Debbie Rowe at Forest Lawen



  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    How come that ALL the evidence we gathered over the last 8.5 months of Mike being alive is gone and forgotten the moment something like this pops up? It keeps amazing me how people can stress out at moments like these and jump to conclusions...

    WHY did Debbie go to Forest Lawn, while she must have known she wasn't going to be allowed to enter the Mausoleum? Give me one good reason please...

    Come on folks...breath in...breath out...and relax...

    amen ! i have billy jean on highest volume and dancing on the carpet now ! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I think for everyone there is going to be something that is posted that gives them their personal closure. After all there is going to be something that arises that will cause each poster to draw their own conclusions as to when they need to believe MJ is gone & that is perfectly understandable IMO.

    Now, insofar as to the "why" debbie would visit even though she knew she could not actually enter the mausoleum, the answer is that it is as close as they can get. I don't find that strange in any way.

    Some individuals here have stated they will close their hoax when CM is in jail & some have various other reasons, but as I stated they will be a reason. I'm not sure it matter which reason they choose.

    Speaking for myself, I intend to stay until the truth prevails.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    Speaking of beLIEve...Stevanna, Genevieve, Donte & Jaafar all have formspring (it's a site where people can ask you any questions & you answer them. I know they are real because all of their facebooks are verified & that's where they have the links to their formsprings. Anyways, on Jaafar's someone said beLIEve & his reply was...."no". Does he know what that means? He just replies no & nothing else, like he knows what it means.

    Debbie is very sincere and caring person. She always loved and cared about Michael. She wouldn't fake her greif because IMO there is no hoax. Just because family did not show his body doesn't mean he is alive. And other strange things that happened with everything with MJ's death is nothing strange, just some people jumped in denial and looking for something in everything to support their believe that he is alive. Too bad that all this energy is wasted on something that is not there instead of looking for justice for Michael.
    As for Genevieve, her formspring page is here:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    i´m reading... but i found this in this page you give

    When you think about your uncle Michael, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
    how loving he is and how great he is..and how much i miss him, his spirit was wonderful

    6 weeks ago
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Of course she knows about hoax. Why she chose March 3? She knew fans will be at Lawn that day. It didn't convince me. I need more prooves! After 8 month you start doubting of someones cry? Pff.. Keep hope alive.
    Was just about to post same then saw yours. Absolutely. There's no such thing as coincidences.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    and this...
    why dont you answer from anonymous people with BIG questions? is it because you know we know the truth? dm me on twitter
    huh lol
  • ^^^^^^ IS IS IS IS IS IS <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Debbie was a witness for the prosecution.

    Court Transcript April 27 2005: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Court Transcript April 28 2005: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I don't see why Debbie would be in the know of the hoax.

    I agree, Mo. Michael always made it clear that he loved Debbie very much and she was a very special friend. However, she already betrayed him during the trial, and even though she is the "mother" of his children she has made it clear that she doesn't want to play the mother role. Not judging her, I think she is a brave person to have children for someone and give them up to him. I'm just saying, I don't think this is reason enough for everyone to give up on the hoax. It seems like people are giving up really easily lately. I know we're all feeling a bit like we belong in the looney bin, and sometimes it's all exhausting, but just remind yourself of all the clues and reasons to still believe. They are still there. And not just for the sake of believing either. For the sake of truth. There is a reason for this entire thing. If something doesn't add up, it simply doesn't add up. It's up to us to not let the media or anyone fool us and keep searching for the truth.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I just want to put out there that I do not like people critizing and bitching about our admins. I see the way that Mo and Souza try to lift the spirits of people and encourage them when they are overwhelmed and losing heart. They have a big responsibility to people here in that some of us are quite young . If people aren't happy, they don't have to visit this site. I would just ask us to be kind to each other. And especially our admins. They put in a lot of effort and I for one appreciate and love this site. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I just want to put out there that I do not like people critizing and bitching about our admins. I see the way that Mo and Souza try to lift the spirits of people and encourage them when they are overwhelmed and losing heart. They have a big responsibility to people here in that some of us are quite young . If people aren't happy, they don't have to visit this site. I would just ask us to be kind to each other. And especially our admins. They put in a lot of effort and I for one appreciate and love this site. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Dont worry....I'll let Mo tell you guys the outcome of this particular person....
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    It wasn't Debbie's first visit to FL

    I felt her body rattle from sobs as she hugged back. Her grief and sorrow moved through me like a knife into my own heart.

    This was not her first visit to Forest Lawn she told us, but it was the first time she had been there when fans were present. Having not been invited to Michael's funeral, understandably, personal time at his resting place has helped to fill the void of that experience in some way.
    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • ChamoneChamone Posts: 272
    Poor Debbie. This is heartbreaking. I feel for her.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    I don't think that Debbie is in on the hoax,IMO only a few, really a few people are aware of it,though i have no doubt that she loved Michael very much and for Mike she was a good friend, i dont think that Michael would have told her about faking his death,this is not a reason to lose the faith,i believe that he's alive and thats it
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Still it makes me think, wouldn't it be so cruel not to let your kids' mother about the hoax? Maybe they weren't in touch for a long time but still, she's his 2 kids' mother and the one who gave the biggest gift in this world. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • There's one more thing that bugs me all the time. I hope this is not disrespectful because that's NOT my intention. And I hope I don't get banned but I have to ask it. Why Souza and Mo created a hoax forum since they're NOT even fans? I appreciate their hard work and read their blogs with a big interest. But still I don't get why random people who are not even fans create a hoax forum and make all these investigations, write detailed long blogs? Are these people TMZ, TIAI, Souza and Mo trying to make us believe that he is alive and if it so why? I don't know you guys but I don't feel good about it no more <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If you don't feel comfortable here because you think we are deceiving you, then you're free to leave.
  • BellexxBellexx Posts: 166
    I just read the article on But why this:

    The emotional gathering occurred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park -- where a bunch of Michael Jackson fans meet on the third day of every month and bring cards, gifts and letters from fans around the world ... this according to

    Turns out Debbie -- Michael's ex-wife -- showed up to Forest Lawn as the meeting was in full swing, and started hugging MJ's fans and crying.

    More Michael Jackson


    Read more: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    ?? Because this site was their source?
  • I just read the article on But why this:

    The emotional gathering occurred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park -- where a bunch of Michael Jackson fans meet on the third day of every month and bring cards, gifts and letters from fans around the world ... this according to

    Turns out Debbie -- Michael's ex-wife -- showed up to Forest Lawn as the meeting was in full swing, and started hugging MJ's fans and crying.

    More Michael Jackson


    Read more: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    ?? Because this site was their source?

    AH-HA!!!! TMZ is SO busted!!!!!!! They DO read us!!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    There's one more thing that bugs me all the time. I hope this is not disrespectful because that's NOT my intention. And I hope I don't get banned but I have to ask it. Why Souza and Mo created a hoax forum since they're NOT even fans? I appreciate their hard work and read their blogs with a big interest. But still I don't get why random people who are not even fans create a hoax forum and make all these investigations, write detailed long blogs? Are these people TMZ, TIAI, Souza and Mo trying to make us believe that he is alive and if it so why? I don't know you guys but I don't feel good about it no more <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If you don't feel comfortable here because you think we are deceiving you, then you're free to leave.

    Why don't you make a simple explanation instead of telling people to leave? I said that I appreciate your work and so but I was just trying to understand why random people make this forum and all the investigation. Because if I was not a fan I would never ever do such a work. But it's me ofcourse. I was trying to learn your point of view.
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    I just read the article on But why this:

    The emotional gathering occurred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park -- where a bunch of Michael Jackson fans meet on the third day of every month and bring cards, gifts and letters from fans around the world ... this according to

    Turns out Debbie -- Michael's ex-wife -- showed up to Forest Lawn as the meeting was in full swing, and started hugging MJ's fans and crying.

    More Michael Jackson


    Read more: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    ?? Because this site was their source?

    It's weird indeed. Wondering why they mentioned death hoax forum...
  • BellexxBellexx Posts: 166
    I just read the article on But why this:

    The emotional gathering occurred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park -- where a bunch of Michael Jackson fans meet on the third day of every month and bring cards, gifts and letters from fans around the world ... this according to

    Turns out Debbie -- Michael's ex-wife -- showed up to Forest Lawn as the meeting was in full swing, and started hugging MJ's fans and crying.

    More Michael Jackson


    Read more: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    ?? Because this site was their source?

    It's weird indeed. Wondering why they mentioned death hoax forum...
    If it isn't a hoax, it really doesn't make sense. but IF it's a hoax (what we all know..) it makes sense!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I can not view TMZ's page. Is there someone else?
  • MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316

    TMZ <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    WHY NOOOOOT MJJC????? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • There's one more thing that bugs me all the time. I hope this is not disrespectful because that's NOT my intention. And I hope I don't get banned but I have to ask it. Why Souza and Mo created a hoax forum since they're NOT even fans? I appreciate their hard work and read their blogs with a big interest. But still I don't get why random people who are not even fans create a hoax forum and make all these investigations, write detailed long blogs? Are these people TMZ, TIAI, Souza and Mo trying to make us believe that he is alive and if it so why? I don't know you guys but I don't feel good about it no more <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If you don't feel comfortable here because you think we are deceiving you, then you're free to leave.

    Why don't you make a simple explanation instead of telling people to leave? I said that I appreciate your work and so but I was just trying to understand why random people make this forum and all the investigation. Because if I was not a fan I would never ever do such a work. But it's me ofcourse. I was trying to learn your point of view.

    First of all - why do we have to be fans to investigate this hoax...? I really don't understand why that is a requirement to be interested in this whole matter. Second - we have explained this several times already, but here we go again:

    We are not fans, so what are we doing here?

    We are not here to find him.
    We are here to speak up for someone that can't speak up for himself now.
    We are here to report all the shit that the mainstream media has ignored or mis reported.
    We are here to support someone that needs support.
    We are here to give members a platform to discuss this matter.
    We are here for him and we will defend him to the bone, whether you want to believe it or not.

    If you want to reply to my post, then please do it through PM. I don't think this thread is the appropriate place to have this conversation.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Stop pretending that all of you belive 100% that MJ is alive when all of you have your own doubts, you just affraid to say it loud. Because whoever runs this site are here to brainwash you, you are tools in their hands just to draw more traffic here.

    I agree. As much as we wish our hero to be alive and OK, we don't know for sure that he is. If we'd know Michael indeed hoaxed his death, we wouldn't need this website.
  • _Dangerous__Dangerous_ Posts: 362
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    There's one more thing that bugs me all the time. I hope this is not disrespectful because that's NOT my intention. And I hope I don't get banned but I have to ask it. Why Souza and Mo created a hoax forum since they're NOT even fans? I appreciate their hard work and read their blogs with a big interest. But still I don't get why random people who are not even fans create a hoax forum and make all these investigations, write detailed long blogs? Are these people TMZ, TIAI, Souza and Mo trying to make us believe that he is alive and if it so why? I don't know you guys but I don't feel good about it no more <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    If you don't feel comfortable here because you think we are deceiving you, then you're free to leave.

    Why don't you make a simple explanation instead of telling people to leave? I said that I appreciate your work and so but I was just trying to understand why random people make this forum and all the investigation. Because if I was not a fan I would never ever do such a work. But it's me ofcourse. I was trying to learn your point of view.

    First of all - why do we have to be fans to investigate this hoax...? I really don't understand why that is a requirement to be interested in this whole matter. Second - we have explained this several times already, but here we go again:

    We are not fans, so what are we doing here?

    We are not here to find him.
    We are here to speak up for someone that can't speak up for himself now.
    We are here to report all the shit that the mainstream media has ignored or mis reported.
    We are here to support someone that needs support.
    We are here to give members a platform to discuss this matter.
    We are here for him and we will defend him to the bone, whether you want to believe it or not.

    If you want to reply to my post, then please do it through PM. I don't think this thread is the appropriate place to have this conversation.

    Thank you. This is all I was asking. Thanx for replying.
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