I think you need to see this....



  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    ^ Erm, that ancient bust they're talking about in that ugly article is not of Tut.. and that sounds to me like another Wacko Jacko nonsense story about how he wants to cut up his face with surgery.. ugh. I still don't see the point of the Tut links, though they're interesting.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    All clues, leads and weird news articles are slowly but surely merging and converging into the one stream. There's a thread with a vid by a member that goes into how Bashir and MJ are working together to portray exactly what MJ wished. Sometimes it gets hard for me and my lazy brain.
  • LaLove09LaLove09 Posts: 120
    I just remembered something.
    King Tut was in the news again (CNN) some months ago...

    <!-- m -->http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/health ... =allsearch<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/living ... =allsearch<!-- m -->

    There are a few more over there, too.
    These new findings
    changes the story/script.
    IDK to what magnitude though.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    A little conclusion:
    According to court complaint, Michael residence besides LV and LA, is Bahrain. So, MJ must be there. Since MJ wanted to live forever, as he told Bashir, he could not let himself to die from propofol or other medication overdose. He fears of dying. He is in the middle of filming movie and death, memorial, burial, courts, and investigation are part of it.
    Genious, I like this version.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    There was an article I read on TNZ not TMZ around the end of last year and it had a cartoon drawing by MJ featuring Paul Mac and Mike pulling a girl drawn in the style of Olive Oil from popeye and the heading above was changed from the girl is mine to become the cush is mine. I'm having trouble finding the article at present, but in their criptic and satirical way, the writers went on to say that the ancient land of Cush is located next to Egypt and went into the troubles that are escallating over there and something about MJ declaring himself the rightful King of the area. Egypt, King Tut and MJ just made me think of that article again.
  • wildswilds Posts: 198

    "I think you need to see this....

    by THE JACKSONOLOGIST » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:22" pm
    222 or 2222 In the middle of the proces of resurrection or the proces of ascension
    A little conclusion:
    According to court complaint, Michael residence besides LV and LA, is Bahrain. So, MJ must be there. Since MJ wanted to live forever, as he told Bashir, he could not let himself to die from propofol or other medication overdose. He fears of dying. He is in the middle of filming movie and death, memorial, burial, courts, and investigation are part of it.
    Genious, I like this version.

    All of this is so amazing, I can hardly believe it! More and more clues are pointing towards a hoax being planned years ahead of time - indeed genius
  • MerkabaMerkaba Posts: 29
    Michael is such a perfect Tut <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Now I haven´t read all, so please forgive me if I write something you´ve allready read.

    But if you look into the esoteric egyptology and see what happened in the pyramids, you´ve might get some enlightment! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    <!-- m -->http://interoz.com/egypt/Osiriscu.htm<!-- m -->
    At this point, it is important to understand what the Egyptians believed about the spirit of beings. There were three forms of spirits to each being: the akh, ba, and ka. As mentioned above, the akh was the name given to the form that the dead existed in. This form was immortal and unchanging. It is this form that traveled to the underworld. The ba, represented as a human headed bird, was the form released at death. It is often called the soul, incorrectly. It was actually considered a being’s personality or character. Finally, the ka was the form considered to be the double of a being, both spiritually and physically. The ka was created at birth by the god Khnum on his potter’s wheel. The ka could be released in dreams while a being was alive, but was finally released at death. It is symbolized by a pair of upraised arms. At one’s death, the ka and the ba traveled to join each other in the next world. Once this was done, the being could become an akh, and take the form of the dead that existed among the gods.
  • julietjuliet Posts: 491
    THE JACKSONOLOGIST, thank you for opening this thread & thank you for all the info. As always, you are very reliable & your hard work is well appreciated & important. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • alivealive Posts: 369

    "I think you need to see this....

    by THE JACKSONOLOGIST » Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:22" pm
    222 or 2222 In the middle of the proces of resurrection or the proces of ascension
    A little conclusion:
    According to court complaint, Michael residence besides LV and LA, is Bahrain. So, MJ must be there. Since MJ wanted to live forever, as he told Bashir, he could not let himself to die from propofol or other medication overdose. He fears of dying. He is in the middle of filming movie and death, memorial, burial, courts, and investigation are part of it.
    Genious, I like this version.

    All of this is so amazing, I can hardly believe it! More and more clues are pointing towards a hoax being planned years ahead of time - indeed genius

    Okay guys... I know this is really farfetched and please don't jump all over me for this but you want to talk about eerie and weird check this out....

    <!-- m -->http://www.foxnews.com/search-results/m ... homage.htm<!-- m --> listen at 3:36sec


    Corey mourned his friend at T-Man Tattoo, a San Fernando Valley ink shop. The art features the numbers, 222. On his blog, in his open letter to Haim, Corey said correctly, "Nobody will understand the magic of 22/222

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/17/corey-fel ... z0lotzvchw<!-- m -->

    what the he** is going on with this egyptian stuff and 222"s ? It's creepy! That's it...I'm losing it <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • JavaJava Posts: 162
    It was first released on TMZ (6 May 2009)

    <!-- m -->http://www.google.es/#hl=es&source=hp&q ... 44f2e32837<!-- m -->

    But now it´s deleted!!!!
    Big clues are always deleted

    I´ve found it searching on google.es, on google.com doesn´t come out...
    Raymone Bain | TMZ.com
    6 May 2009 ... Michael Jackson We just got our hands on the lawsuit filed by Raymone Bain, Michael Jackson's longtime publicist. This is the best ...she's suing for ...
    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/tag/raymone+bain/<!-- m -->

    Google cache...

    It wasn't deleted. You just couldn't find it. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2009/05/06/michael-j ... that-good/<!-- m -->
  • OMG...I am almost on the verge of a coronary...have you guys seen the latests posts on this topic over at MJHD?

    Dammit, I wish I had time to post the pics they have over there.........wow.
  • Ninanina wrote:
    Oh, and this sign he wears on his red leather jacket in TII is "Ankh" - not only in the name TutANKHamun (which means "Living Image of Amun"), but this is the meaning of the symbol:
    "The Ankh is defined as: The symbolic representation of both Physical and Eternal life. It is known as the original cross, which is a powerful symbol that was first created by Africans in Ancient Egypt.
    The Ankh is commonly known to mean 'life' in the language of Ancient Kemet (land of the Blacks) renamed Egypt by the Greeks. It is also a symbol for the power to give and sustain life, the Ankh is typically associated with material things such as water (which was believed by Egyptians to regenerate life), air, sun, as well as with the Gods, who are frequently pictured carrying an Ankh.
    Egyptian gods carried the ankh by the loop, or held one in each hand crossed over their breast. Latinists interpreted the symbol as a crux ansata, "cross with a handle". "

  • from MJOne:

    The Ankh - Life After Death and This Is It

    Michael frequently used symbols in his clothing, such as 7's, crowns, stars, etc. One new symbol we see in This Is It is the Ankh, an Egyption symbol for "life". And not only just "life", but historically the Ankh appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess in images that represent the deities of the afterlife conferring the gift of life on the dead person's mummy - life after death.
    In the photo stills from This Is It, we see Michael in two different jackets which both include the Ankh symbol:


    Even the pose on the This Is It poster bears some resemblance to the Ankh symbol:


    A related symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphics is the Djed, which is symbolized with a pillar. In a previous post I mentioned how it appears that MJ's hands in the TII poster are pushing against imaginary pillars.

    If you want to take the Eqyptian theme even further, consider the goddess ISIS. ISIS is interesting because images of her hold an Ankh, and her name is within the context of the "This Is It" title. Michael's head is actually right below the "ISIS" in the movie poster.

    Just some research on wikipedia will tell you that "Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris (her brother) when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Set.This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs."

    On the MJHDI forum, a member named 2good2btrue discovered that during the funeral, the dancers have the ankh on their jackets:

    Did Michael study Egyptian history and incorporate that into This Is It? He does have a precedent of incorporating Egyptian images into video, so one more thing for us to ponder...
    <!-- m -->http://seeingclues.blogspot.com/2009/12<!-- m --> ... d-tii.html
  • MerkabaMerkaba Posts: 29
    I just love this thread <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    In the This is it song: "I´m the light of the world".

    And it is said, that Tehuti were the first to preach: "I´m the light of the world".

    An interesting link: <!-- m -->http://www.egypt-tehuti.org/religion.html<!-- m -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    I am amazed at the information you guys are finding! There are so many connections, this has to mean something.
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    God this man is a genius, from the forum here is a link MJHD comparisons

    <!-- m -->http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl<!-- m --> ... html?cat=2
  • God this man is a genius, from the forum here is a link MJHD comparisons

    <!-- m -->http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl<!-- m --> ... html?cat=2

    It says unavailable <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    I'm just going throw in some more connections into the mix. According to Farrakhan, Michael asked Steven Spielberg and someone else about doing a movie on Egypt because he wanted to depict Black people in a positive light but they declined so Michael went out of his own pocket to do Remember The Time video. Perhaps, the video is a preview of what's yet to come with this King Tut movie?

    Also, I was thinking about the song, Liberian Girl and how images from that video keep being used (Memorial/Funeral). I am probably stretching here but perhaps he was pointing to Africa as a clue? And now we are finding all this information on King Tut and Egypt, which are all located in Africa.

    And I remember Michael saying in an interview with Jesse Jackson how people try to divide Egypt from Africa in the media but that is not true at all, obviously, because Egypt is IN Africa.

    This is all so surreal.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    The history of ancient Egypt is often falsified. Because in our medias Anciant Egyptians are never described as being Black people. Some people didn't want to portray this important community as black people because they were the first to brought a lot of knowledge to the world.

    Translated from <!-- m -->http://www.africamaat.com/article.php3?id_article=175<!-- m -->

    "In 1824, a date of the decoding of hieroglyphs by Champollion, Europe goes out hardly of the XVIIIth century, said "Age of the Enlightenment". The thoughts and the philosophic experiences are openly racist and numerous theories trying to demonstrate the intellectual and moral inferiority of the Blacks conveyed by Hume, Hegel, Hugo, Renan, Gobineau, Cuvier, Kant, serve to justify the transatlantic European slave. In this time(period), the European economy thus bases mainly on the business of African captives deported in Americas.

    However, in full slave business, Europe discovers that the people to whom she owes all the elements of the civilization are in fact the Black people ! It is mainly this truth which was hard to admit by all the followers of the Scandinavian races superiority on that of the South. It is still this theory which in the background, distorts the debate because for these last ones, to recognize the African origin of the former(ancient) Egyptians it is to admit their inferiority."

    Here is an example with Nefertiti:

    This bust is said to be Nefertiti

    Here it's an English reconstitution of Nefertiti from the remains of the mummy:

  • SkyennaSkyenna Posts: 5
    Guys....if everything points to Africa...could be possible...nah...worlds cup is in Africa and starts in June.. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    I think Im crazy and this is my first comment on here sorry. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    marlon jackson in Africa: ''This is it''
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And now this,

    <!-- m -->http://www.associatedcontent.com/articl ... html?cat=2<!-- m -->
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    It's interesting that the King Tut exhibit is in San Fransico and the article is touting the resemblances between King Tut and Michael Jackson. I wonder who clued them in? This isn't the only article along these lines. I wonder where they initally got the idea to report it this way....
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