I think you need to see this....



  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    Maybe you will like this link too>http://newine.wordpress.com/2009/06/23/ark-of-the-covenant-to-be-revealed-in-three-days/

    But still... nothing revealed <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    The theories are interesting <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: --> .
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I agree, there are some connections & similarities here between MJ, King Tut, Egypt. I do think MJ loved Ancient Egyptian History though. He in fact did buy a replica of King Tuts sarcophagus, why else would he do that unless he was into Egypt & found King Tut interesting? I myself find Ancient Egypt fascinating, always have. Whenever they do those discovery channel shows & talk about all the mysteries surrounding the tombs & the pharoahs, etc. I find it so interesting. Plus some of the things they believed in & their knowledge, all of that stuff is interesting as well. So he probably read up on Egyptian history, etc. & learned enough about it to be fascinated. However, I don't think he was "obsessed" with King Tut, just intrigued. It's pretty apparent he was either into Egypt & Egyptian history or he just read enough about them that he used some influences from what he knew for certain things like his music video, the Ankh symbol on his jackets, etc. I think it's that he was into it though. I don't think he "remodeled" his face. I don't think that so called buff is really of King Tut but something digitally tweeked to resemble MJ. & the King Tut obsession was put into that article because King Tut was a young boy/teenager & they are trying to make it seem like MJ was an obsessed freak who went out to have his face resemble a dead King, who he was obsessed with because he was a BOY. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> I also am not sure about him imitating it with his hoax. For the AR, yeah maybe he used some details to put in there, but idk that's kind of silly? He probably originally wanted to play King Tut when he first mentioned wanting to make a movie about King Tut, however it never got picked up & made. Now he is too old to play a boy, so perhaps now he will direct it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Making me wonder who he would cast for the lead role...Btw, the song "Soon & very soon, we are going to see the King" is a traditional gospel song, I went to a funeral for a relative two weeks ago. It was on my Samoan side (all Christians), & they call a funeral a "home going ceremony" where they believe that their loved one is going home to the home of the Lord (the King). So when they sing that song it means that the person is going to see the King soon when they are home in his kingdom. It's very common for that song to be sung at funerals. There's nothing there IMO. I mean there could be, but I doubt it.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    [bteine21 » Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:21 am

    I agree, there are some connections & similarities here between MJ, King Tut, Egypt. I do think MJ loved Ancient Egyptian History though. He in fact did buy a replica of King Tuts sarcophagus, why else would he do that unless he was into Egypt & found King Tut interesting? I myself find Ancient Egypt fascinating, always have. Whenever they do those discovery channel shows & talk about all the mysteries surrounding the tombs & the pharoahs, etc. I find it so interesting. Plus some of the things they believed in & their knowledge, all of that stuff is interesting as well. So he probably read up on Egyptian history, etc. & learned enough about it to be fascinated. However, I don't think he was "obsessed" with King Tut, just intrigued. It's pretty apparent he was either into Egypt & Egyptian history or he just read enough about them that he used some influences from what he knew for certain things like his music video, the Ankh symbol on his jackets, etc. I think it's that he was into it though. I don't think he "remodeled" his face. I don't think that so called buff is really of King Tut but something digitally tweeked to resemble MJ. & the King Tut obsession was put into that article because King Tut was a young boy/teenager & they are trying to make it seem like MJ was an obsessed freak who went out to have his face resemble a dead King, who he was obsessed with because he was a BOY. I also am not sure about him imitating it with his hoax. For the AR, yeah maybe he used some details to put in there, but idk that's kind of silly? He probably originally wanted to play King Tut when he first mentioned wanting to make a movie about King Tut, however it never got picked up & made. Now he is too old to play a boy, so perhaps now he will direct it Making me wonder who he would cast for the lead role...Btw, the song "Soon & very soon, we are going to see the King" is a traditional gospel song, I went to a funeral for a relative two weeks ago. It was on my Samoan side (all Christians), & they call a funeral a "home going ceremony" where they believe that their loved one is going home to the home of the Lord (the King). So when they sing that song it means that the person is going to see the King soon when they are home in his kingdom. It's very common for that song to be sung at funerals. There's nothing there IMO. I mean there could be, but I doubt it.][/b]

    I agree. I don't believe at all that MJ did this. I don't doubt that he had an interest in Egyptian History/artificats at all but to say he had similiarities. No.
  • Melzy777Melzy777 Posts: 501
    from MJOne:

    The Ankh - Life After Death and This Is It

    Michael frequently used symbols in his clothing, such as 7's, crowns, stars, etc. One new symbol we see in This Is It is the Ankh, an Egyption symbol for "life". And not only just "life", but historically the Ankh appears frequently in Egyptian tomb paintings and other art, often at the fingertips of a god or goddess in images that represent the deities of the afterlife conferring the gift of life on the dead person's mummy - life after death.
    In the photo stills from This Is It, we see Michael in two different jackets which both include the Ankh symbol:


    Even the pose on the This Is It poster bears some resemblance to the Ankh symbol:


    A related symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphics is the Djed, which is symbolized with a pillar. In a previous post I mentioned how it appears that MJ's hands in the TII poster are pushing against imaginary pillars.

    If you want to take the Eqyptian theme even further, consider the goddess ISIS. ISIS is interesting because images of her hold an Ankh, and her name is within the context of the "This Is It" title. Michael's head is actually right below the "ISIS" in the movie poster.

    Just some research on wikipedia will tell you that "Isis was instrumental in the resurrection of Osiris (her brother) when he was murdered by Set. Her magical skills restored his body to life after she gathered the body parts that had been strewn about the earth by Set.This myth became very important in later Egyptian religious beliefs."

    On the MJHDI forum, a member named 2good2btrue discovered that during the funeral, the dancers have the ankh on their jackets:

    Did Michael study Egyptian history and incorporate that into This Is It? He does have a precedent of incorporating Egyptian images into video, so one more thing for us to ponder...
    <!-- m -->http://seeingclues.blogspot.com/2009/12<!-- m --> ... d-tii.html

    Sorry to bump old threads, but I still think there's something in all this..

    I found this photo and didn't know if it was already posted..

  • StyloprincessStyloprincess Posts: 544
    Wow I'm intrigued now...this is really interesting. Haven't got round to read the whole threat yet...but this is really something. The 70 days connection is weird and also the similarities in TII. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I'm excited about this...can't wait to see where this will lead us!!
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Interesting it makes me remember of an article from TMZ about a supposed MJ wife who filed a claim. Her name was Nona Paris Lola Ankhesenamum Jackson and when you look for Ankhesenamum it appears that it is the name of one of Tuthankamun wives...

    From wiki:

    Ankhesenamun was a queen of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. Born as Ankhesenpaaten, she was the third of six known daughters of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten and his Great Royal Wife Nefertiti, and became the Great Royal Wife of her (half-)brother Tutankhamun.

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankhesenamun<!-- m -->

    Out of interest Ankhesenamun was the name of the mummy's girlfriend in the film "The Mummy" who he tried to bring back to life
    <!-- m -->http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0046350/<!-- m -->
  • samsuperbsamsuperb Posts: 495
    Wow! this is interesting. Do you remember when Michael said on TII "we've only have 4 years, its an adventure" or something like, could he have been talking about 2012, when King Tut movie comes out that year? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • I am speechless <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> MJ was definitely a genius. It's been said many times that he loved to read. He obviously studied Egyptian history & mythology. I remember a while ago some people here were saying maybe all things point to Africa. Marlon was in Africa. MJ owns a hotel is Africa. He was obviously fascinated by Egyptians. This is all so insane but in a good way. What if he is portraying King Tut in life? OMG. All of the Egypt connections are blowing my mind. & it's true Egyptians are always portrayed in the media as something other than African. That's why back in the day in movies Cleopatra was always played by a white woman. As well as all other Egyptian Pharaohs, Gods & Goddesses. & when they do shows on the discovery channel, etc & do reenactments & use technology to project what someone might have looked like, they always have European features & fair skin. I agree, it's wrong. Egypt IS a part of African, therefore Egyptians were African. My aunt & her husband are very into Egypt & Egyptians. They have gone there many times & share the same views about how they are often portrayed as non African people. They know a lot about ancient Egypt as well. I find all of this so exciting! The Remember the Time video makes more sense than ever now. I always loved that one because I too went through a phase of being fascinated by Ancient Egypt. Maybe we should look into that video for some clues or interesting things. Wow. That's all I can say. Thanks everyone for the info. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    EDIT: I am learning so many things I never knew about MJ before. He was given the title of KING? Wow. & the ANKH, wow. There's so much here, we might be on to something. A BIG something <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    And the law of synchronicity is playing again! I was surprised to see King Tut on the cover of my September National Geography magazine, the title of the article is "King Tut's DNA, unlocking Family secrets". With all the recent DNA discussions, be it the Mocienne or the Eliza story, this made me smile. I am sure this is purely a coincidence but still ....

    Tut DNA


    King Tut’s Family Secrets
    DNA evidence reveals the truth about the boy king's parents and new clues to his untimely death.
    By Zahi Hawass
    Photograph by Kenneth Garrett
    Mummies capture our imaginations and our hearts. Full of secrets and magic, they were once people who lived and loved, just as we do today.

    I believe we should honor these ancient dead and let them rest in peace.

    There are some secrets of the pharaohs, however, that can be revealed only by studying their mummies. By carrying out CT scans of King Tutankhamun's mummy, we were able in 2005 to show that he did not die from a blow to the head, as many people believed. Our analysis revealed that a hole in the back of his skull had been made during the mummification process. The study also showed that Tutankhamun died when he was only 19—perhaps soon after he suffered a fracture to his left leg. But there are mysteries surrounding Tutankhamun that even a CT scanner cannot reveal. Now we have probed even deeper into his mummy and returned with extraordinary revelations about his life, his birth, and his death.


    With L.O.V.E
  • This thread is fascinating. Great job, really! There are too many clues here, can't be all coincidences. For example MJ's jackets in TII...that has to mean something! It'll also be interesting to see the movie King Tut come out, together with Cirque, both due in 2012 (remember "we have 4 years" in TII). Very interesting! Keep the faith <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • the September issue of National Geographic will feature a full length article on King Tut's Family Secrets complete with DNA evidence which reveals the truth about the boy king’s parentage and new clues to about his untimely death. timely wouldn't you agree <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • the September issue of National Geographic will feature a full length article on King Tut's Family Secrets complete with DNA evidence which reveals the truth about the boy king’s parentage and new clues about his untimely death. timely wouldn't you agree <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • PtmarxPtmarx Posts: 2
    One of the sponsors of the Exhibition King Thut is the AEG. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

  • One of the sponsors of the Exhibition King Thut is the AEG. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->


    where is iit written?
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