TIAI February 26



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Another thought.. still with the sun <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> well i don't know if i'm correct or not but it seems to me that normally the part where the sun shines most on the red car should not appear on the picture because if this is really a reflection of it then it should be the part where the sun doesn't appear on the car (i don't know if i make myself clear...) but i think we see on the video that the car is placed on an area where there's not much sun and i see sunlight just on the part sided on the pavement which should not appear on the picture. So if this is correct then maybe it means that the red car is a different picture layered and has been taken prior or after the event from another position and is therefore not a reflection on the ambulance window... hope someone understands what i'm trying to say <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ElsaElsa Posts: 341
    TS, I have a question - How did we get access to the Ambulance photo? It know it was published by

    Entertainment Tonight (exclusive)
    <!-- m -->http://www.bnonews.com/news/395.html<!-- m -->

    The Insider (exclusive - it is slightly different to the ET version)
    <!-- m -->http://www.theinsider.com/news/2306335_ ... Last_Photo<!-- m -->

    and OK Magazine
    <!-- m -->http://www.inquisitr.com/27969/ok-magaz ... son-cover/<!-- m -->

    These pictures are all cropped. The only places I can find a full picture are hoax/fan sites, YT, and photo galleries - all uncredited. Can anyone explain where they came from?
  • Before moving on with the investigation of the ambulance photo, and other aspects, I want to mention once more the purpose for this thread--since it has only been a few days, and several are questioning it already.

    As I said before, your METHOD or APPROACH to investigation is far more important than the ambulance photo or other parts of the hoax. Not merely for investigating this hoax, but for your own good in your entire life, these are extremely valuable skills--and this forum and thread give you an opportunity to learn and practice these skills in an environment that is friendly (or at least should be, and usually is). Part of the good investigation skills here, is learning how to critically examine things from the OPPOSITE perspective than your own belief (which in this case is the hoax). We have a term for people who are unwilling to look at or even consider things from somebody else's perspective, and that term is "prejudice"--and you already know what MJ thinks about prejudice.

    For the most part, people have been doing excellent research and have a lot of good questions and/or answers. Some of the very things that I am planning to bring out, have already being discovered and brought out by others--which is great. For example, the timing of when the ambulance photo was released--this point is EXTREMELY important, especially when it comes to the question of hoax versus murder. I will explain why soon.

    But even though most comments have been good or excellent, there have been a few complaints recently about this thread. We still have several weeks before the trial, and we're just getting good started on this phase of investigation; if it is too much for you, then please either skip the thread, or else read only and don't comment. I don't mean to exclude anyone who has genuine input on what is being discussed; but please keep your discussion to evidence for or against the topic at hand, and not complaints about the topic itself or the purpose for it, etc. Again, if for any reason this thread is not helping you personally, then just skip it. But please don't interfere with those who are taking it seriously, and who are getting enjoyment from it and/or are practicing good investigation skills.

    Last of all, I am the one who started this thread: maybe I should give a little more of an overview, so people will have a little better idea of the bigger picture that we are working on piecing together here. The ambulance picture is a major key to unlocking the entire hoax--how and who, etc. It's not only important to understand IF the photo is fake, but HOW it was faked. Once we understand how (staged in the same amublance, but another day; or staged in another ambulance on another day; or not staged at all, but Photoshop fabricated; or not fake at all, but 100% real; etc)--then the rest of the events should fall into place relatively easily.

    For example if the paramedics were involved with staging the photo before 6-25-2009, then they were most likely also in on the hoax itself. But if the ambulance photo was 100% real, or perhaps real but slightly edited in Photoshop, then maybe the paramedics are not in on the hoax at all. Once we understand whether or not the paramedics are in on the hoax, then many of the other pieces should fall into place--such as who or what was in the ambulance on 6-25-2009 (MJ, or dummy, or nothing, etc). There is also the question of whether the entire court and courtroom is staged, with the judge and jury and lawyers all being confidential agreement actors--or is there perhaps just a few key people who know what's really going on.

    If the answer to these questions doesn't interest you, that's your perfect right; but kindly allow those of us who are interested to continue our investigation.

    Thanks. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I am having a blast doing this. This is actually my first time dealing with the topic of the famous pic. Thanks for sharing secrets. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    The opposite investigating is a little difficult at first when one is not used to it. It is like writing with your opposite hand. I believe this lesson will also help to improve our brain functions. I believe it will help us to use more of our brain capacity, it will help us to wake up from our slumber. I might have a slight advantage on observations because for over 20 years my life depended on being very aware of my surroundings and observing every little detail in my path.

    So I have highlighted what I want to respond to.

    I believe the pic was staged in another ambulance on another day and Photoshop fabricated. The extra stuff like the car, wall, leaves on the ground, etc. were added in layers over the one good original pic.

    I also think it is a real pic of a wax dummy and not necessarily real EMT's but men in costumes to appear real. I believe real EMT's responded that day and are not in on the hoax. I am referring to the ones who took the stand. Who was in the bed and rode to the hospital? That is the million dollar question. I believe it was exactly who the EMT's described. A hospice elderly man. I don't know how he got there, meaning was he a donated body that was to be used for science research or was he someone MJ knew and made an agreement, I have no clue. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Can someone find out what the patches look like for the real Paramedics and also can someone find out if the Paramedics that testified in court really work at Fire house 71, please? I tried but I had no luck.

    The court is real, the judge is real, the lawyers are real, Murray is real. I think that there is confidential agreement actors and just a few key people who know what is really going on. I believe Ben is one of the key people who knows what is going on and he has a confidential agreement but he is a terrible improve actor, lol

    He even mentions that there is an agreement when he is talking about how much he and the other people who were there that day and the other day uh....
    I wondered about that last night. I thought was he referring to an agreement with the Entertainment Tonight show or Michael?


    This is exactly the pic I was searching for to prove there was a dummy in the staged pic scene. I could not find it. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Thanks
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Is that a dummy of Michael? My God I've never seen this.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Here is chappies picture resized.


    The car is next to the van, yet the car is in perspective because of the angle. To get the car parallel with the ambulance in the reflection, the guy should have made a shot without angle. That way he wouldn't have achieved the angle he has now, and he would have blocked the reflection himself. This shows that the car must have been shopped in, the red car should have been in perspective like on chappies picture, because the only moment they could have gotten the red car in the reflection, was when the ambulance was parallel with it, just before it drove off. Parallel car + picture with angle = car reflection in perspective. We don't see that on the ambulance picture.

    @TS: I know you want us try and prove the picture is real, but the harder I try, the more I find that makes it a fake. That's probably your purpose though...

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Another thought.. still with the sun <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> well i don't know if i'm correct or not but it seems to me that normally the part where the sun shines most on the red car should not appear on the picture because if this is really a reflection of it then it should be the part where the sun doesn't appear on the car (i don't know if i make myself clear...) but i think we see on the video that the car is placed on an area where there's not much sun and i see sunlight just on the part sided on the pavement which should not appear on the picture. So if this is correct then maybe it means that the red car is a different picture layered and has been taken prior or after the event from another position and is therefore not a reflection on the ambulance window... hope someone understands what i'm trying to say <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I managed to make a screenshot of the car from the video, we see that on one part there's no sun and this is the part that should be reflected on the ambulance window. Does it make sense?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    bec wrote:

    One thought.

    If the pic is proved real then that "thing" (time warped 1987 MJ) pictured in it went to UCLA on 6/25/09. That means we have to get a dummy into UCLA and try to deal with disposing of it as well. Hot item, a life size MJ dummy on 6/25/09 no doubt... risky and tricky.

    Getting into the lighter side of things... dummies and dead men don't sit up on stretchers (UCLA gif), nor in helicopters, and they certainly don't jump out of coroner's vans

    Hows this.

    If the pic is proved altered (fake) then that scene wasn't occurring inside that ambulance on 6/25/09, which means anything could have been going on in there... even a perfectly fine MJ taking a joy ride in an ambulance just like he did 9282 days previous.

    Then he certainly could sit up on the stretcher, sit up in the helicopter (and would need the sheet instead of a body bag so he could breathe), and then at the end, jump out of the coroner's van.

    This makes sense!

    <!-- m -->http://abcnews.go.com/2020/video/michae<!-- m --> ... d-10974241

    Bec I now think that Michael was in that ambulance, but not as a person about to die, on the following link is a video and you can look inside the ambulance that someone with their faces covered a lot like Michael, we must be careful because it is very fast but you can see in minute 1:53
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    fordtocarr wrote:

    I'm wondering if people's head goes into an ambulance first??
    This is from TMZ with Joan Collins, and her head is in first.
    <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2011/03/02/joan-coll<!-- m --> ... air-party/

    That glass is not polarized and ambulance lights are ON <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Okay, but, still being able to see in or not, lights or not, I wonder if head goes in first ALWAYS or not.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    By the way, you can see chappie's angle is a little larger, and still you see her reflection. That means you would even see more of her with a smaller angle. That plus the fact that there was also the red guy on his left side, would make it impossible that none of them reflect in the picture.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Another thought.. still with the sun <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> well i don't know if i'm correct or not but it seems to me that normally the part where the sun shines most on the red car should not appear on the picture because if this is really a reflection of it then it should be the part where the sun doesn't appear on the car (i don't know if i make myself clear...) but i think we see on the video that the car is placed on an area where there's not much sun and i see sunlight just on the part sided on the pavement which should not appear on the picture. So if this is correct then maybe it means that the red car is a different picture layered and has been taken prior or after the event from another position and is therefore not a reflection on the ambulance window... hope someone understands what i'm trying to say <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I managed to make a screenshot of the car from the video, we see that on one part there's no sun and this is the part that should be reflected on the ambulance window. Does it make sense?

    The sun reflection on the car in the video doesn't match the sun reflection on the car in the ambulance picture. Means that at least the picture of the car was made on a different time, when the sun was in another position. The left side of the car is in the sun on the picture, in the shadow on the video and the reflection on the bonnet doesn't match either.


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Thanks Souza for the comparisons clearer that way <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • ijcslyijcsly Posts: 128
    Im-convinced mj wrote : I believe Ben is one of the key people who knows what is going on and he has a confidential agreement but he is a terrible improve actor, lol

    He even mentions that there is an agreement when he is talking about how much he and the other people who were there that day and the other day uh....
    I wondered about that last night. I thought was he referring to an agreement with the Entertainment Tonight show or Michael

    BINGO he could be talking about an agreement hoaxwise!
  • LAFD Capt. recalls Michael Jackson (MJ) events on June 25, 2009
    This video is intended for information & educational purposes only. No copyright infringement intended.
    Clip borrowed from an all-access documentary titled: Who Killed The King of Pop? The Inside Story ....

    IMO-I think the way the 911 dispatcher asks more than once if he is conscious or breathing is strange.

    Michael Jackson UCLA Footage - Updated 1/28/10
    To me this just proves that the X-17 photos were NOT photoshopped, which I have always questioned a teeny tiny bit. See original X17 photos here:
    <!-- m -->http://x17online.com/gallery/view_galle ... 17&index=6<!-- m -->

    Of course Im almost never 100% positive on anything I see or hear, but ... I hope you see what I see. I have now watched over a hundred times. The more I watch it, the more I'm convinced it's "someone" sitting then laying down. If you dont, thats cool. It just means I have officially gone crazy!

    Just a little background. Im not good at Photoshop and Im not good at Sony Vegas movie-maker thingy. All I did was play around for a few hours, with the footage speed and filters, and just before I gave up for good I saw something. This is what I found:

    (If for any reason you dont trust me, PLEASE request the details as to how I got this footage. I will be more than happy to list EVERYTHING I did so that you can do it for yourself from scratch.)

    I have wondered if the pics from the day the ambulance took Michael to the hospital were staged also. hmmm?

    Were there 2 ambulances at Michael's house that day?
    Edited to add: The video of someone sitting up is crappy but I am bringing a different person's perspective and observation into the mix. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Ben deserves an award for his acting in this role here. Just think how many takes of his interviews may have been taken. I believe some of those "slip-ups" like his "the other d.." and Jermaine's "to the airport" are deliberate. MJ-- "You see what I want you to see, when I want you to see it," all the way through this hoax, the master and commander.

    To those who say the ambulance photo MJ looks too young, must be a dummy. Why? Discount the coloring cause that's just lighting. Why would he even NEED a dummy, much more fun to do it himself. And he would be totally free to be involved on June 25 in other ways, which we're not sure about yet. This Arno Bani photo is 1999 or some say could be current.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    For better view I flipped the picture. Does he look like Michael? To me the eyebrows are different. And what happened to the tip of his nose? That looks more like a body double or a dummy looks like Michael. Even if that's Michael, he is definitely younger in this picture.

    I do believe that the ambulance scene of the show was filmed in more than a day and that was the reason why Ben said "that day and the other d... ummm". Probably the first one was a rehearsal and probably some shootings were made. And with all of the pictures taken on the first and second day, they combined the items to get the best picture to give to the media as the ambulance picture. I still believe that the picture is photoshopped. And the paramedics need to be in on the hoax.

    P.S: I do remember I saw a picture of a random patient at the ambulance, this same picture but there wasn't Michael in the picture. Yu guys remember the pic and can you pls post that picture here if you have it?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Commenter from <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTIoxTrKP84<!-- m -->
    There is another very interesting interview Mr Ferrigno gave on Good Day L.A. in which he talked about Mike's "last days" and much of the same things he said here. What's amazing about the GDLA interview is when Mr Ferrigno talks about what a "prankster" Mike "was", so much so that he WOULD PUT A MANNEQUIN IN AN AMBULANCE. Watch this for yourselves. He made the point several times about how much Mike loves to fake people out and loves disguises. The more you research the more you'll doubt.
    MikeYouKnowMyHeart 1 year ago
    I think this was deliberately thrown out as bait immediately after June 25 by LKL and MJ to get hoaxers and non-believers thinking "mannequin" or dummy. Yes he might have done it in the past to get paperazzi off his trail, but he didn't need to do it this time. MJ always liked to keep people on their toes, mix things up a little, do things differently each time. I think right since the beginning we have fed suggestions to mislead people or guide people correctly. Drives us crazy!
  • For better view I flipped the picture. Does he look like Michael? To me the eyebrows are different. And what happened to the tip of his nose? That looks more like a body double or a dummy looks like Michael. Even if that's Michael, he is definitely younger in this picture.

    I do believe that the ambulance scene of the show was filmed in more than a day and that was the reason why Ben said "that day and the other d... ummm". Probably the first one was a rehearsal and probably some shootings were made. And with all of the pictures taken on the first and second day, they combined the items to get the best picture to give to the media as the ambulance picture. I still believe that the picture is photoshopped. And the paramedics need to be in on the hoax.

    P.S: I do remember I saw a picture of a random patient at the ambulance, this same picture but there wasn't Michael in the picture. Yu guys remember the pic and can you pls post that picture here if you have it?

    His nose is much wider than Michael, even if his is missing a tip. His ear does not look like Michael's ear. This is not Michael in the ambulance.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I've just seen something that I've not noticed before, on the pic PureLove has just flipped - it looks like a clear plastic 'screen' or guard over the eyes and nose and covering the cheek as well, as if it could be attached to the blue thing over the mouth/chin. It's a different colour than the other areas of skin. Maybe it's a standard piece of medical equipment, it may have been discussed before, I don't know, but I just wanted to point it out as I've not noticed it before. Anyone else see it and/or know what it is?
  • [youtube:3ttualxz]
    lizzielou73 Jul 7, 2010

    On June 25, 2009, we were told by the media that Michael Jackson had died. As you can see in this video, Michael was not in cardiac arrest. At this point, it appears he was standing outside of the ambulance almost as if he were directing. This was the day that Michael's adventure began. "Follow the yellow brick road". One day, he may choose to comeback. Keep the Faith, beLIEve in Michael. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Notice the report also mentions Neverland, when in fact, the escape occurred at 100 Carolwood Drive.
    Michael Jackson: Ambulance at Neverland
    <!-- m -->http://bit.ly/9l1q03<!-- m -->

    The man speaking is Ben Evenstad, a paparazzo friend of Michael's.
    <!-- m -->http://bit.ly/18zAnY<!-- m -->

    Ben also made the fake ambulance photo.<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    "Brian Oxman confirms: Michael Jackson's ambulance picture is FAKE! "
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbGrrN..<!-- m -->.

    Jermaine speaks of the airport.

    "Jermaine Jackson interview : oops moment!"
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bd0Soa..<!-- m -->.

    There you have it! The following people have told us that "the truth always prevails". ~Dr. Conrad Murray, Janet Jackson, & Michael Jackson ~

    Let's hope it prevails one day soon!

    Until that time ... "Love Lives Forever."

    There's no doubt in my mind that Michael Jackson is still alive.

    *777....... beLIEve.......777*
    I found this video today. They actually did a good job with the screen grab of the man I saw in the video when I made this comment:
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=145&t=18053&p=308817#p308817<!-- l -->

    One other thing about Ben when he was giving his interview he also said that over the last year (which would of been 2008) he says he had talked to Michael alot. (Something like that)

    Talk about what? lol
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I've just seen something that I've not noticed before, on the pic PureLove has just flipped - it looks like a clear plastic 'screen' or guard over the eyes and nose and covering the cheek as well, as if it could be attached to the blue thing over the mouth/chin. It's a different colour than the other areas of skin. Maybe it's a standard piece of medical equipment, it may have been discussed before, I don't know, but I just wanted to point it out as I've not noticed it before. Anyone else see it and/or know what it is?

    Could be something like this:


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    For better comparison, here is another picture of Michael and the ambulance picture. The shape of the nose seems different. There's something black, some part of the equipment on the tip of the nose but still, the nose looks different. It's wider and the nostrils look different.

  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I've just seen something that I've not noticed before, on the pic PureLove has just flipped - it looks like a clear plastic 'screen' or guard over the eyes and nose and covering the cheek as well, as if it could be attached to the blue thing over the mouth/chin. It's a different colour than the other areas of skin. Maybe it's a standard piece of medical equipment, it may have been discussed before, I don't know, but I just wanted to point it out as I've not noticed it before. Anyone else see it and/or know what it is?

    Could be something like this:


    That could explain the line under the nose, but can you also see the line going down the cheek to the mouth and also the bit that looks like a visor sticking out beyond the right eye?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I've just seen something that I've not noticed before, on the pic PureLove has just flipped - it looks like a clear plastic 'screen' or guard over the eyes and nose and covering the cheek as well, as if it could be attached to the blue thing over the mouth/chin. It's a different colour than the other areas of skin. Maybe it's a standard piece of medical equipment, it may have been discussed before, I don't know, but I just wanted to point it out as I've not noticed it before. Anyone else see it and/or know what it is?

    Could be something like this:


    That could explain the line under the nose, but can you also see the line going down the cheek to the mouth and also the bit that looks like a visor sticking out beyond the right eye?

    Yeah, but I think that is a part of the reflection.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111

    Yeah, but I think that is a part of the reflection.

    Hmm, maybe ..... maybe not!! Like I think you said earlier, the more I look the more I see!
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Another joy ride starting with the ambulance leaves and back to the roots <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ...

    Some more details of the interior of ambulance 71:

    Some more details as to weather conditions in Los Angeles on June 25, 2009 (downtown, alternatively search for Santa Monica):

    Surprise: some more leaves (this time they are not moving only by overlaying parts of an arm but they are moving themselves).
    First, watch the leaves around the bell box. They look familiar, right?

    These plants are to be found everywhere around the houses of the block, so the (similar but too blurry) leaves in the ambulance may indicate we are somewhat close to the "hot spot".
    Watch the video again for noticing the irregular flagstones in front of the hidden gate - usually concrete is being used in Caliland gateways so this is something special to keep in mind.

    This is giving another perspective on a rear gate we did not notice so far (watch for 0:25):

    An ariel view on the house (north is left):
    Notice the small "garden" house behind the pool. Gray roof. Close to the fences / walls.

    A Google streetview is available for 144 Monovale Drive, Los Angeles. The mansion appears on the left side.

    So we check out whether there is a third "hidden" gate to the property.
    Searching for that gate turns out to be a little bit tricky.
    (Feeling again like in a fairy tale cracking the prince's brainteaser - a feeling I did not really could shake off during this whole journey in which the prince would ask riddles to be solved...)
    OK, my brain will give it a try.

    You will notice driving around the block on streetview (except for Carolwood Dr. which is blocked on Google) that the area is a little bit hilly. The mansion is surrounded by straight walls on Carolwood Dr. hidden by trees and a little green, high but irregular walls on Monovale Dr. hidden walls on Sunset Blvd. (behind a little hill and big trees) and some smaller hedges on Ladera Dr. However, on Ladera Dr., there should be no direct connection to the mansion, these should be separate properties.

    Now having worked the circuit around the property, I do not see any other possibility of finding the gate except it were hidden north / left of the garden housewith the gray roof (green square). (Btw. the blue square gives Elvis's former house with its main gate on 144 Monovale Dr.)
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