



    Do we think BOTH of THESE are just COINCIDENCES??

    The Timing]Michael's STAR[/u]: There just "happens" to be scaffolding on Michael's star, due to a "movie" being filmed...that apparently CAN'T be moved for the BIGGEST STAR ON fans move on over to the OTHER MICHAEL JACKSON'S star to pay him tribute... (big hint??!!)
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    OK we go.

    We all know that there were two different hat men (1 at memorial and 1 at burial), Blonde lady at memorial, ,,,,,,and the man at the Grammy Award Ceremony right?

    SOme of us say they were all MJ some of us say ummmmm

    1) Before we can say None of these people were MJ did we ever find out who they really were? I mean who is the hatman (two different ones!) and who is the grammy man ,who are all these people? Who is the blonde at the memorial doing her thumbs up?

    2) Why in the hell does Latoya speak of the investigation sorrounding MJ"s death as a MAGIC TRICK?

    3) WHy was the LAX airport really shut down that day of June 25th?

    4) Why is Conrad Murray being treated like a celebrity? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    ? Why on the first day, Joe Jackson said the doc called him and said Michael was unconscience and Joe said to call paramedics? This info has disappeared.
    ? Why we first day were told, Michael was dancing in the livingroom with Prince and collapsed? This info has disappeared.
    ? Why next we were told, Michael was "found" (how do you "find" someone who was being watched?) in his bed unconscience? Then, he was found in murray's room on the floor!!! How'd he get on the floor, and WHY was he put in the bed to do the cpr that they said was being done in the bed on the phone. ??
    ? Why was family members allowed to go into Michael's home immediately, and thus things were taken out, as in the surv. tape, and songs written (and we now HAVE the biggest recording contract in history!!)
    ? Why didn't anyone see the children leave the home to go say goodbye to Daddy as was reported they were there at the hospital by Branca, who broke the death news to them. But, the streets were under siege and no one saw the leave?? And it also was reported first day, that they were not in the house, but with Katherine, who also, was at the hospital????? But, no one saw her there with the kids either???
    Couldn't this go on and on and on???? But, even from the first day, we all knew our Michael's plan. I knew back in his TII announcement from a different ROOM than the tv, that it wasn't MICHAEL!!!!
    But, Jah be with Michael, and I pray Michael is holding Jah in his heart.
  • Hello! I have asked this already in the thread - Ed Chernoff on Good America- but I got no reply yet. So I try in here again: Didnt Ed Chernoff work together with Tom Mesereau for a brief time during Michaels trial in 2005? Does anybody know?
    And again: Is anybody in here living in or near Houston and has actually seen CM working? Sorry, I just cant imagine him working and walking around without being molested in some way.

    Wow, that would be amazing!
    Can you provide a link to that thread here to follow this issue there?
  • valerie68valerie68 Posts: 19
    Hello! I have asked this already in the thread - Ed Chernoff on Good America- but I got no reply yet. So I try in here again: Didnt Ed Chernoff work together with Tom Mesereau for a brief time during Michaels trial in 2005? Does anybody know?
    And again: Is anybody in here living in or near Houston and has actually seen CM working? Sorry, I just cant imagine him working and walking around without being molested in some way.

    Wow, that would be amazing!
    Can you provide a link to that thread here to follow this issue there?

    Somebody mentioned this in another forum (german). I was hoping someone of the hoax investigators in here would know. I'll try to get some more info about it myself.
  • That would be lovely, and it would worth a thread...
  • onemoretimeonemoretime Posts: 114
    - Why is a medical doctor, who is supposed to have studied and read many books, not able to speak properly and say "Datroot" and "Dafeit" instead of "the truth" and "the faith"?
    - Is he really a doctor?
    - Is he an actor to play the victim of false allegations (like Michael was), and we shall be trapped to believe him to be a murderer? And they tell us in the end: See, how easily you believe everything the media writes.
    - Was it a show in the courtroom with the toy-judge, and they all fooled us into believing, or was it real?
    - Will the doctor ever be charged with having commited a crime?
    - Will he be sentenced to four years, 20 years, life imprisonment, or nothing at all?
    - How does he make a living now?
    - Who pays him his expenses? His child support obligations?
    - Why has none of his girl-friends sold their story to a magazine so far?
    - Is the doctor going to write / writing his memoirs?
    - What does he know, that we don't?
    - Where is he now?
    - Would you call him, if you or someone you know had a heart attack?
    - Would you trust him and be his patient and pay him for his services?
  • Here is something that should be considered.

    Michael Jackson Alive (The weird List) Part I is a great youtube video for information about the death hoax because these videos point out questions that no one can answer.

    1. The 911 Caller was calling from a hotel, if the 911 caller was calling from a hotel and the 911 caller asked Doctor Conrad Murray if he had seen what happened, then how was the 911 caller and Doctor Conrad Murray BOTH with Michael Jackson if Michael Jackson was suppose to be dead at his house?

    This is something that is looked over, but this should be the thing that convinces most that this is a hoax. The question is, WHO is really with Michael Jackson at the house at the time he "died" if the 911 caller was at a hotel with Doctor Conrad Murray?

    The transcripts on the computer from the paramedics read from a place at 9641 Sunset BL, a hotel in Beverly Hills. (This video shows PROOF of those trnascripts <!-- m --><!-- m --> )

    Toward the end of that video.

    This information alone is enough in our humble opinion to believe that Michael Jackson is still alive.
  • was it just coincidence that.....
    joe jackson wore a red tie yesterday to court
    conrad murray wore a yellow tie yesaterday to court...

    For years yellow ribbons were worn as a sign of hope as women waited from their men to come marching home from war. Today, they are still used to welcome home loved ones.

    I'm comin' home, I've done my time
    Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine
    If you received my letter telin' you I'd soon be free
    Then you'll know just what to do if you still want me
    If you still want me

    Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the old oak tree
    It's been three long years
    Do you still want me?
    If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree
    I'll stay on the bus
    Forget about us
    Put the blame on me
    If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree

    Bus driver, please look for me
    'Cause I couldn't bear to see what I might see
    I'm really still in prison, and my love she holds the key
    A simple yellow ribbon's what I need to set me free
    I wrote and told her please:

    Now the whole damn bus is cheering
    And I can't believe I see
    A hundred yellow ribbons 'round the old oak tree
    I'm comin' home

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Its probably not the reason at all. But i always think of that song when i see Murray's good ol' yella tie <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • onemoretimeonemoretime Posts: 114
    I was reading the Thaiindian News again. So there has some research taken place concerning CM and others,
    and now I have questions to the facts stated in the comments:
    The commentator speaks of death threats she/others has/have received. Why does she or others get them if she /others isn't/aren't telling the truth?
    Are there really big rude African guys with a bad accent shoving Michael into dark limos? And
    Were they breaking witnesses' phones, who tried to get into contact with Michael and talked to him?
    Is Michael then still in real danger now?
    Are they kidnappers who need him alive to get to his accounts as stated there?
    Are the witness reports on sightings-sites, where people claim and swear to have seen Michael (with the gang of big rough men with hats and sunglasses) on airports, post-offices, in a village, in Ottawa, Miami, the UK ..., true or false?
    Is the clumsy teddy-bear-like CM a good guy, or is he evil with bad intentions and a killer-instinct?
    Shall we ever find out anything in this never-ending thriller?
    How serious is the "hoax"?
    Michael, where are you? Please, give us a sign, that is undoubtedly yours, if you can, can you?
  • britney7britney7 Posts: 3
    I can most assuredly tell you that there is, in fact, a KFC nearby and a BBQ joint as well.
  • chiarawebchiaraweb Posts: 40
    Why did Michael choose to do a concert called 'This is it' and not include this song?

    You read my mind with this question
  • chiarawebchiaraweb Posts: 40
    is micheal free for dinner next saturday please.?

    Great question <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Why Has the 911 call done late at night when Michael supposedly died Mid morning?
    Why June 25th?
    Why did Jermaine said "AIRPORT" instead Of "Hospital"?
    Why did Orianthi had tweeted in her Twitter about Neverland when SUDDENLY, we realised she deleted her the latter (Tweet)?
    Does Sneddon have a brain?
    Coca cola????
    Why did TMZ Talked about a red Casket when we know Gold and red is A REAL difference?
    Why this Poll down the report about Michael's casket?
    Why "This is it" and not another tour name?

    (Some questions may have been answered but I wanted just to suggest)
  • Thank you for posting this video. I hadn't seen this one before and I really needed to see Michael joyful, happy and smiling tonight. I pray he is feeling this way again soon.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    will there be one hell of a party at your house, after this is all over micheal..????? mines a white wine please.....xxxxx
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I have a question and I was not sure where to ask it but does anyone have a CLEAR photo of Michael and Conrad Murray together and I dont want the suspect probably not Murray shot of Michael and Jermaine coming from court or wherever with the Murray-esque looking dude behind them. I think that dude's chin is too thick and hanging down, not Murray IMO. But I would like to see a clear unquestionable shot of Michael with Murray and until I see one I have to wonder about something very interesting.....
  • jenwren20jenwren20 Posts: 282
    ok, so this has been bugging me for a while.
    If TII concert was going to feature "thriller", "smooth criminal" and "earth song" vids in 3D, how come when it was released on DVD/blue ray they weren't in the special features full length and 3D glasses provided??????
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    my question for today........
    is anybody EVER going to answer this very long list of questions.??????
  • Why first reports were talking about taking MJ to Cedar Sinai instead of UCLA?
    Where did they take him to?
    If it was to UCLA... why not Cedar when it´s one of the best on cardio?
    Where they misleading our attention?
  • so if mike supposedly had an anesthesiologist on a tour to put him out , why not have one this time instead of a cardiologist.?

    also if he's been at this for a very long period of time , what are the odds he wouldn't have been dead long before june 25?
  • Is This Is It just a preview of what we were to expect later on?
    Who knows what's going through Michael's mind when HE is the director?
  • Where are the security tapes from his villa of the day he passed?
    that is exactly what i would like to know as well
    latoya- fully trained police"WOMAN"
  • Thank you for posting this video. I hadn't seen this one before and I really needed to see Michael joyful, happy and smiling tonight. I pray he is feeling this way again soon.

    All the pleasure is mine. This video is my singature and I love to see Michael Happy too <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I'm wishing the same thing for Michael, I hopping he's enjoying his break and that he is doing well.
  • Spam alert forumwide! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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