Strong Evidence of TS's Authenticity



    TS made some lucky guesses and a lot of common sense observations.
    There were others who made lucky guesses as well and nobody thought they were insiders.

    Unless of course TS is MJ and those weren't lucky guesses
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I am very skeptical. I watched the videos and read some of the TS´s posts carefully.
    I can´t see the "lucky guess". The "guesses" are premeditated and too elaborated to be just guesses, imo.

    May be I am missing info and that is why I am a little surprised to see that events "guessed" by TS at the end ended up in a TMZ article or in a MJ´s world news.

    To be just a member it seems that is very informed about some things. I can´t help but wonder how come.

    Researches has been made here, many, connecting the dots and I am still waiting for an answer from TS. He/ she is a member here an by now must know that some of us still are waiting for answers.

    There was an "informer" from Italy called Bow who answered people´s questions, but her predictions were not as accurate.

    How come that so many informers have been there already? Leachims, Bows, working friends, Lovers.....but only TS among them uses religious references, and this is something that kept my attention as well.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    TS has an authenticity stamp on him


    ... that's why...
    Of course, religion..... Michael IS about religion.
    Michael reads the Bible daily. But does Tim Simkin <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> unless of course the last one is not Michael as well <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Oh, Gema, you forgot Cassandra GS <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    TS has an authenticity stamp on him


    ... that's why...

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Of course, religion..... Michael IS about religion.
    Michael reads the Bible daily. But does Tim Simkin <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> unless of course the last one is not Michael as well <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Oh, Gema, you forgot Cassandra GS <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Tim simkin can be the psychotherapist or the man behind Study, in any case, the person behind TS knows more than average and that is what I want to come, not who he is.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Of course, religion..... Michael IS about religion.
    Michael reads the Bible daily. But does Tim Simkin <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> unless of course the last one is not Michael as well <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Oh, Gema, you forgot Cassandra GS <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Tim simkin can be the psychotherapist or the man behind Study, in any case, the person behind TS knows more than average and that is what I want to come, not who he is.

    TS cannot divulge that information for the moment. We will know these things in due time. For the moment we must keep watching and digest the information. Tim Simkin said something that is highly interesting for me. It is about (supposedly) IDK if it is true... but he said that he had secrets about the Bible that very few people know about... I feel like it's true I always told myself that there must be information in the Bible to be unveiled at the right time. I feel like it is connected with this hoax or why the Bible redirects? Well I just FEEL that's the problem <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Of course, religion..... Michael IS about religion.
    Michael reads the Bible daily. But does Tim Simkin <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> unless of course the last one is not Michael as well <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Oh, Gema, you forgot Cassandra GS <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Tim simkin can be the psychotherapist or the man behind Study, in any case, the person behind TS knows more than average and that is what I want to come, not who he is.

    Between "how comes" and "who he is" there is a strong connection <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    Maybe we need a revision of TS' "lucky guesses"
  • Maybe we need a revision of TS' "lucky guesses"

    Do you know that TS posted His first post under the name STUDY on the 9th July 2009, exactly 9 weeks (63 days - inclusive reckoning - 9x7) from the 9th September 2009 (9-9-9). A lot of 9's isn't it!

    Lets start the "lucky guesses" list, shall we?

    The suicide of Evan Chandler was reported on November 17 2009, which was also the 70th anniversary one night showing of “The Wizard of Oz”.
    TS redirected the night before, and pointed to a Wikipedia photo with the Yellow Brick road and Emerald City behind. And to quote TS: "This photo came from the Emerald City page on Wikipedia, not the Wizard of Oz page {}. What are the odds that the E-van C-handler news came out on this same day, and had the same initials as E-merald C-ity, all by coincidence?"
    The news of the Death of Evan Chandler was exactly 21 days (Inclusive reckoning - 777) after the release of This Is It on the Big screens (28th October 2009)

    With L.O.V.E
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Gema has heard of some "filtering" of Wikileaks over TS <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Maybe we need a revision of TS' "lucky guesses"

    Do you know that TS posted His first post under the name STUDY on the 9th July 2009, exactly 9 weeks (63 days - inclusive reckoning - 9x7) from the 9th September 2009 (9-9-9). A lot of 9's isn't it!
    and 63 days is 70-7 days or 9/10th of the way through a 70 day period or 9 weeks. Or 14 days into the hoax or 1/5th of the way into the first 70 days cycle.
    Lets start the "lucky guesses" list, shall we?

    The suicide of Evan Chandler was reported on November 17 2009, which was also the 70th anniversary one night showing of “The Wizard of Oz”.
    TS redirected the night before, and pointed to a Wikipedia photo with the Yellow Brick road and Emerald City behind. And to quote TS: "This photo came from the Emerald City page on Wikipedia, not the Wizard of Oz page {}. What are the odds that the E-van C-handler news came out on this same day, and had the same initials as E-merald C-ity, all by coincidence?"
    The news of the Death of Evan Chandler was exactly 21 days (Inclusive reckoning - 777) after the release of This Is It on the Big screens (28th October 2009)
    And 77 days from the burial. And 7 days into the 3rd 70 day period. And 7 days after the end of TII's 2 week run.
    With L.O.V.E

    The whole Evan Chandler "prediction" is... eery.

    Also noted, that so many things with TS fit the 70 day cycle.

    I always wonder why TS doesn't ever mention the 70 day thing other then between death and burial and really he focuses more on the 77 days to 9/9/09 then the 70 day repeating cycle. There's so many more dates that match up to the 70 day cycle, there seems to be a pattern. He talks about other dates and significant timings of things and never once brings this up.

    Ps. I should also mention that if you use TS inclusive reckoning, the 70 day cycle count inclusive to 71 day cycles. The reason I don't call it the 71 day cycle is because for tracking purposes I am counting out long strings of calendar days (June 25, 09-Sep 3,09... Sep 3, 09-Nov 12,09... etc) and when adding blocks of sequential days together, inclusive reckoning isn't accurate. BUT, when referring to each period individually, calling them 71 day blocks inclusive would be accurate.
    Yes Evan Chandler died on the 5th of November (maybe TS could count what were the chances in a million for this to happen by accident <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->, of Evan Chandler planned his suicide as part of the hoax <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ) and the news became public on the 17th of November. The redirect from the 5th of November couldn't possibly be related to EC's suicide.

    Yes the 2012 redirect means something, I admit.
  • I just found this :

    <!-- m --> ... l?spref=tw<!-- m -->

    What do you think about it?

    Hugs to you all
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Maybe we need a revision of TS' "lucky guesses"

    Do you know that TS posted His first post under the name STUDY on the 9th July 2009, exactly 9 weeks (63 days - inclusive reckoning - 9x7) from the 9th September 2009 (9-9-9). A lot of 9's isn't it!

    Lets start the "lucky guesses" list, shall we?

    The suicide of Evan Chandler was reported on November 17 2009, which was also the 70th anniversary one night showing of “The Wizard of Oz”.
    TS redirected the night before, and pointed to a Wikipedia photo with the Yellow Brick road and Emerald City behind. And to quote TS: "This photo came from the Emerald City page on Wikipedia, not the Wizard of Oz page {}. What are the odds that the E-van C-handler news came out on this same day, and had the same initials as E-merald C-ity, all by coincidence?"
    The news of the Death of Evan Chandler was exactly 21 days (Inclusive reckoning - 777) after the release of This Is It on the Big screens (28th October 2009)

    With L.O.V.E
    Yes, I remember that, and I remember at the time thinking how could he know in advance Evan Chandler would die, with all the match-ups. At the time I had creepy feelings of murder or God directed suicide. I still don't know what to make of it.
  • Of course, religion..... Michael IS about religion.
    Michael reads the Bible daily. But does Tim Simkin

    Does Tim Simkins even exist?
    Is he a real, living, breathing, person?
    Is there any evidence that this man actually exists?
    Or is the name a pseudonym, a fictitious name, a disguise for someone else?
    Of course, religion..... Michael IS about religion.
    Michael reads the Bible daily. But does Tim Simkin

    Does Tim Simkins even exist?
    Is he a real, living, breathing, person?
    Is there any evidence that this man actually exists?
    Or is the name a pseudonym, a fictitious name, a disguise for someone else?

    How on earth should I know this?!
    Of course you believe TS is a fictional character and he is in fact MJ or a person who works for him....?
    If the world population would be counted by the number of accounts on the internet I guess we are more than 7 billions....
  • Of course, religion..... Michael IS about religion.
    Michael reads the Bible daily. But does Tim Simkin

    Does Tim Simkins even exist?
    Is he a real, living, breathing, person?
    Is there any evidence that this man actually exists?
    Or is the name a pseudonym, a fictitious name, a disguise for someone else?

    How on earth should I know this?!
    Of course you believe TS is a fictional character and he is in fact MJ or a person who works for him....?
    If the world population would be counted by the number of accounts on the internet I guess we are more than 7 billions....

    I called the number on the website hoping to speak with someone about STUDY. The number is not in service.

    But look at the numbers: 888 999 7883 = 77

    3, 7, 8, 9

    * The Christ, the resurrection, the baptism.
    * Symbol of the Redemption.
    * By its composition, this number is considered as perfect.

    * The justice, the truth.
    The number 999 is the reverse of 666, the number of the Beast of the Revelation (Apocalypse). This arithmetical strangeness demonstrates that the "power" of the Beast, 666, will be "reversed" by 153, characteristic number of the Christ, to give as result 999, symbol of the application of the divine justice. Thus Satan will be chained for 1000 years, 999 + 1.

    The mailing address:
    P.O. Box 4129 / Wenatchee, WA 98807-4129

    4129 = 16 = 7
    98807-4129 = 48 = 3 but it could also be 16, 16, 16 or 777

    Or do it this way: 4129 = 16 = 7 & 98807-4129 = 48 = 3
    which could be 3x7 or three 7's = 777

    The name is a Salish word that means "river which comes [or whose source is] from canyons" or "robe of the rainbow." Awenatchela means "people at the source".

    Wenatchee is known as the "Apple Capital of the World" due to the valley's many orchards. The city is also sometimes referred to as the "Buckle of the Power Belt of the Great Northwest." The "Power Belt of the Great Northwest" is a metaphor for the series of hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River. Rock Island Dam is located nearest to the middle of this "belt", and so was labelled the "Buckle".

    Rainbows a symbols of heavenly glory, and of celestial wonder. They serve as a bridge between earth and paradise. The colors of the rainbow reflect its divine qualities.

    Genesis 9:12-16 (King James Version)
    12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

    13 I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

    14 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

    15 And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.

    16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

    Rainbow Robe
    Coat of many colors (technocolor robe)

    Genesis 37:3 (King James Version)
    3 Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.

    Joseph's father Jacob favored him and gave Joseph the coat as a gift; as a result, he was envied by his brothers, who saw the special coat as an indication that Joseph would assume family leadership. His brothers' suspicion grew when Joseph told them of his two dreams (Genesis 37:11) in which all the brothers bowed down to him. The narrative tells that his brothers plotted against him when he was 17, and would have killed him had not the eldest brother Reuben interposed. He persuaded them instead to throw Joseph into a pit and secretly planned to rescue him later. However, while Reuben was absent, the others planned to sell him to a company of Ishmaelite merchants. When the passing Midianites arrived, the brothers dragged Joseph up and sold him to the merchants for 20 pieces of silver. The brothers then dipped Joseph's coat in goat blood and showed it to their father, saying that Joseph had been torn apart by wild beasts.

    Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
    Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is the second British musical theatre show written by the team of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Its predecessor, The Likes of Us, was not performed until 2005. Based on the "coat of many colors" story of Joseph from the Hebrew Bible's Book of Genesis.

    Andrew Lloyd Webber
    The Phantom of the Opera (1986)
    Love Never Dies (2010)
    The Wizard of Oz (2011)

    When I put this address into google maps I get the street "Highland",+WA+98807-4129&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Wenatchee,+WA+98807,+USA&gl=ca&ei=8sMPTbAXicawA5mDtaIC&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBwQ8gEwAA

    Searching for "Highland" and Michael Jackson brings up the Kodak Theatre which is located at "Hollywood and Highland" and owned by the CIM Group and the new Hard Rock Cafe.

    Hard Rock Cafe
    And in July 2010, a new Hard Rock Cafe opened at Hollywood & Highland - right on Hollywood Blvd, tucked between the Kodak Theatre and Grauman's Chinese. (How's that for a choice spot?) It's 20,000 square feet, and seats 400 diners. As with all Hard Rock Cafes, it features celebrity memorabilia, including items from Michael Jackson, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison’s, Katy Perry and the Black-Eyed Peas, just to name a few. But this branch also features some cutting edge technology (such as an interactive media wall) you'll have to see to believe.

    The Kodak Theatre
    The Kodak Theatre is a live theatre in the Hollywood and Highland retail, dining, and entertainment complex on Hollywood Boulevard and North Highland Avenue in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles.
    Owner: CIM Group

    Hollywood stars align for Cirque du Soleil's Guy Laliberte
    By Reed Johnson, December 5, 2010

    With 'Iris' set for a summer debut at Kodak Theatre and a New York production in the works, Cirque creator Laliberté has cemented his influence worldwide. Not bad for a one-time street performer.

    ...On July 21, the Montreal-based Cirque will pull the drapes off its latest high-flying extravaganza, the Hollywood-themed "Iris." The new show has a 10-year contract to perform at the Kodak Theatre in the Hollywood & Highland Center, which annually hosts the Academy Awards ceremony but has had trouble filling its cavernous 3,400-seat enclosure year-round.

    Written and directed by French dancer-choreographer Philippe Decouflé, who staged the opening and closing ceremonies of the 1992 Winter Olympics, with music by Danny Elfman, "Iris" is shaping up both as a valentine to the movie industry and a mash note to the city that, perhaps more than any outside Canada, has put Cirque's blue- and gold-striped tent on the global map. Over the years, Laliberté said, Cirque has conducted "a love affair" with L.A., and in an interview he spoke of how working on "Iris" has fired up the group's creative juices.
    ...a new touring show, " Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour" will launch in October.,0,1559034.story


    Los Angeles, November 9, 2010 – Cirque du Soleil announced today that tickets go on sale to the general public on Monday, November 22 at 10:00 a.m. for IRIS A Journey through the World of Cinema, a brand new major, resident production created exclusively for the Kodak Theatre at the Hollywood & Highland Center, home of the Academy Awards. Tickets are available at or by calling 1-877-943-IRIS. Performances begin July 21, 2011.

    IRIS is written and directed by director-choreographer Philippe Decouflé, who is the founder and artistic director of the acclaimed French dance troupe Compagnie DCA. Grammy-and Emmy Award-winner and Academy Award nominee, Danny Elfman, is music composer; IRIS marks his first Cirque du Soleil show.

    IRIS and brings together dance, acrobatics, live video, filmed sequences and animation. From illustration to animation, black and white to colour, silent films to talkies, fixed shots to swooping camera movements, the show takes spectators on a fantastic voyage through the world of cinema and its genres.

    The word “iris” refers to the adjustable opening—or diaphragm—that controls the amount of light that passes through a camera lens.(LIGHT) The word also refers to the colored part of the eye. (SEE)

    Featuring 72 performers, 200 costumes, 8,300 square feet of floor surface, 174 loudspeakers, 603 lighting features, 20 video projectors, and 166,000 watts of sound, IRIS joins the other Cirque du Soleil resident productions Mystère, O, Zumanity, KÀ, The Beatles LOVE, CRISS ANGEL Believe and Viva ELVIS in Las Vegas, La Nouba at Walt Disney World Resort, ZED in Tokyo, and ZAIA in Macao, in scale, scope and size.

    “We are thrilled to have found such a spectacular home in Los Angeles,” said President and CEO of Cirque du Soleil Daniel Lamarre. “The city is at the forefront not only of film, but music, architecture and art as well. It is our hope that IRIS will be a welcome addition to Hollywood as a destination for locals and visitors alike. This is also a kind of homecoming for us. Our international career started right here when we brought a show called “We Reinvent the Circus” to the LA Festival for opening night on September 3, 1987.

    IRIS is one of three major Cirque du Soleil productions scheduled premiering in North America in 2011. The second is Zarkana, a new acrobatic spectacle that begins performances June 2011 at the legendary Radio City Music Hall in New York. The third is Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour™, an arena-touring show in which fans will experience the excitement of a Michael Jackson concert.


    Danny Elfman
    Daniel Robert "Danny" Elfman is an American musician, best known for composing music for television and movies and leading the rock band Oingo Boingo as singer/songwriter from 1976 until its breakup in 1995. He is a frequent collaborator with long-time friend Tim Burton and has scored most of his films (the exceptions being Ed Wood and Sweeney Todd). He has been nominated for four Academy Awards and won a Grammy Award for Tim Burton's Batman and an Emmy Award for his Desperate Housewives theme. Elfman was honored with the prestigious Richard Kirk award at the 2002 BMI Film and TV Awards. The award is given annually to a composer who has made significant contributions to film and television music. Elfman is famous for creating The Simpsons main title theme, and his role as Jack Skellington's singing voice in The Nightmare Before Christmas. He also sang for the character Bonejangles in the movie Corpse Bride. He is the uncle-in-law to actress Jenna Elfman.
    2010 "Alice In Wonderland"

    The CIM Group also owns Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
    Grauman's Chinese Theatre
    Grauman's Chinese Theatre is a movie theater located at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood. It is located along the historic Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Chinese Theatre was commissioned following the success of the nearby Grauman's Egyptian Theatre which opened in 1922. Built over 18 months, beginning in January 1926 by a partnership headed by Sid Grauman, the theater opened May 18, 1927, with the premiere of Cecil B. DeMille's film The King of Kings.

    The King of Kings
    The King of Kings (1927) is a silent film directed by Cecil B. DeMille. It is a religious movie about the last weeks of Jesus before his crucifixion. H. B. Warner starred as Jesus. One of the last sequences of the movie, the Resurrection, is in Technicolor.

    Grauman also built Grauman's Egyptian Theatre which is located nearby at 6712 Hollywood Boulevard.

    Grauman's Egyptian Theatre
    Grauman's Egyptian Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California, is one of the world's most famous movie theatres. Opened in 1922, it was the venue for the first-ever Hollywood premiere.

    Michael Jackson's star on Hollywood Blvd. is outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre.

    Michael Jackson's Star On Hollywood Walk Of Fame
    ...Michael Jackson's star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame just outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre. at 6927 Hollywood Blvd.: Michael Jackson


    This star appears in the video for the song "Hold My Hand".
    Screen capture:


  • Wenatchee
    The name is a Salish word that means "river which comes [or whose source is] from canyons" or "robe of the rainbow." Awenatchela means "people at the source".
    I just happen to know something about Elvis/Jesse and his safety, that even Linda does not know. And what I have done and am doing is for his best interest and greatest safety—both in the present and future. If any are able to figure out The Source of what I’ve been presenting for more than a year now, they will know for certain that what I’m saying here is 100% true.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Wow <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> as usual, you hit the nail on the head.

    Who can be behind TIAI? This is craaaazyyyyyy
    The name is a Salish word that means "river which comes [or whose source is] from canyons" or "robe of the rainbow." Awenatchela means "people at the source".
    I just happen to know something about Elvis/Jesse and his safety, that even Linda does not know. And what I have done and am doing is for his best interest and greatest safety—both in the present and future. If any are able to figure out The Source of what I’ve been presenting for more than a year now, they will know for certain that what I’m saying here is 100% true.
  • has this person told us when he'd be back?
    or why he faked his assumed faked death?
    or where is he?
    i am very interested to know if beside numerology which can be twisted in any way i want if i want, there are certain facts leading us to a certain conclusion...or is this simply a game?
    we must spend our time somehow, some go out, some watch movies, some read, some play.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    In a place like this is where we all end up

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Here is
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Here is

    my spot is already reserved. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
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