Debbie Rowe at Forest Lawen



  • serendipityserendipity Posts: 143
    My heart is breaking...OMG! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    How come that ALL the evidence we gathered over the last 8.5 months of Mike being alive is gone and forgotten the moment something like this pops up? It keeps amazing me how people can stress out at moments like these and jump to conclusions...

    WHY did Debbie go to Forest Lawn, while she must have known she wasn't going to be allowed to enter the Mausoleum? Give me one good reason please...

    Come on folks...breath in...breath out...and relax...

    Amen to that!

    Praise the Lord - and anyone else who'll listen - agreed wholeheartedly.

    yup. just my thinking. either she's not in on it (which i think) or she was just overwhelmed of the fríendly welcome by the fans there. she was nervous to come out of the car and when she did, she was embraced, all that tension she felt over months - finally gone. i would cry, too, especially with all this circus going on. her every step is monitored, too. so she was just trying to get some peace, and she did. situations like that can cause tears too. if you feel everybody hates you and then find out they don't, that's a big knot that comes loose. considering that, it doesn't even matter if she's would be in on it or not. plus: you can't let everyone in on something as big as this, especially when you know someone loves you this much.
    i also think that she still madly loves mj and took some wrong turns cuz it all didn't work out like she imagined. her love was 'rejected', so she had her little 'payback' when she testified, most probably also because she might have started to miss her kids and noticed that this makes her unhappy. it's a big 'gift' to give someone children and know in advance you won't have the happy family lifeb to come along with that. my thinking is that she might have thought it would all change after the kids were born and they would live 'happily efter after'. it didn't; she signed the deal and had to go when the time came. that's some major pain right there. now carry that around with you for 10+ years...and still loving the other one the same. pressure, frustration, depression...the overall loss, it just all came lose in that moment.

    don't panic! it's all still good! we're still 'on schedule'! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    I still think that Michael is alive. debbie looks sad yes, maybe one from the family told her to visit Forest Lawn, so that everybody can see, that hey ! The family do visit Michael.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    I still think that Michael is alive. debbie looks sad yes, maybe one from the family told her to visit Forest Lawn, so that everybody can see, that hey ! The family do visit Michael.

    that, too. she gotta show herself, too. since it's all for l.o.v.e. anyway <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • ni-co-leni-co-le Posts: 535
    To me the clues are winning from the fact that debbie rowe cries at forrest lawn, but i dont know why she really cries maybe to much emotions to deal with ? I am very emotional to since june 25 2009 ,i cry al the time if something gets just a little to much ...its hard to deal with everything what is going on dont you agree ? i can be wrong offcourse <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Hmmm i think Debbie would know about the hoax cause i think she will still be talking to her kids.
    I think this is it people. We have to accept that Michael is dead.
    God has given the world an angel and the world abused the angel. Now God took his angel back.
    Farewell Michael... rest in peace <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    This why I distrust in God.
    Sure Michael was abused but God taken him too soon. WAY TOO SOON!!!

    Please don't distrust God. It's not God's fault what happened, it's man's fault.
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    Of course she knows about hoax. Why she chose March 3? She knew fans will be at Lawn that day. It didn't convince me. I need more prooves! After 8 month you start doubting of someones cry? Pff.. Keep hope alive.
  • Of course she knows about hoax. Why she chose March 3? She knew fans will be at Lawn that day. It didn't convince me. I need more prooves! After 8 month you start doubting of someones cry? Pff.. Keep hope alive.

    I think the same.
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    Of course she knows about hoax. Why she chose March 3? She knew fans will be at Lawn that day. It didn't convince me. I need more prooves! After 8 month you start doubting of someones cry? Pff.. Keep hope alive.

    I think the same.
    Yes, it's the same group of fans that visits every month the third...<!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I don't know what to think no more. But I've started to think that we're all in a game of someone(s)! Who are these TMZ, and TIAI? All of them are trying hard to convince us that he's alive. Why didn't TMZ showed these pictures? Who are these people and are they paid? TIAI wrote that Michael was going to come back on Halloween but then it was delayed and then they wrote that after Jan. 25th the delay is not going to be that long. But today they redirect a picture of 4th of July celebration! What does it mean? Now they delay the comeback to 4th of July? Why would Michael delay the comeback from 2009 Halloween to 2010 July? He would think that we were suffering a lot by these Murray case, his brothers calling us crazy and Randy's tweets. They all look very real and he would think about us and what we would feel about all of these. There's one more thing that bugs me all the time. I hope this is not disrespectful because that's NOT my intention. And I hope I don't get banned but I have to ask it. Why Souza and Mo created a hoax forum since they're NOT even fans? I appreciate their hard work and read their blogs with a big interest. But still I don't get why random people who are not even fans create a hoax forum and make all these investigations, write detailed long blogs? Are these people TMZ, TIAI, Souza and Mo trying to make us believe that he is alive and if it so why? I don't know you guys but I don't feel good about it no more <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Speaking of beLIEve...Stevanna, Genevieve, Donte & Jaafar all have formspring (it's a site where people can ask you any questions & you answer them. I know they are real because all of their facebooks are verified & that's where they have the links to their formsprings. Anyways, on Jaafar's someone said beLIEve & his reply was...."no". Does he know what that means? He just replies no & nothing else, like he knows what it means.

    Debbie is very sincere and caring person. She always loved and cared about Michael. She wouldn't fake her greif because IMO there is no hoax. Just because family did not show his body doesn't mean he is alive. And other strange things that happened with everything with MJ's death is nothing strange, just some people jumped in denial and looking for something in everything to support their believe that he is alive. Too bad that all this energy is wasted on something that is not there instead of looking for justice for Michael.
    As for Genevieve, her formspring page is here:
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  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    I have the height of respect for Debbie Rowe, She gave Michael the children he wanted so much & Michael knew he could trust her & to this very day Michael can still trust her... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Of all the people out there speaking about Michael she is not one of them & I believe she truely loves Michael, If I was at F.L I would have given her the biggest hug, We all now have a much bigger insight into the life that Michael had to endure & Debbie was a part of it......
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Speaking of beLIEve...Stevanna, Genevieve, Donte & Jaafar all have formspring (it's a site where people can ask you any questions & you answer them. I know they are real because all of their facebooks are verified & that's where they have the links to their formsprings. Anyways, on Jaafar's someone said beLIEve & his reply was...."no". Does he know what that means? He just replies no & nothing else, like he knows what it means.

    Debbie is very sincere and caring person. She always loved and cared about Michael. She wouldn't fake her greif because IMO there is no hoax. Just because family did not show his body doesn't mean he is alive. And other strange things that happened with everything with MJ's death is nothing strange, just some people jumped in denial and looking for something in everything to support their believe that he is alive. Too bad that all this energy is wasted on something that is not there instead of looking for justice for Michael.
    As for Genevieve, her formspring page is here:
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    Forgive me but if, in your HO there is no hoax, perhaps you should review why you come to this HOAX site. Not meaning to sound rude or anything but if you are suggesting we are in denial, then may I suggest you join those who believe MJ is dead.
  • I don't know what to think no more. But I've started to think that we're all in a game of someone(s)! Who are these TMZ, and TIAI? All of them are trying hard to convince us that he's alive. Why didn't TMZ showed these pictures? Who are these people and are they paid? TIAI wrote that Michael was going to come back on Halloween but then it was delayed and then they wrote that after Jan. 25th the delay is not going to be that long. But today they redirect a picture of 4th of July celebration! What does it mean? Now they delay the comeback to 4th of July? Why would Michael delay the comeback from 2009 Halloween to 2010 July? He would think that we were suffering a lot by these Murray case, his brothers calling us crazy and Randy's tweets. They all look very real and he would think about us and what we would feel about all of these. There's one more thing that bugs me all the time. I hope this is not disrespectful because that's NOT my intention. And I hope I don't get banned but I have to ask it. Why Souza and Mo created a hoax forum since they're NOT even fans? I appreciate their hard work and read their blogs with a big interest. But still I don't get why random people who are not even fans create a hoax forum and make all these investigations, write detailed long blogs? Are these people TMZ, TIAI, Souza and Mo trying to make us believe that he is alive and if it so why? I don't know you guys but I don't feel good about it no more <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    I think that there's no need to be a fan to think that this is interesting and want to know the truth, it's like if you wanna know the story of the inquisition, you don't have to be a fan of Torquemada! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I don't know what to think no more. But I've started to think that we're all in a game of someone(s)! Who are these TMZ, and TIAI? All of them are trying hard to convince us that he's alive. Why didn't TMZ showed these pictures? Who are these people and are they paid? TIAI wrote that Michael was going to come back on Halloween but then it was delayed and then they wrote that after Jan. 25th the delay is not going to be that long. But today they redirect a picture of 4th of July celebration! What does it mean? Now they delay the comeback to 4th of July? Why would Michael delay the comeback from 2009 Halloween to 2010 July? He would think that we were suffering a lot by these Murray case, his brothers calling us crazy and Randy's tweets. They all look very real and he would think about us and what we would feel about all of these. There's one more thing that bugs me all the time. I hope this is not disrespectful because that's NOT my intention. And I hope I don't get banned but I have to ask it. Why Souza and Mo created a hoax forum since they're NOT even fans? I appreciate their hard work and read their blogs with a big interest. But still I don't get why random people who are not even fans create a hoax forum and make all these investigations, write detailed long blogs? Are these people TMZ, TIAI, Souza and Mo trying to make us believe that he is alive and if it so why? I don't know you guys but I don't feel good about it no more <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I'm sure they get paid for what they doing, their job is to keep this site hot and bring more traffic and more money. That's why they bashing everyone who has different opinion or trying to challenge them with logic to some crazy theories they post.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    I don't believe she's in the hoax. She wanted back into MJ's life and for some reason, Michael didn't let her, so why should she be a part of the fake death??
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    Hey guys, today it's the fourth of March, 4+3 = 7...... again the damn nr. 7.
  • MJLive2010MJLive2010 Posts: 139
    This is sad sure <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> but dont lose hope this is all part of a plan believe me .

  • Venus7,

    Im just gonna come out and say this. Im REALLY tired of your crap. All you do is continue to berate and mock and belittle people who believe...and your previous post clearly tells me you think MJ is dead. There are other boards for people like you. Please do not post anymore...I believe you have already been warned by Mo and Souza about your negativity, not only towards the hoax but towards other members as well. Every single post of yours that I have read has been nothing but negativity. If you dont like the atmosphere here, then please leave.
    Are you like this is everyday life with your friends and family? Do you knock THEM down if they dont agree with something?

    I think you have a serious attitude problem.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641 know that this is part of the plan.......HOW...???????
  • Speaking of beLIEve...Stevanna, Genevieve, Donte & Jaafar all have formspring (it's a site where people can ask you any questions & you answer them. I know they are real because all of their facebooks are verified & that's where they have the links to their formsprings. Anyways, on Jaafar's someone said beLIEve & his reply was...."no". Does he know what that means? He just replies no & nothing else, like he knows what it means.

    Debbie is very sincere and caring person. She always loved and cared about Michael. She wouldn't fake her greif because IMO there is no hoax. Just because family did not show his body doesn't mean he is alive. And other strange things that happened with everything with MJ's death is nothing strange, just some people jumped in denial and looking for something in everything to support their believe that he is alive. Too bad that all this energy is wasted on something that is not there instead of looking for justice for Michael.
    As for Genevieve, her formspring page is here:
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    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    Sorry but I dont understand why you are here.. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> when you clearly believe Michael is dead <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I do not understand at all <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • This is sad sure <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> but dont lose hope this is all part of a plan believe me .


    I agree with you MICHEL IS ALIVE 100%
  • Stop pretending that all of you belive 100% that MJ is alive when all of you have your own doubts, you just affraid to say it loud. Because whoever runs this site are here to brainwash you, you are tools in their hands just to draw more traffic here.
  • Keep it up Venus...
  • Of course she knows about hoax. Why she chose March 3? She knew fans will be at Lawn that day. It didn't convince me. I need more prooves! After 8 month you start doubting of someones cry? Pff.. Keep hope alive.

    Yes . . . I agree! Of all days to choose to visit Forrest Lawn, it's suspicious that she comes on the 3rd of the month when all of MJ's fans also visit. Great photo op! Please guys, don't stop BeLIEving!
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