought too.

    <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->

    This fits perfectly. If you see the stun gun as symbolizing Michael, then I believe there were two guns. Maybe the one they found was the double/fake and confiscated it and the one that they either say isn't there or has been hidden, could be the real one. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    There are some big words coming out today:-

    - 'Connecting the dots' from the latest Jermaine interview about this event.
    - Randy tweeting about him not being the person who gave the inside info and that will be revealed soon.
    - Hoax death forum is printed as source for pictures of Debbie Row visiting FL and they gave a handy link for fans who may not have realized there may be a hoax. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> especially odd as the pictures were apparently first posted on a fans site, I think.

    Things are definitely getting bolder now, The first week in March seems to be eventful as the court calendar seemed to indicate.

    I've made a new topic about the Jermaine article...I think it's worth it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Did you guys know that Jafaars birthday is July 25th??? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Just a little connection there....
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