TIAI May 1



  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    If the FBI really wants a BIG sting, they should be going after the entire NWO globalist organization, including the intelligence communities, UN, IMF, banksters, Fed Reserve, current and former leaders of this country and big member corporations - especially the ones with government contracts. Sure, you can start on the local level with the police, DA, city council or whoever you like if you want to, but eventually it all trees up to the top of the pyramid. Yeah, that's right, the one with the eye on top. I have little doubt all of MJ's cases are related to this. Even a 3rd grader with an average IQ and grade point average can see what these elitists are doing. It's not a big secret anymore (although they think so). It's so obvious and too many people know the truth now. Alex Jones has been on their tails for years, has all the proof and evidence. Even I wrote him off as a crazy conspiracy theorist once but now his audience has tripled in just the past few months alone. It's all laid out for those who like to investigate things. Hummm, "conspiracy". Sure has a familiar ring to it. Where have we heard that word uttered before, I wonder? Nearly every politician no matter what party they are affiliated with are in on it too so it's no easy task to bring these guys down. IF the FBI hasn't given into the dark side yet themselves, there may still be hope. Otherwise, WE are the last and only line of defense remaining. There's a bigger peoples' investigation happening out there. This one is just the tip of the iceberg but I sense related. Revolutions aren't just limited to third world countries either. Something has to give and it better be soon or thats just what we will have.

    You tell em' Tigger...and welcome to the madhouse we call home.. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    Tohme R Tohme was seen everywhere up until his MJ's disappearance..then, conveniently, hands back alot of cash to the family..things that make you go hmmmmmm..

    He "supervises" MJ at the 02 announcement and seems to "own" him. All we can go on, is what we read and see. To me, this guy is very "Fishy"...part of a bigger plan.

    TS...Tohme Sucks
    If the FBI really wants a BIG sting, they should be going after the entire NWO globalist organization, including the intelligence communities, UN, IMF, banksters, Fed Reserve, current and former leaders of this country and big member corporations - especially the ones with government contracts. Sure, you can start on the local level with the police, DA, city council or whoever you like if you want to, but eventually it all trees up to the top of the pyramid. Yeah, that's right, the one with the eye on top. I have little doubt all of MJ's cases are related to this. Even a 3rd grader with an average IQ and grade point average can see what these elitists are doing. It's not a big secret anymore (although they think so). It's so obvious and too many people know the truth now. Alex Jones has been on their tails for years, has all the proof and evidence. Even I wrote him off as a crazy conspiracy theorist once but now his audience has tripled in just the past few months alone. It's all laid out for those who like to investigate things. Hummm, "conspiracy". Sure has a familiar ring to it. Where have we heard that word uttered before, I wonder? Nearly every politician no matter what party they are affiliated with are in on it too so it's no easy task to bring these guys down. IF the FBI hasn't given into the dark side yet themselves, there may still be hope. Otherwise, WE are the last and only line of defense remaining. There's a bigger peoples' investigation happening out there. This one is just the tip of the iceberg but I sense related. Revolutions aren't just limited to third world countries either. Something has to give and it better be soon or thats just what we will have.

    If we are the last and only line of defense - they have nothing to fear about.
    Anyway, if we look back in the history, all empires have a natural cicle of life, they rise - glow and eventually fall.
    Are the NWO organisations better than that?
  • naviblnavibl Posts: 117
    The FBI or any other Gov intelligence will not go after their own. They are part of NWO. However key players outside and in, have a purpose to uncover the people in Michael's life that meant him harm, that work for members of the elite. Once in the courtoom it will become appearent who these people are and they will ultimately tell on themselves because they have not been prepared all along for Michael to do what he has done. They now think he is gone, so they will show their true colors, as where they would not to his face or to the public while he was here.

    We will then see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Most of the people on the surface don't know who they work for, they are just the puppets, paid well for what they do. It most likely is a sting of a whole different kind.

    God Be with US. We know he is, and the only one that can fix this mess. It is all out of our control.
  • MsTrinity333MsTrinity333 Posts: 355
    Tohme Tohme... Reminds me of that double headed ssssnake in L7W's video. <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->

    No doubt two faced Tohme is part of this tangled web. Here's some of my notes from conversations with Kitty & friend last year:

    At the death announcement, why was he there? How did he know so quickly and to pretend to be a representative? What's up with the money he took & returned? Hand caught in the cookie jar?

    MJ took the precaution of having Rev. Gatlin tape conversations where he expressed fear and distrust of Tohme, and the fact that he'd done a background check. Evidence and a bit of insurance, I think Phil Anschutz and Tom Barack have shady business pasts too, and apparently go back a long ways. I think MJ was coerced into this from the beginning. Did you know Barak (Colony Capitol) owns 1200 acres adjacent to Neverland, that he is heavily invested in gambling in Nevada and had plans for "Thriller themed" casinos on Neverland? Think MJ went along with that?

    Forgot to add that it all started with Tohme who, it seems, was already working for Colony when he "suggested" MJ meet Barak and discuss refinancing Neverland. This preceded by Jermaine introducing MJ to Tohme as a potential financial advisor. Tohme said he'd talked MJ out of a 6 month residency in Vegas and into the AEG concerts in London. He "convinced MJ that summer in England would be better for the kids than summer in Las Vegas." The Vegas shows would have paid MJ $100M. Tohme is on the payroll of one of the backers of This Is It. (Colony Cap) From the London Eve.

    I think MJ went to someone high up in law enforcement for help--coercion & racketeering (one of the criteria for Witness Protection), then the request for a favor in return-assisting the DEA. Putting the 2 together explains everything & nothing else does.

    Business time line MJ is BRILLIANT!! Watch the dates. <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->
    Michael Jackson's original loan holder, Fortress Investment Group, slated Neverland Ranch for public auction if the loan, exceeding $24M, remained unpaid on March 19, 2008. MJ managed a last-ditch deal with Fortress by March 13, 2008. In May 2008 Colony Capital buys the loan - this is where Tohme introduced MJ & Tom Barrak of Colony. I don't know when Tohme met Jermaine, but I'd bet he pursued him as a way to get to MJ. Part of the deal with Colony was that MJ could put off making payments for a while in exchange for more $$ down the road. In Sept 2008 MJ has Rev June Gatlin record conversations where he expresses fear & distrust of Tohme. In Nov 2008 MJ transfers ownership of Neverland to Sycamore Valley Ranch Co. LLC - Neverland was called Sycamore Valley Ranch when MJ bought it. A listing on the CA Sec of State web site does not ID the owners of SVR Co but it has the same Century City address as Colony Capital. USA Today reports MJ filed a grant deed on the ranch showing SVR Co as the owner of Neverland, and that SVR Co is a joint venture between MJ & Colony Capital. So 2 months after the Gatlin phone recordings MJ retains part ownership of Neverland, which his estate now controls. Tom Barrak cannot develop the land without their participation. End of 08 or beginning of 09 MJ rehires trusted legal/mgmt team. These lawyers turn out to be executors of his will Oh What a Surprise. Jan April 2009 Nurse Lee treats MJ as nutritionist. She runs blood tests & gives vit/mineral IV-sees no sign of drug use. Feb 2009 MJ passes ins physical/drug test. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    April 2009 Tohme sends James Weller of TRW Advertising (Tohme Rogich Weller) to see Darren Julien of Julien's Auction House Beverly Hills. Long story short ask if you want it -on Tohme's instructions Julien's life is threatened if he goes ahead with the auction of MJ's possessions taken from Neverland on Tohme's authority. LAPD are involved & the dispute is settled, sort of. As of Sept 2009 Tohme had not returned these items to the estate. May 2009 MJ fires Tohme with Frank DiLeo's help. It is assumed the Auction House incident is the last straw, but maybe it was EVIDENCE! On being fired the next month Tohme threatens MJ & his family. May 2009 is when Dr Murray starts work for MJ . Kai Chase is rehired. Aug 2009 Chief Bratton's surprise departure from LAPD-now heads a co that provides Justice Dept program support. E Taylor once described MJ as cunning. Now I see what she meant! <!-- smj_bad/ -->mj_bad/<!-- smj_bad/ -->
    ...and I bet MJ set Tohme up at the Oliver event, to have Dr. Tohme's abusive behavior, get caught in pictures. What do you think?

    Tom Barrak is One of Tohme Tohme's many identities is of a US citizen of Lebanese decent raised in LA. Fresh out of USC law school Barrak was sent by his employer to Saudi Arabia for 4 1/2 years. Tohme has another identity as an orthopedic surgeon from Saudi Arabia. Both men are in their early 60s. Tom Barrak/Colony Capital is heavily invested in gambling. Very long story short, those investments were not paying off. According to NBC he was charged with realestate fraud and making threats in the 90s. He goes on to tell AP he was working with others to renegotiate the terms of MJs main assets: the Sony/ATV catalog & the MiJac catalog that owns MJs own music.

    Tohme says he talked MJ into the AEG deal saying summer in Vagas would be better for the kids than summer in England. Remember TRW Advertising? Tohme, Rogich, Weller. James Weller was the one who, on Tohme's orders, threatened Darren Julien of Julien's Auction House. LAPD had to get involved. Tom Barrak held 2 days of tours & lavish parties (at Neverland) to tell locals he had no plans to make Neverland a West Coast Graceland (despite Tohme's claims that's just what MJ wanted), lawyers for one of his companies filed 20 trademark applications for the names Neverland, Neverland Ranch…Thriller themed casino. This on Aug 12. This request was hurriedly abandoned Sept 8 after the story leaked & Joe Jackson told the media Colony Cap cannot do this without our permission.

    I watched that entire Elvis series--so glad you sent it, mmlj is watching it now. If you read my entire channel you know she and I got together from my asking her medical opinions....I had concluded MJ was being forced into more than he could or wanted to do with TII by AEG & Colony. It seemed that with his background check on Tohme that he mentions to Rev Gatlin, so conveniently on tape, he found proof of coercion and racketeering. Mmlj had thought from day one that he was somehow involved in a DEA sting, something she knows about first hand. She just couldn't figure out why. We put out theories together and it seemed to explain everything. Then to see that Elvis most likely did the same thing! It really does look like "they" tried to correct the flaws in Elvis' death with MJs.
    If fans didn't pay such close attention and have the internet, it might have worked. <!-- selvis_/ -->elvis_/<!-- selvis_/ -->
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- salbino/ -->albino/<!-- salbino/ -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    The FBI or any other Gov intelligence will not go after their own. They are part of NWO. However key players outside and in, have a purpose to uncover the people in Michael's life that meant him harm, that work for members of the elite. Once in the courtoom it will become appearent who these people are and they will ultimately tell on themselves because they have not been prepared all along for Michael to do what he has done. They now think he is gone, so they will show their true colors, as where they would not to his face or to the public while he was here.

    We will then see just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Most of the people on the surface don't know who they work for, they are just the puppets, paid well for what they do. It most likely is a sting of a whole different kind.

    God Be with US. We know he is, and the only one that can fix this mess. It is all out of our control.

    Plus, they had probably felt so completely relaxed that things of late are beginning to make them feel a little bit on edge now, hearing all the hoax stuff in the news, on twitter. Like <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> is it possible? Can it be <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr --> <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr --> . Case in point Klein calling out other people who were doing wrong cuz he ain't going down this road by himself. So he's gonna drag everybody with him <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ --> Those who thought they were scotch free and that the dead can't talk are probably seriously having cause to re-think themselves. Look now, at a different picture. Alls I can say is, in the words of the Maestro himself: they should all feel very threatened <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    You should be watching me, you should feel threatened
    While you sleep, while you creep, you should be threatened...

    You think you’re by yourself, but it’s my touch you felt
    I’m not a ghost from Hell, but I’ve got a spell on you...

    I am the living dead
    the dark thoughts in your head
    I heard just what you said
    That’s why you’ve got to be threatened by me
    Oh TS come on, how long are you going to stay away? I miss you <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I am looking for information on Tohme Tohme, the forum is no information about it at this link. In the video below in the second minute he is seen arriving at the hospital with a man white-haired , .. after he appears with Jermaine at the time of the declaration?, also seen in another video to accompany the "body of Michael" to the helicopter <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdyjGr1W ... dded#at=79<!-- m -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=30&t=9545<!-- l -->
  • I was just looking at the FBI website to see if there is any developments or news on recent cases (that MJ could of had a hand in).

    I don't think I have found any, but I found two articles on Public Corruption in the justice system.I guess it is all too fimilar for corruption in the justice system to occur.

    Former New York State Senator and Putnam County Executive-Elect Sentenced to 21 Months in Prison on Obstruction of Justice and Tax Charges

    PREET BHARARA, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that former New York State Senator VINCENT L. LEIBELL, III, 64, of Putnam County, New York, was sentenced today in White Plains federal court to 21 months in prison for obstructing a federal grand jury investigation into his extortion of cash payments from lawyers working in Putnam County and for failing to report on his income tax returns tens of thousands of dollars in cash payments he had received from those lawyers. He was sentenced by United States District Judge WARREN W. EGINTON.

    U.S. Attorney PREET BHARARA said, “Today’s sentencing of former Senator Vincent Leibell ends a sad chapter in the history of Putnam County. It should serve as a sobering reminder to all public officials throughout New York State that no one is above the law.”

    According to the information filed in White Plains federal court and information revealed during the plea proceeding and the sentencing:

    Since April 2010, a federal grand jury sitting in the Southern District of New York, the FBI, and the IRS had been investigating allegations that, as a New York state senator, LEIBELL had unlawfully extorted cash payments from attorneys doing business in Putnam County. The investigation focused on whether LEIBELL had demanded and received cash payments from an attorney, described in the information as Attorney #1, who provided legal services to a Putnam County-based not-for-profit organization (the “NFP”) that received millions of dollars in New York state senate member item grants that LEIBELL sponsored as a state senator. The investigation focused on whether LEIBELL had threatened to cause the NFP to refuse to pay the invoices Attorney #1 submitted to the NFP for legal services that he had rendered to the NFP unless he agreed to give half of the invoiced amount of money to LEIBELL in cash.

    LEIBELL became aware of the investigation in late April 2010. He then began meeting with Attorney #1 to discuss what he should say when approached by federal agents.

    On June 6, 2010, at LEIBELL’s request, Attorney #1 met with him in Carmel, New York, to discuss the pending federal investigation. During the June 6, 2010, meeting, LEIBELL repeatedly directed Attorney #1 to lie to federal investigators about the cash payments he had previously made to LEIBELL. LEIBELL instructed Attorney #1 to falsely say that he had never made cash payments to LEIBELL, and that when investigators questioned him about cash withdrawals Attorney #1 made from his bank account to pay LEIBELL, he should falsely say that he withdrew the money to have around in case of a national or family emergency and that he used the money for living expenses, including caring for his elderly mother.

    During the meeting, LEIBELL repeatedly urged Attorney #1 to maintain their false denials, stating: “You and I say there was never any cash relationship. Period ... Since you and I are in agreement, it didn’t happen ... All I know is, as long as you and I are consistent, I’m fine, you’re fine. There was never any cash between you and I, okay?”

    LEIBELL also was sentenced today on related tax crimes for filing false federal income tax returns with the IRS for the tax years 2003 through 2006. LEIBELL failed to report at least $43,000 in cash he received during these years from Attorney #1 and another attorney described in the information as Attorney #2.

    LEIBELL, who resigned his New York state senate seat effective on December 3, 2010, was scheduled to be sworn in as Putnam County executive on January 1, 2011. Because of his guilty plea, he was never sworn in as Putnam County executive.

    In addition to his prison term, Judge EGINTON ordered LEIBELL to pay a fine in the amount of $4,000 and serve three years of supervised release.

    Mr. BHARARA praised the work of the FBI and the IRS Criminal Investigation Division. He added that the investigation is ongoing.

    This case is being handled by the Office’s White Plains Division. Assistant U.S. Attorneys PERRY A. CARBONE and JASON P.W. HALPERIN are in charge of the prosecution.


    Former Prince George’s County Executive Jack Johnson Pleads Guilty to Federal Extortion and Bribery

    GREENBELT, MD—Former Prince George’s County Executive Jack B. Johnson, age 62, of Mitchellville, Maryland, pleaded guilty today to an extortion conspiracy relating to the performance of his official duties and tampering with a witness and evidence. The guilty plea was taken by United States Senior District Judge Peter J. Messitte.

    After the hearing, the court unsealed records of three related cases. Former Director of the Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) James Edward Johnson, age 66, of Temple Hills, Maryland, pleaded guilty on January 28, 2011 to conspiracy to commit extortion. James Johnson and Jack Johnson are not related. Dr. Mirza Hussain Baig, age 67, of Burtonsville, Maryland, pleaded guilty on April 11, 2011 to conspiracy to commit extortion in connection with paying bribes to Jack Johnson and James Johnson. Patrick Q. Ricker, age 52, of Bowie, Maryland, pleaded guilty on December 30, 2009 to conspiring to commit honest services fraud and to make false statements to the Federal Election Commission; and to tax evasion. These three guilty pleas were previously entered under seal.

    The guilty pleas were announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Richard A. McFeely of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Special Agent in Charge Rebecca Sparkman of the Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigation, Washington, D.C. Field Office.

    “Electing and appointing men and women of good character is important,” said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. “But the key to honest government is to create a culture of integrity by establishing checks and balances that promote accountability. People who seek government benefits or approvals deserve to be evaluated on the merits, without being extorted or losing out to competitors who pay bribes.”

    “This case demonstrates the FBI’s continued commitment to rooting out corruption at all levels of government,” said Special Agent in Charge Richard A. McFeely of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. “While Jack Johnson’s guilty plea today shines a bright light on the crimes he and his associates committed, it is not the end of the FBI’s investigation into corruption in Prince George’s County. The FBI will devote all available resources to bring corrupt public officials and their criminal associates to justice.”

    “IRS Criminal Investigation will use our financial expertise to expose any public official who thinks that the normal course of doing business involves bribes and kickbacks,” stated Rebecca A. Sparkman, IRS Special Agent in Charge. “The public has the right to know that those who work for them are doing so honestly.”

    Jack Johnson was Prince George’s County Executive from 2002 to December 2010. Prior to 2002, Jack Johnson was the county’s State’s Attorney. In September 2009, Jack Johnson appointed James Johnson to serve as the director of DHCD, which administered the HOME Investment Partnerships program to provide federal grants to states and localities to fund the construction, purchase, and/or rehabilitation of affordable housing for rent or home-ownership. As housing director, James Johnson had authority to recommend which developers would receive HOME funds for development projects in the county and to grant the developers exceptions from regulatory requirements.

    Patrick Ricker is a developer in Prince George’s County, a licensed real estate broker in Maryland and the president of Ricker Brothers, Inc. Ricker and his co-conspirators had an interest in Greenbelt Metropark, which sought to design, develop and build a mixed-use project near the Greenbelt Metro Station, called Greenbelt Station. Ricker and his co-conspirators also had an interest in Day Homes, which was incorporated to construct single family homes in Maryland, and was involved in several development projects in the county.

    Mirza Baig is a physician and the president of Laurel Lakes Primary Care, LLC located in Laurel, Maryland. Further, Baig owned Baig Ventures, which was a commercial and residential developer in the county since at least 1992.

    According to Jack Johnson’s guilty plea, from 2003 through at least November 12, 2010, Jack Johnson was part of a conspiracy in which Baig, Ricker, and other business persons offered things of value, including money, trip expenses, meals, drinks, hotel rooms, airline tickets, rounds of golf, employment, mortgage payments, and monetary and in-kind campaign contributions to Jack and James Johnson and other state and local government officials. Baig and James Johnson pleaded guilty to being part of the conspiracy from 2006 through 2010, and Ricker pleaded guilty to being part of the conspiracy from about 1997 through at least September 11, 2008.

    In exchange for the bribes, Jack Johnson, James Johnson, and other county officials performed and agreed to perform favorable official actions for Baig, Ricker, and other developers, business owners and their companies. The official acts included obtaining a waiver of a HOME Program regulation, securing millions of dollars in HOME funds; assisting in the acquisition of surplus property and land from the county for development by certain developers, including Baig and Ricker; providing the conspirators with non-public county information; obtaining necessary state and local approvals and permits for certain developments and businesses in the county, including Greenbelt Station, one of Ricker’s projects; obtaining employment with the county; obtaining management rights for county bond funds; obtaining county funding for certain developments and businesses in the county; assisting with state and county legislation regarding liquor store hours; influencing certain County officials to approve and/or facilitate county business; and, securing county commitments to lease property from certain developers at developments in the county.

    According to Jack Johnson’s plea agreement, during a six month period in 2005, Baig provided Jack Johnson with six payments of $1,500 in cash, in exchange for Johnson’s assistance concerning several development projects. In addition, Jack Johnson admitted that Baig paid him $50,000 in return for his assistance in obtaining county employment for one of Baig’s associates as a physician at Prince George’s County Hospital and provided another $100,000 check for assistance in getting HOME funds for one of Baig’s projects.

    According to Ricker’s plea agreement, state and local officials concealed items they received from Ricker and his co-conspirators by failing to report them or by misrepresenting their nature and value. Further, Ricker and his co-conspirators concealed campaign contributions to the state and local officials that were above state and federal legal limits by using conduits and in-kind contributions. Specifically, Ricker admitted that he recruited “straw donors,” including family members and employees, to make state and federal campaign contributions with funds provided by or reimbursed by Ricker and his co-conspirators. Ricker also provided in-kind contributions to conceal the actual amount of his campaign contributions, such as campaign signs, food, alcohol and the administrative services of their employees and family members.

    According to their plea agreements, Baig paid Jack and James Johnson between $400,000 and $1 million in bribes in connection with the scheme.

    Additionally, Jack Johnson admits that just prior to his arrest on November 12, 2010, he and a co-conspirator exchanged a series of telephone calls. During one of those calls, as federal agents were knocking on the door of Johnson’s home to execute a search warrant, Johnson told the co-conspirator to destroy the $100,000 check provided to Johnson by Baig and to hide cash that he had hidden in their home. Specifically, Jack Johnson admitted that he told the co-conspirator to flush the check down the toilet and hide the cash in her underwear. Federal agents entered the home and recovered approximately $79,600 from the co-conspirator.

    Ricker further admits that in an attempt to evade income tax owed to the U.S. government for tax years 2004 to 2007, he under-reported his taxable income by a total of more than $1.1 million.

    Jack Johnson faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for the extortion conspiracy. James Johnson and Mirza Baig face a maximum sentence of five years in prison for the conspiracy to commit extortion, and Patrick Ricker faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison for the honest services fraud and false statements conspiracy. Jack Johnson also faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for witness and evidence tampering. Patrick Ricker also faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison for tax evasion. Judge Messitte set sentencing for Jack Johnson on September 15, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. Mirza Baig is scheduled for sentencing on July 14, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. No sentencing dates have been scheduled to date for James Johnson and Patrick Ricker.

    The case pending against Leslie Johnson is unaffected by Jack Johnson’s guilty plea.

    United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein praised the FBI and IRS-CI for their work in the investigation. Mr. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorneys James A. Crowell IV, A. David Copperthite, and Sujit Raman, who are prosecuting these cases.

    On a side note President Obama is thinking of extending the FBI director Robert Mueller's term.
    <!-- m -->http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-off ... rt-mueller<!-- m -->

    And it says in this link <!-- m -->http://vault.fbi.gov/Michael%20Jackson;<!-- m --> The Bureau also investigated threats made against Mr. Jackson and others by an individual who was later imprisoned for these crimes.

    So maybe while they were investigating, they found other information about other people who had threatened MJ in some way.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Any conclusion yet?
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    I always wondered about the names..."Prince" for princess, and "Paris" where Dianna was killed. But Michael always wears the crown on all of his clothing..

    Prince is a name in Michael's family that is passed down. Paris is where Paris was born.

    Paris was born in California, not in Paris. And why does Katherine call Prince 'Ted' when his name is Prince?

    Well...er... <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr --> it could be because that's his REAL given name. Consider this:

    ever said his name was "Prince", anyway? The Media, supposedly quoting the biggest hoaxer on the planet....As I recall, the media dogged him and got first pictures on less than amicable terms.

    It would be payback <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> for MJ to jerk the press around all these years by providing trumped up names for the kids. (and, incidentally, it would protect them from any kidnappers, who thought to call them over by these fake names, and grab them...Just FYI.)

    Anyway, they are most probably all actors, and the names are eerily convenient stage names in MJ's Magical Hoax Adventure, THRILLER 2. Before anyone gets get wild, please watch Ms.K. on Oprah, where Oprah asked something like, did she take the kids right home with her, after the "death", and Ms. K. says, "oh, yes, just LIKE a Grandma, you know" NOT, "Well, they belong with us, I AM their Grandma." I took it to mean she was playing an expected ROLE, herself...

    She is such a trooper and good sport, helping MJ with this. It all for Love.

    If you have doubts, still, there is some video of MJ playing on the floor with toddlers "Prince" and "Paris", and someone is either visiting or simply there to shoot this video of "MJ at home with the kids". The kids are "dancing" & singing little songs.

    MJ says something a real father or mother would NEVER say to or in front of their own child, in front of anyone else (even though the kids were too young to know what he meant).

    A real parent takes their own child's side against EVERYBODY. They are NOT concerned that the kid is embarrassing them, in front of their "friend". A real parent is a mother TIGER with a cub! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> She will attack the friend before making fun of the child. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    It is a cut, as if he thinks it's funny they are "making the K.o.P. look bad on film". He says, sarcastically, as he appears to be putting toys away, "Where's your "rhythm" and laughs at the joke.

    This was SO out of character (well, the one we think we KNOW <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ) for MJ, I noticed it right away, that he himself unwittingly acknowledged the actual detachment, lack of identity with these kids. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I apologize in advance if my "investigative observations/ conclusions upset anyone. We want to consider everything, and get to the Truth, right? Please, with FACT, prove me wrong. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Who ever said his name was "Prince", anyway? The Media, supposedly quoting the biggest hoaxer on the planet

    I like this.
    is there something he didn't hoax, except his care for the children and the planet?

    @Gema: I don't have a conclusion about this thread.

    Because I don't understand how Michael's death can be used in a sting operation. Except if the sting is directed to his personal enemies who wanted to kill him or to steal his money.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Because I don't understand how Michael's death can be used in a sting operation. Except if the sting is directed to his personal enemies who wanted to kill him or to steal his money.

    I think TPTB want Michael dead. They killed Princess Di, John Lennon, JFK, Martin Luther King Jr, JFK Jr - basically anybody who spread love and wanted to expose the evil and injustice in the world - "TPTB". Michael would know this and beat them to it - by "killing" himself. And the FBI would know who is really behind these killings, maybe there are certain agents working with Michael who are sick of having to cover up the truth, not only about those murders but many other things like 9/11. So if a big part of Michael's hoax is to expose these evil people, he has the help and evidence of these FBI agents.
    Andrea it makes more sense to me that he "died" to protect his life.
    If the bonus is to catch some criminals I'm not complaining.
    I just....don't see it happening for the time being.

    TS.....I miss you.
    Come on.....don't you like us anymore? <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • peacock7peacock7 Posts: 147
    Hey all, I thought the below article was very interesting.

    What sort of comforts me is that believe it or not, many folks are speaking out about a lot of things now.

    And as we have seen and can still see, the whole world is like a play. Many, many things are scripted. The powers that be made sure certain ones that are probably MK'ed up showed up in Chicago for Oprah's final taping. Some of us know what depopulation group she belongs to, but again, if she is controlled, then she was innocent when she was first caught in that web, so it is not all of her fault. That is what I steadily remind myself of. They say that some come from out of their programming and can't remember things, but many do end up remembering.

    I pray that there is a movement going on whereas certain people that love their money and so-called fame finally are awakening to the truth, and that is that our riches by this point in time are our memories and our love for the Creator, our fellow Human Beings and the Universe.

    <!-- m -->http://www.lapdpatriots.com/<!-- m -->

    Here is another good one.

    <!-- m -->http://www.libertyzone.com/Communist-Ma ... lanks.html<!-- m -->

    By the way, for the ones that think Thome-Thome was plotting MJ's death and MJ is going to prove it in this so-called Sting, I disagree. How is TT able to live freely if Jermaine and the family thought he was plotting to kill MJ? First of all, some think MJ is dead, so TT killed him? And the family could care less? Some believe like many do in the Hip-Hop community that MJ's OWN family killed him? Jermaine and TT killed MJ?

    Do you think that TS? May haps the reason TS doesn't want to talk about Thome is because he knows that Thome represents MJ as far as the business minded aspect is concerned. MJ/Thome were the only two that knew about the $5.5M?????????????????? Well, first of all, I've always doubted that story since the old board, and decided that if there actually was an exchange of funds, then MJ was the one handing money over. Why should we have even learned about this? Could it be that MJ planted that story? And if he planted that story, he could have planted more.

    Why isn't MJ afraid now of Thome-Thome? Why wouldn't he be afraid for his children? If TT was so powered up, he could employ people with high powered weapons or silencers and take out any one of MJ's family members before the trial (Lol) (get Murray before he spills the beans - Lol). To me, this would mean that MJ's parents and family were in on it, because TT was at the press conference with Jermaine. Was Jermaine under mind control? Is the family?

    The above makes no sense to me because of the places I'M sure I've seen MJ. "It is a great adventure." "Discover the man you never knew." And on and on. I'm sure MJ was Dave-Dave on Larry King Live. I think MJ was out and about Halloween 2009 with SAW mask, etc. To me that doesn't represent a man that was deathly (no pun intended) afraid for his life and family's. I think he has been appearing "I'm all over the place boy. You can't stop me." He is fufilling his promise to bring out the Surprises. Were some of us not SURPRISED to see MJ as Dave-Dave and on and on? What a welcomed surprise, for real. That boy is crazy.

    I still think as it pertains to the filming aspect of this thing, MJ is layering many things on many levels. It is like an 'Expose that he is incorporating into this Thriller II. I believe at one time there were some trying to kill him as he infers in his Jessie Jackson interview, and like Dick Gregory reported on (2005). This was around the time that he was first arrested in 2003. He knew something was up before that as he felt Tommy Motolla meant him no good. I think he will expose what happened to him and/or nearly happened to him around that time.

    After the trial, he moved to Ireland, and seemingly recovered well enough as he was working on some things with Will I Am, and he helped Diana Ross with the group Westlife record four songs. Then he went to Bahrain for a while. The thing is, no one knows for sure when he moved to Las Vegas. He probably lived there for months and months before it was reported. May haps, he was testing the waters to see how well he could hide in that city. No one knows for sure if he ever lived in that house in LA. We were told that he was renting it. It is the HOAX property.

    We don't and will never understand all aspects of this hoax and why MJ does "whatever" the way he does it and has done it.

    Didn't MJ say out of his own mouth that his part of Sony ATV WAS NOT FOR SALE AND NEVER WOULD BE? Didn't Branca and McClain come out and claim the same thing not too long ago? MJ still owns at least his half of Sony Music. Sony is not MJ's enemy. He had problems with Sony when Motolla was there, but we see what happened to him. MJ told the world in his speech that he felt that Motolla should be gone from Sony and shortly thereafter, he was.

    I think MJ contacted Frank Delio again for Hoax purposes, just like he did Branca, McClain and certain others. He is a great judge of character after all, and he knew that all of their hearts were basically good (like most human being's), and he has much love for them. He would rather deal with the "fill in the blank" he knows than be introduced to new ones. For the hoax, he needed people he could trust, and even if something had happened in the past to erode his trust of them, he forgave them and knew that this time around, he would be in charge of every new hire, and in charge of everything having to do with his business/estate.

    He realized that he would need help from family and certain friends or the hoax would never work. He can't do it by himself. I think a lot of this is building up to his Circus thingy in Las Vegas. Surely, it will introduce Thriller II. MJ had the DVD "The Jacksons Are Coming", in his HAND. He loves and is proud of his family as he knows that none of them are perfect. Neither is he. He has sinned just like we all have.

    Remember the circus was at the Stapled Center on 7/6/09. I wish we could do what the elephant below is doing to the ones that wish to do Us harm, indeed.

    By the way Souza, I love your interpretaion of Maya Angelou's poem from the Memorial. Simple outstanding, indeed. Thanks for all that is reported in that blog again. <!-- srespect/ -->respect/<!-- srespect/ -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    It's her
    Is it just me, or does anyone else think it is a strange coincidence that Tom Sneddon BECAME (that is, was put in place) as county prosecutor, with jurisdiction over Neverland, the year all this started, when THRILLER came out??
    What are you suggesting?

    Hi MJonmind, I'm sorry, I haven't been in this thread for a while and missed your post, until today. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I'm not suggesting anything, yet. <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ --> Just wondering about things. All kinds of things. Wondering if a guy who has the patience to plan a very complex involved Hoax over a period of twenty some years, had anything at all to do with the CONVENIENT placement of one of the intermittently most mentioned characters in the story of Michael Jackson and His Completely Fantastic Life, Tom Sneddon, IN the very jurisdiction MJ would soon own property, and become engulfed in such deep frightening drama. It's probably just a fantastic coincidence. Yep.

    It's just that, I read somewhere, and someone may have posted it right here on this board somewhere, about how it was ruled in court <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> that the media cannot be held accountable for fabricating parts of the news to make it a better story for ratings, or for quoting "truth" told to them by any source, because NO one REALLY knows the TRUTH... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    This means that Tom Sneddon and ALL his press conferences about pursuing and prosecuting "that pervert Michael Jackson"....COULD be faked. I didn't see any of the trial, but I remember Sneddon flapping his lips on the TV evening news, as I was walking through the room. I remember cough-saying: <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> "Bull$#!!!"

    The gut KNOWS crap at first hearing. I was just thinking the charges were trumped up. I wonder now if <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> MJ built a crankable Magical Hoax machine from P.T. Barnum's books, and was cranking things out, THAT far back? <!-- spale/ -->pale/<!-- spale/ --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Naaaaah. Coincidence. <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    Naturally, if I were prosecuting someone SO loved, I would have wisely hidden myself as well, and let an actor portray me before the public, to keep from getting shot. But...how could Sneddon know he was going to NEED a standin, in 1983?

    I'm wondering if something far more horrible was going on, and the story which was given to the public was a front, a diversion, to enable the FBI to swoop in and get the REAL people terrorizing MJ from another direction? More than we think, things are kept from the public to prevent PANIC and mass hysteria.

    If I am suggesting anything, it is that I need help, just playing with the puzzle pieces. <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> They keep forming a picture that wasn't on the box MJ <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: --> gave us.... <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Dr. Elias Ghanem, Dr. Tohme Tohme,..parallels

    Michael Jackson, Dr. Tohme, Elvis Presley and the Las Vegas Doctor to the Stars’ “Sleep Diet” – Part TwoOctober 20, 2009
    By LBG1

    The Eerie Similarities and Ties Between Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson

    Las Vegas “Doctor to the Stars”, the Doc who Treated Elvis and Michael Jackson, and who administered to Elvis the “Sleep Diet”

    Lisa Marie Presley’s Admission she feared Jackson would suffer the same “fate” as Elvis

    In Part One, we outlined the ties between Dr. Tohme R. Tohme and Sig Rogich, one of the three “principals” in Tohme’s TRW Advertising. It was through those ties that we discovered the “tie” between Sig Rogich and Dr. Elias Ghanem, “Las Vegas’ Doctor to the Stars”, a doctor that had both Presley and Michael Jackson as patients.

    In Part II, the eerie similarities between Jackson and Presley’s “treatments” for insomnia. In Jackson’s case, the surgical anesthetic drug, propofol, and Presley’s “Sleep Diet”: A “diet” that consisted of Presley heavily sedated for a period of “up to three weeks”, administered by Ghanem, Ghanem’s Las Vegas home.

    We discovered other similarities in Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley’s lives. Of both men being “devoutly spiritual” and a distaste for drinking, incurable insomnia, and abuse of prescription drugs. Of both Presley and Jackson’s cause of death related to a “combination of drugs”, and the physicians that had “enabled” the King of Rock N Roll and the King of Pop. And the deepest “tie”: the marriage between Jackson and Presley’s daughter Lisa Marie. Lisa Marie’s claim that Jackson had once “predicted” he’d “end up” like her father, and that she’d ended their marriage after she realized she couldn’t “save” Jackson from the same “destructive behavior”.

    Las Vegas’ Doctor to the Stars, Dr. Elias Ghanem, Elvis, and Michael Jackson

    On August 8, 2001, the Las Vegas Review published an article on the death of Dr. Elias Ghanem, according to the Vegas-Review, two of Ghanem’s patients, Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. (Google Las Vegas-Review.)

    On March 15, 1976, People published an article on Dr. Elias Ghanem, ‘Call Doctor Ghanem,’ Elvis and Other Stars Gasp When They Get Las Vegas Throat .

    “Swabbing talented throats may not win Nobel prizes, but the victims tend to be very grateful. Presley alone has lavished upon Ghanem the $32,000 Stutz, a Mercedes, two watches, a $60,000 diamond ring and a gold medallion inscribed “TCB.” (“Elvis’ people say this stands for ‘Take care of business,’ ” Ghanem chortles. “I say it stands for ‘Take care of broads.’ “

    In 2003, two years after Ghanem’s death, Contact Music published an article about Michael Jackson in Vegas and a call to a doctor for treatment for Jackson’s “cold and sore throat”. From ContactMusic.com:


    A doctor has claimed he was intimidated by Michael Jackson’s bodyguards when he refused to give him prescription drugs during the singer’s stay in Las Vegas in 2003. Michael Jackson’s bodyguard tried to threaten a doctor into giving him prescription drugs.

    The unnamed physician visited the Las Vegas hotel suite where the late pop superstar – who died of a suspected cardiac arrest last month – was staying in November 2003 after being told the singer had a cough and sore throat. However, when the doctor arrived he could not find anything wrong with Jackson. He said: “The whole thing was staged. It was all a lie. They just wanted drugs. They wanted me to call in all these pills under someone else’s name.

    Dr. Ghanem died in 2001 at age 62. According to the Review Journal, Ghanem began working as an emergency room physician in 1971, began a family practice in 1976, then opened his first clinic behind the Las Vegas Hilton where Elvis Presley became a patient. At the time of Elvis’ death at age 42, in 1977, Dr. Ghanem was 38. More from People:

    There he met a princely entertainer with a frog in his throat, removed same—and thus began to acquire a reputation as physician to the stars. Before long he had a Stutz Bearcat, a fleet of jets, flashy jewelry and a mirrored canopy over his bed. He went around saying things like “Fast cars and beautiful women are my hobbies.’ ” He owned real estate and restaurants. He was divorced. There is one big problem with this scenario. The Vegas headliner Dr. Ghanem treated to get his start in showbiz medicine actually was Elvis Presley. But it would not be difficult to find a substitute star or even to cast an entire movie from Ghanem’s roster of patients.


    Moving to Las Vegas in 1971, Ghanem was the $3,600-a-month director of the emergency room at Sunrise Hospital when he got a call one night about a raspy voice at the Hilton. It belonged to Presley. Robert Goulet consulted him not long after, and soon Ghanem was the hottest doc in Vegas since Severinsen. “I think it’s the personal touch they like,” says Ghanem. “They call at 2 o’clock in the morning and I go.”

    Despite the glitz, by 1976, Dr. Ghanem was in the process of building an outpatient clinic where 50% of the proceeds where to be donated to the University of Reno Medical School. The article stated, that at the time, the doctor was “on call” for nine casinos. Even so, in the Las Vegas Review Journal article on Ghanem’s death, the Journal cited Ghanem’s previous troubles:

    Ghanem received extensive press coverage over his medical treatment of Elvis, his unlucky business investments and an FBI investigation into his clinics’ billing practices. He was never charged with a crime. Although he didn’t carry through, Ghanem threatened to sue ABC News’ “20/20″ for reporting that he was one of the doctors who provided drugs that contributed to Elvis’ death.

    On March 6, 2003, the Nevada legislature passed a resolution memorializing “prominent physician and philanthropist Elias Ghanem”:


    Whereas, After serving as the hotel doctor for the Las Vegas Hilton, Dr. Ghanem became known as the “physician to the stars” because he became the personal physician to such celebrities as Elvis Presley, Liberace, Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, Ann-Margret, Wayne Newton and Virginia Kelley, the mother of former President Bill Clinton; and….”

    The resolution stated that Ghanem, while serving as the “hotel doctor” for the Las Vegas Hilton became known as the “physician to the stars” then “personal physician” for Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. Ghanem died in 2001 after battling cancer. In an ironic twist, in 2004, Tom Barrack and Colony Capital purchased the Las Vegas Hilton.

    On May 27, 1974, Lisa Marie Presley, then five, met Michael Jackson, 11, for the first time when Elvis brought Lisa Marie to a Jackson 5 show at the Sahara in Vegas.

    Jackson, 15, began a long-term friendship with the magicians Siegfried and Roy, “supplying” the theme song to “Siegfried and Roy at the Mirage”.

    Jackson was a frequent guest during the 90′s of hotel mogul Steve Wynn, where Jackson spent “long stretches in the poolside villas of the Mirage”. In 1994, NBC taped the special, “The Jackson Family Honors” in front of a live audience. The occasion: to honor a tribute to Motown Records founder Berry Gordy. The show occurred after Jackson encountered his first round of accusations of child molestation. The audience “erupted” in cheers for Michael as he stood on stage and attempted to pay tribute to Gordy. According to the Review Journal, Elizabeth Taylor, who was a guest, had to quiet the “screaming” and “cheering” crowd before Michael could continue. Michael later joined the group finale. It would be the last time Michael Jackson performed in Las Vegas.

    Here’s where the story gets interesting, the eerily similar circumstances between Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley’s last days and deaths, and the special “Sleep Diet” Dr. Ghanem prescribed for Elvis Presley. A “diet” that seemed to be somewhat in the “same vein” as Michael Jackson’s penchant for preferring the powerful anesthetic drug propofol as a “sleep aide”.

    According to About.com, it was October 21, 1974, when Dr. Ghanem prescribed the “Sleep Diet” to Elvis Presley:

    “Elvis flies to Las Vegas for recent “health problems” that have caused him to miss recent shows, where Dr. Elias Ghanem discovers an ulcerous stomach and begins treating the singer with a special diet and sleep regimen in his home.”

    From VisaMagOnline:

    “The Sleep Diet was made famous by Elvis Presley. When Elvis became very overweight, he turned to celebrity physician Elias Ghanem in Las Vegas. There were many facets to Ghanem’s treatment, but only the sleep part has remained buzzing around the celebrity network. Essentially, you are sedated for two weeks at a time, resting and sleeping, and fed by tube. It didn’t work for Elvis who gained 10 pounds in the two weeks. It’s not likely to work with anyone because while sleeping and resting your body turns energy use down to 50 to 60 calories per hour. Even if only body fat was lost in those calories, and you were kept unconscious the whole time, it would take three days to lose a pound.”

    More on Elvis and Dr. Ghanem and the special “Sleep Diet” from the book, “Me and a guy named Elvis: My Lifelong Friendship with Elvis Presley” by By Jerry Schilling, Chuck Crisafulli:

    “Elvis was worried too. During his hospitalization, he’d gotten off all his medications and had tried to get his body to function without the sleeping pills he’d relied on for so long. Doctors had hoped that without the medications, he’d get physically tired enough to reset his body clock. It didn’t happen. In the hospital, Elvis had wanted to get well. He didn’t complain. He didn’t ask for any pain relief or sleep medication. But he couldn’t sleep….


    In November, Elvis decided to try and get thin and rested using a new therapy he’d heard about-a “sleep diet” that could reset his metabolism and his sleep cycles through a three-week regimen of liquid nourishment and carefully monitored sedatives. This therapy had been created by Dr. Elias Ghanem, a Las Vegas “doctor to the stars” who had previously treated Elvis during some of his Hilton engagements. In mid-November, Elvis moved into the upstairs bedroom of Ghanem’s home.


    “None of us were sure whether or not Dr. Ghanem’s therapy accomplished anything, but the time Elvis spent at his house gave him a chance for deep rest that he found hard to get anywhere else. In December, he checked back in with Ghanem for a second round of the sleep diet.”

    According to About.com, on December 30, 1974, due to Presley’s “erratic behavior”, manager Colonel Parker was forced to contact Ghanem:

    “For the first time, Colonel Parker is forced to cancel an entire engagement, not just a show here and there, due to Elvis’ increasingly erratic behavior. In writing, the Colonel directs the management of the Vegas Hilton to contact Dr. Ghanem for “the proper interpretation for the appropriate press release.”

    Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Jackson

    The “Strongest” Tie between Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley

    “He Knew. Years ago Michael and I were having a deep conversation about life in general. I can’t recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my father’s death.” “At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, ‘I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did.’ I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that.” Lisa Marie Presley, June 26, 2009

    One day after Michael Jackson’s death, Lisa Marie Presley, only child of Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson’s ex-wife, posted on her MySpace page what she considered her “biggest failure to date”: Presley’s inability to “save Michael Jackson” fourteen years ago:

    “I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him. I was in over my head while trying. I had my children to care for, I had to make a decision. The hardest decision I have ever had to make, which was to walk away and let his fate have him, even though I desperately loved him and tried to stop or reverse it somehow. After the Divorce, I spent a few years obsessing about him and what I could have done different, in regret. Then I spent some angry years at the whole situation. At some point, I truly became Indifferent, until now. As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play The exact Scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted.”

    On August 16, 1977, at 1:30 pm, girlfriend Ginger Alden discovered Presley’s lifeless body on the floor of his Graceland bathroom. Alden alerted Presley associates Joe Esposito and Al Strada who arrived then called the fire department. Presley’s father Vernon and Lisa Marie, 9, “see” Presley in the bathroom then Lisa Marie was “quickly removed from the scene”.

    Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley married in May, 1994, three months after Jackson appeared on the Jackson Family Honors NBC special taped in Vegas. In her MySpace note, Presley stated that the marriage “wasn’t a sham”-a rumor that swirled around the couple, who divorced 20 months later. Presley stated that she believed Jackson “loved her”, as much as Jackson “could love anyone”, and that Presley “loved him very much”.

    In an August 17, 1977 article by the Las Vegas Sun the stunning news that Elvis Presley had died at age 42 was reported. Mentioned in the article, Dr. Elias Ghanem:

    “Elvis Presley collapsed and died at his home in Memphis, Tenn. Tuesday and the tragedy sent a rippling shock through Las Vegas where he made his show business comeback and attained a popularity peak from which he never descended.” Doctors at Baptist Hospital in Memphis, where the dead entertainer was initially taken, issued a statement in the late afternoon which said he died of an “erratic heartbeat.”


    “Presley apparently collapsed in a bathroom of his Graceland Mansion in Memphis and was found face down on the floor by his road manager, Joe Esposito, at 3:3 p.m. Memphis time. However, Shelby county Medical Examiner Dr. Jerry Francisco said Presley may have been dead more than five hours before he was found. Francisco told reporters after an autopsy Presley died of “cardiac arrythmia,” which he described as a severely irregular heartbeat. he said it was brought about by “undetermined causes.” Both Francisco and Dr. George Nichopoulos, Presley’s physician in Memphis, emphasized there was “no evidence of any illegal drug use.”


    “Dr. Elias Ghanem, Presley’s Las Vegas physician who was also a personal friend, expressed extreme surprise when told of the entertainer’s death from heart failure. “Why, he was in perfect health,” Ghanem said in news interviews. “I personally gave him a physical examination for insurance reasons only recently. I can’t understand this,” he exclaimed.”

    More on Ghanem:

    “Ghanem cancelled all late afternoon appointments at his office on Joe W. Brown Drive in the shadow of the Hilton Hotel and flew to Memphis for a firsthand review of events. The Las Vegas doctor last year was a recipient of Presley’s well known generosity. After treating the entertainer for pneumonia, Ghanem was gifted with a $42,000 Stutz racing car and a $16,000 Mercedes sedan. Ghanem’s claim that Presley’s health was good contradicted other reports which alleged fame and wealth had taken its physical toll long before the singing idol’s death Tuesday at the age of 42.”

    On August 16, 2007, reporter Scott Conroy “looked back 30 years” to Elvis Presley’s death and funeral. Conroy recalled “vivid” memories of the thousands who lined Elvis Presley Boulevard in Memphis outside Graceland, gathered together in “genuine grief” and “disbelief” over the unexpected death of Elvis Presley at age 42.

    Conroy related that many had stories of how Presley had touched their lives and that Conroy had been “amazed” at the amount of people who told him how generous Presley was. Conroy also related that, to reporters, the “big part of the story” was Presley’s cause of death. Conroy interviewed the sheriff of Shelby County who reiterated that Presley had died of died of cardiac arrhythmia — irregular heartbeat. The sheriff was also “emphatic” that “drug abuse was not a factor”. Conroy wrote that “to this day he smiled at rumors that Elvis had been spotted at a Burger King or gas station” as Conroy, as a reporter, was allowed to view Elvis’ body as it lay in state in the foyer of Graceland, Elvis’ home:

    “Without fear of contradiction, I can say that Elvis did not leave a handsome corpse. He looked bloated and his complexion was an unnatural grey. But he was well-dressed in a cream-colored suit and wore his medallion with the lightning bolt and the letters “TCB,” for taking care of business — the words that had been his mantra” before we knew what a mantra was.”

    In the 1976 People magazine article on Ghanem and Presley, one particular gift caught our eye, a gold medallion with the inscription, TCB

    “Swabbing talented throats may not win Nobel prizes, but the victims tend to be very grateful. Presley alone has lavished upon Ghanem the $32,000 Stutz, a Mercedes, two watches, a $60,000 diamond ring and a gold medallion inscribed “TCB.” (“Elvis’ people say this stands for ‘Take care of business,’ ” Ghanem chortles. “I say it stands for ‘Take care of broads.’ “

    Taking Care of Business

    Immediately after the stunning news of Presley’s death, Ghanem was interviewed by a reporter at Vegas’ KSHO. When questioned about excessive drug use and Elvis, Ghanem stated, “Absolutely not. I’ve never known Elvis to take any hard drugs whatsoever. When asked about a “drug overdose”, Ghanem said: “It could be but his father told me it was a heart attack”. When asked about the possibility of suicide, Ghanem said, “He is a very religious man and wouldn’t thing of suicide at all”. Source- When Elvis Died, by Janice Gregory

    Another eerie similar parallel, the “cause of death” of both Presley and Jackson and role that drugs played. According to About.com, the official coroner’s report for Presley listed “cardiac arrhythmia” as the cause of Presley’s death yet it was discovered that this was a “ruse” to cover up Presley’s “real cause of death”:

    The official coroner’s report lists “cardiac arrhythmia” as the cause of Presley’s death, but this was later admitted to be a ruse entered into by the Presley family along with autopsy physicians Dr. Jerry T. Francisco, Dr. Eric Muirhead and Dr. Noel Florredo to cover up the real cause of death, a cocktail of ten prescribed drugs, taken in doses no doctor would prescribe: The painkillers Morphine and Demerol. Chloropheniramine, an antihistamine. The tranquilizers Placidyl and Vailum. Finally, four drugs were found in “significant” quantities: Codeine, an opiate, Ethinamate, largely prescribed at the time as a “sleeping pill,” Quaaludes, and a barbituate, or depressant, that has never been identified. It has also been rumored that Diazepam, Amytal, Nembutal, Carbrital, Sinutab, Elavil, Avental, and Valmid were found in his system at death.

    The site, Fred’s Corner, has an interesting write-up on Presley’s chronic health problems including insomnia, that Presley first began to turn to medication such as placidyl in 1962 to “combat severe insomnia in ever-increasing doses and later took Dexedrine to counter the sleeping pills’ after-effect. That Presley felt that since he was being supplied drugs by a doctor, he wasn’t the “common everyday junkie getting something off the street. He… thought that as far as medications and drugs went, there was something for everything.” While Presley wasn’t a “common everyday junkie”, investigations found where Presley’s physician, Dr. Nichopoulos, prescribed “more than 10,000 doses” of drugs in the “first eight months of 1977 alone”. Sixteen days into the eighth month of 1977, Presley was dead from what was later termed, “Combined Drug Intoxication”:

    According to Guralnick: “[D]rug use was heavily implicated… no one ruled out the possibility of anaphylactic shock brought on by the codeine pills…to which he was known to have had a mild allergy.” In two lab reports filed two months later, each indicated “a strong belief that the primary cause of death was Polypharmacy,” with one report “indicating the detection of fourteen drugs in Elvis’ system, ten in significant quantity.” It appears he died of Combined Drug Intoxication.

    According to an article at Liveleak.com, Presley’s Doctor, Dr. Nichopoulos, “Dr. Nick”, took measures to try to control Presley’s intake of drugs, going as far to make placebos to give to Presley in lieu of the real thing and would “suck” the liquid from capsules then refill them saline solution. During one “raid” on Presley’s bedroom Dr. Nick and Presley’s road manager Joe Espisito discovered a large cache of drugs:

    One time when he was in the hospital, Dr. Nick and Elvis’s road manager, Joe Esposito, raided Elvis’s bedroom at Graceland: they found three giant pharmacy-sized jars, each containing 1,000 high-dose Seconal (a barbiturate), Dexedrine (an amphetamine) and Placidyl (a tranquilizer). There were even vials of pills hidden in the seams of the curtains.

    Dr. Nick claimed that if he turned Presley’s request for drugs down, Presley would fly off to Vegas or other cities, stay a few days, then return with what he wanted. An interesting read, the Liveleak article gives far more details into Elvis Presley’s drug use.

    Three years after Elvis’ death, Dr. Nick was indicted on 14 counts of “over-prescribing drugs” to Elvis, singer Jerry Lee Lewis, and 12 other patients. According to Wikipedia, the district attorney “ruled out murder charges” relating to Elvis’ death. Dr. Nick was acquitted on all counts. In the same year, the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners imposed a three months suspension and three years probation, concluding that Nick was guilty of “over-prescribing medication” but acted in the “best interests” of his patients.

    “This was a person who was not on drugs. This was a person who was seeking help, desperately, to get some sleep, to get some rest.” Cherilyn Lee on Michael Jackson and Jackson’s propofol use

    On July 3, FOX News reported:

    “The powerful sedative Propofol — also known as Diprivan — was among several narcotics found in Michael Jackson’s rented suburban Los Angeles mansion, a law enforcement source tells FOXNews.com. Given intravenously, Propofol is used as part of inducing general anesthesia in the operating room, and for heavy sedation of patients who are intubated in the intensive care unit.”

    FOX News reported that nurse Cherilyn Lee, who “worked” for Jackson, claimed she was contacted by a “member of Jackson’s staff” just “four days before his death”:

    “Cherilyn Lee, a nurse who worked for Jackson, claims the pop star begged her for the drug, and that just four days before his death, a member of Jackson’s staff called and said “‘Michael needs to see you right away.” She says she heard Michael in the background saying, “One side of my body is hot, it’s hot, and one side of my body is cold. It’s very cold.” Lee’s description of Jackson’s condition mirrors a 2007 FDA alert to healthcare professionals detailing “several clusters of patients who have experienced chills, fever, and body aches shortly after receiving propofol for sedation or general anesthesia.”

    According to court documents, Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, had been “treating” Jackson’s insomnia “every night” with 50 mg. of propofol for a period of six weeks prior to his death. According to the documents, Murray allegedly began to try to “wean” Jackson off the propofol “two days” before Jackson’s death.

    On August 28, the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office released a statement ruling Michael Jackson’s death a homicide:

    The Los Angeles County coroner has ruled that Michael Jackson’s death was a homicide involving a combination of drugs. “The drugs propofol and lorazepam were found to be the primary drugs responsible for Mr. Jackson’s death,” said a news release issued Friday by the coroner. “Other drugs detected were: midazolam, diazepam, lidocaine and ephedrine.” The release said Jackson died from “acute propofol intoxication,” but said “other conditions contributing to death: benzodiazepine effect.”

    Lorazepam, midazolam and diazepam are benzodiazepines.

    While Elvis’ personal physician’s Dr. “Nick” was later charged with “over-prescribing” medication to Elvis, then acquitted by a jury, Michael Jackson’s personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, has yet to be charged with a crime relating to Jackson’s death.

    Both Dr. Murray and Dr. Ghanem were residents of Las Vegas’ Red Rock Country Club community. It was upstairs in an addition to Dr. Ghanem’s home, specially built for patients, whre Dr. Ghanem administered his “sleep diet” to Elvis Presley-a diet of drug sedation that allegedly lasted for up to “three weeks”. It was in an upstairs bedroom of Michael Jackson’s rented home in Los Angeles where Murray allegedly administered propofol in combination with two powerful sedatives in order to “treat” symptoms of Jackson’s insomnia.

    Fortunately for Presley and Ghanem, the only alleged side-effect of the “Sleep Diet” was Presley’s unintended weight gain. As for Dr. Murray, to date, Jackson’s personal physician hasn’t been charged with any crime connected to Jackson’s death. Even so, on July 28, Reuters reported authorities had searched Murray’s Las Vegas residence and office. On August 11, the Hollywood Scoop reported DEA, LAPD, and the Las Vegas PD had searched a Las Vegas pharmacy, Applied Pharmacy Services. According to the article, “Federal agents are now looking into Jackson’s possible interactions with at least six other doctors.”

    On October 4, Examiner.com reported that a report had found Dr. Murray had propofol shipped from Applied Pharmacy Services to the “home he shared with his girlfriend in Santa Monica”.

    On September 25, Radar Online reported Murray’s girlfriend Nicole Alvarez had testified for three hours before a Los Angeles grand jury on Thursday, September 24.

    On August 24, the New York Daily News reported Alvarez was Murray’s “ex-stripper girlfriend” who had Murray’s “love child”, and whom the married Murray had “stashed” in a “love nest beachfront apartment” not far from Jackson’s home.

    It was in Las Vegas in 2008 that Jackson purportedly met Dr. Conrad Murray when Murray allegedly treated one of Jackson’s children for an unknown ailment. In 2008, Jackson and his children were residing in Vegas.

    Michael Jackson, Dr. Tohme, Elvis Presley and the Las Vegas’ Doctor to the Stars Sleep Diet Part One

    By LBG

    Image: Elvis
    Image – Elvis’ TCB Pendant Image - Lisa Marie Presley and Michael Jackson

    Back to DBKP Front Page.

    <!-- m -->http://deathby1000papercuts.com/2009/10 ... -part-two/<!-- m -->

    "Drs", both Lebanese, both business men made from nothing
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    “I became very ill and emotionally/ spiritually exhausted in my quest to save him from certain self-destructive behavior and from the awful vampires and leeches he would always manage to magnetize around him. I was in over my head while trying."

    How long they have been married that she was "over head trying"? Give me a break.
    14 years of trying, for example, maybe called over head.........

    <!-- smj_bad/ -->mj_bad/<!-- smj_bad/ --> <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->
    And half of the time they were married they weren't living together, if it's true what they said.
    But were they married for good? Because the marriage certificate is on Michael Joseph , not Michael Joe.

    She says he was surrounded by leeches. Was he that naive to not see ?
    Was she wrong?
    We'll never solve the mistery named Michael Jackson. Summing up what I know about him returns a blank page....again....
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    And half of the time they were married they weren't living together, if it's true what they said.
    But were they married for good? Because the marriage certificate is on Michael Joseph , not Michael Joe.

    She says he was surrounded by leeches. Was he that naive to not see ?
    Was she wrong?
    We'll never solve the mistery named Michael Jackson. Summing up what I know about him returns a blank page....again....

    There were so many vampires and leeches on your back we already know, or else Michael would not have suffered so much. Michael seemed innocent, but do not know if he was naive enough to not realize anything. But if he had noticed, would he have been charged again in 2003?

    This statement of Liza, confirms what Latoya and Joe said about conspiracy and horrible people who were controlling Michael's life. If it were so, then it isn't difficult to accept the theory of murder!
    It is very difficult to know. Believers see him as a hero and non believers as victim. Which one is correct?

    Do you remember of a phrase spoken in the movie V? "I'm more of a demon when I act like an angel" <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->

    That is correct, Michael?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    We may not sum it up because right now we are surviving on pure speculation regarding areas of expertise that none of us have. None of us are experts in criminal law, nor the inner workings of the FBI. These are areas we can only guess about with no real sense of accuracy or realism. I'm sorry TS has abandoned us to this task, because we are really in over our heads now.

    Are we supposed to be put in our place? As in, investigators? Yeah right, investigate this... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • I really believe TS is showing us enough so that we still see flaws in the "Death" of MJ. But is also showing us this is something very serious going down that it is involving the F.B.I. None of us here are true investigators that i know of,but yet we have enough proof in our own minds that the man is still alive. A reason Jermaine may have said what he did on twitter may be because they need to make him seem dead to catch whoever the sting is for. We will never have enough proof that he is alive until he returns with a BAM. If they did show us undeniable proof,the BAM would not work,plus the criminals would not do the crimes because they would know they were being set up.Even with all we know right now When the BAM does happen we all will be shocked because there was just enough doubt. I am just waiting and feel we are almost there,the excitement is building in me. I am sure it is for all of you as well. God bless you all, Peace and Love. <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    I really believe TS is showing us enough so that we still see flaws in the "Death" of MJ. But is also showing us this is something very serious going down that it is involving the F.B.I. None of us here are true investigators that i know of,but yet we have enough proof in our own minds that the man is still alive. A reason Jermaine may have said what he did on twitter may be because they need to make him seem dead to catch whoever the sting is for. We will never have enough proof that he is alive until he returns with a BAM. If they did show us undeniable proof,the BAM would not work,plus the criminals would not do the crimes because they would know they were being set up.Even with all we know right now When the BAM does happen we all will be shocked because there was just enough doubt. I am just waiting and feel we are almost there,the excitement is building in me. I am sure it is for all of you as well. God bless you all, Peace and Love. <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    I agree 100%. If Michael doesn't return, we'll never know the true! <!-- sconfused/ -->confused/<!-- sconfused/ -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I really like to know the theory of TS, so far all we have are unknowns, the starting this discussion
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    I really like to know the theory of TS, so far all we have are unknowns, the starting this discussion
    Perhaps TS did not expect the postponement of the judging and Jermaine's Twitter! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • This is MY opinion. This thread has gone straight into the crapper. <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->
    This is about whether or not the court is a STING court (YES) or HOAX court (NO) and WHO is part of the focus of the STING. That is the simple question asked at the start. This is a USA court problem and especially a LA court system problem. Michael is a USA citizen and just because he cares about the world does not take away the fact that in his own backyard he is exposing the LA court system and all the other corruption going on in the world. It doesn't matter where his trial took place the whole Justice system is FLAWED.

    This thread is not about The Royal wedding, Tohme Tohme, Princess Diana, etc. Ya think maybe that is why TS hasn't made a comment? I do. I have been reading this thread and I haven't seen much debate about the original question for about 7 or so... pages. Why do some feel like they have to beg TS for answers? Can't you think for yourself and come to a conclusion of truth without his help?

    Below are some videos I found that explain who Michael is. <!-- smichael-jackson/ -->michael-jackson/<!-- smichael-jackson/ --> <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ --> <!-- srespect/ -->respect/<!-- srespect/ -->
    Thank You MJ. My life is forever changed. <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->


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