TIAI February 26



  • naviblnavibl Posts: 117
    I have heard the statement many times...use the KISS method...which mean "Keep It Simple Stupid" HA! (not saying anyone is stupid here just just so you know) <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> so I have to remind my self that sometimes I can get so caught up in the intricate details of the investigation that we over look the obvious. I am sure many have come to the conclusion of why the photo is fake after seeing just two other photos. The ones that did it for me are the picture of the bodyguard holding his hands up at the back of the ambulance and the guy on the side taking the picture.

    A picture with the angle the body is lying in can only be taken from the side, not the back or we would see his feet. The car refection would never be seen from the side angle because the ambulance was never paralel with the car to the point of giving a reflection and there would not have been enough room between the ambulance and the car for the guy to get a picture.

    So different pics would have to be taken in order to layer the photo. But does it really matter if they are taken on the same day or different days. As to all the different reflections of faces, I ask myself, is TS trying to show us here how easly we can get distracted by things that are irrelevant and that detract from the real issue ... as in false flags, and how easy it is for things to be thrown in that take us completely off course of what is actually taking place? Focus would be the key, and take the bulk of evidence we have to work with the big picture. Just MHO...with LOVE
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Gina, if he did it for money, what's stopping the paramedics from saying, uh, that pic is fake. People who have no interest in keeping it quiet would know that it was fake. It's quite a famous pic. I highly doubt real emt's would say nothing at all about it in 20 months.
    Yes that's one reasoning non-believers have is that if the death was all fake, that surely some of all the people involved would have squealed. It doesn't seem possible they could have kept it under wraps this long. I think it's lots of money and/or great love for MJ.
    This picture is a mess (or my head is ).
    It's like it's wrong in a thousand ways. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> It's actually probably a masterpiece!
    The thing I have circled in the ambo photo has niggled at me for ages. It seems to be where the headlight of the red car is...but it looks like it is something dangling out of the headlight socket...and it changes slighty in each of the 4 pics posted by TS.
    I think it's some kind of emergency flash light sitting right where the car headlight reflection is. But a medical person would know accurately.
    Is it just my lack of knowledge, or are MJ's sideburns really long?? The seem to go right down passed his mouth.....?
    I was thinking they look extra thick and fuzzy--untrimmed. If MJ was sleeping in bed and this pic taken around noon the next day, you'd think he'd have a noticable beard stubble, yet his skin above his lip is smooth. No way the EMT or Murray shaved him first. Even if it was a dummy, you'd think they would have put a little "shadow". Again everything is inconsistant.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Oh, ItsHer, I also feel the Michael album has a lot to do with the hoax, if we have a hoax, even if I am not sure I'm only hearing the things I want to hear, maybe there aren't even there <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I am surprised of believers' lack of reaction in general to the meanings of the lyrics ......of course there were many who reacted but I think it's much more in the Michael album to discover...yet.....

    Anyway, in my opinion Behind the mask is not related to the ambulance photo, but of course I might be wrong.

    I've wondered about the lyrics since day one and thought at the release,
    "there now, the world will see that he's alive from these lyrics". But, no one is taking them literally. To me, it's like opening Michael's diary. Or having him hand us pages out of it that he WANTS us to read. It's very personal and literal to ME.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    TS, that ambulance photo didn't convince a lot of people that MJ died. In fact it was the catalyst that started a lot of people researching the hoax.

    Yes, "a lot" in the sense of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, who researched the hoax from the ambulance picture. But the MAJORITY of people around the world, MILLIONS or even BILLIONS, who never think twice about what the media tells them--THEY bought the ambulance photo: hook, line, and sinker! The hoax would NOT work if BILLIONS of people believed that it was a hoax; then nobody would be shocked when BAM comes! Nobody would WAKE UP!!!

    (Thanks, Andrea, you beat me to it!)

    Agreeeeeeeeeeeed ! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I am surprised of believers' lack of reaction in general to the meanings of the lyrics ......of course there were many who reacted but I think it's much more in the Michael album to discover...yet.....

    I've wondered about the lyrics since day one and thought at the release,
    "there now, the world will see that he's alive from these lyrics". But, no one is taking them literally. To me, it's like opening Michael's diary. Or having him hand us pages out of it that he WANTS us to read. It's very personal and literal to ME.

    Same here.
    Same applies to TII. It's all there.
    I remember so well HOW MUCH I was smiling each time I watched it in cinema.
    Many folks did not get to the messages and usually we stayed alone in the dark til the end. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    I was so much enjoying this invitation to closeness and watching the person unfold and unveil all these talents just right in front of our noses.

    These are very personal masterpieces just like his recent videos.
    Just beautifully reaching out his hand.

    Back to the picture:
    This is something I wrote an eternity ago:
    PostSubject: Re: Ambulance/Ben Evanstad slip up! Tue Oct 20, 2009 10:53 pm
    This agency would hang around Michael every day since they wanted to be the one and only MJ picture agency.
    So I do not put too much weight on him saying "the people that were hanging out there yesterday and the other day". They were there every day.

    The agreement could be simply "a % provision in case of a good take" as would go in every photographer's contract for an agency. This is participation of the involved people after selling the pics to news agencies.
    This is not getting my attention either.

    But what struck me about Evenstad and Weiss is the fact that Weiss does have a paramedic licence and that Evenstad did take the picture from down Carolwood drive as a proof that Weiss did take the picture from the side window. [this I do not think anymore today]

    Weiss would know how to set up a picture of a person inside an ambulance so he could play an important role in a fake picture.
    Evenstad took the "proof of a picture shooting" - for which reason would a reporter get away from the center of interest to set up a proof of "we made it" when the scene is about to be a "hurry, we are busy" scene? What for? Evenstad himself said that to him it was not news as such that Michael would go to a hospital as he had been with Michael many times when he had to go to hospital. So what made the difference now that Evenstad felt the need of a proof "WE shot it"?

    For this I imagine they were in it and did it on order of Michael.
  • naviblnavibl Posts: 117
    The other thing I forgot to mention is the fact that when the ambulance came to a stop from backing up the trash cans were still visible to the side before pulling forward which means there is no way it was ever parallel with the car, otherwise the trash cans would not have been visible in the video from the back of the ambulance. Also the picture of the car is taken at a downward angle, while the picture taken through the window was at an upward angle. ....Still marching!!!
  • michael-jackson-photo-0907-01.jpg

    I believe these pictures were a subliminal clue. These pictures were shown during Ben's interview. These show that Ben and Michael were/are friends, they show Michael behind a car/truck/van door (why?) they show how the picture can be done at an angle to show the reflection or not.

    There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the red shirt guy was standing on the right side of the ambulance after it backed out of the driveway. The red shirt guy had plenty of time to angle his camera to get a shot inside.
    Can someone find out what the patches look like for the real Paramedics ...

    Here is the LAFD patch, worn by the paramedics in the ambulance photo: http://www.fireattire.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=FA&Product_Code=P-Off-Blk&Category_Code=P

    Is that what you were looking for?
    Yes it was. Thank you. I couldn't see the patches very well in the pictures posted in this thread. Of course the patches on the paramedics in the fake ambulance picture would match real ones (attention to detail) however I am wondering shouldn't they have another title added to the patches, like the wording paramedic? Also it is hard to know for sure what patches are correct because there is so many different ones according to these sites I found. Also what is the correct title? City, county...?
    <!-- m -->http://www.socalemsparamedics.com/<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://lafd.org/fs71.htm<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://fire.lacounty.gov/default.asp<!-- m -->
    TS_comments wrote:
    For the most part, I am just sitting back and watching people discover some of my secrets, before I get around to spilling them! But actually, that is the way I want it. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Thanks for sharing secrets. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    When I wrote that I almost was going to add "your", now I don't have to.
    THANKS! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Gina, if he did it for money, what's stopping the paramedics from saying, uh, that pic is fake. People who have no interest in keeping it quiet would know that it was fake. It's quite a famous pic. I highly doubt real emt's would say nothing at all about it in 20 months.

    Paramedics are more than likely bound by the same privacy/HIPAA laws as doctors, nurses, etc. That is why the real paramedics won't say anything about that day. They legally can't talk about a patient. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> They can speak about what happened that day in a court of law because they may have been given a subpoena.

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protected_ ... nformation<!-- m -->
    Protected health information (PHI), under the US Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), is any information about health status, provision of health care, or payment for health care that can be linked to a specific individual. This is interpreted rather broadly and includes any part of a patient’s medical record or payment history.
    <!-- m -->http://www.hipaa.org/<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/privacy/hipaa/un ... index.html<!-- m -->
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547

    I believe these pictures were a subliminal clue. These pictures were shown during Ben's interview. These show that Ben and Michael were/are friends, they show Michael behind a car/truck/van door (why?) they show how the picture can be done at an angle to show the reflection or not.

    There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the red shirt guy was standing on the right side of the ambulance after it backed out of the driveway. The red shirt guy had plenty of time to angle his camera to get a shot inside.
    Can someone find out what the patches look like for the real Paramedics ...

    Here is the LAFD patch, worn by the paramedics in the ambulance photo: http://www.fireattire.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=FA&Product_Code=P-Off-Blk&Category_Code=P

    Hey, we need to ask him how tall HE is!!!lol

    Is that what you were looking for?
    Yes it was. Thank you. I couldn't see the patches very well in the pictures posted in this thread. Of course the patches on the paramedics in the fake ambulance picture would match real ones (attention to detail) however I am wondering shouldn't they have another title added to the patches, like the wording paramedic? Also it is hard to know for sure what patches are correct because there is so many different ones according to these sites I found. Also what is the correct title? City, county...?
    <!-- m -->http://www.socalemsparamedics.com/<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://lafd.org/fs71.htm<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://fire.lacounty.gov/default.asp<!-- m -->
    TS_comments wrote:
    For the most part, I am just sitting back and watching people discover some of my secrets, before I get around to spilling them! But actually, that is the way I want it. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Thanks for sharing secrets. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    When I wrote that I almost was going to add "your", now I don't have to.
    THANKS! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    we need to ask him how tall HE IS..lol
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Report this postReply with quoteTIAI January 10
    SoldierofLOVE wrote:


    Re: Official General Prelim Discussion thread
    by Serenitys_Dream » Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:57 pm

    If a real body was procured, in some way, then the paramedics are telling the truth about the events of that day therefore they would not be in on the hoax. It explains why they would not have recognized Michael (because it wasn't him) and why it would seem that he had been "down" for a lengthy amount of time (because the body would be from a previously deceased person).

    If a real body was procured, then an autopsy on this body would be contradictory to Michael's physical condition such as the lung ailments reported in the Autopsy report. These lung disorders would have made it impossible for Michael to sing/dance. But we see that he was singing and dancing in the movie "This Is It". At least two of the lung disorders, reported in the autopsy report, are related to smoking. One of them is usually only attributed to a smoker, I do not believe Michael was a smoker most singers and/or dancers do not smoke and Michael was not shown smoking in the many pictures taken of him. This therefore could mean that a single individual, a couple of people or no one at all from the coroner's office is directly involved in the hoax.

    If a real body was used, the reports by the other witnesses who were present in the house, may also be accurate from their point of view. Using a real body, would diminish the number of people involved in the hoax, the less people actually in on the hoax...the more successful it would be. Less people, means more control over how things unfold and less chances of someone revealing the hoax before intended.

    Given these things, it is possible that the trial is not a fake in itself. It may be that this a real court proceeding in an effort to show how the courts can be manipulated, as part of an ARG scenario and/or a sort of "live action drama" being played out before the entire world. A Vendetta even. This also shows how the legal system can get it so wrong, how the media can report things without really investigating or asking pertinent questions. It could also be in an effort to try to open the general publics eyes to the all the inconstancies, get them asking questions and awaken even more people to the idea that Michael Jackson is actually alive.

    How else would the hoax gain more attention, beyond the believers, who are already aware of it. It had to go "Global" as in the media reporting this hearing or nothing would progress further than it has, we would be at a standstill.

    On another note, the admitting name supposedly used at UCLA was Shaun Soule. The reason given for this was to protect Michael's privacy and prevent a crush of people and media coming to UCLA. Well we know that didn't work, National Photo Group was at Michael's house so it was reported anyway. But if they used an alias when admitting Michael to the hospital, why did they use a completely different one on the blood samples obtained from the body?
    They autopsy report tells us that the vials of blood were labelled as "Gershwin" and this was the blood used for the reported testing in the autopsy report.

    There would have been no reason to use two different aliases, one for the patient and one for the patient's blood samples. The using of the Shaun Soule alias did not even come out until weeks after June 25, 2009 so the use of a different alias on the blood samples wasn't required to protect Michael Jackson's privacy. These blood samples were taken prior to any death having been pronounced and when resuscitation efforts were still ongoing.I would think that it is procedure to label blood and other fluid samples with the same name that a patient is admitted under so that these samples can be matched up with the right patient when results are obtained.

    So there must be another reason why two different names would have been used.

    George & Ira Gershwin - brothers, composer/pianist & lyricist." Porgy and Bess" is their most renowned Opera. There most popular song came from this Opera "It Ain't Necessarily So".
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porgy_and_Bess<!-- m -->

    It Ain't Necessarily So - It's not as it at first seems, It's fake, It's not true...it's a hoax.

    Liza May Minnelli is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of singer and actress Judy Garland (Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz) and film director Vincente Minnelli.
    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liza_Minnelli<!-- m -->

    Liza Minnelli's godfather is IRA GERSHWIN.
    <!-- m -->http://www.ibdb.com/person.php?id=68333<!-- m -->

    Shaun - God's Gift
    <!-- m -->http://www.name-meanings.com/search.php<!-- m -->
    Anglicized form of SEÁN
    <!-- m -->http://www.behindthename.com/name/shaun<!-- m -->

    SEÁN - God Is Gracious
    <!-- m -->http://www.name-meanings.com/search.php<!-- m -->
    Irish form of JOHN
    <!-- m -->http://www.behindthename.com/name/sea10n<!-- m -->

    JOHN - God Is Gracious, Merciful
    <!-- m -->http://www.name-meanings.com/search.php<!-- m -->
    English form of Iohannes, the Latin form of the Greek name Ioannes, itself derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan meaning "YAHWEH is gracious". This name owes its popularity to two New Testament characters, both highly revered saints. The first was John the Baptist, a Jewish ascetic who was considered the forerunner of Jesus Christ. The second was the apostle John, who was also traditionally regarded as the author of the fourth Gospel and Revelation
    <!-- m -->http://www.behindthename.com/name/john<!-- m -->

    I remember this redirections about the bodies, the paramedicos said it was not recognized Michael, who thought in an old man, this is another proof of the falsehood of the photo of the ambulance, in that picture is not has an old man
  • @paula-c,

    That is good info but, you might want to be careful posting anything Serenity wrote. She was quite pissed when she left the forum and she did say she was in the process of looking into legal measures to keep her work from being used.

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    I believe these pictures were a subliminal clue. These pictures were shown during Ben's interview. These show that Ben and Michael were/are friends, they show Michael behind a car/truck/van door (why?) they show how the picture can be done at an angle to show the reflection or not.

    There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the red shirt guy was standing on the right side of the ambulance after it backed out of the driveway. The red shirt guy had plenty of time to angle his camera to get a shot inside.
    Can someone find out what the patches look like for the real Paramedics ...

    Here is the LAFD patch, worn by the paramedics in the ambulance photo: http://www.fireattire.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=FA&Product_Code=P-Off-Blk&Category_Code=P

    Hey, we need to ask him how tall HE is!!!lol

    Is that what you were looking for?
    Yes it was. Thank you. I couldn't see the patches very well in the pictures posted in this thread. Of course the patches on the paramedics in the fake ambulance picture would match real ones (attention to detail) however I am wondering shouldn't they have another title added to the patches, like the wording paramedic? Also it is hard to know for sure what patches are correct because there is so many different ones according to these sites I found. Also what is the correct title? City, county...?
    <!-- m -->http://www.socalemsparamedics.com/<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://lafd.org/fs71.htm<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://fire.lacounty.gov/default.asp<!-- m -->
    TS_comments wrote:
    For the most part, I am just sitting back and watching people discover some of my secrets, before I get around to spilling them! But actually, that is the way I want it. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Thanks for sharing secrets. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    When I wrote that I almost was going to add "your", now I don't have to.
    THANKS! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    we need to ask him how tall HE IS..lol

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Again we have a lurking guest in this thread. You need some popcorn TS? I wish I could swap with you for a day, I'm sure it's hilarious at times looking at all this from your point of view. You sure aren't making it easy for us here. I'm glad I'm an excellent swimmer, I'll keep my head above water, but it sure is getting heavy. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I was thinking how could MJ know that on June 25th people not in the hoax might take photos? Those on the star tours could of hopped off and taken pictures and if they took pictures that had noone in the ambulance or had noone resembling MJ and Ben got the photo that he has now then people would know its fake.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Again we have a lurking guest in this thread. You need some popcorn TS? I wish I could swap with you for a day, I'm sure it's hilarious at times looking at all this from your point of view. You sure aren't making it easy for us here. I'm glad I'm an excellent swimmer, I'll keep my head above water, but it sure is getting heavy. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    How'd u know TS is lurking?? Did I miss his post of did YOU see him lurking?? I always seem to be missing TS
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I was thinking how could MJ know that on June 25th people not in the hoax might take photos? Those on the star tours could of hopped off and taken pictures and if they took pictures that had noone in the ambulance or had noone resembling MJ and Ben got the photo that he has now then people would know its fake.
    They had that covered. Bodyguard on the back, NPG at the side window. Besides that, we are debating wheter it's possible to take such a picture through the glass with an expensive lens, I am sure you wouldn't have seen shit when using your regular digital camera or cell phone.

    Also, no one knew at that moment it was MJ. He has a lot of staff (well normally he has) and it could have been anyone.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Again we have a lurking guest in this thread. You need some popcorn TS? I wish I could swap with you for a day, I'm sure it's hilarious at times looking at all this from your point of view. You sure aren't making it easy for us here. I'm glad I'm an excellent swimmer, I'll keep my head above water, but it sure is getting heavy. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    How'd u know TS is lurking?? Did I miss his post of did YOU see him lurking?? I always seem to be missing TS
    No, it says 1 guest at the bottom. I addressed TS because he said he would sit back and watch us cracking our heads over this so it might be him.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Is there anyway we can seperate the inside of the ambulance from the reflection?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Im_convincedmjalive wrote:


    That is good info but, you might want to be careful posting anything Serenity wrote. She was quite pissed when she left the forum and she did say she was in the process of looking into legal measures to keep her work from being used.


    I am sorry not to know that SD said that, in fact thinking in the redirections of TS
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Im_convincedmjalive wrote:


    That is good info but, you might want to be careful posting anything Serenity wrote. She was quite pissed when she left the forum and she did say she was in the process of looking into legal measures to keep her work from being used.


    I am sorry not to know that SD said that, in fact thinking in the redirections of TS

    It's no problem paula. As long as it is posted on this forum, you can quote, copy and paste as much as you want, from any member.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Seventeen pages later...and it is STILL WHAT IT IS.

    That in itself is pretty damn funny!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Seventeen pages later...and it is STILL WHAT IT IS.

    That in itself is pretty damn funny!

    If you don't have anything to contribute to this discussion, just skip it would ya?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • angelangel Posts: 349
    I am wondering if the red car matters in the hoax, was it staged or was it just some random car of some random person?

    Same here. I am also wondering if Ben left it running, like Dr. Nick with the green Mercedes. Lol. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I keep thinking about the Elvis connection along with some of the comments about the wax dummy. Like MJonmind said, "Why would he even NEED a dummy?", yet I think there is a possibility he would use one based on doing so many other things like Elvis, or rather as Elvis did in theory. I don't think there was an ambulance photo taken of Elvis, but there was the infamous "coffin picture" sold to the National Enquirer.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I am wondering if the red car matters in the hoax, was it staged or was it just some random car of some random person?

    Same here. I am also wondering if Ben left it running, like Dr. Nick with the green Mercedes. Lol. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I keep thinking about the Elvis connection along with some of the comments about the wax dummy. Like MJonmind said, "Why would he even NEED a dummy?", yet I think there is a possibility he would use one based on doing so many other things like Elvis, or rather as Elvis did in theory. I don't think there was an ambulance photo taken of Elvis, but there was the infamous "coffin picture" sold to the National Enquirer.
    Ah, that's a good point. In that case I do see a dummy being used.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    angel, that makes sense to me. We've seen the Elvis/MJ parallels all along. And as this is "the visual evidence" of death ,the dummy does fit with the scenario.
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